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Friday, March 7 Live Feeds / BB After Dark

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7:45PM BBT: Sabrina and Kyle on the hammock, Kyle said if he gets HOH he wants the Newfies gone (Jon and Kenny). Sabrina said he shouldn't do that he is going to get a bigger target on his back.

7:58PM BBT: Ika, Sabrina, and Rachelle in the bedroom talking about how Heather annoys them.

8:07PM BBT: Ika talking to Sabrina about when Anick asked her if she was safe and Ika said I don't know you came on a little to strong for me girl. Sabrina said you could have been a little nicer. Ika said she thought she was. (The girls are really excited tonight.) Sabrina said she really doesn't like Neda and, she doesn't want to be around Kyle because he corners her and asks a bunch of questions.

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8:14PM BBT: War Room Guests discussing how when they came out on stage they just thought they were a group of 3 getting ready to go into the house.

8:20PM BBT: Ika talking to Jon about how she trusts Neda. Jon agrees. Sabrina is sitting on the bed next to Ika, Jon asks several times I trust Neda don't you with Ika answering yes and complete silence from Sabrina.

8:31PM BBT: Andrew talking to Adel wanting assurance that he is still on Andrew's side. Adel started talking about alliances and Andrew said don't worry about alliances just worry if your ideas line up with mine. Adel says he just wants to make it to jury after that he can get smoked. He thought he was a beast until he came into the house and saw that he couldn't make it that far. Andrew says this is not an attack he just needs the reassurance.

8:42PM BBT: Andrew, Arlie, Jon, Kenny, and Adel in the HOH Adel said he tried to cheat in the last game and got caught. He said he wasn't supposed to look at the button and did but BB made him put it back.

8:57PM BBT: Sarah and Rachelle in the have not room talking about how they plus Ika and Neda are going to be targeted by the guys. Sarah said she thinks she will be first because she was told she was the leader of the girls but can't remember who told he that.

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9:56PMBBT: The feeds are back. The boys (except Paul) are on the couches in the HoHR talking about traveling to work in other countries. Andrew has a friend who is in Australia.
Sarah and Sabrina are by the pool. Sabrina is emotional.

9:59PM BBT: The War Room has Sambuca. They are toasting Canada! Cheers!

10:00PMBBT: The war room trio broke a bobblehead!
By the pool, Sarah and Sabrina are whispering. There have been NO NOMINATIONS yet. Sarah and Sabrina are discussing the possible nominations still.

10:05PMBBT: One of the girls walks into the HoHR, says it smells bad and leaves. The guys are laughing. Ken says "That is our confirmation, it stinks in here!"

10:10PMBBT: Andrew, Kyle, Ken are discussing Montreal nightlife and what there is to do there (it is a lot of fun if you get to go, Summer is amazing there). Andrew speaks french. Kenny says this is his summer to party and enjoy the city, as it is his first summer there. Kyle leaves to lay down, he has been complaining he is tired for hours. Andrew yells out to Sarah that it is aired out she can come in now.

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10:10PMBBT: Andrew is whispering to Sarah the "plan". Kyle is the target this week. Sarah says Paul is not a threat. Andrew says "I know he is just so annoying." They are going through scenarios if Kyle plays and wins the veto. If Kyle wins and takes Paul off then Heather goes home. Sarah says she is a mess and is making up stuff. Ken says she is a liability. Sarah tells them they are the top "threats" for the girls. Sarah asks who is saying she is the kingpin. It sounds like Andrew, Ken and Sarah are working well together. Ika walks in again saying "I can't find anybody."

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10:10PM BBT Cams 1, 2, and 5 on the three in the War room. 3 & 5 in HOH with Andrew Kenny and Sarah discussing options for what to do if Paul manages to win veto or it is used on him. Sarah tells the boys that they are the top threats for the girls. Ika joins them and promptly complains about the odor in the room (gas). The war room group is drinking wine and enjoying watching the HGs of the TV in their room.

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10:18PMBBT: The war room crew are enjoying their cocktails. They are watching the audioless feeds. They are making their own commentary.

10:20PMBBT: Ika is trading secrets in the HoHR. She is hesitating, they all say "Just tell us." They all swear to who ever they need to and Ika finally says "He (Paul) says you are a sexist and a racist." She explains when it happened and that Rachelle was there too. (I have lost audio for a minute) Ika says that took him for a loop. As the conversation deepens, we get HotH.

