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Friday August 29 Live Feeds / BB After Dark Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.

To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb16/Big_Brother_16_Houseguest_Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

Battle of the Block (BotB)

Bedroom (BR)

Back Yard (BY)

Bedroom (BR)

Dining Table (DT)

Fire room (FR)

Head of House Room (HOHR)

Kitchen (KT)

Indoor Lock Down (ILD)

Living Room (LR)

Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)

Washroom Area (WA)

Water Closet (WC)

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If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.

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5:54 AM BBT Frankie and Caleb are just going to sleep in the nest bed in the HoHR. Victoria and Nicole are asleep in the same bed in the fire room. Derrick is asleep in another bed in the fire room.


5:57 AM BBT Victoria stirs in her bed, and fixes her head band. She gets up, and walks through the dimly lit LR. Caleb struggles to move his left leg and knee. He fold up a pillow, and puts it under his knee, to have it elevated.


6:08 AM BBT Victoria goes back in fire room, and seems to be having a hard time walking. She was walking on the outside of her feet, and had her toes pointed inward a little bit. She lays back down in bed with Nicole. Derrick stirs in his bed when she walks in.


6:12 AM BBT We see FoTH.


6:15 AM BBT Live Feeds come back, and Victoria is not in her bed in the fire room. Caleb keeps moving around in the nest bed in the HoHR


6:25 AM BBT Victoria goes back in the fire room with an ice pack. She lays in the empty bed, and puts the ice pack on her left leg. She covers up, and lays down.


6:30 AM BBT Victoria moves around to lay on her back.


6:45 AM BBT Victoria and Caleb both turn onto their left sides in their beds.


7:00 AM BBT We see FoTH twice and back to the feeds on the fire room and HoHR with HG's sleeping.


7:07 AM BBT Victoria is stirring in her bed, and changes positions again, now lying on her right side, and partially off her pillow, with her right arm under her head.


7:09 AM BBT Victoria gets out of bed again, and leaves the fire room. She walks through the dimly lit LR, and goes into KT. She gets a box of something and sets it on the counter. She goes to the dimly lit WA, stands by the HOT shower, and puts something in her mouth. She places a towel and something else on the shower door. She unwraps an ace wrap from her left foot, and puts it on the couch in the WA. She walks back to KT, and takes more of what she is eating out of the box.


7:12 AM BBT Victoria goes back into WA, and goes into the HOT shower. House lights in the WA come on fully, and she turns the water on in the shower. She takes her hair extensions out, and undresses to take a shower.


7:23 AM BBT Victoria gets out of shower, with a towel on her body, and one on her head. She goes to the mirror by the WC, and is using tweezers to tweeze her facial hair. She sets the tweezers down on the sink in the WA, and goes to the cabinet under the sink. She takes something out of a bin, grabs her clothes off the shower door, and goes in the WC.


7:27 AM BBT Victoria comes out of WC, with a zip-up hoodies on, partially sits on the couch to apply her make-up in the mirrors on the wall in the WA. She gets up 

to grab her ace wrap, sits on the other end of the couch, and straightens the wrap out. She starts to put it back on her left foot and ankle, starting at her toes, and working her way up to her ankle. It has velcro on it to hold it together. She takes her towel off her head, and brushes out her natural hair. She grabs a grey blow dryer, and uses it to blow dry her hair.


7:31 AM BBT Victoria is finished blow drying her hair. She opens the COLD shower door, and picks her hair extensions up off the floor. She puts them in a yellow and white towel, grabs her brush, and goes in the WC to brush them out.


7:35 AM BBT Victoria comes out of WC with her extensions back in her hair, with a bun at the back of her hair. She puts on a pink headband that has a bow on it. She puts some of her stuff back in her bin under the sink in the WA. She walks into the KT, where the house lights are on fully. She looks through the freezer drawers, and then walks with a limp to the SR. She changes her battery in her microphone pack, and opens the refrigerator. She gets a container out of the refrigerator, and takes something off the shelf next to it. She goes to the table in there, opens and closes a bag, grabs a banana. She takes her items to the Dining Room table.


7:39 AM BBT Victoria gets a bowl and spoon from the KT, and then sits down at the Dining Room table. She is making her breakfast, with looks to be like plain yogurt, and adding other things to it. She gets up to put the yogurt container in a refrigerator drawer, and throw her package away. She goes back to the table and squirts some honey into her bowl. She is now eating her breakfast.


7:46 PM BBT Victoria gets up and walks to KT. She puts her bowl in the sink, opens a box of cereal, and eat some of it out of the box. She walks, still limping, and goes back in fire room. She trips over the stuff at the end of the bed, in the dark. She gets back into the bed by herself, and lays on her left side, all the way on the edge of the bed.


7:50 AM BBT We hear some background noises. Victoria puts her right arm over her face. Frankie flips to laying on his back now, and wipes his face. Caleb wipes his face with his hand also. Victoria clears her throat.


8:20 AM BBT Everyone still is sleeping in the BB16 house.


8:56 AM BBT HG's are still sleeping.


8:57 AM BBT Caleb, Frankie and Victoria all readjusted themselves in their beds.

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**********FLASH BACKS FROM LAST NIGHT**********


12:00 AM BBT Caleb tells Frankie that he drank the mixture that they were using for the comp. He says he didn’t realize it was chemicals, and it burned his eyes. They are in the fire room talking to Cody and Christine. Victoria and Nicole are in the KT, and Nicole is getting ready to eat. Victoria goes in fire room, and Frankie goes to KT to be with Nicole when she gets to eat. Nicole tells him it’s 11:58 PM BBT. Caleb tells HG’s in the room with him that Donny still ate slop before he left, and he was by the book, and followed the rules. He says if it was him, he would of broken the rules and ate, if he knew he was leaving. Nicole waits until both clock say 12 a.m. She says, “I can eat, yeah, I can eat.” Frankie yells to her asking if she can eat yes, and she says yes. She is saying, “Yum, yum, yum.” She says, “That was horrible.”


12:04 AM BBT Caleb gets up, and notices his ice pack is leaking, and Cody tells him to throw it out. He says he’s going to stretch the muscles in his leg. Frankie and Caleb both go in KT to tell Nicole congratulations that she gets to eat. Cody asks how Caleb is going to get up the stairs to the HoHR? Victoria says, that’s what she was thinking. Caleb and Frankie both want to go to bed. Nicole tells Frankie that back of her throat is hurting. Frankie looks in her mouth. Caleb goes back in the fire room, and Cody says, he hopes he gets some FLA/GA Line this week, to have some good music.


12:07 AM BBT Frankie says he’s in so much pain, and doesn’t see himself moving a whole lot in the next few days. Caleb says he’s not going to compete in the Veto if it’s physical. He says if it’s a puzzle or something he may, if he can just walk fast. Christine complains about the Bees that were in her lane. She says they were pi$$ing her off. Caleb says, there may have been something on the lanes that attracted them. Nicole tells Frankie not to be afraid of her, and to talk to her anytime. She tells him he’s not her target. Cody says that Christine had left her rings in his blazer. Caleb complains that BB used “Caleb” instead of “Beast Mode.” He says, his brother even calls him Beast Mode, and they call him that in the DR. He says that Shawn in the DR even called him that earlier. He says he has to get a BMC diamond necklace. Big Money Collector. He says if the little snowman was $10K instead of $5K, he would have went for that instead. He says he wouldn’t have even started on the other one.


12:10 AM BBT Frankie leaves the KT, and goes back to the fire room. Christine asks if when Boogie took the money, if it was $10K, and they say yes. Caleb wonders how they could tell who was leading the comp. Frankie says they probably went by the smiley face on the front of the snowman. Cody asks if some of the snowmen were tilted, and he says yes. He thinks they may be weighted somehow, and that’s maybe how they knew who was leading.


12:12 AM BBT Victoria goes to Dining Room table with Nicole. She asks her how it feels to eat, and she says good. She tells Nicole that her feet are killing her, and they are just talking in the fire room. Nicole asks if she can sleep with her tonight, and Victoria says of course. Victoria says she wants to talk to Caleb.


12:15 AM BBT Caleb asks Frankie if he’s rubbing his third boob? He says, yes. Frankie asks if they showed the show they put on in front of the HG’s? He says they should have asked a question about playing the other characters, and it’s odd that they didn’t. Caleb says he’s not the favorite anymore, because he didn’t get a question this week. Frankie says that he thinks Donny was the favorite. Cody says that Donny got more of an applause than Nicole. Frankie says he doesn’t “Give a f*ck.” He says, he’s still their kicking a$$, and this is how many f*cks he gives, and shoes a zero on his fingers. Caleb says that Donny was backed into a corner numerous times, and he saved himself by himself. He says that America says they are going after him, and he’s holding his own. Christine says DE is going to go like that, and snaps her fingers. Caleb says F5. Frankie says that Nicole is working already. Caleb says, she’s supposed to. Caleb says that Nicole is the talker, and Donny just sits back. Nicole and Victoria are chit-chatting at the Dining Room table.


12:18 PM BBT Christine says she straight out told Nicole she was going home when she was HOH. Frankie says, you are not allowed to confront them about that, when they are on the block. Christine says, what? Frankie blows it off, and changes the subject. HG’s are tired, and Christine asks why it’s taking so long. Caleb says the comp was so long, and they have to go and buy everything. He says if he gets collard greens and mashed potatoes again, he will be pi$$ed. Frankie gets the hiccups and draws all the attention to himself, with being dramatic with them. Nicole and Victoria are talking about what family members were on the videos they saw. Christine says everyone got to see one, except for Frankie, who got to see three people.

12:21 PM BBT Caleb tells HG’s that he didn’t grab his ball from the comp, but that Shawn from the DR said she would get it for him. Nicole says her mom was monotone, and looked like she was reading something. She says, it worries her. Victoria says her mom didn’t seem o.k. either. Nicole thinks her mom was crying.


12:23 AM BBT Caleb leaves the fire room, and Victoria goes to the fire room. Frankie tells Christine and Cody that Nicole talked to him. Christine asks if she talked game, and he says that she told him he’s not her target. They talk about her already going home once. Nicole tells Caleb she definitely wants to talk to him, and he says tomorrow would be good. He gets called to the DR. Christine tells Frankie she gets nauseous if she has the hiccups for too long. Frankie says Julie hates him, and she was mean to him, when he asked for Apple Pie. Nicole goes to WA, and comes back out to the KT. She says she has to go pee so bad, but Cody is taking a dump. Caleb is out of DR.


12:25 AM BBT Frankie complains that his fingers were really bad and really blue at the end of the comp, because it started to get cold.  He says there was no way that there’s no way Caleb couldn’t have reached his ball sooner, and that his water level was all the way to the top of his snowman. Christine wants to get this over with so she can go to bed.


12:28 AM BBT Nicole tells Cody in the LR that she can’t wait to go to sleep in a good bed tonight. Nicole goes to fire room. Christine is reciting a hiccup poem with Frankie to try to get rid of his hiccups. Victoria goes to LR to say hi to Cody, where he’s lying down on a couch. She leaves the LR, and he picks his nose, and throws his boogers on the floor with his left hand. Nicole tells Chris that she’s sleeping in the rock room, and she says, “Hell ya, I’m taking my corner bed back.”


12:30 AM BBT Frankie says there will be another open bed, because he’s going to sleep upstairs with Caleb. Frankie is hiccupping and burping, and not excusing himself. Victoria lays on couch in LR with Cody, and tells him where her feet are hurting. They are talking about nom’s. Christine, Frankie and Nicole are talking about where Frankie’s family may have been in the video. Frankie keeps obsessing about his sister.


12:35 PM BBT Derrick tells Cody and Victoria that he’s there to entertain them. He goes in the fire room, and Nicole tells him that she’s leaving her suitcase where it is for the time being. Cody makes some noises, and Frankie says it sounds like Zach out there. We hear, “You are not allowed to talk about your DR sessions.” Caleb gets called to the DR. Derrick says that they (fans) don’t care about their families. Frankie says that Donny’s fans are the super fans. He says that if they pull in more viewers because of their fans, that’s good. Derrick says that they will find out on finale night if Zach or Donny have America’s Favorite Player. He says that Zach had a loud applause, but that the audience for Donny roared. Frankie says he’ll see on finale night if he’s a shoe in for America’s Favorite Player. Christine says she’s not sure about liking the alliance viewing it as a super fan. Cody tells Victoria that his dad was happy, so he probably still has his job, and he was worried about that.


12:39 AM BBT We hear, “Go on with your bad self,” and a few other Hollas. Cody says, “That’s so funny,” a few times. Frankie is trying to guess whose voice is doing the hollas.


12:42 AM BBT Frankie says he has haters galore. We hear, “DAD BOT HOLLA,” a couple times, and Christine screams out at production. Cody is saying what the reactions will be when Donny goes to the jury house with Nicole and Victoria. Cody says, “Last week of HN’s, WHAT?” He says, they are probably going to give the worst food, and he starts saying who Zach called the worst.


12:44 AM BBT Derrick tells Frankie and Christine he was happy they allowed him to get that $5K. Cody goes in the fire room to tell Derrick he needs to answer back when he gets the hollas. Victoria tells Nicole in the LR, that she really wanted to hit Zach so bad. Derrick tells HG’s in fire room that he will get the most holla’s after midnight, and when he gets up. Nicole says that her mom didn’t have her cool-framed glasses on. Victoria and Nicole give shout-outs to the people that were in the their videos.


