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Posts posted by PaganMom

  1. On 7/8/2018 at 6:25 PM, BigBrotherHBIC said:

    I have afternoon cleared Monday and my snacks ready to enjoy watching all of the anticipated excitement! Come back here for the full scoop! 



    It would have been nice if the feeds had been as good as anticipated, eh?

  2. 8:18amBBT: Alex still packing up her gear. Paul/Xmas sitting in the BY watching. Jason is in the hammock. Matt left WCA as Cody headed in. BY group assuming it's day 55, Aug 16th. Doing shout outs. Josh doing laundry. Matt back to bed.


    8:20amBBT: Alex tells Jason to tell X/Paul about the conversations. He starts talking and is drowned out by the planes in the background. "He made a deal with the devil, but I don't know who he was talking about" Jason says about Cody. They are trying to figure out who the devil was. Paul says, "The deal we all made with.." "He said it was Mark & Elena's idea, that's what he said, remember?" They seem to be discussing the deal Jess wanted so that she wouldn't use her hex.


    8:22amBBT: Cody's idea is to put up Raven and blame him for all of the false info. (According to Alex, who is rehashing this to Jason, Josh, Paul and Xmas.) Cody ADLs in the WCA. Paul suggests that Alex tell Raven. She says no because she would react and blow their plan. Cody wants to get Matt out first as he is Paul's "number one soldier". Paul is flabbergasted.


    8:26amBBT: The BY crew talking about Kevin and Cody working together. Lots of speculation about Kevin/Cody working together. Alex thinks that Cody is all over her because today is veto ceremony and wants to see what she is going to do. Josh keeps trying to talk, but Paul keeps shushing him. Paul saying that they should all have private convesations with him (Kevin?) about taking him to the end and maybe it would settle him down. Josh finally allowed to talk and says he walked in on a convo with Mark/Kevin and they changed the subject real quick.


    8:30amBBT: Plan is to make Elena feel super uncomfortable. Cody thinks he has a chance to stay. Paul asks who he thinks he has for votes. Sounds like MarK, Jason & Kevin. Paul and Alex thinking they should keep the show going to make Cody think he has a chance to stay. They are trying to figure out who the 4th vote would be. Jason wants to know why they are entertaining it but they say they are just trying to figure out the numbers.


    8:35amBBT: Alex thinks that the more paranoid they get everyone the more they will talk. Including Elena and Cody. Cody's plan was if you can put up Raven, I can control Elena. Josh is sent off into the house to find Cody & Kevin. Fish as Paul discusses something to do with last year and Vic's battle back. The feeds come back and Paul is discussing DR asking questions about him, the only vet in the game.


    8:45amBBT: Josh comes back and says he can't find Kevin & Cody and thinks they are upstairs. Cody is actually in the DR. Alex still doesn't have all of her stuff packed up. She has been too busy chatting. Cody standing in the KT drinking coffee again. Now debating who helped Jody study for the storm comp because he got so many points. Josh saying they can't check Kevin because he will panic. Alex finally has her stuff packed and is heading up to the HoH room.


    8:55amBBT: A lot of talk from Josh telling Xmas and Paul that Kevin is paranoid (he keeps repeating himself). Alex has gone to the SR. Paul/Xmas in the KT with Cody and chatting about if they are going to play music and if they can/can't hear it in the HN room. Alex messing with her bags in the SR. Paul/Cody talking about Marines. Paul asks what time they get you up, Cody says it depends.


    9:04amBBT: Cody in SR changing battery and then talks to the camera. "See, even if I were to pull that last ditch with Matt, what happens is that I still don't have the numbers. I need them to do the plan. I need them to do the plan where they put Raven up. That is the freakin ideal plan. If I do go last ditch with Matt I still don't have the numbers. I don't know how to play it. Frack." Cody leaves the SR. Alex and Jason up in the HoH room. 


    9:07amBBT: Xmas/Paul in the KT general chatter. Josh running in the BY. Paul/Xmas whispering in the KT now. They decide to head to sit down to wait for her to get her meds. (she gets calls into the DR) Hard to make out what is being said as Paul stirs his coffee. Alex/Jason in the HoH discussing Kevin. Now they are trying to find Cody again. He is outside doing laundry Jason says. 


    9:11amBBT: Alex says she isn't sure how they are going to get Maven out. She said she can't do it. Jason says screw that he has no problem doing that. Josh comes in and grabs Paul's coffee cup for him to refill, as Paul has to wait by the outside DR door for Xmas. Josh called out twice to put on his mic. Jason says that kid drives him nuts. Josh goes to get the mic from BY and Xmas/Paul start to head upstairs. Feeds switch to quiet BY.


    9:16amBBT: Matt finally up in the WCA and Paul telling him about the fact that Cody got up to go outside and talk to Alex and Jason but that the whole crew went out with him so they couldn't talk. Matt giving Josh crap for not wearing his mic and getting called out. Upstairs Jason and Alex talking. He asks if she has allergies because she is sniffling & snorting a lot. Alex takes meds. Talking about next HoH Jason says, "If it's anything manly I will win it".


    9:19amBBT: Matt back to bed. Cody back to WC. Upstairs, Alex, Jason, Paul and Xmas in the HOH room. Talking about making a deal with Kevin (everyone separately) to keep him calm. They are talking about Kevin lying about the deal from Cody and if Cody mentioned Christmas being safe or not. To her face, Kevin mentioned her, but around everyone else he didn't.


    9:25amBBT: Cody waiting for the dryer to finish, Josh walking/running the BY. Christmas saying that Kevin thinks that the women are not as good as the men in the game. He tried to non-nonchalantly squash the Mark/Xmas thing the other day and Xmas ignoring him. Paul says that when discussing the DR, Josh was ready to be a pawn and that if it were Kevin he would be sketch about it.


    Start: 9:15amBBT.



    9:15am-9:30amBBT: Feeds return from a 10 minute fish break and we have HGs milling about in the SR and HoHR. Christmas and Josh in the SR talking about how they slept while changing batteries. He asks if the veto ceremony is today and she says yeah, they usually get us up earlier for that. She says Mark will be using the Veto and that's BS. She then says she has a great idea. Put her up instead of Raven. Josh gives her a look. "Listen. I had a really good speech. Mark walks in and their chat stops. Josh says, "I don't think so" then Christmas says she has to pee, so bad. Josh holds the door for her as they exit the SR leaving Mark behind. Christmas thanks him and says that this is the hardest door to open for her. Meanwhile, Cody in the KT drinking water. BB tells Paul and Jess that there are fresh batteries in the SR. Jessica is up and off to get her battery.. Paul down from HoHR to get his. Kevin & Jason talking about how long they have been in the house. Jason is shocked and says it's crazy. Feeds switch to Christmas and Josh in the WCA. We come in mid-convo:

    Christmas: They will use it against you.
    Josh: I know.

    Christmas: And it's like too soon for her to go up as a pawn. 

    Josh: Yeah. Yeah. I don't know because in the DR they are like, "Is she disposable to you? (Raven)

    Christmas: That's so funny because like 2 days ago, before Elena changed her attitude, Elena said "Just going up as a pawn makes me feel disposable" She used that word exactly.

    Josh: That's funny. And then they say that in there. I don't know. No I don't want to put you up. I don't feel comfortable doing that.

    Christmas: Going up against Elena and Jess? Like-

    Josh: Yeah but I don't feel comfortable doing that. I mean, Raven. I know Raven is going to use that against me, and Matt but I know she wants to go up now because it's completely safe.

    Christmas: She wants to go up now because it's safer now than later.

    Josh: Yeah they like want to go up. How stupid would it look if I put my closest ally up on the block?
    Christmas: But does everyone need to know we're closest allies?

    Josh:I need to take a deuce.

    Christmas: Okay. I'm proud of you.

    Josh: Yeah we'll think of something. Either Matt or Raven, I really don't care. Paul's sick and tired of them too. We were talking about it last night.

    Christmas: Dude! Paul Mark and ELena were playing in that HN room last night. 

    Josh: Really?
    Christmas: Yeah! 

