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Saturday July 29, 2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Updates


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7:57pm. Jess got 12 in the comp, guessing Jillian every time. Mark & Elena in the HN room. Paul comes in and shares his distrust that Cody got 15 right without any help.  Kevin and Raven got 16. Paul is desperate for information that would clue him into Jess & Cody's behavior.  Paul is going to talk to Jess now. Elena says she could help out, she can tell when someone is pushing an agenda on her.

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7:59pm BBT Paul says he's going to lay down facts - she's preventing 9 HG from getting to jury to save one person no one likes and she'll be target #1.  Mark is silent as Paul explains his strategy to threaten Jessica. Congrats on you win, Elena says.  I didn't have any choice, Paul says, I was confident with every answer but may have missed one.  He had 22, one more than last season.

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8:05pm BBT Elena thinks it's weird Jess got the temptation. Paul says he's just trying to get people to jury. He dismisses Cody as undeserving of Jury. Paul moves onto the GBR to go over his strategy with Xmas and Josh.  She suggests telling Jess that she could be on top of the house or bottom of the house depending on whether she keeps Cody in the game or not. 

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8:10pm BBT Josh tells Paul to not be so aggressive.  Xmas warns that if no one goes home, there's a chance she could go home before jury if she doesn't win HoH.  Paul says they house has dealt with Cody's abuse and is too erratic for the house.  It's  red flag, Xmas agrees.  Paul says he's going to tell her he's pulling Jason off the block, so it's just between her and Cody.

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8:15pm Paul threatens to make Jess & Cody uncomfortable until they can't compete. He promises he'll make Cody crack and says he'll tell Jess to not make him start playing the game. Paul returns to the KT. In the HNR, Elena is laying down the law to Mark again, telling him to use distance from her to get close to others in the house. People like being around you, she says.

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8:15pm Elena says there is time to explore the future of us later in the game when we're both secure but not now.  In the Apple Room, Alex, Kevin, Jason and Paul talk about KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid. They don't know what the hex is. Paul repeats his planned threats that they can get Cody out any time and while Paul can't play for HoH, he can vote and he can keep her off the jury.

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8:20pm BBT In the Wave Lounge, Kevin wonders whether they can have a live eviction if Jess takes her and Cody down? Alex says all we can do is be ready for the eviction to be wash and we go straight to HoH. It don't add up, says Paul.  Elena tells Mark in the HNR that the pivot she's making...  Basically, I'm alone in this game, Mark says.  Elena says Paul, Josh, Alex, they aren't paired up and I'll always have your back. You can solidify other relationships in the house.

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8:25pm BBT Mark looks like his puppy has died as Elena continues the slow showmance breakup, not offering up any counter argument to her separation strategy. Xmas and Alex with Paul in the Wave Room as Jason and Kevin leave. Xmas is guessing she (Jess) can use the hex once.  Paul says I'm going to poke.  Alex says if they don't use it, then DE next week and they both go home.  If we win HoH, Xmas says.

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8:26pm BBT Paul says if someone else goes home next week because of Jess's hex, he'll blame their eviction on her. He discounts the possibility of Jess or Cody winning HoH. Xmas says she's willing to gamble not making jury to save Cody. Alex says she's wasting her time. Elena is now holding a sad Mark in her arms.  She kisses him on the cheek then make her way around to is lips.

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8:30pm BBT I guess I'll see you around, a dejected Mark says, leaving the HNR. Paul tells Xmas that he's going to tell Jess that he's talked to everyone and everyone agrees she will go home as a backdoor if she uses the hex.  It's Paul's typical strategy of telling everyone what he's going to do, getting everyone to agree with him, then claiming it's what the house wanted.

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#BB19 8:33pm BBT Kevin talking about his son who will be a senior in HS. who will wear the pants they got in the comp.  Mark is alone with his thoughts in the SR, wiping moisture from his eyes and mumbling to himself..  Xmas now alone in the Wave Room.  Mark grabs some protein powder as Raven pops in and they both head to the KT.  Paul is in the HoH alone to feed the fish.  Mark goes up to see him.

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8:35pm BBT Mark tells Paul Elena wants to have nothing to do with him because of his relationship with Cody. Paul says take the time to fix your game by separating from Cody. Nobody will work with him. Paul says Cody and Jess will never trust him because they don't trust anybody. Give Elena something by showing he isn't with Jody.

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8:42pm BBT General chat in KT, including Jess and Cody, while Paul talks to Mark about how Cody has isolated himself and doesn't participate in the game. Paul says he's here for the HG who are playing the game; Cody is insulting the game. Mark agrees. Lay low, Paul says, give Elena space, build new relationships away from Cody.  She's a very logical person, Mark says of Elena.

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8:46pm BBT Paul continues to rake Cody's character over the coals to Mark in HoH. Cody is now alone at the KT Counter.  Matt brings a bowl to the KT sink to clean, without talking to Cody. Paul says he's been straight forward from the get go. That's why he's up there, Mark says. Cody nips at Jess's ear and she slaps him.  Owe, she says, then kisses him on the cheek.

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8:50pm BBT Paul heads downstairs for the dinner that has been cooked for him. Alex, Kevin, Josh and Jason are in the HN training over dates.  Mark, Elena and Paul are in the KT with Jess and Cody discussing Sunday TV viewing habits. Raven joins them.  In the HNR, discussion turns to Mark's 6XL shirt size.

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8:55pm BBT In the HNR, Jason is ready to go to bed. Kevin joins the KT crowd. Elena says she wants to try for the HN key for the experience but not risk it. Kevin says he doesn't need to try it. Paul and Kevin say they want to see when she tries it. Do it now and not tomorrow, Kevin says.  She says she doesn't eat much anyway and she's not worried about the spiked bed. She'll just not shower.

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8:59pm BBT If you take the key it's guaranteed air time, Jess says. That's what I was thinking, Elena smiles, it's giving up ice cream that's going to be the hardest. If I get 2 weeks...  It's only 2 weeks if you don't win HoH, Jess says.  If you get it, Kevin teases, you'll be legendary. The 2nd to get it, Paul says. Jess & Cody continue to cook the Chicken Casserole.

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9:50 BBT Paul, Kevin, Mark, and Alex are in the HOH room.  Josh just came in claiming Cody passed gas.  They are all obsessed with the spy cam.  Josh asked if they all think that Cody and Jesse have “banged”.  Paul said, “that’s what they are saying all over the internet”. (How does Paul know what’s all over the internet?-production May be helping me).

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9:57 BBT Paul, Josh, Elena, Mark, and Kevin are in the HOH room.  They are rating their personal Top 5 girls/boys based on looks.  The boys agree that Elena is the best looking girl.  Elena decided not to participate and just named Kevin repeatedly.

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10:00pm BBT Everyone but Jody assembles in the HN Room where Elena is going to go for the Key.  Not sure if they weren't invited or just decided not to be a part.  Apparently she is waiting for BB.

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10:14pm BBT Jody joins the rest of the house in the HN room and Elena goes for the Purple box, and gets... a 2 week Slop extension and will be a Have Not next week too.  She says she's a survivor, she could lose a few pounds. Kevin volunteers Josh to try next week.  Cody returns to the RBR and crawls under the covers, but Jess remains in the HN room to commiserate with Elena.

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10:15PM BBT Suspicious [or prompted by production for show - BBLurkerPlus], Elena checks the orange box to make sure production didn't double-neg her, and says, "Yep, that's legit" on seeing the pass she didn't choose in there.

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