12:47 AM BBT Cody leaves fire room, and keeps saying holla, and names Rachel Reilly. He says Caleb is in the DR. Christine follows Cody out to the LR, and he says that where Caleb was lying on the couch, it looks like someone flaked off skin there. Christine says how gross it is. Frankie is holding on to Derrick in the fire room, talking game, and saying that he thinks they failed the mission because of dressing in drag. He says that a lot of American families don’t understand it, and it’s a family show. Frankie says it was an overwhelming no. They both think they have completed 4 TA Missions to be receiving $20K for those. (They have completed only 3 of the TA Missions, for $15K so far).


 12:51 AM BBT Christine gives shout-outs to Tim, and Nicole says what Cody’s dad said. Victoria is back in fire room. Frankie says that 50% of the people that watch the show hate him, and they hate him for having a hand in voting out Donny. He says he doesn’t care. He says, “Hate me, I’m going to continue doing well.” He acts confident and tells Derrick he loves him. Frankie says they (fans) love Zach and Devin. Derrick says they will probably be booed if they leave next week. Frankie says he doesn’t care, and guess how many f*cks he gives. He says he gives zero f*cks. Victoria talks about something that was put on her legs before the comp, and it turned the lane orange. Derrick says she had an orange streak wherever she went. He says it was like a sh*t stain following her. He said he thought her knee was bleeding, but it wasn’t.


12:54 AM BBT Christine says how cute Tenley and Jana were on their video. HG’s in the LR, are still talking about the videos. Victoria goes to the LR. She tells HG’s in the LR, that Frankie keeps saying he is a fierce b*tch, and how he’s going to have haters. Derrick and Frankie keep stressing out over the TA Mission. Frankie says they are equally loved, and the fact that they had to do the TA Mission, they are game players.


12:59 AM BBT Derrick says he fells bad for Donny, because it was his last mission. Frankie says he felt bad, until Julie said it was an overwhelming no. He says, now, he doesn’t feel bad at all, about anything.


1:01 AM BBT Victoria goes back to the fire room. Cody says, she can’t stay put to save your life. Christine says, thatfor someone who didn’t do anything, she is so hurt for nothing. Christine keeps complaining that her chest hurts, and she says she is dying. Victoria is walking weird, because she has to walk on the outside of her feet. Cody goes in the fire room, and Frankie tells Cody to get in the bed with them. Nicole says, “Holy crap, it’s 4 guys and 3 girls.” She asks Victoria if she had any entertaining falls? Victoria goes to the fire room looking for Cody. Frankie says Cody was using Victoria’s headband, being gay. Christine says she can’t remember the falls she had.


1:04 AM BBT We hear another holla for Derrick, and he responds. Christine says she can’t believe how long they did the comp for. Nicole says she hopes that’s not water that Victoria is drinking. Christine smells it, and says it’s Sprite.


1:07 AM BBT We see FoTH a few times. Christine and Cody are in the WA, and Frankie walks in to go to the WC. Derrick tells Victoria that they didn’t have any chance up against Caleb in the comp. Christine asks Cody if his rainbow shirt is his, and he says, yes. She says it’s nice, and then walks around him, feeling his stomach. She leaves the WA, and Cody lifts up his shirt exposing his stomach, and keeps pushing on it. He says he doesn’t like that. Derrick says he hopes there’s no HN comp tomorrow, or they’ll be screwed. Frankie comes out of the WC, and washes his hands in the WA. We see FoTH.


1:10 AM BBT Cody goes in the WC. Victoria tells HG’s in LR that she fell so many times. Frankie yells that it was so weird seeing his family, and how supportive they are. Derrick walks in WA, and says it was so sick. Cody comes out of WC, washes and dries his hands. Victoria says that she fell like 5 times, while they kept going back and forth. Frankie says he hasn’t cried in like 2 ½ weeks.


1:12 AM BBT Christine tells the girls that she thinks she has a UTI, and then says TMI. Cody sits on couch in WA, and Derrick comments on people taking Q-Tips in the WC. Christine comes out of the WC, and washes and dries her hands. HG’s ask where Caleb is, and Derrick tells them he’s in the DR.


1:15 AM BBT Derrick says the DR asked him about his falls during the comp. He says his transmitter slipped on his last one.


1:17 AM BBT Frankie says he can’t wait to hug his family. Derrick says it’s 3 weeks from today. Frankie says 21 days. Frankie says, America is probably laughing at us, because we don’t know sh*t. Frankie asks about how America voted so quickly for the little snowman reward. (He didn’t think about Twitter).


1:18 AM BBT Derrick gets a “Holla girl” shout out. He says they probably started recording them as soon as he started going for it. Christine says they probably recorded the Holla Girl, after Derrick responded that to the Holla Boy one earlier. Nicole and Victoria are still talking about the comp in the LR. Christine wonder how many calories they burned. Frankie says, thousands.


1:20 AM BBT Frankie says, it was like ice skating during the comp. Cody walks through the LR. Nicole says it was hot out there, and Victoria agrees. Total silence on all cams for a moment.


1:22 AM BBT Frankie wonders if they will do a montage of him, and says they probably will. We see FoTH for a moment. Frankie says every single decision from this point on, could be wrong.


1:25 AM BBT Frankie says you can see the camera’s getting ready, he gets up and goes to the KT. We hear, “Cody,” and he says yes, no response. Cameras are on DR door, and Frankie says, “Who wants to see my penis, cock, balls, and cock,” while singing in separate sentences. Frankie is still obsessing about seeing their families, and says, that’s huge. Cody and Nicole are talking about puppies in the LR. Derrick sits in an orange chair, and Frankie goes to the LR.


1:27 AM BBT Frankie asks everyone for a new rule, that he’s not saying the cup is his, but if there is a drink in the cup, not to be upset if he drinks out of it. Whatever he’s drinking now, he says tastes like gross soda, and it’s what they gave him to drink. It’s called Emergen-C. Frankie asks Nicole to bring a packet to him to read.


1:29 AM BBT Frankie says he hopes Caleb comes out of the DR, before Donny goes to bed. Derrick says he’s shocked they haven’t gotten the BY yet. HG’s say they didn’t get it until the morning last time. Everyone is sitting in the LR waiting on Caleb to come out of the DR now.


1:31 AM BBT Derrick says that 200 is the highest IQ you can have, and that Donny told him his is 129, before he left. Caleb comes out of the DR, and says, “Who wants to see my HOH room.” They all get excited and head upstairs. Caleb and Derrick say they are going to hobble up the stairs. Frankie asks Caleb is he needs help, and he says, no. Everyone Cody is complaining as they go up the stairs.


1:32 AM BBT Caleb asks if they have everyone? He and Cody ask where Donny is. He has the key in the door, and all go in the HOH room. Caleb says, “My beautiful mom, baby.” Caleb has a box with his blue cord and flag in it. They are all looking at his pictures, and commenting how beautiful his mom is. Derrick looks at his basket. Frankie says, “I want to go and see what the other HOH got.” He got 7 Monsters and 3 Red Bulls. He got FLA/GA Line for music. He got a turkey and asparagus. Frankie says he is finally hooked up.


1:35 AM BBT He tells the HG’s that he was the last infantry unit to leave Bagdad. He says they each pulled their flags up and saluted them. He shows everyone the faded blue cord from his uniform. He says, “This is my heart, it means a lot to me.” He says, very few people get these. He says it means, you are the front dude.


1:37 AM BBT He says he received it at a Turning Blue Ceremony after Basic Training, and his dad presented it to him. He says it means you are infantry, and not everyone gets them. He explains where it goes on the uniform on his left arm. He has his military soft hat as well, that has “Specialist Reynolds,” on it.


1:38 AM BBT Derrick gets another Holla shout-out, and Caleb laughs.



     Dear Caleb, For starters, Just know we love you bro. We are proud of you for all that you have accomplished. If there were going to be a Reynolds on T.V. first, for something good, it would be you. Keep your head in this game. DON’T GET SIDE-TRACKED BY ANYTHING. At the end of these 90 days, you will either be $500,000 richer, or you will leave with a few new friends. Either one is great, but you have plenty of friends, so focus on your mission to win. Keep your eye on the prize, bro. We love you, and we want you to hang in there. Put your man pants on, keep tough. Blake


1:39 AM BBT Caleb says he got to see his bro in a video, and get a letter from him. Caleb pulls out his Beef Jerky, and tells everyone they can dig in. He got some new Calvin Klein underwear and socks. He got a new Slim Fit shirt. He says he’s happy about his military cover. He sends it around for everyone to see. He passes his flag around for everyone to see also. Cody asks if they can try his hat on, and he says yes. Cody tried it on. Derrick asks him what the meaning behind “Gippy” is, that’s written in his hat. He was a battle buddy that he was close to, that got hurt, and he told him to keep his hat. He said he wrote his name in it, and wore it. He goes through his basket to see the rest of what’s in it, and thanked BB for hooking it up.


1:46 AM BBT HG’s are enjoying Caleb’s food, and they were looking at all of his stuff he got in the HoHR.


1:47 AM BBT Caleb shows some inflammation gel that he asked for, and then we see FoTH several times, off and on.


1:54 AM BBT Caleb says F7 on Day 77. He says he’s done for the night. Frankie leaves the HoHR. Cody is listening to Caleb’s music, and says it’s such a sick CD. Nicole says the one song that Cody named is one of her top 3 favorite songs. Cody starts singing, and we hear, “Please stop singing.” Caleb says they both will get crushed.


1:56 PM BBT Caleb says the way the pictures are printed look so weird some times. Christine is hounding down some of Caleb’s food, and says, “Oh, crap, I didn’t read the ingredients.” Caleb tells about his picture being at one of his favorite burger joints, and his hair was just like Cody’s. He says the paisley shirt is a $240 shirt that he got from his doctor friend for Christmas. He’s telling HG’s where these pictures are from.


1:59 AM BBT Caleb wonders why Blake wrote the letter, and his mom sent the stuff. Derrick says that Blake’s the spokesperson. Caleb says, maybe because he’s home all the time.


2:02 AM BBT Caleb talks about the band members in FLA/GA Line. He says he’s going to try to get his singing career going when they get out of the house in 20 something days.


2:05 AM BBT Cody is rocking out to the music, and Derrick says, he’ll bet his Zebra cakes, that Frankie will sleep in the HoHR. We see FoTH.


2:06 AM BBT Feeds come back with Cody saying he doesn’t care, so he must have got called out for singing. We see FoTH again.


2:07 AM BBT Feeds come back, and Cody talks about the steroid cream that Caleb got, and says he used to put it on his ankles and knees. He starts singing, and we see FoTH again.


2:09 AM BBT Feeds come back, and Caleb mentions other stuff he should have requested. HG’s talk about movies. Caleb says that when he gets out something better pop up with the girls, or he will feel like a Jamoke. He says that he spent so many days in his hat, sweating his butt off. He talks about the weather in Iraq.


2:13 AM BBT Caleb says that Donny is so by the book. Nicole says, people in the jury will learn a lot about him, because he told her he has thousands of stories to tell. Derrick says, that’s good. Caleb tells how Donny was still eating slop on his last day in the house. Derrick asks Nicole if he is who he is, and she says she believes he is a grounds keeper. Nicole says he can keep the jury entertained. Cody says he told him that also. She says that he has stories he can’t say in the house. Christine says, Really? They continue to talk about Donny. Caleb says the closest person in age to Donny is Jocasta, and Derrick says, he is the next, and acts like he’s 12. They talk about Jocasta’s age, and we see FoTH.


2:15 AM BBT Feeds come back, and Caleb says he was close to dehydration, and Christine says he could of died from drinking the stuff in the comp. Derrick wonders about the ramp, and Nicole says she asked. Derrick asks what was said, and we see FoTH. Feeds come back with HG’s talking about the comp from the other season of BB.


2:19 AM BBT HG’s talk about how much everyone loved Jesse, and they continued to talk about that season. They try to figure out what the stuff was that was used on the lanes for the comp. Derrick says there is definitely shaving cream in the mix.


2:22 AM BBT Caleb says he asked for asparagus and Tilapia. Cody tells him that he got 20 energy drinks total.


2:24 AM BBT Caleb says he looks at his basket, and thinks his teeth are going to rot out. Derrick wraps his head with an ace bandage that has the metal clasps to hold it closed. He says his transmitter literally went up a$$hole. He says he was laughing in the DR about it. The HG’s continue to talk about the HOH comp, and are laughing a lot.


2:30 AM BBT Derrick was saying how much the shoes were hurting his feet. Cody says they talked about this comp a while back, and how Christine says Derrick wouldn’t do well with it because he was taller.


2:34 AM BBT HG’s talk about previous comps and still the HOH comp.


2:38 AM BBT Derrick talks about his hollas, and gets another one. He says he’s going to sleep in the fire room, so only the people in there will hear them, if they do them during the night. Cody will sleep with Christine in the rock room.


2:41 AM BBT Christine leaves the HoHR, and goes to KT with Frankie we see FoTH. When feeds come back, Frankie is struggling to get up the stairs, and then he goes in the HoHR. Frankie points out the bruises on his feet, and asks if everyone has them. They all look at their feet, and say they have them also.


