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Wednesday, August 6 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.

To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb16/Big_Brother_16_Houseguest_Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)

Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)

Dining Table (DT)

Living Room (LR)

Back Yard (BY)

Bedroom (BR)

Indoor Lock Down (ILD)

Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)

Head of House Room (HOHR)

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12:14am In KT, Derrick saying he's bored and that's why he's eating at midnight. Jocasta agrees and says she hates bored eating.

12:15am In BY Zach asking Caleb, Cody, Frankie if the vote will be 8-0 to vote out Jocasta in the backyard. Everyone hims and haws, and they say maybe 7-1 because of Donny. [poor, dumb Zach - bblurkerplus]

12:17am Zach hoping there's a double evict this coming week, still plotting for weeks he won't be in the house.

12:18am Caleb points out that on a double evict week, there's no time for a BotB, so it will have to be single HoH from then on. Caleb also says Nicole is not dumb, and a good competitor with 2 HoH's and almost a PoV. Christine and Nicole can win comps from here out because they're superfans and they know the game and what to do (strategies).

12:21am Caleb says in the house he has had dreams about his Ex, about Amber, about Frankie, about war, crazy dreams. Frankie asks if he ever had PTSD. Caleb says yes, and his dad had to watch him for 6 months when he got back at the direction of Caleb's military doctors.

12:55am after about 20 painful minutes of begging in the HoH, Hayden FINALLY gets a kiss from Nicole.

12:58am Hayden gets a few more kisses. Calls Nicole the most adorable little dingus ever. He's on a roll - FINALLY.

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12:05 AM BBT Donny heads to bed. Jocasta grabs Derrick for nightly prayer before she lays down. Caleb is marveling about being on slop for four out the five past weeks. In the BY Zach, Christine, and Cody are talking about friends back home. Back up in hoh, Caleb says he would like to come back to the show as an all-star.

12:15 AM BBT After prayer time, Derrick and Jocasta talk about her having his vote. He tells her to go up to Hayden and feel him out for his vote. Derrick says the goal for double eviction is just to survive. They agree that Victoria is very sheltered, but also is very smart. Derrick says he cannot feel out Donny because he tries to talk game with him and gets nothing back. Derrick says he asks Donny who he would put up. Donny asks back and says okay when Derrick is done talking and that's it.

12:25 AM BBT In the BY Caleb has joined them. They are speaking about upcoming comps and who has won what previously. Frankie also joins them and they start talking about the veto where dates are asked. Caleb says he will be bad about it because he has dreamed since them. Caleb says that this is where Nicole and Christine are going to kick it into high gear because it is getting later into the game. Frankie moves on to asking if Caleb has PTSD from his deployment. Caleb says they thought he did at first but he doesn't think he does.

12:35 AM BBT Caleb talks about shooting during combat while deployed. He says his dad has PTSD real bad but he does not. Upstairs, Hayden, Nicole, and Christine are talking about muscles and flexing, In HOH Hayden has seemed to have lost it and has the KT up on the HOH screen. He is talking about forming alliances with chairs and watching out for blue plates. He moves on to talk about new tattoo ideas.

12:50 AM BBT Christine leaves hoh and Hayden tries to get in some cuddle time with Nicole. She keeps shutting him down when he tries to make out with her. She does maintain interest however by asking him to hang out in her home town when they leave the house. She tells him maybe they can make out tomorrow. By the pool table, Frankie is saying to explain voting out Zach by saying that he threw them under the bus. Christine says she is sorry to her mom and Tim for being inappropriate at times.

1:00 AM BBT Derrick and Frankie are playing pool. Victoria, Caleb, and Victoria walk over to the hammock and Cody freaks out because ants are all over the beanbags. Upstairs in hoh Nicole gives in and they kiss, well make out. She tells him he smells and they kiss some more. He calls her a dingus and she yells at him.

12:05 AM BBT Donny heads to bed. Jocasta grabs Derrick for nightly prayer before she lays down. Caleb is marveling about being on slop for four out the five past weeks. In the BY Zach, Christine, and Cody are talking about friends back home. Back up in hoh, Caleb says he would like to come back to the show as an all-star.

12:15 AM BBT After prayer time, Derrick and Jocasta talk about her having his vote. He tells her to go up to Hayden and feel him out for his vote. Derrick says the goal for double eviction is just to survive. They agree that Victoria is very sheltered, but also is very smart. Derrick says he cannot feel out Donny because he tries to talk game with him and gets nothing back. Derrick says he asks Donny who he would put up. Donny asks back and says okay when Derrick is done talking and that's it.

12:25 AM BBT In the BY Caleb has joined them. They are speaking about upcoming comps and who has won what previously. Frankie also joins them and they start talking about the veto where dates are asked. Caleb says he will be bad about it because he has dreamed since them. Caleb says that this is where Nicole and Christine are going to kick it into high gear because it is getting later into the game. Frankie moves on to asking if Caleb has PTSD from his deployment. Caleb says they thought he did at first but he doesn't think he does.

12:35 AM BBT Caleb talks about shooting during combat while deployed. He says his dad has PTSD real bad but he does not. Upstairs, Hayden, Nicole, and Christine are talking about muscles and flexing, In HOH Hayden has seemed to have lost it and has the KT up on the HOH screen. He is talking about forming alliances with chairs and watching out for blue plates. He moves on to talk about new tattoo ideas.

12:50 AM BBT Christine leaves hoh and Hayden tries to get in some cuddle time with Nicole. She keeps shutting him down when he tries to make out with her. She does maintain interest however by asking him to hang out in her home town when they leave the house. She tells him maybe they can make out tomorrow. By the pool table, Frankie is saying to explain voting out Zach by saying that he threw them under the bus. Christine says she is sorry to her mom and Tim for being inappropriate at times.

1:00 AM BBT Derrick and Frankie are playing pool. Victoria, Caleb, and Victoria walk over to the hammock and Cody freaks out because ants are all over the beanbags. Upstairs in hoh Nicole gives in and they kiss, well make out. She tells him he smells and they kiss some more. He calls her a dingus and she yells at him.