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10:19 BBT Ika is adjusting her boobs,(either that or she is searching for them- DRG) while talking to the HOH group. She tells them that Paul said that Andrew is racist and sexist. She makes them beg her for this tidbit before giving it up. War room group has now polished off at least one bottle of wine. Feeds in HOH go to FoTH at 10:24.

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10:25PM BBT Allison in War room has now moved on from wine to beer. They remark about how it is Canadian beer (what a surprise??- DRG) They notice the pantry is locked and then the feeds in War room cut out. Sabrina has now joined the HOH group, Ika is talking about how she was upset when nominated and the feeds cut out.

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10:30 PM BBT: Paul Arlie and John are now in the kitchen, HOH group still the same. Audio choppy. Paul and Adel whispering outside plotting how they can get back into the game and complaining about the other guys ruining their master plan. John has joined the HOH crew and Ika is retelling her tattle on Paul playing the racist card. John quickly leaves the HOH and heads outside.

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10:40 pm BBT: War room group is speculating that perhaps they got the HG's booze because none of them are drinking. Heather is now in the HOH but Andrew and Kenny head out for a smoke. Kenny is telling him that he handled himself well and that Andrew now has everyone in the house on his side. They agree that Kyle? never should have attacked Andrew's character. They debate about whether to nom him directly or back-door him. Andrew does not want to have risk having to nom someone else who might become a threat to him. Apparently Kyle went to Andrew and told him that he was racist and sexist and that he heard that he was going to put a brotha and a sista up.

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10:56 pm BBT: Scott is working away with his make-up on the bobblehead dolls in the War room. The boys return to the HOH and Heather and Sarah head off to get ready for bed. Sabrina is drying her nails on the HOH couch and Ika makes a production of jumping on the bed between Andrew and Kenny. Have nots (Heather, Neda and Sarah) are trying to figure out the sleeping arrangements in their room.

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11:05 pm BBT: Allison is now guiding Nate through some of the exercises the HGs were doing earlier. Scott continues working on the bobbleheads. Kyle and Adel are in the hammock with Paul on the ground along side. They are trying to count what girls they might have with them and plotting how they can start winning some over tomorrow. They don't seem to think very highly of any of the female HGs.

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11:13 pm BBT: Allison easily wore out Nate in the War room and it seems they are on the verge of running out of booze. Hammock trio seems to be sure that Andrew will nom two girls as he does not want to lose the numbers. Paul thinks that Heather is playing Andrew and that she is very smart. BB tells Kyle to take off his sunglasses. They are now wondering why Kenny is putting such a target on his back by sleeping in the HOH.

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11:20 pm BBT: Adel now talking about how he was cornered upstairs and told he was no longer part of the gang. They are now expecting Paul to be one of the noms. Feeds switch to the pig sty eh Bedroom with John and Sarah talking about who will be the noms and how they do not want to be part of any season with racial remarks. She leaves and returns to the have not room. Sabrina is now on the HOH bed between the two boys, and we get another dose of FoTH.

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11:27pm BBT: Feed 5 now back in the War room where Nate is very into watching the HGs speculating about what they are saying since they have video but not audio of the house. Scott is still hard at work on the bobbleheads. Nate now asking Canada to vote for him then returns to doing a play by play of the HGs movements about the house. He has feeds, but we do not nor can we see the screen he is watching. Allison now telling a story about one time when she was drunk and one of her friends was helping her get ready for bed and there was glitter on her bum. (Must have been clubbing with Gary- DRG). They are commenting about how Kenneth is just letting the farts rip.

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10:30PM BBT: Kenny, Sabrina, Ika, Andrew and Sarah in HoH discussing Paul. One of the girls defending Paul by saying he is "old school". Andrew wants Ika to say in DR that she doesn't believe Andrew is racist.

10:39PM BBT: Heather has joined the HoH room crew. Arlie comes in with the battery box. Time for replacements. Meanwhile, in War Room, the Nate, Allison and Scott have been trying to speculate what is happening in the house just by watching feeds with no audio. They have no idea regarding the racism discussions.

10:42PM: War room HG's joke that they think they got the main HG's booze since no one in there is drinking but them. Beers in the War Room.

10:45PM BBT: Andrew and Kenny leave HoH to go for a smoke. The girls stay behind. Kenny and Andrew in HT room smoking. Kenny gives Andrew kudos for how he is handling the accusations. Kenny suggests Andrew backdoor Paul. Neither guy wants anything to do with Paul.

