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Everything posted by Goldylucks

  1. We ended up week 6 really strong, but it doesn't hold a candle to how we started out our Week 7. Wow!! So, let's get this started...... Todd, member of Morty's TV Facebook Group is back with "On Paul's Back" and "Grab a Snack"
  2. 9:30 AM BBT Cody has gone back to bed. All HGs are now back in bed again. 9:56 AM BBT WBRB, must be their wake up call.
  3. 9:00 AM BBT Cody gets up and heads back to the WC again. After washing his hands he goes to the lounge and starts bouncing an apple around. "I am so bored." 9:20 AM BBT Cody has been bouncing that apple around for the past 15 minutes. He then heads back to the WC for the third time in under an hour. After washing his hands he checks the coffee pot again. Not quite ready.
  4. Good morning. I will be in and out most of the day. Feel free to hop in at any time. 8:30 AM BBT The HGs are still asleep. Feeds 1 and 2 show Paul and Christmas in bed with the lights out. Feeds 3 and 4 show HGs sleeping in the Have Not Room with the lights on and their heads under the covers. 8:35 AM BBT Cody wakes up in the Have Not Room and heads to the WC. He examines the coffee maker afterwards and then heads back to bed again. 8:49 AM BBT BB "Jason is chilling and getting into extreme relaxation. Jason "I AM CHILLING AND.....I AM EXTREME.....oh man damn it." 8:54 AM BBT BB "Jason is doing some extreme lounging." Jason "BECAUSE I AM EXTREME!"
  5. 2:02 PM BBT In the lounge Josh and Paul are talking. Josh tells him that Mark and Jason are getting extremely close. He says that during his last HOH, he watched them playing chess together and they never moved a piece. They were clearly whispering to each other and then stopped when he would walk by. For over 30 minutes, nothing on the game board moved. 2:06 PM BBT Paul asks Josh if he has told Alex about this. He said no. Paul said he should. He disagrees. Paul asks if he isn't sure it is just paranoia. Josh said his paranoid days are over. After 30 days of it, he knows what is real and what isn't. 2:09 PM BBT Josh also tells Paul that Jason mentioned the 3 of them (Josh, Mark and Jason) had agreed to a final 3 in the SR earlier in the game. However, Josh tells him that Jason was mistaken and it wasn't him in the SR with them. He doesn't know who the 3rd person is. Paul says Alex needs to know this. Josh says it is too early and will mess up everything. All they have to do to fix it is get rid of Mark next. Paul said that Alex will not confront him but needs to know. Josh says no. 2:13 PM BBT Josh says he isn't really worried because Alex will check him. Paul says that is why he needs to tell her. She needs to keep an eye on him. Paul trusts that she will not rat him out but she has to know. Paul tells Josh that if he trusts him at all then call Alex in there and tell her. BB calls Josh to the DR. Josh makes Paul promise he won't tell Alex. Paul says he won't. After Josh leaves Paul says out loud to himself "Interesting. Very interesting." 2:19 PM BBT Paul goes up to talk to Alex in the HOH room. He tells her that she cannot repeat what he says until Josh is confident enough to tell her himself. Paul tells her that Josh said Jason is in a final 3 with Mark. She tells him that she knows about it. He told her about it. It was way back from like day 1. He feels really guilty about it and is a bit worried that it is going to come back and bite him for it. They agree that Mark needs to go next. Alex says that Mark is glued to her a** and she is over it. 2:24 PM BBT Alex and Paul are still talking in the HOH. They are discussing whether or not to try to backdoor Mark during the double eviction. Paul says that Mark has won 3 comps back to back and he would probably be really good at one in which you have to quickly find something. At 2:25 PM BBT we get kitties. 2:25 PM BBT Kitties. It is time for the POV Competition.