2:43 AM BBT Derrick takes the ace bandage off his head, and tries to rewrap it. Frankie is in the HoHR bathroom peeing, and you can hear it in his microphone. Frankie comes back to the room without washing his hands, and goes in the mini fridge to get the fish good out. Cody says, he already feed the fish. Derrick was practicing what he was going to say in the DR with the ace wrap on. Frankie tells Cody how he feeds the fish, so he will do it that way. Cody says John Eric is literally a pig, and he wants to take him out of the tank and cook him.


2:46 AM BBT Nicole says how she’s hurting, and the others start complaining also. Caleb and Nicole says they would have felt bad for Donny, because he would have been hurting. Nicole says he may not have made it. Cody leaves the HoHR, and we see FoTH.


2:48 AM BBT Frankie and Cody are in KT talking about a very long DR session for Frankie. Derrick is in HoHR, redoing the ace wrap again. FoTH keeps going off and on the screen.


2:49 AM BBT Frankie is looking for Epsom Salt in the SR. He finds it, and takes it out, saying that his ankle is jacked up. He says he’s surprised he held up as good as he did. He’s surprised he didn’t get some type of injury. He says how blue his fingers were, and how white his lips got. Caleb starts singing, and we see FoTH again.


2:50 AM BBT Feeds come back up to Frankie walking in the HoHR with his Epsom Salt. Caleb is saying all his body parts that are going to be hurting in the morning. Frankie asks Caleb is he can take a bath? Caleb tells him yes, and Frankie treats him like he’s an officer in the military. He lays down on Caleb and they exchange hugs. Frankie goes to run his bath water.


2:52 AM BBT Derrick is winding the ace wrap back up, while other HG’s are in the HoHR chit-chatting. Cody is in the KT doing dishes. Frankie reads the Holiday’s on the flag packet that the flag should be flown on.


2:58 AM BBT Caleb tells about tattered edges on a flag, and when it should be burned. Cody goes to SR, and looks in the freezer. He walks back to the KT. Frankie keeps reading from a book that was in the box with the flag.


3:02 AM BBT Cody is in the ice room getting a sleeping bag. He throws it on a rock bed, and goes back in the ice room. He is looking on the beds for something, leaves the ice room, and goes in the fire room.


3:03 AM BBT Derrick leaves the HoHR. Cody goes back to the rock room with a pillow case. Nicole and Victoria tell Caleb how good he looks in his hat and scruff. Derrick asks Cody if he’s going to sleep, and Frankie starts to sing. We see FoTH.


3:04 AM BBT Feeds come back with Cody telling Derrick that Frankie is a snake. He says that Frankie told Caleb to go and talk to Donny. He says that Frankie started it all, trying to flip everyone, and now he’s making Caleb the scape goat. He says he wants to go and tell Caleb. Cody says that Christine told him that Frankie said it was all Caleb. Derrick tells Cody they need to be on the exact page. Caleb is showing Victoria and Nicole his brother’s pic saying he got all the girls in high school.


3:06 AM BBT Derrick tells Cody that he needs to do damage control, that’s all he needs to do. He tells him to be careful, it’s a slippery slope. He says he agrees with everything he’s saying. Christine goes in the rock room, where they are talking. We see FoTH for a few moments.


3:08 AM BBT Feeds comes back with Derrick saying he’s going to floss his teeth and stuff. Cody gets called out to move his microphone. Cody gets pi$$y with production, and calls them Mother F*ckers, and then apologizes. Caleb says how he’s definitely a momma’s boy. Cody says Nicole won’t leave the HoHR, until she gets to talk to Caleb.


3:09 AM BBT They are paranoid in the rock room, thinking someone is down there, so Cody gets up to look, and no one’s out there. They all think they heard someone. Cody goes up to the HoHR to get an energy drink. Christine says that comp was hard.


3:11 AM BBT Christine talks about Tim, and how good he looked. How slim he is, and Derrick says he has gauges in. Cody comes back downstairs, and says no one is down there. They start talking about the videos from home.


3:13 AM BBT Derrick talks about Jana and Tenley, and how Cody was balling, so he started balling.


3:18 AM BBT Rock room convo goes to comps and Donny. They say how Donny was worried he wouldn’t have a job when he gets home. Cody says he loves Donny, and he’s a good person. He tells Christine she knows she will disagree. She tells them she doesn’t like when people make comments like he did. Cody cracks Christine’s knuckles.


3:19 AM BBT Christine tells Derrick and Cody that Donny always used to do under-his-breath comments that she couldn’t stand. She says they were always sleeping, and didn’t have to sit out there with him, and hear about grounds keeping, which she really doesn’t care about. Cody says, it’s called meeting new people. He says, he is chilling in a hotel right now, kicking it. We hear, “Frankie, please put on your microphone.” He just sits there, in the HoHR, and we then hear, “Frankie, PUT on your microphone.” He says, “O.K. O.K.” Cody tells Christine and Derrick that Donny wanted him to cross them, and he didn’t get that he wouldn’t do that. Derrick says he asked Donny if he ever gave his name as his target, and he says that Donny told him no. Cody says, that’s a lie.


3:22 AM BBT Victoria says goodnight to Caleb, gives him a hug, and leaves the HoHR. Derrick says that Donny’s social game was seriously lacking. Cody says that the generation gap was hard. Derrick says it is for him and them also, because he’s more mature, married and has kids.


3:23 AM BBT Nicole tells Caleb that she sees a lot more now coming back in the house, then she did before. Nicole asks Caleb if she threatens him, and he says that she’s definitely a competition beast, just like Donny was. She tells him that she doesn’t have anyone in the game. She tells him that if she had won HOH, there was no way in heck she would have put him up. She tells him that she could be as loyal to him, as she was to Hayden. She says she could promise him, and swear on anything, her family, the Bible, whatever. She says she wants to sit in the F2 with him. She says that she respects him as a person, and will not put her up as a nom or replacement nom, if she doesn’t go up. He says that there are 2 people there that won’t promise him that.


3:27 AM BBT He tells her that she probably knows who those people are, and she didn’t respond to that, to guess.  Caleb throws out names of who he thought she would put up, and she doesn’t give any names. She says that if Christine wins, she will never put up Cody or Derrick. She says Victoria won’t go up either. She keeps guessing who may or may not be put up by the other HG’s. He says he will definitely keep that in the back of his mind. We see FoTH.


3:29 AM BBT Feeds come back for a moment, and then we see FoTH again. Feeds come back a minute later. Nicole keeps pleading her case to Caleb. Cody asks Victoria what’s going on upstairs, and she says nothing. Victoria tells them in the rock room that Nicole is downstairs. (But she is still up in the HoHR.)


3:31 AM BBT Derrick asks if they think someone will come in this week with the Veto, and Christine says, next week. Derrick says, they won’t get a former HG. Christine says, “We better,” and gives her disgusted face. Her and Cody are playing with each others hands, while lying on a bed in the rock room.


3:33 AM BBT Caleb tells Nicole that she’s won more comps then him, and she says, only 3. He says, that’s HOH’s, and she says, that’s why she’s a good person to have on his side. Caleb says Christine got her good, and she says she has about 27 knives in her back from her. She says the loyal people in the game are gone. He tells her how Donny always said he was alone. Frankie comes out of the bathroom, and Nicole says, “What up Frankie?” Nicole continues talking to Caleb.


3:36 AM BBT Frankie eve’s drops on the convo, and then heads downstairs. Caleb told him to tell them to come up in about 5 minutes. Frankie goes to KT and gets water to drink. Victoria sees him in the hallway, and asks if Nicole is still upstairs, and he says, yes. She says, “Oh, really?” Caleb tells Nicole that unless she wins HOH, POV, HOH, POV, she’s not going to make it in the house. He tells her if she wins the comps she’ll be safe. Nicole says they wouldn’t have a buy back, if the player was going to go in to keep being the target, and keep being put up. She says that’s not the point of the buy back. It’s not supposed to be used against her, because yes, she was voted out, and yes, it’s not her fault that she won the comp and came back in the house.


3:39 AM BBT Frankie and Cody are cuddling in the rock room, and Christine is literally lying right on top of them. Caleb tells Nicole that she’s only still in the house, because she’s not Donny. We hear, “Frankie, please do not obstruct your microphone.” Cody says, they are on you. He says he feels because as there are less people, they have less things to do.


3:43 AM BBT Nicole tells Caleb that she’s glad that he won HOH, over her (Christine). Caleb says she’s good at the comps, and she says that she’s not that good because she lost the last 3 comps. Caleb tells her that he can’t figure that girl out (Christine), and it bothers him when he can’t figure a girl out. He tells Nicole that she’s not protected by anyone in the house. Caleb says he doesn’t want to take someone like Donny to the end, because Donny for sure would have gotten the $500K, and he would be left with the $50K. He says, he’s not going to take that chance. She tells him to please think about what she’s saying, and why would he put himself in jeopardy, if she promises to not put him on the block.


3:47 AM BBT He tells Nicole it’s a lot of thinking. He says she’s not a huge target of his, but she is a target. She tells him that she would be 100% dedicated to help him with his game. He says that he will ponder on it, sleep on it, and think about it, that’s all he can do. He tells her that he’s not worried about the past in the game. Derrick goes in the HoHR, and she asks for them to have another minute. He goes by the chess board to wait. She gives her last pleads to him to really think about it, and know he can trust her.


3:51 AM BBT Nicole says she is back in the game for a reason. Nicole tells Caleb about how much slushi was in her snowman, and how Nicole had no slushi in hers. She says it was complete game strategy with Christine using the slushi, and she didn’t. Christine flat out lied to Nicole saying that she didn’t use the slushi, but she did. Nicole says, she could have told Nicole that she could use the slushi, instead she never told her, and let her scoop only the water. She said that Christine never tried to help her. She says that she was cheering him on, and she wanted to scream out for him to reach down and grab the ball.


3:53 AM BBT Nicole says that Christine back stabbed her so many times, and never would trust her. The HG’s in the rock room are still goofing around there.


3:55 AM BBT Nicole leaves the HoHR, and Caleb calls Nicole in. Caleb tells him he wishes he was there when Nicole was there. He says that she was bugging him, and throwing everything at him that she could throw. He tells Derrick that she confirmed the slushi and Christine theory. Derrick asks if she threw anyone under the bus. He says, in a way, because she said that he was the only one she could trust in this game. Derrick says, here comes Frankie. Nicole goes to the rock room with Christine, Cody and Victoria.


3:56 AM BBT Caleb tells Frankie it was literally death to his ears. Derrick tells Frankie that Nicole threw everyone under the bus. (She never threw anyone under the bus). Frankie gives him stuff to say when he puts her on the block.


3:58 AM BBT Frankie tells them how she told him, he wasn’t his target. Caleb says, she said country girl to country boy to hear her out. He says that she said she won 3 comps, and Derrick says, no, she’s won 6, as he’s chomping on food in the HoHR. Caleb spills everything to them about her knowing stuff about the Before and After comp. They all want to study, without Christine. Caleb says, Christine scares him. Frankie starts chomping on food now also. Cody and Victoria will NOT stop signing lyrics from FLA/GA Line. Frankie says, it needs to be 1, 2, 3 us sitting here at the end of this game. Caleb says she never said who she would put up. Caleb says he asked her about the slush. He says, that Nicole said that Cody told her to tell Christine to use the slush. Frankie will not stop chomping, and eating like a hog, while he’s talking.


4:02 AM BBT Derrick says that Nicole is extremely smart, because she graduated at the top of her nursing school class. She tells them everything that Nicole told him. Derrick says, this is so much easier of decision, more than last week. Frankie tells him to tell her (Christine) that she’s going up as a pawn, and tell her to win the Veto. He says he’s cool with telling her that.


4:05 AM BBT Derrick says that would be something if he didn’t put Christine up, and Nicole wins the Veto, and then they both would be safe for the week. Derrick says they don’t have to play those scary odds again. He says they need to win next week. Caleb says if Nicole wins that dag gom Veto… Frankie says, then we’ll have a conversation, and we’ll leave it at that.


4:09 AM BBT Frankie says they can’t be gentlemen anymore. He says, we’re in it for $500K. He says chivalry is dead in this house. When we get out of the house that will be different. Cody goes to the HoHR, and Derrick tells Cody that she said everyone stabbed her in the back. Cody was shocked, and says that she bold faced lied about him telling Christine to use the slop. Nicole brushed her teeth in the WA, and then went to bed. Christine is brushing her teeth now, and Victoria is sitting on the couch in the WA. Frankie has a fit over the sodium in whatever she’s eating.


4:11 AM BBT Victoria leaves the WA, and Christine goes in the WC. Cody wants to know who she threw under the bus. Caleb says that he stabbed her in the back, but that she really didn’t say anything bad about anyone. Nicole says goodnight to Victoria in the hallway, and goes to the hallway. Caleb lies about telling Nicole that he has 2 more Jamoke’s that she can’t put up either. Christine and Victoria both go to the HoHR, and the guys stop talking. Victoria says she went to brush her teeth, and now she’s coming to say goodnight.


4:15 AM BBT Nicole says she is feeling sick. Caleb talks about his meniscus. Christine is sitting next to Caleb on the nest bed in the HoHR. Nicole is giving herself a pep talk about what to do if she is put up. Caleb talks about HN’s, and Frankie burps without excusing herself. He says that one person has volunteered (Derrick). Frankie says he has a suggestion for the second person, she’s not in this room, and she spent 1 week in the jury house. He says, he can use it if he wants to. Cody asks what Zebra cakes are, and Caleb explains them to him. They talk about all the food that was in his HOH basket.


