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BBUK: Housemates believe Makosi is mole on a mission!

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Have the housemates rumbled Makosi - well, Kemal is very close to the truth.

Tonight's show, which centered around Mary's birthday, ended with Kemal questioning whether Makosi is a mole?

He believes she is - but on her insistance rather than Big Brother's - while Science doesn't think she's a mole, but believes she has a secret mission.

Makosi best plan of defence was to neither confirm or deny the accusations in the conversation with a few housemates who Makosi may struggle to get nominations from.

Meanwhile today Kemal attempted to heal rifts between Makosi and the HMs by asking them to ignore her pranks - but this seemed to result in HMs ignoring her completly.

Later today the HMs made their crucial first nominations - will they nominate Makosi and save her from eviction?

P.S. A line I never thought I'd hear Big Brother say...

"For health and safety reasons please don't allow other housemates to ride on your broomstick"

Mary agreed it was inappropriate to allow amateurs to ride on her broomstick, but assured Big Brother she was licenced to do so.

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