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Posts posted by IndyMom78

  1. Julie greets us on Day 100 and either Bowie Jane, Matt, or Jag will win the final part of the HOH competition. We pick up on Part 1 of the HOH competition. Jag says he won a lot of competitions and this is the most important one. He is the first Sikh HG and he is doing this for his family and community.


    Bowie Jane says she’s getting slammed and dipped and covered in hair and this is disgusting. Matt doesn’t want to be dragged to the F2 he wants to decide who goes to the end. Bowie Jane has a F2 with Jag and if she can win this HOH she’ll have won the most HOH comps this season and maybe she can still some votes from Jag.


    Jag says the cold rain is the worst part of the HOH. Bowie Jane is struggling and she is so cold but she needs to hang on. Matt says he is freezing and they are told to move from the disc to the bubble and it’s about to get a lot harder. Bowie Jane doesn’t know how much longer she can hold on. She falls at 1 hour and 24 minutes.


    Jag is glad someone fell because he wants this competition over but he wants to win. Matt says this is super exciting that he and Jag are fighting it out. Jag doesn’t want Matt getting suspicious and he looks solid so they decide to do rock paper scissors. 


    Matt and Jag both do paper first. They go again and Matt has rock and Jag has scissors. Jag drops at 2 hours and 56 minutes. Jag says he is happy for Matt but this puts more pressure on him for round 2. Bowie Jane was hoping she or Jag would win because they have a F2 but it looks like they’ll have to face each other.


    Dr. Will is back to host the jury round table. Felicia joins America, Cory, Cam, Cirie, and Blue and says Jag made a $750k mistake. She tells them Bowie Jane won HOH and Jag won veto. 


    The jury discuss why Bowie Jane was never nominated. America says she’s a floater and that’s a strategy. Cirie says she was never a threat because she never had an opinion. Cam says her going along to evict Cameron was a big move and he says she’s smarter than they give her credit for. Felicia says she didn’t make decisions and followed instructions.


    The jury discusses how much control he had. Cory says Jag had a rough start but then had an easier path late game. Dr. Will says Jag won 7 vetoes which is the most. Cirie says Cam was a competitor but had a terrible social game, why is Jag different. Cory says Jag wasn’t flawless though.


    The jury agree Matt had a better social game. Blue says Matt was good at telling him what he wanted to hear. She thinks Matt played a more manipulative game without making them feel bad. Cirie says Matt came into a game where hearing conversations matter. America’s says his worst move was not owning any of his moves.


    It’s time for Part 2 of the final HOH competition. The winner will face off against Matt in part 3. On go, the HG will zip line from one platform to the other. They need to transfer 2 competition titles at a time and put them in the correct order in chronological order. The fastest time wins. 


    Jag wants to win and control his own fate. Jag says he’s been preparing for this all season except for which universe each comp came from. So he’s  doing this on the fly. Jag is moving pretty quickly and he feels great about Scaryverse and Humiliverse and rings in and is incorrect. 


    Jag is struggling to find the right combination and he is worried he is fumbling the bag. Jag says this is melting his brain and he starts working it out and finally gets it correct. He says this stings because they are close to the end and he feels like he choked.


    Bowie Jane says she’s been underestimated and she wants to prove she can win. Bowie Jane also says she studied all season but she didn’t study which universe the competitions were from. She looks to be taking her time and she finally has them all up and buzzes in and she has a lot of the answers wrong.


    Bowie Jane says she’s so lost and has no idea what could be wrong. We see Jag says he won 9 comps and he fumbled the bag and Bowie Jane is probably smoking the competition. Bowie Jane says she’s been down here so long Big Brother 26 probably started. She finally works things out and buzzes in. She says if Jag was as bad as her she has a chance.


    Matt reveals the times for the competition. Jag is frustrated with himself and it was his worst performance and he has to live with this being his fault. Bowie Jane says Jag is looking nervous and maybe he messed up as much as she did. Jag won Part 2 with a time of 1:02:56 and Bowie Jane finished with 1:36:02. 


    Jag did not expect this win because he did terrible. He says now he has to face off against Matt and he will have a huge decision to make. Matt is excited because he has an agreement with Jag. But he wants to win so he’s not dragged to the end, he gets the choice. Bowie Jane hopes Jag wins because they have a F2.


    It’s time for the final round of the HOH competition! Jag and Matt are ready. They’ll hear 3 statements from each juror and they have to choose which one is false. They’ll have 6 videos and whoever has the most points wins.


    1. The Cameronverse is kind of like the BB25 Universe because here, I still pretty much win everything I do. But with cooler hair. Almost as cool as when a) throughout the season, I received a total of 15 votes on eviction night.  b) I lost the first 4 Veto comps I played in. c) I was the replacement nom both times I was evicted. The false statement is A. Cameron had 14 votes. Both get it right. Both get a point.


    2. In the Coryverse, the women line up around the corner for the chance to lock lips with me. They say it's because of my amazing mustache, but I think it's because I was so entertaining to watch in the BB House. Like when I a) Was nominated for eviction twice before winning HoH. b) Was the 9th HoH of the season. c) Received 5 votes to evict the week I was evicted. The fake answer is B. Cory was the 8th HoH. Both get it right and both get a point.

    3. Kitty Kitty Purr, boots down in the Blueverse. Your universe is crusty musty dusty, but this universe slays, because everyone's fashion is always on point. And girl, that's the T. It's like the time I a) was the 8th person to fall off the wall in the "Attack of the 50ft Meatball" comp. b) Came in 3rd place in the "Twisted Tasks" comp. c) Was eliminated in the 2nd round of the "Escape The Nether Region" comp. The fake answer is C. Blue was eliminated in the 1st round of the Escpe The Nether Region comp. It's now tied 3-3.

    4. Ameriverse is the land of the brave and home of the Me. Each day, I'm celebrated because, well, I'm America! People go crazy whenever they seem me, because if my stars and stripes and incredible accomplishments, like when I a) Sat on the block and survived eviction 3 times. b) Was first to complete the "Puzzling Headlines" comp on Opening Night. c) Came in 3rd place in the "BB Exorcism" comp. The false statement is C. Blue came in 3rd place. Both get it right and get a point.

    5. It's all peace and quiet in the Cirieverse. Just what I need after spending 93 days in the crazy BB House. Life is so comfy and cozy here, it's incredible. Almost as incredible as when a) I went head-to-head against Felicia in the "BB Odd Couples" comp. b) I didn't play in the first 10 BB comps. c) My name never appeared as a top 3 score in a Veto comp. The falase statement is B. Cirie didn't play in the first 9 Veto comps. They both get a 5th point.

    The last video. 6. In the Feliciaverse, my favorite ingredients are always available. I can fill my pockets with ALL my favorite foods. Every destination I paddle to is delicious, just like when I a) Scored a 53 in the "Snot A Winner" comp. b) Sat on the block 6 times on eviction night. c) Played in every HoH and Veto comp  that Cameron won. The false statement is C. Felicia did not play in "Revenge of the Pressure Cooker" which Cameron won.  Both guess wrong and neither gets a point.

    With a 5-5 tie, we go to a tie breaker. The answer will be in minutes. The person closest to the correct number without going over will be the Final HoH. If you both go over, the guess closest to the correct number wins.

    How many minutes was the "When Universes Collide" HoH Part I comp from the official start to when Jag hit the water, making Matt the winner?

    Matt guesses 140. Jag guesses 163. The correct answer is 176 minutes. Jag wins Part III of the Final HoH and choose who sits next to him in the F2.


    Jag stands and says he got close with Bowie Jane and she made 2 promises to him, that she would take him to F2 if she win and if she was in jury she’d vote for him. Matt saved him early in the game and it would be wrong to turn his back on him. He says he hopes if he takes Matt and loses 6-1 he hopes the vote is from Bowie Jane. He votes to evict Bowie Jane. She says no problem and gives hugs.


    Julie asks Bowie Jane if Jag mad the right decision. Bowie Jane says she is proud of him. She says they had a discussion about Jag doing what was best for him and Matt is a great person and she’s proud of Jag. Bowie Jane will now move to the jury!


    It’s time for jury questions! Cirie’s question is for Matt and she says the jury perceived Jag as the leader and Matt was the follower. Matt says his biggest move Path of Power and they did everything together. There was no leader.


    Cory’s question is for Jag and says it was clear they were working together and what were the dynamics and did he carry Matt to F2. Jag says Matt did save him but he has paved the path and he was the leader the whole time. He made sure of that.


    Felicia asks Matt if he ever really considered evicting Jag. He says he was never going to do that and he told people what they wanted to hear and he was loyal to Jag and he never put him up.


    America says Jag took ownership of evictions but prior he did not and the jury thinks that is cowardly. How does he defend that? He says he never knew for sure what would happen so he was protecting his game but owning up to after the eviction happened the way he wanted it to.


    Cameron asks Matt for a specific example of a time he strategically lied to advance his game. Matt says he always told people what they wanted to hear. He talks about lying about evicting Jag. He says he’d get information and use it when he needed to.


    Blue asks Jag if he remembers being voted out unanimously but Matt saved his game. Why does he deserve to win over the person who saved him. Jag says he adapted his game and came up with a BB master plan for himself and made sure his targets went home and he was in a better position in the game.


    Bowie Jane asks Jag how his game for the better when he joined the Mafia with her and Matt. Jag says they had to make a lot of big moves together and that changed the entire course of the game.


    It’s time for the final 2 pleas. They each get a chance to make a final plea on why they deserve to win Big Brother!


    Matt says he is the first deaf person and he had no model to go off of. He had to play a social game and physical game. He was on nominated once by the guy he saved week 4. He couldn’t hear half the conversations so he lived in he have not room for the conversations. He says double elimination and won vetoes. He performed in a high pressure situation and he knew his social game was good so he did not need to win HOH’s. He was a good team player and they each played their own game.


    Jag says he’s standing where he is because he willed it to be that way. He signed their eviction notice and he convinced Bowie Jane to get Cameron on the block.he single handedly sent Cory and Blue home and he convinced Matt they needed to send Cirie home because she was closer to Matt. He deserves to win and he earned the victory. He is covered in their blood and is the most masterful player in the house and he deserves to be the first Sikh winner.


    It’s time to vote! Cameron says what a road and he is voting for the guy he told he’d vote for. Cory is voting for who he thinks he could beat in a fight. Blue says team brunette or blonde, in her speech she said it best. America says this is her cockadoodle vote to the slimiest snake of them all.


    Cirie says Cory told them best that she is loyal to a fault and she is casting her vote for who was most loyal to her. Felicia congratulates both and neither one of them was loyal to her but she’s voting for the person who got people to be friends and trust them even when they were deceitful. Bowie Jane says she loves them both so much and she’s going to keep to her word.


    Kirsten, Reilly, Hisam, Red, Izzy, Jared, and Mecole. Julie asks Mecole what surprised her the most and she said Cameron was sort of the hero of the season when she thought he was the villain. Cameron is flattered. He wanted to have fun and out it all out there.


    The thing that surprised Hisam is that Mecole was a political consultant and he would have worked with her sooner. Julie says Mecole wasn’t the only one hiding her true profession and she turns to Bowie Jane who says she’s an attorney. Felicia says Cameron guessed that.


    Felicia says they know Bowie Jane isn’t 35 and she’s curious how old she is. Jane says she is actually 45. Julie says Cameron is convinced that Felicia has a famous relative and Julie asks if she is related to Denzel Washington and she is not. 


    Julie says Denzel may not have been related to anyone in the house but two people who played were related. Matt looks stunned and Julie wants to know who he thinks is related and he says Cory and America. Matt says he didn’t think that throng and he is stumped. Julie turns to Jared and someone says Felicia and Jared? Jared says he was playing with his mom and Cirie raises her hand. Matt and Jag are stunned. Cory says he voted out Jared and thought he could work with Cirie after that. 


    They look at the first HG who were evicted reactions to finding out Cirie and Jared were related. Julie says Izzy figured out the secret and she knew when they were on stage before entering the house. Julie asks how she knew and Izzy says she is a survivor fan and followed Cirie. Julie says Jared didn’t do a good job of keeping their secret and Jared says he told Blue. Cirie says she’ll have a talk with Jared after. They have a lot of talking to do.


    Julie lets Reilly say hi to Matt and she has been rooting for him and is so proud of him and everything he has overcome. Julie thanks everyone and we’ll be back to see the jury votes. 


    It’s time to find out the winner of Big Brother 25! 

    Bowie Jane voted for Jag.

    Felicia voted for Matt.

    Cirie voted for Matt.

    America voted for Jag.

    Blue voted for Jag. 

    Cory voted for Jag.

    Jag has won BB25!


    Jag and Matt come out and hug and celebrate with everyone. Julie says we’ll find out who America voted as their favorite houseguest.


    Julie reveals Cameron also voted for Jag so he won 5-2. The top 3 vote getters for americas favorite houseguest was Cirie, Matt, and Cameron. And America’s Favorite Houseguest is….Cameron! He thanks America and says he’s speechless and he’s emotional.


    Julie tells Matt he goes him with $75k and a girlfriend. Jag is going home with $750k and he’s on top of the world and he hopes he made his family proud. Julie thanks all the HG.


    Julie says something is going on in the Big Brother house and Frankie Grande is in a laundry basket with Danielle and Brittney. They find the time laser and Frankie is going to “fix” everything. They are closing down the BB universes and we Christmas jingles. We see the memory wall with 9 numbers and we see Christmas PJ’s on Danielle, Frankie, and Brittney. Legendary BB players will play Reindeer games. And one of the BB25 HG will be invited to compete.

  2. Julie greets us and it’s Day 86 and it’s double eviction night. We pick up on day 83 after the veto meeting and Jag decided not to use the veto and Blue is his target. Blue understands Jag doesn’t want blood on his hands and America is still the target.


    America says she’s being told she’s a pawn but if she survives the week the American revolution is coming. Cirie would rather Blue stay because she would be the best competitor to go after Jag. If she can’t get the votes for Blue to stay, then she wants a tie so Jag has to evict Blue. 


    Felicia doesn’t want to go against Jag and maybe she should be working her own Plan B. Felicia says her original plan is to go with Cirie, but she needs another plan. Felicia is telling Jag Matt is trying to take Jag out and that she is loyal. Jag says Matt is supposed to be his ride or die in the game.


    We see a clips from Cirie telling Matt that Jag is seen as a bigger competitor and her telling Felicia that Matt says Jag has to go some time. Cirie says Matt wants to wait until final four but Cirie wants to get on that train immediately. Matt says he wants Cirie to know there is a path to final two and his odds of beating Cirie in final two are better than him beating Jag.


    Julie informs the HG that it is double eviction night and two of them will be joining Cameron and Cory in the jury house. America asks how many of them have personally victimized by Jag? She says he must be stopped and she will not rest until they are free from Jag’s evil wrath. 


    Blue does her shoutouts. She says it has been an honor and she hopes she made her parents proud. Kitty Kitty purr. It’s time for the voting to begin! 

    Matt sadly chooses to evict Blue.

    Bowie Jane votes to evict Blue.

    Cirie sadly votes to evict Blue.

    Felicia sadly votes to evict Blue.

    Blue has been evicted by a vote of 4-0. Blue gives hugs to everyone and joins Julie.


    Julie asks Blue what happened and Blue says she was surprised and a player this good has to be a target eventually. She thinks Jag knew she was coming after him. Blue says after Cory the Jag would have to be next because he is an incredible player. 


    Blue feels most betrayed by Jag and Matt. Final thoughts? How do you like Blue’s outfit?!? Julie sends her to jury and double eviction night will roll on next.


    It’s time for the HOH competition! There will be 7 rounds. They’ll be shown three movie posters from 3 BB movies and they’ll be asked a question about what they just saw. The HG with the most points after 7 rounds will be HOH.


    Question 1-Which poster featured a veto medallion? Bowie Jane answers C and everyone else answers B and they are all wrong.


    Question 2-Which poster featured someone without a hat on? Felicia answers an and everyone else answers b. The correct answer is B.Matt, Cirie, America, and Bowie Jane all get 1 point.


    Question 3-Which poster featured the caption “Now in 3D”? Cirie answers C, Felicia A answers an and everyone else answers B. The correct answer is C. Cirie has 2 points. Matt, America, and Bowie Jane has 1 point, and Felicia has 0 points.


    Question 4-Which poster featured the movie title at the top of the poster? Felicia answers B, Cirie and Bowie Jane answer C, America and Matt answer A. Correct answer is C. Cirie has 3 points, Bowie Jane has 2 points, Matt and America have 1 point. Felicia has 0 points.


    Question 5-Which poster featured an image of the inside of the Big Brother house? Cirie answers A, Bowie Jane and America answer C, and Matt and Felicia answer Bl The correct answer is b. Cirie has 3 points, Bowie Jane and Matt have 2 points, America and Felicia have 1 point.


    Question 6-Which movie poster featured the caption “A Big Brother Production”? Cirie answers C, Matt and Bowie Jane answer A, and Felicia and America answer C. The correct answer is A. Cirie, Matt, and Bowie Jane have 3 points, and America and Felicia have 1 point.


    Question 7-Which movie poster featured exactly 3 people? Cirie answers B and everyone else answers A. The correct answer is A. Matt and Bowie Jane have 4 points, Cirie has 3 points, America and Felicia have 1 point. There is a tie between Matt and Bowie Jane.


    Tiebreaker-In seconds, how long did the Superhero training academy part 1 veto competition last? Matt says 10000 and Bowie Jane answers 5400. The correct answer is 7900. Bowie Jane wins HOH! 


    It’s time for nominations! Bowie Jane says this is terrifying but she nominates Felicia and America. 


    It’s time for the veto competition! They have to run and retrieve their candy from a box and deposit 4 candies into their straw and the first to do it will win veto. The HG start and Matt connects. Cirie’s bounces out. Matt has his second candy. Bowie Jane just misses hers. Matt has his third candy and America gets her first. Matt drops the fourth and wins the veto!


    America is begging Matt to use veto on her because she can’t do this again and so Cirie will go up. America says Bowie Jane has a deal with Cirie. Felicia asks if she is safe and a Matt says yes. Jag hugs him and then Bowie Jane comes in. Cirie congratulates Matt.


    It’s time for the veto meeting! Matt has decided to keep noms the same. America goes to talk to Cirie and Felicia goes to talk to Bowie Jane. Either America or Felicia will join Blue I’m heading to the jury house with Cameron and Cory.


    It’s time for the live vote and eviction! America wants to stay and keep playing. Felicia is trusting and believing and hoping she continues to stay.


    It’s time for the live vote!

    Cirie votes to evict America. 

    Jag votes to evict America. 

    Matt sadly chooses to evict America.

    By a vote of 3-0, America has been evicted from the Big Brother house. America is emotional and hugs everyone. She grabs her bag and heads out to join Julie.


    Julie asks if America if she thought she had a chance after she lost veto and she says no. She knew she didn’t stand a chance because Matt and Jag want a final four with Cirie and Felicia. America says everyone is just letting Matt and Jag slide through. 


    Julie asks if America seeing Cory at jury softens the blow and she says yes. She’s excited to continue where her and Cory left off. Final thoughts? America says she’s sorry she didn’t win anything. The competitions are so much harder than they look. 

  3. Julie greets us and it’s Day 79 in the house. But first, we pick up on Day 76 for the veto meeting. Cirie is told to change in her super suit and gauge her popularity by gliding around the house and waving to all her adoring fans. 


    Blue kicks off the veto meeting and she has decided to use the power of veto on herself. Duh. The invisible HOH must name a new HG as a replacement nominee. The replacement nominee is…America.


    Jag now takes over and he has decided to use the power of veto on Mama Fe and he hugs Felicia. The Invisible HOH will name a second replacement nominee and the nominee is…Cory.


    America is crying and the veto meeting is adjourned. Jag says this wasn’t the original plan, but he and Matt started hearing too many things that sounded like a betrayal. Cory says he cannot be that upset at Jag and he has been preparing for the possibility of campaigning against America. He is going to try and stay this week.


    America doesn’t want to be there without Cory but she wants to stay. She thought they were good with a jag but she guesses not. She needs to talk to everyone. She needs to talk to Jag and tell him off. Blue says this is poetic justice.


    Cory talks to Jag first and he says he was targeting Matt and Jag next week but he hasn’t told anyone but America. Jag says Cory said they he and Matt were big targets. America comes in and says why? What’s going on? She denies targeting Matt and Jag and denies trying to get anyone else to do so.


    America says Jag and Matt are the next targets because they are the only other targets. Jag says America can’t be mad at him, she has to be mad at herself for talking too much and changing their plan.


    Cirie and Felicia are talking about America will want to target Jag and Matt next week. Cirie says she has been laying low waiting for the war between the duos to erupt. They say they just need to keep ducking so they don’t get hit and go on the block.


    Jag and Matt are in the restroom area when America is washing her hands and Jag says let me know when you want to talk. America says literally, F off. America goes to lay down with Cory and she feels responsible. She says Cory is always so careful with his words and she was sloppy and should have known better. 


    Cory says it’s frustrating he’s on the block because America’s conversations with Blue. But he’s going to try and survive this vote and win the game. America tells Cory that Jag and Matt are so stupid.


    America goes to Blue to talk and America is feeling so hurt and so betrayed. America asks Blue what the goal was and she asks if Jag and Matt are really going to take her to three. Blue says she’s going to play her game the way she wants to and she was fighting for her life to be there. She says America is not on an island and she is open to whatever. America says she just feels really betrayed. 


    Cirie has to suit up and test her super self and she has to hide and scare another HG. Cirie hides in the living room and she jumps out as Blue walks through. Cirie is called to suit up and test her aqua ability and stay in the pool for 2 hours.


    Cirie gets out of the pool and she is immediately called to test her super speed by doing 100 laps in the backyard. All the walking she wants to do is out the door. She says her being alone without her closest allies, isn’t that punishment enough.


    We see Cirie get called another 7 times and she says it’s like every 5 seconds. She gets called to suit up in the middle of the night and save a fellow HG from their nightmare. She goes back to bed and she gets called to do it again and she says she’s the only one in a nightmare here.


    Blue is talking to Cory. Cory says he needs 3 votes to stay. He and Blue don’t have common ground, but maybe they have a common target. Blue says she thought America was the invisible HOH. He tells Blue she was the target of Jag and he stays, she knows who he is targeting. Blue says Cory is making some good points.


    Cory feels pretty confident he has Blue’s vote. Now he has to pull in Felicia and Cirie. Cory tells them individually that he will be going after Matt and Jag and everyone else would be safe for at least two weeks. Cirie says if they are going to take a shot at Matt and Jag, Cory has a better shot at winning HOH than America.


    Blue is talking to Cirie and says down the line Matt and Jag have to go too. Cirie says who is going to beat them. They discuss it not being a bad idea to keep Cory. Cirie is surprised that Blue could be on board and if she can get Felicia on board, this might work.


    Cirie and Felicia are talking and Cirie says her and Blue were talking about Jag and Matt will have to go. They discuss if Cory would reconcile with Matt and Jag. They are debating if it’s a good idea to keep Cory or no. She says if they can get Cory to take one of them out before they take him out, that puts her in final five and it might be worth the risk.


    It’s time for the live vote and eviction. Julie informs Cirie that her punishment is over. Cory shouts out Stevie and says daddy is coming home. Cory says this is the most incredible experience of his life. But he has to blow up one persons HOH. He says Bowie, just kidding. He says Jag was the invisible HOH and everyone should do with that information what they want.


    America does her shoutouts, including to her showmance haters. She says if she stays she’s going after the Aston Moron and the dumb blond. It’s not strategy, it’s personal. She thanks Cory for being who he is. 


    It’s time to vote! 

    Matt sadly chooses to vote fly guy, Cory.

    Bowie Jane votes to evict Cory.

    Jag says he put half the house on the block this week so it was interesting.

    Cirie votes to evict Cory.

    Felicia votes to evict Cory.

    Blue casts her vote to evict Cory. Duh.

    By a unanimous vote of 5-0, Cory has been evicted from the house.


    Julie asks Cory what he made of the move? He says it was the right move and he was very uneasy but he didn’t see the double backdoor coming. Julie says Cory prides himself on being one of the best persuasive speakers in the country and she asks why he couldn’t get votes? He says he was wrong. Cory says the votes weren’t there.


    Julie asks about America throwing Matt and Jag under the bus with Blue. Cory says this wasn’t America’s fault and he could have been proactive because he knew about the conversations. Julie asks if the showmance was a downfall? He says no because it’s not different than Jag and Matt.


    Jag says Cory is a great friend but he had to make this move earlier than he wanted to. Blue says he wasn’t as smart of a player as he thought. Cirie says Cory is smart but not smart enough to not rub his showmance in everyone’s face. America can’t wait to meet his family.


    Cory can’t wait to spend more time with America and she’s amazing. Julie asks how she will do in the house and he says she’s winning! 


    Sunday we’ll find out who wins HOH and Tuesday the veto will be up for grabs. And next Thursday there will be a double eviction. 

  4. We pick up on Day 73 after the nomination ceremony and Jag, as the invisible HOH, nominated Felicia and Blue. He isn’t ready to go after Cory and America so he has to win veto and keep noms the same.


    Felicia says whoever the Invisible HOH is, sit down. She’s been on the block five times and she is still here. Blue says whoever the weirdo is that’s the invisible HOH won’t come out to play. She’s been nominated next to Felicia and she could be the target. Cirie just wants to lay low because the two people she is working with are on the block.


    Jag is denying to Blue that he isn’t the invisible HOH and she says the only person who could got a time that fast is Jag. Jag says he wants Blue to think it’s Cory just in case she stays. Cory wants Blue out do he doesn’t get blood on his hands and Jag has to take the shot against his best friend. Then Cory can go after Matt and Jag.


    Felicia says her gut tells her it’s Cory or Jag who is the invisible HOH and she approaches them and asks who the target is. Cory denies being the HOH. Felicia says this wasn’t a big move, so maybe there’s a backdoor plan. Felicia says Cory stayed the same when she questioned him, but Jag wouldn’t make eye contact or say anything.


    Cory says Felicia isn’t wrong because if he’d been the invisible HOH would have went after Matt and Jag. Cory and America are talking and playing pool and Cory says next week…America thinks Blue would be great for her game and she needs a backup ally in case Cory goes. 