  6. 1:30 PM BBT Kevin and Paul are talking in the green BR. Kevin tells him that Cody approached him to see if there is any chance at all that he can do anything to stay in the house this week. Kevin told him it was a done deal and there is nothing he can do. He tells Paul that Cody said he was just going to enjoy his last 3 days in the house then. 1:36 PM BBT In the Green BR: Kevin tells Paul that Cody told him in confidence that he has a daughter at home and a brother that died in a motorcycle accident in Afghanistan 5 years ago. His brother's name was Dylan. Paul says that if Cody had told more people about him, it might have changed things. People might understand him more. Paul says people would have had a totally different perception about him had he been honest from the get go. 1:40 PM BBT In the SR Matt and Raven are whispering. Raven tells him that if Mark or Elena were to win HOH next, they are safe. They would be nominating Alex and Jason. Matt says "Wow, that's a bold move." 1:41 PM BBT Christmas is talking to Elena in the WA. She tells Elena that if this week ends up being a double eviction, she hopes everyone remembers that she sacrificed her only power for the benefit of the house. 1:47 PM BBT Elena is telling Christmas that she knows she is disposable. This is the second time that she has been used as a pawn and things can go wrong. She doesn't care how many times people say she is good. The whole house lied to her about the Ramses/Josh vote. An hour before the eviction and she was still being told that Josh was going home. 1:56 PM BBT BB "Matt, Raven, safety first. No horsing around." Raven "I was an unwilling participant in that!" None of the feeds were on Matt or Raven so we don't know what BB scolded them for. 1:58 PM BBT Christmas tells Elena that they really nailed the POV pool. Cody can't play. He has no temptation to use.
  7. 1:10 PM BBT Kevin and Jason are telling Josh that his family is going to hide all of the pots and pans when he gets home. Either that or that is how his mother is going to wake him up from now on. 1:20 PM BBT Some of the HGs are getting anxious. Elena says they were woken up by BB at 7:30 this morning. They are ready to get the POV started. 1:25 PM BBT In the WA Elena tells Raven that her and Mark are no longer a "thing" but she knows that he will never go against her. Raven tells her that Matt is her dog. She replies that she knows that but she asked him if he would use the veto on her and his response was that he would do what Alex wants.
  8. 12:30 PM BBT Not much is going on in the house. The HGs are waiting for the POV competition. Raven and Christmas are waiting it out the WA. Paul, Kevin, Jason, and Josh are waiting it out in the Green BR. Just general chit chat. 12:43 PM BBT Josh is talking about his friend getting his friend stolen. Paul, Kevin and Elena stop him because of his grammar. "They stoled his phone." They explain to him that there is no D in stole. Josh says no, they stoled it. They will not let him continue his story until he admits that stoled is not a not a word. Josh "Are you sure?" 12:50 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 are on Raven and Josh dancing without music in the KT. Feeds 3 and 4 are on Cody upstairs playing chess without an opponent.
  9. 12:05 PM BBT Elena and Christmas are talking in the WA. Elena says she has done plenty for the team agenda. Raven walks in and they notice that the 3 of them are all wearing blue tops this morning. 12:19 PM BBT All 4 feeds are on the Green BR. Paul, Kevin, josh and Jason are discussing how Josh's mom wanted him to graduate college and go to work on Wall Street. He believed the hype and for a while thought he was going to be the Wolf of Wall Street. 12:20 PM BBT Jason asks Josh if he really feels like he would have made it on Wall Street. He says yes and everyone laughs. He starts to defend himself but Paul tells him that he needs to learn how to get over things. The world is hard and mommy is not always going to be there. 12:27 PM BBT Elena is called to the DR.
  10. 11:30 AM BBT The POV should be very soon. Josh is hosting the POV competition and he was just called into the DR. 11:34 AM BBT Paul joins Matt and Alex in the HOH. Paul tells Matt that if he wins HOH, he has to use the POV to take down Jason. Matt says that he is willing to do that. Matt brings up that they can all throw the competition to Alex. Paul tells him that is okay but that makes Alex do all the work and he feels bad about that. 11:37 AM BBT In the HOH Paul and Matt are discussing throwing the POV. They are trying to determine whether they want to look like they tried to win it before they throw it. Either way, Jason, Alex, Mark and Elena are going to play hard to win it. It will be the same result either way however Alex would like it if it is Jason that comes down. 11:40 AM BBT Matt, Raven and Paul are in the HOH. Raven thinks Cody is the worse player to play the BB game. Paul says it was Jessica. He says he told her that she was going to go home and Cody would be right behind her as the first person in the jury. It played out exactly like he said it would. 11:48 AM BBT POV false alarm. Josh exits the DR and Paul is called in.