    Josh: I was like, "I really really want Elena out, bad" and they were like "It's just Sunday night now. 

    Cody comes in to use the WC and convo starts breaking up.

    Josh: In the APSR (What we call the lounge/wave room) for a long time. Him, Mark and Elena. Josh heads upstairs.


    9:30am-9:45amBBT: In the DBR, Jason tells Kevin, "Well they would be having lunch in Boston right now. Kevin says who he thinks would be at the beach and who wouldn't in his family. Christmas scoots on into the room and Kevin asks, "How you doing, Tree?" She says she is tired. He told her to go back in there and she says she can't because the Veto meeting will be at like 11 and she has to make breakfast. Asks Kevin if he wants his birthday breakfast. She offers to make him an egg sandwich. He asks if she wants him to wait here or go to the KT with her. Christmas asks if he wants coffee too. "Black, 2 sugars" says Kevin. Christmas heads off to make Kevin his birthday breakfast. Kevin says he is going to try to get 5 more minutes of sleep before she comes back. Kevin, Jason and Alex are all laying in bed. Christmas is starting Kevin's food and Cody is getting coffee. Chatter in DBR talking about after the game and outside the house. Cody takes his coffee to the RBR.  Christmas brings Kevin his coffee and heads back to the kitchen. Cody is in the KT drinking his coffee and there is silence between he and Christmas. BB getting more stern with Jess & Maven about the bedroom lights. Cody heads outside with his food and coffee. Feeds are now on a very quiet DBR and Cody outside.


    9:45am-10:00amBBT: Christmas brings Kevin his birthday breakfast sandwich and because he was asleep, she asks if he wants her to wrap it up. He says, "No no no no no. Man that was quick." He offers to split it with her and she says no she will make her own later. Cody heads into the RBR after rinsing his dishes to wake up Jessica. Kevin starts singing so we have 4 cameras of Cody and Jess in RBR for a second before they go back to DBR. General chatter in the DBR with Christmas and Kevin talking about how they slept and such. Cody heads back out and hits the exercise bike with his coffee. Kevin gives Christmas half of his sandwich and they eat and jabber a bit about the weather.Jessica comes out and Kevin asks for a hug. He mentions that for his birthday all he wants is everyone to eat together tonight at 7pm,, spaghetti and meatballs. Jess says "Count me in". Christmas heads over to RBR to grab something and Kevin mentions how well she is driving the scooter. Christmas says that it's getting better. Cody called to the DR. Christmas back in the DBR and sitting with Kevin on his bed. He asks how her foot is and she says it's a little sore but she will go take her meds when Cody comes out of the DR. She asks if he is going to play pool today. He says that he won't during the day because it gets too cold. Other feeds show WCA and Jessica messing with her face. Kevin is singing while finishing his sandwich with Christmas. They talk about Paul sleeping upstairs with Josh. Jessica is now sitting on the floor in front of the mirror popping zits before putting on her makeup. Kevin talking again about how he wants everyone to sit around the table eating together, for the memory. Says he is going to tell them that they are the dirty dozen and then he is going to go around and tell everyone the nick name he has for them, He asks her if she wants him to tell them his private nickname for her or his game nickname. She says she doesn't know which is which. Tree and Carolina are the ones he calls her all the time. He runs down possible nicknames for each HG.


    Finish: 10:00amBBT


  4. l will be updating until 10amBBT.


    7:00amBBT: All of the HGs are huddled under the covers.


    8:00amBBT: All four feeds are on sleeping HGs. Raven and Matt move a LOT, so there is noise but not anything interesting.


    8:36amBBT: Alex went to SR (I think, camera didn't change) and then back to bed.


    9:03amBBT: We have WBRB/Fish.


    9:14amBBT: Feeds are back. BB: Good morning houseguests, it is time to get up for the day. (No one moving) There are fresh batteries in the storage room. The bedroom lights must remain on during the day.


    9:15amBBT: It seems Jason heard Big Brother, as he has exchanged his battery. Heads back to the DBR while fixing said battery. BB repeats that the lights must remain on during the day so Jason turns on the DBR light before getting back into bed. Kevin decides to get up and the other cameras show Josh moving around in his bed but not getting up.


    9:17amBBT: Kevin heads to the WC. Barely wets his hand (yes, one) to wash up after using the BR. 


    9:19amBBT: BB: Paul, Josh, Mark, Raven, Jessica, Elena, Cody, Christmas, there are fresh batteries in the storage room. Please change your batteries. Kevin laying in bed. Elena up and off to the SR for a battery change. Two cameras still on Josh in the HoHR, not moving.


    9:22amBBT: Elena heads to the WC (Doesn't wash her hands after) Mark up they pass in the KT as he heads to WC and she heads back to HNBR. And there is our first audible fart of the morning from Mark. [Thank goodness Smellavision hasn't been invented yet! ~PaganMom] Mark didn't wash his hands either.


    9:25amBBT: Mark off to SR to get a battery then off to the HNBR. BB: Paul, Josh, Raven, Jessica, Cody Christmas, please change your batteries.


    9:31amBBT: Houseguests, please report to the lockdown in the HoH Room.


    9:32amBBT: Josh emerges from the HOH room to get new batteries, Matt comes from the RBR to the KT. Jason & Kevin are whispering asking if it's a joke about the lock down. Raven to the WCA. Alex up and grumpy. Josh in the SR. Kevin says this is the best room because you can see everyone. Kevin still asking if the lock down is real, Jason & Alex tell him it is.


    9:36amBBT: Kevin says he is going to go into the storage room to ask because he doesn't believe that it's a lock down. Everyone up and about between the WC, KT and SR. Kevin making his bed.


    9:38amBBT: Kevin doing ADLs in his room, Matt making coffee in the KT, Jody in the RBR, oh no, they went to the HNR. Kevin asks why they went into the HN room and Jessica says because it is time for Have Nots. Jess/Kev in the KT. Josh, Jason, Alex, Raven, Matt and someone else in the HoHR  (can't tell who, they are under the covers).


    9:42-9:44amBBT: Christmas called to the DR. Kevin asking Jess & Cody if there was a confirmation to go to the HoHR. Cody asks if he thinks it was just to wake everyone up. Kevin talks about what happened when Jason was called to the DR last night. He got into the first door and before he hit the second door, you hear him yell, come barreling out and grabbed the pitcher of cold water from the fridge and dumps it all over Alex. She painted his finger nails while he was asleep. Xmas asks Kevin to carry some things upstairs for her and he does while she heads to the DR. Everyone else in HoHR now.


    9:45amBBT: All 4 cameras on the HoHR room. Camera 4 is on the Bathroom area, and suddenly zooms in on face scrub. Then zooms in on the fish tank.


    9:47amBBT: Everyone except for Kevin, Jessica, Cody and Matt are trying to go back to sleep. These four are eating and/or drinking. Christmas is heading up the stairs now to join the HoH crew, just ask Cody asks, "Who are we missing?" Jessica says that Christmas was getting her meds. Jessica gets up and holds the door for Christmas. Matt offers her his seat and she says she is going to take a shower. 


    9:49amBBT: Fishies/WBRB.


    10:07amBBT: Feeds back. Josh "Houseguests, congratulations. There will be no have nots this week, except for Elena who got the Extention chip last week. Everyone cheers. Cody runs to the HN and takes back all of their stuff and puts it back in the RBR. "Thanks Big Brother, we needed that!" with a big smile on his face.

  5. (Catching up from 11pm-12am here.)



    11:10pmBBT: Alex makes her way up to HoHR as does Paul. Paul says that he just finished doing maaaaaaajor damage control. Says Mark is crapping himself but is keeping his cool, Elena is not. Paul rehashes the entire conversation. Then Josh tells the HoHR crew about Elena suggesting Paul go on the block. Josh tells everyone that he doesn't want a repeat of Monday. [He is the one that asked in the BY seating area if they should stop, before Paul came out and said that Production said to tone it down.  ~PaganMom]


    11:15pmBBT: Paul and Matt mention how calm Josh has been today. They are discussing Jessica trying to play the sympathy card about her father dying. Paul asks who knew before Jessica won HoHR that it was the anniversary of her dad's passing and Raven & Josh say they did. Alex explaining to Josh that you don't get a pass for the crap that happens. Josh said that his hope for this week is that everyone leaves Jessica and Cody alone. Don't talk to them, don't harass them, just ignore them and send them home. Paul tells him that he is a soft hearted person and the others (Jody) are taking advantage of that. Paul keeps telling Josh he is talking too loud. 