    America tells Blue that Matt and Jag are targeting her. She is telling her to deflect attention to Matt and Jag and off Cory. Blue wants to know why she is telling her and America says it might be hard to beat the boys in competitions going forward. Blue says America and Cory have been coming for her and Matt and Jag have been her boys since day one. The math ain’t mathin’.


    There’s a message from the Comicverse. Matt reads a transmission and the cosmic crystal has unleashed another super power into the game. It’s multiplying the number of players in the veto competition from 6 to 8. But that’s not all…it’s also multiplying the number of power of veto’s that can be won to two. They will have back to back veto’s today.


    Felicia says she hopes to win one of those. Jag says this is not good because it gives Blue two chances to win one. Matt is talking to Blue and Blue says Matt and Jag will probably win one of them so she needs them to be Team Blue. Blue tells them Cory and America have been trying to recruit her. Matt tells us maybe if he wins he does save Blue because Cory and America are not doing anything to help their game.


    Blue is telling Jag about her conversation with America and she says she never believed them. She says they are coming heavy for Matt and Jag specifically. Jag says hearing that is making him reconsider things. He’s been protecting them and they haven’t been doing the same. All he knows is he needs to win a veto so he cam make his own decisions.


    It’s time for the first veto competition. They are at the Superhero training academy. Everyone will stand on a small disc and the HG will be spun around and they’ll have to hold on for as long as they can. The last HG standing will win HOH and win a special cash bonus. 


    Jag says he needs to win a veto today so he can decide what he wants to do. The HG are all on a disc and they start spinning. Blue doesn’t know who nominated her or who she can trust, but she win veto because she trusts herself. Cory knows who the invisible HOH is and he knows he’s not Jag’s target but because there are two vetoes he needs to try to win one.


    America wants to get win so she has options. Jag is holding the rope tight to his chest. Felicia is dizzy and nauseous and as much as she needs this veto, she doesn’t know how long she’ll last. Felicia falls at 3 minutes. She says she needs a mental comp.


    Cory says he’s been watching this competition for years, but the robot fist is terrible and two others are shooting goo at them and he hates them for it. Matt only wants himself or Jag to win veto. Matt says the hardest part of this competition is on his back. Bowie Jane says this veto is important for her to win but she gets smacked off by the fist at 7 minutes.


    Cirie doesn’t want to win either of the vetoes. Her plan is to lay as low as possible because if she wins she’d have to decide who to take down. Cirie falls at 11 minutes. Cory says it is exhausting just standing up there and he falls at 14 minutes. Cory wants Blue out this week so he needs any of the other three to win.


    Matt says the it is getting faster and they are getting slammed into the fist every time around. He takes a hard hit and falls at 16 minutes. Matt is pulling for Jag. Blue says the hardest part is hitting the fist and spinning and second her arms are getting tired. 


    America sees Blue and Jag look sturdy and she trusts that Jag won’t put her or Cory up so she falls at 22 minutes. Blue says she cannot let go. She’s fighting for her life. Jag says if Blue wins she could take herself down and he’d have to name a replacement nomination which could expose him. He wants to win so he can decide.


    Jag says he hasn’t decided if he wants to target Cory and America or target Blue. But having two vetoes could mess up his plan so he has to win one. Blue says she is exhausted but she needs to win. She says Jag isn’t budging and neither is she. Cory says Jag and Blue are warriors but he needs Jag to win.


    Matt says Blue and Jag are badasses but he is cheering for Jag. Felicia tells them they are amazing. We are at 1 hour and 32 minutes and Blue is questioning why Jag won’t drop for her but she also says he could be fighting to not be a replacement nominee.


    Jag says he has to hold on because he knows what’s on the line. He’s getting pummeled and slime but he is hanging on. Both Blue and Jag are talking about how much pain they are in. Blue falls at 2 hours 6 minutes and 33 seconds. Jag has won the first POV! Plus he wins a chance at a cash bonus. Jag says this is his most important win so far. 


    Blue says winning the second veto is even more important. Jag will be lifted on a bar and he’ll fly around the academy. The HG will guess how long Jag’s flight time will be. The closest without going over will win the second POV. But the two furthest away from the actual time will receive punishments.


    Cory says he feels safer since Jag won but he needs to make sure Blue can’t take herself down and he’s keeping in mind Jag just finished an endurance comp. Cirie guesses a ridiculous time because she doesn’t want to win veto.


    Jag gets $500 for every 15 seconds he flies. Bowie Jane guessed 5 minutes. Jag is going to do what he can to earn as much money as he can but he is so exhausted. Jag falls at 110 seconds and has earned $3500. 


    Time to reveal the HG guesses. She guessed 482 seconds. Felicia guessed 600. Matt guesses 150. America guessed 75 seconds. Cirie guessed 600. Blue guessed 105 and she is in the lead. Cory guessed 135 seconds. Blue is the closest and has won the second POV!


    Blue says her second win of the summer! Felicia chooses a crystal for a punishment and she gets a 24 hour solitary confinement. Cirie was the second furthest and she must change into a super suit in a phone booth any time she is asked. 


    Jag says his nominations have to change since Blue won the veto and Cory and America should be pretty scared right now. You don’t need powers of precognition to know where this week is about to go.


    Matt says he knew Jag wouldn’t last 5 minutes. They talk about Blue being a badass. They discuss if they should go after Cory and America. Jag has to decide if he wants to put Cory and America both up or if he just wants to put one up in Blue’s place. Plus, he has to decide how to handle Blue since he’s been lying all week.


    Felicia is called to the Comic room for her solitary confinement and she says she’d really like to come off the block. She is alone in the room and says she can do anything for 24 hours. She wishes she were in the backyard but she can pace in the room. She says this punishment isn’t as good as she thought. She’s too chatty and this might take her down. She has a toilet in a tent and she says it does feel like imprisonment. 


    Cirie is called to the DR she has a green and orange unitard as her superhero costume. She is called to suit up and she has to roll from one side of the yard to other and back to test durability. Cirie says this is going to be the longest week for her. 


    Cirie is called to suit up again and test balance by standing on one leg in the living room for 30 minutes. She’s then called to suit up and test water resistance by standing under the outdoor shower. 


    Then Cirie is called to suit up and test her X-ray vision by guessing what is under the lead cover on the tray. She guesses fiber gummies and she’s wrong, the HG put different stuff there but she keeps guessing fiber gummies. She wishes she could test for super speed and be done with this punishment.


    Cory says Jag should be backdooring him but Jag is tied to him because h knows Jag is the invisible HOH. Matt is all for Jag taking a big swing. He says America and Cory are way too comfortable. He says America and Cory would love to take a shot at them, but they are going to take the shot first. 


    Felicia says there really is nothing to do. She cleans the window ledges, the dresser tops, and wiped the mattresses and sheets with the lint roller. She says she gets her energy from people and she is ready to get out of there. Felicia’s punishment is now over and she rejoins everyone else and hugs them.


    Cirie says why couldn’t she have have had the solitary confinement. Jag talks to Felicia and asks how she is and she says ok. Jag says the moment Cory and America are on the block so he’d rather have those conversations now. He tells Felicia he’s going to use the veto on Felicia and tells her the plan. He tells Cirie also and then Bowie Jane.


    Jag says everyone is excited about the plan and the conversations are going better than expected. But one will be tricky. He needs to tell Blue he was the invisible HOH and he needs to drive home the point that Cory and America poisoned him against her. He says they are snakes. He apologizes to Blue and she says it’s ok.


    Jag tells Blue that he is putting Cory and America up and she hugs him. Blue says she pulls herself down and Cory goes up? That’s better than a Christmas present. Blue is sure America and Cory were behind this mess and this is sweet poetic justice. 


    Cory says Blue will pull herself down and Jag should put him up. But he doesn’t think he will. He thinks Jag will stick to the plan and send Felicia home. Jag says it will be a double backdoor blindside. Find out Thursday if Jag will go through with the plan. And find out who will be headed to the jury house.

  5. Julie greets us and it’s Day 72 and the veto meeting is near and Cameron is starting to realize The Fugitives have decided to run without him. Cameron has to sway Jag away from the plan he’s pretty sure he set in motion. He says he could remain the shield for Jag and Matt if he stays and America and Cory could come after himself and Blue. 


    Cameron says if Jag and Matt follow through with the plan, they are putting blood on Bowie Jane’s hands twice this week. Jag feels for Cameron but he feels like they have to take the shot this week.


    It’s time for the veto meeting! Jag has decided to use the veto on….Mama Fe. She gets up excited. Bowie Jane has to name a replacement nominee and she names Cameron. Cameron says he’s heard this song and dance before and says home as he takes his seat.


    Jag says as much as he hates the situation, he had to take the shot. And since it’s on Bowie Jane’s HOH, he and Matt can compete in the next HOH with America and Cory at Blue’s necks and Felicia and Cirie waiting to leave. Do they even know what time it is?


    Felicia says she’s just glad to be off the block. Bowie Jane says Cameron has been lying and thieving and it’s time for him to go. Cirie says if she’d been on the block a few weeks ago she’d be worried and Bowie Jane thanks her for staying on the block.


    Cameron says the HG need to do something or Matt and Jag are going to steamroll the house. Cameron tells Blue she has been set up to hate Cory and she could join him in jury next week. Blue says Cameron is doing what he always does which is stir the pot. He wants her to go after Matt and Jag? Girl, you have the wrong number.


    Cameron is talking to Cory and asking what his plan is to beat Matt and Jag. Cory says Cameron needs his vote, America’s, Felicia, and Blue’s votes but he can’t flip the vote and burn that bridge. Cameron does not understand what everyone is thinking and they are giving him nothing. He’ll just have to wait until they join him in the jury house and say I told you so.


    Blue and America are whispering and Matt comes in. Matt says in the real world people don’t whisper around him because it’s offensive. But in the Big Brother house that’s half the game. He says he can read lips one on one but once they turn their head he loses track of the conversation.


    Jag goes to talk to Matt and he tells him he hates the whispering and he’s getting emotional. Jag goes to comfort Matt and says he’s doing a good job, especially in a house of whispers. He says he doesn’t have to deal with that outside and he is so thankful for Jag. 


    Matt is talking to Felicia about how hard it has been to deal with whispering. Felicia says he has become a voice for a whole community and he has done such a great job. She knows everyone he knows is proud of him and he open a window of opportunity for other deaf people.


    Cameron wants to meet Kevin Costner, he’s seen everything in his portfolio. Cory says who the hell is Kevin Costner? Cameron is talking to Felicia about Kevin Costner. Felicia tells us Kevin Costner is not watching and if Cameron is trying to make a movie with him, he’s crazy. But if Kevin Costner is watching, if he wants to make a Bodyguard 2…


    Jag says it is all about The Minutemen but he doesn’t want to tell Cory anything about his plans. Cory wants Blue off his backside for a week and he’s been relying on Matt and Jag to mediate between him and Blue. He realizes it benefits them to keep Blue against Cory and he needs to find a way to tilt the odds in his favor.


    Cameron is talking to Cirie and he is telling her he would like another shot in the future. Cirie asks for advice and he says Cory may be the brainiac, but Jag is way more methodical. Cameron says if his game is over he can help Cirie. Cameron is telling Cirie Jag is keeping the others against each other.


    Cameron says he is going to use his time to help Cirie set something up with America, Cory, and Blue and she says Blue is so against Cory she might not turn around. Cirie says everything Cameron says make sense and it sounds familiar.


    Cirie is talking to Blue and she says she has to look at everything but not personally. Blue says when Cameron spews BS it doesn’t sound true, but when you hear it from Cirie, it hits different. She says Jag and Matt want Cory out but when it comes to it, will they get the blood on their hands. 


    Jag says he wants to go to the final five with Matt, Bowie Jane, Cirie, and Felicia. So if they can get the numbers right they can compete against who they want in competitions. Jag and Matt are talking to Cirie about the final five plan.


    Cirie wants the house to see Matt and Jag are running the house, but they see her as an ally. So why not just play along? Jag says he and Matt might have to take things into their own hands and take out Camerica and Blue themselves. 


    Cory is talking to Cirie to try and get her on his side. He says everyone is terrified to say anything about Matt and Jag. Cirie says those two pairs can go after each other while she sneaks her way to the end, like she always does. Cory says this next HOH is massive and he needs every soldier on the field for the battle with Matt and Jag.


    It’s time to talk to the nominees! Cirie does her shoutouts to her family. She thanks the HG for 72 extraordinary days in the house and she won’t forget any of them. Cameron does his shoutouts. He says to his roommates and says if they keep him, he’ll be loyal to all of them, never vote to evict them, and throw all the competitions. He’d like to stay on the ride with them. And last but not least….Cory, thank you.


    It’s time to vote!

    Matt sadly chooses to evict Cameron.

    Blue casts her vote to evict Cameron once and for all.

    Felicia votes to evict Cameron.

    Jag votes to evict Cam.

    America votes to evict Cameron.

    Cory votes to evict Cameron.

    By a unanimous vote of 6-0, Cameron has been evicted from the Big Brother house!


    Cameron hugs everyone, grabs his bag, and heads out the door to join Julie. Julie asks Cameron what happened after winning HOH last week? Cameron says there’s a lot of space and time in that house and sometimes you can say the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person.


    Julie asks what Cameron said and he talks about voicing that he thought Bowie Jane was working with Cory and America. He feels most betrayed by himself. Julie talks about his alliances and why he couldn’t find loyalty? He says commitment. He feels like he was the target and he talked too much and that’s why he was left out.


    Julie asks what Cameron would do differently, he says he’d change a lot of things, but he’d take Cirie’s advice and not tell someone what he thinks about someone else. He can’t wait until she tells him to go back in. He is the first member of the jury.


    BB Comic-week is about to hit the house and drop super powers all week long. Julie talks to the HG and says the 8 left have survived Scrambleverse, Humiliverse, and Scaryverse, but there’s one verse they haven’t faced until now. Something crash landed in the HOH room…they should check it out.


    The HG scramble upstairs and head inside where there’s a large crystal on the table and Jag says is it kryptonite. They realize it’s Comic week.

  6. We pick up on Day 66 after the nomination ceremonies. Bowie Jane has nominated Cirie and Felicia because she hasn’t really trusted them since the Red blindside and doesn’t talk game with them, but Cirie is her target.


    Cirie says she made it 65 days without being on the block and she was hoping to make it longer. But she finally gets to play veto and she needs to win it. Felicia says they always knew Bowie Jane’s smile was a facade. She needs to win veto.


    Cory says he needs Cam to get backdoored. He says Cam CAN win next HOH and he would nominate Cory and he could go home. Bowie Jane doesn’t think it’s fair to nominate Cam. She has her targets on the block and there is no need to change them.


    Jag thinks Cam should go home too. Then they can take out Cory and America and Jag can have his ideal final five of himself, Matt, Felicia, Cirie, and Bowie Jane. 


    Bowie Jane talks to Cam and tells him Cory is pushing hard for Cam. Cam says they need to backdoor Cory and Bowie Jane doesn’t want to do that because America will be coming after her. Cam says America will not go after Bowie Jane. 


    Bowie Jane says Cam wants Cory out and vice versa and that’s why noms need to stay the same so Cory and Cam can go after each other and not her. Cam says Bowie Jane being so resistant to putting up Cory makes him think maybe she does have some sort of alliance with him. Jag and Matt discuss turning Bowie Jane against Cam so they can get him out.


    It’s time to pick players for the veto competition. Cameron is hoping his name comes out of the box because the only way he can stay safe is if he gets to play. Bowie Jane really wants Matt or Jag to play because they are great competitors and they will do what’s best for her. 


    Bowie Jane draws Matt. Matt wants to win so they can get Bowie Jane to backdoor Cameron. Cirie draws Jag. Felicia draws America. America is glad to play so she can win and protect herself and Cory from the block.


    Cameron thinks maybe Meme’s speech when she was leaving might have been true and he has a feeling something weird is going on. He needs to talk to Jag and he says she’s coming up with weird reasons to not go after Cory. Cameron says if Cory is not chosen as a backdoor then it raises red flags.


    Jag says he is nodding at Cameron but The Minutemen are coming for him and everything he’s saying about Bowie Jane plays right into his hand and he will use it against him. Jag goes to Bowie Jane and she is concerned because she was protecting him but if he doesn’t trust her that’s a problem. 


    The HG have a message from the Scrambleverse and Zingbot enters the house! Zingbot asks how it’s going winners? Everyone is confused. Zingbot from the scrambleverse and his zings are a little different. He is happy to see all their beautiful faces, Zing! Jag says this is not what they signed up for.


    They have Zingbot OTEV. What’s up losers! His name is OTEV, the Zinging Robot and in the scramble verse he’s king of the zings. Danger! Danger! There’s a thief among us. America is under arrest for robbing the cradle. 


    What do you think brought the bigger wrinkles to this game, the multiverse twist or…Felicia? She says she doesn’t have wrinkles. Jag, your game play reminds him of a sports car. Not a Jaguar. A Bore-vette. Astin moron. And a Lame-borgini. The only hint worse than Blues catchphrase is her fashion sense.


    What’s the difference between a great white shark and Bowie Jane. Ones a scary creature whose scary teeth terrify people and the other is a shark. And don’t get Zingbot started on her pigtails. Mecole, watching her play Big Brother has had a major impact on his life. He’s gone from Me-bored to Me-coma. She was so low key he forgot she was evicted. Not in the house Zing!


    Matt, he can see why he got along with a cardboard cutout, similar intelligence. Blond Zing! Cirie, the past few weeks have been hard on her with her good friends leaving the game, leaving her alone. Now she can do what she does best…lose while on an island. Survivor Zing!


    Cameron congratulations, he received a military promotion while in the house. He went from lieutenant loser to…a Major <expletive> tool! A patriotic song inspired by America: Cory's not beautiful, under any skies. Short like a piece of grain. A thin mustache, if you call it that, it causes my eyes pain. America! America! Did you have a lo-bo-to-MEEEE? He's a tiny man, can't kiss worth a damn. Let's throw him in the sea! As a human, Cory says, I'm destroyed. But as a fan, this is the best day of my life!


    Zingbot has pictures of the biggest losers from the BB Universe and he is making a crap book of the biggest losers of BB25, but some of his pictures have gone missing. He will give a clue about an evicted HG and they must find the HG photo. If they are the last to bring back the correct photo or bring the wrong photo they will be eliminated. The last HG standing will win POV!


    OTEV wants the photos of the second and third losers evicted. The HG scramble to find the photos of Reilly and Hisam. Cirie wants to save herself and not rely on anyone else. Jag is stashing different photos off the side so he knows where they are in later rounds. 


    Cameron says Cirie is wrong because she got Reilly and Kirsten. America goes down trying to get up the ramp. Felicia cannot find Hisam and Cirie realizes she’s wrong and she goes back to see if she can fix her mistake. Felicia finds Hisam and gets back before Cirie can get back.


    America, Jag, Matt, Felicia, and Bowie Jane are correct. Cirie has been eliminated! She just wants one game where she doesn’t look like an idiot. She hopes Felicia win so Cam or Cory could be the replacement nominee.


    OTEV wants the photo of the loser who finished last in The Kicking Butt competition. Matt immediately knows that was Kirsten. Cameron wants Jag or Matt to win POV so they can get what they want done. America drops her photo and she has to slide down to get it. Felicia beats America to the top.


    Jag, Bowie Jane, Matt, and Felicia are correct. America has been eliminated. Jag says he wants him, Matt, or Felicia to win veto so they can convince her to backdoor Cameron.


    Felicia says she might actually have a chance at winning veto. OTEV wants the photo of the loser who had to wear a piggy costume for an entire week. Jag says two people wore the piggy costume and Cam is still there so he knows the answer is Izzy. 


    Bowie Jane really wants to win POV and she sees Jag and Matt flying. Sorry Felicia but she has to leave her behind. Matt, Jag, and Bowie Jane are all correct with Izzy. Felicia is eliminated.


    OTEV wants the photo of the loser eliminated first in the Pressure Cooker competition. Bowie Jane says that was the longest day of her life and she’ll never forget Jared was out first. Matt is the last to make it back. Jag and Bowie Jane are correct with Jared, and Matt has been eliminated.


    OTEV wants the photos of the two losers who were evicted with exactly 8 votes to evict. Jag says he knows this and it’s Izzy and Red. He just needs to find the photos and beat Bowie Jane up the ramp. Jag is back first and he is correct with Red and Izzy. Bowie Jane has been eliminated and Jag has won the POV!


    Jag says veto number three. He’s excited about this one. Cirie says the best plan is to get rid of Cory or Cameron but she doesn’t think these people are that strategic. Jag says sorry Cameron, your time is up!


    Cameron goes to talk to Bowie Jane because he feels like something is off. Bowie Jane says it feels like Jag is leaning towards using it. Bowie Jane says she really has to consider replacement nominees. Bowie Jane says there aren’t any good options and Cameron says there is one great option and everyone would vote for him. 


    Bowie Jane says she just doesn’t want any blood on her hands.Cameron says he’s kept her safe and if Bowie Jane wants to keep him safe, she can’t put him up. Bowie Jane says she’ll think about it. Cameron doesn’t know why Jag would use veto and even if he did, why would Bowie Jane put him up. He needs to work his tail off to stay off the block.


    Bowie Jane says Jag is likely using veto and Cameron has been throwing her name around. But he’d also be public enemy number one and a shield for her. She really has to consider what is best for her game.

  7. Tonight, the Cameron resurrection tour continues to roll. Next stop, Eviction Night. Welcome to Big Brother! 

    Previously on Big Brother, Jag & Matt were the Minute Men, and they expanded their alliance by adding Cameron. But they were also secretly working with Cory & America. Meanwhile, the showmance approached Mecole & Felicia to form a side squad. With Cameron rocketing his way to power, he had his sights set on Felicia. After Cory told Blue he would come after Cam, Blue took that info and used it against Cory. At the Veto competition, Cameron exorcise the Golden Power right into his hands. He pitched The Fugitives on taking out Cory. But Jag was not onboard. At the Veto meeting, Felicia put the college student on Blast, leaving Cameron with a huge decision. Tonight, will Cory be backdoored or will Felicia stay in the line of fire? And who will be the final HG evicted before Jury begins? Plus, a new HoH will be crowned, live. All this, right now, on Big Brother!

    Julie greets us and it’s Day 65 in the house. We pick up during the Veto Ceremony on Day 62. Cameron tells us he wants to back door Cory, but Jag and Matt are not on board. Cameron has decided NOT to use the POV.


    Felicia tells Cory he doesn’t have to hug her if he doesn’t want to and he says he does. Felicia wants to convince the rest of the house that America and Cory are a bigger threat. Meme didn’t expect Cameron to use veto and she won’t campaign against Felicia but she’s not going to make any deals.


    Cory says it doesn’t feel good to be called out but he doesn’t want to argue in public with Felicia. America calls Felicia a liar in front of everyone. America says did she and Cory make the deal? Yes, but she’s not going to admit it.


    Felicia wants to talk to Cory but he wants to do it privately but she says that’s where he can lie. Cory walks away and America says this was his chance to back her up. Cameron says Felicia is out the door but now she’s painting a target on America and Cory.


    Cirie says she is staying out of the vote. She needed Felicia and Meme’s vote to keep Jared and she didn’t get it so she isn’t lifting a finger to help them. Cory says the call out with Felicia was one thing but he just learned before the veto meeting that Blue is trying ti back door him. He tells America Blue needs to go next week.


    Cory is talking to Matt about Blue wanting to back door him. Matt says this conversation is tricky but he needs to make Cory feel like Jag and Matt didn’t even entertain it even though they did. Cory says Matt’s story doesn’t make sense but he needs Matt and Jag to trust him. Matt says he and Jag want America and Cory and Blue taking shots at each other.


    Jag is talking to Cameron about the veto meeting. Felicia asks Cameron and Jag how badly she blew up her game. Cameron says it’s a hard game to play for here. Felicia says she hasn’t given up yet.


    Felicia says everyone is her in the jury house, but they need to worry about Cory in the Big Brother house. She says leave her in the game and she will take a shot at Cory. She’s not scared like everyone else. Felicia talks to Jag and pitches keeping her to go after Cory. Jag says people want her out but her staying would be good for him and Matt.


    Matt, Bowie, and Jag are talking about keeping Felicia because they can beat her in competitions. Bowie asks if they can get the votes. Jag says they have to convince Cory and America to keep Felicia and play this smart. Bowie says they are working more underground.


    Cameron is going to head to bed and Cory says to Jag, Matt, and America wouldn’t it be funny if they saved Felicia again without her knowing it. Cory says the only 2 votes would be Cirie and Blue and Felicia wouldn’t work with them. America just doesn’t want Felicia in the house. They talk about how Meme has done better in comps than Felicia.


    Jag says this just fall into our laps? Do you know what time it is? It’s Minute Men time. Cory says it may sound crazy but if Blue gets left out of a vote, then it’s not Blue against Cory, but it would Blue against the house. And they can just beat Felicia easier in comps than Mecole.


    It’s time for the live eviction! Felicia shouts out her family. She hopes this isn’t the end of her journey. She’s enjoyed every minute in the house, good and bad. She’s standing on the faith of a mustard seed. Anything is possible.


    Mecole shouts out her husband and mother. She says she played a game with intent and integrity. Loose lips sink ships and that’s why she played a quiet game. She says they should keep her if they want someone in the house that doesn’t manipulate people to do their dirty work.


    it’s time for the vote!

    Cory votes to evict Meme.

    Cirie sadly votes to evict Meme.

    Blue casts her vote to evict Meme.

    Matt sadly chooses to evict Mecole.

    Jag votes to evict Meme.

    America votes to evict Meme.

    Bowie Jane votes to evict Meme.

    By a vote of 7-0, Mecole has been evicted from the Big Brother house. Mecole passes on a hug from Cory and doesn’t hug America. 


    Mecole tells everyone that Cory, America, and Bowie Jane have an alliance and she tells them not to let them run away with the money. 


    Julie says Mecole blew off Cory and America and she says she knows sabotage when she sees it and they pretended to be her friend all season. Julie asks Mecole what she thought happened since she was supposed to be a pawn. Meme says she knew it would happen sooner or later because they seen her do well in competitions.