  11. 11:00 AM BBT All 4 feeds are on Jason and Josh. Jason tells Josh that he has said that he (Josh) hates bullies while he walked around the house banging pots and pans which is bullying behavior. Josh says that it wasn't bullying and Jason says that bullying is making excuses for the behavior. Josh admits that banging pots and pans is not good but it has been in response to bullies and their actions. 11:05 AM BBT Josh continues to justify his pots and pans behavior to Jason by saying that it is in Mark's very nature to be disloyal. Meanwhile Alex comes out and admits to Jason and Josh that she told DR she had to leave her DR session because she had to poop. Jason "You actually said that, you have to poop." Alex "Yes." Jason "I hope they use that." Then Jason goes back to Josh and says that he needs to learn how to take it. Josh says he appreciates it when Jason corrects him. Jason says he is much more intelligent than he was at that age. Jason is smarter because of the criticism he took from those he cares about. 11:15 AM BBT Alex and Jason tell Josh to remember that Jess's mom's first language is Brazilian. Instead of making Josh feel stupid because English is his second language, she should be proud of how much he has learned and for being bilingual. That goes to show what kind of person she is. She makes fun of people for be just like her own mom. 11:25 AM BBT Not much is going on in the house. Christmas is talking to Paul about her dad in the KT. Raven is upstairs dancing and listening to Alex's music.
  12. 10:33 AM BBT Alex is called to the DR. Jason jumps up and says Oh sh**, that means we are going to get our costumes. He and Jason head out of the HOH room and Jason yells "Here it comes". However someone downstairs says something to him to lead him believe it is not yet POV time so he and Kevin go back into the HOH. 10:36 AM BBT Jason and Kevin are still in the HOH. Kevin says that him and Jason are easily in the top 2 where it comes to their social game. Kevin says Mark is pretty good socially too but he has been getting lucky lately. Kevin tells him not to bank on it being luck. Mark is smart. Kevin says he won yesterday because he didn't move. He spent the whole time in the Have Not Room. It was luck. 10:50 AM BBT Paul, Raven, Matt and Christmas are in the KT. Paul says that when they get out everyone is going to want to talk about them in the house. He says he hated that. The world saw what they were up to. He wants to hear about what he missed out on, not about the house. 10:57 AM BBT In the HOH Jason tells Josh that Josh has brass balls. He makes Jason look like an idiot when he was that same age. Meanwhile Cody and Kevin are talking in the Green BR. Cody tells Kevin that he accomplished everything he wanted in the game. Cody tells him to not say anything because he doesn't want it used against him, but he has a daughter. They discuss how he gets his daughter over the summer. Cody also tells him that his brother died in Afghanistan in a motor cycle accident. Feeds then switch to all 4 feeds on Jason and Josh.
  13. 10:00 AM BBT Alex and Jason are still in the HOH. Alex says Raven is getting too comfortable around her. She opens up one of her sodas and then sets it down. Instead of finding it and drinking it, she opens up another one right in front of Alex. 10:07 AM BBT Jason tells Alex he is fine with how things went down yesterday however he says he was pi$$ed about her speech. He jokes that he was going to make her eggs and bacon last night but after her speech, he just wanted to....(he takes a pillow and slams it against the bed over and over again). Alex tells him you can lose this game by trusting people but she and Jason trust each other 100% so he just needs to remember that and to trust his team. 10:16 AM BBT Raven and Matt are in the lounge. They said that they love Kevin as a person. She tells him that Kevin met Prince in person and he signed a tambourine for him. Raven says that thing is worth a fortune. "Holy s**t balls." Regarding Mark and Elena, if one of them get HOH next week they are going to target Josh and Christmas. They should be okay with them for a while. 10:20 AM BBT All 4 feeds are on Josh and Kevin in the WA. Josh says there was a time everyone was against him. Kevin says he was never against Josh except when Josh went nuts. What is anyone supposed to do when you go nuts. Josh is glad others are feeling what he went through now. 10:22 AM BBT Kevin says this was the first time that he experienced a moment of weakness missing his kids. Josh tells him to open up to him anytime. He says he misses his family really bad. Josh dreams about his siblings every other day. 10:26 AM BBT Matt to Raven in the lounge. Them sending out Cody this week is huge. Paul will probably not even get put on the block now. Because everyone trusts Paul. 10:28 AM BBT In the HOH Alex, Jason and Kevin are speculating about what the competitions will be Thursday. The entire house suspects a double eviction. Kevin thinks that means it will be a physical HOH competition. Alex says no, it will be a super fast one.
