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How To Capture Video Streams & What To Do With Them

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I'm hoping that some will please (pretty please with sugar on top) write a step-by-step tutorial on how to capture video streams, and how to send them somewhere, and where to send them (to Jem? Morty?), and maybe sticky it here. I know you will probably have to wait and see what kind of new Real player we'll have sprung on us this year before you can do it. I'm thinking this year that maybe rather than transcribing word for word when something big happens, I might try recording it, and then write a summary later, as a picture speaks a thousand words. So, after the new Real player for this year is unveiled, I'd love any help I can get as a video stream newbie.

(Caveat: This doesn't mean I won't be long-winded in my posts. As this post shows, I cannot seem to keep it brief and to the point. But I am colorful! :cheshire: )

And I just realized that I should have put this in the BB forum. Sorry! :oops:

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  • 3 years later...

off topic , anyone else having problems seeing the flashback videos ?? I get this slideshow effect instead of steady video .... Im trying to get all the quirks worked out before season starts , wife will have my head if streams are choppy that first night lol ;)..... I dropped it down to most relable in settings and restarted still got still picture instead of video , worked fine last season with old realplayer ... thanks in advance for any help...

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