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Wednesday, April 2 Live Feeds / BB After Dark

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7:35PM BBT: Sabrina says she always felt left out growing up, but doesn't feel like that when she's with her friends. Sabrina says she was asked "What do you feel? Do you feel completely betrayed?" and she says What. The. F***. Big Brother tells them to stop talking about production, and Sabrina calls out that she wasn't talking about production, she was talking about someone in the house whom she doesn't want to sell anyone out.

7:45PM BBT: Sabrina leaves the bedroom and ends up in the kitchen with Kenny. Kenny is steeping his tea, and almost spoon-burned Sabrina with the hot spoon. Sabrina and Rachelle are in the BY looking in a mirror. Sabrina says Rachelle's boobs have gotten bigger. They're comparing differences between them and their pictures. Rachelle and Sabrina head outside to the HT area. Sabrina tells her that Andrew talked to her to tell her that he doesn't want to make her upset, and came to the race too late to try save himself.

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7:55PM BBT: Andrew and Allison are making out on one of the beds. Andrew puts on a winter hat that covers his ears, and starts talking with an accent. Rachelle and Sabrina chat about when they'll watch the episodes. Rachelle says she'll watch the first episode, then wait a few weeks to watch the rest. She wants to hand out with family and friends.

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8:05PMBBT In the LR Adel is saying he is willing to cut of the tip of his pinky if he was allowed to eat for the next two days. Kenny/Jon//Sarah are discussing movies in the living room

8:10PMBBT Sarah and Jon are discussing his issue from earlier and the feeds changed to Neda/Arlie in the BY. Talking about some fighting show ( which i am sure i would never guess from this description from arlie-BBCANSourceChick)

8:20PMBBT In the LR we have Rachelle, Sabrina, Kenny, Sarah just general chit chat. Sabrina feels like its a double eviction with no veto so it would be instant eviction and Sarah chimes in and mentions that means Adel can not use his power if he has a power tomorrow then kenny chimed in thinking that for sure will be a veto comp during the double if it is one, Sabrina is offering to cook for the hungry HGs ( She seems to always wanna cook personally if shes picking her nose often id cook for myself im not that lazy - BBCanSourceChick)

8:30PMBBT Kenny in the LR talking more about jons yeastinfection with Adel/Sabrina/Rachelle/Sarah/Arlie its been dominating the conversation in the LR For a while now a ton of STD Conversations going on right now. Sabrina is explaining why guys like a finger in the butt.. of course its the male gspot

8:40PMBBT Adel is ready for real food, Sabrina is eating Andrews cooking in the LR Says its really good ( i hope he washed his hands making that squash- BBCanSourceChick ) they are disscussing food and half nots in the living room is Kenny/Sabrina/Adel/Sarah. Sarah accidentally almost fed jon an orange yesterday and that would of gave the house a punishment. Sarah said she had a nap in adels bed and he said he needs to sanitize the bed now.. And informed him that she took care of herself in his bed so to speak.

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10:05PMBBT: Adel, Arlie, Andrew and Neda are in the couch. Small talk, Neda's new nickname is now "Balls" and Andrew makes fun of that. Sarah and Jon are in the HTA talking about Sabrina and how she is not a superfan of the show. Andrew is trying to be intimidating with other HG. The call to O CANADA has happened. Everyone is running into the LR to sing.

10:10PMBBT: They all go running up to the HoHR and there is nothing in there. Jon is frustrated. He was hoping for food. Sabrina is now trying to get everyone into the Hot tub. She, Rachelle, Ken and Andrew are in the BR changing.

10:15PMBBT: Jon watched Arlie freshening up in the WA. They talk about Arlie's shirt and he thinks it is so perfect for him. Rachelle is wearing her "bralette" into the HT again instead of a bathing suit. Jon is shaving/trimming his beard. Just nightly activities in there tonight.

10:20PMBBT: Sabrina asks Jon if he is going in the tub. He says no he is going to hang out though. She says he can put his feet in but not his "peepee" in. Sarah walks out to the BY. We hear Heather talk, Sarah whispers to herself "Ugh shut up! I hate you!" Sarah is trying to get in the HT without falling over. She almost slips. Ken, Andrew, Sabrina, Alison and Rachelle are out in the HT as well. Neda has her feet in. We have HotH.