    Julie asks Meme if she would be surprised to know two people were related. Meme guesses Cameron and America and Julie tells her it was Jared and Cirie and she is shocked.


    Matt says a majority wasn’t sure where she was aligned. America says they had to flip the house because she was the better competitor and had a better social game. Cirie says if Meme is watching this, they got her. She tried to tell her to keep Jared. 


    Meme says she thought she’d win more but she gave it her all. 


    The Humiliverse sent out its newest app, Humiligram. It appears on the memory wall and the HG go look and see an Instagram style app that shows funny pictures and captions. The HG are studying them and trying to take in as many details as they can. 


    It’s time for the HOH competition! Julie will ask questions about the posts they seen and they will answer true or false. Whoever has the most points after 7 questions will be the new HOH!


    Question 1: The post of Reilly and Jared at the bar had exactly 74 dislikes. Cirie answers true and everyone else answers false. The post had 47 dislikes. 


    Question 2: In Red’s post from the farm, the hens beak was fading away from red. Jag and Blue answer false and everyone else answers true. The correct answer is true. Cory, America, Matt, Bowie Jane, Felicia have 2 points. Cirie, Jag, and Blue have 1 point.


    Question 3: The photo of Kirsten and Hisam on the boat in the canals was posted from Kirsten’s account. Everyone answers true and they are all correct.


    PQuestion 4: In the photo of Reilly at the water park, the penguin was at the top of the yellow slide. Everyone answers true and they are all correct. Cory, America, Matt, Bowie Jane, and Felicia have 4 points. Cirie, Jag, and Blue have 3 points.


    Question 5: Both Red and Izzy’s teeth were clearly visible in the photo of the roller coaster. Everyone answers false and they are all correct.


    Question 6: In Hisam’s post from the gym, the word right appeared exactly three times. Jag, Cirie, Matt, America all answer true and everyone else answers false, the correct answer is false. Bowie Jane, Felicia, and Cory have 6 points. Matt, America, and Blue have 5 points. Jag and Cirie has 4 points. 


    Question 7: In the group photo of the pre-jury part, the cake had exactly 6 candles, Matt, America, and Cory answer true and the correct answer is false. There were no candles. Jag and Cirie have 4 points. Matt and America has 5 points. Blue and Cory have 6 points. Felicia and Bowie Jane have 7 points. 


    Bowie Jane and Felicia will go to a tiebreaker. In minutes, how long was Jared a zombie from the moment he re-entered the house to when Cameron won do or die. Bowie Jane answers 627 and Felicia answers 49,500. The correct answer is 10,401 minutes and Bowie Jane is the new HOH!


    Julie congratulates Bowie Jane on winning HOH and tells them everyone remaining will either be part of the jury or face the jury.

  8. Previously on Big Brother, the DE saw Cam & Jared booted, but a twist from the Scaryverse sent them back in the game. With normal game play out the window, a spooky showdown between the Zombies would commence.

    Cameron & Jared went to battle in a boneyard braw. After 3 nerve wracking rounds, the Space Zomboy got one step closer to resurrection. With chaos unleashed, new alliances were forming. Matt, Jag & Blue teamed up with America and Cory, but the trio also formed something new with Cameron. Meanwhile, AmericCory also cut their own side deal with Mecole and Felicia, which put them on Matt's radar.


    With a live do-or-die comp before him, Cameron took the reigns, and he earned a new lease on his BB Life. But it was sadly sunset for Cirie's son. Tonight, the game resumes with the Final 10 competing for HoH. Who will win the power and which 2 HG will be put on the chopping block? Find out right now, on BB!


    We pick up on Day 58 after Cameron win the resurrection competition and Jared leaves the house. Cameron cannot believe he worked his way back into the game and it is time to play the cramp out of the game.


    Cirie says Jared was sad because he wanted to be there so bad. But the gloves are off because those she loved are gone and the rest are serpents and snakes. Jag is so stoked that Cameron got back in and Blue is sad because she’ll miss Jared. Blue’s one goal is to win HOH and avenge her Poohbear. 


    It’s time for the HOH! Cory says this HOH is crucial. America says she and Cory are working with Matt and Jag but also with Felicia and Mecole, but she’s not sure she can trust them.


    Cameron reads the dir croons for the HOH competitions and the HG must complete a puzzle. The first HG to assemble their rocket and launch it will be the new HOH! Cirie says this HOH is critical for her because she’s a lone wolf. Bowie Jane is excited and the power has shifted. Cameron says he’s on level 10 adrenaline and he’s calm, cool, and focused.


    Blue says she sees a flat piece and puts it on first. She wants to win and send Cory on him. Jag says he, Matt, or Cam winning would be golden. Mecole needs to win because she can only depend on herself. Matt has proven he can win veto comps and he wants to prove he can win HOH comps, but he’s not good at puzzles.


    Bowie says her hair makes her look a little alien so this is her competition. She sees the stickers and starts matching the puzzle outside of the building spot. Cameron says he heard about a variety of different alliances. America tells Matt and Jag about the Felicia and Mecole alliance and she doesn’t realize Cameron was close enough to hear.


    America’s strategy is to match up the stickers. Cory says he’s a brain guy but he’s apparently not good at puzzles. Jag says there is a lot of pieces and he’s feeling rushed. Cirie says she thought she was good but then everything turned French. Felicia says she thought she was good, but pieces get mixed up.


    Blue says she didn’t have high expectations because it’s a puzzle comp but she’s slaying it. Mecole says she was going good until she realized there were stickers. Cory says Matt, Jag, and Cam are all close and he realizes they could win and keep him safe or draw the line in the sand. 


    Jag is in the zone and he’s trying to pick up the pace. He feels really good. Matt sees it’s between him, Jag, and Cameron and that’s great. Cameron has 3 pieces left and he isn’t worried about anyone else. All he has to do is execute. Cam finishes and hits his button and he has won HOH! 


    Cameron says he went from out of the house to the top of the house. Blue is frustrated because she keeps getting close but Cameron winning isn’t the worst case for her. Cirie says Cameron won again. Of course he did. But she’s happy…how does that make Felicia feel? Felicia says Cam came after before and he could again. He’s like a gnat.


    Cameron is hoping all the groundwork he laid down paves a path for him. Mecole says Cam is a wildcard and her fingers are crossed this week. Cory says he should be able to sleep good this week. Cameron tells Cirie that Jared told him to take care of her. Cirie says she feels so alone that she might have to consider trying to work with Cameron.


    Jag and Matt are talking about how they’re working with America and Cory and then Blue and Cameron. Jag wants to discuss with Matt and Cameron because America and Cory are playing a smart game. Felicia says Cameron could put up her and Mecole and Cameron is a wildcard because you never know who his target is.


    Cirie is called to the DR while Cory is asking Survivor questions and Cirie is saved. Cory is a massive Survivor fan and she is his Survivor google. Cory is reciting Survivor facts and Cirie says he knows more than she does. Cirie says she’s glad in the DR because Cory wants to talk Survivor.


    Jag, Matt, and Cameron celebrate and they have called themselves The Fugitives. Cameron asks who they want on jury because the next person to leave will be the last one evicted before jury and he wants the jury pro-Cameron. Meme and Felicia are thrown out and Cirie is tossed out. 


    Cameron says Cory is a threat and Jag says they have to think about who is the most dangerous. Cameron says he’s taking all their input in, but he’s ultimately going to do what is best for his game. 


    Mecole says she is a naturally clean person. Her house is spotless, but the Big Brother house? Not so much. We see her disinfecting everything. She says this house has funk. 2 cans of disinfectant spray probably isn’t doing the job, but it’s all she’s got.


    America says she learned how to kiss at 26. Cirie hates when you kiss someone for the first time and their mouth is too wet. America says no one ever told her what she was doing wrong as a kisser. Cory finds it hard to believe America is teaching him to kiss. America says she kissed washing machine style. Bowie Jane says she practiced on her hand.


    Cory is in to talk to Cameron. Cory says it’s fun to watch the roller coaster from the outside but not fun when you’re on it. Cory says he hasn’t really betrayed Cameron and he wants to build on their relationship. Cory says he feels very comfortable and he needs Cameron to win competitions. 


    Cory asks Cameron what he needs from him, he’d like to play in veto. Cameron doesn’t know why Cory is so comfortable. He likes chaos and since he is HOH, no one should be comfortable. He says the persona Cory is protecting could be his downfall.


    Blue is in to talk to Cameron and he says the best part of being HOH is people come in with their little black book and start throwing names out and start driving the bus. He takes in as much info as he can. Blue throws Cory under the bus and wants him gone.


    Felicia is in to talk to Cameron and she says they haven’t talked game. Why is that? Cameron says he never felt there was an invitation for game talk and Felicia says she wasn’t a pusher in any conversations. Felicia says she very one was chasing him because he’s the number one player in the house. She says her gut tells her that he is putting her on the block and he says Felicia is the greatest persuader in the house. 


    Felicia says Cirie is the real threat. But truth be told she is a threat but she’s going to do whatever she has to in order to stay off the block. Cameron asks if he’s F2 would she vote for him and she says yes. She says that sincerely and she would be one of his 4 votes. She says she’s asking him to let her keep playing.


    Mecole is in to talk to Cameron and she says he should be damned proud of himself. She says it has been amazing to watch. Cameron knows who his target is this week, but he needs to sit his target next to a pawn and that is a very important decision. He tells Mecole she is not in any danger this week. Me dole says he is cryptic and she thinks she’s going to be a pawn and she doesn’t like the odds.


    Cameron says he doesn’t want things to be weird. Mecole says Cameron should be careful because they are about to see a side to her they haven’t seen, and if she stays, then Cameron will be a target. Cameron again reassures Mecole she isn’t in any danger.


    It’s time for the nomination ceremony! Cameron’s first nominee is…Felicia. His second nominee is…Mecole. Cameron says there are many aspects to this game and Felicia has had many and she is a tremendous competitor. Cameron says he’s no stranger to sitting next to friends and he apologizes to Mecole.


    Cameron says Felicia is his target because he doesn’t want her in jury house and he doesn’t believe she’d vote for him to win. He says Mecole is her best friend and he doesn’t want her winning veto and saving Felicia. Cory says Cameron didn’t go rogue and nothing crazy happened.


    Felicia says Cameron makes her nauseous. She doesn’t know why he wants her out but she is winning veto because she doesn’t want to have to ask people for their votes. Mecole says her game face is on and she is going to fight for that veto. They are going to have to drag her out because she’s not leaving without veto in her hands.


  9. It’s day 58 in the house and Jared or Cameron will have their game resurrected. We have to find out who will win the resurrection rumble. Cameron leads Jared 13-9. Cameron says he has to win so he can decide who puts their life on the line. 


    For this competition the rules are simple. The first one who gets all their skulls and eyeballs in their shovel wins. Cory cannot have Jared coming back. Jared has to reset and start again. Jared says he now has to play the game of catch up. 


    Cirie is praying Jared can pull out this win because she doesn’t know if she can take watching him walk out the door again. Blue says this is a stressful game to watch. Cameron is at 21 and Jared is at 11. Jag says the power dynamics have been shifting and if Jared returns things could go back to where they were.


    Cameron is at 25 and Jared has to reset again. Jared has to hope Cameron slips up. Cameron says he is only focused on what he is doing. Bowie Jane really wants Cameron to win this. Cameron is close and Jared is still trying to catch up.


    Cory says it feels like a Cameron is gently holding his game in his hands. Cameron has all his balls on his shovel and he is making his way back and hits his button and he has won the resurrection rumble! He says the fate of his game now lies in his hands. 


    Cameron says he doesn’t have time to celebrate because all he’s done is win a chance to decide who will play in the final competition. He needs to work on setting up a future for himself. Cirie says she has never experienced this type of situation and she doesn’t know what he should do.


    Cory is over the moon because he thinks Cameron will be back in the house. Cirie and Felicia are comforting Jared and telling him it isn’t over yet. Felicia tells him to stay in the game. He just hopes someone will protect his mom. Felicia says life brings about disappointment but Jared, herself, and Cirie need each other.


    Jag thinks Cam has a strong shot at staying and Cameron wants to work with Jag and Matt and see if they can make it work. Cameron thinks the three of them could take care of business. Jag is open to working with Cameron because he’d rather work with him than against him. 


    Blue joins Cameron, Jag, and Matt and they are discussing an alliance. Blue wants Jared to stay, but if Cameron stays she needs to make sure she’s good with him. Cameron is talking to Jag and Matt and says they are a three personal alliance with layers. Cameron mentions The Brigade and compares them. Matt doesn’t know what The Brigade is but it sounds good to him.


    America and Cory are making out in the shower and Jag and Felicia walk in and America hides. Jag asks if anyone is in the bathroom and Cory says America was. They realize she’s in the shower and Jag and Felicia leave.


    Cory’s alliance is with America, Jag, and Matt, but he wants to make sure he’s good with Felicia and Meme. Mecole doesn’t really trust Cory and America but you can’t trust anyone in this game. But she hunks she can beat them later.


    Matt sees Cory talking to Felicia and that’s cool but then he sees Cory uses his hand to cover his lips and now he’s suspicious. Felicia, Meme, America, and Cory are talking and America says no one would see it coming. Cory says they have a better chance at winning against Meme and Felicia than Matt and Jag.


    Matt sees the four talking and he assumes Cory is covering bases which is fine, but he got caught. Matt, Jared, and Blue are talking about Cory and America being a safe haven. Blue says America and Cory are a threat to her and the more she can drag America’s name through the mud, the more she can pull Jag and Matt closer.


    Jared is pretty sure Cameron is going to choose to play himself but he wants to talk to him. Cameron says he’s gonna do it. Jared says champions want to hold the ball and Cameron agrees. Jared says he respects that but he hopes he loses it. Cameron says even though he’s confident it doesn’t mean he will win.


    Julie greets us and she’s going to show Cameron what he’s up against before he makes his decision. Julie explains they will have to use the zombie pulleys to maneuver a ball up the board into the combine hand. But it has to be done in 3 minutes. If the ball drops they have to start again. 


    Julie asks if Cameron want to play or let Jared play. Cameron takes a moment and says he’s going to take it on. Julie has Cameron step up and 3 minutes are on the clock, Julie gives the go! Cameron starts with the first ball and is doing pretty well. 30 seconds have gone and he’s making progress. He almost loses the ball but recovers. He’s shaky around the arm but is hanging in but drops.


    Cameron starts again with 1:50 left. He moves faster up but slows down around the arm. He’s moving very slowly but has over a minute still. He drops the ball in the hand and hits the buzzer with 1:05 left. Jared’s game is over and he has to head inside, say goodbye, and head out the front door. 


    Jared gives hugs and Cameron is also hugging people. Jared does a handshake and hug with Bowie Jane. Blue is last to hug Jared and he grabs his bag and heads out the door.


    Julie asks Jared how difficult that was to watch? He says it was tough, but he fought as hard as he could. Jared says he’d have done everything he could to get that ball in the hand. Cameron made the right choice.


    Julie asks Jared how he thinks his mom will do and he gets emotional. She asks how much of his game play was affected by his mom? He says he knew it would be hard but he tried to protect her. Jared thinks he built a good bond with Blue.


    Julie asks how jared is feeling and he says he hopes his mom is good and he hopes she can trust Blue. Jared asks how things changed so quickly on double eviction night and he says he was a competitor and he had to do what he had to.


    America is happy Jared is out of the house. Bye! Cory says he expects to be friends after the show. Blue is going to miss her blanket time and promises him a trip to Italy. CIrie is so proud of him and she will try and get Cory for him if it’s the last thing she does.


    Jared says he loved it and he enjoyed his experience. Julie will talk with the HG and put scary week to bed.


    Julie congratulates Cameron and he says he’s happy. He says that competition got him rattled. He was nervous after the first ball dropped but he kept going. Julie says scary week is officially over but that doesn’t mean scary verse won’t rear it’s ugly head again. Everyone gets to play in the next HOH.

  10. This week the hijinxs of Humiliweek have clashed with the most dramatic events of the season, all leading to tonight's pivotol live vote and eviction. Welcome to BB!


    Previously on BB, Cirie, Izzy and Felicia have been running the game, along with Cirie's son Jared, and they had alliances with nearly all the house. But after blindsiding Cameron and Bowie by evicting Red, and the Space Cowboy then taking control, the power trio was finally up against the ropes. Thinking he was still good with Jared, Cameron shared he was circling Cirie as a backdoor. With the Veto Games underway, Jared buddied up to power, while others walked away with publishments. Izzy & Cameron became piggy pals, Cirie was up the river with Felicia, and Matt became a Duhamelamaniac. Clueless about Jared's true loyalties, Felicia thought he would use the Veto to save her. But at the Veto meeting, Jared protected his mom. Tonight, one of Cirie's top allies exits the game, but will it be who she expects? Plus, the HoH is on the line in the iconic Wall comp and the HG come face to face with a legendary meatball. All this right now live, on BB!

    Julie greets us and tells us it’s day 44 in the house and Cameron’s revenge run is going on. We pick up on day 41 after the veto meeting and Jared has decided not to use the veto because he didn’t want to put his mom in danger.


    Felicia hates being against Izzy. She thinks she has Blue, Mecole, Cirie, Jared, and Cory’s votes to stay. Cirie says this is like being in one of her worst nightmares because her two closest allies are counting on her vote. She’s hoping the house will keep Izzy because she needs that to happen but she doesn’t want the decision to come from her.


    Cory says the decision is pretty clear for him between Izzy and Felicia because he’s been in an alliance with Izzy, Cirie, and Jared for awhile. He says the votes should be straight forward. Izzy says her and Cirie have worked hard to make sure everyone is comfortable working with them and hopefully now it pays off.


    Cory says America has wanted to take a shot at Izzy and Cirie but he thinks it’s way too risky. America says Izzy is the better game player and she doesn’t understand why they’re afraid to take the shot.


    Felicia and Cirie get the announcement their Kayak punishment is over. America is talking to Cameron and telling him the house wants Felicia to go. America tells Cameron he was the target last week and he says no. America also tells him Jared told Red that Cameron volunteered to go up next to him.


    America feels good that Cameron knows everything but she still needs to get four more votes to evict Izzy because Cameron can’t vote. America goes to talk to Matt to see where his head is at to build better relationships. Matt feels solid with Cirie. He wouldn’t mind working with America short term but not long term.


    Matt tells America that he won the secret power and used it on Jag and that Cirie also played in that comp. America says she won’t tell but then we see her tell Cory. Cory wants to key Cirie didn’t tell him she played but would tell Matt. He says he’s been too complacent and now he should make big moves.


    Cory talks to Jag. Cory tells us he feels like he’s being played and now he needs other people to realize they are being pinned against each other. Cory tells Jag he knows about The Seven Deadly Sins and Izzy told him.J Jag says he’s been suspicious of Jared and Cirie anyway. 


    Jag says Seven Deadly Sins is dead now. Cory, America, and Jag are talking about voting Izzy out. America says flipping the house is her love language. They only need two more votes and Cory thinks he can do this. Cory goes to Bowie about the vote and he tells her to be careful about Cirie. 


    Cory goes to Mecole with the plan to vote out Izzy. Meddle says she’s been in multiple alliance with both nominees but she believes Izzy is the stronger player and it just makes sense to send her out this week.


    Cory then goes to Matt and he needs to build some alliances. He wants to work with Jag and Matt. He tells Matt he’s voting to evict Izzy and he tells him why. Cory tells Matt he knows about Seven Deadly Sins. Matt says his mind is blown right now. Jag comes in and says Seven Deadly Sins have burned bridges. 


    Julie goes to the LR. Felicia says this week has been long and exhausting and she has survived. She says everyone has to make a decision and take the lead and that person will be the winner of this season.


    Izzy says this has changed her life. She cares deeply about this game even though she’s fighting for her life in the pig costume. She says she can learn and grow and if they choose to keep her and she will choose to be brave and strong for them. She desperately hopes they vote to keep her and she ends with a shoutout.


    It’s time to vote!

    America votes to evict Izzy.

    Cory votes to evict Izzy.

    So far it’s 2 votes to evict Izzy and 0 to evict Felicia. We’ll continue voting when we get back.


    Voting continues!

    Matt sadly votes to evict Izzy. 

    Cirie votes to evict Felicia.

    Jared sadly votes to evict Izzy.

    Bowie Jane votes to evict Izzy.

    Blue happily votes to evict Izzy.

    Jag votes to evict Izzy.

    Mecole casts her vote to evict Izzy.

    By a vote of 8-1, Izzy has been evicted from the Big Brother house.


    Izzy hugs everyone but Cameron and Cory and says she’ll see them soon. She joins Julie on stage and the HG watch her picture go gray.


    Julie asks Izzy what she thinks when wrong and she says she trusted Cory too much. She feels most betrayed by Cory. She thought they built a strong friendship and maybe it clouded her judgement.


    Julie asks about Izzy protecting Cirie and Jared’s secret and she says she thought it was too soon to think about blowing up their group. She believes Cirie and Jared are in big trouble but she hopes they survive. 


    Jag says he respects her so much but she played herself. Mecole thought they were developing a friendship that was based on honesty but it’s not true. Cory says he couldn’t trust Jared or Cirie. Cirie says she’ll see her at the family dinners, she’s a Fields now.


    Izzy says no regrets and she had a great time. Julie says the next battle for HOH will begin after the break.


    It’s time for the HOH competition! Julie informs them they are going back to a jury of 7 and they have to earn their spots. The HG must hang on for deal life. Last HG left will become the new HOH! 


    The wall tips forward and Felicia is shaking a bit. Bowie Jane readjusts as the wall tips forward a bit more. They get puffs of smoke from behind them and Julie tells us that next Thursday will be a scaryverse double eviction! 

  11. We pick up on Day 38 after the Nomination ceremony and Cameron has nominated Izzy and Felicia, and Legends 25 is dead. He says an amateur would go after the president, but he’s chopping the arms off and is going to watch it wiggle.


    Izzy is surprised Cameron put her on the block with Felicia but she thinks he’s intimidated by her. Game on. Felicia doesn’t understand Cameron’s speech because he wanted Hisam out and his relationship with Red was on the rocks.


    Jag is surprised he is not on the block. Before Homs were made he and Cameron made a deal and so far it seems he’s honoring that deal. But he doesn’t really trust him. 


    Felicia talks to Cameron and says everyone wanted Hisam gone. She says they were voting out Jag but then Izzy and Cirie told her that Red said she was a liability about an hour and a half before eviction. Cameron says this is what he wanted. Felicia is throwing her friends under the bus.


    Izzy is in to talk to Cameron and he says this is a firm distinction between personal and game. Izzy says Cameron makes her skin crawl but she has to play buddy buddy so she doesn’t become the target. Cameron says Felicia is a loose cannon and Izzy is not the target but tells us Izzy is his target.


    Cameron tells Izzy he loves Cirie. He tells us he does love her but there is no world where the three of them work together. Izzy tells us she knows Cirie is a replacement nom choice and she is worried what is going to happen after veto.


    America is living for this. She’s seen that Izzy, Felicia, and Cirie have been running the house and Cameron seen the light. Cirie goes to talk to Cameron and she says he’s probably mad at her too but she understands why this had to happen. Cameron says the president is a little frazzled but if someone comes off the block? She is going down.


    Izzy is talking Cirie and they are discussing she could be a replacement nominee. She says if she wins veto she will not pull herself down. Cirie says it’s crazy but she is someone crazy enough to do that and that’s what makes her phenomenal.


    Jag is in to talk to Cameron and he tells us he doesn’t trust Cameron and he doesn’t feel completely safe. Cameron says this is an olive branch. He tells Jag not a word about their deal. If he finds out Jag tells anyone about that deal he’ll put him up so fast his head will spin. 


    Jag says if Cameron is starting a working relationship with someone, threatening them is not the way to go. He does not feel any better about this and he needs to play in this veto.


    Jag and Matt make an alliance and they are calling themselves The Minutemen. Jag was a huge fan of The Hitmen and he wants to be like them. Jag wants to play veto and win and keep noms the same. Matt says even though 2 of The Seven Deadly Sins are on the block, it is better for his and Jag’s game for noms to stay the same.


    Jared is talking to Cameron and says things are about to get bananas. Jared says he doesn’t trust Cameron at all and when he laughs, it’s not with Cameron but at him. Cameron says game on. Cam says this was the perfect week. Nominations, no food, terrible sleeping situations, and yelling into a bullhorn. Cameron says Jared put him on the block but as a pawn and he trusts him.


    Cameron says Felicia sang like a bird and as much as he trusts Jared, he’s not going to tell him the entire plan. Jared says when Cameron tells him his plan isn’t over he’s jumping to conclusions. He suspects Cameron is going to go after his mom. He needs to win this veto so he can protect his mom. 


    It’s time to pick players for the veto competition! Cameron is dreaming to pull Cirie’s chip out. He draws Matt. Matt is excited he gets to play to help ensure noms stay the same. Felicia wants to pull Jared’s name because he is her son in the house. Felicia draws Jared. Izzy draws HG choice and she chooses Jag. Jag says it’s great Izzy chose him for veto because it shows trust between them.


    Matt says he feels closest with Jag, Cirie, and Jared and he wants to see where his head is at. Jared says they have to keep it the same because Cirie would be the replacement nominee. Jared thinks Cameron will give him the full plan once he wins veto. 


    Izzy is talking to Cirie and she wants to win veto. She wants to be good at this. Izzy says Cirie is her favorite person and Cirie says Izzy is her favorite too, besides the one she gave birth too. Cirie asks why Izzy isn’t confident in herself and she says she doesn’t know. She wants to be able to do things. 


    Cirie tells Izzy the feelings she has are the same ones Cirie had when she took a chance at Survivor. Cirie is emotional and she says she feels like she found her person, someone who understands. Cirie says they are two hot messes. Izzy says Cirie is inspiring her right now and she trusts her. 


    It’s time for the Veto Competition! Blue calls everyone into the LR for a special sneak peek of Camp Buddy Games hosted by Josh Duhamel. Josh is hosting the Veto Competition and he has brought the spirit of Buddy Games to the Big Brother Backyard. 


    Each round they’ll take a seat in a spinning chair and be spun for 30 seconds. Then they’ll throw three shots. The lowest score in each round is eliminated. But don’t worry, they get a prize, but it may not be theirs because someone else could steal it.


