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Saturday July 23, 2016 Big Brother 18 Live Feed Updates


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This forum thread is for posting live feed updates & screen caps that reflect what's going on in the BB house.  Comments and BB18 discussions are in the Big Brother 18 Discussion section.

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother 18 Time is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. I've been tripped up not knowing if "B" is Bronte or Bridgette.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Download PDF And here's DRG's guide by team Cast Cards PDF.

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

British Bedroom (UKBR)

Tokyo Bedroom (TBR)

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)


When referring to Da'Vonne, you can use "Da," "Dav," and, of course, "Da'Vonne," but for some reason "Da' " with the apostrophe, jams my proofreader program.

You are all encouraged to add info in your posts letting others know that you can only stay an hour, or, "I'm done, can someone else take over!" or whatever, so that lurkers, or "floaters" will be encouraged to fill the gaps.  


It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 

Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds and dish about the HGs at the same time.  


Thank you!

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12:00AM-1:00AM BBT: The HGs in the kitchen are watching Paul make French fries. Victor tells Nicole if she can answer three questions about his bracelet and he will be her servant all day tomorrow. She takes the bracelet to the livingroom to study it as he gave her five minutes to study it. He then asks her five questions. She gets them all right. Victor will be her servant tomorrow but Nicole says she probably won't have him do anything. Zakiyah says, "I will help you and they laugh."
 Victor then starts talking about his interview with Jeff and the clips he saw where Paul hits his head and the shaving cream fight.
 The HGs are now wondering what the next Have-Not foods will be. They think maybe a party type theme.
 Nicole goes and gets in bed with Corey and ask him if he is mad at her for winning a deal with Victor. Corey is just upset over Victor calling him out on a girl he lied to before. He asks Nicole if she has any questions for him?
 1:00-2:00AM BBT: Natalie is in the HoH room sleeping with James, she says she is homesick and misses her family.
 Michelle and Victor are in the Safari room talking about playing in competitions and Victor said he played a lot of competitions and he knows his mom is proud of him for winning all those competitions and not getting nominated. Michelle tells him they did not know any competitions were even going on all this time.
 Frank walks to the room as Michelle tells that Bridgette said they were bullies. Michelle is worried that Frank heard her.
 Paulie joins them in the Safari room and says if he wins PoV, he is taking Frank down, they start laughing.
 They then talk about Bridgette needs to go before Frank as she can win competitions and Frank can't.
 2:00-3:00AM BBT: James and Natalie are in the HoH bed James tells her he was nervous she wouldn't make the jury. She tells him he shouldn't have and he tells her that's what boyfriends do, look out for their girl.
 Just general chatting going on with James and Natalie now as they lay in bed watching the fish.
 3:00-4:00AM BBT: Nicole is in bed with Corey as they snuggle and kiss. Corey gets up and goes to the kitchen to talk to Paulie about Victor talking about the girl he liked before BB and how he is mad that Victor said something in front of Nicole. Victor comes in and talk stops.
 In the HoH room, James teases Natalie about nominating her as the replacement nominee She laughs and says please do not nominate me.
 4:00-5:00AM BBT: Nicole says she is hungry and heads to the kitchen for a cookie. Nicole finishes her cookie and goes back to bed. Just general talk going on through the house.
 5:00-6:00AM BBT: Michelle and Zakiyah are in the bedroom talking and Paulie comes in wanting to talk to Zakiyah. Michelle leaves and she said and Zakiyah says she does not want to talk. Michelle returns and Paulie stops talking.
 All the HGs are in bed sleeping.

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 9:02am BBT: Hg still sleeping .

9:22am BBT: BB is now waking the HG as we have Fish and WBRB.

9:38am BBT: Zak in the WA washing her face. Paul in STR changing batteries and then heads back to bed.  Frank up going to WC. 

9:41am BBT: BB calls Natalie to the DR. Most Hg still in bed with covers over their heads sleeping.

9:46am BBT: Frank and Paulie in the WA talking. Frank says this is a must win today for the POV. Paulie says he will feel more comfortable with a win this week so we can try to get the person we want up there on the block this week. He says i just do not want people to say yeah lets get Bridgette out and instead they take you out. Frank says yeah. Frank says i am going to pick you to play and i will tell Bridgette to pick Michelle, Paulie says or Corey.

9:48am BBT: Paulie says i just know i am going to try to get Bridgette voted out this week and not you. Frank says ok. Paulie tells him i have already started that now. Frank says  if we can actually get James to put DA up on the block then we can get people to go into that one you know what i mean? Paulie says yeah i do.