10:25PMBBT: Everyone is in the HT but, Jon, Adel and Heather. Light conversation. They all seem social and cheerful. There is no sign of Heather or Adel.

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10:22pm BBT All the houseguests except Arlie and Adel are in the hot tub area. Jon and Heather are in the chairs, and Sarah, Andrew, Sabrina, Rachelle, Allison, Kenny, and Neda are in the hot tub talking about vampires..

10:25pm BBT Heather leaves hot tub area and now they are talking about workouts.

10:26pm BBT Arlie joins the hot tub crew. Talking about tanning. Heather and Adel nowhere to be seen on cameras.

10:28pm BBT Sabrina has trouble remembering what the thing is that is causing the bubbles in the hot tub. Eventually figures out that it is called "Jets"

10:30pm BBT Houseguests talking about what nicknames they called their siblings. Sabrina called her sister "Canteloupe head".

10:33pm BBT Talking about Andrew's privates in the hot tub. Arlie chanting that Allison should touch it.

10:35pm BBT Talking about cell phones and talking to Siri on iPhones.

10:36pm BBT Jon leaves the hot tub area. Rachelle gets out of the hot tub & leaves hot tub area. No sign of Adel or Heather as of yet.

10:39pm BBT (Switched to different camera feed) Adel is in the HOH room laying on the bed, talking aloud about getting Andrew out, winning HOH and how he's lost 12lbs on slop. Saying how if Kenny is on his team, he'll throw the comp so Kenny will be on slop.

10:41pm BBT Adel wishes Canada had given them a pass off of slop as they have a big competition tomorrow and need their strength. Saying how Canada has made them proud at the Olympics by winning both hockey games. Adel is talking to the Beaver in the Canadian room. Calls Sabrina and Rachelle the Racoons, Andrew the Moose. Jon comes in and joins Adel in the HOH room.

10:43pm BBT Jon hopes its a Double Eviction episode tomorrow. Jon and Adel are happy that they have a bigger alliance.

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10:30PM BBT: All feeds back on and all on the hot tub where everyone appears to be. Neda and Jon are the only two not in suits and in the tub. General chatter going on. Heather does not appear to be with the group. Big excitement when Andrew spots a star in the sky. He sits up on the side and his shorts reveal his member which draws a few comments. Allison informs the group that hot tubs are not good for sperm count. (Like we need these folks to breed. DRG)

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10:35PM BBT: More of the same. Jon asks if anyone wants coffee and no one seems to. Sarah says she drinks so much coffee til 3PM then she has to stop and is still up all night. Rachelle climbs out and wraps up in a towel. One feed now showing the HOH where Adel is alone in the bed. He is giving a shout out to Paul, then the Reiki girl. He says we got a strong team now. Talk in hot tub has reverted to HGs gas again. Adel taling about tomorrow and waking up voting Andrew out then eating he has lost 12 pounds. He plans to throw the food comp in Kenny is on his team so that Kenny has to go on slop. He is now bragging about being most buzzworthy and that is what happens when you love your country. Hot tub talk now about Arlie's dad being religious but he is not. Adel wonders why Canada did not get them off the slop somehow. He says it is a big competition tomorrow and they really needed to be off slop, but you won gold medal in hockey and women's hockey and you are the best country in the world. He is now talking to the pic of Beiber and saying you have been rocking the HOH room all week. Outside Arlie is saying he is going to bed early tonight and will sleep and sleep. Jon how comes into the HOH and asks Adel what he is doing just chilling in the HOH. Adel saying if they have to use his card to put Kenny up they will use his card. Adel thinks they are in the best position they have ever been in and have the biggest alliance. The girls will vote with them and be solid. They have the best two guys and the only two solid chicks. Jon leaves the room. Adel starts talking to himself reviewing the events in the house. Jon crossing the BY headed back to the hot tub with a cup of coffee. Rachelle getting back in the tub, feet only with a towel still around her. Now she is back out again. Adel continues talking to himself now saying he has 14 days tomorrow being on the slop. Still chatter downstairs. One of the girls saying that yesterday she found a hair growing from her boob. Too many convos going on and the sound of the water makes picking out what they are saying very difficult.

