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Everything posted by roachie

  1. 6:08PM BBT: Memphis, Cody and Nic are in the HOHR talking about what good food they got in their baskets. Christmas is in the WA braiding her wet hair.
  2. 10:38AM BBT: In the SR, Enzo tells Memphis that Christmas is a slob and laughs that "she's going to f'ing kill her". 10:45AM BBT: Cody is awake and getting dressed in the WA. Nic and Enzo are whispering in the PBR. She's telling him how Christmas was up there the whole time she was curling her hair and then Nic had to go downstairs to do her makeup. Nic tells Enzo to tell her that he's going to keep her because she's going to break it to her that she's not using the POV right before the ceremony.
  3. 10:20AM BBT: Christmas is done curling her hair and now camped out in the HOHR listening to music while Nic gets ready for the day in her bathroom. Memphis is still sitting deep in thought at the KT counter. Enzo is in bed stairing at the ceiling.
  4. 10:00AM BBT: The cams move to Enzo sleeping in his bed and Christmas curling her hair. Nic is awake and goes downstairs for a drink, then heads back upstairs.
  5. 9:21AM BBT: Lights are on in the house and Memphis is doing his usual stumble into the KT for morning coffee. 9:25AM BBT: Christmas is up and brushing her teeth. She and Memphis have a quick whisper chat in the WA. Memphis tells her that he laid everything out for Nicole that if Cody took her to the end, it would be the dumbest thing he ever did. 9:31AM BBT: Christmas and Memphis sit at the KT counter talking about the comic comp. 9:32AM BBT: Memphis and Christmas commiserate about the air in the house and its effects on their sinuses. Christmas said that she gets a bloody nose sometimes. 9:39AM BBT: Memphis jokes about saying he feels like he should be drunk about now. He's waiting for the ladies of the night. Christmas giggles and says "how about the ladies of the morning?" 9:42AM BBT: Christmas describes how she likes to sit on her back screened in porch at night with a blanket and a whiskey, next to her firepit. She has a pond behind her house and can hear frogs and an owl. 9:49AM BBT: After sitting by himself in the KT for a while, Memphis goes into the KBR to take his morning meds. The other camera is on Nic, still asleep in the HOHR.
  6. 6:38PM BBT: Dinner is being eaten by the HG. They are all polite and thankful, but eating in a hurry. 6:49PM BBT: They are cleaning up the KT and Enzo is still hungry and eats the leftover quinoa. 6:52PM BBT: Nic and Cody are upstairs in the HOHR playing backgammon chatting about who to evict this week as more beneficial to their games. Cody wants Christmas out. Christmas and Enzo are in the KT talking about the comp.
  7. 6:28PM BBT: The HG talk through the poses that they made during their cartoon comp. Enzo did a Count Dracula pose with his cape, Christmas did some super hero drop the ground and Nic said hers was lame.
  8. 6:19PM BBT: They hope that they get a booze delivery tonight. Nic says she watched them get crunk twice last week. Christmas said yeah, but you crushed us in two comps this week. Nic answered that it was because she was detoxing.
  9. 6:16PM BBT: Christmas says she wants to take a shower but remembers that Enzo is in there. Nic offers up the shower in her room. They all laugh that if she does that, Enzo's shower will turn cold.
  10. 10:00PM BBT: Cody is hilarious as he talks to the memory wall of evicted HG. "Bay, it was so close, yet so far". "Nicole A, cute as a button, America's favorite you were. No one can take that from you". "Kevin. You were boring." "Kaysar, oh Kaysar. That's all I got for you." "Dani, please please please stop talking to me about what I eat. I know it's bad. " Then he looks at Keesha "WHAT IS YOUR NAME??"
  11. 9:30PM BBT: Nic is drifting in and out of sleep. Enzo and Christmas are also dozing. Cody heads to the KT and plays a little basketball. He hooks up the arm workout gear onto the stairs and works on his arms. 9:46PM BBT: Memphis, Cody and Nic are in the KT discussing how the Committee alliance has won every single HOH comp except for when Enzo won his week. 9:57PM BBT: They hear something that sounds like a "barking spider" and talks turn to how Vic farts because he's lactose intolerant but eats ice cream. Nic says that he laughs and laughs and laughs when he smells up the room.
  12. 9:11PM BBT: Nic tells Cody and Christmas that she hopes that Vic took pics of him and the pups and sent them in, but that's far fetched. 9:15PM BBT: In the PBR, the HG speculate about when Nic will get her HOHR - they think it may be around 11pm bbt.
  13. 8:23PM BBT: Memphis tells Christmas in the KBR that he's got her. She sounds convinced.
  14. 7:53PM BBT: Cody and Enzo decide that Tyler needs to go tomorrow night, that it's best for their ga
  15. 7:45PM BBT: Christmas and Tyler continue to play Backgammon at the KT table as Cody cleans up around the KT. 7:51PM BBT: In between stars, Enzo and Cody discuss possible scenarios up in the HOHR.
  16. 5:08PM BBT: Christmas continues to lay in bed and study the days. Memphis, Cody and Tyler are in the KT telling stories about injuries they incurred in their youth. 5:09PM BBT: The guy convo in the KT has turned to frat house days at FSU/Rutgers. Lots of laughs and lots of BB star interruptions.
  17. 7:36PM BBT: Cody explains to Christmas that he is not engineering who goes home this week. It's up to her and her conversations. Enzo goes in to the HOHR and says "I'll come back". Tyler, Enzo and Memphis are wondering about the house. Enzo says he was hiding in the HNR and Nic came in. 7:38PM BBT: Enzo decides to shave and shower. 7:47PM BBT: Cody reassures Christmas that he loves her, but... She responds "I know I'm a big personality and that's why Big Brother picked me...." They pay their respects to each other for gameplay. 7:48PM BBT: In the KT, Enzo, Memphis and Tyler talk about who is from NJ and Enzo says that he thinks Meryl Streep is from Jersey. They all agree that everything she touches turns to gold.
  18. 7:01PM BBT: Enzo and Nic in the HNR talking through how they really need Tyler to go and that Tyler has asked Cody to use the POV on him. "For real, man" Bak in the HOHR, Tyler is campaigning to Cody. 7:04PM BBT: Cody goes in circles about "some type of way" with Tyler in the HOHR. Tyler says it's in Nic's best interest to vote him out. Cody is inserting "like" into every sentence and Tyler is slurring. [their go-to for lying]. Back to Enzo in the HNR with Nic, he's yo'ing a lot. 7:16PM BBT: Christmas is now in the HOHR with Cody/Tyler and explaining how heroin works vs. fentanyl and morphine. 7:18PM BBT: Nic has the giggles while Enzo tells stories about his dad. 7:30PM BBT: Christmas talks about movies, etc. with Cody and Tyler. Cody has his sunglasses on. She moves on to talk about how she needs to talk to Nic and understands that it's a game. 7:32PM BBT: Christmas asks Cody if he's going to change the noms. He answers with a question "I don't think so? Because it would just piss people off." She says "but it is Big Brother".



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