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Saturday, July 13, 2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Updates

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10:08 PM BBT Kemi and Nicole in the treehouse

Nicole-  I heard Jess has a power to save herself; If Kat uses it on Cliff...Jess comes down, Cliff comes down and Kat is safe.

Kemi- Someone...one of them    [nope, Jess doesn't have the panic power; Christie won that power and Cliff doesn't have the Nightmare power because Ovi won that one]

Nicole- but I can't have a conversation with him because he said he doesn't trust me and that someone else has to be in the room


* As of now...The house majority's plan is that Kat will remove Jess from the block then Nicole will go up as the replacement. The lines will be drawn when Gr8ful votes to evict Cliff and save Nicole. Bella will have to win the next HOH or Nickella will go on the block.


It sounds like Kaitlyn was there for the comp

Nick- Kaitlyn was f'ing gorgeous [I believe I heard Kat say something like- they must have made a last minute decision to do that after what I said [maybe Brett was there, too     - MamaLong]

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9:44PM BBT SR Jass and Kat are celebrating and Kat tells Jess she is taking Jess of for sure.


9:55PM BBT TBR Christie, Sis and Holly - Christie says she wants to keep Nicole around because it didn't sit right with her the way everyone is treating Nicole.  They won't tell her until after the vote.  Holly says she loves her headspace.  Christie says Jack asked if no one was eating dinner.  Sis says she felt awkward She says i think they are ... and Jack interrupts her, what are they babysitting Nicole the crybaby?  Sis burps [rms - such class, wow]   

10:01PM BBT BRL Jack and Michie - both agree they should keep Nicole.  They don't trust Nick and Bella and said Sam was gonna flip the vote too.

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10:30 PM BBT Nick, Tommy, and Analyse are talking in the HOH room. Analyse is worried Cliff has a power and she wants him out. Tommy says he’s an old man and Nick says no way Cliff is winning a wall comp. Tommy says Ovi is cocky and he thinks he has a power. Analyse says if Ovi comes back in the game with Cliff still in the game then they could be a powerful duo. Nick says there are just two of them, what they can do. Nick’s preference is for Nicole to go home this week and he’d prefer to see David back, then Ovi, then Nicole, then Kemi. Jess and Christie are talking in the camper and Christie is saying Bella is a snake and she was the one who exposed the Black Widow alliance, not Nicole and she doesn’t want Nicole to go home.


10:35 PM BBT Tommy, Nick, and Analyse are still talking about Nicole. Nick thinks Nicole would be better at a wall comp than Cliff and he’s more worried about her because she’s manipulative. Nicole and Kemi are talking in the camper now alone about Bella. Nicole and Kemi talk about Kaitlyn and how she cried a lot last season and she’s thriving now in the outside world. Nick says he’s not really going to bully Kat, but he wants her gone soon too. His preference for eviction is Nicole, Cliff, Jess, then Kat.


10:40 PM BBT Tommy is still talking to Analyse and Nick and Holly has joined and they are still talking about Nicole and whether she’s being manipulative or not. Holly says Nicole told her that she doesn’t stand for bullying as an educator and she can’t believe she was just subjected to it. Nick says he understands Bella is obnoxious sometimes and Michie has joined the HOH room and he is talking about his ankle. Nick says Kat told him she’d take Jess down. Christie, Kat, and Jess are talking in the Archery BR about Cliff saying he was glad he picked Kat. Christie tells Kat she needs to go with her heart and take down who she wants. Kat says everyone knows she’s close with Jess and it would be weird if she didn’t take Jess down.


10:45 PM BBT Michie is talking to Nick, Holly, Tommy, and Sis and he fell off something during the comp and hurt his ankle again. Michie says when they were pumping fog in it was thick. Sis says the comp looked hard. Nick wishes Kat hadn’t done it so quick because everyone was on the same level except her. That was annoying. Michie says he was never good at puzzles as a kid. Sis says she loves Kat, but she never thought she’d win. Christie, Kat, and Jess are talking about Nicole again. Holly says Kaitlyn hugged Nicole and said she was doing well and Sis said she has to be watching the feeds and saw Nicole bawling her eyes out. Jess is telling Kat and Christie says Nicole is feisty, but she’s very self-aware of how she wants to be perceived.


