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Wednesday, August 13 Live Feed Updates


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9:02pm Frankie and Cody are doing all the dance moves together as Cody has learned really quick.derrick is heading upstairs to the HOH rm. Caleb is making  ice coffee as he talks to Victoria. Christine is in the LVR still playing with the jenga blocks alone.


9:12pm Caleb says he is waiting for the after party for a lady to come to him and ask how much a polar bear weights and  when  she says how much he will say you are really close but just enough to break the ice. Christine says that is really good.


9:21pm Cody and Zach in hoh as Cody says he thinks  this will be the last of the Double hoh and next week will go to single. Nicole walks in and says i don't have your votes right? She says i am not giving yup but i want to look nice walking out so i just want to know and zach says yeah and Nicole tells then it sucks it just sucks you know what i mean?


9:23pm Zach says i have done alot of stupid crap in this game i mean stupid crap but i have good friends in this game that has my back.Nicole says i know Julie is going to ask me about things and zach says i give you permission to talk crap about me all you want.


 9:26pm Cody picks Nicole up and puts her in his lap and snuggles her as she says she is scared she will be sequestered by herself and zach says no you will go to jury with Hayden and jacosta.

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#BB16 9:33PM BBT Christine and Victoria in the bathroom contemplating whether or not next week will be another double eviction.


#BB16 9:36pm BBT Caleb and Zach in the HoH bedroom mention all the times Cody has snuggled with Christine.


#BB16 9:39pm BBT Derrick laying down alone in the fire room staring at the ceiling.


‪#‎BB16‬ 9:42pm BBTCaleb and Cody tells Zach, Nicole, and Victoria in the HoH room about when Frankie told the guys about his sister Ariana Grande they didn't know who she is and were laughing at him.


#BB16 9:44pm BBT Talk in the HoH bedroom with turns to Caleb coyote hunting. Frankie joins the group.


#BB16 9:48pm BBT Caleb is showing Frankie and Christine in the HoH room funny noises with his throat as well as turkey gobbles.


#‎BB16‬ 9:52pm BBT Derrick goes between the earth room and fire room picking up clothes. Victoria laid down in the fire room but her and Derrick are not speaking. The rest of the house guests are in the HoH bedroom, besides Nicole and Donny playing jenga in the living room.


‪#‎BB16‬ 9:55pm Zach and Caleb imitate Victoria in the HoH bedroom saying her strategy is to "look pretty and play dumb", also how she is happy that she made it to the top 7. Donny and Nicole in the living room say who they trust, including Hayden but everyone else can't be trusted.

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10:01 PM BBT Nicole and Donny playing Jenga in the LR, discussing game strategy after tomorrow for whoever is left in the house. While Caleb is putting on a show for Cody, Derrick, Frankie, Zach and Christine in the HoHR.


10:03 PM BBT Convo in the HoHR is about putting Donny up, because whoever goes up with him will throw the comp, and Victoria will not win anything, so they want her as the BD option. They said unless one or both of them win HOH. Caleb says how he wants to get the full basket, with pictures, and have the HoHR as his. Then he rehashes his HOH win from last week. Derrick says, "OMG, here we go again." Victoria walks by the LR, and Donny tells her she will ruin her slippers. Victoria says she knows she's such a dragger (with her feet). She joins Nicole and Donny playing Jenga, and says she hasn't gotten her period in the 3 months. Convo in HoHR goes to Caleb and Frankie mud wrestling in the nude, and they both would get hard on's. He starts talking about a girl he used to date, and how she used to look like Jessica Simpson. He mentions another girl’s name, and all cams go to LR.


10:09 PM BBT Donny tells Victoria she should become a dentist, and pull people's teeth. She says, she is supposed to marry her best guy friend. Nicole says, they should of given her the Jenga game earlier, and she could of played risky with it, and safe with BB. She jokingly says, "Thanks a lot."


10:11 PM BBT Nicole screams as the Jenga pieces fall. Victoria goes to the KT to make a surprise for Nicole. Donny asks, is it going to be a blonde bomb shell. Victoria says, no, Nicole is a blonde bombshell. Nicole says, all the blondes will be gone. Donny and Nicole start another game of Jenga. She says she wants to pass 31 layers. He says it's not going to happen now, because it's late, and he's already jittery. He says he tomorrow's going to be a bad day, and he's ready to get this one over with. Victoria comes out of SR, and tells Nicole not to look, and Donny tells her she's carrying 4 items to the KT. Donny asks Nicole if there's a medical condition that someone gets stuck in, and never grows up, and Nicole says, she's never heard of one. They he asks if there's a condition that someone gets stuck in where they always look in the mirror to check themselves out, and drag their feet, and it all can stem from being carried away by a crow when you're 2 years old.


