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Big Brother 16 cast is announced

Guest 6Borders

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I didn't like a bunch of stuff about season 15 but I kept on watching until the bitter end. I hated that Andy won but he did and rightly so and fair and square. I argued with a friend privately that some of the houseguest's comments and behaviour would follow them in a negative fashion after they left Big Brother. He said no. I said yes. He was right. I was wrong. I have finally learned some lessons about reality television.

I hope that this new season 16 group is fun. They sure do seem to be a mixed bag so that should prove interesting. Like Marty, I'm just looking to be entertained.

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Great post Slim...felt the same last season. I tried just watching the show just as most do (did not get live feeds). I withheld reading comments on the boards. And tried desperately to keep my eyes out of the Live feed posts (didn't fair to well there, couldn't help sneaking peeks after comps..lol) And like you and Marty and so many others who have posted, I am hoping for a season of entertainment. With the new voting factor, even got sucked back into the feeds this year.... :animated_bouncy:

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I am hoping more than anyone that it is a hoax. I've met him and a lot of his friends and I really don't believe Caleb is a freaking racist... I don't have a problem with him being a hunter because I know for a fact that he and his family hunt for food or to protect their animals and the animals of their neighbors. I will be watching very carefully because I have very strong feelings regarding hate speech. I have literally refused service to someone at karaoke (I am a KJ) because they called someone a ni**er. I have seen Caleb drunk and those kinds of words have never crossed his lips. Alcohol is always a truth serum so it really makes me lean towards believing it was a hoax. Like I said, I will be watching carefully.

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I am hoping more than anyone that it is a hoax. I've met him and a lot of his friends and I really don't believe Caleb is a freaking racist... I don't have a problem with him being a hunter because I know for a fact that he and his family hunt for food or to protect their animals and the animals of their neighbors. I will be watching very carefully because I have very strong feelings regarding hate speech. I have literally refused service to someone at karaoke (I am a KJ) because they called someone a ni**er. I have seen Caleb drunk and those kinds of words have never crossed his lips. Alcohol is always a truth serum so it really makes me lean towards believing it was a hoax. Like I said, I will be watching carefully.

I really agree with you. When it comes to the life outside the house and what kind of people these HG are I always see too much judging. It drove me nuts last season that every word said was dissected and a person was labeled a racist, homophobic. Words are words and sometimes things are said with bad judgement but that does not mean that person has to have this horrible label.

I love to bash the HG just like anyone else but when it comes to labels like racist or homophobic I think people need to be really careful and not so quick to judge.

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