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1:37am Caleb in KT figuring out that some are playing another game in the house. There's another level of game in the house (Team America!), and people are getting called to the DR in the middle of the night - those ones are in this other game. Caleb says it's probably like Dan - hugging people to finish missions for like $25 grand. Caleb goes out to ask Derrick (the irony) if it was Dan that got the money for the special missions. Derrick rolls off the order of the missions Dan did. Christine disagrees. Someone pipes up with "how much are you getting paid?" Derrick ignores it.

1:42am Caleb rubbing an icecube on his left nipple (???) while he talks to Cody and Zach in the KT. Caleb is looking at the people being called to the DR one after the other to try to figure out who is playing this other level of game. Derrick comes back in to overload on the Dan trivia to throw the scent off him for Team America guilt.

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03:03:44 AM BBT Frankie, Derrick, and Caleb discussing final four while playing pool. Caleb says the final four will be Frankie, Derrick, Caleb and Hayden. Caleb says he is "ride or die" with Frankie and Derrick till the end.

03:06:13 AM BBT Derrick is slamming Zach hard about the way he is talking to the girls in the house. Brings up how he talked to Nicole and how he has made several of the girls cry. Derrick says if he was Victoria's dad he would be waiting for him outside the house and "take an arrest" and knock his F'ing teeth out after the way Zach has talked to Victoria. Derrick said as a father he feels like he should say something but he knows he cant because its a game and could cost him the money.

03:11:09 AM BBT Caleb says if he wins HOH he would nominate Donny and Nicole. Frankie immediately says no, to backdoor Donny so he can't play in POV and protect himself. But Caleb says due to percentages he would probably get picked to play in it anyway. Caleb says that any and every chance they get to put Donny up they need to take it.

03:22:31 AM BBT Caleb says he doesn't feel bad for voting Amber out. Derrick agrees and says "she was trying to play you and that is why she got sent home." All the other house guests are sleeping while Derrick, Frankie, and Caleb are in the BY playing pool. It seems Derrick and Frankie has caught Caleb up on all the side talk the Detonators have had. Frankie tells Derrick and Caleb he seriously loves them.

03:30:00 AM BBT Caleb says they have a cancer in the house, referring to Zach, and they have to get rid of it. That he is impulsive and they never know what he is going to do. Frankie says that is the problem with forming an alliance on day 2, you never know what nut jobs you are aligning yourself with because you don't know anyone too well yet.

03:33:26 AM BBT Derrick, Frankie, and Caleb have stopped the game talk and went to just playing pool and general chit chat. Zach has gotten up and went to the BR and then went to look out the sliding door to the BY. Derrick says again that he didn't want to stay up this late but he had to talk to them sooner rather than later.

03:46:34 AM BBT It seems the 3 playing pool are getting sleepy and they agree when they finish the game they are on that they are going to bed. Caleb says he is going to put his fit tracker in Derricks pocket and then in Hayden's while he runs and wants to sleep all day tomorrow. They have slowed down on talking and just general chit chat about the shots they are taking in their pool game. Hayden and Donny seem to be tossing and turning a lot while they sleep.

03:54:26 AM BBT Caleb brings up and says it is great this week that Nicole can't play in the upcoming HOH. Talk then turns to the way Hayden's hands are when he walks or puts them down on a table. They then go back to discussing pool and how Frankie had never played before and now he is a pool shark.

03:58:56 AM BBT Frankie and Caleb argue about the rules they came up with while playing pool. You can tell both are getting aggravated at each other. Frankie gets his hoodie back from Caleb and says he is washing his face and going to bed. As soon as Frankie leaves the BY, Derrick says he stayed up just to talk to Caleb. He goes back to the day in the beehive when they agreed to back up each other. They give each other five and say final 2. They both say they are going to BR then going to bed.

04:03:26 AM BBT Derrick, Frankie, and Caleb have moved from the BY to BR to get ready for bed. Derrick reminds Frankie he will need to bundle up since he will be in have not room. Frankie says "thank you very much I know." Derrick says he has a weird feeling Thursday won't be DE. Frankie says they can discuss scenarios if it'll make him feel better and Derrick says heck no he is going to bed. When Derrick leaves Frankie and Caleb say the only 2 people they don't have control over is Donny and Jocasta, and they sort of have control over Nicole through Hayden and Christine.

04:09:40 AM BBT Frankie and Caleb are in the BR discussing the different scenarios of if this Thursday isn't DE, how many more times their could feasibly be 2 HOH's, BOTB, etc and still be enough people in the house for it to work.

04:16:10 AM BBT Frankie and Caleb are discussing Zach's eviction. Frankie seems really bummed about it when it comes to the actual thought of him leaving. Caleb seems to think him and Zach may get into it if Zach starts saying stuff as he leaves. Caleb seems to think if Zach is a member of the jury he will go quietly, if he isn't then he may blow up because he is going home anyway. After that discussion, they both are just sitting quietly in the BR. Both seem deep in thought about something.

04:21:16 AM BBT Caleb asks Frankie if he thinks Amber is watching. Frankie says probably so. Caleb says he can't wait to see her again, he is going to walk up behind her, put his hands over her eyes, and say "GUESS WHO?" and that she will already know. Both give a shout out to Amber and say they miss her and love her as a person, not as a game player, and tell her goodnight. Caleb and Frankie have went to bundle up and go to bed.

04:29:05 AM BBT Frankie instead of going to be went and sat at the table near the KT in the dark and whispers shout outs to his mom, his sister Ari, then goes on to name a bunch more family members. He specifically says he misses and loves Issac and he is sorry he doesn't talk about him more. Frankie seems to be using the quiet time alone to do some serious thinking and debating. He is biting his thumb nail while just staring off like something is really bothering him.

04:35:44 AM BBT Frankie while still sitting in the dark at the table whispers to his mic while staring at the camera, "I love this show, oh my God I can't believe I am on this show. This is so cool. My hair is cool. Even being a have not is cool." Then after a few seconds says "Ok ill go to bed, goodnight I love you all." All HG's are now in bed. All is quiet in the BB House.