10:17 PM BBT Donny and Nicole are both saying how they can't stand Christine's laugh, and how it's so fake. Donny says how she was rubbing all on Cody on the couch, and he says, he's never seen anything like that with teenagers. He says she might be a saboteur, and she's way to confident. Nicole says she thought they were married, until she saw pictures of Tim. Victoria gets called to DR. Production tells all in HoHR to stop talking about production. Then production says, "Caleb, I recognize that English can be a difficult language for you to comprehend, but, stop, still means, stop." Donny says, he comprehends very little. Donny asks Victoria if she heard that when she walks by, and she says, yes, and he and Nicole laugh.


10:20 PM BBT Donny asks if there is a medical condition where someone laughs all the time. Nicole says she thinks there is, and it's called kissing butt. Donny says he has OCD. Nicole says she wishes she could of talked about Christine's laugh before she leaves the house. Donny tells her to go and push that button. She says there would probably have to be a lot of people talking about it. He tells her to go ahead and push the button. Donny tells Nicole about Cody's baby voice, and acts it out. Nicole says, he should man up. Donny says, at least Zach don't act like that. The Jenga pieces fall.


10:23 PM BBT Nicole gets told to move her microphone higher. Donny says he though she was going to get called into the DR. He laughs when Victoria walks by, and tells Victoria she's always going around in circles. Donny tells Nicole that Hayden was his favorite guy in the house by far. Donny says he won't be mad at her, he might be disappointed. He says he may just be happy to see her, and there won't be any cameras. He says he's probably like he is outside of the house. She says he's a genuine person. She says, she tried so hard to, won HOH, and gets screwed over, by going along with their plan. HoHR convo is about piercings.


10:28 PM BBT Caleb telling stories about products in HoHR, and how a company wanted him to do commercials, but because he wasn't sponsored by the company, so he couldn't do it. Nicole and Donny playing with the Jengas blocks making things, and Donny says, it may be him leaving.


10:30 PM BBT Caleb talking about hog hunting in the HoHR, playing with a yellow chicken in his hand, showing how it works. Donny talking about how the alliance uses Caleb for his muscles and stupidity. They are building little houses. They are discussing that there has to be some kind of twist with Christine. Donny says, he's been around a lot of weird people in his life, but nothing like this. Nicole says, she doesn't think BB is showing this, because she's married, and being so flirty, and this way with Cody, and people are just o.k. with it. She says how Hayden said it was annoying him, and she started noticing it more. She says how Cody and Christine were talking dirty when they were sitting on the couch a little while ago. They both agree it's weird, and how she shouldn't be telling him how attractive he is.

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10:45 PM BBT Donny and Nicole still playing Jenga. In, HOH, a lot of small talk going on about the trip outside of the house.


10:55 PM BBT Small talk all over the house. In the HOH Caleb and Derrick discuss Amber saying how much of a beast she said she was at comps. Derrick says she beat everyone at chess at least once. Caleb says he talked to her for hours once about how confident she was.


11:05 PM BBT Zach and Victoria have migrated downstairs to eat and make small talk with Nicole about food. Donny talks about wanting to go to bed. Cody, Derrick, Christine, and Frankie go over next week’s game plan. They agree that the week should be easy in theory as long as Vic/Don don't win HOH. They all agree they can't win so no big deal.


11:15 PM BBT Nicole is discussing her fear of the paranormal so Caleb starts making ghost sounds and she hates it. Caleb throws a slipper at her from the balcony of HOH and she jumps and screams. Christine locked herself out of HOH.


11:30 pm BBT Prep for HOH has started!! Nicole saw our first skeleton in the two way mirrors, then Frankie saw one in the WA (Flash back to 11:24 BBT exactly). Now all of our HGs are grouped in the fire room egging them on. They get what they ask for and skeletons show up in multiple two way mirrors. They are all screaming and Caleb can be seen cowering behind a bed.


11:40 PM The HGs have now grouped in the KT and speculate about what comp it could be for and whether or not they will come in the house. They all have a good laugh about how they reacted in the fire room. Zach grabbed derrick really hard and Frankie jumped into Cody's arms.


11:45 PM BBT Christine and Frankie head to the SR where another zombie skeleton pops up. Christine runs out of the room and Frankie runs to it screaming with his hands out. Victoria has vowed not to look at any of the mirrors. Caleb is being mean to Vic and telling her he is gonna throw her in the fire room and lock her in there.


11:55 PM BBT They all can hear production moving and they decide to sit in the rock room in the dark. Frankie jokes about the Zombies being in place already because they could hear them. Caleb, Derrick, Christine, and Victoria stay in the KT.  Nicole gets called to DR and they all think it is over.

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