    Felicia is up first and she says it is imperative she wins veto. Felicia gets spun and she is very slow getting up. She hits 70 with ball number 1. 0 with ball number two and she takes a spill. She doesn’t get her third ball. Felicia’s score is 70.


    Jared is up next and one of his main goals is to keep his mom as safe as possible. Jared is quickly up and his first ball is a 1. His second ball is 28. His third ball is 1. Jared’s score is 30.


    Cameron is next and he wants to win or Jared so they can discuss how much chaos to create and his score is 65. Izzy is up and she scores 7, 6, and 2. Izzy has a score of 15. Matt wants to win so he can prove he can win but also to keep noms the same. Matt scores 97, 45, and 0 for a total of 142.


    Jag is up and he doesn’t trust Cameron at all so he wants to win this veto. Jag scores 91, 0, and 11 and has a total of 102. Izzy had the low score and has been eliminated and she has the POV. She knows she is not keeping this veto.


    For the second round the spinning is longer and they have less time to shoot. Jared is up first and scores 75, 62, 47 for a total of 184 and Cameron says let’s go. Cameron is next and scores 8, 18, and 0 for a total of 26. Matt is up and he scores 71, 45, and 6 for a total of 122. Jag scores 7, 37, and 47 for a total of 91.


    Felicia is up and takes a spill. She scores 6 and 21 for a score of 27. Cameron has been eliminated and he wins Piggy Pals where he and another HG will be pals and they will have to fill a pigpen with dirt using only 2 small scoopers and complete it in 12 hours. He trades Izzy for the veto.


    Round 3 begins and Matt is first. He scores 7, 5, and 51 for a total of 63. Jag scores 8, 4, and 5 for a total of 17. Jared is up and he scores 97, 44, and 9 for a total of 150. Felicia is up and scores 47. Felicia collapses on the ground and Cameron says they need to get someone out there.


    Felicia has been eliminated but she is up with a bag of ice. She wins a European vacation and she trades for the veto giving Cameron the vacation. Round 4 starts and Jag is up and scores 8, 62, and 6 for a score of 76. Jared scores 9, 5, and 60 for a score of 74. 


    Matt is up last in this round and he scores 8, 54, and 54 for a score of 116. Jared wins Kayaking companions and he must move around with one other HG in a kayak for 24 hours. Jared trades for the veto and Felicia has the Kayak Companions.


    It is time for the final round! Matt is first and scores 80, 56, and 3. Jag is up and scores 89, 5, 2 for a total of 96. Jag’s prize if $5,000 and he decides to keep the money. Matt’s prize is Duhamel-a-Maniac. He gets to hang out with “Josh” all week and he thinks that’s better than all the other prizes and he keeps it.


    Izzy picks Cameron as her Piggy Pal. Felicia selects Cirie as her Kayak Companion. Jared has won the POV! He says this could not have been better because now he gets to hear Cameron’s plan. Izzy is glad Jared won so she doesn’t have to not use veto. Cameron says this is great! He gets to go to Europe and fill Jared in on his plan. Felicia is excited because Jared can pull her down.


    Cirie and Felicia are called to the DR and they get their Kayak Companions punishment. They have life vests and helmets and are in a kayak with oars and will be together for 48 hours. They have to be in the kayak when they go anywhere but they can land and dock and be out of the kayak. 


    Cirie and Felicia get called to the DR and we see them trying to maneuver through the hall and get the DR door open. They finally make it in. Matt is called to the DR and he has a cardboard cutout of Josh and has on the new version of the humilitard. We see him shaving Josh’s face on the cutout. 


    Matt gets to go take a selfie in the kitchen. We then see him take a selfie under the kitchen table. He then gets a selfie with Josh and the Kayak Companions, then the HOH. He gets up in the middle of the night to get a selfie in the have-not room. He also had to put all his photos on a shrine to Josh.


    Jared is in to talk to Cameron and Cameron says this could not have been any better. Jared says if Cameron can actually convince him that Cirie is not the replacement nom then he’ll consider using the veto. Cameron asks if Jared wants to play it chill or blow things apart. He tells Jared they could put Cirie on the block. Cameron tells us he wants Izzy to sit next to her best friend in the house because he had to sit next to two of his.


    Jared says Cameron confirmed his suspicions and he has to make sure that happened. Jared tries to sway Cameron to put Jag up. Cameron says it’s pretty clear Jared doesn’t want Cirie up. He says he has to think long and hard about that now. He says putting up Jag is worth entertaining. He tells Jared they’ll make the decision together.


    Izzy and Cameron are called to the DR and they have pink pig onesies. They get 12 hours to move 2000 scoops to their pen or Izzy will be ineligible to compete in the next veto. Cameron says it’s nice dirt but smells like mulch. He doesn’t like Izzy as a player but he loves her as a person. So he will make sure she succeeds at this mission and hen make sure she meets Julie on Thursday. 


    Mecole says she has no idea is what is happening right now. They have 2 HG in a kayak, 2 in piggie costumes, and Josh with Matt. Matt gets a 10 on the stink-o-meter and everyone must put on their gas masks, including the piggies. Matt has to get a selfie with Josh in the gas mask. Felicia says she doesn’t think there has ever been this much going on in the house. Cirie says it’s a mad house. Josh has to get a selfie with Josh and ALL the HG. 


    America says she has been working on Cory and molding him into the perfect boyfriend. They’ve been working on kissing. Cory says it’s obvious he likes America but his mom is watching the feeds. America says they aren’t official until they have their first kiss and we see them kissing at night and America says it’s now official.


    It’s 3:05 AM and Cameron and Izzy are still moving first, they are at 1524 and Izzy is talking constantly. Cameron he has run up mountains but this has kicked his ass. They run the last two scoops and they now must add water to their pigpen and they have to roll around in the dirt. Cameron says he is so gassed and sore all over. Izzy says she appreciates Cameron.


    Jared says this is going to be a tough conversation to have with Felicia that he can’t use veto but it’s even worse he has to tell them both together because of the punishment. Felicia needs Jared to use the veto on her but how does she get that to happen with Cirie right there. She says this punishment is now impacting her game. She’s really up the creek without a paddle.


    It’s time for the veto meeting! Jared has decided NOT to use the POV. He says it’s the best decision for himself moving forward and he hopes everyone understands. Jared says he truly loves Felicia and Izzy but he could never endanger his mom’s game. He says Cameron can play HOH next week and if he doesn’t win veto then Jared will be on his heels.


    Felicia says she wishes Jared had used veto but she is going to talk, talk, talk all week and hope that keeps her in the house. Izzy says she understands Jared not using veto and it sucks sitting next to a Felicia but she wants to stay. Cameron says he couldn’t get Cirie on the block next to Izzy but he still gets his number one target out.

  12. Previously, on Big Brother, Cirie, Felicia, and Izzy were the core behind the Seven Deadly Sins as well as the Legends 25 alliance. When Matt told Cirie he won a secret power he inadvertently started a game of telephone that ended with Jag suspecting Cirie of sharing secret information. A unanimous  vote sealed Jag’s fate, but the BB Power of Invincibility quickly unsealed it. With the son of Cirie seizing power, he went after the duo of Cameron and Red and he told Red not to trust his biggest ally, which left Red seeing red. After Cameron won veto, Jared needed a replacement nominee and Cirie floated the idea that Jag was too dangerous. So after making him think he was a pawn for the seven deadly sins, Jag took Cameron’s spot on the block. Tonight, will eviction history repeat itself for Jag? Or will the Chillbilly be left out in the cold? Find out right now on Big Brother!


    Julie greets us and it’s Day 37 in the house. We pick up after the veto meeting and it’s Day 34 and Cameron says thrice time on the block daddy has set and he removed himself. He hasn’t given up on Red and whoever is sitting next to him need to leave.


    Red says he’s on the block with Jag but he’s relying on his Legends 25 alliance. Jag says he wants to shows he’s a team player and hopefully since he’s a pawn it will make their alliance moving forward.


    Cirie says Jag think he’s the pawn but he’s the target. She says he knows she played in the secret competition and that she knows Matt saved him and that makes him dangerous. Jared says Jag thinks he is his pawn but he wants to keep him calm this week.


    Izzy says Cameron and Red have been in her hit list for awhile but if the bromance is dead, then she’s good with keeping Red and sending Jag home. We see Cory sneaking out of America’s bed at 6 am. She likes him but she needs to work on him to make him the perfect man for her. 


    Cory says his experience in Big Brother has been different than expected. He has a girlfriend making him wear bronzer and growing out the worst facial hair in history.


    Cirie says since Jag is out maybe they need to make Cameron and Red feel good about Legends 25 and work it down to the final eight. She says families fight but they are still family. Mecole thinks the meeting is a little premature but they are a very indecisive group. She hopes they actually stick to the plan this week.


    Felicia is whispering to Mecole that she does not want Red and Cameron to get back together and Mecole is confused. Mecole says she doesn’t know why they think Red and Cameron won’t mend their differences, as men do that quite often. 


    Julie says there may be a blindside in the works…the only question is who is getting blindsided. It’s reds birthday and Felicia says they are serving him breakfast in bed. Red says his day has been amazing and he can’t believe how fortunate he is to celebrate his birthday in the house with these HG.


    Jared and Red are talking and Red wants to have a sit down with Jared and Cameron. He says he is going to have that conversation after he survives the week. Jared said Cameron came to him and said he wanted to be a pawn against Red. We see the flashback of Jared suggesting Cameron be a pawn. Jared does not understand why Red wants to have a meeting with Cameron and that could be dangerous. 


    Jared is talking to Felicia and Izzy about Red wanting to talk things out with Cameron. Felicia says that would be a problem for everyone. Felicia says they should stick with their original instinct and split them up and now they’re talking about letting them both come off the block.


    Felicia is talking to Cirie about the information Jared gave her and is pitching maybe keeping Jag. Cirie says this could be figuring out the lesser of two evils. Felicia says Red and Cameron getting back together could put herself and Cirie in their line of sights. 


    Time for the eviction! Red does shoutouts to his kids. He loves all the HGand it’s an amazing experience and no matter what happens he loves them. Jag does his shoutouts and says he appreciates the time he’s spent with his BB fam and he requests for them to vote to keep him or Meme will kill him if he doesn’t make the steak he promised.


    It’s time to vote!

    Cameron votes to evict Jag.

    Bowie Jane sadly votes to evict Jag.

    Blue is voting Red out.

    America votes to evict Red.

    It’s 2 votes to evict Jag and 2 votes to evict Red. Voting will continue soon!


    Voting continues! 

    Matt chooses to evict Red.

    Cirie sadly votes to evict Red. 

    Izzy votes to evict Red.

    Cory votes to evict Red.

    Felicia gladly votes to evict Red.

    Mecole casts her vote to evict Red.

    By a vote of 8-2, Red has been evicted from the Big Brother house.


    Red starts giving hugs, grabs his bag, and says love you humans and walks out the door. Cameron seems to be going through a lot of emotions based on his face but he’s very quiet. 


    Julie says Red was told that Jag was a BD target and here he sits and Red feels like Felicia had a lot to do with it. He says this experience has been great either way. Julie asks who he feels most betrayed by and he says Cameron.


    Julie asks why Red didn’t go to talk to Cameron instead of taking Jared at his word. He said he didn’t want to act emotional and thought it best to let it be. Julie tells Cam voted for him to stay.


    Julie asks Red if he’d be surprised to know there was a pre-existing relationship and he said no there could be several. He says maybe Izzy and Felicia or Jared and Felicia. Julie tells him Jared is Cirie’s son and he says wow that’s awesome.


    Felicia says she’s sorry but they didn’t want him and Cam to get back together. Bowie Jane says she will get back those who flipped on them. Izzy says she is sad to see him to go but he and Cam were coming after her. Cameron says if Red is seeing this, something absolutely went wrong and he’ll see him on the outside.


    Red says it’s been an amazing experience and it’s a game so he takes everything with a grain of salt. He said the overall experience was just amazing.


    It’s time for the HOH competition! This week is humilaweek. The HG will see a video of colored toots. They will be asked a question that will be true or false and if they are wrong they are eliminated. Last HG standing after 7 questions will be the new HOH!


    Question 1: The first cloud was the same color as the last cloud? Everyone answers false and everyone is correct.


    Question 2: Two green clouds appeared back to back. Everyone answers true and everyone is correct.


    Question 3: There were more red clouds than blue clouds. Cirie, Matt, and Bowie Jane answer true and everyone else answers false. The answer is false and Cirie, Matt, and Bowie Jane have been eliminated. The HG get their second video.


    Question 4: There were exactly 12 clouds shown in total. Cory, Izzy, and Cameron answer true and Mecole, Felicia, America, Jag, and Blue answer false. The answer is true and Mecole, Felicia, America, Jag, and Blue have been eliminated.


    Question 5: The red clouds were always immediate followed by a yellow cloud. Cameron answers false and Izzy and Cory answers true. The correct answer is false. Cameron is the new HOH! 


    Jared has not handed over the key yet and there doesn’t seem to be much celebrating going on.


    Julie asks Cameron how he feels and he feels great but he misses his buddy Red. Everyone except for Cameron will be have nots and they will take turns sleeping in the humiliverse room.

  13. Previously, on Big Brother, Matt won the Bb Power of Invincibility, and after telling Cirie, they decided he was going to use it to save their ally. Matt filled Jag in, while Cirie gave her son the 411. But after Jared implies to Jag he was safe, Cirie was not happy with her son’s loose lips. The house sent Jag packing, but Matt’s power returned him to the game. At the HoH competition, Cutie’s boy became a man. Jared had his sights on The Chiller’s duo so he tried to make Cameron think he was a pawn and after Hared thought Cameron was being disloyal to Red he used it as ammo to turn Red against his Chiller Chum. At the nomination ceremony, The Chiller’s went on the chopping block and Rd was left in tears. Tonight, will the POV save one of the Chillers from the hot seat? And if so, who will be Jared’s next target? Find out right now on Big Brother!


    We pick up on Day 31 after the nomination ceremony and Jared has nominated Red and Cameron. Cameron says this is not good. Hopefully one of them can come off the block and keep the other one from being evicted. Red feels betrayed by Cameron.


    Jag is grateful to be in the game but it doesn’t feel good to be evicted 10-0. Jag says he learned he can’t trust Cirie to keep information to herself but he still wants to work with her. He just needs to learn how to work around his relationships.


    Red is feeling bad and is trying to make himself feel better. He says you know the difference between a hippo and a zippo? One is a heavy critter and the other is a little lighter. Cirie goes to comfort Red because she needs his head in the game so he can go after veto. Cirie says she needs Cameron and his hair to leave the house.


    Jared and Cameron are talking and Jared said he understands if he is mad and Cameron said he trusts him. They talk about veto and Jared says if he won veto he might take him down or he’s banking on Cam winning.


    Cameron says he is telling Jared anything he wants to hear. He does not want Red to go and he’s going to do whatever it takes to keep The Chillers safe another week.


    Cory is talking to Jared and says he has options this week. Cory and Jared made a final two on day 3. Cory says they bounce ideas off each other and they work together. Jared says Corey is a solid four after his mom, Izzy, and Blue. Cory says America can be brought in but as soon as she has to go she’s gone. 


    Jared tells Cory that he doesn’t trust America. He feels like she’s been throwing competitions and he doesn’t know what deal she made with Cameron in the Pressure Cooker and he has no use for her. Cory tells Jared if America won HOH she would go after any combination of Izzy, Felicia, or Cirie. Jared tells us if you come after his people he has no need for them in the house.


    It’s time to pick players for the veto competition! Jared doesn’t want to see America to play because he thinks she’s been throwing competitions. Jared draws Felicia. Red needs to pick someone from his Legends 25 alliance and he draws America. America is ecstatic to play and if she wins she’ll keep noms the same. Cameron wants Matt to play in this veto because he trusts him. Cameron draws HG choice and chooses Matt.


    Jared tells Cory and Izzy if America throws the competition he’ll put her up as his target. Cory swears she isn’t throwing comps. Cory is confused and wants to know where this is coming from. He says America can’t go home on Jared’s HOH because she is his number two and he is his number one.


    Cory talks to Jared and he says he doesn’t trust her. Cory asks him to trust him with her. Cory needs Jared to be a much better final two ally because he’s not sure they can get to final two without killing each other.


    Cory wants to talk to America. He does not want to lose her because she could help him later in the game. Cory tells her she needs to visibly try her hardest because people think she is throwing comps. She says she’s been trying her hardest to win every single one. America is asking him what is going on and he tells her they think she wouldn’t put up Cameron.


    America doesn’t know where Jared is getting those ideas, maybe it’s his huge ego. America says she was already going into this competition to give it 100% but now she’s going into it to give it 1000%.


    It’s time for the Veto Competition! They have tiny barrels and they have to stack 36 barrels with 8 on the bottom. The first HG to stack all their barrels will win the POV!


    Jared is gunning for the veto so he has absolute power. Red says he is going just as hard for this veto as every other competition in this game. Cameron says he does not want to sit through a third eviction, he has to get off this block.


    Matt wants to win this competition so everyone can see that he can win comps. Felicia wants to win to make sure Cameron walks out that door. America wants to win to prove she isn’t throwing competitions. 


    Jared seems to be struggling. America and Matt and Cameron are making decent progress, Red is struggling a bit and Felicia and Cameron are on the third row now. Jared says it’s hard for him to keep his hand straight. Cirie says Jared has always had muffin hands, they are huge and puffy.


    America has good progress but knocks down a couple of columns. Red is trying to take breaths to steady himself but it’s tough. Felicia says it’s important to be slow and steady and not panic if any barrels fall over.


    Cameron is down to six barrels. Felicia is on her fourth row. Cameron loses nearly his entire stack. He says he cannot win. America says this looks easier on tv. The more tired her hand gets the more her hand shakes. Cam is starting over and Matt switches to his left hand but he knocks a few barrels over. 


    Jared says every time a barrel falls over he just wants to throw the box on the floor but he knows he needs to focus. The middle part of Matt’s stack keeps falling. America only has a few left to go but she needs to stay focused. Cameron has about three barrels to go. America and Matt are just behind and America drops some barrels. Cameron finishes and he has won the POV! 


    Cameron holds up the tiny POV and now he just needs to make sure he and Red both stay. Red is disappointed that Cameron gets to stay but he needs to figure out how he can stay. Americas heart just sinks and she knows people will think she threw the competition.


    Jared says he respects someone who has sat on the block three times and can win competitions, but now he needs to pivot and figure out what is best for his game. 


    Felicia says now that Cameron has won the POV, their worst nightmare, but they need to figure out who to sit next to Red who will be their target. Felicia is talking to Cirie and Mecole and America walks in and everything gets quiet. 


    Felicia tells America that she might be a pawn but they are all voting out Red. America is not convinced and she wants to talk to Jared and figure out what’s going on. America rehashes the conversation where she might be a replacement nominee.


    Jared tells America that people are concerned she’s growing competitions. America says I stood in the Pressure Cooker for 13 hours, how does that make sense? She tells us she stood there for 13 hours and he dropped as soon as it got dark. Jared tells her that he heard she would put up Izzy, Felicia, and Cirie and she denies it.


    Jared says he knows from his conversation with Cory that she is targeting Felicia, Izzy, or Cirie if she wins and he sitting there lying to his face about it rubs him the wrong way. 


    Red and Cameron are talking and Red says Cam wrote him a bad check. Cameron wants to know what he did wrong and Red says he thinks he does and they should put it on ice. Cameron says he’s not sure where to go after that.


    Red tells Cirie, Izzy, and Felicia that he told Cameron they aren’t in an alliance anymore. Cirie says maybe Red shouldn’t be a target if he’s not going to work with Cameron. Bowie Jane, Cirie, and Red are talking about America being a strong competitor. Cirie turns the talk back to Jag and how if the house voted her out 10-0 she would trust anyone. Maybe it’s not a good idea to keep Jag in the house. 


    Jared and Cirie are talking and he asks who she wants to go home. Cirie pitches Jag and says no one will ever come between Matt and Jag. But if they get rid of Jag Cameron will feel like Jared finished his HOH. Cirie says America would be a waste for him. 


    Jag is talking to The Seven Deadly Sins and says he still wants to work with them and he still trusts them moving forward. Jared asks about nominations and they pitch America and they can decide to keep her or let her go. 


    Blue thinks it’s a good idea for Jag to be put up as a pawn and it would show the alliance that Jag still wants to work with them. Felicia says she hates to see any of them as a pawn but they have the numbers. Cirie says Blue’s idea just sealed her best friend’s fate. 


    It’s time for the veto meeting! Cameron has decided to use the POV on himself and Jared has to name a replacement nominee. Jared says his decision reflects what’s best for him moving forward. He says Jag is the replacement nominee.


    Red didn’t expect Cam to use the veto on him but he feels good about his chances of staying sitting next to Jag. Jag says he needs his alliance to trust him so he will be a pawn to prove he’s a team player. Matt says Jag is one of his Allie’s and he doesn’t want his power to be wasted so he wants to keep him in the house again.

  14. Previously, on Big Brother, HoH Cameron and Red were a final two duo and they were also part of the legends 25 alliance, having no clue it was all a ruse. Meanwhile, Cirie,  Felicia, and Izzy had a real thing going with the seven deadly sins. Keeping legends 25 safe, Cam went after Jag and Blue and after winning the veto, Red assured one of them would be leaving. Cameron wanted Jag gone, but Cirie thought jag was better for the seven deadly sins. Unfortunately her son wasn’t on board, BB Comicverse dropped a jaw dropping twist so American chose Cirie, Matt, Cory, and Jag to compete for a game changing super power and Matt won the power of invincibility. Matt told Cirie about his new power and they decided it would be best to save their ally. At the live eviction, Jag went from shook to shocked. Tonight every HG competes for the most important thing so far. Who will win power and who will they target? Find out right now in Big Brother!


    We pick up after the eviction ceremony and Matt says this was the best week to use his super power because he had two Allie’s on the block. Cameron says this was terrible. They had him out 10-0 and they put everything in reverse and the week doesn’t matter.


    Jag says he was evicted 10-0 but at least one person wanted him in the house. We see five hours before eviction Matt told him about the power. Jag says he is ride or die for Matt.


    Red and Cameron are talking and getting ready to compete for HOH. Red says Jag is just another problem they have to deal with and he must have Lady Luck on his side. Bowie Jane, Felicia, and Cirie are talking and Bowie Jane is shocked. Cirie says of course she knew Matt was gonna save Jag.


    America and Izzy are talking they think Matt had the super power and used it on Jag. Izzy says Matt trusts Jag and did not want him to go. Cory joins and Izzy wants to win HOH so she has the power to nominate Red and Cameron.


    Jared is telling Jag he is glad he was saved. Jared tells us his mom gave him the information before eviction about the super power. Jared hinted before the eviction to Jag that he would be safe to buy trust.


    Jag is confused because Matt and Cirie were the only ones who knew so he has to talk to Cirie to find out what exactly Jared knows. Cirie is upset that Jared did that because she has to be able to tell him things without being concerned it will get out. Jared is trying to play his own game and make his own moves but he thinks he got himself in hot water with his mom on this one.


    Jag thinks Cirie told Jared, that’s the only thing that adds up and he does not know if he can trust Cirie anymore. Jared goes to Jag and told him he shouldn’t have said anything and he did and now that screws things up with him. Jared tells Cory alone that if Red or Cameron win HOH, Jag should just walk out the door.


    Blue wants to win this HOH because she was on the block last week with her bestie. Red is going to go hard for this after the way last week went. Cirie does not want Cameron, Red, or Bowie Jane to win.


    It’s time for the HOH competition! The HG will be shown a love letter from an odd couple member with a word in red. The 2 HG will then be shown a picture separated into three sections and they must find the item shown in red and ring in with the section the item is in. If they are first and correct they stay in the competition and choose the next two HG to face-off. If they are wrong, then they are eliminated. The last HG standing will be the next HOH. 


    Cameron and Jared are up first and we see Jasmine and Turner are the first off couple. The red words are crutches. They see their picture and Jared rings in first answer C and he is correct. Cameron has been eliminated.


    Jared selects Red and Bowie Jane to face off. Jasmine’s letter has the word muffin tin and Red rings in A and is correct. Bowie Jane has been eliminated.


    Izzy and Jag are selected next and we have Brett and Rockstar as the odd couple. Rockstar’s red word is unicorn. Izzy rings in with B and she is correct. Jag has been eliminated.


    Red and America are next for Brett’s letter with the word drapes in Red. Red rang in first with the answer A but the correct answer is C. Red is eliminated and America moves on.


    Mecole and Matt face off with Rockstar’s response letter with polka dotted party hat in red and Mecole rings in with B and is correct. Matt has been eliminated. 


    Cory and Blue and we see Jessie in love with himself. Jessie’s letter has the word Pink protein shake. Blue answers A and she is correct. Cory is eliminated.


    Mecole and Izzy see Jessie’s letter with the word Pink Suit in red. Mecole rings in with A but she is incorrect. The answer is C. Mecole has been eliminated and Izzy moves on. 


    America and Blue are next and Jessie’s letter has the word dumbbell in red. Blue answers B and she is correct. America has been eliminated. 


    Cirie and Felicia are next with Jessie’s word Green Weight Plates. Felicia rings in first with B and she is wrong. The correct answer is A. Felicia has been eliminated and Cirie moves on. 


    Blue and Izzy are with Jeff and Rachel are the odd couple. Rachel’s word is clown shoes and Izzy rings in answer B and she is correct. Blue has been eliminated.


    Cirie and Jared are up and Jeff’s word is Zingbot. Jared rings in with C and he is correct. Cirie has been eliminated. 


    It is down to Jared and Izzy. Rachel’s word is Life Vest and Izzy rings in C. She is incorrect, the answer is A. Jared is the new HOH! Jared says he’s been on the bottom of the competitions for the last two and he is ready to make moves and play Big Brother.


    The HG come inside and Jared says before he got here his biggest dream was to win one of these competitions and your boy got it. Blue is excited and she can’t believe things have turned out the way it has. Cameron says whatever is going to happen is going to happen. He just has to talk to Jared.


    Red and a Cameron are talking and Red says he has a good chance of seeing the block. Cirie and Izzy and Jared are in the SR and Cirie is excited and so proud and it is hard not to get emotional. Jared is thinking Cameron and Red or maybe Bowie Jane. Jared says they will talk about it later. Cirie is good with whatever decision he makes as long as it’s one of those three but she’ll guide him towards Cameron.