4:18 AM BBT Caleb says his waist is a 29 – 30 usually. Cody talks more about the steroid gel that Caleb got. Caleb says the dosage says to use 4 times a day, but he’s only supposed to use it twice, or it can have the reverse effect, and make it worse. Christine acts shocked. Nicole is lying by herself in the fire room.


4:20 AM BBT Cody leaves the HoHR to go to sleep. Christine says, she’s coming in like 2 seconds. Victoria gives goodnight hugs, as well as the others. They all leave the HoHR, leaving Frankie and Caleb up there, after Christine complains about Derrick not giving her a real hug. Caleb says that he doesn’t want to keep throwing up Nicole as a HN to be mean to her. They continue to figure out what to do for the HN’s. Victoria goes to the fire room to talk to Nicole. Nicole says that she has to talk to Caleb again tomorrow, because he seems out of it. Derrick goes in the fire room, and Victoria says, “Hello, sunshine.” Derrick says, you’re the second person to say that to me now. Victoria asks who else called him that, and he says, Christine. Victoria make a noise, and Derrick laughs. They talk about Aleve and videos from home.


4:27 AM BBT Frankie says that he hopes there’s a wall next week for HOH, and Caleb says he can compete in it. Frankie says, oh yeah, DE. Frankie says he’s going to win the next comp, and she’s not going to win it. He spills to Frankie what Nicole said to him, about them possibly picking him off. Everyone in the fire room turns the lights out to go to sleep. Victoria tells Derrick that Tenley is beautiful. She repeats what she said to her daddy, in the video.


4:29 AM BBT Frankie tells Caleb he will put his life into any of the guys hand, and they should be the F4, and that Nicole doesn’t understand how close they are. Caleb says Nicole should not win the Veto, because they should smoke her at it. He wants to be the biggest squad to make it to the F5, and voting out Christine. He says go for Fame or Game. Frankie says regardless, they are going to get Fame.


4:31 AM BBT Caleb says that Christine did really good tonight on the comp. Caleb says has he went to get the slush when he saw it when he was getting the water.


4:33 AM BBT Caleb says that 2 girls are going up, and the BD option is going to be the last girl. Frankie says that Christine still thinks that Cody will take her to the end, but they aren’t going to squash that hope right now. Frankie tells Caleb that his peck looks much better.


4:36 AM BBT Caleb thinks he’ll win another HOH, before the season is over with. He looks for ingredients in his steroid cream. Frankie tells him to just put a thin layer, over the affected area. He says not to do anything crazy.


4:38 AM BBT Caleb says he’s probably going to have to get the lump cut out. He washes his hands in the bathroom, and says he hopes he wasn’t supposed to put on a glove. Frankie says no, you’re fine. He says this is BB not Big Bestfriend. He says he’s so viscous now that he saw his family, and they are so close. He takes the remote to change the T.V. channel.


4:41 AM BBT Caleb says he has to come up with a speech for tomorrow’s noms. Frankie tells him to tell them they are being nom’d, give the reasons why, punch Christine in the face, and be done. Caleb turns out the lights and goes to bed with Frankie, and he tells Frankie they have to switch spots in the bed. Caleb says they are both jacked up. Frankie says they are two old men, and this is going to be their lives in Shady Pines, after retirement. He gives a story that they could say.


4:46 AM BBT They are talking about the comp, and how Derrick wanted to get the money for his daughter. Caleb says if there is $10K next time, he will go for it. Frankie says if they would of sent Nicole home, and kept Donny, he could of gone for the money. He says, then you still have Christine. Caleb says it’s more important that he didn’t go for the money. He says that Christine would of probably BD one of them.


4:53 AM BBT All is quiet in the BB16 house, and we see FoTH.


4:55 AM BBT Caleb is listening to his music, and Frankie gets the hiccups.


4:59 AM BBT Frankie yawns, and still has the hiccups. He gets up to go to the bathroom.


5:03 AM BBT Frankie tells Caleb that production may have called his mom that he hurt himself. Caleb shouts out to Joker’s and Hamster Watch that Beast Mode Cowboy and Flamingo Frankie are the King and Queen of the castle. Frankie says he can’t wait to get that poster, “Saving Broadway One Show At A Time.” Caleb says he can’t wait to see if he can do something big when they get out of the house. He says that Frankie already has a good name, but doesn’t get money for them. Frankie says that he wants to be on his team and help him, and then he can pay them. They keep throwing out ideas of things to do.


5:09 AM BBT They are both still daydreaming about their lives after BB. Caleb says he was with a girl for a while, and he thought, Wow, this one’s it. He says, then it started to fall apart, because he didn’t know things about her. We see FoTH.


5:28 AM BBT Live Feeds come back with Caleb and Frankie talking about Christine. Frankie says there is something weird about their relationship. Like they are partners, and not married. Caleb says they may have an open relationship, like they are Swingers, and they can sleep with other couples. Caleb says he wants a girl that wants to be with him, just as much as he wants her, and wants to be treated the same.


5:30 AM BBT Caleb says that Blake’s wife doesn’t hunt, but she’s on the cell phone the whole time they are out there hunting. Caleb says just because of his name, he probably won’t have as many followers as he thought he would. He says that he’s going to change his name, and that should help. He says it will be sick if they can write a letter home. He says his family aren’t BB fans, and they might be now that he’s there. Frankie says that Julie Chen probably tells the audience where to read the HOH’s blog.


5:32 AM BBT Caleb says that he told Cody he can sleep upstairs one night with him. Frankie says, go for it. Caleb says if he moves his knee a certain way it really hurts. He says it might be his meniscus. They talk about going to The Amazing Race. He says he has doctors that has surgeons that can help him with his gland. He says that the doctor there said he really needs to get the gland looked at.


5:34 AM BBT Frankie says he likes to get everything checked out just in case. Caleb says it really didn’t get bad until he started eating all those tortilla chips. Victoria turned over in bed, and is not under the covers. Caleb and Frankie are talking about the Monster drinks. Caleb says his body is immune to them, but he’s having problems with the pain in the side of his knee. He says he’s taken the 3 Aleve that the doctor told him to take. Caleb says he doesn’t usually take anything. Frankie says his body is a cesspool are medicines. He says his mother, sister, and grandmother will not take their medicine, because they don’t like it.


5:38 AM BBT Caleb is having trouble getting comfortable in bed. Victoria leaves the SR, and walks through the dimly lit LR to go to the KT. Caleb and Frankie are talking about boxing, and not running out of steam. Victoria is washing a cup in the KT sink.


5:39 AM BBT Frankie obsesses about his family, and how they are getting him through the rest of this game, and he doesn’t care about anything else.


5:42 AM BBT Caleb said it would be nuts if he wins HOH again, and his letter is from his ex-girlfriend. Frankie says, “I hate you.” We see FoTH.


5:44 AM BBT Feeds come back, and Caleb is still having trouble getting comfortable. Frankie says they’ll probably be doing the Veto comp in wheel chairs. Caleb says it may be a puzzle. Frankie says if Nicole beats him, then she deserves it, but he’ll smoke her. He says they are going to beast this f*cking thing. Caleb says he felt like he gleeked, and hoped it didn’t get on him. He says, no. Frankie says, “Goodnight, I hope you feel better.” They say their goodnights back and forth, and say they will just ignore Christine, because she doesn’t count.


5:46 AM BBT They talk about other comps they competed in. Victoria goes back to bed with Nicole in the fire room.


5:50 AM BBT Caleb is having trouble getting comfortable.

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**********FLASH BACKS FROM LAST NIGHT**********


12:00 AM BBT Caleb tells Frankie that he drank the mixture that they were using for the comp. He says he didn’t realize it was chemicals, and it burned his eyes. They are in the fire room talking to Cody and Christine. Victoria and Nicole are in the KT, and Nicole is getting ready to eat. Victoria goes in fire room, and Frankie goes to KT to be with Nicole when she gets to eat. Nicole tells him it’s 11:58 PM BBT. Caleb tells HG’s in the room with him that Donny still ate slop before he left, and he was by the book, and followed the rules. He says if it was him, he would of broken the rules and ate, if he knew he was leaving. Nicole waits until both clock say 12 a.m. She says, “I can eat, yeah, I can eat.” Frankie yells to her asking if she can eat yes, and she says yes. She is saying, “Yum, yum, yum.” She says, “That was horrible.”


12:04 AM BBT Caleb gets up, and notices his ice pack is leaking, and Cody tells him to throw it out. He says he’s going to stretch the muscles in his leg. Frankie and Caleb both go in KT to tell Nicole congratulations that she gets to eat. Cody asks how Caleb is going to get up the stairs to the HoHR? Victoria says, that’s what she was thinking. Caleb and Frankie both want to go to bed. Nicole tells Frankie that back of her throat is hurting. Frankie looks in her mouth. Caleb goes back in the fire room, and Cody says, he hopes he gets some FLA/GA Line this week, to have some good music.


12:07 AM BBT Frankie says he’s in so much pain, and doesn’t see himself moving a whole lot in the next few days. Caleb says he’s not going to compete in the Veto if it’s physical. He says if it’s a puzzle or something he may, if he can just walk fast. Christine complains about the Bees that were in her lane. She says they were pi$$ing her off. Caleb says, there may have been something on the lanes that attracted them. Nicole tells Frankie not to be afraid of her, and to talk to her anytime. She tells him he’s not her target. Cody says that Christine had left her rings in his blazer. Caleb complains that BB used “Caleb” instead of “Beast Mode.” He says, his brother even calls him Beast Mode, and they call him that in the DR. He says that Shawn in the DR even called him that earlier. He says he has to get a BMC diamond necklace. Big Money Collector. He says if the little snowman was $10K instead of $5K, he would have went for that instead. He says he wouldn’t have even started on the other one.


12:10 AM BBT Frankie leaves the KT, and goes back to the fire room. Christine asks if when Boogie took the money, if it was $10K, and they say yes. Caleb wonders how they could tell who was leading the comp. Frankie says they probably went by the smiley face on the front of the snowman. Cody asks if some of the snowmen were tilted, and he says yes. He thinks they may be weighted somehow, and that’s maybe how they knew who was leading.


12:12 AM BBT Victoria goes to Dining Room table with Nicole. She asks her how it feels to eat, and she says good. She tells Nicole that her feet are killing her, and they are just talking in the fire room. Nicole asks if she can sleep with her tonight, and Victoria says of course. Victoria says she wants to talk to Caleb.


12:15 AM BBT Caleb asks Frankie if he’s rubbing his third boob? He says, yes. Frankie asks if they showed the show they put on in front of the HG’s? He says they should have asked a question about playing the other characters, and it’s odd that they didn’t. Caleb says he’s not the favorite anymore, because he didn’t get a question this week. Frankie says that he thinks Donny was the favorite. Cody says that Donny got more of an applause than Nicole. Frankie says he doesn’t “Give a f*ck.” He says, he’s still their kicking a$$, and this is how many f*cks he gives, and shoes a zero on his fingers. Caleb says that Donny was backed into a corner numerous times, and he saved himself by himself. He says that America says they are going after him, and he’s holding his own. Christine says DE is going to go like that, and snaps her fingers. Caleb says F5. Frankie says that Nicole is working already. Caleb says, she’s supposed to. Caleb says that Nicole is the talker, and Donny just sits back. Nicole and Victoria are chit-chatting at the Dining Room table.


12:18 PM BBT Christine says she straight out told Nicole she was going home when she was HOH. Frankie says, you are not allowed to confront them about that, when they are on the block. Christine says, what? Frankie blows it off, and changes the subject. HG’s are tired, and Christine asks why it’s taking so long. Caleb says the comp was so long, and they have to go and buy everything. He says if he gets collard greens and mashed potatoes again, he will be pi$$ed. Frankie gets the hiccups and draws all the attention to himself, with being dramatic with them. Nicole and Victoria are talking about what family members were on the videos they saw. Christine says everyone got to see one, except for Frankie, who got to see three people.

12:21 PM BBT Caleb tells HG’s that he didn’t grab his ball from the comp, but that Shawn from the DR said she would get it for him. Nicole says her mom was monotone, and looked like she was reading something. She says, it worries her. Victoria says her mom didn’t seem o.k. either. Nicole thinks her mom was crying.


12:23 AM BBT Caleb leaves the fire room, and Victoria goes to the fire room. Frankie tells Christine and Cody that Nicole talked to him. Christine asks if she talked game, and he says that she told him he’s not her target. They talk about her already going home once. Nicole tells Caleb she definitely wants to talk to him, and he says tomorrow would be good. He gets called to the DR. Christine tells Frankie she gets nauseous if she has the hiccups for too long. Frankie says Julie hates him, and she was mean to him, when he asked for Apple Pie. Nicole goes to WA, and comes back out to the KT. She says she has to go pee so bad, but Cody is taking a dump. Caleb is out of DR.


12:25 AM BBT Frankie complains that his fingers were really bad and really blue at the end of the comp, because it started to get cold.  He says there was no way that there’s no way Caleb couldn’t have reached his ball sooner, and that his water level was all the way to the top of his snowman. Christine wants to get this over with so she can go to bed.