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10:49PM BBT: Andrew now splashing water on his package. General chatter and the feeds outside go to FoTH. Adel quiet in the HOH. Feeds back outside as the boys are talking about the effect temperature has on their scrotums and Allison says it is really weird when they turn hard like a turtle shell. Kenny is now the only one still fully seated in the tub. Andrew and Allison sitting on the sides at one corner and Sabrina and Neda at the opposite corner. Adel now leaving the HOH room saying good bye and thank you to Canada for how you got me back in the game. He heads into the main bedroom the heads downstairs wearing a hoody and shorts. Adel makes it to the hot tub area with a cup of salsa just as the group is breaking up. Arlie and Andrew have headed in and Kenny is in the shower. Sarah also in bathroom doing ADLs. Arlie and Rachelle in the bathroom now too. Allison and Sabrina back in the tub with Neda still seated on the side.

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10:58PM BBT: Gals now out of the tub and covering it up. Sabrina jokes, look my nipples are over there pick them up. She is now asking Allison to bring her laundry up and when there is some push back about it she says Hey I cook for you everyday, onions excluded. Kenny and Arlie still in the shower with Rachelle and Sabrina sitting and watching. Sarah and Jon are in the bedroom. Gals in bathroom now commenting about how gross their feet are from the hot tub. Jon now sitting on Neda's bed where she is under the covers. Sabrina asking if anyone knows how to take glass out of her foot, but you can't laugh at how gross her feet are. Rachelle now making her way into the shower stall Kenny vacated and she asks if any of the guys ever pee in the shower. Jon jumping across the beds calling out one little monkey jumping on the beds. Andrew now heard to say it is not bulging at all that is just how my penis goes.

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11:05PM BBT: All feeds now in Bath Room where ADLs are ongoing. Rachelle out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her. 3 & 4 now showing Adel and Jon prepping the HN room for sleeping. Jon and Adel now reassuring each other about the votes for tomorrow. Heather has not been on the feeds since at least 10:30. Adel now saying that when Andrew is out the team will be rattled. He asks if Arlie is playing us and Jon is sure he is not.

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11:13PMBBT: As HG are trying to get ready for bed we have another O CANADA moment. Most HG are in the bedroom. (BB must be trying to keep them awake) Sabrina is walking around in just a towel. Kenny says Andrew has "dance pants" on. Sarah puts on one of Rachelle's skirts and says it is too small but, it is just tight. They are talking about what they will wear tomorrow. Andrew yells "I want you to wear all black, to my funeral!" They say no.

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11:11PM BBT: Sarah now saying to Rachelle that she just saw her vagina but it is okay because it was not spread. Arlie comes in and Sarah comments about his face and he says that he cut himself about three times shaving today. Adel and Jon now up and singing the national anthem. Heather in the dining room also singing as are the HGs in the bedroom. Adel now talking about his prize if he does not use the Veto ticket and saying it has to be at least 10Gs since he was in the worst position in the game. Gals in bedroom now planning outfits for tomorrows live broadcast. Adel and Jon talking about how if it is double eviction this week they will also get out Kenny and then bring Sarah over and they will be good til the end of the game. Adel talking about how Rachelle is not dumb and she told him she is in a good position now as Sabrina's pet but she does not listen or care about Sabrina. Jon saying they should get some sleep so they are ready for tomorrow and they agree to take off their mics and stop talking. So of course Adel starts talking again going over the pics BB showed them today that they all assume will be the focus of the HOH comp tomorrow.

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11:20PM BBT: Sarah modeling outfits for tomorrow for Rachelle to comment on. Arlie and Allison scrounging in the SR for something to nosh on. Sabrina talking about the rash she got from the hot tub and comparing her feet with Neda. Sarah still plowing through the jumble of clothes on the counter. Arlie has big plans to eat an orange and then see if he wants something else. He does not think it will fill him up but they are tasty. Allison says they are good for you. Arlie now says he has such an issue with eating before bed. He is hungry but it is the worst time to eat and is how he got fat in the first place. He says he stuffs his face til he can't stand it most days and it is always garbage food too. Wardrobe department still working overtime in the bedroom.