  14. 9:30 AM BBT Jason tells Alex, Kevin and Paul in the HOH that if they insist on targeting pairs together they should consider Matt and Raven first instead of Mark and Elena because Mark and Elena are so much better to hang out with. Paul says you can't play with your emotions. Josh is annoying as f*** but look how beneficial it has been keeping him. You have to go after the ones that are going to be harder to beat. Jason says he is right. 9:40 AM BBT Jason, Alex and Paul are in the HOH talking about how sketchy Kevin has been lately. He takes from everyone and everyone cooks for him, fixes his bed, helps him out because you feel bad for him. He is working the system. 9:47 AM BBT In the HOH Jason tells Alex and Paul that he wants a T-shirt with his wife's face on it to get Christmas off his a**. Meanwhile, Matt, Raven, Josh, Cody, Kevin and Christmas are all hanging out in the KT. 9:52 AM BBT Paul has left Jason and Alex alone in the HOH. Alex tells him that when Cody comes up to talk to her, she is going to play on his sympathies so that his anger stays directed towards Paul instead of her. Flashback to 9:31 Cameras 3/4: Paul says that it's a good thing they put Elena on the block because now that he was picked, Mark HAS to use it to save her. We can confirm that Mark and Paul were picked to play in the veto and that Matt has been encouraged to throw the competition.
  15. 9:10 AM BBT We are still waiting for the feeds to return. 9:20 AM BBT Feeds return and more of the HGs are up and around. Elena is just glad she is able to put random food in her mouth. She grabs something from Alex's basket and eats it. She says she doesn't even care what it is. 9:25 AM BBT Jason, Paul and Alex are in the HOH. They say that everyone has been underestimating Mark. He portrays himself as the dumb jock but he is really smart. They should have known by the way he plays chess. You can see him looking at every possible option. He has a great memory. Kevin walks in. They confirm that the week is all set. Cody is being backdoored and they don't even have to talk for the rest of the week.
  16. Good morning. I will be in and out all day. Feel free to jump in at any time. Never too much information or too much coverage!! 8:45 AM BBT Christmas, Jason and Cody are in the KT drinking coffee. BB has been calling the HGs to the DR early this morning. Jason is telling them that he thinks someone in the house is a plant for production. Cody tells him they would never do that because of gaming laws. BB tells them that they are not allowed to talk about production. Alex is called into the DR. 8:50 PM BBT Cody, Jason and Christmas are speculating why some of the HGs have decided to not be up front about their profession. Cody says he would not be surprised at all if they didn't all have some kind of brilliance in one area or another. 8:54 AM BBT WBRB Wake Up Calls.
  17. 7:35 PM BBT While Mark and Christmas are making peace in the lounge, Jason and Josh are wrestling again in the green BR. BB tells them to stop that. 7:39 PM BBT Christmas asks Mark why Cody put her up week one. She was the first real nominee on the block. She doesn't understand. Mark says he probably had this thing with the showmances plus Dominique. Mark says he was very surprised when it went down. Meanwhile Paul has joined Alex in the HOH room. Paul tells her that they got her covered next week but Kevin is acting sketchy as f***. 7:45 PM BBT Paul and Alex are still alone in the HOH. He tells her that Josh should be kept til the end. He's harmless. Alex agrees. Paul "Me, you, Jason, Josh and maybe Christmas to the end." If they can't get rid of Cody then they plan to take out Elena then Matt. When Matt goes, Raven will flock straight to Paul. 7:50 PM BBT Alex and Paul are now discussing how Kevin is always acting worried and sketchy every time Alex wins HOH. Paul wants Alex to make sure that Jason isn't freaked out by Kevin. He also tells Alex that Jason talks too dang much. 7:52 PM BBT Paul tells Alex that if he gets HOH he is going to put Kevin up as a pawn because he hasn't done s***. Alex agrees. He is not pulling his weight. 7:56 PM BBT In the HOH Alex tells Paul that Kevin was on a row boat and is a pot stirrer. 7:58 PM BBT Alex to Paul in the HOH about Kevin "He knows where everyone in the house is. He has 7 f*ing kids. His dad was probably a shady mobster."