    Jag and Blue are talking strategy and Jag says he does not know who to trust. Blue says Cirie and Felicia have their hand on everyone. Blue trusts Jag the most and Jared but she knows he’s close with Felicia and Cirie. Jag needs to re-evaluate his game and who he can trust going forward.


    Felicia said three days in a row, her mic pack has landed in the toilet. Bowie Jane says it’s getting pretty funny because it happens a lot. Felicia says the first day was OMG, the second day was like…this is a problem. Cirie says she cannot associate with her anymore and Felicia laughs. 


    Cory and America are in the hammock and he is happy he didn’t win the super power. America says she wants to win and if she did win she’d put up Cirie, Izzy, or Felicia. She does not trust them because they have all the power. Cory says things will collapse but he is concerned because she is expendable. Cory says if America is getting herself in trouble, then she is getting him in trouble.


    Cameron goes to talk to Jared and Cameron says he does not want to be the pawn. He’s pretty positive Jared will go after Red and he does not want to sit on the block next to Red. Cameron pitched America. Jared says he’ll consider it and Cameron says he’ll do what he has to do and he is not going to fight for his boy because only one person can win. Jared says Cameron throwing Red under the bus rubbed him the wrong way. Cameron pitches America and Red.


    Red goes to talk Jared. Red says the worst case scenario would be him ending up on the block next to Cam but he wouldn’t be surprised. Jared tells Red Cameron was going up and Red says so he’s probably going up too and Jared confirms. Jared says people trust Red more than Cam and Cam is his target. 


    Jared tells Red his conversation with Cameron but implies Cameron volunteered to be a pawn to get rid of Red. Red is disappointed in this news and he could end up looking like an idiot. He hopes it’s not trust though. Jared and Red hug and Jared assures Red he is good.


    It’s time for the nomination ceremony! Jared’s first nominee is…Red. His second nominee is…Cameron. Jared says he hopes he nominated them to build trust with his allies and he hopes they don’t take it personal.


    Jared says Cameron is the target because he can’t trust him because he threw his ally under the bus. Cameron says he is going to fight for this veto. Red says it hurts being backstabbed by your friend. He should have known he couldn’t trust someone like that but he’s going to fight for the veto.

  15. Previously, on Big Brother, Cirie, Felicia, and Izzy formed The Seven Deadly Sins alliance but also started a fake one to appease Cam and Red. With Cameron conquering the Cooker he used his power against two former friends. Red brought Cam some intel on Izzy, putting her in the space cowboys crosshairs. The HG went on a crusade within the Temple of Power and Red became the Raider of the veto. At the veto meeting, The Chillers stuck with plan A. Tonight, either Jag or Blue will be evicted, or will they?


    Julie greets and says we’ll find out who competed for the secret power, who won it, and if it will be used to save a nominee. We pick up on Fay 27 and Red decided not to use the POV. Jag hates being against Blue but he wants to stay. 


    Izzy says she’s in a fake alliance with The Chillers but a larger one with the two nominees. Cam says Jag is the target and The Chillers locomotive is on the way. Blue says Cam reassured her that she is not the target and we see him telling her not to do too much. 


    Jag is talking to Cirie and Izzy and saying he trusts them. They tell him Jag and Red want him out. Matt joins them and Jag says he trusts in his team and Cirie appreciates that. Jag leaves and they talk about keeping Jag and blindsiding Cam and Red. 


    Cirie is dreading talking to Jared about voting out Blue because she is not sure how receptive to that he will be. She pulls him in and he wants to know why and says it isn’t good for him because she is his plus one. Cirie says she needs this one and Jared doesn’t know. Jared does not trust the others in Cirie’s alliance. 


    Jared says it doesn’t feel good to hear others talking about him. He isn’t going to play the game the way he’s told to, even if it’s by his mom. Cirie says the fact that Jared is not on board throws a monkey wrench in the whole plan. She’s struggling to find a way to save Jag.


    The Comicverse ball is glowing and the HG scramble to the LR. Red reads the transmission and says a new super power has been unleashed in the game and four HG, voted by America, will compete and the player with the best time will win the power and learn how it works. 


    Jag says this is huge. He doesn’t know if he wins he can take himself off the block and save Blue as well but he wants this power. Cam says this power could be anything. His nominations can be changed, a vote can be cancelled, things could not be going his way. 


    America is in the Temple of Power and she is ready to play but she was not selected to play. Bowie Jane has also not been selected. Cameron has not been selected and he doesn’t blame them.


    Cirie has been selected to compete. She will hit her button to start her time and then she will set an orb on the tilting pathway and she has to get her orb in the chalice and hit her button. Whoever has the fastest time will win the super power. Cirie is flattered that America will give her a gift that is important and she wants to win this so bad. 


    Cirie says she has to get the ball down the winding path in the fastest time and she is struggling. She says this is hard because her mind and her hands are not on the same page. She says the path is a replica of all her alliances, she has to keep them straight and get to the finish line. She finishes the challenge.


    Cory is next and he will compete. He says he won Americas heart. He thinks he’s in a good spot but there’s always a better spot. He wants to crash the ball into the walls and try and get it done fast. He says he’s not a shortcut kind of guy. He feels good about his time.


    Felicia has not been chosen and neither Mecole, Jared, Izzy, or Red. Matt has been selected and he is honored he has been voted for this spot. Matt starts to get a feel for the challenge and his plan is to go as fast as he can and no holding back but he has to be way more steady and he has to be calmer. He finishes and hits his button.


    Blue is ready to compete but she needs America’s help but she has not been selected. Jag has been selected to compete and thanks America so much and he is so excited and he is super stoked. He hopes to win and that the power can stop the eviction. 


    Jag is trying to take his time and stay calm so he doesn’t have to take a lot of chances. He says the clock is ticking and he cannot afford any more drops and he finishes and hits the button. He really needs that super power.


    So won the game changing super power and what have they decided to do with it? Each of them enters the DR and Cirie, Corey, and Jag did not have the fastest time. Matt did win the Power of Invincibility. He has the power to save one of the next two evicted HG, including himself. 


    Matt does not know what he is going to do yet and he is just going to let the drama happen while he decides. Jag says he is just going to have to campaign for votes. Matt has decided he might tell Cirie because he thinks she’s an expert and it could buy trust with her.


    Matt is explaining the power to Cirie and she says him having the power is great and the fact that he trusts her enough to share that information gives her a whole new outlook in how they can play together and she wants to protect Matt. She wouldn’t mind being Final Four and even final three with Matt because trust is a huge commodity with her.


    Cirie is in the have-not room with Matt and they are discussing that Jag might be going home. Matt says he could save Jag and no one would know who it was and it would cancel the whole week. Cirie asks what Matt thinks is best and he says he knows Jag is loyal. Cirie thinks Matt should save Jag and no one will ever know it was Matt. They say Red and Cameron will be so mad and Cirie says it will shock the house.


    Julie talks to the HG. Blue does her shoutouts and her mother told her not to come home without winning. Blue says she has more game to play, more relationships to build, new outfits to show off, and she asks them to save her from the wrath of her mom.


    Jag does his shoutouts and then says his friendships he’s built have been great. He says they need him here to finish all the milk but he hopes they vote to keep him and he loves them all.


    It’s time to vote!

    Red votes to evict Jag.

    Jared votes to evict Jag.

    Cory votes to evict Jag.

    America votes to evict Jag.

    It is current 4 votes to evict Jag and 0 votes to evict Blue.


    Voting will now continue!

    Matt chooses to evict Jag.

    Cirie votes to evict Jag. 

    Felicia unfortunately votes to evict Jag.

    Izzy votes to evict Jag.

    Mecole casts her vote to evict Jag.

    Bowie Jane very sadly votes to evict Jag.

    By a unanimous vote of 10-0, Jag has been evicted from the Big Brother house. 


    Jag looks disappointed and hugs Blue and begins hugging the others and it is very quiet. He says he loves them all but the comicverse ball is glowing and there is a transmission. 


    Julie tells someone to grab the message and has everyone else sit on a couch. Red grabs it and Jag looks to be praying. Red reads the transmission and the BB power of Invincibility has been activated and the person they just voted out is invincible and cannot be evicted. Jag is safe! But since no one left, everyone will be eligible to play for HOH including the outgoing HOH, Cameron!


    Julie confirms the power has been used, Jag is safe from eviction, and Cameron can play for HOH. She tells the HG goodnight. Sunday we’ll find out who wins HOH and who is nominated. Wednesday the power of veto will be played and we’ll find out if it’s used. And next Thursday will be the live eviction…she promises.

  16. Previously on BB, With Hisam gone, new alliances were forming, and Cirie, Izzy and Felicia started a new 7 person squad (The Seven Deadly Sins), along with a Fake Faction (Legend 25). Meanwhile, there were also close duos blooming. There was the Beardmance with Red & Cameron, the Showmance of Blue & Jared, and the Flirtmance of Cory and America.

    With the HoH up for grabs, the legendary Pressure Cooker comp kicked off. And after a grueling all-nighter, at nearly 14 hours, it came down to 2. America secured safety for herself and her closest ally, allowing the Space Cowboy to rocket to power.

    Cameron wanted to after his former ally, but Red put Izzy on his radar too. At the nom ceremony, Cam put Izzy on the backburner for now. Tonight, the PoV is on the line. Will Jag or Blue secure their safety? Plus, will Jared spill his big secret? Find out, right now, on Big Brother!


    We pick up on day 24, and Cameron has just nominated Jag and Blue and he has a plan if veto gets used. Jag is not surprised Cameron put him up and he’s going to win veto and take himself off the block just like he did last week.


    Blue says Cameron had the nerve to put her on the block with Jag and she’s a spicy bitch and go out and fight for veto. Cirie says thank god they creates the new alliance before Cam won HOH. Things are going their way so far.


    Jared is comforting Blue who is upset and she’s hoping Jared will play and take her down. Blue says she loves Jag but the worst case scenario would be Jag winning veto and Jared going up and her ending up on the block with her showmance.


    Jared is upset and he wants to hug Blue. He wants to win veto and take her down and show Cam if you mess with him and who he likes then he will come firing for them.


    Cory tells us America made a deal with Cam that not only kept her sage but him as well. Cory tells America that his brother was on survivor but he did not do well. America says it’s nothing crazy but she wants to tell him a secret. Cory trusts her and wants to go deep in the game with her.


    Cam and Red are talking about Felicia, Izzy, and Cirie and they need to fight them because they are loyal to each other. Cameron says it’s pretty clear they are tight and they have a bond. Cameron suggests Izzy as a potential replacement nominee. Red says she is problematic and Cam says more so than the two on the block. 


    Jag’s punishment is now over. He’s been cockadoodle Zoom all week and he is so ready to be done with it. He’s in the BY and he says have y’all seen a chicken strip and he takes the costume off to cheers from those in the BY.


    Jared and Blue are under the covers kissing. Jared is trying to test Blue and see how quickly she catches on to stuff. He wants to tell her a secret but only half of the truth. He tells her that someone is his mom. 


    Blue is starting to think someone is related to Jared and she says she has two options. She says it’s Mama Cirie or Mama Felicia but she think it’s Cirie because they are closer state wise and Jared told her he’s been around game shows and Cirie was on Survivor. She says the gears are turning.


    Cam says Matt is in Legend 25 and he wants to make sure they are looking through the same lens and he has the same conversation he had with Red about Cirie, Felicia, and Izzy. 


    Matt goes to Cirie about Cameron pitching an alliance to him because he wants her to know he wants to work with her and trusts her. Cirie is not 100% sure Cameron would not back door her or Izzy or Jared.


    Cory and America are cuddling and he says he’s never seen this dynamic with the awkward guy and the not awkward girl. Izzy says they were under the covers and she could not see America. They were going to throw some “safety socks” at them but they were gone and Felicia notes someone used them and starts investigating.


    Felicia says who could have used here things because they don’t just grow legs and walk out of the drawer. She says maybe Jared and Blue. She says whether it’s veto or condoms everyone in the house is looking for protections. Cirie says she does not want to know. Ew. Jared says he does not know where they are but he has a huge smile on his face.


    It’s time to pick players for the veto competition! Cameron wants Red to play, they are The Chillers. He draws HG choice and chooses Red. Blue would love if Jared would fight for her in the veto and she draws Jared. Jag is hoping to pick someone from The Seven Deadly Sins alliance and he draws Mecole. Mecole wants the nominations to stay the same. 


    Cirie says if Jared wins veto she would do everything in her power to get Jared to leave nominations the same because she does not want a chair to open up with Cam as HOH for her or Felicia or Izzy to be a replacement.


    It’s time for the POV competition! The HG will hit a button and start their timer. They will need to stack two artifacts on each pedestal. Once they’ve done that and they are correct they will see a riddle. The fastest person to solve the riddle will win the POV.


    Blue starts moving all the artifacts to each pillar. She starts trying different combinations and solves the balancing and she sees the letters she needs to unscramble. She unscrambles the word Golden and she is correct.


    Cameron is next and he does not want to win since he has HOH. So he wants to throw but not be too obvious about it. He has the pillars balanced and hits the button and he sees his letters he needs to solve the riddle. He spells Golend first and has to fix it and is done.


    Mecole wants to win and keep moms the same because Blue and Jag are a threat to her because they aren’t in any of her alliances. She has the pillars balanced but she struggles to keep her letters to stay on the wall. She finally gets it.


    Jared says the stakes are really high and he wants to win this for Blue to take her down. He balances the pillars and starts trying to solve the riddle. He spells Delong, Dongel, Elongd, Ongdel. He realizes he has to incorporate the riddle on the wall and it finally clicks. Golden! 


    Red wants to win this for Cameron and their alliance. He makes quick work of the pillars and he starts solving the riddle. He’s in the zone and is going as fast as he can because he knows Jag will be right on his tail. He quickly spells out Golden and he’s done. 


    Jag is the last to go and he needs that veto. The pressure is on. He gets the first one and the second but the second one falls and he knows he’s wasting precious time. He gets the pillars balanced and quickly unscrambles Golden and he’s done. He doesn’t know if he was fast enough but he hopes it was enough to get him POV.


    It’s time to find out who won the POV! Cameron wants Red to win and Blue wants herself or Jared to win. The third place time goes to Cameron with a time of 3:18. Second place is 2:41 and is Jag. The winner of the POV with a time of 2:20 is Red! Red says The Chillers are set up!


    Jag says they cooked them fair and square back to back in HOH and Veto. Blue is crying and they are trying to figure out how to go about the week. Blue says Jag is her best friend and she hopes they can both figure out how to stay. 


    Red and Cameron celebrate because they have all the power and they can make some interesting decisions. They can keep noms the same or shake the house up uncontrollably. Red does not trust Izzy and Cameron agrees and it would be one hell of a move.


    It is time for the Veto Meeting! Red has decided NOT to use the POV. He feels it is best to keep the wishes of the HOH honored and let the house decide the rest. This veto meeting is adjourned!


    Jag says Red does not use the veto and that is no surprise because it is clear he is seen as a threat. He’s going to fight to stay. Blue hates she’s on the block and with her closest ally. She will not campaign against Jag but she will be fighting to stay. 



    Cameron says it was too early to blow up the alliance because he needs someone to protect him next week and hopefully they see he is solid. Cirie says if someone close to her wins HOH Red or Cameron could see themselves on the block so fast it would make their heads spin.

  17. The BB Multiverse has been very busy this week sending HG after HG to the Nether Region. But tonight, one HG will depart, never to return. Welcome to BB! 


    Previously on BB, the house was split down the middle. The Young Bloods were part of The Handful alliance, while the older crowd called themselves The Professors. Hisam conquered the Scaryverse and he immediately had a target in his sights, so he put Reilly on the block with the Space Cowboy. After telling Cameron he was in the clear, the burlesque performer showcased his power. With the Veto up for grabs, Hisam only grew more powerful, and he served the bartender a shot of cold hard gameplay. But not everyone in his alliance seemed on board. Tonight, is there trouble in paradise for The Professors alliance? And will it lead to a flip on Hisam to send Cameron packing instead of Reilly? Find out right now, live, on BB!


    Julie greets us and says it is day 16 and although the house is split, it is Hisam who is winning the game and Reilly has found herself in his sights. But first, the reviews are in, and Hisam’s veto speech may not have gone over as for his sake.


    We pick up on day 13 after the veto meeting and a Hisam says Reilly has to  go. Reilly says Hisam’s speech was very bold but she has never given up in her whole life. Cameron says it is not fun sitting on the block but all he has to do is keep his head low.


    Jag says everyone wants Reilly to stay but they need the votes. They need one person from the other side to vote with them. Izzy does not think Hisam’s speech did what he wanted to except to generate sympathy for Reilly.


    Cirie tells us Reilly kept her and Felicia safe week one and she would like to keep her word and give Reilly her vote, but it would mean crossing Hisam and The Professor’s alliance and that my not be best for her game.


    Matt is talking to Cirie and he says he predicates everything Reilly has done for him and Cirie says there is a lot of game before Thursday. Blue says she is much closer to Reilly and she sees herself going father with her than Cameron.


    Cory is talking about the speech and says why am I doing his bidding when I’d rather do the opposite? Felicia is talking to Cirie and they need to be sure they make the best move for them in the game. 


    Julie says with the nominations in place, Hisam’s power is all but done, but someone forgot to tell Hisam. Jared and Cameron are talking about the mix of HG and he thinks one of them is related to someone famous. Jared perks up and Cameron says he thinks Felicia is related to Denzel Washington. Jared relieved a sight of relief.


    Jag is talking to Cirie about swinging to their side to get Reilly to stay. He says he has himself, Blue, Matt, Jared, America, and Cory as votes for Reilly. Cirie says Hisam may not realize how many people want to keep Reilly and she might be sitting pretty herself if Reilly stays.


    Mecole, Red, Felicia, Cirie, Izzy, Bowie, and Hisam meet in the HOH room and he is instructing them on how to navigate the rest of the week. He tells them to talk to the other side but no new alliances. 


    Bowie and Mecole are trying to offer input and Hisam cuts them off. Cirie says he asks and answers his own questions like their input does not matter. Felicia says Hisam does not get to dictate their game all the way through. Hisam is talking about how mindful he has to be that he is a target.


    Hisam mentions Jared as a target and that does not sit well with her and now she may have to target Hisam. Izzy and Cirie are talking alone about how scary Hisam is right now and how one sided that meeting was. They talk about backdooring Hisam next week and Felicia joins and is on board with the plan.


    Julie says Cirie and her allies are faced with a choice: keep the peace or keep Reilly. Hisam is talking with America and asking her thoughts about working with him in the future and he tells her Reilly split the house and forced people to certain sides. 


    America says she does not really trust him and she is hoping to use the conversation to his advantage. She starts talking to Corey about Hisam not really liking the people he is working with and Corey goes to Izzy, Cirie, and Felicia with that information.


    They start talking about the pros and cons of keeping Reilly and that she would take a shot at Hisam. Cirie says she would like to include her core alliance of the Bye Bye B*T he’s in the decision to keep Reilly. But she thinks Bowie would rather be left out but Mecole would be mad if she were not included.


    Izzy and Cirie is talking to Mecole about Hisam and she wants to keep the plan the same but they want her to consider they could stop Hisam in his tracks of thinking he runs the game. Izzy says if they take Reilly out, Hisam will build the army he wants instead of what he was stuck with. Cirie says they just need to get everyone on board.


    Julie heads in to the HG. Cameron says Reilly is amazing and incredible and shouts out his mom and daughter. He has enjoyed every second of the things they have gone through and he hopes they continue that trend.


    Reilly says Julie looks gorgeous and she does shout outs. She says she has had an amazing time and they have built an amazing family. She shouts out another friend and she says his has been a blast and she loves them all and she hopes they all stay friends.


    It is now time to vote!

    Red votes to evict Reilly.

    Bowie sadly votes to evict Reilly.

    With a heavy heart, Jag votes to evict Reilly.

    Corey votes to evict Reilly.

    So far there are 4 votes to evict Reilly and 0 to evict Cameron. Voting continues when we return from commercial.


    Voting continues!

    Matt sadly chooses to evict Reilly.

    Blue sadly chooses to evict her girl Reilly.

    Cirie sadly votes to evict Reilly.

    Felicia unfortunately votes to evict Reilly.

    America votes to evict Reilly.

    Mecole casts her vote to evict Reilly.

    Izzy votes to evict Reilly.

    Jared sadly votes to evict Reilly.

    By a unanimous vote of 12-0, Reilly has been evicted from the Big Brother house. It is very quiet as Reilly gives out hugs to everyone.


    Reilly joins Julie on stage and inside everyone is still hugging and Reilly’s picture goes gray. Julie will talk one on one with Reilly after a commercial. 


    Julie says Reilly worked he’d but no one came through. Why? She thinks there is a lot of fear going on in the house and people were afraid to flip. She did tell her alliance to not blow their game for her.


    Julie asks why she viewed Reilly has such a threat? She says being in that HOH room made her a target and Hisam assembled an eight person alliance and everyone else came together.


    Julie asks what Reilly would think if she knew there was a secret relationship in the house. She says do tell. Julie tells her that Cirie is Jared’s mom and Reilly says shut up. She says they are good liars and that is awesome.


    Izzy says she tried to get the house to vote in her favor but couldn’t get it done. Jag says he is devastated and he loves her so much. Matt is going to miss Reilly like crazy. Hisam says he is not sure why Reilly put them on opposite sides but she is worthy and pure gold.


    Reilly says this was surreal and she is so grateful and it is unbelievable she was part of this game. We will find out Sunday who the new HOH is and the Pressure Cooker Competition will make a return with a twist

  18. We pick up after the nomination ceremony on day 10, and Hisam has nominated Reilly and Cameron, but his target is Reilly because she said he was his. And he hopes with Cameron by her Sid wit will cause the other side of the house to splinter and crumble. This is how you win the game right?


    Cameron is not surprised but he is going to fight. Reilly says she went from being HOH to sitting her butt on the block. Jag sends a message from behind the memory wall that he loves her.


    Hisam and Reilly are talking and she wants to clean the slate and he tells her she was nominated because she was the only one who said a name, and it was his. And if he has not nominated her everyone would have questioned it. Hisam would want to work with her but he has to respond to her threat.


    Reilly says Hisam rubs her the wrong way and she does not believe the facade he puts up. He tells her she can play for veto. Reilly says this is not good for Hisam if she makes it out of this week.


    The scary globe is glowing and Jag is back from the Nether Region and he is welcomed back. Reilly is so happy because he is her best friend and she knows he will do what it takes to help her. Jag says it is great to be back but he has no clue what the Nether Gorgon is going to ask him to do.


    Hisam is telling Matt to be careful about veto because if Matt wins and takes her down everyone will think they are in a showmance. Hisam says is his back-up option as a nominee so he is gently explaining why Matt helping Reilly could be bad.


    Matt does not like being threatened and he would love to play in the veto and save reilly and go after Hisam next week. Matt fills Reilly in and she tells him not to throw his game away and he says she is the first person to make him feel comfortable.


    The scary globe is glowing again and they receive a message that the Nether Gorgon wants more souls. Jag has to send one but that HG will not be able to selected to play in veto.


    Jag says he instantly goes into damage control mode. He needs to send someone from the other side of the house, but he has to talk to Hisam and sell it as a good idea for him. He suggests Red because he’s close to Cameron but Hisam does not want that and suggests Blue.


    Jag decides to ask for volunteers to go. He is looking for someone who might not want to play veto and Bowie seems open to the idea. Jag says she would be a perfect option for his side of the house. 


    Reilly wants Jag to send Red but Jag says he cannot and she has to trust him. She says this is why Jared did to her last week. The Nether bell tolls and Jag has decided to send Bowie Jane. He said it was not easy decision and Bowie was ok volunteering.


    Bowie says she volunteered because she was worried Jag would pick Red and that would have been bad for their side because Red is a strong competitor. Reilly says no one listens to her! She was hoping Jag would send someone who could beat her in the POV competition. Hisam is annoyed Jag did not send Blue and says he is lucky he is safe or he could be a replacement nominee.


    It is time to pick players for the veto competition! Hisam does not want to pick Matt but that’s who he drew from the box. He said amazing. Matt is glad he got picked and he wants to save Reilly. Cameron would rather have Red or someone not on their side and he draws America. 


    Reilly is praying she draws Jag or Blue. She gets HG choice and she selects Blue. Blue is so happy she got picked and if she wins there is no way Reilly is staying on that block. Hisam says oh the irony Big Brother.


    Reilly is so excited 3 of her alliance members got picked and she celebrates with Blue. Hisam is talking to Cirie and Izzy and they cannot believe the picks. Hisam hopes he wins it and Cirie says everyone is gunning for this veto.


    It is time for the veto competition! Cameron is first and he reads the directions. He must spin the turntables forward or backwards to get a piece of a clue. After they have done all three, they will have to complete the task the clues ask for. When they think they are correct they have to hit their button and if they are correct their time will stop. 


    Cameron hears something about socks and a CD and a bowl and a piano. He gets the first one done and starts the second. He hears giving something a new home and the lost and found box. He hears something about a hambourine and puts it in the lost and found box.


    Cameron hers something about a tuba and blowing something out of the mouthpiece, he hits his buzzer and his time is stopped.  America is next and she works on the first task and complete it and moves to the second and gets it too. She’s on to the final task and she stops her time.


    Matt is next and he is going to try his hardest to win this to save Reilly. He is struggling because he cannot find a piano and realizes the toilet with the piano keys is why he is looking for. He finishes the last two tasks.


    Blue is up and she says these records sound like gibberish. She gets the first task done and is on to the second and finally on to the third. Hisam is up and he says this is a make or break moment and he cannot let anyone else win this but him.


    Hisam listens to the records in random order but it seems to be working and he completes all three tasks and feels good about how fast he completed the tasks. Reilly is the last to go and she is going to win this veto today.


    Reilly does not want to go home and she begins the challenge and makes quick work of the three tasks. She is praying she did it fast enough to secure her safety. She has to win today.


    It is time for the results of the veto competition! In third place with a time of 2:36 is Blue. In second place with a time of 2:10 is Cameron. And the winner of the POV with a time of 1:45 is Hisam! Hisam says look who has all the power this week and he can finally send Reilly home.