    11:20pmBBT: Josh says that if it comes down to it, he wants Elena & Jessica on the block. Matt reminds him that if Mark comes down, he has to replace him, but likes where Josh's head is at. The HoHR group agrees that if any of them get the veto they will not use it. Mark joins the group in HoHR and says if he gets HG choice in PoV draw he will pick Paul or Alex. Josh: When Jessica leaves I'm going to torment the (crap) out of him (Cody). I'm going to rip his head off. Paul: Don't say that. Josh: I mean in a light-hearted way.


    11:25pmBBT: Paul says tomorrow is PoV, who is going to keep Jessica up all night? Christmas volunteers since she is going to be up late (she gets food at midnight) and will be sleeping in the RBR. Josh starts asking for wine and Paul tells him that the more you ask, the less chance you have to get it. (Elena is fixing HN bed while everyone else, minus Jody, are in the HoH) They begin discussing what type of comp it is. They are debating on if it's Otev, spelling or black box. Mark hopes it's black box, Paul says they don't want it to be that because that comp sucks.  He explains the goop and the decoy circles stuck under the goop. 


    11:30pmBBT: Everyone clears out of the HoHR when Josh says he wants to talk to Elena. Alex asks if she can talk to him first. Paul stays behind to talk about how sketch Mark & Elena are. Alex is telling Josh that Jessica is using psychological warfare against Josh. It's the only reason she would tell someone that her dad died right before a comp is to get the sympathy advantage. Alex says that she can break Jessica mentally but she won't because this is a game. Alex says she doesn't like it when Jessica sticks her finger up her backside or touches her vagina because her cousin was raped and murdered. Feeds move to the loud kitchen.


    11:35pmBBT: All four feeds on the kitchen. Lots of chatter about food and Paul saying he loves when someone is HoH for the first time because they get nervous for nominations. Feeds switch back and forth to Alex/Josh and then back to the kitchen. Alex is calling Jessica a sexual predator. They don't watch it for Jessica to rub his junk (Cody) during her ceremony. Says again she can mentally destroy Jessica but she wont because it's just a game and she doesn't want to go that far. Alex says that when Jessica brought up her father in the WCA after noms, she told Kevin to go in there because if she had gone in, she would have taken her out. Alex says that Jessica is manipulative and using Josh's heart against him. Jessica uses her dad's death to get to you. Has Mark? He lost both parents. Josh agrees he doesn't.


    11:40pmBBT: Whistle-Nut joins Alex & Josh in the HoHR. Jason complains about Maven and Josh tells Jason that he needs to relax with them and pretend that they are cool with Matt & Alex. Alex tells Alex that she is proud of how much he has grown in the last 45 days. Still misc food talk in the KT. Josh tells Alex & Jason that his target is Elena, not Jessica. Josh says that Jody is isolating and that won't change until one they both go home but Elena is playing everyone and trying to make Josh look dumb.


    11:45pmBBT: Josh explains that yes he wants Jessica out, a lot, and knows that Alex and Jason does too however Jess/Cody are isolated and that isn't going to change. Elena is smart, very intelligent, and is playing with Jody, Mark, Paul, him (Josh), and the whole house. She is manipulative and he wants her out first. Alex and Jason agree to vote that way, but they want the week to play out first because look at her (Alex') HoH when everyone was all "Jessica, Jessica, Jessica" but then they flopped to Dominique. Alex is trying to explain to Josh that yes, she gets it that he wants Elena but here is what happens. This week is the last eviction before jury. If Jody's in jury together, they will never vote for Josh to win the game. However if Jessica goes home and Cody goes to jury, those coming in after would have a better chance of getting through to Cody and get Josh votes.

    11:55pmBBT: Kevin pulls Paul into the lounge. Kevin says that he (Cody) is not going home, you can use him to get people out. Paul doesn't think he will ever work with Paul. Kevin says he will talk to him after Jessica leaves. Seems to have a good rapport with Cody. Paul tells him to feel free to try. Kevin says if we can get him to put up Mark and Matt and get them out then it's just us 3 and Jason vs the girls and the only girl that can beat you in comps is on our side. They both agree that this is a contingency if Cody wins HoH. Kevin will talk to Cody and then bring Paul up and they say they can decimate the house if the 3 team up. Paul says that if you can make that happen, let's do it. [I don't think anyone realizes just how smart Kevin is when it comes to game. ~PaganMom]


    (Next update will be on Saturday's thread)

  6. Attempting to update from 12:00am-HG going to bed.


    12:00amBBT: HGs waiting to eat because the SR hasn't opened yet and the HN's are getting anxious. They can hear noises in the SR, meaning BB is still restocking. at 12:02 the SR is finally open and Alex is going nuts. Raven, Alex, Mark, Jody all in the SR trying to decide what they want to eat. Raven is making Digornio for everyone. Christmas wants to make egg sandwiches for everyone. Cody excited that the turkey is Boar's Head [Boar's Head is amazing quality deli meat. Their Genoa Salami is the best! ~PaganMom] 


    12:05amBBT: Still raiding of the SR going on, while Christmas is starting to cook and Raven is tossing the pizzas in the oven. Alex is dancing in the SR while eating an apple. Kevin is going through the cabinets in the SR while singing. This causes all 4 feeds to return to the kitchen. Raven is now cooking eggs for Paul and Mark. Two cameras go back to the SR and Alex hiding a bottle of Coke under the bottom cabinets saying, "America, want to see a trick?". All cameras and HGs are now in the kitchen. A lot of food being cooked and consumed. Alex and Mark run back into the SR for bread. Mark then heads into the HN room. He appears to be looking for Elena.  






    7:02pmBBT: Everyone except JODY celebrating in the KT. Cody changing in the RBR. Paul comes in and says he is just grabbing a shirt, not trying to interrupt. Cody asking if they are going to stay quiet again all week and let people come to them. Jessica says that no one is going to come to them and she doesn't want them to. She said she feels a huge release of pressure when the live show is over.  


    Kevin, Alex, Jason in lounge. Kevin says Paul was telling him to not do well. Kevin says something about Josh putting Mark and Jody up. Kevin says he should put Paul and Alex up since they are strong players. Alex can't stop cheering and talking about how excited she is.


    7:03pmBBT: Alex leaves the longe, Josh & Paul enter. Lots of whispering. Can't understand because the KT mics are still hot. Kevin is trying to talk but Josh is talking over everyone. Can't make out what Kevin is trying to say. Paul says they all have the safety temptation.


    Josh & Cody: Cody tells Jess she had a pretty big moment and that they got to be on the block together. She says they will be on the block again this week. 


    7:06pmBBT: Josh, Jason, Raven, Christmas, Paul in the HN room. Paul mentions that Marlena are NOT happy. Mark walks in and conversation changes to what Josh will get in his basket. Elena and Cody in the WCA talking about the comp. Jessica in the WC. Comes out and they are discussing food and what they want to eat.


    7:08pmBBT: Alex says that Mark is mad to Josh and Josh points to Mark and says he is right there. They are talking about being upset that Josh won. Mark says he was cheering for him and that they were on the same page. Alex questions that because Elena is in the WCA chatting with Jody. Mark doesn't understand why that affects him since he is staying away from them and is in the HN with them. She says to Mark, "Lets talk" and they leave the room.


    Alex & mark in the RBR and she told him to pick a side now. Says the information he gave last night didn't sound right. Mark says that Kevin was in the room, bring him in. Josh walks in and says he thinks Mark is upset because he gets a letter and Mark doesn't. Alex confronting him about conversations where Mark has said he wants her out, including Jody. She says that him hanging with them makes her nervous. Mark surprised she hasn't come to her. Alex says she doesn't trust Mark because of the week Jillian went home. He said something to Josh (no one will say what).