05:00:00 AM BBT All is still quiet in the BB House. All house guests are in bed and even the have not's seem to be sleeping rather soundly.

05:20:18 AM BBT All HG's asleep. Frankie having a hard time getting comfy on Have Not bed.

05:55:49 AM BBT Quiet as a mouse in the BB House. Every still fast asleep. They will need it with the looming DE come Thursday!!
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8:37am bbt Christine gets up and makes her way to the WC... (flashback worthy moment IF you like to hear someone blow their nose)

8:40am bbt Christine is back in bed, along with everyone else...

9:00am bbt Still waiting for the morning wakeup call

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#BB16 9:04AM BBT All HG sleeping away...dreaming of winning the big money.

#BB16 9:37AM BBT HG still sleeping.

#BB16 10:03PM BBT We have FOTH - maybe wake up time! (not that any of them will actually make it out of bed)

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#BB16 10:16 AM We are back. Nicole and Frankie in the BY. Frankie already talking about going back to sleep. Donny prepping his breakfast in the KT.

#BB16 10:18AM BBT Frankie talking to the cams in a bad English accent. He says he is going back to bed. If he doesn't get some rest, he is going to be a pissy man. In the BR we see Caleb and Christine come in and crawl back in bed.

#BB16 10:33AM BBT Donny working out and Nicole lying in the sun.

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10:50 BBT

Donny is sitting on the patio sofa following his brisk workout on the eliptical. He alternates between cupping and shaping his beard with his hands and tapping his fingers on the table. Hard to tell if he is tapping to a song in his head or tapping on an imaginary keyboard.

Nicole is the only other HG visible on the cameras. She is lying on a chaise by the pool wearing her turquoise bikini.

Donny has walked over to the free weight area of the backyard, picked up a set of hand weights and is now doing curls while looking in the mirror. Following a brief set, he is now walking at a slow pace in the shaded area of the backyard. Back to the hand weights and another set. More slow walking. Another set facing away from the mirrors. 20 reps, alternating 10 on each side, and then a few shaded laps.

11:05 BBT

Following the weight workout, Donny has joined Nicole on a chaise by the pool. No words are spoken. Donny has pulled his visor over his eyes.

The lights are on in the Havenot room and snuggled up lumps can be seen. Frankie alone on the far bed appears to be sleeping soundly following a night of trying to sleep and doing pushups in the back yard to work up a sweat and then returning to the frozen tundra.

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11:04am Donny says he did a mile and a half without his activity tracker but that's OK i get the miles and the muscles.

11:05pm Nicole tells Donny that it is good that zach will go tomorrow night and Donny says yeah is that who you want and she says yeah he just isn't good for my game.

11:06pm Donny says i wish someone would talk to Caleb and Nicole says some one is going to try today. Donny says we need to get him on our side. Nicole says if Caleb wins i will be going up and Donny says i will too. Nicole says i hope he is weak from all that slop but we will see.

11:09am Nicole ask Donny if he won tomorrow and it is a double eviction and only one hoh what will you do? He says probably Christine and Frankie and if it is a BOB situation i would say Christine and Victoria.

11:35am Frankie is up in the KT just looking around then turns to the camera and yawns and says i didn't sleep at all as he grabs his make up bag and goes to the WA where Jacosta is brushing her hair.

11:40am Frankie and Nicole one one side of the BY and Donny and jacosta on the other side putting the awnings down for BB. Frankie saying he wants to sleep but he doesn't know if he can with the others in the other room being loud and screaming.

11:46am Hayden talking to Donny about the other side of the house is talking about they wanted Frankie out all this time but hays=den thinks they will throw something in there and blame it on someone else.He says they are trying to switch me and make me vote someone else out.Donny says if they ask you how you are going to vote tell em you don't know yet that you will vote with the house. Donny says we hung out alot lastnight so that probably made them paranoid.

11:50am Donny says if i win hoh and it is a one hoh then i will put Caleb on the block with Christine.

11:55am Frankie is in the KT with Christine. Jacosta in the BY with Donny and Hayden.Christine is whispering to Frankie then goes back cooking.

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#BB16 12:36PM BBT Jocasta telling Donny a story of her being pulled over for speeding on the highway. She said the officer was yelling at her to get her hands up. She says she was crying. She didn't feel she was speeding but there was nothing she could say to the officer. She says she called her Dad and he said he would handle it and he did. She has no idea what happened to the ticket but knows her Dad didn't pay it.

#BB16 12:46PM BBT Frankie in the BY complaining how he can't sleep well in the HN room. The HG suggest he put pillows under him. There is silence and Hayden says what should we talk about. Frankie suggests sex.

#BB16 1:10 PM BBT Discussion the BY about tattoos. Inside Jocasta fixing her hair.

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#BB16 1:40 PM BBT Hayden and Nicole talk bout his adventures on the water. He seems to be a daredevil.

#BB16 1:45PM BBT Hayden and Christine talk about bartering in foreign countries. She says she always laughs when she finds people who paid full price because they do not understand how Mexico works.

#BB16 1:58PM BBT Victoria joins the BY gang. Talk turns to the beach. Victoria share that she hates the beach. She prefers pools. Donny likes the beach in September when all the kids are back to school.

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#BB16 2:17PM BBT Hayden in the BY going over dates and comps.

#BB16 2:21PM BBT Victoria plucking her eyebrows in the WCA. In the BY Hayden, Donny and Jocasta "study" dates and competitions.

#BB16 2:27PM BBT Victoria has moved to plucking her upper lip.

#BB16 2:40PM BBT Just gen chit chat in the BY about a variety of topics. No game talk.

#BB16 2:46PM BBT Nicole finds a leaf stuck in her hair. Donny mentions that Victoria had a leaf hanging off her backside in her Eve costume. She is very upset that no one told her at all.

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2:37 PM Hayden talking about getting flicked off as an ant and imagine if you were an ant and a giant foot kicks you a mile away!

2:38 PM Hayden: I want to make a Youtube video like that. Victoria in Kitchen making a drink alone.

