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How to go to F2 in Big Brother


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So Ive been watching Big Brother for about 4 seasons now and have noticed the same stupid final outcome year after year....be a leech to make it to the final two. Plain and simple. Love them or hate them, they always make it to the final two or even win BB. Lisa, Alison, Cowboy, Maggie, and now Erika... considering two of those names mentioned have even won BB, its obviously a formula that works (5 for 8 finalists is pretty good odds for 4 seasons). I dont see any of these people "outplaying" anyone else, so if the only way to win the game is not to play it, whats the point of having it in the first place? I just dont get it. I definetly thought Kaysar was actually on to something when he wanted to take out the floaters in the early weeks, despite all the criticism he got. I have no doubt in my mind that next year we'll see the same thing...heres to another crappy finale of Big Brother!!

P.S.-Im curious to know how you people would play the game if you were in the BB house in order to make it to the final two.

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You're right. This year we have the ultimate floater and the guy who rode his buddy's coattails to the end. Jase said it best on Housecalls today. If you're a competitior who can bring it week after week, you're toast in this game. Last year we had 2 people who had won 2 HOH's between them. Even Chicken George won a HOH.

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Ive never considered Will to be a floater..even though he threw comps, he was still active in the house and was ACTUALLY playing the game through his manipulation and the ability to let others do his dirty work for him....that actually takes skill. Compare that to Erika who was useless and spent most of her time in the HOH room trying to make a big brother baby with Booger...its like comparing apples and oranges.

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Guest jordansmom
I think Will played a near perfect game - he just got careless towards the end. If Janelle had voted Erika out instead of him, he'd have won don't you all think?

SO close!

Yes he was but if the comps had stayed the same Janie would still had been #3.

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Some of the people named were floaters but love em or hate em I do not consider BB3 Lisa or Maggie floaters at all. They may not have been out front getting dirty but they were smartly waiting & maneuvering outcomes in the background.

I'm sorry but Lisa is the PRIME example of how to be a floater and win this game. Unfortunately for future floaters, the Jury house disables their game. Once again, Danielle was robbed in BB3.

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Uggghhhh....can't believe that I am about to say this but Maggie definately did not float. She played a brilliant mind control game on the weaker people in the house. As much as I dislike her, I at least accept that she played the game.

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I don't think Will floated...he was always working every angle remember the ducks in the bathtub he had it all planned out pretty much...He said F3 J/W/B didn't happen.

Erika even admited lastnight she did whatever the HOH wanted....remember when Diane was put up and Diane said she couldn't talk to anyone because Erika was like a shadow she was always around.

Erika to me just floated

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I always thought a floater is one who goes from side to side....tells each side what they want to hear. No one knows they are doing this and eventually make it to the end because they have made no enemies or posed a threat.

In that aspect (changing up sides) - Boogie and Erika were both floaters (though both were threats and should have been taken seriously from the beginning). To be fair, they played and attempted to win when it really mattered, but most importantly. they were the flies in everyone ears...buzz, buzz, buzz with persuasions.

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Ericka was the ultimate floater. Did she not even confess to being the best floater in the game when she was giving her goodbye message to James.

She is at final 2 due to her floater ways and her HOMANCE with Booger..

By the way did you see Booger's DR last night, when he actually said out loud that he had a HOMANCE with Ericka because she is a HO...

My goodness!!! - Wait till Ericka sees that and what a total fool she made of herself in this game. She made herself look easy and cheap.

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I always thought a floater is one who goes from side to side....tells each side what they want to hear. No one knows they are doing this and eventually make it to the end because they have made no enemies or posed a threat.

Ginger.. that is what i consider a floater too. there were a few floaters this year. i dont consider boogie a floater.. he was more like one of those sucker fish.. that suction onto things and get a free ride... while sucking off the scum.

but erika was definately a floater.

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I guess if a case is to be made that BB is still a proxy for interpersonal politics within groups, then the moral seems to be that butt-kissing those in power will indeed take a person far but will not really earn the person the respect that's been afforded to those who have shown initiative and taken risks (?)

Like funny how when Julie asked Erika who's vote she thought was a lock for her, the only person she could name was the person who would be voting AGAINST Boogie rather than FOR her . . . though I think often it can be smart to hold back and let others shoot themselves in the foot, I think the problem for Erika is maybe that the calibre of gameplay this year was so high there wasn't a lot of room for people to make mistakes so that it just ends up looking like she was passive rather than being 'smart' with her gameplay (?)

Nevertheless, I do agree with Orion that there seems to be a lot more effort involved in 'floating' than people seem willing to give floaters like Erika credit for, but I understand why people don't respect her style of gameplay very much . . .

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