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Frankie Grande (Week 2)


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Will he be a target this week, with his Bomb Squad friends in power? Probably not.

More importantly, will his hair go from pink to blond and back to pink again, like last week!

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Joey left Frankie her hair colors and she said she has a lot. He might go with something like green or purple next.

Frankie does nothing for me in this game. He has way too many alliance but does not so far seem to have any good plans except to flirt with the whole house.

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I am a little shocked at the lack of comments and opinions on Frankie. I think he is only loyal to Christine. Has too many side alliances, etc etc. sound familiar---ANDY ! ! I just read that Ariana and Frankie's grandfather (has cancer) health is failing to the point that she cancelled some appearances and rushed home. She tweeted or instagrammed a photo of her and the grandfather and he looks exactly like Frankie, but older obviously. I just wonder what his decision will be when and if he gets informed from BB. I don't know how to share the link to the pic, but can google Ariana Grande's grandfather and there it is. I like Frankie, think he is funny, but also thinks he is gonna get exposed soon and his game will blow up.

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I think Frankie is loyal to Christine and Zach but Zach is a time bomb that Frankie can't keep defusing. Like this morning in the HOH with Devin, nothing he could say could sway Devin to not put up Zach. You can see his frustration when Devin walks out of the room (flashback 10:43am BBT) . People keep saying he is throwing Zach under the bus but I really do not believe that he is, Zach is doing a good job of that himself. Zach hasn't slept or really eaten in over 24 hours and is punch drunk....not a good thing in the BB house.

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Frankie throwing Zach and Derrick and Cody under the bus this morning. :lookaround: He is really trying to control Devin.

I don't know if he was blowing smoke up Christine's nose, or if he really thinks they are the only two smart ones in the house but that is what he told her.

He's playing too fast and will be gone within a few weeks.

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Frankie is trying to play Andy's game. He is trying to be "the one" for every house guest and trying to put wedges in the alliance. He walks in the room for example after Brittney talking to Devin and says what did he say? He worked hard to get the information from her. He has his hands in too much.

It might work but the people need to open their eyes.

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and another thing Frankie keeps busting in on conversations. Derrick went up to the HOH to talk to Devin and Frankie knock knock knock trying to bust the conversation.

Soooooooooooo Andyish

Now Andy making an alliance with Derrick even though Andy threw Derrick, Cody and Zach this morning to Devin.

He now has one with everyone in the house.


His new name is Fran-Dy (Frankie + Andy)

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and another thing Frankie keeps busting in on conversations. Derrick went up to the HOH to talk to Devin and Frankie knock knock knock trying to bust the conversation.

Soooooooooooo Andyish

Now Andy making an alliance with Derrick even though Andy threw Derrick, Cody and Zach this morning to Devin.

He now has one with everyone in the house.


His new name is Fran-Dy (Frankie + Andy)


I'm watching BBad the other night and he is in one room talking to two HG, the next thing they cut to another room with two other HG and guess who is there ? I thought the same thing - how Andy of him.

He reminds me of a weasel. If he pulls off the sneakieness, I'll be surprised. What he didn't catch on to so quickly is this group likes to talk and turn on each other, so it won't be so easy for him.

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