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Friday August 5, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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350PM BBT  Paulie is now in the kitchen talking to Bridgette and Michelle about music.


Nicole and Corey in BY ... Nicole is whining about Victor's HoH is going to his head big time.  Also stating that she has no clue why America would give anything to James and Nat (America's Favorites).


James puts laundry in.  Goes into Kitchen and gets pot to make Slop in.  James says no one understands how much you miss river and fishing right now, boat and radio blasting, drinking beers.  Paulie heads outside with 3 cups of coffee... One for Corey, one for him and one for NatNat.


Nicole seems bitter about James getting Care Package, but keeps repeating he needs to use it to save her and Corey.

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401PM BBT  We see Michelle in Bathroom with Z.  Z doing makeup.  Paulie in backyard talking about Z and the stuff she has said and being caught in lies.  James changed into swim trunks and heads outside.  There is a Z bashing going on in the backyard between Nicole and Corey and Paulie.  Talk is about Z wants Paulie to apologize to her.  (for what??)  


Michelle talking to Z about where to find the toilet paper.  Corey talking about how Michelle and Z are mad about Da vote.  


Bridgette is seen in BY moving her plant around to more shade.  Heads back inside to kitchen, plays with her hair and goes to bathroom area.  Bridgette brushing teeth.  


Now Michelle is topic of discussion and how to get her out of game.  Nicole wanting to know what Michelle keeps saying about her.  James is called to DR.  Bridgette is telling Paul (who just came out of DR)  where to find everyone.  


Nicole teasing Paulie about something, they were just bashing Nat.  (Nicole looks pathetic today, she has this "off in la la land look" about her).  She keeps wanting to know from Paulie what the girls are saying about her.  Paul walks outside and starts yelling nonsense.  He announce he wants to do his friendship talk to the viewers if anyone wants to join him.  


Michelle is still in bathroom talking to Z who is again applying more makeup.  Paul walks into house yells "hey" at Z who is walking away from from.  Paulie is headed upstairs to HoH room.  Enters to find Paul and Vic talking


Victor has a joker's hat that he wants to wear for nom meeting.  He says to Paulie and Paul that they won't be able to keep a straight face.  


Nic and Corey are still talking game, rehashing stuff already talked about.


Vic says Meeech needs to be boned.  and either Paulie or Paul has to do it.  Paul talking about how Z (and Michelle) both keeps saying she wants to go further than James or Victor in the game and now Paulie joins in about "her" wanting "him" to apologize and they all 3 are tired of the drama







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419PM BBT  Paulie is now controling the discussion in the HoH.  Right now Victor says Michelle and Z are going on block.  Paulie and Paul both say they will not use the veto.  Paulie saying that Corey says Nat will not put a girl up nor will she vote a girl out.  and we get FOTH.



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428PM BBT  Bridgette and Nat laying in the sun in BY talking.  Nat says Bridge you will go further without Frank, he was a big target.  Talking about how Michelle wants to be Bridge's friend now.  Just general chit chat about what Mom is thinking and that they both think of their folks each day.  The boys are still in the HoH trashing Michelle and Z.


Paulie says that Paul needs to tell them that they have to vote the house especially with "their girls".  Paul says Z is the first to go.  


Paul explaining to Paulie about how he sees what Z is doing to Paulie with her hot and cold personality.  Corey called to DR


James now in BY with Nat and Bridgette.  Paul has left the HoH room.  Paulie and Vic talking discussing Vic's nom speech.  


Paul is in bathroom talking to Nicole and Michelle,.  Nicole says she is feeling sick.  Michelle says she is going up, cause Vic would take any little thing and blow it up.  Z has again changed her clothes.  BB tells Z to put on her mic.


Paul telling Nicole and Michelle to join him for his friendship talk.  (sorry I am switching feeds)



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4:00pm BBT: Paulie, Corey and Nicole in the BY talking about Zak saying that Paulie only wanted DA out so he could get information out of her. Paulie says wow.In the WA Michelle and Zak are doing make up and just general talk. In the BY Natalie is laying in the sun.