    7:11pmBBT: Alex accusing Mark of being in cahoots with Jess and Cody because they get batteries every morning together, because she followed Mark this morning when he went to the WC and Cody was cooking. [Uh, reaching? ~PaganMom]


    7:14pmBBT: Mark defending himself. Saying that he is sorry for not standing up for Alex with the ears and soda. Says he never heard a name brought up so he couldn't name names. She wants to know how she can know for sure he is on her side and won't throw her under the bus. Josh left to use the bathroom. Jason comes in and Alex tells him to sit. Mark says he thinks Alex has a problem with him because of the time he spends with Jody. Alex says Mark was hostile with her and agressive after her HoH when asked questions. Marks says it was the environment. He says Monday was the only time he snapped at her. She asked why he didn't get involved. He said he didn't want to.

    In front of the memory wall, Paul, Elena, Raven talking. Paul likes his murder suit and said he will wear it next episode. Christmas crutches her way in from the SR. Paul questions Elena's dress. Said it's risky to wear that if she is naked under. As he says that a button pops and would be showing it all off if she was naked. Then they start talking about a movie about a female murder with teeth ... down there.


    7:17pmBBT: Kev, Josh, Paul in the DBR. Kevin said he kicked his ball because he wanted Josh to get it. Paul is saying they are ALL going to play the safety comp. Jessica is the target no matter what if she is still up there. Paul asks what music Josh thinks he will get. He says Kanye and they start singing. Christmas, Maven wonder in as well. Raven asks how many HN's will there be this week. They say 3 more because of Elena. Sounds like they are going to make Jody HNs so that Cody can't compete well next week. 


    (All done. Thanks, Indy!)


  8. Monday was not the best day for Cody or Jessica this week. To be honest, it was no ones best day. But Jessica and Cody took the brunt of the storm. As you all know, Monday is when the actual PoV ceremony is held. When the feeds came back up, we learned that Cody had "nothing to say" and Jason complimented Jessica but tore down Cody. We also learned that Paul pulled Jason off of the block. Jessica was quick to confirm to Cody that she will be using her hex. Paul feels that if she does, then she becomes public enemy number 1 and will not make it to jury, as she will be removed next week. He is confident that his side can win the HoH comp against the two of them. [Because the last one went so well?].


    At some point, Raven had pulled up a chair between Kevin and Jason's bed and they were actually discussing how the PoV necklace was made, what they thought it was made from, etc. Jessica came in and Jason secretly pointed to Jess to let the others know she was there, and Jessica found it sketchy. Somehow (I didn't see this part) Raven, Jess & Cody ended up in the wave/lounge room talking. Raven mostly insisting she didn't do anything wrong, explaining they were just discussing the veto itself. Raven leaves and ends up in the DBR crying. Insert bullying comments here. The rest of the house comes to Raven's defense. Jason goes into the wave room and while he is in there, Alex comes in and says she needs to talk to him ("NOW!" she says the second time), Kevin interjects to defend Raven, while Paul is watching at the door, and Josh comes in looking for his bible. Jason makes the comment "See, they think I'm talking. I don't know anything". Jessica thinks its sad that they are being told who they can & can't talk to. [She is right, that is childish.]


    After Jason leaves the lounge, the camera switches over to the DBR where Matt, Mark, Raven, and Josh are all talking. Josh tells Raven that he will torment them for the rest of the week. Says he doesn't have a beef with Mark any more and can take it out on Cody and everyone speaks up and says, "No, don't". Alex joins them. Raven is still crying after her talk with Jessica and Cody. Raven doesn't understand how they think she is against them when she sat and talked to Cody while he was cooking yesterday. Jessica makes her way over to the DBR to find out why Raven is crying and Raven says again that she didn't do anything. She was asking about how they did the cut-out part of the veto and Kevin was telling her that they scrape it out. Suddenly Paul and the rest of the house shows up in the DBR to see what is going on and Jessica gets frustrated that everyone is there listening and asks Raven to go into the RBR with her.


    When Raven and Jessica go into the RBR, other HGs head up to the HOH room and start talking about harassing Cody. Paul tries to come up with words to make Cody flip out, so then he can say to Jessica she needs to "muzzle" her dog. They are upset that Cody got in Raven's face (he didn't) . Christmas told Josh what to do to harass Cody, Matt & Raven don't like the plan... Concerned someone is going to get hurt. This continues for a few hours but the fit hits the shan at about 5pm. However until then, Josh and half of the house go into the KT and Josh starts his verbal attacks on Cody which includes his carnival singing and pan bangin'. Cody & Jessica try to tune him out by making out but it doesn't go so well. At one point Jody go into the lounge room and Josh is walking back and forth in front of the door banging his pans and singing his tune, Jessica throwing the decorative red apples at him. At one point she comes out and starts picking up the ammo since she has run out. While in the hall, someone tells Jess they have a question for her (Alex I think, or Paul. They both asked a questions, can't remember who was first) and it starts. they all start attacking Jessica, yelling and screaming. Cody exits the lounge, wraps his arms around Jessica and pulls her towards the BY (which is finally open). They rush off to the hammock and hang out there for the duration of what's to come.


    Basically, Paul and team are doing everything they can to get Cody and/or Jessica to self evict. They really hope it's him. Most liked her when he wasn't in the house, but don't like her with him. For the full blow-by-blow of what happened, check out the forum here. It goes on for about two hours outside until someone shows up with a megaphone and yells, "America Loves Jessica. Paul is a bully". Then the house is put on indoor lock down and Jody isolates. Needless to say the taunting, of Jody, the accusations that Cody lied about his service, saying that Jessica was disrespectful because her American Flag wrap was on the "dirty bathroom floor" and the flag should never touch the floor, or calling Cody a p****... That, the banging (and breaking) of the pots and pans just got to be too much for me. I am at the point now that I was Grodner to just evict them all and focus on Over The Top season 2! Check out the video section up top to see some videos from YouTube that were posted, showing parts of the whole thing.


    This is from Reddit. Someone compiled a list of what Big Brother Alum (and even BBCAN Alum) had to say about what happened: (I think you can click the image to see it bigger)


  9. 10:50amBBT: BB: "Houseguests, please lower the outside awnings" Kevin: Here I come, here I come, let me grab my water. BB: Jason, please put on your microphone. Loud breathers in the RBR. Lights off both couples asleep.


    10:52-10:55amBBT: Kevin says to Jason, lets stretch and then walk some. BB again asks for the awnings to be lowered, which they did, except for two. Jason says "They are done, except for those two" and he and Kevin start walking. They are discussing the date and how they have lost June & July but to not sit there and cry about it. BB asks them again to lower the awnings. Jason says again it must be these two and BB says "Yes". BB thanks Jason/Kevin for putting the awnings down.


    10:55amBBT: Brief fish. Feeds come back to Jason/Kevin walking. Jason talking about Holly some more. BB: Josh, your microphone needs new batteries.


    10:57amBBT: Paul up and off to the WCA in the HoHR.

  10. 10:29amBBT: After almost 20 minutes of fish... Cody up and in the WCA doing ADLs on feeds 1/2, sleeping hg's on 3/4.


    10:31amBBT: Correction, that is KEVIN in the WCA then in the KT.


    10:31amBBT: Kevin heads out into the BY and camera 1 has fish. 2 has Mark entering the KT. Mark asks Kevin how it is outside, Kevin says cloudy and rain. BB tells Kevin to put his mic on (as he is putting it on). Camera 3/4 on RBR with sleeping HGs.


    10:33amBBT: Kevin fixed yogurt and coffee then went to wake up Jason. Told him to get his lazy butt up, it's 10:40. Telling Jason it rained. Jason not happy.


    10:36amBBT: Kevin wishes they would play good music for the wake-up. He doesn't like what they have been playing.


    10:44amBBT: Cody and Jessica are finally getting up. Christmas hasn't made it back yet. Jason in BY running laps while Jody swap batteries.


