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Posts posted by kingwilson

  1. Sadly for Judd it came down to the question of how many people do you want to piss off, 1 or 4? Judd didn't really have anyone, Jessie was playing him. The Goof Troop was never all that real. If Aaryn would have turned on McManda/Helen/Elissa (because lets be honest, Helen is running her game) they would have just voted Spencer out and she'd be toast.

    Jessie isn't going to win anything so you can take her out any week. Spencer is alone and will be happy to just make the final 6 or 7. At this point of the game things get tough, after you've been in the house that long you have emotions for everybody.

    Before anyone declares the game won for Helen or Amanda I'd strongly caution to see how things play out. At some point it's going to come down to Team Helen vs Team Amanda and it wouldn't be a shock to see the leaders be the ones to fall while an Andy or McRae or so on win it all.



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