2:58 PM Hayden asks Cody what he thinks about putting "First Name" on one arm and "Last Name" on the other name. Cody: Never seen that.

2:59 PM Cody says he got his last name tattooed on himself. Christine says a lot of guys from UofA has their name tatted on them.

3:00 PM BY couch: Victoria, Nicole, Hayden. Cody, Chris, Jo, Donny. Chris: All the tatt shops are in war w/ each other. Its Scary.

3:00 PM Hayden talking about tattoos again .. now tattoos gone wrong.

3:02 PM Christine shouted out "Jason at Chrome?" that did her tattoos.

3:04 PM Cody: I dont know the names of ANY person that has done my Tattoos. Hayden: My ankle ones, my dad and mom, "Allastair" did it My 2 chains one, a girl did it that has never done tatoos alot. My rib one i bled a lot. it was random i just walked in to get this one. Christine: get "LB" on your throat.

Christine: They will love me forever. I will get T town (tucson). 520 (my area code)

3:06 PM All other HG still sleep.

3:14 PM Cody: Bermuda triangle? Hayd: Did they ever find that Malaysia Flight? Everyone No. Vic: they found a pic from a cell phone. Hayd:I think the whole thing is fake.

Chris: How can you find the box and nothing else

Cody: I think its aliens.

Hayd: i think it would be cool as hell if aliens came

Chris: No thank you

Hayd: we would all be part of the war and have semi automatics...

3:17 PM Yelling from outside the house and we get Fish...

3:20 PM Jocasta goes inside to cook. Nicole goes to HOH. Victoria goes inside to use the Bathroom. Cody laying down beside Christine on backyard couch w/ the guys

3:23 PM Fish... then inside lockdown. Hayden says it isn't the eviction day lockdown. May be related to the shouting they have heard from outside the house.

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3:35 PM Derrick to Victoria in Fire room: I want you to stay focused when I am defending you. I will tell you the 1st time. Victoria: Zach is a piece of Shit man. He pulls me aside and is super nice to me when he was not on the block. I think he always wants attention.

Derrick I was defending you. There was a lot of people out there.

Victoria: just dont defend me next time then.

Derrick: I was like .. you got a mother .. If that was my daughter I would be out of the show because I would have knocked your F'ing teeth out. I dont know if he was standing there but I was talking to Cody and Frankie

Vic: what did he say.

Cody comes in and Derrick tells him to come over.

3:34 PM Victoria: I need to know when someone talks shit about me. I am super genuine with Zach. I was super nice to Amber right? I cant stand her. Just tell me when someone does that so i wont look stupid.

3:36 PM Cody: I dont feel like being around anyone right now. Derrick rubbing on Victoria's ear. Derrick: you are gonna win HOH. Cody: Victoria why do you curse a lot now?

Victoria: The sentence this year, everyone is gonna be like "let me go fuck myself"

3:37 PM Derrick/Victoria in fire room, Victoria asked what was said. Derrick said it was "something along the lines of" Zach was questioning why Derrick was with Victoria all the time, how Derrick could stand it, and Derrick said because he likes her like a little sister and Derrick doesn't disrespect women like Zach does. Derrick said there were lots of people there so it wasn't a secret. Victoria asked why Derrick didn't tell her and Derrick said he didn't want her to think it was a game move.

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Fun flashback moment for HayCole, starting at 12:31am on Wed 8/6

Wed 8/6 12:31am bbt

Hayden/Christine/Nicole in HOH, Hayden sharing a story about how Devin would use the spy screen, with a camera focused on the memory wall, to strategize...

Hayden: (looking at spyscreen, pointing at objects in K) Alright, so here's the thing, I talked to Christine about this the other night... we have these 4 green chairs votes right now. The issue? The white chairs, I don't think we have their votes. This blue stool, I believe that's a swing vote. If we can get the blue stool on board, I think we are good, but then it's up to a tie breaker. We will have to rely on this camera... and if this camera breaks the tie with the white chairs, we're dead.

Nicole: (thinking Hayden is being serious) But technically I'm the camera, and I'll go with the green.

Hayden: You're not involved in this, the camera is HOH.

Nicole: whyyyyyy? oh geeezzzz

Hayden: Now, the real issue, suppose they throw a twist... all of a sudden, you have the cabinets in the house, they are playing now. The cabinets are no longer just cabinets, they're in the game.

Nicole: ok

Hayden: 1,2,3,4,5,6.. 6 cabinets...

Nicole: ohhhh

Hayden: I'm thinking, the left cabinets look a little more trustworthy than the right cabinets

Christine: See, I'm going for the left cabinets

Hayden: Left cabinets, like I said. We should try to bring the left cabinets into our group.

Nicole: ok

Hayden: Get them on board. And then.. big issue... that blue plate, on the table. BLUE PLATE!! If he comes into this game, we are all done!

Nicole: Is that Dan?!?!?

Hayden: Because blue plate is a wild card! What are you talking about Dan? Blue plate is blue plate.

Nicole: We can't really be talking about dishes and chairs here!

Christine: He's being Devin. Devin did this to some of us.

Nicole: Are you kidding me? No wonder he didn't pick me to play with him, cause I wouldn't have put up with it.

Hayden: If blue plate comes into the equation, he's a wild card, and we are all &*$%.

Nicole: Devin did not do this!

Hayden: No, he didn't, but kind of..he'd stand up here, and point, like at the people.

Christine: YOu can't tell who is who though!

Hayden: YOu can't tell who he is pointing at, and he'd be like, we have these votes.

Christine: (pointing at the spy screen) We have her vote, her vote, his vote, and we are like, WHO IS IT?

Hayden: (pointing in the general area of the memory wall on the spy screen) We have these votes, see them? So, if you're not on board... If you can't see it, from this diagram right here, you're blind.

Wed 8/6 12:34am bbt

Christine leaves Hayden/Nicole alone in the HOH. Talk of Hayden getting an elephant tattoo, then the flirting starts...

(Hayden is pacing in the room, Nicole is sitting on the bed)

Hayden: I, uh, have a present for you

Nicole: You do?