    Cameron says that stings as a competitor but hopefully Hisam is a man of his word. Matt says that sucks and Reilly says that was the one person she did not want to win. She needs to find a way out of this and talk to Hisam again.


    The scary globe is glowing and Bowie is back from the Nether Region and she feels good to be back. She has nothing to report. Hisam asks Reilly her thoughts and she wants to see if there is anything she can do.


    Hisam says getting any more blood on his hands seems unwise. Reilly says the way Hisam talks to her infuriates her. She hopes he makes a theatrical production because that would not go well for him.


    It is time for the Veto Meeting! Hisam has decided not to use the POV. He loves Reilly but she is his target and she mentioned his name. Her HOH reign split the house and he hopes the HG work to vote her out so they all have a chance to connect and figure out who they want to work with.


    Hisam says nothing in his speech was untrue because she needs to learn that there are consequences. Cameron says it is not great to be on the block but as long as things do not go wrong he will be here next week.


    Reilly says she cannot believe she is in a feud with a 45 year old man. She will survive this week and when she does she is going after Hisam. Cirie was taken aback by Hisam’s speech. She says he is part of The Professors but his tenure might be short.

  19. Previously on BB, with the BB Multiverse in play, Cory got dragged into the Scaryverse's Nether Region. And he returned with an ominous message. Upstairs, HoH Reilly formed a 5 person alliance with Jag, Blue, Cameron and Matt, while downstairs Felicia, Cerie, Bowie, Mecole and Izzy were solidifying their own squad.

    Wanting to expand their ranks, The Handful recruited Cory, America and Jared. But Jared played double agent and filled his mom in. So the Bye Bye Bitches decided to grow their numbers by adding Red and Hisam. After Izzy called out Reilly, it was crystal clear a split-house brew was brewing.

    After Luke was removed from the game, it was time for the live eviction, and the house chose to save Felicia. But the molecular biologist wasn't the only one to disappear as the rest of the house vanished. Tonight, where did the HG go? Plus, who will become the next HoH? And what game changing twist will come from the Nether Region? Find out, right now, on BB!


    It’s Day 9 and the HG are in he Nether Region. One of the HG will win HOH and another will be left behind. Cirie says Kirsten is gone and someone on her side needs to win to take control. America says the house is divided and it’s important that she or someone in her alliance wins so they maintain control of the house. 

    Reilly is ineligible to compete so she goes through a portal and is safe. The Nether Gorgon is going to attack an area, but before he attacks he’ll give a series of clues as to which areas are safe. There are a limited number of safe spaces in each area. Once all HG are hidden, the Nether Gorgon will make his attack and the players in the area he attacks will be eliminated. When two HG are left, one will win and the other will be left behind.


    Izzy wants to win so bad bus she is scared. Jag says he loves scary movies and he wants to win.


    The Gorgon gives the first clue and the HG scramble to find a safe place. Everyone hides and the Nether Gorgon appears and attacks Cameron, Blue, and Mecole and they are eliminated. Blue says she really needs someone in her alliance to win.


    Round 2 is up with 11 remaining. There will be fewer safe places to hide as the Gorgon will be attacking more than one area. He gives the clues to the safe spots. They all hide and the Gorgon attacks eliminating Jag and Matt and America. Cirie and Izzy are also eliminated.


    Round 3 is up with only 6 remaining. The clues are given and the HG scramble for safety. The Gorgon attacks and Cory, Felicia, Red, and Bowie are eliminated leaving Jared and Hisam as the final 2.


    Blue has realized that Jared and Hisam are left and she needs Jared to win so she is safe. Jag says it would be great for his alliance if Jared won and he needs him to come through.


    For the final round, the HG will have to search for markings and clues to unlock the correct door which will lead them to the HOH room and the other will be left behind in the Nether Region. Jared finds 2 clues and heads for door 486 and he says he has this game in the bag. 

    Hisam sees Jared has picked a door so he picks the other one and he says it looks like Jared has this. The Gorgon tells them each to turn their keys. Hisam is correct and is the new HOH and heads out to inform the other HG. 

    Hisam says this was not his plan. He is seen as a big threat and he is only making his target bigger. He’s going to have to discuss things with The Professors to see what’s best for them. Matt sees Hisam and knows it isn’t good for his side.


    Hisam tells the HG about the final round and how Jared chose first and he chose the wrong door. Jared appears behind the memory wall and it’s the only way he can communicate with the HG. He can reach the HG but they can’t reach him. Cirie is relieved he is safe but is concerned about their game.


    Blue says with Hisam HOH she knows two people from her alliance is going up. Jag says he only hopes Hisam will not put him and Reilly on the block together. Meanwhile, Hisam celebrates with The Professors in the storage room.


    Reilly and Matt are talking and he says they are vibing and having a good time. Reilly says Matt is really sweet. Talk turns to how good Hisam is at the game. Reilly says Hisam is the leader of the other side and she and Matt are considered physical threats. She says their side is going to lose someone.


    The next morning Jared is back on the memory wall and he says the Gorgon doesn’t allow him to sleep at all. Cirie says the Gorgon said there would be game changing consequences and she doesn’t know what that means and that makes her nervous, Jared says goodbye.


    Hisam is talking to Felicia and they are saying they can send anyone they want home. Hisam says Reilly is his target because she told him last week that he was a target. Hisam says at this point there is nothing Reilly can say that will save her. Felicia says if she goes her whole side crumbles.


    Hisam is talking to Matt about what his plan is moving forward. Matt says he’s still figuring things out but he’s been hanging out with the younger people. Hisam tells him he knows about the alliance and that he is working with her and she told everyone he was her target. Matt says Reilly being a target is terrifying and this is a very scary moment.


    The Scareverse ball is glowing and Jared is back from the Nether Region. They have received a message and Cameron reads that Jared may have returned but the Nether Gorgon craves more souls. Throughout the week more souls will be sent to the Nether Region. It could be good or bad to get sent. 

    When the Nether bell tolls, Jared will choose one would to go the Nether Refion and they will miss the nomination ceremony and therefore be safe from nomination. Jared wants to talk to people quickly so he can make a smart decision.


    jared talks to Hisam first and Hisam says just don’t save Reilly, Matt, and Cameron because those are the three he is considering saving. 

    Reilly wants to talk to Jared and hope he returns the favor from last week when she removed him from the block. Jared would like to repay the favor but he’s torn between two sides. Cirie suggests Felicia and he says he wants to send someone from the other side. Cirie knows they have each others backs with their respective sides but this decision is important.


    reilly is telling a Matt that she took Jared down last week. She knows Hisam will be putting her up and Matt says he might not. Reilly says she knows she’s a target. Jared tells her to trust him.


    The Nether Bell tolls and it’s time for Jared to send the next soul. He’s in a tough spot and this is a huge decision for him to make. Jared says this house has been an uphill climb since day one and he chooses Jag to go to the Nether Region.


    Reilly is really sad and it didn’t make sense why he wouldn’t guarantee her safety after last week. Jag doesn’t understand because Reilly needed this more to him, but it’s nice to be safe another week. 

    Cirie and Izzy are talking to Hisam and he tells her the three targets and they discuss who the best option is but he wants Reilly to go home. Cirie thinks Cameron is the better choice because worst case scenario, Cameron would go home and they can target Matt next week.


    Cameron is talking to Hisam and Hisam says Reilly has already said Hisam’s name as a target. Hisam says Cameron might be next to her, Cameron says he will work to make sure Reilly stays the target.


    It’s time for the nomination ceremony. Jag wishes them all the best from behind the memory wall. Hisam’s first nominee is…Reilly. His second nominee is…Cameron. Hisam says he is playing a straight forward game of integrity and he respects both of them. 

    Hisam says Reilly told everyone he was her target so she is his.The Professors are sending the kids to detention. Jared says that was hard to watch because he thought she’d be safe. Reilly says she’s been through way worse and she is here to fight. Cameron says he is a fierce competitor. He hasn’t done well so far but for this veto competition? He’s here to dance.




  20. Previously, on Big Brother, early in the game, the powerful Leftover alliance was born, and week after week they took out their targets. But after the split house twist sent half of the HG to Big Brochella and the other half to Dyre Fest, the Leftovers began to turn on each other. And at a game changing double eviction, the most dominating Leftover as taken out by Monte and Turner. With only five left, HOH Monte said adios to Alyssa. Then with Taylor becoming HOH, and Monte winning the final veto of the summer, he cast the sole vote to send Britany to jury. So with only three Leftovers left, Taylor, Turner, and Monte went to war at Wienerpalooza. Tonight, all three parts of the HOH competition will play out. Who will win the final HOH of the summer? And the jury returns to crown the winner of Big Brother. Plus, find out who you chose as America’s Favorite Houseguest. All this right now on Big Brother!


    Julie greets us and we are just two hours away from crowning the winner of Big Brother. We pick up on Day 79 with the HG holding onto their giant wieners. Turner says he needs to control his own fate in this game.


    Taylor says everything is on the line for her and she does not want to be taken to the F2, she wants to do the taking. Monte says he is so close to winning, but the only person he can trust to get to F2 is himself.


    Turner says he has a huge fear of spinning and he does not like spinning or roller coasters, but he has to try his hardest and hold on for dear life. 15 minutes have passed and Monte’s strategy is to give the wiener a big old bear hug.


    Turner says he has spinning clockwise, then counter clockwise, then back to clockwise. Monte is struggling because the wiener is leaning back. Turner is summoning all the energy he can so he does not fall off.


    27 minutes have passed and the wiener is thrashing back and forth and Taylor is struggling. Monte says if he has to get slapped in the face by a giant wiener to win the money, then he will do it. Taylor says her arms keep seizing up but this is do or die.


    Taylor gets spun and falls off at 36 minutes. She says this sucks. She really wanted to secure her spot in the final part of the HOH. Now all she can do is hope Monte will win so she can go against Turner in part 2.


    Turner says it is down to him and Monte. Monte’s leg flies off but he holds tight. Monte says no way is he letting Turner outlast him and he is hoping Turner is hurting as much as he is.


    Monte goes flying at 46:04 and Turner has won Part 1 of the HOH! Turner loves Monte but he could not be happier that he hit the ground. Monte says it sucks to not win the first HOH but now he needs to focus on part 2.


    Taylor does not love Turner winning this part of the HOH at all because she is sure he will take Monte to F2. That makes Part 2 that much more important. Coming up next, Part 2 of the HOH plays out and Dr. Will returns to lead the jury debate on who should win.


    Monte and Taylor will face off in Part 2 to see who will face Turner in Part 3. Taylor reads the directions and they must zipline between two platforms and put the competition names on billboards from the summer.


    The HG who can correctly arrange both billboards in the fastest time will win part 2 of the HOH. Taylor says she wants to earn her spot and she has been studying the right things.


    Taylor gets has two anchor veto names placed and she is grabbing her second two and places them in the first two slots. She goes back and she now has 6 of the vetoes placed. Taylor places one and she moves it around and she keeps moving and completes it.


    Taylor is now placing the HOH tiles. She has 6 placed and she is still moving. She still has 2 tiles left and she races back and puts them on the billboard and rushes to lock in her time and she is correct. She feels good about her time.


    Monte is feeling on top of the world right now but he has to focus and win this thing so he can face Turner and make the decision on who sits next to him in the F2. Monte is just going to put his tiles up in order and he starts with the HOH billboard.


    Monte says it has been a long and tough journey and he can almost taste the money. But he is not there yet. He has to win this competition. He has placed all his HOH tiles and now he is focusing on the veto billboard.


    Monte says everything is going smoothly, but something is off. He realizes he put one of the tiles in the wrong slot on the HOH billboard and has to put it on the veto billboard and he has to fix his mistake. He knows Taylor has been studying as much as he has.


    Monte has his tiles done and he locks in his answers and he feels pretty good. Turner reveals the times for part 2. Taylor’s time is 7:04. Monte’s time is 6:41. Monte has won Part 2 and will take on Turner in Part 3!


    Turner says he could not be more excited in this moment and he is pretty sure they are taking each other to F2. Turner is going to gun for this win though. Taylor feels like she has let all the women in Big Brother down.


    Turner is talking to Monte and he says congrats and they celebrate they are both taking each other. We see the F2 deal they made on Day 54. Turner thinks he can easily win against Taylor or Monte in a jury vote and he 100% for sure will take Monte to the end.


    Monte says he has no reason not to believe Turner and Turner is reassuring him. Monte says both Turner and Taylor think he is taking them to F2 and if he wins he will have to make that choice and it will be tough. Monte thinks he has a better shot against Taylor.


    We now have our competitors for part 3 of the final HOH comp. But first, let’s visit with the jury and Dr. Will. They speculate who will join them on the jury and they think it will be Brittany. Michael says if they are smart they will see Monte.


    Brittany comes out and joins the jury and she tells them what happened. Dr. Will says he has done this a long time and this is a really solid F3. He asks why Turner should win and Indy says so he can buy some muffins. Joseph says Turner always had a team.


    Joseph says Turner also had a good social game. Kyle says Turner was always on the right side of the vote, he was in the right rooms, and he was great socially. Michael says his eviction was Monte’s move and Turner is not owning his moves.


    Michael says Turner would fall asleep during alliance meetings and did not really contribute. Terrance thinks Turner is a lot smarter and sharper than he led on. Alyssa agrees. Brittany says she wants to know if that game play was strategic.


    Joseph says Taylor has strategy behind her moves and Turner just attached to someone and followed in their shadow. Brittany points out Taylor’s first HOH there were so many targets.


    Dr. Will asks what Taylor’s biggest move in the game was. Jasmine says she survived the block five times. Indy says she managed herself very well to stay silent. Dr. Will says Taylor had a great comeback story but what did she do strategically.


    Kyle says Taylor got off the block but she had herself positioned well afterwards. Michael says Taylor got people to do her dirty work and Joseph agrees that Daniel going home was to make Taylor happy. Alyssa says she had a great social game but others won more comps.


    Dr. Will says Monte was on the block once, but what is harder not going on the block or getting off the block? Michael says Monte did a fantastic job of keeping his threat level low. Indy thinks Monte had a good social game and Brittany says his resume looks safe.


    Joseph says Monte did make a power move to get rid of Michael and he is tied for wins. Brittany says Monte is overconfident in his ability to win and his social game is getting sloppy. Terrance never connected with Monte, he says it was like he was talking to a politician.


    It is time to crown the final HOH of the summer! This competition is called Jury Fest. The jury decided to get jobs at this festival and it is their job to see who knows their former HG. There will be three statements about each juror and they have to decide which is false.


    Turner and Monte will earn a point for each false statement they identify. The HG with the most points after eight videos will be crowned the most important HOH of the summer!


    Indy’s statements are she faced off against Joseph in the “Bye Bye Backstage” competition, she never won a competition, and she was evicted unanimously. They both answer C and they are both correct. Turner and Monte both have 1 point.


    Jasmine’s statements are the veto was not used during her HOH week, she was the first person blasted with the blue goo in “Potty Talk”, and she was only nominated for eviction once. They both answer B and they are both correct. Turner and Monte now have 2 points.


    Joseph’s statements are 8th person to fall in the “Conspiracy Fest” wall competition, found a red invitation in “The Invitation” competition, was the 3rd player eliminated in the OTEV competition. They both answer C and they are both correct and both have 3 points.


    Kyle’s statements are eliminated after Alyssa in the “Get Lit” competition, won my second veto comp the week Indy was evicted, and was the fourth HG to join the jury. They both answer A and they both have 4 points.


    Terrance’s statements are he was first eliminated in the “Punk-a-roo” competition, the veto was used on him the third time on the block, throughout the season he received a total of 10 votes on eviction night.Turner and Monte both answer C and they are both correct and they both now have 5 points.  


    Michael’s statements are losing the 4th veto that he played in, scoring 4 rigns int the sudden death run in the “Ren Fest” competition, being in the orange lane for the “Pride Slide” competition. Monte answers A and Turner answers B. The correct answer is A. Monte now has 6 points and Turner has 5 points.


    Alyssa’s statements are she was the first to drop in the “Hanging Tough” competition, she lost all 19 competitions she played in, the veto was used to take her off the block two times. Turner answers C and Monte answers A. The correct answer is B. Neither is correct. Monte has 6 points and Turner has 5 points.


    Brittany’s statements are she won the first veoto she played in, she finished with a score of 4 in “The Invitation” competition, and Zingbot zinged her last. Turner answers C and Monte answers B and the correct answer is B. Monte has 7 points and Turner has 5 points. Monte has won the final HOH!


    It is time for the final eviction! Turner says they had an alliance almost the entire summer but he was behind him in every move. He says he has the worst jury management ever and he respects his decision.


    Taylor says she is no stranger to speeches. She says she respects his game moves and they have had deep and personal conversations. She respects his decision and she hopes it is to keep her.


    Monte is ready to cast his final vote. Monte says he loves and respects both of them and this is a hard decision. When he looks at his resume, he thinks the only thing missing is a big move so he has to evict Turner.


    Turner says he has all respect for Monte and there is no love lost. He loves them both and peace and love and it is his time to meet Julie. No love lost! He joins Julie on the stage and sits in the chair. Monte and Taylor hug and she is emotional and he whispers to her.


    Julie asks Turner if that was bussin or discussin and he says definitely discussin. Julie says maybe meh and he says between. Julie asks how shocking that was and he says he is shocked but not mad because he is cool but he would have taken Monte.


    Julie says Turner handled it with grace. Did Monte make the right decision and Turner thinks he did. He says he did not have the best jury management with Jasmine and Indy but he did make the biggest moves.


    Julie asks when Turner made big moves if they were good with his game or maybe others in the house. He says he is not sure but he thinks both. He says sometimes he had to put others in front of him.


    Julie asks if he has any regrets and he says maybe better jury management or maybe he should have thrown something. But he is not sure he would have made it this far. Julie asks what the best thing he is going to take away and he says his friendship and the muffin saga.


    The jury is now on the stage! Michael thinks Turner will be there on the jury because Monte is a smart competitor and Taylor can talk her way out of competitions. Turner comes out and joins the jury to make 9!


    Julie tells them Monte won the final HOH and chose to evict Turner. They will lock in their votes in a few moments but they have one last chance to address the final two and they have 3 questions for each of the final two.


    Kyle congratulates them and there are some audio issues. Kyle asks Monte other than using veto that led to Michael’s eviction, what does he think is the most pivotal he made to get to the F2.


    Monte says his biggest move was tonight and making the move to evict Turner who was the second best competitor in the game and it was a necessary move at this point in the game.


    Michael says Taylor looks gorgeous and asks she was a big target, did she adapt her game to improve her position and how.


    She had to adapt her game because she was painted as an unreasonable villain in the house and she had to work on her relationships with them and make sure people knew she was not manipulative and she was able to show them all who she is.


    Joseph says he misses them and asks Monte says no one could play a perfect game. What was his biggest blunder and how did he remedy that?


    Monte says his biggest mistake was not insulating Michael and Brittany in the Leftovers alliance and making them feel more comfortable and he regretted it afterwards.


    Jasmine congratulates them both and asks Taylor if there were any moves that people might not see at hers and how did she orchestrate it.


    Taylor says she did not want to make the biggest move. She made an alliance with Brittany and Michael and wanted to be loyal to them. When she was in the Leftovers she wanted to be a team player but play for the women as much as she could.


    Brittany asks Monte saying most would say he played a safe game. What deliberate move did he make himself that was a risk?


    Monte goes back to not getting Nicole and Daniel to not use veto. He says it was a risk for his game but he completely respects and honor he made that move but he wishes he had followed up with it differently.


    Indy asks Taylor saying she was on the block many times and many can see that as weak game play. Tell them how they are wrong.


    Taylor says her not being evicted was a social strategy because she made the relationships she did and the alliance to ensure that she was never voted out.


    Turner can ask one question to one finalist and he asks Monte why he should get his vote. Monte says he respects and understands if he is feeling a certain way, but their F2 was formed after finding out he and Kyle had a F2 and he felt his game was not a priority for him.


    Time for final pitches! Monte says the jury has the power to decide who will represent their season. He says maybe they are looking for a great competitor like 3 HOH comps and 2 vetoes and someone who was loyal and who only touched the block twice.


    Monte says maybe they were looking for someone who made big moves like evicting Nicole, and then Michael, and then winning the final HOH and evicting the second best competitor and he loves and respects their decision but he hopes they chose him.


    Taylor says she is someone who has won 3 competitions including 2 HOH’s, but she is more than her wins in this game. She says Monte may have more blood on his hands, but she has been on the eviction seat 6 nights and she has bled out but she has bandaged herself up.


    Taylor has falsely been accused of using someone’s mental health as an excuse in the game and she has been called a B many times and she is not a victim, she is a victor and she is a very resilient person. She challenges them to chose a different type of winner.


    Indy votes for one of her favorite people. Jasmine is voting for the person who is carrying on something she wishes she could have carried on. Joseph loves them both but he is voting for the face and sword of the season.


    Kyle loves them both and they are two of the most deserving and he is voting for who he thinks represents this season. Terrance says he finally got them on the block! He loves them both.


    Michael congratulates them both and his vote is going to the strongest player of the season. Alyssa loves and misses them and they are both very deserving, but it is time to take their power back.


    Brittany loves them both and she has been looking everywhere for that stray vote. Turner made up his mind point five seconds ago and this is a vote for one of them. Peace and Love!


    Pooch, Ameerah, Nicole, and Daniel join the jury on stage for a reunion. Julie goes to Joseph and says people left during Dyre Fest and people inside were told that he blew up their game. Set the record straight.


    Joseph says in Dyre Fest he did everything he could to protect them but Kyle set it up that he was close with them but he did some form of distancing but Terrance knew he would have protected them and would not allow him to stay in the game.


    She asks if he got better on his Skid accent and he says she can give him pointers. Julie says many lied about their occupations. Michael admitted to jury but the F3 are in the dark and he tells them he did used to work for an escape room while he was in law school.


    Julie turns to Brittany and asks her reaction when Michael questioned her about her occupation and she says he is a wonderful player and she never suspected he was lying about his profession.


    Michael was not the only attorney and Julie says will the other lawyer reveal themselves and Joseph stands up and says he was a personal trainer in law school. Turner did not see that coming. He says that is next level and bussin.


    Julie asks Ameerah was surprised her the most and she says the most recent was the Monte and Taylor showmance and that was because early on they did not start off on the right foot.


    Julie goes to Taylor and she says it is very early and he is a close friend. Monte agrees with what Taylor said and from here on out he will plead the fifth. Julie goes to Alyssa about her and Kyle and asks where things stand.


    Alyssa says are you sure you want to ask me and not Kyle? She says they have had some conversations but they are going to go home and talk to their families and she is hopeful. Kyle loves her and he hopes things work out but they need to watch the season.


    Julie goes to Pooch and asks how he feels that Pooching himself is part of the BB vernacular. He thought he would have to buy an audience seat because he was gone so long. He says not a good decision and he regrets it but he is happy to have the experience.


    Julie says she has been wanting to know all summer but who ate Jasmine’s muffin. Jasmine knew Julie had her back. Turner says he ate it and he ate it in the DR. Jasmine thought it was him and she wants a whole dozen muffins.


    Julie goes to Daniel and says it was going to be boring after he left. Daniel says it was for a few weeks but then it got good. He says when he became a fan again and watched the double eviction that Michael went home and that was superbowl for him.


    It is time to crown the winner of Big Brother! Turner voted for Monte. Brittany votes for Taylor. Alyssa voted for Taylor. Michael voted for Taylor. Terrance voted for Taylor. Kyle voted for Taylor. Taylor has won Big Brother 24!


    Taylor walks out the backyard and get confetti with Monte right behind. They are greeted and hugs are given. We see Taylor hugging Terrance and talking to him. Taylor hugs and Daniel and Nicole.


    Julie reveals that the remaining three jury members also voted for Taylor so she won 8-1. Julie is going to reveal America’s Favorite Houseguest. The top 3 vote getters were Michael, Taylor, and Kyle. And history has been made and the favorite houseguest is Taylor!


    Monte feels great and he is blessed for the opportunity and he is very appreciative right now. Julie says they will be back next year for the 25th season!

  21. Previously, on Big Brother, after Alyssa hit the bricks, there were four leftovers leftover, and Taylor quickly secured her spot in the final three. With a MonTay showmance heating up, Taylor left Brittany and Turner out in the cold. At the final and most crucial veto competition, Monte was math and furious. Taylor wanted Turner taken out leaving Monte with a monumental decision. Tonight, Monte will cast the sole vote to evict either Turner or Brittany from the game. Who will make it to finale night. Plus, is there trouble in HOH paradise? And the legendary Cookout alliance will reunite live to discuss the final three. All this right now on Big Brother!


    Julie greets us and it is Day 79 and two of the final three have already been determined. Monte has all the power to decide who will join him and Taylor in the final three.


    We see Taylor and Monte in the HOH and Monte says the two of them have cemented their spot in the final three and he gets to decide if he’s taking Turner or Brittany to the final three.


    Turner says he shares a bedroom with Monte so he knows when he is not sleeping there. He knows Monte will take him to the final three, but he’s not so sure about final two if he is sleeping with Taylor.


    Monte says being there so long has made him realize how much he misses his goddaughter who is only a year old. He says it was awesome watching her from birth to her first birthday. Taylor says he has not been around much lately and Monte found that sort of rude.


    All four HG are in the HOH and Taylor wants Brittany to feel as comfortable in her HOH room as Monte and Turner. Taylor takes her headset back from Monte while he is asleep and he thinks that is unnecessary and insensitive.


    Turner says he would have to be blind to not see that Taylor and Monte’s relationship is closer. He wants to talk to Monte about his concerns and Monte says the attraction was there and they acted on it. Turner says he does not have any issue with that.


    Turner asks Monte if it will last after the show and Monte says after the way she acted today he is not so sure. Turner says you have to love some late game domestic strife.


    Taylor is bathing and Monte wants to talk to her about what happened. Taylor says she did not mean it the way it sounded and he says it was sort of condescending. He says she was like on a power trip and he was done for the day with her. He wants her to explain.


    Taylor says Brittany came up and she did not want her to see her as a lovey-dovey girl and Monte says so it was a joke for Brittany? Taylor apologizes for her tone sounding condescending and Monte says it was rude.