9:51am BBT: Frank says i will pick you for the POV but i feel like if you have a chance to throw it then throw it cause if you win it and take me down then you and I have a bigger target for next week.

9:56am BBT: Frank and Paulie says lets do this and win this POV as they  leave the WA and head back to bed. All other HG in bed 

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10:47a   Bathroom - Bridgett is in the shower and Natalie is doing her make-up.  Everyone else is sleeping.  Natalie was called to the DR a few minutes ago, so she's getting ready.

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10:51a   James has been called to the DR.



10:52a  Frank is now up and in the bathroom brushing his teeth.  Brigette is out of the shower and Natalie is still doing her hair. She's decided she will straighten her hair today.  She now tells Frank she doesn't know if she wants to curl her hair or straighten it.  He looks very uninterested.  She looks very torn.  No other movement around the house.  Bridgette is now putting on her microphone and whispering to Natalie.  Hard to understand.  Frank is out of the WC and washes his hands.  Now they're talking about loud noises last night {possibly in the secret room}  Frank asks Bridgett about her ankle, saying the bruising and swelling looks gone.  Natalie has decided on straightening her hair.

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10:07am BBT: All HG sleeping.BB keeps showing the airplane on the balcony table and the Nairobi picture. Then they show the other pictures  in the house.

 10:30am BBT: All HG still sleeping.

10:40am BBT: After a brief WBRB  Hg are starting to get up out of bed and getting clothes to change.

10:42am BBT: Bridgette is  waiting for the WC . Natalie comes out and they start talking but can not hear them as they do not have their mics on. Bridgette now gets into the shower.

10:47am BBT: Natalie says she does not think she is going to shower this morning cause she had a shower lastnight so she is just going to get ready for the POV now. She gets her make up out and her hair extensions.

10:51am BBT: Frank in the WA brushing his teeth while Natalie does her hair. Bridgette is getting dressed after her shower. all other Hg still in bed sleeping.

10:57am BBT: Frank talking to Bridgette  and Natalie about the POV comp. he tells Bridgette that one of them has to come down for them to have a fighting chance. Frank tells her that if they are there he will go and she can stay and Bridgette says i never wanted to go to Jury Frank and you know that so i will leave. 

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10:57a  Talk now turns to the POV, who will play for who, etc.  Bridgett doesn't know who to pick if given the choice. Apparently, she's being treated badly by the "girls" {Da, Z and Michelle in particular}  Frank just wants one of them {he or Bridgett} to have a chance to come off the block.  Frank thinks there is more heat on him than Bridgett.  Bridgett says she never wanted to just go to jury.  "Fuck jury".  Natalie says "You're here to win".  Natalie is asking what jury is like.  She thinks there will be a "jury battle back".  Frank doesn't think so.  They are both pumping Bridgett up saying she can win comps.  Natalie tells them she was not a part of the choosing of the noms. {Seems to be nicely setting James up.  Maybe unintentionally?}  Frank says he didn't like the "drama" comment at the  nominations.  James said "all the drama surrounding Frank".  Frank didn't like that, being that he was already putting up Frank and Bridgett.  He still doesn't want James out, but it annoyed him.  Natalie says "Literally, everyone in this house is a liar." {duh}   Bridgett says "Can't we just pull something out of our ass?"  Frank says "We're going to try."


I think they're talking about Michelle - Bridgett says "Apparently, every time I walk into the room she wants to vomit."  Frank says "Quote".  Natalie has asked what started all this.  Bridgett says it's been from the beginning, but she didn't really see it until this week.  Tiff told Bridgett that the "girls" wanted to nominate Bridgett on her birthday.  Apparently, her bday was last week.  They did nothing to celebrate her birthday, but they threw a bday party for the stuffed giraffe {I heard that last night on AD}


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11:00am BBT: Frank , Natalie and Bridgette talking in WA, Natalie says i want you to know i had nothing to do with the noms yesterday i hope you know that. Frank says yeah i know, Frank says i just want you to know  that i never said i wanted you  to leave. James said yesterday that he heard that and i did not know if you heard it but i never wanted you or James  gone people are trying g to make me look bad.

11:06am BBT: Natalie ask Bridgette if James has talked to her yet? Bridgette says no he  just said he would talk at me today.  All goes quiet as Natalie does her hair and Bridgette does her makeup. Frank just sitting there staring at the wall.