    10:46amBBT: Jody back in bed. Jason still doing laps out back. Stops long enough to stretch with the help of the dryer.


    10:48amBBT: Jason heads inside to the WC. Kevin still eating his yogurt and drinking his coffee in the KT.

  11. 7:03amBBT: Fish (with no tank light, so you get bubbles)

    7:08amBBT: Feeds back. 1/2 on sleeping HGs. 3/4 on Christmas in the WCA getting her ADL's done.


    7:36amBBT: Christmas scoots on over to the KT and makes a protein shake.


    7:39amBBT: Looks like she is getting ready to take a bunch of vitamins.


    7:41amBBT: Christmas sits down at the dining table, closest to the memory wall and drinks her protein shake.


    7:44amBBT: Christmas puts her blender cup in the sink after finishing the protein shake and scoots on back to grab her crutches from near the door to the BY. She scoots to the LR and puts them behind the couch, comes back around and sits on the couch with a sweatshirt over her lap.


    7:56amBBT: Christmas heads to the SR. Looks like she is looking in her basket for her mic, doesn't find it and shrugs. She waits a minute before leaving the SR. Kinda looking around. When she comes out, the house lights are on.


    8:01amBBT: Christmas called to the DR. She scoots to the back of the couch, grabs her crutches and heads in. All 4 feeds now on sleeping HGs. [Maybe she has a doctors appointment? ~PaganMom]


    8:15amBBT: Matt up for a quick run to the WC. Washes his hands and Then back to the RBR.


    8:18amBBT: Raven is up and heads to the KT and grabs a cup of water on her way to the WC. Comes out, grabs a quick swig of mouth wash, swishes for a sec, spits and heads to the SR for a mic change. Back to bed for Raven.



    8:22amBBT: All cameras show sleeping HGs again.


    8:23amBBT: Elena is the next out of bed. Heads to the SR for a battery then to the WC.



    8:25amBBT: Fish (in the dark) for a few seconds. Then back to Elena and sleeping HGs.



    8:27amBBT: Elena back to the HN room and back to bed.


    8:49amBBT: You aren't missing anything, they are still asleep.



    9:47amBBT: I think yesterday wore everyone out. They are still sleeping. 


    10:13amBBT: Fish. Could be the wake up call.

  12. New format, starts now :) 


    Quick & Dirty stats:

    HoH: Paul
    Hex Comp Results:  Mark won (safe) Jason lost (Nominee)
    Noms: Jessica & Cody & Jason
    PoV Players:  Paul, Jessica, Cody, Jason, Kevin and Raven
    PoV Winner: Paul
    Post PoV Noms:  Jessica & Cody


    Now at the very end of the live show, this happened:


    Julie asks Jessica how she feels and she says America gave the temptation and she can keep her and Cody safe for a few weeks.


    Now you know Paul wants to know exactly what that last temptation is, and so he is probably going to nominate them. He discussed it all of Thursday night. Friday morning comes around and the first thing they do is play the Temptation Competition (I will be calling it the Hex Comp from here on out). Big Brother Bowlarena! (Loved watching Austin play this one last year, and Matt & Mark this year.) Mark wins and gets safety for the week (There goes Paul's plan B), while Jason comes in last place and becomes the third nominee. Like the third nominee in the past, if he comes off the block with the PoV he will not be replaced (same for all 3rd nominees).


    Between the comp and Noms we have Paul discussing his options and speculating on what the power is and does. Plan A is obviously Jody. Plan B was Marlena, but with Mark having safety, he now has to put another strong player in his place. We get puppies and when we get the feeds back we learn that Jessica and Cody were nominated and the Temptation was not revealed [Like we knew it wouldn't be, since it's to be used right before live eviction LOL].


    When the feeds come up, Jessica and Cody are really upset. They and Paul head up to the HoH and Jessica starts in saying that Paul did the worst thing possible by nominating them (she is getting very heated and her voice is getting louder). Paul asks her to lower her voice and Cody gets angry and starts dropping F-bombs. Paul asks them to leave his room and Cody tries to pick a fight, "What are you going to do?" Paul responds with "Nothing. Please leave my HoH room." very calmly. It's almost as if Cody is trying to bait Paul but it doesn't work. The three head downstairs and we have Jody head to the RBR and Paul to the KT. Josh is going off of Mark because apparently during the nominations, Mark looked over and smiled a "knowing smile" to Jessica and Cody. Basically he showed that he is still aligned with them. Josh is hollering at Mark, basically saying he should crap on him on live tv, calling him names, dropping a lot of F-bombs. The whole time, Mark is sitting at the back part of the dining table, the one in the corner that faces the KT. Josh picks up his bangin' pans and starts in with those and doing the carnival music and heads towards the table. He appears to be about 10+ feet from Mark when Mark jumps up and moves towards Josh to get the pans from him. Feeds cut to fish.


    HOLY CRAP! I am not going to lie, I thought we were going to lose Mark. I was messaging all of my friends on Facebook. I was like "OMG are you seeing this? Did Mark just get expelled?" It really seemed as if he had hit Josh. He didn't and wasn't expelled but the boys were sent to opposite corners of the house. Later that night, Elena started the long process of breaking up with Mark (that she didn't finish until Sunday). 


    While this was the end of the major physical excitement of the evening, it wasn't the end of the excitement. Jessica and Cody were fighting. She basically told him that he is messing up her game by flying off the handle like he did with Paul. She decides she needs time alone and leaves the RBR (where they landed after the HoH room fiasco). After the Mark/Josh incident, Mark ended up in the RBR chatting with Cody and we hear Cody say that he is thinking about just telling her to save her power and let him go home. He told Mark that he is no good for her game and it's pointless for him to be there. He doesn't need the money. He can only help her by leaving at this point. [I hope he doesn't. I'm not a big Cody fan but I love the excitement that he brings to the feeds with the other HGs when he is there]  


    What are your thoughts on the nominations (just up to Friday night, not beyond.. yet ;) )

  13. 1:05pmBBT:  Kevin comes in asks Jess what's going on. Asks why Raven is crying. Says that no one was talking about her earlier when they were in the DBR. Jokes and says he will talk about her tonight. Jessica chuckles and says ok. Kevin leaves. Jason back to defending himself. Alex comes into the lounge asking Jason if she can talk to him and he says yeah. 


    1:10pmBBT:  Cody saying that he is glad Jason finally picked a side but he can see where everyone is coming from. Josh comes in looking for his bible. Jessica says the whole house is paranoid now. Jason saying the whole house wanted Jessica out, even Alex but he said that he told everyone to put up Dom and flip that thing. Alex comes back in to get Jason "NOW!" because Raven is crying. She leaves, Jason laughs and says "See, they think I'm talking." Jessica says she has never seen 11 people so afraid of 2 people in her life. 


    1:12pmBBT:  Paul in KT talking to Alex, Christmas and Josh about what is going on and them bullying Raven. Christmas says they should basically make their lives a living hell: Steal his clothes. Paul says she's going home. lounge clears out. Jason, Cody and Jessica walk out and go through the kitchen. Paul asks Cody why Raven is crying. Cody says he doesnt know. Camera goes to SR with Alex and Jason. He is recounting the entire conversation.


    1:12pmBBT:  Camera switches to DBR and Josh is telling Raven that he will torment Cody the rest of the week. They tell him no don't. He said that he doesn't have a beef with Mark anymore so he can take it out on Cody. Jessica walks in and asks Raven why she is crying. Raven says she wasn't doing anything. She was asking how they cut out the veto (the empty spaces in the circle) and the boys were explaining it. She says that Kevin can confirm. She said she was feeling how heavy it was and that it was all she was doing. Basically Jessica tells her to calm down. They are sick of when they walk into a room where people are talking.. and then changes to Jason was in the room talking to us, defending you and then everyone came in and tried to pull him out because he isn't allowed to talk to us.


    1:13pmBBT:  Jessica says that the whole "don't talk to so-and-so needs to stop. Raven saying she talks to everyone and was just talking to Cody last night when he was cooking. Others start to come into the DBR (Was Matt, Mark, Josh and Raven originally). Jessica doesn't like that the "whole house" has shown up and asks Raven if they can talk privately. They move to the RBR.