12:28 AM BBT Nicole tells Cody in the LR that she can’t wait to go to sleep in a good bed tonight. Nicole goes to fire room. Christine is reciting a hiccup poem with Frankie to try to get rid of his hiccups. Victoria goes to LR to say hi to Cody, where he’s lying down on a couch. She leaves the LR, and he picks his nose, and throws his boogers on the floor with his left hand. Nicole tells Chris that she’s sleeping in the rock room, and she says, “Hell ya, I’m taking my corner bed back.”


12:30 AM BBT Frankie says there will be another open bed, because he’s going to sleep upstairs with Caleb. Frankie is hiccupping and burping, and not excusing himself. Victoria lays on couch in LR with Cody, and tells him where her feet are hurting. They are talking about nom’s. Christine, Frankie and Nicole are talking about where Frankie’s family may have been in the video. Frankie keeps obsessing about his sister.


12:35 PM BBT Derrick tells Cody and Victoria that he’s there to entertain them. He goes in the fire room, and Nicole tells him that she’s leaving her suitcase where it is for the time being. Cody makes some noises, and Frankie says it sounds like Zach out there. We hear, “You are not allowed to talk about your DR sessions.” Caleb gets called to the DR. Derrick says that they (fans) don’t care about their families. Frankie says that Donny’s fans are the super fans. He says that if they pull in more viewers because of their fans, that’s good. Derrick says that they will find out on finale night if Zach or Donny have America’s Favorite Player. He says that Zach had a loud applause, but that the audience for Donny roared. Frankie says he’ll see on finale night if he’s a shoe in for America’s Favorite Player. Christine says she’s not sure about liking the alliance viewing it as a super fan. Cody tells Victoria that his dad was happy, so he probably still has his job, and he was worried about that.


12:39 AM BBT We hear, “Go on with your bad self,” and a few other Hollas. Cody says, “That’s so funny,” a few times. Frankie is trying to guess whose voice is doing the hollas.


12:42 AM BBT Frankie says he has haters galore. We hear, “DAD BOT HOLLA,” a couple times, and Christine screams out at production. Cody is saying what the reactions will be when Donny goes to the jury house with Nicole and Victoria. Cody says, “Last week of HN’s, WHAT?” He says, they are probably going to give the worst food, and he starts saying who Zach called the worst.


12:44 AM BBT Derrick tells Frankie and Christine he was happy they allowed him to get that $5K. Cody goes in the fire room to tell Derrick he needs to answer back when he gets the hollas. Victoria tells Nicole in the LR, that she really wanted to hit Zach so bad. Derrick tells HG’s in fire room that he will get the most holla’s after midnight, and when he gets up. Nicole says that her mom didn’t have her cool-framed glasses on. Victoria and Nicole give shout-outs to the people that were in the their videos.


12:47 AM BBT Cody leaves fire room, and keeps saying holla, and names Rachel Reilly. He says Caleb is in the DR. Christine follows Cody out to the LR, and he says that where Caleb was lying on the couch, it looks like someone flaked off skin there. Christine says how gross it is. Frankie is holding on to Derrick in the fire room, talking game, and saying that he thinks they failed the mission because of dressing in drag. He says that a lot of American families don’t understand it, and it’s a family show. Frankie says it was an overwhelming no. They both think they have completed 4 TA Missions to be receiving $20K for those. (They have completed only 3 of the TA Missions, for $15K so far).


 12:51 AM BBT Christine gives shout-outs to Tim, and Nicole says what Cody’s dad said. Victoria is back in fire room. Frankie says that 50% of the people that watch the show hate him, and they hate him for having a hand in voting out Donny. He says he doesn’t care. He says, “Hate me, I’m going to continue doing well.” He acts confident and tells Derrick he loves him. Frankie says they (fans) love Zach and Devin. Derrick says they will probably be booed if they leave next week. Frankie says he doesn’t care, and guess how many f*cks he gives. He says he gives zero f*cks. Victoria talks about something that was put on her legs before the comp, and it turned the lane orange. Derrick says she had an orange streak wherever she went. He says it was like a sh*t stain following her. He said he thought her knee was bleeding, but it wasn’t.


12:54 AM BBT Christine says how cute Tenley and Jana were on their video. HG’s in the LR, are still talking about the videos. Victoria goes to the LR. She tells HG’s in the LR, that Frankie keeps saying he is a fierce b*tch, and how he’s going to have haters. Derrick and Frankie keep stressing out over the TA Mission. Frankie says they are equally loved, and the fact that they had to do the TA Mission, they are game players.


12:59 AM BBT Derrick says he fells bad for Donny, because it was his last mission. Frankie says he felt bad, until Julie said it was an overwhelming no. He says, now, he doesn’t feel bad at all, about anything.


1:01 AM BBT Victoria goes back to the fire room. Cody says, she can’t stay put to save your life. Christine says, thatfor someone who didn’t do anything, she is so hurt for nothing. Christine keeps complaining that her chest hurts, and she says she is dying. Victoria is walking weird, because she has to walk on the outside of her feet. Cody goes in the fire room, and Frankie tells Cody to get in the bed with them. Nicole says, “Holy crap, it’s 4 guys and 3 girls.” She asks Victoria if she had any entertaining falls? Victoria goes to the fire room looking for Cody. Frankie says Cody was using Victoria’s headband, being gay. Christine says she can’t remember the falls she had.


1:04 AM BBT We hear another holla for Derrick, and he responds. Christine says she can’t believe how long they did the comp for. Nicole says she hopes that’s not water that Victoria is drinking. Christine smells it, and says it’s Sprite.

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#BB16 10:04AM BBT All HG are lying in bed.


#BB16 10:25AM BBT Derrick is up and headed to the WC. He rinses his hands off in the sink (no soap) Looks around the KT for a minute and heads back to bed.


#BB16 10:53AM BBT All HG still sleeping.

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#BB16 11:12AM BBT Victoria wakes up for a few minutes. Seems to be moaning a bit in discomfort. Seems to move a bag of ice over from her ankle. And bad to bed.


#BB16 11:21AM BBT Victoria is up. She has made her way to the DR and then back out. She is now in the KT. She picked some cereal out of a bag and then left the bag on the counter. She is standing outside the SR. They haven't let her in.


#BB16 11:25AM BBT Victoria gets called to the DR. We hear a leak - Victoria saying "thank you" and a man saying "we are still working on it". She then comes out and heads to the SR for food.

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#BB16 11:27AM BBT Victoria grazes through the SR. Opening bags and nibbling from them. Takes a box of crackers from the shelf and takes two. Puts the box back without closing the bag. Crawls back in bed and then gets called back to the DR.


#BB16 11:35AM BBT Victoria comes out of DR. She has a new ace bandage that's he unwraps and wraps her ankle. She is lying in bed and unwraps some food and eats it and then pulls the covers back over her head. All HG still in bed.


#BB16 11:38AM BT We get FOTH. We come back and all HG are now moving around.


#BB16 11:45AM BBT Victoria putting on make up. The guys in the BY. Caleb tells Derrick that he is going to put up Christine and tell her it's for a BD option. He will put up Christine and Nicole together. He says that Christine can take herself off and then can put up Victoria. Derrick wants to tell Christine that Nicole threw her under the bus last night and so this is why she is up.

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#BB16 11:55AM BBT Frankie is hobbling out to the BY. Says he can't even move. They all compare pain. BB asks them to lower the awnings. Frankie yells that they can't even move. No one does the awnings. Frankie says that he wants to request a medic. He asks Victoria if they gave her the ace bandage and says he will request one as well.


#BB16 11:58AM BBT The HG are all outside. They may be on an ODLD. We get a lot of FOTH as the HG say things. Frankie says he can't believe his sister watches the feeds every night. He says that she looked so good and healthy. They talk about the videos last night.

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12:00pm Hg on ODLD talking about getting to see their families videos lastnight on the live show.


12:03pm Frankie talking in  his different  voices about telling derrick lasnight to keep going D-nuts. derrick says i didn't hear you. Christine says i heard you. 


12:05pm Cody goes to check out the pool and checks the vacuum that is in it. Frankie on the couch  talking about his bruises on his ankles.He says you can see that  my ankles are swollen.


12:08pm Caleb ask what do you think we will see inside? Frankie says definitely not Apple Pie. derrick said you should have said more slop. Frankie says i was hoping she would have said yes you can have apple pie.


12:21pm Frankie and Cody talk about which POV comp is the hardest. Frankie says i hope i get picked to play tomorrow. he says everyone plays . Caleb says no one will be the host. Frankie says yep.


 12:50pm LD is over and hg go inside to find Mushrooms, Frankie says it is Snot roast. Caleb says it looks like  gizzards. Caleb it is up to you to choose 2 Hg to  have slop for the week and this combination of meat and Mushrooms and garlic are theirs for the week. derrick says i  will do it. No one else will  speak up so Caleb keeps asking for someone to volunteer but no one will. He says this is hard. Caleb selects Nicole. so derrick and Nicole are on slop this week.


 12:53pm Nicole goes out to the By crying and saying i am sick of this and i understand this is a game but  i don't want to be on slop for 2 weeks and i have to win everything now to stay in this house  cause i will be up every week. I am going to be fine but i am going to be week so weak. I am so sick of it and i don't know what i did wrong. This sucks.Victoria comes out and ask do you want to talk and Nicole says it doesn't matter i am fine. Don't tell anyone i am crying.


12:57pm Frankie in the fore br telling  everyone that he doesn't give a crap what  Nicole thinks she was in the jury for a week and had amazing food  cooked for her so i don't give a crap if she is on Slop now this is Big Brother  not Big best friends. Nicole still in the BY  crying saying i am gonna freaking be nominated.


 12:59pm Derrick going to the BY where Nicole is sitting and ask her  you ok? it is gonna be alright. Nicole says  yeah derrick i know but i just got off i am just frustrated with it cause i am now  a have not 2 weeks in a row and i struggled the first week.

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1:01pm Frankie says i don't care what anyone thinks and Christine pointed at me for not being a have not twice. Do you think she knows i am mad at her? Caleb says yeah. Nicole in the By telling derrick this is like being kicked when you are down. derrick says it blows  it is a game there is nothing you can do about it.


1:03pm Derrick says i will make some good food this week Nicole and the beds are not that bad and the showers  if you shower outside it isn't as cold. Christine  comes out listening. Caleb and Cody in the hoh and Caleb says i almost put Victoria there to be with derrick but then decided Nicole.


1:06pm Caleb says i will say Nicole i nominate you cause you have already played this game and came back. He says Christine i don't know what i am going to say maybe like Christine you are not my target this week it is the person that had the buy back and came back in this game and has already played the game.


1:08pm Caleb Is trying to get his speech down and wants to tell Christine that it is nothing personal and hope you win the veto and get Nicole out of the house again and we all know that we all want Nicole gone.


1:10pm Victoria comes to the hoh rm.She says it feels like a knife is stabbing me i cant even stand it and Caleb says we are all beat up.


1:11pm derrick goes to HOh rm and says Caleb i know how you are  but when you get a chance talk to Nicole ok? Caleb  ask is she out there crying and derrick says a little it. Nicole is now talking to Christine in the BY. She says she missed her period by 2 weeks so i am stressed and i felt so weak last week and  i know it is a game and it is fine i just didn't expect it. But i am fine i think it is just my hormones Christine says i joke about being heartless in this game but really i  am not.. Christine says Caleb was told to put you up and Nicole says really and Christine says yeah but i got to go sleep. She goes in and Nicole cries saying Frankie told him why does he hate me? 


1:17pm Nicole talking to herself and says i have to win this veto i will dye my hair i will burn all my clothes and i will take slop the rest of the summer.


 1:18pm Nicole says i am going on the block and there is nothing i can do to change his mind cause of Frankie.


  1:20pm Nicole says maybe i should take all the rewards and take a vacation cause i have no chance in this game and we get foth.


1:22pm Frankie and Cody saying they cant believe they have been in this house this long. Frankie says i thought i would be the first one out.Frankie says i didn't think anyone would like me.


 1:25pm Nicole says i don't fit in with these people at all. These are not my kind of people. derrick i love him he is playing a great game.I just cant wait to see who is going up against me probably Victoria.


 1:31pm Cody and Christine in the  hoh bed talking about Caleb pictures. Victoria laying on hoh couch and derrick heads downstairs. Caleb and derrick in the LVR talking about Nicole being upset. caleb goes to the DR.

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1:35pm Frankie and Victoria talking about making food. derrick in the KT making food for him and Nicole.


 1:38pm Frankie says i didn't realize how much medical attention i seek cause i am at the DR at least twice a month. Victoria says really? he says yeah.


1:44pm Nicole talking to herself in the By again about going on the block.In the HOh rm Victoria is talking about people dying. Nicole in the By says how did Judd survive the block in a double eviction? Good job Judd. Ok Donny i will be sitting in your seat this week to try to get some of your powers.


 1:47pm Derrick goes to BY and says a little bit of bad news is the pork cheese stuff is not good. I just tried pan frying it and it fell apart cause of the cheese in it.


 1:49pm Derrick says oh i talked to Caleb and he asked how you was i told him you was a little upset and he said not to take it personal. She says it is personal cause it is personal. And i don't  even want to talk to him about going on the block either.


 1:50pm Nicole says i bet Frankie is happy that i am in this house another week so i can make my life hell. I cant wait till i see his face when i win veto tomorrow. derrick says there ya go that's what i like to hear.


1:54pm  Cody leaves the hoh rm then Victoria follows him out. Frankie and Christine go out also. Caleb is in the DR.