 4:07pm BBT: Paul and Bridgette in the KT talking general talk about coffee and laughing. Corey, Paulie and Nicole in the BY repeating themselves then Paul comes out and talk stops.

4:10pm BBT: Paul goes to the HOH RM to talk to Victor,Paulie joins them and they talk about who is sitting where in the house. Paulie tells them that they need Michelle out this week as she did not want them to get farther than her.

4:15pm BBT: Paul says he would rather be in the house with Michelle then Zak. Paulie then says that Natalie will vote for a woman to win this game so she needs to go soon also.

4:22pm BBT: Paul says he has watched Zak play this game and we need to get her out this week. Victor ask how she will react if she goes on the block and paulie says she will ask me to play for her and take her off the block.

4:33pm BBT: HOH RM talk breaks up and paul leaves the rm. Paulie tells Victor he is 100% with him with whatever he does this week. Natalie in the BY laying in the sun talking to James and Bridgette saying she is wearing granny panties today and they all laugh.

4:40pm BBT: Paul is doing his friendship talk in the Safari RM with Michelle and Nicole. Paulie walks in and sits down. they talk about each HG then about Victor and who he might nominate since he came back in the house after his eviction. Paul says it could be me and paulie who knows. James in the BY asking Natalie what she wants for dinner tonight.

4:47pm BBT: Natalie and Bridgette in the BY alone talking telling each other to be careful of what they say or do in the house and around Nicole. Bridgette says when she needs to save her butt then she will kiss your butt you know what i mean? Natalie says yeah and James comes back out and they stop talking.

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6:08PM BBT Michelle in the Safari Lounge crying. Paul, Nicole, other HG trying to help her. She is upset that Victor nominated her and said mean things. Victor called her a mean person.


 6:11PM BBT Zak was nominated as well. Michelle is hysterical. Paul trying to calm her down. He is telling her not to cry and to just take time to calm down.


6:16PM Michelle is called to the DR. She is still hysterical about being nominated. Paul is heading to HOH to try to figure Vic out.


6:20PM BBT VIc talks to Paul. He says that he was just trying to be witty. Paul tells him to explain to her that as a superfan he thought she would understand. Feeds cut to WC and Natalie trying to give Michelle a pep talk and telling her that she needs to stop crying and not show how upset she is. Michelle telling her that she isn't a mean person.



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6:28PM BBT Nicole and Paul talking. Zak was supposed to be going but Nicole says that Michelle snapped out that she wasn't responsible for back dooring him. Paulie joins them about how emotional Michelle is.


6:45PM BBT All cams on Vic and Corey playing pool in the BY


6:50PM BBT Michelle out of the DR. She is very calm and just roaming the house.


6:56PM BBT Zak and Michelle talking. Michelle tells Zak that she still blames Paulie for telling Vic something she said. Zak tells her to go hang out with the house. Michelle says she feels like she has the plague now.

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6:59 PM BBT In the WA, Michelle tells Zakiyah that the DR asked her if she's going to roll over & die? Michelle says she told them that she is going to blow sh*t up. She says she hopes it's a crap shoot tomorrow. Michelle tells Zakiyah that she will stay in the house if the noms are the same. Michelle asks Zakiyah if she cried in the DR yet? Zakiyah says that she did yesterday. Michelle says she's cried like 6 times in the last 24 hours. Michelle thinks it might be a crap shoot for the Veto comp. Zakiyah says that Victor wants to win the POV now because he won HOH. Michelle says it sucks how he had to come back in the Battle<Back. Bridgette goes in the WA. Michelle asks her if Frank can come back please? Bridgette says that she's been saying that also. Bridgette says she loved that when Frank was here & they were both nominated & thought the entire house was against them they just started busting up laughing. She says it's just a game, it sucks that people say that, but it is. She says she was supposed to go home yesterday, & she's thankful to be there. Michelle says that she wants to know what she did to Victor that was mean. Bridgette says that she is going to have to talk to him at some point. Michelle says she can't right now. She says that neither one of them have won HOH, so that may be why. She says that Victor was so mean, & she doesn'tw ant that to show on T.V. She starts acting like she was going to cry.