(Hayden leans in to kiss her)

Nicole: Hayden!

Hayden: Give me your forehead

(Nicole agrees, and he kisses her forehead, then walks away)

Hayden: I have another present for you

Nicole: Hayden! No!

(He crawls onto the bed, puts an arm around her, and they fall back onto the bed)

Hayden: Will they have a montonge of you saying no?

(Nicole sits back up, Hayden leans on one arm)

Hayden: YOu act like it's never going to happen again?

Nicole: It's not

Hayden: WHAT?!?

Nicole: I'm not sure it should have happened once, to be honest

Hayden: You didn't enjoy it? You didn't feel the connection?

(Nicole tries but can't keep from grinning, she's in a playful mood during all this)

Hayden: You didn't feel the vibes?

Nicole: Hayden! Let's not talk about that! It's so embarassing!

Hayden: Is it?

Nicole: What?

Hayden: What?

Nicole: I mean, yea I enjoyed it, but we're on national television!

Hayden: Yea, so?

(giggles between them both)

Hayden: It really shouldn't end...

(Nicole puts her hand out and grasps his)

Nicole: we are friends and, you know

Hayden: So you're telling me, that you don't like me?

Nicole: Oh come on!

Hayden: I'm dying over here, and not for my own good... I miss you! Everytime we cuddle for like 2 minutes, it's the best!

Nicole: It really is good, you are a superb cuddler

Hayden: Yes!

Nicole: You are by far, pretty close to the top of the charts when it comes to cuddling, like, really decent...

Hayden: (laughing) pretty close.. really decent...

Nicole: well I didn't want to say...

Hayden: Go ahead and say it

Hayden: I'll just kick off my shoes and stay awhile... you know what else I am?

Nicole: what?

Hayden: super good kisser!

(Nicole smiles and appears to blush)

Hayden: coming in, coming in hot

(Hayden climbs under the blanket with Nicole, who was still sitting up, but lays down beside him)

Wed 8/6 12:38am bbt

(Hayden is laying down, left arm stretched out, and Nicole has her head on Hayden's bicep. Nicole is punching Hayden's hand, evidently to keep him from wraping it around Nicole)

Nicole: this is what I do when someone wants to cuddle with me

Hayden: Alright, I'm just gonna let you know, I'm gonna make a move on you, and you can't be like, awkward about it

Nicole: Oh, I'm definately awkward about it

Hayden: that way, you can't deny it though

Nicole: yea I can

Hayden: no you can't

Nicole: Hayden! COme on Hayden, don't stress me out like that!

Hayden: that shouldn't stress you out

Nicole: It does! It does stress me out!

Hayden: Also, we can't get too comfortable, cause Frankie is coming in, in 5, 4..

(Nicole sits back up)

Hayden: I'm just kidding! He probably will, it will probablly be pretty soon.

Small talk ensues, and Hayden mentions going downstairs

Nicole: Yea, you probably should go, it's a good decision.

Hayden: YOu're just stressed out, because I'm gonna try to kiss you

Nicole: shhhhhhhhhh Hayden!

Hayden: On my gosh, come on

Nicole: Hayden! It's so stressful

Hayden: You realize, it's already been on camera, like it already happened.

Nicole: oh, trust me, I know! Did they ask you about it? They didn't ask me!

Hayden: yea!

Nicole: ooooooooh, I thought I had a good chance of it not! [getting on tv]

(Nicole lays back down, pulling the blanket completely over her head)

Hayden: (mimicing Nicole) Oh brother!

(Nicole pulls the blanket back down, leaning on her arm, turned away from Hayden now)

Hayden: It's already on

Nicole: Do you think I'm fun to hang out with?

Hayden: Yes, absolutely, that's why I hang out with you all the time

Nicole: after being locked up in a house for 47 days,

Hayden: Let's make it 47 more

Nicole: and with each other 24 hours a day, were not on too bad of terms, I mean, we're pretty good.

Hayden: I wouldn't say we are bad at all

Nicole: that's pretty nuts!

Hayden: That's pretty nuts!

Nicole: No one knows me

Hayden: Same here, nice to meet you, I'm Hayden

Nicole: I'm being serious...

(Nicole says she really only talks with Hayden, COdy and Derrick, then lays back down, on Hayden's arm again, but head turned away from him)

Hayden: I think you are facing the wrong way

Nicole: Hayden, stop... how would you rate our cuddle session last night?

Hayden: Oh, 100 out of 10

N; really? You thought it was good?

Hayden: all the time.... like you cuddle so good, we fit like puzzle pieces.. like my thing goes in your areas

(NIcole puts her hands up, trying to visualize how they cuddle)

Nicole: No... No Hayden, it's like we fold into each other

Hayden: My things fit into your areas

Nicole: That doesn't sound good! No Hayden

Hayden: No, that's good, that my things fit in your areas

Nicole: Don't say it like that!

Hayden: YOur things fit in my areas?

Nicole: No... How can you word it without it being inappropriate?

Hayden: Doesn't matter, I'm kidding

(Hayden rolls over to his side, and NIcole rolls also, his chest against her back now, his top arm over her, cuddling position now)

Wed 8/6 12:43am bbt

Nicole: Did I hurt your feelings today when I said I would never date you?

Hayden: No

Nicole: (laughing) that was supposed to hurt your feelings!

Hayden: Well thanks, now that I know what your intentions were!

Nicole: No, I just feel like, what the heck? What the heck?

Hayden: well I knew you weren't serious.

Nicole: I am serious though

Hayden: Ok cool

Nicole: What does this [blanket] smell like? I just washed it yesterday

Hayden: It doesn't smell like anything

(Hayden tries to smell the blanket, gets some of Nicole's hair in his mouth)

Hayden: Oh Snap... where'd you get your hair from? Heaven?

Hayden: I like your legs alot... I don't know if that's creepy, but I mean it as a compliment

Nicole: No, that's good, that's really good

Hayden: (in one of his voices)K, sounds good to me!

Nicole: don't ruin it! That always ruins it!