    Monte says her tone came down to this cold sort of person she was showing and that is not the type of person he wants to spend time with. Monte does not feel comfortable sleeping in the HOH room anymore.


    Taylor does not think it is fair that Monte used the first couple of weeks against her. She has more important things to think about than her relationship with a guy. She might have to tag cold Taylor back in to take home the win.


    We visit Indy, Joseph, Jasmine, and Kyle in the jury and Terrence joins them. Joseph says it is a Dyre Fest reunion. Terrance says Julie likes it like his drinks and is making it a double and Michael joins them.


    Jasmine thought Michael would be F2 and she is speechless. They go to watch the video of Michael’s HOH week. Terrance says he was heated that he was nominated. They see the BB Comics competition and Michael winning that.


    Terrance says he was staring down the gun barrel at that point and we see him doing the Daniel. They see Turner win HOH in the double eviction HOH. Jasmine says Turner is running it right now. We see his nominations and then we see the veto competition.


    We see Monte win the veto competition and Michael says he knew at this point he was going home. Terrance says even though it was Turner’s HOH, he thinks they have to give the move to Monte because he won the veto. We see Michael’s eviction and exit.


    Terrance loved Michael’s exit and Jasmine was impressed. Michael says Turner did not take credit for his eviction in the goodbye video and he says that was a missed opportunity to own the move.


    The jury members are discussing who might be joining and Alyssa comes in and they say again it is a Dyre Fest reunion. Kyle has mixed feelings about seeing her. They watch the video of the horror HOH competition and Michael is jealous.


    They see Monte win the HOH. Kyle thinks Monte is playing a great game because he has made strategic moves and he has a great social game. We see Brittany win and use the veto and Taylor get nominated. Joseph asks why Taylor over Turner.


    Alyssa tells them that Monte and Turner made a gentleman’s agreement that Turner would vote Alyssa out if Monte did not nominate him. Alyssa is still upset with Turner. They see the tie vote and she tells them Taylor slept in Monte’s bed for three days.


    Joseph says that is their business. Terrance says that definitely is not right. Indy is going to show Alyssa the house. They get up and Joseph says one more week. The final four will get some news from home and then we will have the live vote and eviction.


    Taylor gathers everyone in the living room and reads a congratulations on them making final four and Big Brother has a small surprise for them. We see Taylor’s mom and grandmother sending loves and kisses and they cannot wait to see her and hug and kiss her.


    We then Monte’s dad and he congratulates him and he is super proud of him and he is an amazing person and a great man and his family loves and is thinking about him. Next is Matt’s mom and girlfriend and they cannot wait to see him and they miss him.


    Last is Brittany’s husband and he says everything is well and everyone has been rooting for her and supporting her. He says it is unbelievable to see her live her dreams and he wishes her luck. All the HG are emotional.


    Taylor came to the game for something bigger and seeing her family reminds her of who she is and gave her the extra ammo she needed, Monte says seeing his dad adds to the weight of his decision.


    Turner says he was reenergized after his video and he is ready to fight for his life. Brittany says the video reminded her of why she is here and she needs to keep fighting and not go home empty handed.


    Brittany is talking to Monte to campaign and make her pitch. She says this could be one of the last pitches she makes and she is not giving up hope. She says Monte and Turner have very similar games, but she sees Turner has the one who made the moves.


    Brittany says Monte taking out Turner could change how people view who made the moves. Brittany says she is comparable to Turner in the mental aspect but she would be weaker physically and increases Monte’s odds of winning the final HOH.


    Monte says everything she said is true and he is thinking about the risks on the decisions. Monte says he was loyal to Michael at one time, but once his resume was way too strong he had to take him out and the same could be said of Turner.


    It is time for the last veto meeting of the season and the final eviction and Monte holds all the power. As the veto holder, he is safe and he cannot use it because there is no one left to nominate so the power to evict rests solely in his hands.


    Brittany does her shoutouts and she says Monte has the opportunity to make a game changing move right but he increases his chances of winning HOH against her over Turner.


    Turner does his shoutouts and says mad respect to Brittany and he would be bamboozled if Brittany is better for their game. He has shown loyalty to them and he does not think Brittany has.


    It is time for Monte to cast the final vote. Monte says love and respect to both of them and he appreciates making it this far but in order to make the best decision for his game and that is voting to evict Brittany.


    Brittany gives hugs to everyone and gives another hug to Taylor and says she loves them all and grabs her bag and heads out the door. The final three head to the memory wall to see Brittany’s picture go gray.


    Julie says Birttany fought hard, why could she not convince Monte? Brittany says it makes most sense for his game and she would have crushed the final comps and it just was not in her favorite. She says the jury is difficult to predict.


    Julie says last week she voted to evict Taylor and it was a big move that did not pan out, any regrets? She says no because they were targeting her and they could not target her any more. She felt she had to do something to shake things up.


    Julie talks about Michael’s final plea and she asks how Brittany is feeling. Brittany has a lot of questions for him but she never anticipated she would use things against her and she would love to be friends but she needs to understand more.


    Julie asks what drew Michael and her together. Brittany says she is not sure they were not supposed to be friends but they stuck together. She wants to understand more and she hopes they can be lifelong friends.


    Julie calls the final three to living room and she asks they are feeling and Monte says on top of the world, Taylor says amazing, and Turner says like $750,000. She tells them the live season finale will be Sunday, in three short days. She tells them to get rest.


    The Cookout members Tiffany, Hannah, Azah, Kyle, Derek, and Xavier are back. Julie says as one of the greatest alliances to ever play she wants to talk about this season’s alliances.


    Hannah says there are cracks in all alliances but their alliance was about unity and love and playing any different way was not an option for them and she commends everyone in the alliance.


    Azah found it interesting that a girl’s alliance again did not work, and then an alliance that was built to protect Taylor imploded once people started worrying about their own game.


    Julie wants to talk about Kyle and asks Tiffany about it and she says in the house it is difficult to separate game and personal and she thinks both world’s collided. She says the shadow their alliance cast in the game proved that.


    Tiffany says the way Taylor, Monte, and Terrance handled things was different because of them being from three different backgrounds and they all had different relationships with the HG.


    Julie asks Derek who is playing the best game and he is rooting for Turner and Taylor, but Taylor has his heart. He says she is playing the perfect game. She has had her back against the wall most of the game but Turner has been stirring things up a lot.


    Xavier says with Turner and Monte sometimes he thinks they are doing good and other times he wants to smack them upside the head. He says Taylor has handled things with dignity and grace but he thinks Taylor is the front runner.


    Kyle says everyone has their qualities and he says Turner started out trying to take a stand but it seems since then decisions were made by others. He says it will be interesting to see how the jury is perceiving things and their feelings.


    Julie tells us that the winner of America’s Favorite will not only win $50,000, but they will also win a Princess Cruise. There will be a special episode where the final three look back on the season tomorrow and the first part of the final HOH begins.


    Sunday will be alive two hour and the final HOH will be played, the final eviction will take place, and the jury of nine will choose a winner. We check back in on the final three and they have champagne and are celebrating and laughing and cheers to the final three.

  22. Previously, on Big Brother, HOH Monte wanted either Britt or Alyssa gone, but Taylor saw a bigger threat in the house. At the POV competition, Birttany cleaned the clocks of the other HG forcing Monte to choose between his two allies. At the veto meeting, Monte kept the only other guy in the house out of harms way. Although Brittany and Taylor had been closely aligned, Taylor was spending more time with the other HG, and she got especially close to Monte. Feeling left out, Brittany no longer wanted to save Taylor, so Alyssa tried to guilt Turner into giving her the other vote she needed. At the live eviction, a split vote forced Monte to break a tie, sending the Florida girl to join the jury. With a guaranteed spot on finale night on the line, Taylor took the crown. Tonight, the final four go to war in an action packed hour. Who will Taylor nominate for eviction? Plus, the final and most important veto competition of the summer plays out. All this right now on Big Brother!


    We pick up on Day 72 after the HOH competition and Taylor says someone flipped their vote on her. They thought they had her but she walked into a fashion comp. She says she now has a guaranteed spot and a cute guy handed her the key.


    Monte says he and Taylor have been close and gotten closer lately and he is happy with her winning the comp. Turner says he expected a straight 2-0 vote but Brittany pulled something slimy and he needs to make her look untrustworthy and make her the target.


    Brittany says she voted Taylor out because she felt the distance last week with her and things did not work out. She says this is a big L for Brittany. Turner is talking to Monte and says he cannot believe Brittany flipped the vote.


    Turner says Alyssa was one of his best friends in the game, but he did not want to betray Monte and go against his wishes. Brittany pulls Taylor into the SR and they are talking about who they might vote for.


    Brittany says it makes sense that Taylor go for her game. She tries to convince Turner to give Alyssa a sympathy vote. Turner then tells Taylor about Brittany trying to flip the vote and he says Brittany has been so slippery and she needs to go out.


    Turner tells Monte about Brittany and Monte says that is slimy. Turner says Brittany will go to Taylor and try and pin it on Turner. Monte needs to make Taylor feels good about himself and Turner so they can get rid of Brittany.


    Taylor and Brittany are hugging and she says thank God Monte pulled through for her. Brittany says Turner swore he was voting Alyssa out but Alyssa swore he was keeping her and she begged Brittany for her vote. Brittany says she thought Alyssa would be easier at comps.


    Taylor is telling Brittany that she knows Turner and Monte would take each other. Taylor says Turner tried to tell her he did not flip and she does not know who to believe because his reaction seemed staged.


    Taylor is talking to Monte about the split vote and Monte says he saw reactions after the voting booth and he tells her it was obvious it was Brittany. Turner comes in and says he thought it would be a 2-0 vote and he could not look at Alyssa.


    Turner says he hopes Taylor believes him that he did not flip the vote. Monte says Brittany would have won that HOH If Taylor had been evicted. Taylor says Azah, Monica, and Danielle Reyes were the only black women to make F3 and Danielle the only one to make F2.


    Taylor is so happy she won HOH and she is considering nominations, but it is all about veto this week and that will determine who goes to finale night. Taylor is saying someone lied about flipping and Brittany is talking to her and Taylor tells her she will not like nominations.


    Brittany asks Taylor who she would prefer to go to F3 if she were to win veto and they talk about Monte and Taylor thinks Monte would want to take Brittany over Turner to F3 but Brittany does not think that would be the case.


    Taylor is talking to Monte and she is thinking about Turner and Brittany up and letting Monte to make the final vote. Taylor says since one of them voted for her and one is lying. Monte thinks Brittany would like to sit next to Turner over her.


    Monte does not think he is safe with Brittany at all. Taylor is telling Monte Brittany says she wants Turner out. Monte does not believe he would be safe and he wants to win veto and ensure his own safety.


    Turner wants to talk to Brittany and she seems hesitant to talk to him and does not say she wants to talk to him and he says he just wants to know what happened. He says he just wishes she would have told him. Brittany does not think there is anything to say.


    Turner tells Brittany that he does not like that she used his friendship with Alyssa as a pitch in order to kick out her friend. He says that is slimy. Brittany says what is slimy is backstabbing your friend and voting them out.


    Turner says Brittany is the most manipulative person he has ever met. She has no allegiance and loyalty to anyone. He needs to try and get Brittany on the target list and he heads to HOH and tells them about the conversation and he gets emotional.


    Turner says voting out Alyssa like that sucks and he apologizes. Turner says he did not want Alyssa to go at that expense and he hates that Brittany played that the way she did. Taylor says she is empathetic but she is also paranoid and wondering if it is an act.


    Taylor says in her core she has shady feelings about both Brittany and Turner. She just thinks she should put them both on the block and watch them fight for their lives and make her decision from there.


    It is time for the nomination ceremony! Taylor’s first nominee is…Brittany. Her second nominee is…Turner. She nominated them because she was surprised from a split vote and one of them is lying. She says this veto has more weight than another veto.


    Taylor says F4, what really matters is the veto because it determines who has the sole vote to evict. She would like to be in a F3 with Brittany and Monte so she does not want Turner to win veto.


    Turner says Brittany is trying to pin the vote on him so he wants to focus on veto and throw it in Brittany’s face. Monte is scared of Brittany winning veto because he is not sure she would take him to F3. Brittany needs to win because she does not trust Monte or Turner.


    Brittany is going to talk to Taylor and she asks if Turner is actually saying she flipped. Brittany knew Turner would waste no time going to Taylor and she does not blame him, but she needs to do some damage control and convince Taylor it was Turner who flipped.


    Taylor says she may never know who is telling the truth, but for her game it is best to keep Brittany because she thinks she can beat her. She says Brittany can keep yapping but she needs to get her head in the game and win veto so she can vote out Turner.


    It is time for the veto competition! Each HG is in their own “room” and it is for Mathletes. They will uncover a panel and see a photo from the season and they have to get numbers from the calculator to put under the photo representing what day that occurred.


    After they answer all the photos they calculate a final sum. If any are wrong, they have to fix it. First to get it right will win the final POV! Brittany says the only way she can guarantee her spot in the F3 is to win. Turner wants the power to decide who goes to F3.


    Brittany sees the wall comp and puts up day 37. Taylor says if she takes the veto she gets to decide who the sole vote to evict would be so there is still serious power here. They see Ameerah’s eviction day on Day 23.


    Turner does not remember every single day but he does remember the days of the HOH’s so he should be able to figure it out. Monte says he is not on the block and he wants to keep it that way. He has to win it and this veto is do or die.


    There is a picture of OTEV from day 32. Taylor has been studying the days but she wants to take her time and get everything right so she does not have to do math over and over and over. Monte sees Terrance and Michael from Day 44.


    Turner sees a picture of him and Jasmine hugging and he knows it was Day 16 and then he was stuck with her for three weeks. Brittany sees the double eviction from Day 65 and that was an impossible day to forget.


    Taylor sees a picture from Pie Fest on Day 9. Monte sees a picture of Zingbot and he has a bone to pick with him because he is not boring. Turner says he did not come this far just to lose now and he is putting days with the first letter of name of the HOH comp.


    Turner answers 313 and he has 4 answers wrong. Monte says it is time for him to put his mechanical engineering background to work. He rings in and is wrong and has 2 answers wrong. Brittany answers 329 and she has 2 wrong as well.


    Brittany changes her answer when she realizes the picture of Ameerah and Terrance is from eviction night and not nominations and rushes to ring in because she believes she has fixed it.


    Brittany is wrong and has 1 incorrect and she does not know what is wrong. She is confident in her answers and she thinks it is her math. Turner makes a change and still has two wrong. Taylor has 2 wrong.


    Monte says every second he wastes and he is feeling the pressure. He switches out his answer on Zingbot and has 1 wrong. Brittany changes an answer and she rings in and she is incorrect again.


    Monte makes a change and he is still wrong. He is off by one on the Snoozefest and he makes a change and rings in and he still is incorrect. Brittany is still working and she says she is sprinting back and forth in a mental comp.


    Brittany is starting to panic because she has added the numbers 1000 times and she cannot figure out what is going on. Monte is still wrong so he swaps back to his original answer on Snoozefest and is still wrong. Taylor and Turner are still making changes.


    Monte says the last thing he needs right now is Brittany to win and she could win this at any second and he is not letting the most important veto of the summer slip through his fingers. Brittany says she has been studying days all summer.


    Monte looks again and he changes Snoozefest again and his final answer and he rings in and is correct and Monte has won POV! The other HG all go to his room and he says this competition was a must win and he secured his spot in the F3 and he decides who goes with him.


    Turner is stoked that Monte is the sole vote to evict and he likes Brittany even less than himself. Taylor had wanted to win for her resume but if she had to lose she is good it was to Monte. Brittany says it is frustrating that she was so close.


    Taylor and Brittany are talking in the SR and Taylor tells her to give up. Brittany says she was one number off and at the end of the day Monte holds her fate in his hands. She thinks Monte has a better shot at winning against Brittany over Turner.


    Taylor says whether she trusts Brittany or not is besides the point because she thinks she has a better shot at beating Brittany. She needs to do everything she can to get her to the F3 and talk to Monte.


    Taylor and Monte celebrate his POV win in the HOH room with a kiss and they say we did it. Taylor says they have to make sure they sit in the F2 seats. Taylor says you know Turner beats both of us.


    Taylor feels a lot better about sitting F2 with Brittany than Monte. She can win the money and he can take her on a date. She needs to convince him that Brittany is a safer choice.


    Taylor thinks her best shot at winning is against Brittany so she needs to convince Monte and make BB history. Brittany says it is not looking good and she is going to try to think of something she can pull out of her hat but she is not giving up.


    Turner says there is only one vote to evict someone this week and his fate is in Monte’s hands and he hopes his dream comes true of watching Brittany walk out. Monte does think he could beat Brittany over Turner, but he is not confident she would take him there.

  23. Previously, on Big Brother, with Monte scaring up a big win, he wanted either Alyssa or Britany gone. But Taylor hoped to fry a bigger fish. With two ladies on the block, Taylor was determined to take out Turner, but Monte wanted to keep both his allies in the game. At a cuckoo clash for the power of veto, Brittany clocked the competition, leaving Monte caught between two allies. At the veto meeting, Monte kept Turner safe. Tonight, the Brittany spiral could change the fate of the nominees. Who will be sent to the jury, Alyssa or Taylor? And who will win the HOH guaranteeing themselves a spot at finale night. All this right now on Big Brother!


    Julie greets us and it is Day 72 in the house and everyone is strategizing on how to make it to finale night. With only five people left in the house, a budding showmance could have game altering consequences.


    We head inside on Day 69 after the veto meeting and Brittany used veto on herself and she makes it to the final four. Monte says if he put Turner up there was a likelihood he could be voted out but Taylor should be safe.


    Alyssa says she can count on Turner’s vote, so she just needs Brittany’s vote or Monte’s tiebreaker vote. So she just needs to paint Taylor as someone you do not want to take to finale night.


    Taylor is annoyed Monte would put her in danger so she is going to lay low and try and ride it out until jury. Brittany assures Taylor that she has her because they have to stick together in order to have a chance to win.


    Brittany says she has been feeling alone since Michael left but Taylor has been assuring her she is with her and as long as Taylor has her back, then she will have Taylor’s back.


    Alyssa is talking to Turner and she asks how not to go home this week. She is assuming she has his vote but she still wants to go over all the strategic reasons they should keep her. She says Taylor has a shot at winning HOH and she has a great final pitch.


    Alyssa points out to Turner that everyone loves an underdog and she would be much easier to beat because she has been dragged along. Turner would love to keep Alyssa but he would have an uphill battle to get Brittany or Monte to vote his way.


    Alyssa suggests to Monte they have a sleepover in the HOH room with Taylor and Turner. Brittany says it is hard to not notice the late night slumber parties. She goes to bed at 2 and they go to bed at 8. She says that’s a whole business day of BB she is not a part of.


    Monte asks Taylor to put moisturizer on his back. Monte says Alyssa had a showmance with Kyle and Brittany is married and Turner is out of the question, so he has to ask Taylor to put moisturizer on his back.


    Taylor says Monte has been a friend of her throughout the game and she says he has a great body. She always found him physically attractive but she never knew where his intentions were.


    Monte says Taylor is a very attractive woman but he came in focusing on the game but they have since built quite the connection. Taylor prefers to be fully pursued so she is going to see if Monte pounces.


    Taylor is in the HOH build and Monte comes in and says she looks comfortable. He gets ready for bed and shuts the light off and gets into bed. She says if she gets too close to let her know and he tells her she can soak in the heat of the bear.


    Monte and Turner slide closer together to cuddle and she notes that he is very warm. They then start to kiss. Monte says he came in with all intentions to not be tempted in anything that would take his eye off the prize, but it has been 70 days and he is just a man.


    Brittany and Alyssa are in the WA and Alyssa is going to go jump on Taylor and Monte and Brittany asks if they are sleeping upstairs and Alyssa thinks so. She wakes them up and asks if they have seen Turner and they say he was supposed to be in bed with them.


    Alyssa tells Brittany that she woke up them up but it was just Monte and Taylor and she does not know where Turner is. Brittany says Taylor has barely said two words to her because she has been spending all her HOH room. Does she have a F2 with her or Monte?


    Monte, Alyssa, and Taylor are talking about Michael’s campaign and how good he was. They are talking about how much they loved Michael. Brittany is feeling confused about how he even left and she hears Taylor laughing about Michael being evicted.


    Alyssa is asking Brittany how she is feeling and she says not good. She talks about how she looked like an idiot on eviction night. She says she has no clue what is happening in this house. Alyssa pitches making F2 with her because they are expendable.


    Brittany feels like Turner is voting the way Monte wants him to which ties her hands because Monte would break a tie. Brittany says it is not up to her this week. Alyssa is confused and realizes maybe Turner will not be voting for her.


    Alyssa goes to talk to Turner, and she wants to make him believe his vote would be a sympathy vote so she could stay. She tells Turner that Monte and Taylor would take each other to the end. Alyssa would not forgive Turner if she got voted out.


    Turner says if he gives Alyssa as sympathy vote and she gets voted out, then she knows where the vote came from. He says Alyssa has trouble separating personal from game and she does not respect game play that betrays friendship.


    Turner says this conversation is incredibly annoying. She is not only threatening their friendship but also her jury vote. But she is a jury vote and he has to think really hard about who he will be voting for this week.


    It is time for the live vote and eviction! Taylor says she is not going to drag anyone this time but she will always have fight in her and she is not anywhere near game drained and she is good for all of their games.


    Alyssa does her shoutouts. She loves the HG and every decision they make is a huge decision and whatever they make, all love. She loves Taylor, she is her girl and a fierce competitor.


    Time to vote!

    Brittany sadly votes to evict Taylor.

    Turner very sadly votes to evict Alyssa.

    We have a tie. Monte must break the tie. He says he loves and respects them both but he has to do what is best for his game. He votes to evict Alyssa.


    Alyssa gives everyone hugs and Monte picks her bag up to hand it to her. They all walk to the memory wall and note that it is an empty board.


    Julie asks Alyssa what happened? Alyssa says she thinks Brittany had her back but Turner gave her a weird vibe but she had a little doubt. Julie asks if Monte made a mistake and she says for sure but she had not been close with him but he could have beat her.


    Julie says Alyssa and Turner were good friends and she told him they would not be friends and she says it was mostly strategy but a little bit of the truth because she knew she would be salty. But she loves BB and she knows it is game but with time it will be ok.


    Julie says her family loves this game and she had practiced in her backyard, why did Alyssa not win. She says they were difficult and she thinks she would have been good at OTEV.


    Julie asks how hard it was to vote out her showmance, Kyle. Alyssa says it was the hardest thing she did in this game but she stands by that decision because it is what she felt was right.


    Monte says it was great getting to know her but the game did not shake out the way he wanted it. Brittany says she is so sorry and she is alone in this game but she will keep fighting.


    Taylor says Monte and Turner made a gentleman’s agreement that if she went up Turner would vote Alyssa out. Turner says they were super tight but he had to think hard about the vote and he hopes she has fun at the jury house.


    Alyssa is emotional and she loves Brittany and Taylor. She says Monte is great and she is hurt by Turner but she is rooting for the girls to make it to F2. Julie says she will see Alyssa on finale night.


    It is time for the HOH competition! The competition is called Fashion Fest and it is all about Julie. They will watch a video of a montage of outfits they have seen her in and then she will ask questions about the video. They get a point for each correct answer.


    The HG with the most points after seven questions will win HOH! They start the video and the HG are all watching.


    Question 1-True or False. She snapped her fingers two times while she was wearing a purple dress. Taylor answers true and Brittany and Turner answer false. The correct answer is false. Brittany and Turner get a point.


    Question 2-True or False. Immediately after she stomped into her shoe, she was wearing pink pants. Brittany answers false and Taylor and Turner answer true. The correct answer is true. Turner has 2 points, Taylor and Brittany both have 1 point.


    Question 3-True or False. The second outfit she appeared in had polka dots printed on it. They all answer false and they are all correct. Turner has 3 points, Taylor and Brittany have 2 points.


    Question 4-True or False. When Julie walked into the Big Brother house she was wearing a pink dress. Taylor and Brittany answer true and Turner answers false. The correct answer is true. They all have 3 points.


    Question 5-True or False: Julie was wearing red pants while holding the gold sheet. Turner answers true and Taylor and Brittany answer false. The correct answer is false. Taylor and Brittany have 4 points and Turner has 3 points.


    Question 6-True or False: In the last outfit, the shoes were the same color as her dress. They all answer false and they are all correct. Taylor and Brittany have 5 points and Turner has 4 points.


    Question 7-True or False: Julie was wearing black pants while she was dancing with Zingbot. They all answer true and they are all correct. Taylor and Brittany are tied with 6 points and Turner has 5 points.


    Taylor and Brittany will have a tiebreaker. The answer will be a number. The closest without going over will become the HOH. If they both go over, then whoever comes the closest will win.


    Tiebreaker: In seconds, how long was the snoozefest competition from the official start until Brittany was announced the winner? Brittany answers 2700 and Taylor answers 480 and the correct answer is 1404 seconds. Taylor has won HOH!


    Julie says Taylor went from being on the block and surviving eviction to winning HOH and making it to finale night. Taylor says she already has her outfit for finale night so she is over the moon. Julie congratulates them all for making final four.


    Sunday’s show will be HOH and the final veto of the summer. No Big Brother on Wednesday and the live eviction will be done on Thursday. Plus, The Cookout will join Julie on stage next week on this season’s game play.

  24. Previously, on Big Brother, since week one Michael absolutely dominated the game racking up three HOH wins and a record breaking 6 veto victories! So with Michael holding all the power, he wanted Terrance gone. Michael’s closest ally thought he screwed up by not going after a bigger target, but two of his biggest threats made him a team-up offer. At the live eviction, DJ Showtime caught the first bus to jury, but he would not be going alone. With the power back up for grabs, Turner turned it up and he appeared to stay true to his newly formed guys alliance. But after Monte won the veto, he told Turner it was time to take a shot at Michael. With Alyssa being saved, Michael felt betrayed. In a hail Mary speech, Michael sold out his BB bff but it didn’t change the lawyers verdict. Now, with only five remaining the game kicks into overdrive. Watch the drama you didn’t see that led to Michael’s eviction. Plus, a new HOH is up for grabs. All this tonight on Big Brother!