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11:29PM BBT: Arlie saying he broke his bottle 45 minutes after they got them so it is about time others are breaking theirs. Heather joins Allison in the bathroom now for ADLs. Heather saying that before she had a boyfriend she had a whole daily routine before bed but then she wanted to spend every minute with him. Now she is back to her whole routine. She feels like she gained 100 pounds and that her stomach used to be perfectly flat. Allison says she still looks like a babe. She then laments all the clothes she left at home. Sarah now joins them still deliberating on her outfit for tomorrow and just as quickly is back in the bedroom. Sarah calls out that our families are watching us tonight. Sabrina and Neda and Rachelle are heading out the the hot tub area but the door to the hallway appears to be locked. Brief Foth on those feeds (probably for BB to tell them the area is not open now DRG) They turn around and head back to the dining room. Allison says good night and sweet dreams to Heather as she leaves the bathroom. Arlie has come in and Heather says that they are always the last two. She asks if its an instant eviction tomorrow and he tells her then Kenny goes. The trio has now made there way to poolside and Sabrina has brought something to eat and drink. Andrew starting the Walton's goodnights in the bedroom.

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11:35PMBBT: Sabrina is snacking, talking to Neda at the pool. Rachelle is working out with hand weights for a few minutes then sits next to Neda. They talk about what could happen next week or if it was a double eviction. Sabrina asks Neda if Jon was going after her. Neda says NO.

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11:39PM BBT: Allison in bed with Andrew with her leg over top on him. She crawls across him trying to reach something and he starts spanking her butt. Rachelle now lifting dumbells Neda is sitting facing Sabrina at poolside and Sabrina is continuing to eat. Neda now talking about Adel still having his card and Sabrina did not know what to believe but now she believes him. Neda says he is safe and knows he will not have to make a hard decision. Sabrina thinks he will put her up maybe as a pawn (because it is always about Sabrina DRG) and then Kenny will go up with her. Sabrina says she wants to put up Jon and she asks if she has to worry. Neda says no. Sabrina says so then I am pretty much good then no matter who wins?? Neda engaging in stealth whispering now. BB tells Neda to fix her microphone (saving me a trip to the audiologist. DRG) She is talking about why Adel did not use his ticket before and Sabrina says becasue he needed to save it for himself. Neda is talking about maybe throwing the comp so she does not have to get blood on her hands. Sabrina now saying that Andrew then someone else and they are at jury. Neda says depending if Canada has a seat on jury. Sabrina again asks so then she is ok for the next two weeks unless Allison wins HOH.

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11:45PMBBT: The BR is quiet, Alison and Andrew are moving around on top of the covers (nothing kinky) and the others are still. The Pool Party (Sabrina, Rachelle and Neda) are chatting about game and what they would or could do if they won HOH.

11:53PMBBT: We had a brief HotH on the pool chat for a few minutes. Neda and Rachelle are now inside, ADL's in the WA. Heather has been in there for a while. No sign of Sabrina yet. We can hear heartbeating on the BR audio.

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11:49PM BBT: Feeds on pool area turn to Sorry screen. Bedroom is quiet but the lights are still on full. Feeds 3 & 4 come back on showing the girls heading back upstairs and joining Heather still doing nightly ADLS in the bathroom, Neda talking about having to change her tampon every hour or so ever since she read a story about a girl who got toxic shock and died. Heather says she got hers last week and it was really light. She is off birth control whlie in the house but will go back on when she leaves. They speculate about if they will lose weight from having stopped it and that some folks gain weight when they go on it. Neda says that it is supposed to be good for your complexion too, but long term not initially. Heather announces that the pimple on her face is the size of a hurricane and she cannot do anything about it. Rachelle says that she never noticed it if that makes Heather feel any better and she replies that it does. Rachelle tells Neda goodnight and makes her way tot he bedroom. Heather is stretching using the rail of the balcony for support. Now she is looking for her water and enters the bathroom telling Neda that she is pretty. Neda says not right now, but thank you. Heather says goodnight and goes into the bedroom. Feeds 3 & 4 again go to Sorry screen.

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