  18. 7:11 PM BBT Feeds return. Jason is wrestling with Josh. Then Paul is wrestling with Josh. Cody goes and gets some mouth wash and then goes back into the Have Not room to sit alone. 7:20 PM BBT Mark and Alex are in the HOH Room. Alex tells Mark that in order to give him longevity in the game he needs to build up trust in the house. She informs him that her target isn't Elena and she is safe. Mark says Christmas and Josh are bringing up stuff that happened a month ago. He is tired of hearing his name ran through the mud. 7:26 PM BBT Mark says he just wants Alex to know where he stands with her and Jason. Because next week there is no obvious target anymore. The lines are going to be drawn. People are going to have different interests. She says she is not targeting Elena. She would not have put up her and Jason if she wanted her to go. 7:30 PM Mark and Alex have ended their conversation in the HOH. Mark goes down to talk to Christmas. They are both talking calmly now. Mark says his name has always been drug through the mud because of his association with him. He says he should have come to her one on one calmly. Christmas says "And I don't back down. Never." Christmas tells him that he has Elena to talk to. So, they have never really talked game or had a game relationship.
  19. 6:00 PM BBT Things are all calm in the house now. The HGs are eating their steaks. Most of the HGs are scattered around inside the house talking chit chat. 6:10 Raven and Matt are upstairs in the HOH. Matt is giving her a play by play of the arguments between Christmas, Mark and Josh. He says that every dang week someone gets into it. The more the argue, the better it is for them. 6:12 PM BBT WBRB 6:14 PM BBT Still on WBRB. Probably nomination ceremony time. 6:15 PM BBT WBRB has changed over to Bunnies. It is nomination time.
  20. 5:32 PM BBT Mark has walked away from the KT. Josh asks her what started it. She said she saw Mark talking game to Cody and a bunch of others in the room. She made mention of it to Alex. Later when Mark was alone she asked him if he was talking game to Cody. Mark said he wasn't. That was it. Mark blew it out of proportion because she didn't barge into the room full of people and asking about it then. She said it would have only lead to this. 5:34 PM BBT Paul is talking to Mark in the Green BR. Paul tells him to just try to calm down. Elena walks in and said that Christmas is being crazy. Things have calmed down and most of the HGs are picking out their steaks. Alex tells Christmas that she thinks Jason screwed up and took her steak instead of his. Paul says that Christmas is going to rip his cock off. 5:43 PM BBT Cody and Kevin are talking in the lounge. They are speculating why Jess got the temptation when she did. Cody says he suspects it wasn't him and her but that America loved her. Cody also tells him that he suspects anyone that publicly berated her is probably not going to be well received outside. WBRB 5:47 PM BBT Jason and Kevin are now talking in the lounge to the cameras and to Jason's wife Holly. Jason apologizes for being late because of the chaos in the KT. Jason says they did alright today. Kevin agrees that Jason did not screw up the family name today. Jason is shooting for the 90th percentile. Jason speaks to Holly and says he is going to be a brand new man when he leaves the house. Because he has been forced to sleep next to Kevin for so long. 5:50 PM BBT Jason tells Holly that he was late and missed 5:30 PM because of time deprivation, food deprivation, sleep deprivation. They start to sing. WBRB. When the feeds return Kevin is telling Jason he can't sing so Kevin starts to sing. WBRB.
