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Ruby Tuesday

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About Ruby Tuesday

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    Winnipeg, Canada

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Am I the only one who really hated the Chickenman?
  2. Just 4? That blows. I might not even watch, in that case. What's the point? I doubt it will include Eric, and all I really wanted to see was him being put in his place. I don't want to see less than a third of the HGs
  3. I liked "I just sealed your partner's fate" (a cheesy line on its own, yes, but in context, the way Maggie set it up with her own sentence? It was kick ass)
  4. From what I gather, Scott's posts (though largely unreadable) are mostly about his own game and himself. If they do this blog next year, he'd better not be on it
  5. I ALWAYS HATED Scott (and Jase). Hate is actually too mild a word. And his blog posts are rambling and highly unreadable. Just when you thought that meathead couldn't seem any dumber, he goes and makes Beau seem like an eloquent, artuculate man of words.
  6. I have to agree. Some Sheep supporters seem to be in denial that they are seriously outnumbered. Polls, AC, and various message boards show an overwhelming majority that does not consider the FS favourite. And if you bring up the idea that Sov fans seem to be more fanatic... well that's just a lousy argument. Laws of probablility would suggest that each side has an equal percentage of crazies that will balance one another out...
  7. It's called the principle of the thing. Are you one of those people who doesn't vote because "it won't make a difference" also?
  8. Yes. We get it. You find it silly that some people don't want to watch anymore. :roll:
  9. I've always found the use of "..." to give my writing a more conversational feel to it...
  10. Please don't use the word "retarded"
  11. People should respect the ideas of others regardess of whether that person is a skilled writer, simply because it's the grown up thing to do.
  12. Seriously? You're correcting people's punctuation? That's rude. This isn't a creative writing course, it's a message board. If you are concerned that you don't properly understand them PM them. I think you were just trying to embarass them. No one here really cares that much about proper paragraph formatting, do they?



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