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Big Brother 8


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OMG Both of them sucked. At first glance, it looked like they were the same person - long bleached hair, etc. On second glance, Amanda (the first girl) looks like she could be Antoinette's (the second one's) daughter.

Anyone else catch that:

  • they asked the younger girl a bunch of questions and only asked the older one a single question? It was obvious that the producers wanted the younger girl so badly that they did everything they could to bring out some personality - and failed.
  • Neither of them had much personality, especially the younger one.
  • Both of them fit the "Janelle Shell" It was like the CBS affiliate posting the clips think that big tits and blonde hair were why people liked Janey. Give me a damn break! Janey's gameplay was the reason for her popularity, not the over-bleached bimbo look. Anyone trying to cast another Janey based on looks clearly doesn't remember Holly.
The new executive producer for BB, Allison Grodner, said on the Early Show a month ago that Big Brother was going to be different this time because she was going to shake it up. Nothing was new or exciting in either of those two.

She also said that you needed to show your personality in the first 10 seconds - that she couldn't "wait 30 seconds for your personality to come out". Amanda was two minutes of dead air and Antoinette wasn't much better, so if she meant what she said, I doubt either one will be a houseguest.

The people @ the Charlotte casting call were WAY better. One girl was a 6'5" basketball player and she was really cool and could carry on a conversation. I don't know for sure, but I think, given that there were no cameras @ that casting call and that the first day's callbacks were already full, I think maybe the cast was pretty much set by the time we showed up in Charlotte.

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Thanks, April.

Now I am hoping that some of the kick-ass people I met @ the Charlotte casting call made it because after looking at a couple of the audition tapes in another thread, GOD HELP US if we get a boring cast. I'm also clinging to the hope that kelegyrl, abbaholic, and/or loudmouth made it to semi-finals.

PRODUCERS: If you are smart enough to read this board, PUHLEEEZE make this a fun summer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i dont think throwing things should cost points... i know people dont like Floaters, but i think its a stratigey that people use,and is a big part of BB...

not EVERYBODY can be the Big game players. its just not possible

YAH! THIS IS MY 600TH POST! (Ive wrote 2oo in 2 days!!!)

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i dont think throwing things should cost points... i know people dont like Floaters, but i think its a stratigey that people use,and is a big part of BB... not EVERYBODY can be the Big game players. its just not possible

Good point, K123. I'd take it one step further and say that floating can be an excellent strategy if done with finesse and flexibility.

YAH! THIS IS MY 600TH POST! (Ive wrote 2oo in 2 days!!!)

Now don't be goin' overboard. You know that most Morty Folks want quality before quantity -- especially in ON-topic threads.

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I think they should have a normal cast with one person being the mole... put in the house to secretly sabotage the competitions, and if they make it to the final 4 (or some other point in the endings of the game) then they get a prize of $10,000 or something....

BUT if they reveal their plans, or let people in the house know, then they do not get the money...

I think it would be cool!!!! Add a dimension for us viewers to laugh at when the other houseguests are clueless about what is going on right in front of them.

(btw, I have been reading all the forums, since the countdown started, and forgot to log in! LOL)

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I don't understand, K123 -- why not? The mole would be trying to get ahead just like anyone else. Are you saying not possible or not fair?

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But on the HOH comps, its All against All, so how can they sabatage other people?

The mole wouldn't try it then, but would be trying to win the HOH spot just like anyone else. Cuz the mole has to get to (for example) at least the final four to win any secret money.

I'm thinking it could work.

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yeah, that makes sense... but they would be gone in the 1st 3 or 3 weeks, cause everybody would be mad at them, so they would vote them out

the thing about The mole, is they would mess up and nobody would even know it was her. like they had to do do a sculpure, and it was in a art gallary, and the mole was told which one it was, so she was able to pick it out... and nobody even knew any thing.

And the mole was gaurnteed final 3, cause they have to take a test about the mole, and of coarse they would know all the answers, cause it about themself

but on BB, they would vote them off in a heartbeat.

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What is this the year of flamingos? I know in years past they have used the flamingo for certain veto competitions. For example: Last year when George won HoH-The veto where you had to use the "odds and ends" to reach the key-I remeber there being a flamingo. I think they did a similar competition in BB5-. I think Hampsterwatch needs to sell the site-and purchase Flamingowatch.com. I think we will be watching some flamingos this summer-hopefully flamingos dont stay up all night-I hate it when theres houseguests like Janelle and Will you stay up til 6am....especially when your like me and you live in the East.

What do you think? Grodner trying to trick us or is there something to this?

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it depends they could have more houseguests in a twist of some kind. last year everyone thought there would be 12, then they added 2 more. they could have 12 contestants then add 2 more as some part of a twist. sense we really don't know what the twist will be this year, because every year there usually is a twist of some kind.

of course they might just have 12 to either avoid double elimination weeks which usually aren't that popular, or maybe they are keeping with the shorter season by a couple of weeks.

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