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Dr Will


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He is good tv folks.

What he said at the end, about how he was insulted to not get nominated, was awesome.

but he's gunning for kaysar and his crew...argh...not cool

so what do you folks think of Dr Will?

cocky arrogant ba*tard? pure genius?

should he form an alliance with the BB6 folks?

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WILL a bb legend but it just seems like he is forcing it. he is funny thou but still forcing it.

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He's a dermatologist, I think.

Will definitely makes for good tv. Yes, he is arrogant and can be a bastard but that's part of his charm. :lol:

BB1 was a different game. BB2 started the game as it is today. Will defined play as it is in todays game. He's both cocky and a genius. I think he believes this is his game and the beauty is that he doesn't take all this too seriously. I hope he manages to stick around a while because it could be very entertaining with him in the house.

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Yes, Will is a dermatologist. I may be a little off timeline wise but I believe he started practicing soon after BB2 ended (when he won the half million). He doesn't actually need the money, but you can never have too much, right? I think he said in an interview that it would be a way to make a lot of money fast. I love Will -- his cockiness is part of his charm. You have to get a feel for his brand of humor, though. He's rarely serious when he's talking himself up like that.

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I agree that he seemed to be forcing it this time around. When season 2 aired, we hadn't seen anything like him before. It was highly entertaining then. Tonight, I just yawned. It was like he had sat down and written out a list of things he could say to keep up the "Evil Dr Will" persona and he was just starting to rattle them off. Considering that he won his season and he has patients that depend on him, and he doesn't seem to have anything new to offer, I really hope he is gone soon. I liked him on season 2, but tonight when he and Mike were upstairs looking down on everyone and conspiring.....I dunno, they just kind of made me naseous.


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I love Dr Will. His charm isn't gone. You either have it or you don't and he has it. I think he'll align with whoever it is best for him to align with week to week. He plays it cool like he doesn't care, but he is in for more than the 4-week plan - as Marcellas says. I do think it's mean the way he picks on Howie non-stop...but then again - Howie does bring it on himself.

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I thought it would be cool seeing him cause Ive heard so much about him but after seeing him last night I dont really care for the way he acts. Him and Kaysar (and Im a Kaysar fan) are acting way to conceited.Also I kinda dont think past winners should have been allowed back in.

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"I dont really care for the way he acts. Him and Kaysar (and Im a Kaysar fan) are acting way to conceited." -TheStilesClan

He's always been arrogant, just watch his final speech from his season, and that proves it. I think winners should be allowed in. Well, mainly just Will. And maybe Maggie. Probably not, I don't think I could stomach her another season, but maybe. Will played the game like an all star. He shouldn't be counted out just because he won his season.

Me, personally... I love Will. He's my favorite houseguest in all of BB history. The sole houseguest that made me buy live feeds. I loved him in S2 and so far I still love him. Sure he's not the same, but who's the exact same after 5 years? He's still got that charm that keeps me watching, and that's all that matters.

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I thought Dr Will was called that because he told the houseguests he was a dr in BB2 and didnt need the money. Oh well, I am probably wrong. I didnt watch all of BB2 and dont remember what I did see, but I now like Will and Jase so much more than there original BB seasons. It's nice rooting for the bad guys. I loved Kaysar before but ever since he won America's Choice, its like a switch flipped and he thinks that America will always like him best. Maybe, but not me anymore. I hope Jase and Will go far in the All Stars. :)

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I absolutely loved Dr Will in bb2! He was a mischevious underdog, ... charming and he played an awesome game!

But now he seems to have matured into an arrogant, mean-spirited, and surly dude. The playfulness appears to be gone, unfortunately. Maybe he'll be more of his old playful, cunning self once he has a target on his back. I'd love to see that!

.....and Mike Boggie :huh:

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I little speech last night about being insulted because he was not nominated was classic Dr. Will. I hope he sticks around for a while, I think he's funny. I still don't get the friendship between him and Mike. Mike makes me want to punch him in the face. If Will can't stand Howie, how in the world can he stand Mike??

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Good question, Francis. The only thing I can come up with, is maybe Mike is different outside the house. I don't know how Will puts up with him. Mike doesn't bother me as much as he bothers some people, but I find it pretty easy to tune him out.

I know I seen him on VH1 once, and he was like a complete polar opposite of how he is in the house.

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I guess I missed part of the show, because I didn't see near the concete from kaysar that I did from Dr. will.. I fact I thought they didn't focus much on Kaysar at all...........

Can some one tell me where they think the concete from kay showed? :(

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whats with his face though???

scared the hell outta me

so puffy looking

i know what can happen if you have to take the drug PREDNISONE and thats what happens to your face

the rest of him didn't look puffy

and if he just gained some weight his face wouldn't look like that

does anyone know if he has some sort of disease where he needs to take PREDNISONE?

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