  21. 5:00 PM BBT Paul, kevin, Jason and Josh are in the HOH. Kevin says they need to go down and get a snack because they will very soon be put in the red room to be quiet and stare at a wall for 45 minutes. They discuss that Cody is not going to lay down and give up. Kevin quotes Cody as saying that even a broken clock is right twice a day. Josh asks him what that means. Kevin tells him to shut the F up. 5:03 PM Christmas and Mark and arguing in the KT. Christmas says she caught him whispering and talking game with Cody. Mark says she has been whispering things about him behind his back. She said he is deflecting with his weird little questions. She challenges him asking him "Where you talking game to Cody?" Mark says they just were talking about the temptation comp and they were talking about it. Mark "You whisper something to the HOH. We were all together and you waited for it to be one on one to whisper it." 5:06 PM BBT Christmas says she wanted to ask him what was going on and didn't think it was appropriate to say it and potentially blow his game up publicly. They are starting to raise their voice and now have a full audience with Elena, Paul, Josh and Jason. Mark keeps pushing the point that she never approached him about it. 5:08 PM BBT Christmas says Mark is being a bully right now. He accuses her of spreading lies about him to the HOH and then letting it run rampant. She explains that she did talk to Alex but she didn't think it was a big deal and went to him straight afterwards. He accuses her of spreading his name around the house. 5:10 PM BBT Mark storms off and then comes back. She asks him why he voted to keep her the second time, and to be very very careful with the answer because she already has it. He says it was personal decision, a stupid one, and he should have voted to evict her Week 1. She tells him that he didn't have the votes. She accuses Mark of having an alliance with Cody that is hiding and she calls out to Cody. Cody is sitting alone in the Have Not Room and doesn't move. 5:12 PM BBT Christmas and Mark are still arguing the KT in front of the rest of the house. She tells Marks she knows that one of the reasons Cody put her up was because of Mark's alliance with him and Mark putting her name out there. She says that Cody not coming out to defend him proves it to be true. Mark asks why his name keeps being brought up. "Because you keep doing shady shit." He says he acts like a man when Josh was acting like a child. She tells him to keep the personal out of it. His behavior was not that of a man and he should not refer to Josh as a child. 5:15 PM BBT Mark accuses Christmas for stirring the pot by switching votes for Cody. She asks him why she would do that. She had just had surgery and had just been back-stabbed and blind sided by him. Why would she stir the pot for him? Mark says this is getting out of control. Meanwhile Cody is listening from the Have Not Room and Matt is watching upstairs from the HOH. 5:18 PM BBT Josh puts himself into the argument because he says he can't take the bullshit. He tells Mark that he is accusing Christmas of doing exactly what Mark did to Cody. As soon as the house turned against Cody, Mark and Elena flipped on him. Mark denies ever flipping against Cody. Josh then yells that Mark flips on his own allies and even now, he is throwing out jabs on Jason. Christmas says Josh is right. Mark flips based on the numbers. Josh calls it a whack move that he doesn't respect. 5:23 PM BBT Josh calls Mark a flip flopper. Mark refused to talk to him when he thought Josh was walking but then wants to go back to buddies when he wins HOH. Christmas starts to say something but Mark asks her not to. "Can I talk to Josh for a minute." Christmas "No, because you started this conversation with me." 5:25 PM BBT Cody is now standing right up against the door of the Have Not room. They discuss getting Cody out there so he goes back to the bed. Paul asks Mark if he knew Jody was going to backdoor him. Mark denies it. Meanwhile Josh and Kevin go into the Have Not Room and try to get Cody to join them in the KT. Cody refuses. Cody says there is nothing he can say for anyone. Josh tells him that they don't like each other personally, but he respects that Cody has at least been loyal. Mark is just a flip flopper. Paul asks Cody if Mark knew Cody was backdooring him. Cody says he did, but he pulled it right back because Mark was put off by it. Paul says he doesn't know about the other beef in the KT because he isn't in the middle of it. Cody tells Paul that Mark has been loyal to Paul from day one. Christmas and Mark are still arguing in the KT.