    1:13pmBBT:  Jess asks Raven to please put herself in her shoes. Everyone has been conspiring against her since the jump. The speech Jason made was uncalled for and went too far. Raven tries to speak and Jessica keeps cutting her off. Raven finally gets to speak and says I have not treated you like you have lepracy. We were talking about the PoV about it being brass and how they scrape it out. We weren't talking about you, I promise. Jessica doesn't want Raven to cry. Raven says she is and emotional person and when she feels things she feels them strong. Swears she is not attacking or plotting against Jessica and tells her she can take it or leave it.


    1:19pmBBT:  Josh joins Jason & Alex in the SR and asks what happened with Raven. They tell him that they accused Raven of being sketchy. Josh says he is done with him and gets upset. Kevin/Paul come into SR and ask what the heck is going on. Tells them that it had to do with the PoV speech. Cody asked why Jason was personally attacking Cody. Jason says that as of now I am declaring that as of today he is not with this guy. Christmas joins the SR. Paul wants to know if there was any inkling of her not using the Hex and he said no. 


    1:20pmBBT:  Jody in the WCA. Jason, Alex, Josh, Christmas, Kevin, Paul all in the SR talking to Jason about what happened in the lounge when he was talking to Jody. Jody go back into the wave room. Jessica: Paul is unifying the troops. Cody: To do what? It's like Kevin said, it's just a bunch of noise. Now silence for a minute or so.


    1:23pmBBT:  Raven has joined SR and explaining her one on one with Jessica in the RBR a few minutes ago. Paul says game play initiated. Go ahead, use the hex. You are now public enemy number one because you have kept 9 people from jury. They are talking about making Jessica public enemy number 1. Matt joins Jody in the wave room. 


    1:28pmBBT:  Matt defending Raven now too. Jessica saying that it's not that, she just got really upset about the fact that while Jason was defending Raven, the door was closed and Paul, Kevin and Alex tried to get him out of there. Again rehashing Jason's speech and how they didn't like that he complimented Jessica and put Cody down. She says that it was personal and not game and that she doesn't think it came from Jason but that it was provoked by someone else.


    1:32pmBBT:  Raven pulls Matt from the wave room and asks what that was all about. Mic cuts off and Jody start talking again. Matt goes back to DBR and talks about the conversation he just had Jessica and Cody. Says he is not saying anything is wrong with what Jason said at the meeting but that he understands why Jess is standing up for Cody. More than one conversation happening in the DBR and it's hard to hear Matt & Raven now. Brief fish when Alex says how many times people have tried out to be on the show but that "he" is a dud player and it's not fair.


    1:40pmBBT:  Jessica & Cody in WCA: Jessica says that no matter who you are, you are going to get attacked and needs to learn to block it out. Cody says that all he has seen is that Jessica refuses to be bullied, refuses to back down. Jessica says that without Paul the house would be completely different. Cody says more chill, way different. Cody says he was wrong about Jessica, he didn't expect her to be this strong.


    1:48pmBBT:  Whispering going on between Christmas and Paul, but hard to understand. Now they are telling Jason to call Cody out on his military career so that he will flip out about it. Josh decides he is going off because he is bored. The rest of the house follows him to the WCA.


    1:48pmBBT:  Josh grabs his pot & pan and starts in with his music, dancing and slamming them togther in the kitchen. Jessica telling Cody to be very careful asserting too much agression and to NOT lay a hand on Josh. FISH


    1:50pmBBT:  Feeds back and no talking. Jason and Kevin laughing by the fridge. Alex offers to do Kevin's nails and he said no. Jessica in the WCA putting on her makeup. Elena looks like she is making a protein shake (or is that slop?) Paul heading upstairs where Matt & Raven are in the HoH and he starts talking to them and Christmas. Trying to find out why Jessica is so upset about having to use the hex. Why does she want 2 weeks of safety? Because she doesn't want to use the hex.


    1:55pmBBT:  Josh goes into use the WC and asks Jessica when she will make the casserole again and she says that they only get 2 cans of Cream of Mushroom soup a week and she used both. Said that as soon as they restock she will do it again. Josh says good because it was delicious.


    1:57pmBBT:  Paul: What is the one thing she doesn't want? For us to attack Cody. I've done it before, Josh has done it before and Jason can do it. Matt says they need to really do it, 24/7. Paul says that's fine but they need to not go around and pat Jess on the back. Says that Cody has already opened his mouth and talked about transgenter, and others. 



    12:53pmBBT: Jason, Mark, Alex and Paul in the KT talking about raising cows that have no hormones injected and are grass & grain fed. Paul asks if that means Jason can send him meat and Jason says yes, then BB tells Jason to put on his microphone so he runs back to the BR to get it, screaming.


    12:53pmBBT: Raven hugs Jody and kisses them on the cheek. Jessica does not look happy and doesn't seem to even look at Raven. Raven leaves the lounge and Cody starts to talk to Jess, "Before you yell at me-" and Jessica cuts him off. "I'm not going to yell at you. She is never going to go against Paul and you in here talking about him is wasting energy on her." "Okay, okay." "I literally just walked into the room and she's pulled up a chair between Jason and Kevin's beds, they are all whispering and I walk over to my stuff and in the reflection in the mirror I see Jason go like this (pointing) to acknowledge that I've walked over there. I pulled Raven into the side room and said, 'I see you. Not only did you lie to my face last Thursday, now this whispering and like.. I'm done playing like I don't see anything. Bite me"


    Cody: Can I say something real quick? Jessica, can I just say that I am glad you are the queen of controversy?
    Jess: I don't want to be the queen of controversy.
    Cody: I really really like that you take verything head on and there ain't no (freaking) ounce of fear in your body. Gosh, it makes me proud to be your boyfriend. 
    Jessica: Chuckles then silence for a few seconds before, "God I'm tried of her fakeness. Drives me bonkers.


    (Copying Raven) Jessica: 'I have no power. I have no say' I'm sure you say a lot behind closed doors, Raven! (Silence for a few seconds) "Now I'm sure she's going to tell Paul and Paul's going to panic some more. I love it! I think it's great. Watching Paul squirm all week is making me very happy. 
    Cody: And then it will all be for nothing. 
    Jessica: If he thought he was going to convince me to uh try really hard now because he's really freaked now. He is going to be like "Raven you (flipped) it!"
    Cody: Watch, he's going to be like, "So uh, the other day Cody said you're a really bad person."
    Jessica: Laughing, "Okay, noted, thanks."


    12:57pmBBT: Cody: Glad to have you back, Jessica. Glad to have you back.

    Jessica: When did I leave? Cody: Just for brief moments. Not controversy, confrontation, that is what I meant.

    Jessica: I don't want to be confrontational.

    Cody: You're not. You just face it head on. It's funny because people expect you to back down.

    Jessica: Trust me, there's plenty of times that I haven't confronted people who deserved it.

    Cody: If you did you'd spend all day confronting people.

    Jessica: Yeah.

    Cody: So it's-

    Jessica: I'm just so tired of her thinking she can just get away with just running her mouth behind closed doors. It's time for somebody to call her out. She was like 'I never lied to you' You flipping lied to my face on Thursday. 'Oh well now I understand where you're coming from'. Jess sticks out her tongue and blows raspberries. 


    12:58pmBBT:  Jason comes into the wave room/lounge and tells Jess & Cody, that Raven is crying and thinks Jessica is blaming her. Jessica says that when the whole house is conspiring against her, but pretend they aren't, it agrivates her. Cody asks Jason what he ever did to him. Jason is trying to cover his rear end, saying that he thought he could trust Cody and Cody says his actions have shown that he has never gone against Jason and asks about his speech. Jason says it's just that since you came back something isn't right. 


