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Big Brother Season 21-Episode 40 Finale

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Previously, on Big Brother, with only the showmance and Nicole left in the game, the stage was set for the final three part HOH competition and Michie conquered part one. Now, after a summer of epic competitions, intense emotions, and crazy confrontations, it all comes down to this. Who will become the final HOH and who will ultimately be crowned the winner of BB21 and walk away with the half million dollar prize. Find out tonight on the finale of Big Brother!


Julie greets us and says it’s been a summer of powerful duos and Holly and Michie have managed to make it to finale night. Standing in their way is Nicole, who may have lost her partner, but she didn’t lose the will to win.


Dr. Will Kirby introduces himself to the jury and he asks who they think will be joining them. Nick thinks it will be Cliff and Jess thinks it will be Michie. Jack thinks it will be Cliff and Christie thinks it’s Michie. It’s time to find out who it is…Cliff comes in.


Dr. Will asks Cliff why he’s here and Cliff fills them in. Nick says you thought he would keep you over Holly? Cliff says Michie always talked to him about the value of a handshake and he fell for it. Dr. Will asks what the most important factors of determining a winner? Nick says comp wins and Kat says it has a lot to do with social game. Nick says 9 comp wins is massive. Jess thinks the social game is just as important. Kat says Michie is loyal and Sis disagrees. Kat says he screwed up her game from day one, but she saw a lot of facets of his game.


Cliff doesn’t think Michie was loyal. Dr. Will asks if it was impressive that Michie talked them into keeping a showmance. Cliff says it was and that was his best game move. Jack says everyone did lie and he can’t fault him. Cliff says lies are fine, but don’t say you’re honorable and you played with integrity. Dr. Will says he could be a Jekyll and Hyde and he could be condescending and arrogant. Christie says this is Michie’s world and we’re all just living in it. Tommy says he’s heard Michie talk aggressively to Christie and Kat. He has to separate game from personal, does he vote with morals or his love of the game?


Holly was part of a powerful duo and Nicole was a non-threatening outside. What does the jury think of them? Dr. Will asks Tommy what he thinks about Nicole and Tommy would love to give her vote to Nicole. Kat says she’s underrated and she’s playing a social game. Christie says she would drop a seed to create enemies and it was brilliant. Cliff says Nicole had some comp wins at the end. Sis is confused with her game play and she doesn’t know if it’s strategy or just luck. Nick says he doesn’t know if she played the whole game and Jess and Kat says she was playing game and laying low is what no one else was doing. Jack says if it was a strategy to float through the game and Kat says she was part of an alliance.


Dr. Will says Holly and Michie are an alliance, who’s the brawn and the brains? Jess thinks Michie is both. Christie doesn’t respect Holly’s game if she just hid behind the biggest target. Kat says Holly did hold Michie back and that helped him get further. Nick says she did win some HOH’s. Tommy says she showed up when she needed to. Kat says Holly went after the bigger targets and Michie went after the bottom feeders. Cliff says Holly developed a lot of relationships with other HG. Jack says Holly was never put up as a threat and that’s impressive. Dr. Will says there is still game left to be played and they’ll be able to question the final two. He suggests they get their questions down.


It’s time for part 2 of the HOH comp. Nicole says she needs to go balls to the wall. They need to match the day number to a memory on the giant brain. When they think they have all 12 memories labelled correctly they need to buzz in. The player who finishes the fastest time wins. Are you ready to play Foggy Memory.


Nicole sees the memory of Jack signing up for his whacktivity and he knows that’s day 6. She’s been studying the days all summer. She sees the memory of Kaycee and she knows the Food Fight veto was day 9, and Otev was 35. We then see her getting the rest of her memories. She says she’s not an athletic beast, but she is a memory person. She locks in and she has one wrong and she changes the alien one and now she as two wrong. She realizes it’s the clown and she switches back and buzzes in and she’s correct. She says please be good enough.


Holly is up and she wants to build up her resume before she stands in front of the jury and plead her case. She knows a lot of the days right off the bat, even though she’s not sure on all the days. She puts several up and she says this competition is exhausting. She’s never been rock climbing and she’s regretting it right now. She buzzes in and has the clown wrong. She tries another day and it’s wrong. She stops and says what is she getting wrong. She switches the clown memory again and this time she is correct.


It’s time to reveal the times for the competition. Holly finished with a time of 10:38. Nicole finished with a time of…14:38. Holly has won the second part of the HOH competition!  Michie says Holly brings home a W. She had a job to do and she got it done. Nicole says she should have beat her, she would have. She would have loved to pull out an underdog win for every single underdog in the world. She’s so frustrated.