Wed 8/6 12:45am bbt

Hayden: You should definately turn around... you said this week.. I've been very patient... but a man can only be so patient...

Nicole: no....

Hayden: Please?

Nicole: Hayden...

Hayden: Legit, covers will go over, no one will see

Nicole: It's way too stressful, and then what, it's awkward

Hayden: then nothing, it's not going to be awkward, it's going to be really nice... It's going to be nice, we're going to be, like, together, we're going to be, in the moment

Nicole: No

Hayden: Oh my gosh

Nicole: Hayden, why do you have to be so persistent

Hayden: I'm a persistent guy

Nicole: Maybe tomorrow, or the next day... maybe you just need to come attack me, like the first time it happened

Hayden: ok...

Nicole: Not right now!

Hayden: See, it's never right now!

(Hayden tries to go for a kiss, but Nicole turns away)

Hayden: It's never right now

Nicole: Hayden!

(Hayden is already in position, so kisses the side of her face and neck a few times, Nicole whips her head around, at first it appears to be to kiss him, but instead it's to move her head to the other side of him)

Nicole: Hayden, stop

(Hayden moves back, laughing. Nicole sits up, then lays back down)

Nicole: I mean, it's not like I don't want to

Hayden: I know it's not that, that's not the issue. you just have to commit, like, it's already happened. I think I like you a little bit, which is cool, and I think you like me a little bit, and we should feel good about that

Nicole: No... why should we feel good about that?

Hayden: Cause it's cool, we like each other, in the Big Brother house, I don't get annoyed with you

Nicole: there aren't 100 girls in this house, and you've kissed 100 girls in your life, so no I don't feel good about it

Hayden: Oh my gosh, you are taking it completely the wrong way, I'm sorry, I guess I didn't phrase it right

Nicole: that was horrible, every time you talk it gets worse.... (repeating his words) Hayden, I like you a little bit, and you should feel good about it

Hayden: that's great, that's a great feeling!

(Nicole is laying on her back again, Hayden rolls over, his lips find her neck and starts kissing her again)

Wed 8/6 12:48am bbt

Nicole: You are way too close to my face... why am I so awkward mom, I'm so sorry! This is how awkward I am!

Hayden: I love that about you

Nicole: But not when it's these situations!

Hayden: Can I please just make a move, and you close your eyes?

Nicole: No!

Hayden: Please?

Nicole: (Whispered) no

Hayden: (Whispered) please?

Hayden: YOu just said how awkward you are.... you are locking my legs, like a python... alright, just close your eyes...

(Hayden fake-moves his head towards her a couple times)

Nicole: YOU look like a chicken. Why can't we just wait til it's like normal time?

Hayden: This is literally like the perfect time right now

Nicole: It is...

Hayden: There's no better time, and we likely won't get a better time for a while

(Nicole has her hands on her forehead now)

Nicole: I know.... I know... ahhhh....

Hayden: Close your eyes

Nicole: no

Hayden: please?

Nicole: no

Hayden: please close your eyes?

Nicole: Hayden

Hayden: please.... close your eyes

(these lines repeat a half dozen times, Nicole has her hands around her neck, elbows up/out in block-mode)

Nicole: I don't know what got into me, I don't know how you got a kiss from me.

Hayden: cause it was in the moment

Nicole: True.. this is planned, I like spontaneous things, where I don't have a choice

Hayden: ok, close your eyes

Nicole: no, Cause I know it's coming!

Wed 8/6 12:50am bbt

Hayden: Just close your eyes, and it will be fine

Nicole: is someone coming up the steps?

(they sit up, find the remote, and check the spy screen, the coast is clear, so Hayden slips his hand around her waist and tries to ease her back down)

Hayden: I want to just like jump on top of you

Nicole: can we just cuddle without you trying to make a move?

Hayden: Let's just cuddle... I won't make a move, until it's the right time

(Nicole sees a camera move, and thinks it's falling. Hayde says they are rooting for them. While Nicole is distracted by the camera, he leans in and kisses her cheek. Nicole agrees to cuddle face to face)

Nicole: I don't want to do this, I'm scared

(Nicole starts to move away. Hayden wraps his arms around her)

Hayden: Stay stay, I'll get you through this

(Nicole puts her hands over her mouth)

Hayden: ok, close your eyes...now move your hands, I'm not going to just come in for a kiss... stop watching the camera, don't worry about the camera... close your eyes... stop putting your hand up there!

(Nicole sits up again to look at the spy screen)

Nicole: This is too stressful

Hayden: just come down here, you're gonna be fine, you're not gonna die... well you will, but not today

Nicole: it's just so awkward!

(Nicole points to a camera, gasps, and lays down, blanket over her head)

Nicole: I'm so embarassed!

(Hayden decides to make his move while they are under the blanket, a bit of giggle filled wrestling insues for a few seconds, before Nicole pops back up again)

Nicole: stop it! Big Brother, don't do this to me! OK, this is hilarious!

Wed 8/6 12:54am bbt

Hayden: That's funny! I NEED a kiss now!

Nicole: This is hilarious

Hayden: this is the funniest moment in the BB house so far!

Nicole: under the blanket? What if they think something worse?

Hayden: are you serious? If you can't even kiss me, they are NOT going to think anything worse

(As NIcole starts to speak, Hayden takes Nicole by the arms, lays her down on the bed, and kisses her)

Nicole: This is by far the funniest thing that has happened in th... whoa.. Hayden, Hayden, Hayden!

(after the kiss, Nicole pulls the blanket over her head and giggles. Hayden starts laughing again. Nicole pulls the blanket back down)

Nicole: Hayden!

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3:38 PM Caleb is awake now. In the Kitchen with Frankie, Hayden, Donny, Jocasta. Caleb gets something to drink. BB calls Victoria out "microphone obstruction"

3:38 PM everyone in the Kitchen asks what could she be talking about? Frankie: shes probably like "Let me tell you it's something irrelevant"

3:44 PM Hayden goes upstairs to lay in bed and cuddle Nicole alone. Frankie cuddling and laying on top of Cody in Jocasta bed. Chris in fire room

3:45 PM Hayden spooning with Nic. FR: Caleb, Cody, Frank, Vic, Derr, Chris

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3:01 PM BBT All cams on the BY. HG's lounging and discussing where they got their tattoos done at.