10:50 PM BBT Jack comes into the Archery BR with Kat, Christiie, and Jess and says are you b*tches conspiring against me? Jack is asking about the confrontation between Bella and Nicole and how Kat was there. Tommy, Nick, Holly, and Michie are talking about Kaitlyn and her telling them to stop talking crap about former HG because they are watching and we get FotH. Feeds are back and Holly says Winston DM’d her and we get FotH again. All feeds are back on the Archery BR. Christie says she hates seeing anyone sad and feel alone. Christie says she loves them both, but she doesn’t like manipulating in any way. Jack says he’s all in for playing the game but manipulating people is wrong. Kat says even if Nicole goes on the block, it doesn’t mean she’ll go home.


10:55 PM BBT Kat doesn’t want Cliff to retaliate against her if she doesn’t take him down, so she might rather him be out of the game. The HOH room is talking about how manipulative Sam was last season and how she was trying to turn Faysal against Haleigh. The Archery BR is talking about grilled cheese. Jack says you butter the bread on both sides and then put a light coating of butter in the pan and Christie says she doesn’t use butter. Nicole is rehashing her conversations with Bella and Nick to Kemi.  Kemi is saying Bella is always saying her mother didn’t love her enough and Kemi says she thinks Bella is just seeking attention and she doesn’t feel sorry for her. Nicole says she pities Bella and she’s sad for her. Kemi says she’s sad for Nick for falling for that.

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Nicole and Kemi are in the Camp Comeback Room, they have moved so Kemi can change her clothes.


They continue to go over points, it sounds like Kemi is supposed to talk to Nick, not Kat as I earlier said.(sorry for confusion)


The two of them move back to the tree house.


Kemi tells Nicole she will go up, they need to work to keep her there if she does. The two of them are assuming powers will be used that remove both people on the block. Kemi is covering a worst case scenario. Kemi says she is hoping to come back, and it will be with a vengeance.


Nicole tells her not to put her own future game in jeopardy.





Michie and Kat go into the storage room.


Kat tells Michie she is using the veto on Jessica, and he agrees.


Kat says using it on Cliff is not as good a move, since she is closer to Jessica.


Kat is complaining about Nicole, saying Nicole nearly brought down her game.


Michie says her plan to use the veto on Jessica is a good one. He praises her win.


Kat continues to vaguely throw Nicole under the bus. Jack comes into the storage room, Kat tells them that Nicole told her (Kat) was next. Kat says Nicole mentioned outsiders, but she doesn't believer her.


Jack and Michie confirm that she is taking Jessica off and they tell her she is smart and that is a good plan, she should do what she wants.


They all hug and Jack and Kat stop at the fridge to look for snacks.




Tommy, Nick and Sis are in the HOH.


Tommy says David watches everyone from the kitchen, Tommy believes David tracks movement.


Nick says whoever comes in is going right back out unless they have some sort of safety.


They think if it is a wall comp Sis will win because she is strong and tiny.


Sis is concerned that if Ovi comes back and joins Cliff in the house they will be a power team.


Nick says regardless if Nicole did “it” on purpose or not.....He continues to go over the uproar with Nicole.




Christie and Jessica are talking about who has “the power”. Christie tells Jessica that she would rather have Nicole and Jessica here over Cliff. Christie thinks Nicole will go after people, that Bella is a snake and is playing every person in the game. Christie thinks Nicole could win the wall competition. Christie says Bella is the bully, not Nicole, and she wants Cliff to go home and get Jessica off the block as well.





In the HOH room Nick is talking about the situation with Jack, he says he would not put Jack up until 8 people were left.


Nick says Nicole and Sam are people to worry about winning physical or endurance competitions. Nick asks who will they vote back if they have to do that. Tommy says he would vote for Nicole to come back, Nick says he would send her right back out.


Holly, Tommy, and Sis are discussing Nicole (again). Holly thinks Nicole was not being malicious. Nick is upset that Nicole said some things about Bella. Tommy sympathizes.


Michie comes in and talk moves to whether or not Jessica would work with them. Michie confirms that Kat will take Jessica off the block.





Kat is still celebrating her veto win, she is almost euphoric (and very sweet—Grannysue)


Christie and Jessica are helping her celebrate and lifting her up and Kat is giggling and so receptive.


Christie is asking for details about the rv conversation, she says she has no idea what happened in there.


Kat says somehow she became the mediator and was awkward. Kat says Nicole did say Bella was uneducated, but by then she was just “fed up”.


Jessica says Nicole has a hard time separating game play from personal.


Christie says Kat was unbiased, so it was good she was there, and that probably reduced tension.


Jack comes into the room and lands on a bed, they fill him in about Kat's mediation.


Jack asks questions and makes jokes Kat about what happened before the others came into the room.