Nicole and Holly are talking and Nicole tells Holly to make sure she advocates for herself. Nicole says she got to this point because of her social game and she just needs to navigate this final three and get to the end. Nicole tells Holly she might have a better chance of beating her over Michie because of comp wins and Holly can own her game and the jury would appreciate that. Holly says it’s such a big moral dilemma. Holly worries about walking away with second place and she knows taking Nicole could give her a better shot of winning. But can she do that?


Holly and Michie are now prepared to play part three of the HOH. The competition is called “The Jury is Out”. They will watch a series of videos and in each video the juror will make three statements about the summer and they have to figure out which statement is false. Whoever has the most points will win the final HOH!


First we have Kat. Holly and Michie listen and they answer C. The correct answer is C and they both get a point.


Jack is next and Holly and Michie both answer C. The correct answer is…C. Both are correct and they both get a point.


Cliff is our next video. Holly and Michie both answer A. The correct answer is…A. Both are correct and they both have three points.


Next is Tommy. Holly and Michie both answer B. The correct answer is…B. Both are correct and have four points.


Analyse’s video is next. Holly answers C. Michie thinks about it and Julie asks them to lock in and Michie choose A. The correct answer is A. Michie has five points and Holly has four points.


Next we have Christie. Michie immediately answers B. Holly hesitates and she answers A then switches to B at the last minute. The correct answer is…B. They both get a point.


Nick’s video is next. Both Hollly and Michie answer C. The correct answer is C. Michie has 7 points and Holly has 6.


It’s time for the last video and it’s Jessica. Both answer A. Michie wins the final HOH!


Now Michie must choose to evict Holly or Nicole and ensuring the remaining HG a spot in the F2. Time to get his decision. Holly says it has been an honor to play the game along side him and she’s loved being his teammate and ride or die. Playing with him has been an incredible experience and she goofed on Sis’s question and he earned the right to decide and she would love to duke it out with him.


Nicole says she respects his game so much and whatever he chooses to do she respects. She says he’s her brother for life and hopefully blood is thicker than water and Michie says everything comes full circle and hopefully he’ll take her.


Michie says he loves them both and he can honestly say they are two of the best things to happen to him in the game both inside and outside and he loved spending the last week with the two best women in the house but he’s sorry and he votes to evict Nicole. They hug and Michie says he’s sorry and she says it’s a game!


Nicole joins Julie on stage wearing Cliff’s hat. Julie asks Nicole what her thoughts are. She says she’s not shocked, but she stayed hopeful and had faith. She says it’s a game and she doesn’t get hurt. Julie asks what she’s taking away from this experience. Nicole says she’s learned so much about herself and this has been…she sees her family and she gets emotional. She says she’s learned about who she is and she loves herself and she’s learned to love herself.


We’re back and 8 members of the jury are on stage. Julie tells them juror #9 was just evicted and Nicole enters. It’s now time to question the F2. They’ve been asked as a group to come up with three questions each.


Julie goes to Michie and Holly and they are ready to ask questions. Cliff asks Michie, about jury management. Michie says he was forced to be in a position where he was on his own and he had to take shots directly at people and everything he did was game related. He was honest when he didn’t need to be, loyal when he had to be, and only lied when he had to. Everything was game and well thought out and strategic.


Christie asks Holly what her strategy was coming in and how it evolved. Holly says she had plans A-Z and she didn’t know what she was going to do until she got there. She layed low until she learned about people and then stepped up when she had to. She didn’t talk about her academic or professional achievements. She spoke little and listened and won when she needed it to and didn’t show her cards. She adapted to conditions as they were thrown at her and she went through all plays A-Z.


Tommy asks Michie about his degrading and condescending to women and they aren’t sure they should reward that type of behavior. Michie says he’s an intense person and he gives 110%. He has never degraded a woman’s character or physical attributes. He respects women more than anything, his mother raised him right. He knows himself and he did not ever mean to degrading. He didn’t make jokes or slanderous remarks towards women ever.


Sis asks Holly how she played her own game. Holly says they never had a F2 and they played different games and they had different targets. She says he took out Sis to disarm herself, Tommy, and Christie and she went after bigger targets knowing it wasn’t the best move for Michie. She says people will thinks she rode coattails, but she argues she held on and dug her heels in to hold him back because she needed him as a teammate and a tool as well. She says she played a very different game.


Jess asks Michie why he deserves to win over Holly. Michie says his strategy was there are always bigger fish and he wanted to leave targets in and disarm the people around them so the targets were removed when he needed to. Everything he’s done was strategy and well thought out and that’s what got him to the chair.


