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How to Watch Big Brother Canada in the USA


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To watch the Big Brother Canada show, outside of Canada as it airs, go to: http://videobrother.net/  If you live in Canada, or use a proxy, just go to: globaltv.com/watchlive.  If you use any of these sites, do it with caution, there may be prompts to update your video player, Flash, Java, or Silverlight, Do Not Do It! You can watch everything without installing anything new, these programs can install unwanted software.


The live feeds are free, but are blocked to viewers outside of Canada.  To get around this, you can use a proxy service. I recommend a browser plug-in called Hoxx VPN, in addition to Hoxx,  there's Geoproxy VPN, www.comnetorgco.com. The Hoxx VPN offers one week free, no credit card required.  By the time your free trial is up, we expect Liquid8, the author of the BBViewer Live Feed app to have an updated version that will allow you to watch the BB Canada live feeds from anywhere.  The latest word from the viewer app guy, Liquid8, is: "Hey All...TBD but plan is to update the current BBViewer for Canada - should not be a separate viewer anymore. Will need an update though.." As always, get the latest Liquid8 BB apps here: http://m1h.us/bbgoodies

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OK, so Hoxx worked great until the feeds started, then the one server in Canada went down, and having the premium service doesn't help (so save your money).  I'm back on Hola, the free version, and it's working.  If you use Chrome, just search for the extension in the Google store. 


Also, Liquid8 is working on an update for the BBViewer app, don't worry he's on the job and should have something for us soon.

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You can watch the episodes you missed here:  http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/video.html/


And now the BBViewer allows you to watch the live broadcasts, as well as previous episodes.  There are more details on the update page, http://www.mortystv.com/bbcanada/ under the spoiler box.

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