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7:06 PM BBT Michelle says that as a super fan she still hates his ass. Bridgette leaves the WA. Zakiyah tells Michelle not to psych herself out. She says once she gets to a certain point she might go crazy. Michelle says that her downfall is that she wasn't in a showmance. Nicole goes in the WA & tells Michelle not to give up. Michelle starts crying. Nicole is slapping Michelle's leg & telling her that she will fight for Veto with her. Michelle is crying. She says she goes up against Victor for Veto. Nicole thinks it might be the unitard. Nicole tells Michelle that Victor was coming up with rhyms. Nicole laughs about her being called a Fruitloop Dingus on her season. She leaves the WA. Zakiyah says if she holds on to what people say she would be the most messed up person. Zakiyah says that people have said mean things to her. Michelle asks what the meanest thing was? She says that it had tot do with birth control. Michelle is worried about James being able to take away 2 votes this week. Zakiyah says they don't want to tell James that she is trying to throw him under the bus, because then he will want Michelle out.

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7:11 PM BBT Zakiyah says that she is ready to eat at midnight, go to sleep & then play in the Veto tomorrow. She wants to dress up in heels. Michelle says she will also. Michelle says she needs to do laundry because she hasn't had time to do it. Nicole tells her if the BY isn't going to be open long they will put it in the SR for her. Michelle says that she doesn't want anyone handling her laundry. Michelle goes to the BY & asks if they thinks he has time to do laundry? Natalie tells her she should try it. She says the fact that the BY is open means they will have a crap shoot luxury comp for Veto. She goes inside the house.

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7:17 PM BBT Paul puts extra chalk on his pool cue. He is playing a game with Paulie & Corey. Paulie checks how his hair looks in one of the outside mirrors. Paul says he thought Michelle was laughing, & then turned to see tears. Nicole tells Paul he did a good job seasoning the chicken. Natalie is dancing in the BY. Zakiyah goes behind Paulie & pretends to grind on him. In the couch area of the BY, Nicole tells Zakiyah that this week is hard for her. Zakiyah says she wants to come off the block. Nicole tells Zakiyah that if she wins HOH she would use it on her. She says she would have to explain to Michelle why she would use it the way she does. Nicole says that she can't save her. She says she forgot that Zakiyah was up & she wants to clarify that. We see FOTH.

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7:21 PM BBT Live feeds come back. We hear birds outside. Nicole tells Zakiyah that moving forward it has to be her, Corey, Paulie & Zakiyah. She says she would love Michelle to be with them also, but she really wants to go with what the guys want. Zakiyah says that she is really going to try tomorrow. She says whoever she chooses she hopes they don't allow Victor to win. Nicole says that she thinks Victor will go for luxury if he has the chance. She says she wouldn't be surprised. Nicole tells Zakiyah she is doing good staying calm. Nicole says that Michelle is going to regret everything that comes out of her mouth. Zakiyah tells Nicole that Michelle says she is going to blow everyone up. Nicole asks who she even has to blow up? Nicole says that she will never go out like that. She says that she can't believe that Da'Vonne whispered to Victor when she left. Zakiyah says she will tell Paulie.

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7:25 PM BBT Zakiyah tells Nicole that she trusts her. Nicole says that she trusts her also. Zakiyah says Michelle said something to Nat Nat. Zakiyah says that she told Michelle that she wasn't going to freak out. In the UKBR, James & Natalie are using the wooden spoon as a microphone talking to the live feeders. He tells them that he washed Natalie's clothes today & cooked dinner for her. James thanks America for his care package. Natalie says that she didn't think James would get one. Natalie thanks America for giving James a care package. She tells him to keep his box because she is going to keep hers forever. James puts his box on the floor. Natalie spanks his butt with the wooden spoon. James tells her that he has cousins watching the show. They play around with each other on a bed. They have matching socks on. They each have one sock of two different pairs on. Natalie asks James what they would do if they win something from a luxury comp? James says he will take Natalie with him if he wins a trip. Natalie says he needs to take his daughter. He says she is to young to go overseas. James shouts out to his daughter. He tells her that he is going to take her to Disney World. Natalie says, "Go Bayleigh." Natalie shouts out to her friends & mom.