    1:00pmBBT:  Cody telling Jason that everyone wanted him out and if he had put him up week one he would have been gone but he didn't put him up. Now he has thrown that all away. Jason says it's because he was solid with it and then everyone else came down and ditched and it made him wonder. He says everyone is full of crap (Jess starts laughing and says its because she agrees). Cody says there was no point in Jason making that speech that made Cody look like a piece of crap. [Man, I want to see this speech now! ~PaganMom]

  15. 10:30amBBT: Cody in the KT making coffee after getting more out of the SR. Christmas comes out of the HN room and Jason says "good morning" and Kevin asks who he is talking to. Jason says "The Christmas" and Kevin says good morning tree". Not sure where she scooted off too as she vanished from DBR cameras and hasn't appeared on the KT cameras yet.


    10:35amBBT: Cody heads to the SR and takes some asprin or ibuprfen (I think) and heads back into the KT. Kevin asked why the door closed and Jason said Christmas went into the RBR to get some clothes. Cody to WC. Christmas trying to get clothes, Matt up and moving around now.


  16. 9:52amBBT: Mark makes his way to the WC as Jason is finishing up ADLs. Jason heads back to the DBR where Kevin is back in bed. He told Jason in the WCA that he hadn't slept all night. Kevin asking Jason if he's alright. He says yeah. Kevin tells him to try to get more sleep before they call them for PoV. Jason says he doesn't know what he is going to say at the meeting. Kevin jokes and does some "auctioneer-ing" and Jason laughs and says he may just do that. 


    9:56amBBT: "Cody, there are fresh batteries in the Storage Room" "The bedroom lights must remain on during the day." Cody ignores the light when heading into the SR for a new battery. Jason is still trying to figure out who painted his nails. Cody returns to the RBR as BB again says the lights need to be on. He turns the light on and then crawls back into bed, covering himself and Jessica from head to toe.


    10:01amBBT: "Houseguests must be awake from 10am until 10pm." Kevin now telling Jason that his dream last night was that he was a trainer, training Alex for her first fight. We get brief fish and when the feeds come back, Jessica has poked her head out of the blankets with sunglasses on. BB tells Kevin to put his microphone on [No wonder I couldn't hear him so well ~PaganMom] Kevin & Jason talking about the wake up songs. Jason says they were epic terrible.


    10:09amBBT: Silence has fallen in the DBR as Kevin and Jason attempt to go back to sleep. We have cameras one and two on the RBR where no one is awake and cameras three and four on the DBR where they are still trying to sleep.


    10:20amBBT: All was quiet until BB repeated that HG's have to be awake. Then the Fbombs fell from Kevin and Jason. They are now talking about when you were sick as a kid.


    1024amBBT: "I'll ask again nicely. Please no napping. Pretty please?" Paul was up feeding the fish. More movement in RBR now.


    10:28amBBT: What do you not understand about please? Wake up! Kevin asks Jason if he wants to just get up and get coffee. Says "This handsome man in the sky just wants us to get up" Jason laughs.

  17. 9:19amBBT: Feeds up.. On sleeping HGs. BB says, "The bedroom lights must remain on during the day" No one moves.


    9:21amBBT: "Rise and shine. Wakey wakey house guests. There are fresh batteries in the storage room. Rise a-"


    9:27am BBT: Kevin, Josh, Mark, Raven, Jessica, Jason, Cody. There are fresh batteries in the storage room." Raven gets up and changes batteries then heads to the WC.


    9:28amBBT: The bedroom lights must remain on during the day." Raven exits WC, takes a swig of mouthwash and starts swishing then walks back to the RBR (without washing her hands). BB reminds them again about lights, Raven crawls back into bed.


    9:39am BBT: Jason moving around a lot. His legs from the just below the knee are off the bed. Oh and he is up and curled into a ball on his head/arms/knees on the bed with his hands covering his face.


    9:42am BBT: Jessica is up, wraps a throw blanket around herself and heads to the WC. Everyone else, including balled up Jason, still asleep. Jessica out of the WC and heads back to RBR (without washing her hands). Stops in the SR to grab a new battery then heads into the RBR.


    9:45amBBT: "The bedroom lights must remain on during the day." Jessica gets under the covers and ignores BB. Jason is straightening the blankets on his bed and then gets shorts on. Heads into the SR to get a new battery. 


    9:47amBBT: Jason comes out of the SR, grabs what looks like a toiletry kit and starts to leave the DBR. BB again says that the lights need to be on, so he turns back, flips on the GBR light, and heads to WCA. 


    9:47amBBT: Jason comes out of the SR, grabs what looks like a toiletry kit and starts to leave the DBR. BB again says that the lights need to be on, so he turns back, flips on the GBR light, and heads to WCA. 


    9:48am BBT: "Paul, Kevin, Josh, Mark, Cody. Please exchange your battery for one in the storage room." "


    9:50amBBT: Jason realizes someone has painted his toe nails. He asks Kevin who painted his toes. Kevin says he didn't see anyone do anything.

  18. :7:23amBBT: All four cameras showing sleeping HGs.


    7:25amBBT: Matt heads to the WC, stopping to check the time in the kitchen and listen at the door to the BY first, then heads back to the RBR taking a drink before climbing back into bed with Raven.


    8:33amBBT: Cody up in the RBR kisses Jessica on the back of the head and then heads towards the WC. Walks through the kitchen, checking the time, and then to the door to the BY where he checks to see if it's open (It is) and then finally makes his way to the WC. [EDIT: at 10:40am, Cody comes out of the WC and asks Christmas and Matt why the BY is closed. ~PaganMom]


    8:36amBBT: House lights are on now. Cody heads back to the RBR, climbs into bed with Jessica and goes back to sleep.


    9:02amBBT: Christmas is up an scooting her way around the house and heads to the WC. COmes out and washes her hands, scoots through the KT, checking the time then off to the SR for a new battery. Back to bed in the HN room she goes.


    9:08amBBT: WBRB just as Elena was leaving the HN room. Wake up call?



  19. 9:30pmBBT: Matt comes out of the RBR after putting a shirt on and whispers to Elena that he got Raven worked up and that he likes this part. He then goes to the kitchen and they start kissing before she tells him to go away.


    9:32pmBBT: Mark & Elena sitting in the DBR on opposite sides of the room saying nothing. Not even looking at each other. Other cams on Raven cooking.


    9:34pmBBT: Cody comes out of DR and tells Raven that their hot tub time is over. The temperature is not at a safe level. Feeds jump all to Marlena. Talking about how long she was asleep. She asks if he is ok and he said she is fine.


    9:37pmBBT: Camera moves to Paul asleep in the HoH room with a baseball cap over his face that says "Best Dad Ever". Then all 4 back to Mark & Elena talking about how they are guaranteed jury after this week and Mark says "Maybe'. He doesn't want to be locked up in the jury that long. Josh walks in chugging his water saying he just wants to be in bed and take a nap.


    9:38pmBBT: Mark says he needs fresh air and heads outside. Josh & Elena talking about slop and her body adjusting. He asks if she has gone to the bathroom yet and she says no. He says before you know it, it will be Friday and you will be done. She reminds him she has the extension.


    9:38pmBBT: Feeds go to Cody/Jessica in the hammock talking about having sex on camera. He says that its more difficult in the RBR because every time he stops her, someone walks in. Talki‌ng about how live feeders were watching the clock when they had HoH. Jessica says she doesn't believe that because she has never seen any BBUS sex videos and she has looked (not hard enough! google April & Ollie! ~PaganMom).


    9:45pmBBT: Jess has been recounting to Cody the "scandal" of BB when Jeff from The Amazing Race was pleasuring himself in the HoH bed with Julia or Liz in the bed and it appearing that he wiped something on her shirt. She said that fans called in for him to be expelled and BB rewound video to find out that it was there before he touched her shoulder. Elena & Josh in the SR and he is asking if things are ok wit her and Mark. She asks why he wants to know.


    9:48pmBBT: Cody thinking the house is great. Basically that its the first time you are going to be unplugged for this long. Says that when he got on the computer for the blog, he was like, "I don't even need the computer" Jess says that she had to get her typing under control. Other two cams are Josh & Elena still talking about the Marlena situation. She says that Mark was interested in her and they were in the same house but it isn't easy to explore a relationship in the house.