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11:07a  Camera is on Frank just zoning out.  But the sounds in the background of Natalie straightening her hair sound like she's building a house. They are still discussing who Bridgett should pick to play POV.  Frank now thinks Natalie first, Michelle or Z {because she can beat those two}  Natalie gives her word that she would play for Bridgett and take her off.  But she {Natalie} admits she's not the best at competitions, but she'll try her hardest.  Then gives her word.  Frank thinks the best chance for both of them is if Bridgett comes off the block.  But he was told this morning that he's going home for sure {didn't hear which guy told him}  Frank stresses to Bridgett that at no time does he want her to play for him or to try and throw the game to him.  She HAS to play for herself.  She might actually have a chance.  But the "girls" are still going to go after her.  She says she'll kick their ass.  They all agree.  Natalie says this game is all about luck.  Frank says "No". {who let this girl in the house?}

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11:19a   Just as soon as Bridgett turns on the blow dryer they call Natalie to the DR - again.  She doesn't here them.  She is still working on her hair...still.  James is up and in the kitchen.

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11:23a  Natalie tells Bridgett "I don't know if this is good advice or not, but try to track down the root of why you and Michelle fell out".            Bridgett:  "Frank just told you.  It's completely personal, babe."  Bridgett says she's nice as hell to Michelle.  Natalie says she just can't deal with catiness.


Natalie has now moved on to her make-up.  She says good morning to James, who's sitting in the kitchen.  Bridgett says she's going to make some coffee, finishes up at the mirror and heads to the kitchen.


11:26a  In the kitchen Frank and James are sitting at the island.  James is eating cereal.  No talk.  Oh, Frank left.  Bridgett enters and begins to make coffee. James pours himself another bowl of Lucky Charms. The cameras are finally off all the sleeping HG's and only show the bathroom and the kitchen now.  They think they might be skipping on Have Not week, because no one's been called yet.  James doesn't remember if they did that his season or not.


I switch back to the camera in the bathroom showing Natalie putting on her make-up.    {That bathroom is a disaster, BTW}  She's really piling on the make-up.  Not sure if this is for the DR or what she wears on a regular basis.  James and Bridgett are now in the Safari room.  James is telling her that he told Frank to his face that he felt bad putting up Bridgett, but he doesn't feel bad about putting Frank up.  The house wanted Frank up.  He told Frank that he needs to stop treating Bridgett like she's his personal property and let her play her own game.  Frank says he knows and feels bad about doing that.  James told Frank that he wants to work with him, but his name is all over the house.  Everyone wants him out.  Paul is called to the DR.   James confirms to Bridgett that Natalie didn't want him to put her up and that Natalie did have her back.  He says "We'll see what happens in the VETO comp."  Worst case scenario is Frank goes out.  Frank knows that James would rather have her in the game because Frank may never get the heat off him. Frank and James are cool, though.

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11:31AM BBT James and Bridgette go in the Safari Lounge. He wants to talk to her. He says he feels horrible about putting her on the block. He says he knows he promised her that he wouldn't. James says that a lot of people wanted Frank on the block. She says she knows. He says Frank talked to him. James says that he is willing to make a move to save someone


11:38AM BBT James keeps telling Bridgette that she was just aligned with Frank and that is why she is up. She says she understands. James doesn't expect her to sweep it under the rug but he wanted her to know. They hug.


11:46AM BBT Bridgette and Nat talk in the WC as Natalie applies more and more make up. They discuss Bridgette have to make deals.


11:57AM BBT Paul in the WC eating. He asks Nat why she is getting all made up. She says she has DR and yesterday she looked awful. She is working on her hair again. She has finished her makeup.

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11:52a  Paul is out of the DR and in the storage room. Two cams on him and two still in the bathroom.  Paul is making himself some cereal and then heads to the bathroom, taking his cereal with him..in the bowl.  He puts his cereal on the dock and goes into the bathroom.  Camera switches to HOH room where James has crawled back into bed.  He places a pillow over his face and chest and closes his eyes.  FOTH


11:56a  cameras are back and they are showing Z and Paulie in bed - Z snuggled up to Paulie.  The other two cams are in the bathroom.  Back in the bathroom Paul has sat down on the dock to eat his cereal and keep Natalie company.  She's done with her make-up and is back at the sink mirror teasing her hair.  She's telling Paul that her hair is so fine and thin.  he doesn't respond.  She tells Paulie that she may be a little ditzy, but she's not dumb.  He asked who said she was dumb.  She said she doesn't know, but she just feels like people say she's dumb. As he sits and watches her tease her hair he says he's glad he's not a girl.  She tells him she doesn't always fix herself up everyday, not even for work, but sometimes she does.  She says he knows that she usually looks "busted up and crusty".  With that he says he's going back to bed and heads to the kitchen to rinse his bowl and then goes back to the London room.  They call Natalie to the DR for the third time and she gives a little "aaahh" and says she's coming.  She puts some product in her hair and...she finally leaves for the DR.