1:55pm Cody says to derrick and Nicole 17 days from Thursday then we  will be done with this place. I am so ready to go home and see my family. Cody ask Nicole how she is  and if she is pissed? She says no i am just over it and Donny warned me that they would make me a have not.


 1:56pm derrick is saying he was mad at Donny cause he would never  agree to go up as a have not. He says that is what pissed him off the most cause Donny would never volunteer and he was only  a have not once and the rest of us twice. Nicole says well i volunteered last week.Caleb comes out and tells Nicole sorry. Nicole says its ok Caleb i understand its a game i was just shocked that's all.


  1:59pm Derrick and Frankie talking in the have not rm and Frankie says it is a game  is she upset? derrick says yeah she is but she knows it is a game. Frankie says she better not come crying to me or i will punch her in the face.

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2:04pm Frankie and derrick are cleaning up the have not food on the table. Nicole is making herself some food. Cody and Caleb in the hoh rm talking about if he puts Nicole and Victoria and Christine pulls Nicole off the block then they both play for  hoh next week. But if i put Christine up and Cody interrupts  that Christine will hate him and that is not good for your game.Caleb says i do not want Victoria to play in the POV so by putting Christine up  Victoria wont play.


 2:07pm Caleb says he will say Christine i know you don't want to go on the block but we have the votes to keep you and we don't want Victoria playing and if Nicole wins then Victoria goes up and Victoria goes home.He says to Cody i want you to talk to her cause she trust you  but i want her to win but if she don't she is safe. But if she wins and comes off i don't want her to go after me next week.


 2:10pm Cody says yesterday and i love Frankie but yesterday he did something i didn't like and Christine talks alot and she is frustrated about Frankie and she said that Caleb was the one trying to get Donny to stay and i knew it was Frankie not you so i told her it was Frankie so i don't want you to think it was Christine it wasn't.


 2:12pm Caleb tells derrick what he just told Cody about nominations. Derrick says it is all gonna be the same next week with all of us so you have nothing to lose by putting up Nicole and Christine. Derrick says she knows this is Big brother and she knows we are not taking her to the end.


 2:15pm derrick says Christine is more dangerous than Nicole he says to Caleb she almost beat you lastnight bro. She was one scoop away from beating you. Well this boy says if Nicole comes down and Christine goes home  i wont be upset at all.


  2:23pm Caleb says if i put Christine up and she wins veto and then next week she wins hoh  will she put me up? i have to think of my game. derrick says dude you just put Nicole on slop and  then going to put her on the block and if she wins pov she will do the same thing so it is the same. Derick says i rather go against Nicole she is weak but Christine can be strong she proved that. But one of them has to go home cause they will save each other.


 2:26pm Caleb says do i say Christine i put you up cause i think you will work with Nicole. Derrick says no no no  you say we want you to play in the veto.Frankie says put Nicole up and tell em they are threats and she is a have not this week and i don't want to see the damn tears i am over it i don't care.


 2:28pm Derrick says tell Christine she is going up and tell her by putting her up it guarantees that Nicole or Victoria goes home this week. 


 2:30pm Caleb says Christine is more physical than mental if you ask me and Frankie says no she did the metal one too.


 2:34pm Caleb tells Cody to go grab Christine. He says me? He says yeah you are the only one who can move and you are used to grabbing her. 


 2:36pm Cody wakes up Christine to go to HOh to talk to Caleb and BB calls Christine to the DR.


 2:42pm Christine come in HOh rm Caleb says nominations are coming up and we have gotten here cause we have saved each other and we have always been a 5. I do not want Victoria to play this pov so i need to out some one up against Nicole as a pawn. and if i put  Victoria up then one of you  aren't playing the veto for sure and i need  her not to play.He tells her this is the best way to do it to make sure that Nicole doesn't win but i am doing this because i think you can beat Nicole.


 2:45pm Caleb says if Nicole wins then Victoria goes up and she leaves and you are still safe. So i just want you guys to know what i am going to do so if it is you Christine i just want you to know what i am thinking. and all around i know all of you guys are competitors


 2:47pm Caleb says Nicole came up here lastnight and saying that she is a country girl with a country guy and  then she threw everyone under the bus  but i didn't believe her at all. I believe  you all want her out of here and Frankie says yes we want her out.


2:50pm Nicole is laying alone in the sun on a lounger.Caleb is still going on about why to put up Christine and everyone is agreeing with him. He says one of us 5 need to win so Nicole can go back to jury where she  belongs and Victoria can go in a double right behind Nicole.


2:55pm Caleb says  he told Nicole lastnight that if he didn't put her on the block then next week she would be put up anyways  and she said no i wouldn't i ain't the biggest target. Caleb says i told her to her face that she will not make it to the end of this game.She told me that others were a bigger target that she talked to people. Christine says no one talks to her. Frankie says that's her strategy.
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#BB16 3:07PM BBT Nicole outside on the BY couch. Frankie, Derrick, Caleb and Christine in HOH room talking abut HOH comp.


#BB16 3:11PM BBT Nicole and Victoria in the WCA. They start to talk about the HOH group having to turn on each other and we get FOTH.


#BB16 3:20PM BBT Caleb is singing so we get FOTH on and off. Feeds come back and Frankie talking about how sore he is all the time from rehearsals and that he just goes right back the next day for more. He knows he will be fine for the Veto tomorrow.


#BB16 3:22PM BBT We have Jeff reels - must be time for the nomination ceremony.

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#BB16 4:43PM BBT Cody and Christine at the KT table. Christine says she hopes that BB doesn't show her using the S word. She used it twice last night. Cody says he wants to hear her yell the F word. She giggles. Caleb  talk about how long they have made it in the house.


#BB16 4:46PM BBT Derrick tells them that they have 20 days exactly from today until the game is over. Caleb says one of them will be half a millionaire. He says he knows several who have millions just chilling in the bank.


#BB16 4L49PM BBT Caleb chatting with the girls. Says they can call him Daddy. He won't mind. Then he tells the Hg that they can help themselves to the HOH room and snacks as they like. The door is open.

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#BB16 4:55PM BBT Christine is now hacking from congestion. She heads to the bee hive. Christine whispers that she is done with the stupid bomb squad. They never tell her who is going up. That she is now playing for herself and if that means next week she doesn't want to put up Victoria, she won't. She leaves the hive.

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#BB16 5:6PM BBT There seems to be a towel-gate going on. There are no clean towels. Cody left them in the dryer so now they have none. Victoria tells him that BB will bring them to them.


#BB16 5:08PM BBT Nicole goes into the DR with Derrick. She is crying and tells Derrick that it is harder then she thought coming into the house again. Derrick tells her that it isn't going to happen. She says she was more worried about what Caleb was going to say then going up. Derrick tells her that she has to win the POV to stay another week. Says he will talk to her anytime she wants.


#BB16 5:11PM BBT Frankie decides to take a nap in the HOH bed (he asked first) Caleb explains that his noms were to protect his army that he was leading. That if he could lead men home from the war he could protect his army in the house.

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#BB16 5:19PM BBT Cody and Christine are lying in the fire room. She is rubbing his arm. and they are holding hands. They are laughing over the names they called Donny.


#BB16 5:25PM BBT Caleb and Frankie talk about fan sites that rank them. Caleb says that he and Frankie are rated 1st and 2nd on the sites. Says that they have run the house from day 1.


#BB16 5:29PM BBT Victoria goes into the HN room. She tells Nicole the vibes are weird. Victoria says they are all kissing each other's butt.


#BB16 5:41PM Nicole tries to explain to Victoria that these HG don't realize that they have to turn on each other. Victoria says it's a boring season.

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#BB16 5:46PM BBT In the HOH, the Hg go over dates and what happened when. Nicole and Victoria still talking about how Nicole can try and stay.


#BB16 5:54PM BBT The HG in HOH continue to Jedi Train.


#BB16 5:57PM BBT Nicole and Victoria discuss past HG and if they bashed HG or were mean. They say Dan never bashed HGs. They talk about how Christine feels she is better then everyone in the house.

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  6:00pm Nicole and Victoria in Have not rm whispering. All other Hg in HOH rm talking about past HG.


 6:05pm Nicole and Victoria are talking about eating and Nicole says i cant even eat good food.She says Caleb told me lastnight that  he couldn't even trust Christine and now they are up there saying  she is a pawn.


  6:10pm Nicole telling Victoria if she goes on the block after veto she has  hers and derricks vote, but if you win veto take me off and we can get Christine out. Nicole says you are in a very good place in this house.


 6:14pm In the HOh rm Derrick and  Cody are talking about their letters and getting hoh  baskets.


 6:17pm Caleb is saying they are gonna get alot of Hollas in  within the next 20 days 5000 is alot.


6:21pm derrick, Caleb, Christine, Frankie and Cody in hoh and derrick says Victoria is going to the bathroom then she will be up here as they watch the spy screen.


6:30pm  Most hg  are leaving the hoh rm. Caleb is going to take a nap, Frankie is going to take a nap. Derrick, Cody , Christine and Victoria are in the KT no talking going on.


6:33pm derrick says i am going to take some Advil and Victoria ask if he ate? He says he did that's why he is taking the Advil now.


  6:38pm Most hg in bed  taking a nap. Victoria sitting alone in the KT.


 6:45pm Christine laying on the couch in the LVR derrick is washing dishes he found in the other rooms and he tells Christine that some of these have probably been in them rooms since week 2 or 3.


6:47pm Christine gets up and says i think i need to go sleep for awhile i have a migraine. Derrick says ok homie.


6:53pm derrick, Cody, Christine and Victoria in the WA and BB plays a holla  for derrick. 


 6:55pm Derrick talking about how much it took and how many trips it took to fill that bowl on the snowman. He said i knew everyone was ahead of him so he went for the 5000

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7:07 PM BBT

Christine and Derrick are sitting in the bathroom talking about their past competitions. Derrick says he didn't get picked for a lot of pov competitions.Derrick and Christine both hope he gets picked for this POV.


7:11 PM BBT Christine and Derrick think Nicole would pick Cody for player's choice if she gets it tomorrow. Christine and Derrick say it's going to be a long week until Thursday. Derrick says the comps go way too quick for the amount of time they are trapped inside.


7:14 PM BBT
Christine and Derrick are talking about past houseguests and what they are saying about them. Christine doesn't even want to think about it. She then says she wonders what Andy thinks of her game. Derrick shouts out to Andy and asks for tweets from him about their game. Christine really wants to see all of the tweets and comments about their games. Derrick says he only used twitter for former HGs and fantasy football. Derrick said he had 21 followers when he left. Christine says she used to get in twitter fights and has fun with it. She thinks it's hilarious when people get mad. Christine says she doesn't understand why people attack her on twitter. They both say Frankie has to deal with a lot more hate than they do. Christine says she's expecting the haters to come out when she gets home.


7:18 PM BBT
Christine is worried about her audition tape getting out, because it's weird. She's pretty sure that her friend didn't make it private and she's worried about her former coworkers at Starbucks seeing it. Derrick and Christine talk about the numbers and talk about turning on their alliance after the final five is solidified.


7:26 PM BBT
Derrick tells Christine not to feel sorry for him about being HN. Derrick says he hates it, but it's easier this week since it's the last HN week and he got the 5K and will accept being a have not. Derrick says he'd rather have it the way Caleb had it with the freaking veto. Derrick says he loves mushrooms, though, so he'll be fine. Derrick is telling Christine how amazing it is that his daughter is saying words now and is way more articulate than when he left. Derrick hopes that his wife sent all of the videos of his daughter to his Iphone, so he can download them and watch all the videos on his six hour flight home.


7:35 PM BBT
Christine wonders where Tim watches the show. Christine tells Derrick about Tim and how much he loves the taste of beer. Derrick says he will not drink beer with food. Derrick says guys tend to love beer with food. Christine says Tim will even pair beers with the food he's having. Christine asks Derrick when he and Jenna will have another kid. Derrick says it really depends on finances. Derrick says probably the next year or so, barring any setbacks. Derrick says he for sure wants two kids and doesn't want to wait too long for another kid.


7:39 PM BBT
Frankie is hobbling around the kitchen. He is preparing to make food for Victoria and himself. Derrick and Christine talk about how the only people who understand how that hard is are people who have actually lived in the house. Christine says it's one of the hardest things she's ever done. Christine still can't believe she's in the house. Derrick says he can't believe it either.


7:45 PM BBT
Christine is complaining about how much pain she is in from that comp. She is bashing Spencer from last year and Danielle from the year before. She said Spencer was so boring she couldn't stand him. She said Danielle won more comps than Ian did, but she was Dan's minion and had no chance. She then said Gina Marie's final 2 speech last year was so stupid. Frankie comes in and tells Derrick he's sauteing mushrooms in butter and garlic. Derrick says to tell him when it's ready because it sounds good. Christine says being a have not sucks. She had migraines for days when she was a have not.


7:48 PM BBT
Victoria comes in and tells Derrick and Christine that the doctor told her not to walk today because of the shape of her feet. Christine asks her why in the world she's still walking on it if she's not supposed to. Victoria says she can't just sit around all day. Christine says to be careful because her feet won't heal and she'll have issues with the rest of the comps. Derrick is bored. He said he wants to find something to do. He went around today and found all the dirty dishes and washed them. Victoria tells him he should massage her feet. Christine laughs and says that is the perfect idea. Derrick asks Victoria if she's making him a have not meal. A holla comes on the feeds. Derrick says the hollas only air in the room he's in, since it's a penalty only for him. Derrick says that during waking hours it airs throughout the house. The voice comes back and says, "Derrick, I said holla." Derrick says "holla" back. He asks for the voice to give him a D Bomb.