3:06 PM BBT HG's in the back yard talking about turtles and alligators. Christine tells them that you aren't allowed to cut down the big cactus' in Arizona, if you're caught you can go to jail.

3:11 PM BBT HG's are talking about dinosaurs and komodo dragons. Victoria asked what the name of the big party island where D.J.'s go is? Then the HG's started talking about the missing Malaysia airplane. Hayden then started talking about aliens.

3:14 PM BBT Nicole went in KT to get something to eat. We see fish for about 2 min. When HG's come back Jocasta is now in the KT with Nicole, talking about all the food still left in the house. HG's in the backyard are still chit chatting. Nicole tells everyone she is going upstairs to take a nap if they need her.

3:21 PM BBT When HG's come back after we see fish again, they are now on lockdown in the KT. Hayden is joking around in one of his made up voices. Derrick goes into the Fire BR to change out of shorts and into pants.

3:23 PM BBT Victoria goes into the Fire BR after Derrick is done changing. All cams switch to the Fire BR. Victoria tells Derrick about a previous conversation with Cody. Then, she asks him what Zach told him about her. He basically says that Zach was putting her down. He said he told Zach not to talk about her, when she's not there to defend herself. He said he was getting upset with the whole conversation.

3:30 PM BBT Cams go to KT now also, and Christine was talking about The Amazing Race. Victoria continues to talk to Derrick about Zach. Derrick said he's on the block, and that he stood up to Zach about what he was saying, while he was outside with Cody and Frankie. Cams go back all to the Fire BR.

3:30 PM BBT Cody goes into the Fire BR and lets Victoria know that Derrick was defending her to Zach. Cams go back to KT also where Hayden is again joking around in one of his made up voices. Other HG's are eating around the tall table.

3:36 PM BBT Production tells Victoria to not obstruct her mic. Hayden tells Christine that she's in the Fire BR with Derrick. Christine said, of course. Hayden continues to talk in his made up voice. Donny asks what they will do while locked inside the house.

3:38 PM BBT Christine and Frankie go into SR to find something to eat. They walk out, and Christine says, "I want to see who's humping who?" Cams all go to KT where other HG's are still eating. Cams go back to Fire BR also, where Frankie, Christine and Caleb join in on conversation.

3:40 PM BBT Hayden goes to HoH BR to snuggle with Nicole. The conversation in the Fire BR turns to discussing different comps that may be coming up with the sirens in that room.

3:44 PM BBT Nicole asks Hayden what she's going to do about her face being so burnt. In the Fire BR Cody is snuggling with Frankie, and Caleb is lying on the same bed. Victoria is laying in another bed, with Derrick sitting on the edge. Christine is sitting in the other bed. General chit chat is going on.

3:48 PM BBT Fire BR conversation is about which HG's have not been a HN. Hayden is being playful with Nicole in the HoH BR.

3:50 BBT Nicole keeps looking in the mirror, because she's worried about her burnt face being bad. She said it will turn into a tan. Victoria leaves Fire BR to head upstairs to see if Nicole is sleeping. Production tells the HG's to please stop singing.

3:52 PM BBT Hayden jumps out of the HoH bed to sit in the chair, because Victoria is coming into the HoH BR. Victoria asked if anyone was in the bathroom, because she wanted to get a sweatshirt.

3:54 PM BBT Derrick and Frankie in the Fire BR talking about keeping Team America members safe. They think they are sitting pretty this week. Derrick said that neither Victoria nor Jocasta will put Frankie on the block. The keep discussing who they would put up this week.

3:57 PM BBT Cams on KT where the conversation was about a handheld football that you can flick with your fingers. Frankie and Derrick are still talking about who they may put up to be evicted. Victoria comes back to the Fire BR, and Derrick walks out.

4:02 PM BBT Donny, Hayden, Cody and Caleb go to the LR. Cody and Caleb starting playing with the football they made out of foil. Zach and Derrick join them in the LR. Victoria gets told by production to put her microphone on. Frankie and Victoria chit chat, while he chomps on celery.

4:07 PM BBT Cody and Caleb are still playing football in the LR, with their audience. Meanwhile, Frankie and Victoria are still in the Fire BR, now discussing what the comp might be tomorrow. Frankie tells Victoria that he's going to the KT for more food, says goodnight, and walks out.

4:09 PM BBT Frankie walks past the LR, and says that's his favorite game. A few moments later, Donny makes his cricket noise. All cams to to LR, where Frankie, Christine, Jocasta and Nicole join in the football excitement.

4:15 PM BBT Donny said he wants to see Zach get turnt up. First football game ends. Cody adds a couple new rules, and then Hayden and Derrick start playing.

4:19 PM BBT Football game continues in LR, while Christine, Nicole, Frankie and Caleb go into KT. Frankie is putting dishes away from the dish strainer, and says his goal is to go to bed early tonight and sleep. Victoria comes into the KT now, as Christine is washing out a pan.

4:22 PM BBT Caleb and Frankie were talking about hiding food to have when they can eat. Caleb describes what he is going to make. Frankie doesn't say anything about him being on slop for two weeks. Caleb starts to sing, and we see fish.

4:24 PM BBT Caleb said he has never heard of hummus or pita chips before going into the house. Nicole said she told the DR that she misses venison. Nicole asked if Derrick keeps winning the football games. Caleb said he wants to listen to Luke Bryan in a few min., and he has to win HoH tomorrow. Frankie said, "Yes you do."

4:28 PM BBT Nicole said she's going to help clean the dishes in the KT, since Caleb said she never cleans. Caleb says he said, "Some people clean more than others." He said he never directed it towards her. Meanwhile, the football games are still going on in the LR., with Derrick and Zach playing now.

4:31 PM BBT Frankie said they'll will have the KT ready for the Live Show a whole day early. He then yells to the LR, asking is Derrick is still winning. They tell him yes, because he's the Patriots. Zach uses some colorful words to describe himself, when the football falls off the table on his turn.