12:04p  Bridgett is now in the kitchen fixing herself something to eat.  she takes a box of cereal back to the storage room and while there munches on some chips or something.  She's now just kicking back in the storage room, leaning on the counter and munching.  Deep in thought.


12:07p  Bridgett is out of the storage room and heads back to the kitchen.  Standing at the island she sips her coffee.  Other than Natalie who's in the DR, she appears to be the only HG up.  She heads to the bathroom.  Apparently, they are on inside lockdown because they're building a comp set outside.


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12:11p  Bridgett is doing a little eyebrow grooming and Natalie walks back into the bathroom.  She is putting more product in her hair.  She asks if Frank went back to sleep.  Bridgett says yeah.  Bridgett is now putting on make-up and Natalie is now putting her hair in long ponytails.  Bridgett says she hasn't worn mascara in a while.  Says this is probably not the best week for her to start wearing it again.  Bridgett says she wants to do her nails and Natalie says "Yeah!  Let's do our nails!".  She puts a lace hair band in her hair as Bridgett heads to the storage room to look for cotton balls.  Natalie can't stop messing with her hair.


12:16p  Bridgett returns with the cotton balls and then finishes putting on her mascara.

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12:16PM BBT Natalie comes out of DR and immediately starts working on her hair. Bridgette wandering around. All of the other HG are sleeping.


12:22PM BBT Bridgette and Natalie talking in the WC. They are talking how Nicole just got promoted at work and how they would never leave a good job to come into the house. Natalie says she makes no money since she works for a non-profit. She says she went to a private college for PR. Then she hays she makes a decent amount of money and can afford her bills and loans etc.


12:25PM BBT Bridgette telling Natalie that some of the HG are saying she is related to Jun from S4. She says she told them she doesn't know who that is. She says Michelle told her BS - that she knows exactly who it is. Bridgette says that she was hurt that they didn't do anything for her birthday but then threw a birthday party for a stuffed giraffe a few days later.


12:31PM BBT Natalie and Bridgette continue to talk. Bridgette saying how the house treats her. Natalie says she doesn't care what they think of her - she never talks bad about others and that she has been through more in her life then most people and doesn't care.

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12:25p  Bridgett and Natalie are doing their names in the bathroom and discussing the "girls" and how they wanted to put Bridgett up on her birthday.  Bridgett is stressing how she has never said anything bad about Michelle.  Frank has been trying to fix it, but Bridgett says Michelle is jealous and there are somethings you just can't fix.  Bridgett is proud of herself and her career and those girls just can't handle it.  You can't fix that kind of jealousy.  She then brings up the rumor that she stuck her tongue out at Nicole behind her back.  She talked to Nicole about it and told her that it was b.s. and never happened.  And whoever started it is a liar.  She asked Nicole to come to her if she ever has a problem with her (Bridgett).  James defended Bridgett to Nicole saying she was one of the nicest ones here.


She continues to tell Natalie that they try to isolate her.  And Paulie and Corey getting shit for just talking to her.  She asks Natalie if she has ever gotten shit for talking to her.


Natalie:  "Yeah. I talk to whoever I want to talk to.  I'm a grown ass woman and I've experienced more than most people in this house will ever experience in their lives.  And since I'm pretty and cute and bubbly people will never know.  I really don't give a fuck..." "People can try to make me do something, but at the end of the day I'm going to do whatever I want to do."




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12:31p  Bridgett is now looking through her bags for some of her nail stuff.


Bridgett:  "Do you have my nail file at all?"

Natalie:  "No"

Bridgett:  "I think all that's been taken."

Natalie:  "I don't trust anyone in this house.  It's really scary."

Bridgett:  "It sucks.  I trust you."

Natalie:  "I trust you."

Bridgett:  "I trust you and I trust Frank.  And I trusted Bronte."

Natalie:  "I trusted Bronte, too."


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12:33p    Bridgett is now catching Natalie up on all the alliances she didn't know about.  Week 1 there was an 8 person alliance.  Natalie said she knows about that.  Then Bridgett says there was the Fatal 5 and explains who was involved in that.  Tiffany wanted to bring her into that, but she said that she didn't feel comfortable making an alliance with Da, Z, Michelle and Nicole - girls that didn't talk to her.   She goes over the Da and Frank and Tiffany drama.  Nicole looks like she knew about all that.