  22. 4:34 PM BBT All 4 feeds are on Elena and Mark in the lounge. Mark tells her that he remembers the first time he saw her without makeup. He tells her that as much makeup as she wears, he was shocked with how beautiful she is without makeup. More beautiful that with it. Cody comes in. Elena asks him if he is picked and wins veto, will he use it on her. She reminds him that it doesn't mean he can put up as her replacement. He says "F*** yeah, for sure." 4:43 PM BBT Cody and Elena are talking in the Have Not Room. They realize it is going to be her, Matt (3rd nominee) and some pawn on the block. Cody tells her about Kevin coming up to him and offering a deal to join him, Alex, Paul and Jason. It was promised to give him 5 weeks safety and they would target Elena and Mark next. Cody said they did it to edge their bet and for no other reason. He doesn't trust it. Elena reminds him that if she stays up there, she doesn't have the votes. Cody needs to win the POV and take her down. 4:56 PM BBT Things are pretty calm as the HG wait for the nomination ceremony to begin. Josh and debating with Kevin and Paul why he should be picked to host the POV. Paul and Kevin want Christmas to host. Kevin reminds him he was the just HOH. Josh doesn't care. He wants to host. They then discuss that Matt has started to take pop shots at Mark. He has been saying things like "How many comps have you won now, Mark?" The boy has been winning stuff lately. He is performing. The boy is smart.
  23. 4:00 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 show Christmas and Alex in the KT. Alex is showing her some second hand pants that she got from her sister. Christmas says she would gladly take second hand shit for HOH. Feeds 3 and 4 are on Josh, Paul, Mark and Elena in the lounge. Josh jokes with Elena that he is going to have to stop flirting with her because he respects his relationship with Mark too much. Elena responds that she has decided she no longer wants to sleep with him and that she will get over this. Mark "You wanted to sleep with him." 4:04 PM BBT Alex and Jason are whispering in the lounge. They had been trying to memorize dates. Alex then starts telling Jason that Kevin is dead weight and pissing her off. He takes her shit. He can't remember anything. He wants to be involved in all the plans but he doesn't contribute anything. Christmas walks in and Alex tells her that it is going to be (and she points towards the other room) and Elena. Worse case scenario it will be him (and she points towards the other room again). 4:10 PM BBT Alex is called to the DR. She and Paul are in the HOH. Paul tells her that Kevin is being weird and she needs to put him in check. She tells him she is getting all kind of red flags about him. She heads to the DR as BB requested. 4:16 PM BBT Alex tells Josh in the HOH that he is going to be surprised by one of her noms. She tells him she is doing it for veto. If he (Cody) wins veto then she will have to put up someone that she trusts. 4:19 PM BBT Josh tells Alex that he is good with their final six. He lists Alex, himself, Jason, Kevin, Christmas and Paul. Alex tells him the they (she and Jason or she and Paul) have noticed his loyalty and don't let Elena's shit get him paranoid. Kevin is acting weird. Don't let him freak out either. 4:28 PM BBT In the HOH Josh is telling Jason, Alex and Kevin that he is alarmed with how hard Elena has been pushing him to throw things. Mark got really pissed today. Mark is tired of him flirting with Elena.
  24. 3:00 PM BBT Paul approaches Kevin in the Green BR. Paul asks him why he and Jason were discussing a flip vote. Kevin says it wasn't like that. They were just discussing a pity vote so that it won't be 7-0 tonight. Paul says okay, but F*** that. 3:07 PM BBT Jess and Cody are taking advantage of the last few minutes of alone time before they go into LD. Jessica "This is it. For 60 days this has been it. This has been a chapter in my life. I am about to open another one post BB. I just hope I'm happy. Because this has been hard." 3:09 PM BBT Jess and Cody are in the red BR. Cody "Do you think we have said it all yet?" Jess "Is there a word bigger than love? Because it feels that way for me." Cody "Same." 3:15 PM BBT The HGs are doing last minute preps before going to LD. Jess and Cody are snuggling in the Red BR. Christmas is in the Green BR with Kevin and Josh. She says the Queen of 2nd place is over. 3:17 PM BBT Kitties
  25. We are closing out Week 6 of the Live Feed Meme Contest. Pam, a member of Morty's TV Facebook Group, brings us "Josh's Tears".



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