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Derrick Levasseur (Week 1)


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Okay. Let me hide behind the chair. I do not like Derrick. Pompous. That opinion is subject to change but as of now; it stands.

Now I have to get the hammer out again. Darn you slim. LOL


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I like him so far. He's laying low for the most part. But it is week 2. Seems like he's smart about BB. We'll see.

Didn't he say some thing like - if I go up and get voted out, that's fine, because I had a great experience"? Good attitude but I can see him as being someone mixing the pot and no one knowing until it's too late.

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Good game talk with Derrick and Cody about backdooring Caleb.

I see Zach, Cody and Derrick making a good 3 alliance.

He and Cody did have a great conversation together. I really like Derrick so far.

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seems the most level headed so far :animated_bouncy:

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already solving big cases in the house

a group of girls together

big mystery what they are up to :):animated_bouncy:

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Still on page one.. better do something soon.. I want to like him, but he's yet to give me any reason why I should.

Better man up soon or I'll be joining the choir singing, go home and let the people who want to play, play.

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He's playing the exact game I thought he would. He's very cordial to all HG but listens and observes more than actually talking game. He lucked out when he was called in to join the jocks and thugs alliance. That keeps him informed on their strategies so he isn't blindsided by something they try to pull. I think he is a smart player and see him being in the house for quite a while. B)

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He is still my favorite. Right now, he is keeping his head down, staying connected with BS alliance to keep informed on what the "big boss dogs" are planning and still maintaining good relationships with the other HGs. The guys with the big mouths who are strutting around like the own the house are building big targets on their backs.

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