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Everything posted by BBLurkerPlus

  1. Snackson briefly alluded to his drunken/woman beating arrest in Tennessee around 2am when they were saying the pictures on the wall were like mugshots and he acted like getting a mugshot is no big deal (like when you're arrested for being intoxicated in college - he SAID that, which is actually what happened to him) and when NO ONE said they had a mugshot, he played it off like he didn't have one, either. 2019-08-12-0137AMBBT_Jackson_refers_to_his_public_intoxication_mugshot.mp4 #Snackson is now hoarding food in the storeroom refrigerator, too. This is from yesterday around 8pm. He takes out the containers he blocked his stash in with, eats some of his giant-chunk watermelon stash from the fridge (nevermind they're about to eat dinner!), then leaves, forgetting to put the perishable stuff he hid his stash container with back in the refrigerator... 2019-08-11-0803PMBBT_Snackson_pigs_out.mp4
  2. Jackson extended his oar paddle WELL over the front of his kayak to stop the timer before his Kayak actually crossed the line. He's the only person to attempt this, because he is, as he has shown in the house on the live feeds, a cheater at heart.
  3. Snackson didn't just ignore the have-not rules, Big Brother production actually HELPED him cheat by resupplying all his favorite foods while he was supposed to be on slop and completely ignoring his 5x a day "shower" eating sessions. A number of houseguests made comments about it on the feeds, so I'm assuming all or most of them knew about it, even the ones actually following the slop rules.
  4. It looks to me like she got hit with a couple of those "timer jumps" right as she was crossing the finish line. Pretty much is within about .03 of the times I came up with analyzing the actual time of the video. Totally rigged for Tommy.
  5. The timer is irrelevant - I just posted it to show that BB tech sucks. The times I posted were frame-by-frame from the broadcast the actual amount of time from when they started to when they ended. No way Tommy made up almost a full second to win, and they wouldn't use a manual stopwatch because that's too inaccurate with the start/stop lag. There are 5 people above Tommy - FIVE - based on frame by frame. I can take your idea that maybe it wasn't Analyse, but it WAS someone besides Tommy. FIXED. Again.
  6. Sucks that production made Tommy the winner when Anallice actually won. Kat would have been safe with Anallice in power, but Cliff and Nicole would have likely gone up.
  7. While you're waiting for the feeds to come back... Here's a Kayak comp update from last night. Surprise! The results were fixed. If you slow the timer down, it goes BACKWARDS by .10 or MORE at a time about 2-3x per second. Using the ACTUAL clips and the length of the clips with the timer starting and ending, the times were much different than what CBS showed. Analyse actually won. Here's the actual times. Jackson tried to cheat with his oar and may have affected his time. Both Jackson and Holly's timers displayed late, but I adjusted frames to account for the missing time to get a close result of actual. Tommy wasn't even CLOSE, but it was his birthday and it made a better story for CBS' WWE show. Example of the fake timers being used. You have to really slow it down (to like 5-10% speed) to see it, but it's all the way through the timer. This is a section of Analyse's. But this is all perfectly legal because CBS and Big Brother can legally predetermine outcomes or "guide" them to ones that they think will make the best show (Tommy winning on his birthday here, for example. Didn't really happen, but they made it so) since the show is legally categorized as WWE-style entertainment and NOT a game show or a contest:
  8. Her game is house receptacle. She basically admitted that was her plan pre-house, and the girl has delivered on her goal. Nick already has his eye on her for once Jack's gone.
  9. I've settled into voting for Anallice, Christie, and Tommy. Anallice will have a meltdown, she is SO DUMB. SO DUMB! Christie and Tommy need to be broken up to remove the unfair advantage they have in the house by knowing each other for YEARS pre-show.
  10. It wasn't broadcast, but part of the competition where they pull a prize or punishment and can trade it with someone who was eliminated before them.
  11. 1:04PM BBT Feeds are back. PoV ceremony is over. Everyone seems pretty relaxed so Jess likely stuck to the plan and didn't use her power. 1:06BBT In the trailer nick and Jack are talking. Jack is still on the block, confirmed. Nick confirmed that Jackson is still on the block by saying if it's a 4-4 vote it will break in Jackson's favor.
  12. I keep going between Tommy and Christie for votes. Threw in a few Anallice votes, too. I want #Snackson to be traditionally voted out, so no trip vote for him from me.
  13. I think production is actually aware of this. They cut away from her chewing far more frequently and quickly than they used to. She's a very disturbing eater.
  14. This goes back to Christie's initial explanation of the power WRONG. Christie doesn't get to choose. It only changes the PoV to DPoV for the CURRENT PoV holder, who uses the DPoV to choose the replacement nom instead of the HoH. So the PoV holder has to be an ally of Christie for Christie's power to work for her. Since Jess holds HoH and PoV, Christie's power is worthless this week, and won't change anything. It's also dead after this week, so good riddance.
  15. I've been watching/waiting for it, too. Some of the HG are openly wondering what happened to it as well. They may have not done it this week because #snackson would have been chosen again, and production would have to let him openly cheat on slop again. So rather than have that embarrassment that's front and center for the live feeders to see, they just skipped it. I bet it's gone as long as he's in the house and not in power.
  16. Someone told him sodomy is a no-no in there somewhere, but he doesn't believe it, so he's looking for himself because he doesn't want the party to end with Anallice.
  17. Yes, they knew each other. It's not clear how MUCH they knew each other, but enough that they have mutual friends. More than they're making out in the house or that the show 'fessed up to.
  18. Still no slop/HN assignments. Are they skipping it this week so they don't have to let #snackson cheat massively all week again with production's help?
  19. 4:12PM BBT Feeds are back. Nominations are done. Kemi and David are on the block. Wait...that can't be right... Jackson and Jack are on the nom wall.
  20. The reddit thread from 6 years ago that seems like it's from Sam's account says he was busted for selling drugs and weapons when working for the university. If it's true, that's gonna be major if he's still in the house...
  21. Paul thought that about Josh in BB19, but Paul was such a dick Josh won. If I had a choice of Jack/Jackson/Christie or Jess at the end, Jess would win.
  22. Jess is too stupid to be in the game. She can't compete physically or mentally. A total zero in the game. Her presence reminds me of her stupidity, which annoys me.
  23. She thinks it will force the house to vote out Sam, but she didn't do the math. There are better reasons to get Kat out since Sam is a more solid ally if you're an outsider, AND he'll take a shot at Jackson for you if you're one of the 6 to remove a threat to you winning. There's a big chance Beth screwed up and nominating Kat will end with Kat being evicted.



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