    We pick up on Day 65 after the double eviction and Brittany feels betrayed by what Michael said in his speech. She hopes he sits in jury house and realizes that he took it too far. He did not have to do that because she played a messy game for herself and for him.


    Turner says he did not want to take the only other LGBT person in the house, but at the end of the day it was a game decision and hates that he said that. Monte says getting Michael out was huge and he is so happy that it happened. Turner is glad but it was not the plan.


    Turner is saying his third HOH is incredible and his target is Brittany with Alyssa as a pawn. We see Turner assuring Alyssa that Michael is on board with getting Brittany out. We then see him talk to Brittany and tell her that Alyssa is the target.


    We see Michael in talking to Turner and he agrees that he is ok with Brittany going home and then Monte comes in and he is on board also to get Brittany out. Turner says he locked in nominations. All he has to do now is win veto and keep them the same.


    Monte can’t believe he beat Michael in a veto competition. He knows that he made a deal with Turner and Michael but there might not be another chance to take out Michael.


    We see Monte telling Turner they need to take the shot now. Turner says Monte needs to make sure everyone is on board so this does not backfire. Monte says he has a ton of respect for Michael in the game and as a person so he has to tell him he is going up.


    Michael is telling Monte he could have taken a shot at him three times and he did not do it. He says he does not have Kyle’s vote or Joseph’s vote. He tells Monte that he will not make F2 unless he wins his way to the end. Michael says this is not respect.


    Turner is talking to Brittany about Michael maybe going up and going home and she is emotional. We see Monte apologizing to Michael again and he says he needs to go campaign.


    Michael grabs Taylor and Alyssa and he says he has had Taylor’s block and never let her touch the block on his HOH. He hopes Alyssa votes to keep him. He tells them this is Monte’s resume move and they need to take it away from him.


    We see Monte use the POV to take Alyssa down and Turner stands Michael says Turner is safe if he does not do this. Monte cannot believe they did but they need to secure his ticket to the jury house.


    Taylor and Monte hug and she says they are not sitting second. Turner comes in and says he is there for them. Michael tells Alyssa that Brittany does not have her back and she is lying about her profession.


    Alyssa says she does not know what is going on with Michael but he is trashing his number one ally and she has very little time to figure it out. Michael walks in and tells Taylor he has her back and Turner and Monte would be on the block if he wins HOH.


    Michael tells Turner he is disgusted with him because he said he would never take out an LGBT person and Turner says that was manipulation. We see Michael’s F2 speech and Brittany is emotional and says she expected that from other people but not him.


    We see Michael being evicted and then leaving and Taylor says they could not let him stay. Brittany says she understands and she knew this was coming. She is angry that Michael went out the way he did because it does not make sense.


    Alyssa is so grateful to still be here and it is time to regroup and charge to the end of the game. The five get up to go to the memory wall and Turner says just think how proud our families are that we made it this far.


    Monte says since Turner cannot play in this HOH he has to bring it home so he can make it to the end. Turner says he knows he is safe with Monte and he feels solid with Alyssa. He has a good relationship with Taylor so now he has to work on Brittany to cover his bases.


    Monte says he is going crazy in this HOH comp and Turner says they do not have to worry about Alyssa. Taylor says Turner’s third HOH and Michael had three HOH’s. She says Turner has to go up and he has to be worried because he took out the biggest target.


    Taylor says she needs to win this HOH because she does not want to be a pawn in anyone else’s game and her next move would be to take out the next biggest target. Goodnight Turner.


    Turner is talking to Brittany and she says it sucks cause she has no game right now and she is pretty sure she is next. Turner says if Brittany wins she could put up with him and Monte and he is not ok with that.


    Brittany says Turner has done nothing but cause her pain in this game. She says he has been HOH three times and she has been on the block three times. Should she win HOH, he will be the first person she is going after.


    Brittany is talking to Alyssa and Alyssa says Michael was angry and he will talk to people and come back to his senses. Brittany says knows what Michael says was for game purposes and they will be friends outside of this. Alyssa tells her to get her head back in the game.


    It is time for the HOH! They will play this competition one at a time, but be careful, there is a killer on the loose! The HG must find six doors in a house and board them. The fastest HG to board all the doors and throw the alarm will be the next HOH!


    Brittany says she needs to win this HOH because Turner just took out her best friend and put her on the block every time he was HOH. She says there are not enough fingers on her hand to list the reasons Turner needs to go.


    Brittany is making her way through and she has two doors done. She is feeling around the for the board for the next door and she has no idea what she is touching. She grabs the board from the bathtub and goes to board the door.


    Brittany says it is so dark and she is struggling to get the fourth door boarded. She gets it done and moves on and says it is a very odd house, and very creepy. She has the fifth door done and just needs the last one.


    She finds the last door and has to find the board. She finds the alarm and she says she has to remember that location. She gets the board and she is done and she pulls the alarm and she is done.


    Monte is next and he quickly gets the first door done. Monte says the goo is god awful. It is thick and sticky and pulling his pants down, but he is not letting git slow him down. Monte has three doors done and he gets freakout at one point and moves on.


    Monte says he does not do scary movies, haunted houses, or horror in general. Monte now has five doors done and he is moving on to the final room. He gets scared again and says you guys are killing me. He has the last door and finally finds the alarm.


    Taylor says this is her actual nightmare. She says if she wants to keep up with the boys she has to win this and take out the next biggest target. She gets the first door done and she is freaking out and she is not sure she can do it.


    She starts to panic and says this is terrifying. Taylor thought her eyes would adjust but there is no way to see anything in this. She decides to put herself first and bow out of the competition and she goes back out the front door and times out.


    Alyssa is next and she is moving. She hears a girl say someone save me and Alyssa says I can’t girl. She has three doors done and says stay out boogie man. She moves on and she has five doors done but she does not have know how many she has done.


    Alyssa finds another plank and she finds a door she has already barricaded. She thinks she has the doors but she cannot find the alarm. She says she’s been looking for this alarm for what feels like ten minutes.


    Time to see how everyone did! Taylor’s time was one hour. Alyssa’s time is 22:24 and is currently in the lead. Monte’s time was 15:15 and is now in the lead. It comes down to Monte and Brittany. Britany’s time is 15:24. Monte is the new HOH!


    Monte says he is hyped right now and he ensures himself final four. He says hopefully there will not be much drama this week. Turner says he is stoked and hopefully they can take out a girl and get one step closer to the F2.


    Brittany was hoping she could win for this Michael and she was 9 seconds away. She is not giving up but she has not had to play this game with Michael and she does not know what she looks like.


    Taylor is disappointed she could not finish, but she is not ok and now she has to deal with the consequences and emotions of not completing that HOH. Alyssa is in Monte’s HOH room and they are talking about his basket.


    Monte says options are limited, but right now there is no way he putting up Taylor or Turner. So unless he hears something amazing from Alyssa and Brittany, then he does not have any other options. Monte says he has a great relationship with Turner and Taylor.


    Alyssa wants to work with Monte and hopefully her putting her trust in him and going on the block will show that. Monte says if she heard anything about him going next week he hopes she would talk to him. Alyssa says she is a team player.


    Monte says he is telling Alyssa is a pawn, but she could be a good target. She has a lot of friends in the jury house…Jasmine, Indy, and Kyle, and that could make her a huge target.


    Brittany is talking to Monte and she says now she is playing completely for herself. She needs to convince Monte someone else wants him gone and there are bigger targets in the house.


    Brittany tells him the only person she has heard say his name is Alyssa and we see a conversation between Alyssa and Brittany on Day 63 and Alyssa says Monte is a threat. Monte says it feels like Brittany is saying what she has to.


    Monte says he is not set on any decision at this point and Brittany says she appreciates that. Taylor is in to talk to Monte and she asks where his head is at and he tells her he told the girls they are going on the block.


    Monte feels good about having a F2 with Turner but he feels good with Taylor because she does not hold things back from him. Monte says Alyssa is more of a threat in F2, but is Brittany a risk? He feels like Alyssa would be the ideal person to go.


    Taylor feels really comfortable with Monte as HOH but she thinks there is a bigger target. Monte says Turner’s resume is stacked and he is a shield for them. He says he cannot help if Taylor wins the veto and uses that power to take Brittany down.


    Monte says if Taylor wants it to happen, then she has to take matters into her own hands and win that veto and force Turner up and then she and Brittany can take the shot and his hands are clean. He cannot control that situation and Turner cannot blame him.


    It is time for the nomination ceremony! Monte’s first nominee is…Brittany. His second nominee is…Alyssa. He nominated Brittany because of lapses in communication last week and Alyssa because they have been at a distance.


    Monte nominated Brittany because he cannot trust her and Alyssa because she has a lot of friends in jury but he is open minded. He says if Taylor wants Turner out then she needs to win veto and force his hand.


    Alyssa is tired of being a pawn in everyone else’s game and she is trying to keep her eye on the prize. Brittany says she knows there are bigger targets and she knows her game depends on it. She needs to win and she will.


    Taylor is happy with the nominees and she wants to win veto so she can take the shot herself and make a big move. Turner says he is a great spot with these nominations and he is excited to move forward.

  25. Previously, on Big Brother, the majority of the house saw Michael as their biggest threat. So with the power back on the line, everyone was gunning for him, but the competition king stopped them in their tracks. Brittany wanted Michael to go after Turner, but he had previously promised him safety and the cat lover wanted to sink his claws into Terrance instead.


    At the super POV competition, DJ Snowtime and Mallyssa were fighting for their lives but the Copy Cat blew them all away and broke a Big Brother record. Knowing Michael is a big target, Brittany started looking for a plan B, and talked to Turner about going to the end. After Turner told Britany that Monte might be going after Michael, Brittany once again tried to get Michael to go after a big target but she wasn’t the only one reporting back to the HOHAt the veto meeting, Michael stuck to his original plan.


    Tonight, either Alyssa or DJ Showtime will be sent to jury, but they won’t be alone because it’s double eviction baby! A full week’s worth of game play all in one night. All this live right now on Big Brother!


    Julie greets us and it is Day 65 and Michael has emerged as a target for nearly everyone in the game. This week he broke a 16-year long record set by BB legend, Janelle.


    We pick up on Day 62 after the veto meeting and this is Terrance’s fifth time on the block. Michael says he needs to go this week. Terrance is not surprised and he is going to fight because Alyssa is a bigger threat because she has friends in the jury.


    Monte says as much as he likes Terrance to stay he thinks he is a bigger threat because he has more comp wins and has a better social game. Brittany has been telling Michael to take out a big competitive threat but he is afraid that will make him a target.


    Brittany goes to talk to Alyssa and she tells her she is good and Michael is there too. Alyssa says she needs three votes to stay and she hopes she has Turner’s vote because they are close and she has had good conversations with Taylor and Brittany.


    We see Alyssa pitching an all woman final three and says it has never been done she does not think and only like five women have ever won, maybe less. Alyssa thinks they could be a power trio and Britttany says Michael is one lost veto from heading to jury.


    Alyssa is talking to Taylor and she tells her that Michael made her feel good and she tells Taylor to be chill. Taylor says Terrance is a vet at campaigning and she needs Alyssa to stay calm. Taylor wants Terrance to go because they have never seen eye to eye.


    Taylor says Alyssa has been on an island since Kyle left and an all girls alliance could be a path to the end for her. The HG are in the kitchen talking about Turner’s unique vocabulary. Michael calls them Turnerisms that starts at the bottom Disgussin and up to Bussin.


    Terrance is talking to Taylor and he tells her she has to do what is best for her game. Terrance says he would love a person of color to win this game and he would give his vote to Taylor or Monte. Terrance says why couldn’t we win it back to back.


    Taylor says she and Terrance have never seen eye-to-eye in this game and she knows what he is doing and it is too little too late. Taylor says her and Monte would be a good battle in jury. Terrance agrees.


    Terrance is talking to Monte and he knows that Michael and Brittany have planned things. Terrance says a black man winning last year, why could we not it back to back. He would not put Monte up, but he would put Taylor up.


    Monte says every week there is an excuse to not get Alyssa out and they will find her floating to final two. Terrance says Indy will be bitter about Monte putting her up and she will vote Alyssa and Jasmine will vote for her girl and Kyle was a showmance.


    Monte says they are at the point where they have to be counting jury votes but they also have to figure out the best path to even get to final two to start factoring jury votes.


    Monte is talking Taylor and they are discussing their conversations with Terrance. Monte says Terrance made some very valid points about jury votes. Monte says if he or Taylor were sitting next to Terrance, they have better odds of winning than against Alyssa.


    Indy is at the jury house waiting for more HG. She has a unicorn floatie for the pool and she says life is very peaceful and she is doing great. Jasmine joins and Indy is not surprised about seeing her because she was not part of the Leftover alliance.


    Jasmine says it is amazing to be a jury member but she gave it all she had and made her and her dad proud. Jasmine says they dropped a twist and she tells Indy about the split house twist. Joseph joins and says omg!


    Joseph says he has never been so happy and worried at the same time. He is responsible for his eviction because he did not anticipate certain moves and he wishes he had seen the betrayal sooner than he did. He apologizes for being part of the alliance.


    Jasmine says they found out in the goodbye messages but she had already suspected was up. They go to watch the video of what happened during the split house twist.


    Indy is grateful she was out before the twist. Jasmine thinks Michael lied about his profession. Indy hopes when everything is over she does not have to see Brittany ever again and she thinks Kyle also manipulated her emotionally and that was dirty.


    Jasmine says she knew she was on the block and maybe going out and Joseph says he knew he was out the door. Joseph says Kyle betrayed him before he even touched the block and Jasmine thinks he is the most dangerous person in the game.


    Joseph knew the showmance was difficult to manuever and he thinks Michael is playing the best game so far. Indy says it was a tough week but now she will show them around the jury house. It is one week later and they are discussing who is joining them.


    Jasmine thinks Terrance, Alyssa, or Monte will join them and she wants Taylor to make it to the end. Joseph hopes it is Kyle and his people sent him packing. Kyle greets everyone and Joseph says what happened to going to war? Kyle says it did not work out.


    Kyle says getting evicted was tough but a bigger journey has started and he has a lot to learn moving forward. They go to watch the tape and Kyle says a lot of factors led to him leaving this week that were not game related.


    They watch the HOH competition and see Turner win HOH and Joseph is so confused and Kyle says aspects outside of the game led to him being there. They see the nominations of Taylor and Brittany and Joseph does not understand the reason.


    Kyle explains the After Party alliance and then they see the slip and slide veto. Jasmine says it is wild that Michael won and he is literally the veto king with a bigger target on his back. Kyle tells them the game changed for him this week.


    Kyle explains that he made some unfavorable comments that were about race and he mentions thinking there was an alliance with minorities and he says the comments were extremely wrong and he compared them to The Cookout.


    Jasmine asks as in all black people or minorities and he says minorities and he apologizes. Jasmine says that really hurts because she would never and Joseph says Kyle wanted to make an alliance based on race and the Arab kid defended Kyle at first.


    Indy says Kyle needs to use the internet and get educated because they have come too far for that. She cannot stay and gets up and walks away. Joseph asks if that is why Kyle is here. Joseph asks why Michael and Brittany brought that up now and not when it happened.


    Joseph and Jasmine agree that Michael and Brittany were a part of that too because they were in the room when it happened and did not say anything. Kyle says everyone has showed unconditional love for him and he wants to take responsibility for his actions.


    Jasmine says she does not hate anyone and she genuinely feels like it is not her place to judge. Indy is back and agrees with Jasmine. Joseph says he will need a little time because he is disappointed and frustrated but that he does not hate him.


    Kyle appreciates their reactions and he says this may be the end of his Big Brother journey but a much larger journey is beginning on a life lesson. Indy is glad to hear him apologize and they hug. Indy says they have a lot to work on and they show Kyle around.


    Turner is talking to Monte about Brittany talking to him and telling him that Alyssa and Taylor are trying to do a final three with the girls. Turner says Alyssa wants to work with the girls and they have a final three and Turner is not sure they should target Michael.


    Turner says maybe they need to work with Michael because if he goes out, then why would Michael and Monte not be right behind. Monte says Brittany exposing that was crazy. Turner says if you have Michael against you are done, but if he is on your side it is good.


    Monte is starting to wonder if taking Michael out is the best idea because that makes him and Turner the next biggest targets in the house. They decide to talk to Michael together and Turner fills him in on the conversation.


    Michael says if Brittany does not win HOH next week and he does not win veto, then working with Monte and Turner might be a good idea. Turner points out between the three girls they have one comp win and that is Taylor’s HOH.


    Monte says working with the guys might hold some appeal so the girls do not just pick them off and as long as the guys win HOH’s they can control the game. Alyssa is telling the HG about having a beach themed room that had actual sand on the floor and a hammock as a bed.


    Turner says hearing about Alyssa’s bedroom is incredibly bizarre. Brittany cannot believe it. Michael says it sounds like a very Florida bedroom. Taylor talks about them getting the camera each week and she asks who everyone thinks someone is lying about their job.


    Michael says maybe Taylor is deflecting. Alyssa thinks there is more to Monte and Turner thinks he is ex-military. Brittany thought Monte was a doctor until he cut his hand and could not put a bandaid on well.


    Monte does not think Michael runs an escape room. Taylor thinks Michael is a game inventor or something. Michael says as an attorney he can stay calm under interrogation. Taylor cannot wait to see what everyone is like.


    Monte, Turner, and Michael are in the HOH talking and they discussing which of the three girls they should put up. Monte says they have to lock in the HOH’s. Turner says they have to pick off the person who would least jeopardize their personal games.


    Turner pitches taking Brittany out so Michael does not have to, Monte would not put up Taylor and Turner would not put up Alyssa. Turner says that is the best way for the three of them to get to the end. Monte says right now is ok with this plan to get to the final three.


    It is now time for the live vote and eviction! Terrance loves Tracy and misses her. Terrance says he has entertained a lot of lies but he wants them to entertain the truth because their decision will reflect the jury. He says they have to have courage and not live in fear.


    Alyssa does shoutouts. She says this has been the best summer of her life and she would be devastated if it ended right now. She hopes they keep her in the game and she loves Terrance because he has been a friend to her.


    Time to vote.

    Monte votes to evict Terrance.

    Brittany sadly votes to evict Terrance.

    Turner votes to evict Terrance.

    Taylor votes to evict Terrance.

    By a vote of 4-0, Terrance has been evicted from the Big Brother house!


    Terrance gets up and says he has to do a Daniel and he does not hug anyone and grabs his bag and heads out the door to join Julie on stage. The HG inside head to the memory wall and they say he did the Daniel.


    The HG talk about Julie doing the interview then closing the show and telling the at home audience to tune in Sunday to find out who won HOH. Julie tells Terrance to stay where he is for the interview to come next.


    Julie says Terrance bolted and he says it was an homage to Daniel and he was a little upset with the HG. He says they knew that Alyssa had jury votes and they did not want to fight to get Michael out of the house.


    Julie asks why they kept Alyssa and Terrance says he is more influential to make different moves and Alyssa is easier to control. Julie asks how difficult to be nominated five times and he says it weighed on him a lot but it changed his POV on the game.


    Julie asks Terrance if there is anything about Michael’s game that he does respect and he says he loves that he is tenacious and a competitor. He says he told Michael not to lose his drive to win and he did not.


    Julie asks Terrance why he picked Taylor over Turner for the veto and he says he was trying to bridge the gap with Taylor because she had the ear of Michael and Britany but he should have stuck with Turner.


    Julie asks Terrance who he was most loyal to and he says Daniel and Nicole because he loved them. Michael says he is sorry with how things played out and a lot of people were factoring him in their end game plans and he had to get him out.


    Turner says he voted Terrance out for not picking him to play in BB Comics and he says just kidding and he loves him. Taylor says her goal is to be the first black woman to win BB and it is a shame they did not see eye-to-eye.


    Alyssa says Sweet T, I love you and will miss you in the game. Brittany says she tried to get Michael to take out a bigger target and he just would not. Monte says he tried to get Taylor on board to keep Terrance but it did not work out.


    Terrance says he came on BB to make his parents happy but this game is overwhelming. He says it is easy to play the game from home on your couch but it is a very different experience here and he is grateful for the experience. He hopes Taylor follows him out.


    Julie calls the HG to the LR. She tells them congratulations on making the final six. She says one of them will win $750,000. Then she says that is the good news. Tonight, another HG will be leaving. It is time to play a week’s worth of Big Brother in one hour!


    Its time for the HOH competition! The competition is called Laser Focus. They will be showed a video of different colored laser lights and then they’ll be asked questions. The player with the most points after 7 rounds will be the new HOH!


    Video 1 is up. Which color appeared the most. Everyone answers blue and everyone is correct and they all get a point.


    Video 2 is shown. Which color appeared second. Alyssa answers orange and everyone else answers pink. Monte, Brittany, Turner, and Taylor are correct and have 2 points and Alyssa has 1 point.


    Video 3 is on the screen. Which color appeared only once. Brittany answers white, Taylor and Alyssa answer pink. Monte and Turner answer orange. The correct answer is orange. Monte and Turner have 3 points, Brittany and Taylor have 2 points, and Alyssa has 1 point.


    Video 4 is ready for the HG. Which color appeared between the red laser lights? Turner and Monte answer white, Alyssa, Brittany, and Taylor answer blue. The correct answer is white. Monte and Turner have 4 points, Brittany and Taylor have 2 points and Alyssa has 1 point.


    Video 5 is up. Which color appeared exactly twice. They all answer green and the correct answer is green and they all get a point. Monte and Turner have 5 points, Brittany and Taylor have 3 points and Alyssa has 2 points.


    Video 6 is on. Which color never appeared. Monte and Turner answer blue and everyone else answers red. The correct answer is red. Monte and Turner have 5 points, Brittany and Taylor have 4 points and Alyssa has 3 points.


    Video 7 is on display. Which color appeared fourth? Taylor, Alyssa answer blue, Brittany and Turner answer pink and Monte answers white. The correct answer is pink.


    Alyssa has 3 points. Taylor has 4 points. Monte and Brittany have 5 points. Turner has 6 points. Turner is the new HOH! They head inside and Turner is going to do one-on-one’s in the bubble room.


    Alyssa is in first with Turner and he tells her she is safe and that everyone is on board to get Brittany out. Brittany heads in and we head to a commercial break.


    It is time for the live nomination ceremony! Turner says he loves everyone in the game but he is nominating Brittany and Alyssa. They will soon begin the veto competition.


    It is now time for the Veto Competition! Everyone is playing and the competition is called Amp it Up. They have to navigate themselves and their rope through a stand and untangle enough cable to plus into their amp. The first to plug into their amp will win POV!


    Alyssa and Taylor are moving quickly as is Turner. Monte is moving but appears to be a little behind. Brittany seems to be in last and having the most difficult. Michael seems to be in the lead with Turner close behind.


    Michael thinks he has enough slack but he has to go back. Everyone else is still moving. Taylor is out to see if she can plug in and she cannot and goes back. Monte is out and so is Turner but both go back.


    Brittany is still moving. Taylor thinks she has it and she does not and goes back. Michael thinks he has it again and does not. Alyssa attempts to plug in and she does not have enough either. Monte and Turner both try to make it and neither has the slack they need.


    Michael and Taylor are still moving. Monte makes another attempt and he plugs in and Monte has won the POV! The HG are sent back in to strategize and decide if the POV will be used. Monte will be in the car room and Alyssa is with him first.  


    Monte tells Alyssa he is going to take her down and take the shot. She thanks him. Turner is in and Turner says to make sure everyone is on board because he does not want it to backfire on him. Monte says they have to make the move.


    It is time for the Veto Meeting! Julie calls the HG to the LR. Michael seems to be making some sort of last minute plea to Monte. Monte has decided to use the POV on Alyssa.


    Turner must now name a replacement nominee. Michael promises Turner will be safe with him and Turner says he has to go for first place and he loves him but he has to nominate Michael.


    It is time for the live vote and eviction! Michael and Turner seem to be arguing about Turner promising not to take out a LGBT person. Brittany is at a loss but she thinks she can benefit their game if they keep her.


    Michael says Monte and Turner are making this move and even if Taylor or Alyssa vote him out the jury will still see it as Turner and Monte’s move and they can take that away from them and he can team up with them in a 3v1 to go after Monte since Turner cannot play.


    It is time to vote!

    Monte votes to evict Michael.

    Alyssa votes to evict Michael.

    Taylor says in this game friendship comes after $750,000. She votes to evict Michael.

    By a vote of 3-0, Michael has been evicted from the Big Brother house!


    Michael asks everyone to stay seated, he has one thing he would like to say and he walks out the door to a huge reaction from the audience. Julie asks Michael about his exit and he says he wanted to leave.


    Michael feels bad about his speech because he loves Brittany but nothing he said was not true. Michael says he had to try something. Julie asks if they made the right choice and Michael says absolutely.


    Julie asks Michael who he would have been true to and she asks about the guys alliance and he says his game was based on telling people what they wanted to hear and playing the middle. He would have been loyal to Taylor.


    Julie asks if he is surprised Taylor voted him out and he says no and he respects the move. Julie says he said if his back was against the wall he would win and Michael says not tonight. Michael says the target was on his back too soon and it was too late to pull back.


    Julie asks how he feels about breaking Janelle’s record and he says having 9 comp wins is insane. He says he is surprised he won that much but he underestimated himself. Julie says he was a beast. He had so much fun playing and he has nothing but love and respect.


    With that, DE eviction night comes to an end and the F5 are in place. For now, let's eavesdrop on the HG. From outside the BB House with Michael, I'm JCM. Love one another. Goodnight.


    A traumatized Brittany is in the eviction chair. She says it would have been really hard for her to vote against Michael so he appreciates being up there against him. She was just thrown by what he said. I knew he woudl do whatever he had to do, but to throw me under the bus, I've been so close with him since the beginning, it sucks. 


    Monte says Michael's a fan of the game, he knows exactly what he had to say in order to... (what he had to say, Brittany says) and that was just game. My head would have been there if I was in that situation, Taylor says. when he was pitching me, I said damn, he's good. He pitched us you keep me I go after them, Alyssa says. I just feel so stupid, Brittany sobs, good to know I was just a cog anyway so it doesn't matter.



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