    9:51pmBBT: Josh tells Elena that he will stop joking with Mark and will be nicer. Elena says she thinks Mark is okay, but there has just been a lot going on the last few days. Josh says he won't say anything to anyone. He won't even mention this conversation. Jody talking about hating to wear seat belts. Cody says he bought his truck because it doesn't ding when he doesn't have his seat belt on. Jess said she hates when riding with someone else and they make her put it on.


    9:55pmBBT: Cody talking about opening the back window of his truck and turning up the radio. Jessica yells "There is a God!" Raven comes out with cookies on a cookie sheet. Jessica pulls the center out of hers and is trying to make Cody eat it, then smashes it on his face.

  20. Updating until 10pm BBT


    9:10pmBBT: Jess/Cody in hammock in the BY. Jason, Alex, Raven, Matt in the hot tub talking about laying down roots.


    9:11pmBBT: HT group talking about mini ponies being mean. Joking that they are mean because they are trying to be a real horse. Jason yells out, "Linda don't you ever die! I think I just burnt my thigh!" Sounds like Linda controls the heat and just turned it on.


    9:14pmBBT: After discussing that Cody looks great with facial hair, Jody decide to go into the house and are laughing as they get to the door. Camera follows Cody all the way into the RBR. He walked by Kevin, Josh and Mark in the DBR talking.


    9:15pmBBT: Matt telling the others in the HT about a conversation with Jessica about something Cody said week 1. I can't make out what is being said, but apparently Paul told her just before and it wasn't good.


    9:19pmBBT: Elena in the KT with Jody and tells Jess that she thinks she fell asleep while talking to Mark. Elena asks where everyone else is and Jess tells her who is in the HT and who is in the DBR. Jess and Cody head out and join the HT group.


    9:24pmBBT: Kevin talking to Josh, telling him he is going to gain 15lbs by the end of the week because of all the junk he has been eating.


    9:26pmBBT: Raven went in the house and collected a huge pile of clothes for the wash and starts heading towards outside. Keven remembers he needs to pull the clothes out of the wash. Cody called to DR.


    9:28pmBBT: Matt put powder on Raven. She is all upset telling him to not touch her. He starts eating chicken out of a pan with his fingers and she starts yelling at him to stop so he chases her around the house with the powder. She runs into Matt on Jason's bed and gets a little bit more powder on her. She is all upset telling Elena to lock Matt up in a cage.

  21. Happy Friday! Are you ready for another week? Not as much "stragety" in this weeks, just some interesting things that I thought I would share. Starting Week 5 I will be doing things different.




    7/20 Thursday: 

    As far as we know, they could have already played the rest of the game and crowned a winner. We lost feeds in the early afternoon and they won't be back until around 9pm Big Brother Time (PST that is) FRIDAY :( 
    7/21 Friday:

    Battle Back show. Feeds up at 9pmPST.

    Morty put up the following poll on Friday:




    As you can see, many wanted Cody back but a lot wanted Cameron back too! Less than 200 votes separated them.

    Feeds came back at about 9pm BBT and it wasn't long before we learned that Jessica won HoH and nominated Josh & Ramses. Seriously. Okay, then she must be planning to back door Paul right? Nope. Josh is the target. Seriously. Josh is in full on cry mode (In my best Danielle Donato impression) Shocker! Christmas and Paul are talking about flipping the house and getting Ramses out. They won't be telling Marlena the plan as they feel Mark is right back up there with Jody. Someone mentions PoV comp in the morning.

    7/22 Saturday:
    Jason/Cody only ones up that morning. Interesting and lengthy chat in the KT:

    • Cody can play HoH for week 5 (Thursday).
    • Tells Jason that it's Jody & Jalex (Jason/Alex), maybe Kevin. Cody says no to Mark, that he is only loyal to Elena and may play both sides.
    • Cody tells Jason that the other side needs to step up and not let Paul run their game for them.
    • Talk of all Cody missed after he was evicted.
    • Cody wants HoH to "make a show of it". 
    • Jason calls Josh a "mental midget" when Cody brings him up.
    • Speculation of a Double Eviction this week, Cody thinks it will be a normal week. Jason says it's day 31 and they are numbers heavy.

    Conversation ends not long after Jason admits that he voted Cody out. Paul brings up voting out Ramses instead of Josh to Jason a little bit later. Anxiety and paranoia rear their ugly heads regarding the curse this week. PoV Players picked: Jessica, Josh, Ramses, Jess pulls HG choice, picks Cody. Josh pulls Jason. Ramses pulls Christmas. Christmas tells Ramses that he is safe and staying this week. Matt and Christmas talk and both think that Marlena threw the HoH because they have a relationship with Jody. (Raven finally got her stitches out!). She then tells Maven that Elena pinches Mark when he talks too much (very interesting!). Matt thinks Jessica thought he was Cody and she told him that they need to check with Alex before using the veto. Matt tosses out throwing the next HoH to Jalex and having them put up Marlena. Christmas suggested Cody & Mark up or Jessica & Elena to split at least one couple up (Interesting!) Later, Mark/Cody in the kitchen and Mark makes comments like "It's a beautiful thing, this alliance" to Cody. The two seem chummy. POV COMP: Jessica won. Cody tells Jessica that mark is no friend of his and stabbed him straight in the back. (Voted him out). Almost seems like Matt is having second thoughts. Trying to explain that if they vote out Ramses and either Cody or Marlena get HoH, they go up.


    7/23 Sunday: 
    Although in his interview with Jeff after being evicted Cody said he wanted to work with Paul, he still wants to back door him even if it means putting Raven up as a pawn. HoH Lock down for HN Set up. First three down in HoH become Have Nots. This means that Mark is starting week 2 in a row of slop, right next to Josh, who is a Have not because he got the extension token last week in the HN Temptation. (Mark meets the same fate this week, now sentenced to 3 weeks straight of slop) Kevin and Paul round out the Have nots. At some point, Matt tells Raven to be careful since she knows Victor (El Fit Vic #BB18) and he and Paul are tight (not as tight as in the house from what I gather).


    7/24 Monday:

    PoV Ceremony - Jessica didn't use the PoV

    7/25 Tuesday: 

    Doesn't have much to do with the decisions in the game, but Jessica announces to Cody, in the HoH room that she has a prescription for birth control. Says she had one before coming in, but didn't bring it because she wasn't expecting to need it. He asked her how long it takes to start working and Jessica says two weeks. (THIS IS WRONG! You don't start until the first day of your next cycle. Then you take for 28 days. At the end of the 28 days, after your period starts while ON the pill, your birth control is active. Please do NOT let BB House guests teach you the do's and don'ts of birth control!) She also tells him that BB said there are condoms in the Storage Room so that he can do his part. In a strange coincidence, just before 1:00am, MAVEN are having a little fun, with Christmas in the room. I believe they were talking to her during part of it!

    7/26 Wednesday: 

    House guests are put on an Indoor Lock down that will remain in place until after the PoV (will explain when I get to Thursday). Paul and Jess discuss the curse and wonder why it's taken a week to implement. Jess hasn't revealed to Paul (Only Cody & Kevin) that she has the Halting Hex. Cody and Jess talking and Cody tells her that Mark was throwing Maven under the bus. Talking about votes, Cody says they have: Christmas, Kevin, Ramses and he can have a long talk with Jalex to get them as well (to vote out Paul if Cody wins HoH). HGs are shown pictures on the memory wall of Cameron, Jillian and Dominique covered in tattoos. This is for the HoH comp.

    7/27 Thursday:
    By a vote of 7-3, Ramses has been evicted. Cody, Marlena are the only ones that voted Josh out. Josh continued to play shocked (that boy is tryin for that Oscar!). Marlena are stunned. They don't know what to think.


    We learned tonight that the CURSE that goes along with Jessica's Halting Hex (We are referring to it as the Hex curse) is called the Temptation Competition. Each of the next three weeks, before nominations, the house guests will be tempted to play a game. If they do, a curse is unleashed (just like previous temptations). If they win, they are safe for the week





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