7:54 PM BBT
Derrick wonders what he could stuff in the mushrooms, because he hates headcheese. He says he likes garlic, but he's not going to use garlic all the time. Victoria said she'll try to think of what else he could stuff in there. Victoria goes to the kitchen. Frankie tells her he's excited for the whole house to sit down and have a nice meal. Victoria makes herself a salad. Christine and Derrick are bashing Nicole in the house for constantly twisting words and trying to pit people against each other. Derrick says last week it worked in Nicole's favor, because Donny was too big of a target, but it won't work this week. Derrick says we'll know how the week will go once the veto is done. He's hoping it's another easy week.


7:59 PM BBT
Christine says she's excited because she knows she has made it to at least day 84 if Nicole doesn't win veto. Derrick says they'll both make it day 84. Christine wonders how the jury is doing. Christine knows Hayden will be so pissed at them. Derrick says they can't be too mad because Donny didn't win. They said Donny and Hayden will both hope the next one to jury isn't Nicole. Christine says, "Sorry boys."


8:02 PM BBT
Frankie yells out for Christine to eat. Christine says she is so bad at taking care of herself and forgets to eat. Derrick says she's probably not hungry because she has a cough and has a cold. Frankie keeps telling her to just go to the DR and get some cough syrup and ask for benadryl. Christine goes to DR at Frankie's urging.


8:06 PM BBT
Christine stops and talks to Frankie and Victoria. She is mad that this year they didn't get a big fridge like past seasons. She says no other house guest has ever had to go to the storage room to get all their food. She doesn't think it's fair. She's also mad they have to literally ring a bell to get their food.

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8:13 PM BBT
Nicole wakes up in the Have Not room and comments about how sore she is. She goes to storage room and grabs a bag of rice and some mushrooms. Frankie ignores her as she gets things around to make her food. Christine tells Frankie a story about growing up with her brothers. Frankie wants to know where Caleb is and Christine says she doesn't know. They start talking about their favorite movies. Cody wakes up and joins them in the kitchen. Frankie says he's so happy Cody is up because he made tuna fish, pasta with mushrooms and garlic. Cody lays his head on the kitchen counter. Cody says he's going to eat and then go back to bed.


8:19 PM BBT

The voice says, "Holla at your bad self, Derrick." Frankie repeats it. Christine is singing "Closing Time" and then she and Frankie start singing The Golden Girls theme. Frankie offers to fry up some mushrooms with garlic and basil for Nicole. Frankie says again he's so glad that they all woke up at the same time so they can hang out. He's waiting for Caleb to get out of the DR, so he can cook for him too.


8:22 PM BBT
Frankie offers Caleb some of his pasta as Sid the Sloth. Derrick is also in the kitchen. Frankie offers to fry mushrooms for him. Derrick says sure. Frankie is telling Derrick what he's making him. Derrick says he can't take Frankie seriously when he talks like that. Derrick asks Nicole if she plans on eating the Head cheese. She says no, so he says he's going to throw away the Head Cheese. Christine asks him why he would do that and he asks her, "Would you eat that?" She says, "I ate blood sausage." Derrick says blood sausage is very different than head cheese. Caleb says are you throwing away all 114 packages you got?


8:31 PM BBT


The houseguests are involved in general chit chat about food and cooking as Frankie and Cody continue to make food. Nicole is asking Victoria how to make slop the way she makes it. Caleb is trying to give Nicole pointers but she's ignoring him.


8:34 PM BBT Derrick is frustrated because his slop is liquidy and gross. Victoria tells him he needs more protein powder to thicken it up. Cody tells Derrick he used way too much milk, which is why it's so runny. Derrick tells Cody he barely used any milk. Victoria yells up at Caleb to throw her down a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup. Caleb comes out of the HoH and asks Victoria what she said. Christine makes fun of Derrick for mispronouncing the word. Derrick says he still calls a hose a "bubbler". Cody makes fun of Derrick for being weird. Caleb says Victoria is a butter fingers because she couldn't catch the candy he threw at her.


8:37 PM BBT
Cody and Caleb are up in HoH room. Cody says he passed out in the Rock Room as soon as he left the HoH room earlier. Cody says all he wants is to have a great night's sleep for once in the house. Caleb complains about his knee, he says he knows what kind of physical therapy to do on it, because he knows all about muscles and joints and how to rehabilitate it.


8:39 PM BBT
Caleb says he hopes they do DRs tonight. Cody says isn't that what they've been doing? I thought it was DR sessions so we could all go to bed. Caleb says that he and Victoria went to DR to meet with the doctor. Cody says that makes more sense, since Christine just got called in and she had been asking for medication.


8:42 PM BBT
Caleb says he thinks they've had some of the hardest competitions of any season. He says they had to skate on soap for two and a half hours, uphill with a scoop that barely held water. He says the slush had to have been a strategy. Caleb says he didn't know he was allowed to grab the slush, so he didn't. He said if he had known that, the comp would have been over way sooner. Cody says did your container have a ton of slush like Christine's? Cause her tub was halfway full of the slush. We keep getting fish as they are discussing production. Cody asks if production is calling them out. Caleb says, "It could be us, but it might be someone else."


8:45 PM BBT
Caleb tells Cody it can't be the 29th, because the 1st is Monday. The voice says, "Derrick, open that mouth let me hear a holla." Cody and Caleb start laughing. They think the hollas are "mad funny." Caleb thinks there are 24 days left. Caleb says his brother wrote his HoH letter after the season had started because he called him Beast Mode Cowboy. Caleb says he didn't get a letter in his first HoH, but then got one from his mom and then one from his brother, Blake.


8:48 PM BBT
Caleb says he hopes for a Pandora's Box. Cody says he does too. He just wants to see how it works. Caleb says knowning his luck, America's Favorite Player will be gone for the season and all the houseguests will get 5k and he'll be stuck with Andy for an hour in the room. Cody says that happened in S14 with Ian. He got stuck with Rachel talking about herself while all the house guests got a message from home. Cody says he's so glad they got messages from home. Caleb says even Donny, who was going home, got one. Cody says it was nice for Donny to get to see how much his family and town is proud of him. He says he cannot wait to find out who Donny really is outside of the house. Caleb says it would have been more sick for the message to have been live like Skype. Caleb says that wouldn't happen though because of the risk of people spilling game secrets.


8:52 PM BBT
Cody tells Caleb that Christine is super down in the dumps because she got nominated. Cody told her to pick it up because they all want her to stay. Caleb says next week's hoh is so important. Cody agrees. Cody tells Caleb that he thought he wouldn't put Nicole on as have not again, because Frankie is ruthless and would kill someone before admitting defeat, but Caleb and Cody both feel bad when they have to do that to house guests. They both agree that Nicole cannot win this week's pov, so that they don't have to go to plan B. Caleb says that with his brain power and Derrick, Frankie, and Cody they would crush Nicole at any brain competition. Cody and Caleb start studying nominations and before and after scenarios.


8:55 PM BBT
Caleb suddenly perks up and says, "I don't think Derrick has ever been on the block, has he?" Cody laughs and says, "Nope." Caleb says, "Dang. He's good, because the rest of us have." They watch the hoh cameras and say that Christine is coming to the room and she always does whenever anyone talks longer than ten minutes anywhere. Caleb says, "I've been on the block a few times myself." Cody says, "Yeah you have."


8:57 PM BBT
Caleb realizes that Donny, Nicole, and Derrick all nominated him. Cody says, "Derrick nominated you because you volunteered!" Cody says, when Nicole nominated you it was more of a we don't trust Zach thing. Cody and Caleb says they both want to make F2. Cody says the videos made it seem so real that we are so close. He wants to make his family proud and they'll be devastated if they go out this close to the end. He knows his dad will think he's an idiot if he loses now. Caleb says his brother told him he's either getting 500k or new friends, but he has plenty of friends, so come home with the money.

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9:00 PM BBT Caleb tells Cody that he has a feeling if he goes on the block, he will be leaving the house. He says it's going to really suck when Derrick, Frankie, Cody and him in the F4. Caleb says Christine will probably go home on the DE, because he knows Victoria is not beating them. He says he'd hate to be the 4th person, and then have to be the one to go. Cody says his stomach jumped on that one also.


9:03 PM BBT Caleb says that Derrick and Frankie are ruthless, and they won't be afraid send someone home. Caleb says he hopes Cody or Derrick are the HOH to go to the F3. Cody says if he wins, then Caleb will definitely go with him. Cody says he has to get through the next couple weeks, and he has to get to that point. Caleb says Frankie has crossed them all up, but he's still his good friend. Cody says Zach was a snake. He says the ones that play it dirty, are looked at as playing the game the right way. Christine is in the KT with Frankie and Nicole, and asks if everyone's hips still hurt. Derrick gets a DAD BOT Holla. Nicole is cooking slop in a pan on the stove.


9:06 PM BBT Caleb and Cody discuss the comps for the F3. Frankie asks if Victoria is upstairs, and Christine says that's a good question, she may be in the fire room. Christine is eating at the KT table. Caleby says he would actually hate to play the game the way he's playing, and be the 3rd person from last to leave, and not go to the F2. Cody tells Caleb that the F2 literally walk out together to the stage, and he says he would love to get to that point. Cody says you take who you think you can beat in the final. Caleb says you never know how they are going to vote. He says Derrick's never done anything wrong to anyone, and he could get the votes. Cody says he just wants to get there, and then he can go through each person. Frankie says he finished the garlic.


9:10 PM BBT Cody says next week will be huge with the DE. Cody says you have to win to be safe. Caleb says, with people like Cody in the house, he feels safe even if he doesn't win. Cody talks about the F4, and that head of household holding a lot of power. Christine asks Frankie what to do with the tuna now, and he says he's going to put it in the fridge, and make a salad tomorrow. She asks what type of container he stores it in? She goes to the sink, and says hi to the camera by the sink, as she's getting a container out of the dish strainer. She laughs, because the camera is following her.


9:12 PM BBT Caleb tells Cody that if he and Frankie make it to the F2, he feels he will win, and Cody agrees. Caleb and Cody talk about things they will do when they leave. Cody says he hopes his brother was going through his Twitter. Caleb says he's going to put that Cody needs a modeling job when he gets out of the house, and put it on his blog. Caleb tells him that there could be stuff waiting for them right now, they just don't know yet. Cody says he never has said anything racial or discriminatory. He says what if he's done something that people don't like. Caleb says he has said the R word a couple times. Christine got called to the DR.


9:17 PM BBT Caleb says that Donny went to see his alliance members today. Cody says, and Nicole will follow him, and they will all be a happy jury, and they have Zach there. Caleb talks about the comps not falling when he wins the HOH comps, so he would miss the ones he really wants to do. Victoria goes in the KT, and Nicole asks her if she was laying down. Caleb says, don't you think it's funny how she played a good game, but didn't say who she is. Caleb says he likes Jessie from last season, and that she had a donk. Cody says the same thing. They both talk about all the girls last season being hot or smoke bombs.


9:19 PM BBT Cody says that is Amanda was on this season, she may be hotter than Amber. Caleb says in a way, Brittany was hotter than Amber. Caleb says he can't wait to get out, and for Amber to say she never said that. He says she was an all around good girl. Cody says he wants him to see it also, because she told Cody stuff right to his face. Nicole is mixing slop, and saying they're hard this time.


9:22 PM BBT Cody says he was talking to Amber, and someone around said Caleb is the R word, and Cody says he told Amber she made a big mistake. Christine comes out of the DR. Frankie gets called to the DR. He starts singing that he's all done cooking and cleaning. Christine walks up to the HoHR eating a banana and drinking a red liquid drink. Christine says the DR told her the medic is gone. She says she doesn't think she's getting anything for her couch. She says that neither one of the girls will talk to her. She says they talked a lot today, and neither one of them will talk to her, or look at her now. She says she really doesn't care. She seems to be trying to read their lips looking at the TV screen.


9:25 PM BBT Victoria leaves the Dining Room table. Nicole is still sitting there and says, "Hayden, you are so cute." She is looking at his picture on the memory wall. Caleb rehashes to Cody and Christine what Nicole said to him last night, with embellishments. Victoria comes out of the WA, and goes back to the Dining Room table. Caleb says she is lying through her teeth about wanting to work with him, because he hasn't heard anything in the DR about it, and he says she never talked game to him ever before. Caleb says he hopes they all smoke her tomorrow. Christine says, not just beat her, smoke the hell out of her. Caleb says, he hopes that she doesn't even stand a chance in the comp tomorrow. Christine says she did terrible in yesterday's comp.


9:29 PM BBT Nicole says her hair looks awful, and she did a DR session. She says she is already having a rough week, and she doesn't care. We hear, "You are not allowed to talk about production,"  a couple times. Nicole was telling Victoria that the 2nd person evicted has to go to a hotel. Victoria was shocked. Derrick goes to the Dining Room table with the girls, and gets 2 Holla shout-outs. He responds to both of them. Cody says it probably just clicked for Nicole today that she may go again next week. Caleb talks about yesterday's comp, and the fact that he may have to get surgery on the gland on his chest. He says it's from corn tortilla's. Cody gets called to the DR, and he says he's on it. Christine asks Caleb how his knee is doing without being wrapped. He says it's o.k. Christine talks and talks, and we hear, "You are not allowed to talk about production."