4:34 PM BBT Frankie said he's going to make some pie crust. Caleb said, "Dang, Derrick won again, he's playing Cody now." He said he needs to tell them his turn is next. Frankie asked to Caleb to tell them, that he will be after him. Caleb said that Frankie is BeastModeFrankie. Fankie and Nicole discuss that there are less pizza cutters in the house than before.

4:37 PM BBT Frankie is the only one left in the KT. He asked, in his British accent, where the electrolytes are? Cody told him where to find them. Meanwhile, the audience has once again, grown with everyone back in the LR. Derrick is now playing foil football with Caleb.

4:42 PM BBT The tension is building with Caleb and Derrick's nail biting football game. It came down to the wire, and Caleb still had a chance, but Derrick took the victory. Derrick (New England Patriots) is now playing Frankie (Miami Dolphins). Frankie said he's starting to see the strategy, while Donny said, "Derrick's good." Conversation turns to real football players.

4:46 PM BBT Nicole is up in the HoH birds nest, watching the foil football game on her T.V. Derrick tells Victoria that she will play being the Jacksonville, Jaguars. Derrick wins another game, and now he and Jocasta are playing. Victoria goes up to the HoH BR to see Nicole.

4:49 PM BBT Victoria told Nicole that Frankie went into the Fire BR when she was in there. She said he told her that Zach should be going home tomorrow. Then she told Nicole, that he asked who her next target is, and she told him she doesn't have one. She told Nicole that she asked Frankie who is target is, and he said the game is so crazy. They agree that Frankie already has a target, but wants to see who's hers is, to see if they are the same.

4:53 PM BBT Nicole and Victoria start talking about there families. Nicole asked her is she's going to miss the Jewish New Year. Victoria said that she will be there for it, because it's on September 23 this year, not knowing when Finale night is.

4:57 PM BBT Derrick and Caleb just finished a game of foil football in the LR. Since Derrick won, he is now playing Cody again. Victoria goes into SR for something, and Caleb asked her to check the slop that is cooking in the KT.

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5:10 PM BBT Frankie and Caleb are playing Foil Football across the LR coffee table. Donny, Hayden, Jocasta and Christine are watching. Victoria is making a snack and Derrick is cleaning up his dishes. Caleb beats Frankie and Hayden takes Frankie's place.

5:19 PM BBT Caleb is creaming Hayden at Foil Football. He is up 6-0. Caleb says if he beats him 8-0 that will be money. Hayden "Yeah, I think you are going to mess up." He doesn't and beats him 8-0.

5:27 PM BBT Caleb plays Foil Football with Jocasta. He quickly beats her 8-0 and she asks him to play again. Caleb tells Derrick (who is undefeated) to finish eating so they can play.

5:30 PM BBT Caleb finally has some competition. He is playing Derrick at Foil Football. The score is 6-6. Caleb scores another for the win.

5:34 PM BBT Derrick and Caleb play again. Derrick wins this time. They have Donny come in as a judge. Derrick "Now that I won you want to be all technical."

5:39 PM BBT Producers are particularly trigger happy. We keep getting WBRB. Feeds 1 and 2 are on the HGs in LR. They are fixing to get a couple slop buckets for another game. Frankie is alone in the Have-Not room. He is talking to himself about his day.

5:49 PM BBT The HGs are stuck on IDLD and are bored. They have finished playing Foil Football. They got a couple slop buckets on each end of the coffee table but they can't find anything to use as a bouncing ball. They have even tried olives which don't bounce well at all.

5:51 PM BBT Hayden and Derrick are whispering in the beehive room. Derrick tells Hayden that he doesn't trust Frankie not to run to Caleb and Christine every chance he gets. Hayden says Frankie isn't even thinking abut Derrick as a potential target right now. WBRB again. And again. And again.

5:54 PM BBT When the feeds return Derrick says "I don't know, it's a huge risk." Unfortunately we'll never what was said.

5:56 PM BBT Hayden and Derrick are whispering in the beehive room. Hayden says everyone but Frankie, Caleb and Christine are on the same page. Derrick tells Hayden to prepare for when Zach leaves because he is going to throw everyone under the bus before he leaves.

5:58 PM BBT Hayden and Derrick are talking about Christine. They agree that she is definitely playing both sides of the house. They think that she feels safe for the next few weeks and that works for them because she will throw the HoH comp. Derrick and Hayden agree if it's a double evict tomorrow and one of the wins HoH, they are putting up Frankie and Christine.

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6:05 PM BBT Caleb is telling the HGs about his mom talking to people from the dating website Plenty of Fish. He says she once was talking to a guy who reminded him of himself. He was about fifty years and was flexing his abs like he does. He told his mom to block him. He wants his mom to find someone that cares about her.

6:08 PM BBT Hayden says he met three girls from the dating website Tinder and they all wanted to meet him for the first time at his apartment. He says he never would have suggested that because he wouldn't want to freak them out up front. He says one of them contacted him and came over after 11PM. The girls admit that this is not a safe way to meet someone from the internet.

6:20 PM BBT Zach, Christine, Hayden, Donny, Caleb, Cody and Jocasta are all in the LR talking about television, particularly the Discovery Channel. At 6:24 PM BBT the feeds switch to Jeff's highlight reels.

6:50 PM BBT We are still seeing Jeff's highlight reels on the feeds. The HGs no clue that something was going to happen.

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8:37pm Feeds are back. Talking about how fun that was. Caleb and Frankie thanking BB in LR.

8:38pm HG still picking at what was clearly a huge spread of take out food at KT table. Pasta, pizza, etc. They had cake, too. It seems like the cake had pictures of each HG on it.

8:41pm Jocasta and Donny cleaning up at the table and saving the leftovers while Nicole continues noshing. Victoria is helping here and there as they try to figure out how to freeze the top of the cake that has their face on it.

8:48pm Frankie showed his corner of the cake to the camera. The HG pictures on the cake were pictures (headshots) and not cartoons. Frankie is walking around asking if anyone wants to lick his face.

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