Intermittent FISH...so


the gist is a rehash of the conversation. Kat says Nicole seemed crushed, Christie mentions in passing that no one seemed to confront Bella for lying, but it will come to light in the next few days. Christie plans to keep her ears open for all options, whether they should decide to keep Cliff or Nicole. Christie encourages Kat to use the veto on Jessica, she tells Kat she is really happy that Kat is using it on Jessica.




Nicole and Kemi are in the rv bedroom


Nicole says everything she said was validated, telling Kemi that Tommy and Holly clarified her statements.


Kemi makes her dislike of Bella obvious.


Nicole says as an educator she sees something missing from Bella, Kemi says she has not pity for Bella, she has her own life to correct and she has no time for that. Nicole mentions pity, Kemi says she feels sorry for Nick, who fell for it. Bella whispers so low the microphones don't pick it up.


Nicole says that Nick questioned her about so many things, and Jessica comes into the room.


Jessica says it is nearly 11pm, and she is very tired. Jessica tells Nicole not to just accept her fate, to not accept that. Jessica tells Nicole to lay low and stay quiet.


Kemi goes to get them some ice cream so Nicole and Jessica can talk alone.


Nicole tells Jessica that she thinks Nick accepted what she said, but told her that he would not have conversations with her unless there are two or three other people in the room.




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#BB21 11:00 PM BBT Jess as joined Nicole and Kemi in the camper. Kat and Jack have headed to the HOH. Nick says Kat manifested that win. Nick says Kat annihilated that competition. Kat says she’s going to use it on Jess. Kat says she feels bad for Cliff because he drew her name, but it would be weird if she didn’t take Jess down. Nick says Cliff isn’t going home anyway unless Nicole has a power. Nicole tells Jess she thinks Nick is a reasonable human being and she thinks he listened to her side. Kemi has left the room. Jess says that she heard that Nicole said Nick was bullying her and Nicole says she never said that. She says things were being misconstrued. Nick says after he watches the show and if Nicole isn’t lying then they can be friends again. He needs to see her DR’s.


11:05 PM BBT Christie and Michie are in the WA and they are talking about the competition. Michie says we’re going to keep Nicole? Christie says they need to figure it out as a team in the next few days. Christie says it will draw a definitive line, but why not keep someone who will take a shot at someone who doesn’t have their best interest at heart. Christie tells Michie they’ll get together as a team, discuss their options and decide what’s best and execute from there and game on. Christie says she wasn’t there in the camper for the discussion but she heard it was pure manipulation. She’s glad that Tommy was in there. Michie asks Christie if he looked believable that he was trying to win and she says she couldn’t say. She says she thought she had 16 pieces, but she really had her 17 pieces and didn’t know it. Michie says he only had two pieces up there and he knew it wasn’t his comp.


11:10 PM BBT Jess, Kemi, and Nicole are in the camper talking about the veto and Kat winning. Michie is going to take a shower. Christie is getting a snack and then heading up to the HOH room. Jess thinks Kat will use the veto on her, but she doesn’t want to jinx it. Jess says she wants Kat to do what’s best for her game. Kat, Nick, Sis, Tommy, Holly, and Jack are in the HOH room talking about when they’ll get called for their DR’s. Nick thinks they’ll get the BY down tomorrow. Jess says she was very civil with Kemi on the block with her and she didn’t campaign against her. Sam has joined the HOH crew. Jack says they just wrapped up talking about Kaitlyn. They feel like Kaitlyn walked in like she was mad. Sam says Kaitlyn walked in and said she was afraid of the reaction she was going to get so she must think they don’t like her. Holly says people probably watch the live feeds and get clips of all the mean stuff and send it to the former HG.


11:15 PM BBT Cliff is talking to Ovi and he tells Ovi that Nick told him that Kat would take off Jess, but he’s still good. Smooth sailing. Ovi says Nicole telling Cliff about Christie overhearing his morning talks didn’t help. Ovi says Nicole was playing both sides and she’s told them everything she’s heard. Cliff says he’s told people Ovi is his but and when Nicole lost Kemi, Nicole has gone off the rails and the stuff he’s hearing doesn’t have anything to do with them. Ovi thinks they will send Nicole and Cliff says that should help Ovi win the comp. Cliff learned today that someone said Jack and Sis would be his main targets and Cliff says he hasn’t thrown any names out. Cliff says he has to talk to Kat because she said she would take him off and Ovi says Nick told him Kat promised to follow the plan. Cliff says he will play along and hope he’s not being duped. Cliff says they are all on the target list soon after and he just has to hope they have fractures and opportunities. Cliff doesn’t think Sam is screwing him over. Cliff says it would make more sense not to pull Jess off to force her to use the power.