Jack asks Holly why she deserves to win over Michie. Holly says there are a lot of ways to play the game and she chose the hardest route. She wanted to play with integrity and honesty and she was a straight shooter and she flew under the radar and she doesn’t think anyone was ever targeting her. She thinks she managed her relationships well and authentically. She was able to rely on her social game and her wit and she was calculated and thoughtful with all her moves.


Time for final statements. Michie stands and says he wants them to vote for who played the best version of Big Brother. Michie recaps his game on throwing rogue votes, vetos, HOH’s, been a have not, he’s won a luxury comp, and he’s done everything in a very powerful showmance and it’s been game and he’s kept them alive and he hopes they vote on game and not personal emotion.


Holly says she’s lived a life of being underestimated. She capitalized on that and she’s from the middle of nowhere. She didn’t show her cards in mental comps like beating Nicole in a memory comp. She knew her social game was strong and she was the last person to see the block and that was only because she had to. She’s small, but she won arguable the hardest physical comp and she’s been on Michie’s heels in many other comps. She’s been a confident female force and she says they can vote for the front line soldier or the sniper and she’s proud of her game.


Time to vote! Jack votes and wishes them both the very best. Kat votes next and says if it isn’t the conspiring b*tches. Sis is up to vote and she says good luck to them. Nick is up and says they both deserve to win the game.


Jessica says they are a beautiful couple and it’s hard to choose just one. Christie is up and she says her head and her heart are in a fight but this vote was earned. Tommy says congrats and he loves them. Cliff says respect to them and he’s voting for who he thinks played the best overall game. Nicole says living with them for a week has been informative and her vote goes accordingly.


We now have the first five evictees of the season. Julie asks about some controversial items. Julie asks Ovi about Nicole being shut out by the Gr8ful alliance. Ovi says it was really hard and disheartening and they made an agreement the actions in the house would be based on game, and those actions were not about game and they were bullying and they need to call it out when they see it. They can’t be bystanders and he hopes they realize the actions they took in that room. Julie asks Nicole about it and she says she was frustrated and a lot of people in the room were bystanders and she wasn’t allowed in the room to advocate for herself. She’s a firm believer in forgiveness and she plans to do that and move forward.


Julie goes to Kemi. Kemi says it was disappointing and she mentions Jack, Christie, Michie, and Nick and their obsession with her. A lot of things that were said to and about her are inexcusable and unforgivable and she hopes they leave the experience as better people they came in as. Jack says the comments he made and he says they came from a place of ignorance and he’ll never be able to apologize to her enough and it’s not fair to her. Christie says she doesn’t know specifically know what was said but when she was watches she will get a personal phone call from her she will apologize and she’d love to discuss it with her. Michie isn’t sure what this is in reference to, but the only issue he had with Kemi was the cooking level. On a personal level he loved her to death and he’s not sure what the reference is to. He does apologize to her and says he’s sorry and he does like her as a person. Kemi says it’s important to understand what you’re apologizing for before you apologize.



Julie tells Michie that as Camp Director he banished David, Kemi, Jessica, and Cliff, and he says it wasn’t about race. Michie says he picked David and Jessica because of them wanting to be Camp Director as well and Kemi only spoke to him once and he says race, age, gender, none of that had anything to do with it. David understands the game play move and he had two weeks to think about it and he thought it was game. But as David watched he’s seen some implied biases and he hopes they talk about it.


Julie asks Nick about Bella and the showmance and then the jurymance. Nick says he takes responsibility for his actions and he realized he had feelings for Kat and he didn’t want to hurt Bella. Bella says Nick, you made a commitment to me and please don’t make me look stupid and you made me look stupid and she was hurt by that and no one deserves to feel that way.


Time to reveal the votes! Nicole voted for Holly. Cliff has voted for Michie. Tommy has voted for Michie. Christie has voted for Michie. Jess voted for Holly. Nick voted for Michie. 4 votes Michie and 2 votes for Holly. Sis has voted for Michie and he has won Big Brother. Michie and Holly holds hands as they walk out.


Julie reveals Kat voted for Holly and Jack voted for Michie. It’s now time to reveal America’s Favorite Houseguests. The top 3 HG are Tommy, Cliff, and Nicole. The winner who got more than 1 million votes was…Nicole!


Nicole says she feels amazing. She didn’t expect this at all. Julie says Michie got his confetti how is he feeling and he says he did it for his family and all that matters is they are proud of him. Holly doesn’t feel too shabby and her family is here from Wyoming and that’s greater than any dollar amount. Michie and Holly says they are taking it one day at a time outside of the house. Julie thanks them all! From outside the Big Brother house, we’ll see you next summer.

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