10:54PM BBT: In the War Room, Paul is putting glitter on Bobblehead Kenny's beard and adding eye makeup. LOL!!!

10:56PM BBT: *CORRECTION: SCOTT is putting glitter and makeup on bobblehead Kenny...not Paul...apologies!

10:58PM BBT: Now in HoH are Andrew, Sabrina, Heather, Ika, Arlie and Rachelle. Jon walks in. Talk was about how tired they are. Teasing Jon pretending they were talking about him.

11:00PM BBT: Rachelle and Heather leave HoH, say they're going to bed. Jon isn't sure if he is staying in HoH or not. Arlie says he wants the girls to stay. Jon leaves. They say there are 67 days left in the house...Andrew says it's a rollercoaster.

11:03PM BBT: In war room, they're deciding they need to get Andrew out and one of them will replace him. Allison thinks there is a LOT of muscle in the house. Scott agrees...way too much testosterone in there.

11:05PM BBT: Sabrina in HN Room - all is quiet. Feed flips to Paul, Adel and Kyle in hammock area of BY and Jon joins them briefly then leaves. They think Jon was there to spy on them. Paul says, he came over and left b/c Paul was there so Jon couldn't talk game with them. They're talking about if they can get any of the girls to go with them. Paul again asks who they have of the girls with them. Adel and Kyle laugh and say none.

11:10PM BBT: Paul, Adel and Kyle whispering then laughing. Hard to decipher their strategizing.

11:15PM BBT: Paul thinks Sarah is the "leader of the girls" or at least she is the most "mentally stable. BB: "HG's, please take off your sunglasses." Adel notes that the girls all leave when he walks in a room they're in. Kyle thinks Rachelle might hook up with Andrew...Paul points out that she is probably playing him.

11:19PM BBT: The hammock boys say BB will bring in the twist when it suits them in the game, depending how things are going. After that they just are not making sense. I think they get that they're in trouble in the game. Paul talking about aggravating Andrew now so Andrew will throw a punch (half joking) then he will be expelled. Kyle says it won't work...then feeds flip to main BR.

11:23PM BBT: In main BR Jon is laying down and Rachelle standing beside him talking about the whole scenario. Jon says Paul is a good guy, he is just playing a bad game so far. Rachelle says tomorrow will be interesting. She leaves the BR and Jon is alone. Feeds flip briefly to HN room, then to HoH. Andrew Kenny and Sabrina on the HoH bed. Ika on the couch. Feeds go to HotH.

11:28PM BBT: Only feeds on are War Room. Nate freaking b/c he sees Adel, Kyle and Rachel in a room and thinks they're talking game. He is the only one watching their cams while Allison and Scott are still designing the bobbleheads. Nate prays for Canada to vote him in since he is the only one watching. He sees Andrew go to DR.

11:33PM BBT: HoH feeds on. Arlie, Andrew, Sabrina and Kenny all on the bed talking about how well Andrew has handled everything saying he is not racist. Andrew is riled up, but says he is looking more ridiculous for how he is playing the game.

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11:36 pm BBT Feeds return in HOH with Andrew Kenny, Sabrina and John? They are again relating the incident with Kyle and Andrew and how well Andrew handled it. Feed 4 now in have not room where the gals are under blankets. They are remarking that Kenny is smart, but they do not talk game with him since he is locked in with the guys. They think that both Kenny and Andrew are scary. They hope Andrew will go after Kyle and then Kyle wins veto so that he goes after Andrew next week. They think Kenny is strong but not as much as Andrew and he could work with girls whereas Andrew will not. They are ready for the lights to go out and some one claps twice, but apparently BB did not install the clappers this season.

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11:44 pm BBT: HOH crew still rehashing how to handle the noms when feeds 1 and 2 switch to the hammock trio of Paul, Adel and Kyle who are still cracking themselves up. Sabrina Arlie Kenny and Andrew talking about how they will take out crew in the hammock. They confirm the first five alliance is solid. Sabrina thinks the girls all feel she is with them and they tell her everything. She remarks how they ask her in the DR and she says that she trusts them 100 percent. They talk about liking John but needing to keep him out of the loop for game play reasons.

11:55 pm BBT: 2 feeds in HOH 2 on Hammock crew and one in War room. Sabrina gets up to leave the HOH when John enters and we get another dose of FoTH.

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