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12:39PM BBT Natalie and Bridgette talk about the comp. Natalie says that she should have told James to fall. She should have told him if he fell she would give him a kiss. Bridgette says she wishes she had never taken her hand down. James had promised her she wouldn't be nominated. Natalie says that she wishes James would have fallen.


12:46PM BBT Z comes into the WC. Uses the bathroom and washes her face and heads back to sleep with Paulie.


1:02PM BBT Bridgette and Natalie still the only two awake. Still whispering about others in the house.

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7:05 PM BBT Paulie gets called to the DR. He tries to get in the door, & they finally let him in 2 minutes later. James & Natalie are snuggling in the HOHR bed taking a nap. Corey & Victor are bouncing a ping-pong ball into a cup in the LR on the coffee table. Zakiyah, Paul & Nicole are watching them play. Paul says that his Halloween party should also be a pool party during the day, making it a day & night party. Michelle walks through the LR to the KT.


7:11 PM BBT Frank & Bridgette are alone in the KT. Bridgette is sitting at the table with her plant. Frank is cutting up & chomping on an apple.

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7:13 PM BBT Frank tells Bridgette that she has bumper car lines on her legs. She says she knows & laughs it off. She tells Frank that she made coffee if he wants some. He says he will drink some for sure. Victor goes in the KT & tells them that one of the big lollipops has 600 grams of sugar. He walks out of the KT. Frank says he literally got comfy in bed, then he was called to the DR for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Bridgette says she doesn't like the long stretches. He says he rambles when he's in the DR. He says that they like the ones when he's pissed. Bridgette says they caught her yesterday with tears still in her eyes. BB tells them they aren't allowed to talk about their DR sessions with other HG's. Bridgette says, "F you, you got me." Frank says that he wanted an extremely long competition. He says he told them he wanted all the special powers in the game & two strippers also. Bridgette says that's funny.

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7:19 PM BBT Bridgette says she is thinking. She says her parents are saying that she can do it. She says her boyfriend is saying for her just to f'n come home. She slaps herself in the forehead & laughs. She says it's so funny. Bridgette asks Frank what he's thinking? He says he can't get her picture out of his head & he's pissed. He says that one of them is definitely not going home. He doesn't understand why they put two beasts on the block at the same time. He says they want revenge. Bridgette says they have to have a chance. She asks what the chances of flipping it would be. He says after the last couples weeks his confidence is shot. He says they have to win & then he wants to get Nicole to go with him to talk to James about putting Da'Vonne up. He says that she is not good for their game. He says he's going to do it like it's been done before. He says, then they rally the votes. He says he needs Nicole to help him. He says if he can get that everything else will fall in place for them. Bridgette says that Paul has something to do with everything. Frank says that he's glad he told Da'Vonne what he told her. Bridgette goes to the sink to wash their dishes. Frank asks her if she can wash his peanut butter knife also? She says yes. He says he leaves it in the sink all the time & nobody wants to wash them. Michelle says her stomach is upset. Frank asks Michelle if she had a hamburger last night? She says she had a veggie one. She says she was going to make veggie stir fry, but she feels that all that soy sauce would make her thirsty. Michelle says she wants to see Frank's beast mode come out tonight. She calls him the Veto king. He says no one wants to wake the beast.

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7:27 PM BBT Victor goes in the KT. Michelle talks about her car breaking down near Flint, MI. She says they have the water problem there. Victor says there are 3 minutes left. Michelle says that since there are no HN's this may be a punishment Veto comp. She says it could be the one where they have to shave their head. Michelle asks Bridgette if she would eat meat? She says, no. Michelle says that she wants to get purple hair dye for her tips. She says then she would have to dye her extensions also. Frank tells Michelle not to win the Veto tonight. She says she wants to win something. He tells her not to win this one. Bridgette tells her that she needs to win one when she's on the block. Frank says his chances of winning are good. Michelle says she can't believe that she finally got drawn. She says that she didn't believe that her chip was in there. Frank thinks it might be a physical Veto comp this time. He says he's worried about Bridgette with her ankle. Bridgette says she thinks they gave her the good ankle tape this time. Victor goes back in the KT to get a pizza out of the oven. Frank says he is upset they didn't get food after the last comp. He says they literally only had one jar of peanut butter left in the house after that, since they weren't restocked on food yet.

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