9:34 PM BBT Caleb and Christine still talking game. Nicole says she can't have bananas to help her with her muscles hurting from the comp yesterday. Caleb still gives reasons why he didn't put people on slop. Christine lies through her teeth to say she feels bad for Nicole, but that was the only real choice. Caleb says he really feels bad, but he had to do it. He says with a DE coming up, the comps not going to be anything really bad. Christine says it's going to be the puzzle Veto. Caleb asks if she's sure, and she says the last one was true to the first DE, so this one should be also. Christine tells Caleb about the maze board with the tracks, and how you have to go back and forth, to find the right way to go.


9:37 PM BBT Caleb says he's good at puzzles and mazes. Christine says good, because she doesn't know how she would do. Nicole tells Victoria how she won't be in the house that long. Nicole tells Victoria she'll be signing the self-eviction paperwork, and they both laugh. Nicole says she saved her life, now she should save hers. Frankie is up in HoHR talking about what clothes he wears in the winter. Victoria is whispering so low to Nicole, we couldn't hear what she was saying. Nicole says that Hayden says she needs to get a tattoo of a knife sticking out of her back, with Christine's name on it. Victoria says she can pin point the good people in the house. Nicole asks if it's fill-ins. She says they are playing good, because they are still there. Cody comes out of DR, and is singing. We hear, "Please stop singing." Nicole says her slop is so good, and she would eat it every day of her life, jokingly.


9:43 PM BBT Caleb gets called to the DR. Victoria walks away from the Dining Room table, and she is walking with a limp, and looking in the mirror. Cody is sitting at the Dining Room table with Nicole. They both tell Victoria that he butt looks good in the black pants she has on. Cody tells Nicole to use the powder from the slop, or you won't get anything. Nicole tells Cody that Derrick is laying down. He says, "What an ass clown, it's only 9:40 p.m. Nicole says she done, and Cody tells her good job. Cody asks how the mushrooms are, and she says they are good, but Frankie made it with so much oil.


9:46 PM BBT Christine says that Victoria knows she's F'd. Frankie says that Nicole can't win tomorrow. Christine keeps saying she will be in the F5. Nicole and Cody talk about the ages of the HG's this year, and in previous seasons. Christine is playing with her feet on the couch in the HoHR. Then she starts playing with her banana peel. She starts singing, and then says she hopes the comp is Before and After. Frankie says if it's America majority, they win, but he doubts it. Frankie says we need to get Nicole out, that's it. Christine says it would suck if Victoria won the Veto, and used it on Nicole. She then says, Victoria win it, that's a joke. Christine tells Frankie that Victoria won't look at her or talk to her. Frankie says he left her downstairs to go upstairs, so she's probably with Derrick.


9:50 PM BBT Christine says Nicole is good with her words, because she lies and makes ups stuff. Frankie asks how they didn't know she was such a monster. Frankie says she is calculating, conniving, and manipulating, and they can't believe it. He says, "We just nee to f*cking not let her win tomorrow." General chit-chat is going on with Cody, Victoria and Nicole. Cody asks what Derrick is doing? Victoria says it doesn't matter. He says that he though she was just back there with him, and she tells him to go back there. HG's keep getting called out for talking to production. Christine leaves the HoHR. Cody sings, and we hear, "Cody, please stop singing."


9:54 PM BBT Christine goes in the ice room to see Derrick. He does shout-outs to Joker's, Hamster Watch, Feedsters, friends and family back home. He wants anyone that is actually rooting for him to keep it up. He says, "FYI, being a HN, f*cking sucks." He is lying on the ice block bed. He says the constant Feedsters know everything going on in the house, and they see more than just the shows. He says Donny was a good guy, and they tried to save him, but it would have blown them up completely. He says it would of drawn a line with the Detonators, and TA. He says he would of lost his closest ally in the house, Cody. He says he hopes he is forgiven. He asks if viewers have any advice on how to win the game, if so, he would like it. He says there's not a lot of people left in the house now. Seven, geez, that's crazy.


9:57 PM BBT Derrick says that we should remember Jerry lying in bed talking to himself, and now he's doing it. He says, he knows there are people watching him though. He says he misses everyone back at the Police Department, and obviously he misses his family. He lies there, and says he's studying. We see him using his fingers to count, and talking under his breath to remember things. He is counting the comps people have one. Christine joins Victoria, Cody and Nicole at the Dining Room table, and they are trying to remember what order the HG's were evicted last season.


10:00 PM BBT Cody says last season had a lot go down in the first 30 days. He says it wasn't good for CBS, but it was entertaining. Christine slurps something from her glass that she is using a spoon for. Cody gets told to go to the SR. Christine asks him what he's going to get, and he says he has no idea. He comes out of the SR with a basket of beer and wine. There is also face paint and Playdoh. Cody says they got a lot of alcohol, and there's a comp tomorrow. Nicole takes a canister of Playdoh, and sets it on the table, and gets up. Christine asks Victoria if she's ever tasted Playdoh, or she says no. Christine puts the Playdoh to her tongue, and tastes it. She asks Cody if he's ever tasted it, and he says, yes, it's so banging. He then says, no, he's never tasted it. She tells him it's salty that's all. Derrick gets to Hollas, and he doesn't respond.


10:07 PM BBT Frankie sits down at the Dining Room table, and takes several canisters of the Playdoh. He says he's inspired. Christine says she wants Cody to get rowdy from drinking, and Frankie says, he wonders why. Christine says she likes it when Cody is rowdy, he's so funny. Cody has gotten called out twice now to stop singing some more. Victoria says her activity tracker is on 3. Cody says she has an ankle brace on and shouldn't be walking, and is getting her bracelet up. Caleb goes by the Dining Room table also. He asks why they got this stuff, and Cody says probably because they are board. Frankie says how much he loves Playdoh. Caleb says they told him he will play with the Playdoh when he was younger, and he never touched it. He says he always played with a Hacky Sack. Nicole says she played with one also, and they need a rolling pin. Frankie is pounding the table. HG's want to save the alcohol until tomorrow night, after the comp.


10:12 PM BBT Frankie keeps singing, and Cody is as well. Christine says she can't wait until she gets out of the house to watch Family Guy. Cody says he's found 2 pubic hairs in the Playdoh. HG's say that Derrick is sleeping. Christine is making a snake, and says she needs a tongue. Nicole asks Christine about the sticks she's using, and she tells Nicole where she found them. She gets herself and Victoria some. Nicole says, "What the heck bracelet, stay on." Christine comments on the how they are building in the BY. She says, they have been building forever. Christine and Nicole sing a little, and get told to, "Please, stop singing." Everyone at the table is making things out of Playdoh. It's actually really quiet. Then Cody has to sing low, and Christine has to answer back.


10:16 PM BBT Christine needs grey for the tongue for her snake, and asks if she should use black. Frankie is mixing colors to make what he is making. Christine wants to draw tattoos on HG's tomorrow with body paint. Derrick is sleeping in the ice room, and  doesn't have any covers on. HG's seem to be very into what they are creating with the Playdoh, and are staying quiet. Frankie keeps saying things here and there. It looks like Cody is making a flower.


10:22 PM BBT Derrick wakes up, and goes into the Dining Room. He gets a Holla shout-out, and he responds back. He gets another Holla, and responds again. He asks if he can get a DAD BOT, and they give him a DAD BOT Holla. HG's ask him if he wants to play with Playdoh. Derrick asks if Caleb is upstairs, and they all say yes. He goes to HoHR, and asks Caleb how his leg is, and he tells him it's o.k. He tells Derrick how he and Cody were talking some game earlier, and they were talking about the F4, and that HOH is crucial. Caleb says at the end if it's him, Frankie and Derrick, and Cody has to choose, he thinks Frankie would go. Derrick tells Caleb in the end, you don't know how the jury will view you.


10:26 PM BBT Derrick says that Caleb and Cody are his two top contenders to win the game. Cody says he's done with his flower, and Frankie tells him to put yellow in the center so it looks fertile. Derrick is saying that 5 people have to go before the finale, and 6 have to go for them to win. Derrick says the only way he will know what's actually going on in the show, is to go home and watch the show back. Derrick and Caleb continue to talk game, and Caleb is listening to music. Derrick tells Caleb that he never told Cody about his and Frankie's F2 deal. He says that's not his place. Victoria is making hearts out of different colored Playdoh, and stacking them, with a scene next to it. Caleb tells Derrick that he's the only person in the house that hasn't been on the block. Derrick says it's because he doesn't run his mouth. He tells Caleb that he talks a lot, and that's why he's been on the block.


10:32 PM BBT Cody brings Chardonnay and puts it in the fridge. Frankie wants to experiment with the black for eyes. Christine says the black is very hard to work with. Caleb keeps telling Derrick that he doesn't think Frankie would beat him at the finale. Derrick says, you take the person you are going to win against. He says there's a big difference in money amount if you lose. Caleb gets on his soap box for what he would say at the finale. Derrick says nobody is going to take Frankie or Cody over him, unless he does something really stupid. Frankie is heading upstairs. Derrick says they are talking to long. Frankie walks in the HoHR, and asks if they can see his pumpkin. Frankie says he succeeded in breaking up the friendship between Christine and Nicole. He says Nicole is alone in the house, and is trying to get Victoria on her side. Frankie says Christine could easily have Victoria in her back pocket, because she is so vulnerable.


Cody is putting face paint on Christine. Caleb says it looks like Cody and Christine are kissing. Frankie says Cody is probably writing I love you on her face. Derrick says that Christine will have Cody and Victoria is her back pocket. Frankie says he asked Victoria if she wants to have alcohol tonight, and she says no, because there is a comp tomorrow. Frankie says, so what does that mean exactly for her? He says he can beat Victoria at anything, but he would have to be playing for that to happen. Frankie thinks it's going to be physical tomorrow. Caleb says, bring it. Frankie asks if he feels better today, and he says yes, but sore.


10:42 PM BBT ALL 3 guys in the HoHR are saying if it's a physical comp tomorrow, that Nicole will not beat them in it. Caleb says they can get it right tomorrow (meaning alcohol). Christine is all giddy because of Cody drawing on her face. The HG's in the HoHR are talking about a sticky comp, and the possibility of that for tomorrow's comp. They say you have to walk like a praying mantis. Christine looks at her face in the mirror, and she loves it. Cody is going to finish painting Christine's face, and she won't stop coughing all over the place, and using her Chapstick. He says it's the dopest. HoHR convo is still about game. Derrick says this is the last week where someone won't play in the Veto. Caleb says, literally after next week, there will only be 5 people left in the house.


10:48 PM BBT Caleb says that those left in the F5, besides Christine and Victoria, the rest of them have played the game. Derrick says they have been playing the past two weeks. Frankie says they've been playing the game all along. Caleb says if he and Cody are in the F2, that Nicole would vote for him to win over Cody. Derrick says you never know, and Frankie says, that will never happen. Derrick tells Caleb about the people that game back in the house, and how they reacted when they were there. Cody is having way to much fun painting Christine's face at the Dining Room table. Victoria asks Cody is he smokes, and he says never, ever, he's repulsed by them. Christine says, "It gets really tight. It gets so tight when it dries." (Talking about the face paint.) Victoria is drawing a design on Nicole's leg. Christine looks at her face from far away, and laughs.


10:53 PM BBT Frankie, Derrick and Caleb are studying in the HoHR, for the upcoming comp. The other 4 HG's are still at the KT table using the face paints.


10:54 PM BBT Christine is telling the HG's in the Dining Room about this paint kit that you put on your spouse and then have sex on the paper. Cody asks why they haven't done it yet, and she says she hasn't had time. She says her pastor told her about this. Derrick says if they don't win tomorrow they are f*cked. He says, they are f*cked, but not f*cked. Then Cody says f*ck downstairs. Christine says, she wonders if she will say the F word before the end of the season.


10:57 PM BBT Frankie says they have to break up these girls. Frankie asks if Nicole has ever won a Veto, and Derrick says no, and he says, let's not let tomorrow be the first. He doesn't want to send home Christine. Caleb says it would be cool if they had a military related comp, and they could dress up in uniforms. Derrick says that would be cool.


10:58 PM BBT Christine asks Cody if she's getting scary, and he's says, it's not, not scary. She looks at herself in the mirror, and keeps coughing everywhere. Caleb is talking about Kathy Griffin coming in the house. We see FoTH. Feeds come back and Frankie leaves the HoHR, and talks in his British accent. He says he's going to the DR, to see if he can take off his face. He passes Victoria painting Nicole's leg, and says how great it is. Nicole says you never know what's going to happen. Cody says it's really cool. Christine leaves the HoHR, and is coughing all over the house.


11:02 PM BBT Caleb tells Derrick that no one in the audience even knew who Frankie's sister was when she was there. Derrick says it would be a conflict of interest if she was a guest on the show, because of her brother being on the show. Caleb keeps saying he might be America's Favorite Player. Frankie goes back to HoHR, and says, "F*ck, where's my drink?" He says, "Where are the f*cking ice cubes, and I'll take some of the Gatorade, please, please, please." Caleb tells him to go ahead, and drink it up. Caleb says his ribs are sore, and Frankie says his are also.

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