11:20 PM BBT Nicole is still talking to Kemi and Jess and she says she doesn’t know why she has to be so smart and so stupid. Good intentions, bad decisions. Ovi is alone in the Archery BR and he tells us he hopes Cliff is safe and even if he comes back and they put him and Cliff up then he’ll use his power because he wants Cliff in the game. Cliff is headed upstairs to the tree house. He’s going to play backgammon with Bella. Nicole says it’s scary because she doesn’t know what Bella is telling people. Jess says in a perfect world she’d like them both to stay and it breaks her heart. Nicole says our numbers are dwindling considering the type of people we are. Holly and Sis are in the shower area while Michie is showering and Ovi is brushing his teeth. Michie and Ovi are talking about their fraternity houses. Ovi gave a speech at Michie’s house and some of the other houses.


11:25 PM BBT Nicole is talking to Jess and she’s saying she respects Jess more than she can explain. Ovi and Michie are still talking and we get FotH. Jess tells Nicole to stay calm and don’t break down and give them a reason to evict her. Jess says Nicole played both sides, but everyone does that at times. Nicole says it wasn’t even intentional. Michie asks Holly to blow dry his shirt because he had to wash it because it had make-up on it. He starts to sing and we get FotH. Sis is washing her face in the sink. Nicole says she was going from group to group to find where she fit in and she wasn’t fitting anywhere. Then she finally found a group and it blew up on her. Ovi asks Sis and Holly who yelled at them for helping, was it Kaitlyn? Sis says they got it from two people and Michie says they got it from “the cloud”. FotH.   



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11:37 PM BBT  Sis, Jess Kemi and Nicole in RV talking about Harry Potter and butter beer

Sis- I love Harry Potter so much...if there was a school where we could be wizards

Jess- The Wizarding WOrld of Harry Potter is amazing

Nicole- there's college classes that have Harry Potter classes with quidditch

Kemi- what's your favorite Harry Potter movie

Nicole/Sis- Half Blood Prince

Jess- The Goblet of Fire was really good


Jack/Jackson in the WA- Michie is showering and Jack is eating

Jackson- Shake and Bake baby

Jack- shake and bake

Jackson- oh you're taking the joggers?

Jack- you want to wear 'em

Jackson- sometime tonight we gotta talk to the 6...Tommy and Christie just came down here 


11:41 PM BBT David/Sam by the memory wall

Sam- Yeah, well Thomas has a walk...like you know how Jack walks...arch back....shoulders back.....swing the arms.....his hips don't lie.....swing the arms and when you talk you gotta


11:43 PM BBT Cliff and Bella playing backgammon in the treehouse

Bella- it's definitely going to be Nicole because everyone wants her out

Cliff- from the very start I was wanting to work with Nick...y'all just think....I mean she and Kemi were tight but Jess and Kemi.....I've never talked game with those people...I had no idea any of this stuff was thinking..I've  never thrown any names out

Bella- I never thought you did...I don't think you have yet at all

Cliff- there is zero reason I would have ever done what you said she did...when she told me my heart fell

Bella- oh she told you what happened?

Cliff- after nominations she came to me and said Cliff I fixed it...they were wanting to  put me up because they think I was the  rogue vote that it wasn't me and it had to be one of the couples

Bella- it has literally, I'm being dead honest...nothing to do with you...but what Nicole is doing...planting these little seeds that we assumed was Kemi but apparently it was Nicole...and she said that it was because she used that against him and told Holly/SIs that we were bullying her

Cliff- really?

*David is counting very loudly in the kitchen (annoying!) making it difficult to hear

Bella- she said we were bullying her and said she wanted to put us up...everyone's name was dropped...this is insane

Cliff- this is insane

Bella-  everything she did was personal.....and, like, I'm still just trying to recover from that  [oh, Bella...you poor baby...NOT  - MamaLong]  it wasn't even game related

Cliff- I can't stand for that...I hope y'all see that I want to work with y'all

Bella- she was crying to the girls and saying Nick was interrogating....using the word bullying is unfair [Nicole never said "bullying"]








11:48 PM  David passes through and gossip stops

Bella- (to David) did they call her (to DR)

David- I don't know...I'm just living my best life...he then joins them to watch them play backgammon and game talk stops

Bella- (to David) oh, are you learning?

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