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7:31 PM BBT James thanks Natalie's best friend, Loren, for letting him borrow her best friend. He says she is bubbly & he loves being around her. He says that he wouldn't want to be in the house without her. Natalie says that she learned how to wink in the house also. She tells America she almost threw up in her eviction speech. James thanks America for voting for him last season for America's Favorite HG. Natalie tells America to vote for who they think is the best prankster this season. She says that not even BB knew that she was such a great prankster. Natalie says that is her first time on BB, so she needs to win with the pranks. She says he was on BB17, & she's on BB18. She says she wants America to vote for her being the best prankster this season when she leaves the house. Natalie says that she found out about James hiding in the trash can in the SR. She starts to talk about being a HN. He covers her face & body with the comforter on the bed. She says she wants tot talk to America. She has to fix her hair now because he messed it up. She stands up to talk & James puts the comforter on her again. BB tells James, "Stop that." Natalie smacks James with the wooden spoon again. James covers her again. She then tells America that they were HN's together for 1 week. She says, then he wins HOH & she had to be a HN for another week without him. She says he was mean eating all the Rice Krispy treats. She says that James didn't save hin anything from his HOH basket either. She says, "James Joseph Huling is a big fat jerk." Natalie wants America to Tweet them to tell them who is better at the pranks. She says she doesn't really have that much social media. She tells America that she froze James' Crocks. James says he wants to nap. Natalie says they aren't done with GT (Girl Talk) yet. She tells America that she's not on the block this week, yet.

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7:38 PM BBT Natalie tells America that this is the first time she's ever lived with guys. She says they are usually very inappropriate with the stuff they talk about. She says she tries to joke back with them. Natalie says, "Spoiler Alert...The guys in this house talk about really inappropriate stuff, & the girls in the house have to listen to it every single day." She says it's been a long journey adapting to everything that goes on with males. Natalie says this is the last session of GT for the day. They both say bye in a couple different ways. Natalie says it was a good GT sesh. James says it was. Natalie says she wants to take a nap. James says he does also, because he will be a HN. Natalie says she can't wait for James to be a HN because she will have a bed to herself. James says she's mean. Natalie says that her eyeballs hurt today for some reason.

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7:42 PM BBT Michelle has joined Nicole & Zakiyah in the couch area in the BY. Zakiyah says that she would be excited if she wins her first Veto comp. Michelle says that Natalie stuck things out. Michelle says if Julie asks what her biggest downfall was she will tell her it's not being in a showmance. Michelle says that Natalie will go far. She says she wonders how Steve did it last season with being a super fan & winning She says she probably wasn't meant to be on this season. We see FOTH briefly. Michelle says that everyone thinks she's mean. Zakiyah says she not mean. She says that her facial expressions probably come off the wrong way. Michelle says she has some funny facial expressions. Nicole says she can intimidate her with her facial expressions.

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7:48 PM BBT Michelle & Zakiyah tell Nicole that she has a lot of facial expressions also. Nicole says that she doesn't know that she reacts to some things that are happening. Zakiyah says those trolls were off. Nicole says she wasn't in the mood for the trolls. She says she felt nauseous. Michelle says that she should have jumped off the disks, because that was embarrassing. Zakiyah talks about being able to eat tonight. Michelle says she's never been a HN. Michelle says they may get Trolli gummies for food. Michelle says maybe the Veto isn't going to be tomorrow. She says there's no way they can set something up in 6 hours. Zakiyah says it's tomorrow & it might be a night comp. She says it could be something fun. The other cams are in the BY as well. Corey, Paul & Paulie are all still playing pool. They are cursing a lot as they miss their shots. 

