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  1. 4:03PM BBT: Elissa and Amanda are chatting in the lounge room. Elissa has been repeating over and over that the other houseguests are stupid. She can't believe how dumb they are. E also states she hates her life in this house. She feels that after Helen leaves that she is stuck in the house alone. McCrae, GinaMarie, Helen and Spencer are out chatting on the patio. 4:10PM BBT: Amanda is going over the fact that Helen has wanted her (Amanda) out for a few weeks. She says that she can't trust Helen at all and that Helen has been lying to her face. Elissa reiterates that she doesn't want Helen to go home. The backyard group are talking about nothing in particular. 4:17PM BBT: Elissa is asking Amanda about things that Aaryn has accused her (Amanda) of saying. Amanda is trying to reassure Elissa that she will support her and that the numbers are in their favor. Elissa is very insecure about Aaryns intentions. 4:25PM BBT: GinaMarie made slop balls. Elissa is still trying to work Amanda about keeping Helen. Helen sits down to talk to McCrae about their relationship on the BB house. She tells him she will look at him in a positive way (as well as Amanda) after she leaves. Helen doesn't want it to be uncomfortable between the three of them during the time they have left in the house. She will leave on good terms with the two of them. She apologizes for making them feel uncomfortable. 4:39PM BBT: Aaryn and Spencer are talking about food and slop. She says that GinaMarie gets up in the night and binges then goes to the bathroom and vomits. She also says that she hides in the corner to eat and that is sad. They are talking about eating disorders and how awful they are. Aaryn was implying that GinaMarie eats in a way that is not normal. 4:44PM BBT: Spencer asks GinaMarie if Elissa or Amanda seemed mad while they were in the lounge room talking. They comment that the two of them were in the lounge room for at least an hour talking. Spencer, GinaMarie and Aaryn are talking in the HoH. They are discussing Amanda and her Aderall use. They comment that she takes 60mg (Amanda) and Aaryn says she only takes 30mg. Aaryn feels that is too strong of a dose. 4:49PM BBT: Amanda is now in the HoH telling Aaryn, Spencer, GinaMarie about their conversation. She explains that she told E that she has to vote out Helen because she is after her (Amanda). They agree they want to make Elissa feel safe next week so she doesn't feel that she has to fight for her life in the next HoH. 4:55PM BBT: Aaryn is annoyed at Amanda for talking to Elissa for over an hour. Amanda is trying to explain what they spoke about and is trying to defend her intentions to Aaryn. Elissa is now lying on the hammock and Helen is in the pool.
  2. #BB15 2:07 pm BBT - Talk outside is still about Jessie and the talking she has been doing. They are still comparing notes. #BB15 2:10 pm BBT - McRae is still trying to figure out how to get Jessie's cigarettes. They are joking that they can trade her safety for smokes. #BB15 2:12 pm BBT - Everyone is outside lounging. Andy is in the HOH writing his blog. #BB15 2:12 pm BBT - Jessie just called Elissa Rachels shadow and asked "who got big boobs first...you or your sister. she also said that you are older right, like 35?" That did not go over well with the house.It seems Jessie is trying to cause some havoc. #BB15 2:18 pm BBT - Jessie is still at Elissa calling her "Rachels shadow"..it is uncomfortable for them all at the moment. She calls all of them fake. #BB15 2:22 pm BBT - Now she is at Aaryn telling her her face is a permanent scowl. Aaryns then asks her how does it feel to not make it to the final 8? #BB15 2:25 pm BBT - Jessie took it one step further by saying "how does it feel not to be half the player that your sister was?" #BB15 2:25 pm BBT - Andy is now taking his HOH pictures. Jessie still comenting to the other girls who are suntanning. They are not responding to Jessies verbal attacks. #BB15 2:40 pm BBT - Spencer, Mcrae, and Andy talking about people trying to listen to conversations through doors...specifically Jessie. #BB15 2:40 pm BBT - The boys are critisizing Jessie's attacks by saying they are weak. They agree that she should go for the jugular if she is going to go this route. #BB15 2:58 pm BBT - Jessie is now tired out from her verbal attacks and is napping. The others are either making food or lounging.
  3. #BB15 1:00 pm BBT - Feeds are back. Players have been picked for the veto comp. It sounds like Jessie, Spencer, Andy, Amanda, Helen, and Elissa are the names that have been thrown around. #BB15 1:00 pm BBT - Most of the house is in the kitchen talking about past seasons and all star casts. Aaryn and GM in the bedroom with general chitchat. #BB15 1:08 pm BBT - GM and Aaryn talking about who they would put up if they won HOH. They would put the nominee that is left form this week (either Spencer or Jessie) and neither would put up (Amanda or McRae). #‎BB15 1:15 pm BBT - Aaryn now talking to Helen and Andy. Aaryn told them that GM is worried and knows she will go up if one of the nominees wins and takes themselves off. Gm wants to be there for her birthday. Aaryn also tells them that GM doesnt know who she will put up if she wind HOH. #BB15 1:20 pm BBT - Helen telling Aaryn how much she loves her and how much respect she has gained in her. She assures her that she is not going home and to talk to them and everything will be ok. er birthday. Aaryn also tells them that GM doesnt know who she will put up if she wind HOH. #‎BB15 1:25 pm BBT - Helen just reassured Aaryn that if Spencer was to put up her and Amanda that she would not necessarily go home. #‎BB15 1:30 pm BBT - Andy and Aaryn alone and talk turns to the group turning on eachother. They agree they need to work together and sit back while they take eachother out. Andy tells Aaryn she is his closest ally in the house. #‎BB15 1:37 pm BBT - Elissa and Helen alone now. Helen brings up that she tried to talk to Andy about putting someone up if POV is won. I think they are implying Amanda. Helen asks Elissa if it is worth pushing him to put her up. #‎BB15 1:46 pm BBT - Andy tells Jessie that he wants to come out of this HOH with no blood on his hands. He tells her that he hopes she wont hold this against him. He also tells her that she is not the target. #‎BB15 2:00 pm BBT - Jessie bouncing around the house trying to keep her energy up. She is doing some cheerleader routines for Aaryn. #‎BB15 2:28 pm BBT - Amanda, Andy and McRae going over thier alliances and plans. Nothing new coming out of thier conversation. #‎BB15 2:36 pm BBT - Everyone in the house have been talking about next week being a bloodbath. I think they all feel that things will have to change soon. The numbers are dwindling and options are few. #‎BB15 2:40 pm BBT - Spencer joins Amanda, Mcrae, and Andy in the HOH. GM is done braiding her hair and has now started on Aaryns.
  4. #BB15 4:01 pm BBT - Elissa and Aaryn are both trying to push thier food off on McCrae and Amanda...both seem a bit put off when neither of them are interested. #BB15 4:15 pm BBT - McCrae is a little worried that the votes may change to Amanda going home. Elissa and McCrae are trying to figure out who may flip. They think poss GM, Aaryn and Jessie. #BB15 4:27 pm BBT - .Elissa states that she doesnt want to lose her standards of cleanliness by hanging out in dirty. She doesnt want her kids to think its ok to be slobs. #BB15 4:34 pm BBT - Helen and Aaryn are playing Chess. McCrae is now joining the rest of the house by having a nap. Very quiet in the house this afternoon. #BB15 4:47 pm BBT - Amanda is worried because she knows how influencial that Howard can be. Amanda and Elissa are going over some of the deals that Howard has made ie. Kaitlyn and Aaryn. #BB15 4:56 pm BBT - Elissa is very surprised that there is a camera in the WC. Helen and Aaryn tell her about clips of previous seasons that showed the camera shots.
  5. #‎BB15 5: PM BBT - Elissa and Helen entertaining the house with dance routine. Most are in the living area waiting impatiently for the Veto Comp. #BB15 5:06 PM BBT - FOTH for a couple minutes. Possibly the start of the comp. #BB15 5:09 PM BBT - Feeds are back and everyone has moved away from the living room. #BB15 5:15 PM BBT - Andy pulls Jessie aside to verify that she has to try to win the veto. Andy tells her if she does she doesn't have to use it. Jessie said that she is going to try as hard as she can. They both agree that Howard and Spencer CAN'T win it. #BB15 5:19 PM BBT - Spencer is doing some heavy breathing and pacing alone in the cockpit room. #BB15 5:26 PM BBT - Aaryn is leading GIna and Jessie through another dance routine. Candace is stretching out Howard on the living room floor and the two switch so Howard is stretching Candace's legs. #BB15 5:35 PM BBT - Candace telling Howard some detailed info about her family. Howard also sharing. The two seem to be having some very personal conversations. #BB15 5:35 PM BBT - Trivia...looks like the Veto comp has finally started....stay tuned! #BB15 6:25 PM BBT - Still FOTH!
  6. #‎BB15 4:25pm BBT -Spencer pulls Helen in to verify who is supposed to vote out. Apparently there was some confusion. Helen confirms that they are voting Kaitlin out in a unanamous vote. She does state that she would prefer Aaryn go home but that is not happening. #‎BB15 4:27pm BBT - Judd comes in to Helen and Spencer and says he feels terrible. Helen agrees and says she feels sick too. #‎BB15 4:29pm BBT - Spencer tells Helen that he is promising his jury vote to her. Helen said that gives her good reason to get him to jury. #‎BB15 4:34pm BBT - Spencer and Helen are talking about the possibility that America voted to put up Elissa as MVP this week. #BB15 4:36pm BBT - Helen is worried about having blood on her hands. They also bring up that Elissa was out of her mind this week. #BB15 4:39pm BBT - Helen tells Howard that if he can be loyal to her and he makes it to the end she could consider giving him the money #BB15 4:42pm BBT - Helen tells Spencer that she can't let Aaryn win because Aaryn only watched one season of big brother before coming into the house. #BB15 4:52pm BBT - Helen and Spencer are doing a great job of complimenting eachother and promising eachother votes in the end. #BB15 4:57pm BBT - Spencer is assuring Helen that Howard is not after her. He tells her she in not even on his radar.
  7. I had to cancel today because I'm Canadian.....this is the first year I won't be able to watch. Does anyone know how I can get the feeds??? Please help! Morty if you read this please let me know....I do subsribe to a vpn service but cbs was able to tell I was canadian.



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