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7:50 PM BBT Nicole asks Corey to help her clean up a mess in the SR. She says that a 2-Liter of Coke fell off the shelf & completely exploded all over the floor. Corey gets a towel. He has 2 towels & says they might need another towel. Nicole has cleaner & goes to get another towel. Nicole tells Corey that it splashed in her face. Corey says that's what she said. In the BY, Paul tells Paulie that if James keeps Michelle in the house that will be bad. Paulie asks Paul who the next target should be? Paulie says it should be Michelle. Paul says Zakiyah needs to go to free him up from her. Paulie says Bridgette should be next.  Paul says that Michelle was crying at the nomination ceremony & she's going to be a wreck this week. Paulie says that Corey, James & Nicole seem to be set on Michelle. Paul says they need to get James to use his power the way they want him to. Paul says someone will throw Zakiyah a sympathy vote, & they can say that Paulie voted for her. Paulie says they can let Victor win the next HOH after they do & then he can go after who he wants. Corey goes back to play pool with Paulie & Paul. Paul says he wants to sh*t, shower & shave his beard. He says he's kidding. Corey wants to shave. Zakiyah & Paul tell hin to leave it alone. Corey says he hates it & it makes him look old. Paul says he's 25 so he's getting old & his sh*t is coming to an end. Corey tells Paul to shut up.

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7:58 PM BBT In the UKBR, James tells Natalie they need to let the drama stir & they stay out of it. Natalie says that she needs to get Michelle not be mad at her. James says it doesn't matter because she's going home. Natalie thinks that Zakiyah is supposed to go. James says that Zakiyah needs to win an HOH next week & take a stab at Victor. Natalie says that she can do it. Natalie says they don't want Victor to have the round-trip ticket & come back & take a stab at the guys. He says they are keeping them close so they take a stab after the girls. She says if he puts her on the block she will go after them. She tells him they are sickos. She calls them sick little nuggets. Natalie tells James she wants Victor out. James tells her not to tell him who she wants out. He tells her that he's trying to help her so she can stay longer. He tells her if she starts taking people out they won't keep her. He tells her not to go against the grain with anyone, & he'll keep her one step ahead of the plan. It's hard to hear what Natalie is saying, because her microphone is muffled from laying on it.

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8:02 PM BBT BB tells Natalie to please not obstruct her microphone. James says he can clip it on her nose. She says that will hurt. James rubs Natalie's back a little bit. She tells him she's not trying to win HOH to get people out, she's trying to win to get a letter. James tells her if she goes against the grain people will try to go after her. She asks if she wins HOH does she have to do what the house wants? James tells her that she needs to ask opinions of who people want up. We see FOTH.

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8:05 PM BBT James tells Natalie that Corey told him that she wouldn't ever put any girl up. Natalie says that's not true. She says she was quick to want to go after Nicole. She says Corey is so f'ing annoying. We see FOTH briefly. Natalie says that Corey shouldn't be putting her name out their like that. Natalie tells James she loves Bridgette to death, but she would pick him before her. She says it would be great for a girl to win a season, because there have only been 3 or 4 girl winners in 17 seasons. She says if Nicole & Paulie are in the Final 2 she will vote for Paulie because Nicole has been mean to her. James says a girl made it to the Final 2 last season, but she didn't win. We see FOTH briefly. Natalie says she is about girl empowerment, but she's not a feminist. James tells her to keep that quiet. He says that he doesn't know if they are baiting him to see if he's telling Natalie everything. Natalie tells him whatever. He tells her not to get mad at him. He says he's just looking out for her. Natalie says that Nicole is playing so dirty. She says she is a dirty, dirty girl this season. Natalie says there was an all girl alliance this season, but she wasn't part of it. Natalie is freaking out & says that Nicole is really funny. Natalie says that Nicole & her both told each other that they have each other's backs. Natalie says that she didn't know how many girls have won BB. She says that Nicole told her that. Natalie says that Corey is such a girl. She says he has such loose lips, & he gossips like a girl. She says that he tells all the guys everything he hears. She says Corey has the biggest mouth. James says there was an all girl's alliance? Natalie says she thinks so, but her & Bridgette weren't in it. James asks how many girls are left in the house? Natalie says there are 5 guys & 5 girls, it's even. Natalie says that Nicole knows how to play the game. She says she is cool when it's time for nominations & then she stays with Corey. She says that Corey plays both sides of the house. James says if he wins he will take Nicole out. Natalie says that Nicole is gunning for her on the low, she knows that. James tells Natalie that she's safe for the next 3 evictions. We see FOTH.

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