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The Amanda Conspiracy Theory


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Exactly !

I am a sinner and I know it .

It is funny how a lot of people on this site hate when the houseguests proclaim their side to be the "good people" yet cannot seem to help themselves by appointing their view, opinion etc to be the moral an just position. Ugh! Anyways I do LOVE reading all sides and views and I am sure all of us have the good mixed with the dark .After all is said and done, we are all human.

Hey that is what we are here for... to judge. If we don't have opinions then we should not be on this message board. teatime-birdie-icon.gif

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Exactly !

I am a sinner and I know it .

It is funny how a lot of people on this site hate when the houseguests proclaim their side to be the "good people" yet cannot seem to help themselves by appointing their view, opinion etc to be the moral an just position. Ugh! Anyways I do LOVE reading all sides and views and I am sure all of us have the good mixed with the dark .After all is said and done, we are all human.

Isn't that an overly simplistic take on human behavior?

All people have weaknesses and frailties; that's not the argument being made. The spectrum of poor behavior is broad and deep and the natural curve models these human behaviors well. Few are very good, most are reasonably good, and a few are truly bad. In other words, many are capable of littering at some point in their life but few are actually capable of cold-blooded murder. Equating Elissa's behavior with Amanda's behavior is an exercise in lunacy.

Again, to attempt to draw an equivalence between those few who commit greater misdeeds and those who commit lesser misdeeds is folly. Unfortunately, your argument suggests just such an equivalence exists. Ignoring those differences in poor behavior and drawing a picture that suggests that we are all 'sinners' and thereby the same also goes a long way to giving those who hold that such an equivalence exists, a pathway to discounting their own missteps. Accountability suffers and then so do we all.


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Hey that is what we are here for... to judge. If we don't have opinions then we should not be on this message board. teatime-birdie-icon.gif

LMAO ! I didn't say anything about not being allowed to have an opinion. Is obviously one of the main reasons for the message board. I was merely pointing out about how some of the people on here purporting their position as that of the morally right out of one side of their mouth and lambasting the house guests when they do it.

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LMAO ! I didn't say anything about not being allowed to have an opinion. Is obviously one of the main reasons for the message board. I was merely pointing out about how some of the people on here purporting their position as that of the morally right out of one side of their mouth and lambasting the house guests when they do it.

A world full of hypocrites? sSig_what.gif Speaking for myself .... well I just can't help it. sSig_heeheehee.gif

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Isn't that an overly simplistic take on human behavior?

All people have weaknesses and frailties; that's not the argument being made. The spectrum of poor behavior is broad and deep and the natural curve models these human behaviors well. Few are very good, most are reasonably good, and a few are truly bad. In other words, many are capable of littering at some point in their life but few are actually capable of cold-blooded murder. Equating Elissa's behavior with Amanda's behavior is an exercise in lunacy.

Again, to attempt to draw an equivalence between those few who commit greater misdeeds and those who commit lesser misdeeds is folly. Unfortunately, your argument suggests just such an equivalence exists. Ignoring those differences in poor behavior and drawing a picture that suggests that we are all 'sinners' and thereby the same also goes a long way to giving those who hold that such an equivalence exists, a pathway to discounting their own missteps. Accountability suffers and then so do we all.


Who is attempting in any way to equate Elissa's and Amanda's behavior ? Hmm ? My post doesn't mention either . I happen to like them both and would be happy if either of them win in the end.

Oh and let us state the obvious, because obviously one sin doesn't equal another and of course there are different degrees to a sin. ~rolls eyes dramatically.

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Who is attempting in any way to equate Elissa's and Amanda's behavior ? Hmm ? My post doesn't mention either . I happen to like them both and would be happy if either of them win in the end.

Oh and let us state the obvious, because obviously one sin doesn't equal another and of course there are different degrees to a sin. ~rolls eyes dramatically.

You are aware of the logical implications of & logical conclusions drawn from your posts, aren't you?

It wasn't I that posted a simplistic little rant about 'sinners' hypocritical behaviors... that was you my BB friend... And actually you did make that equivalence... you may not have understood that you made it, but you did make it.

Together your two assertions: 'cannot seem to help themselves by appointing their view, opinion etc to be the moral an just position.' & 'I am sure all of us have the good mixed with the dark .After all is said and done, we are all human.' definitely makes that simplistic equivalency, which is exactly what I was saying to you. Sometimes, stating the obvious is exactly where the discussion needs to begin.


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About Amanda's job as a realtor ..... This was also posted a few weeks ago I think, I remember seeing the article (or something like it before on the threads here)


we can now be the FIRST to exclusively reveal that Amanda has lost her realtor license. AKA, she’s FIRED.

Amanda has not lost her realtor license it is only on inactive status now with the state. Also, there is another possibility her Mom could have known her password for the Commission website and easily changed it to indicate that position and had her association with Prudential taken down until BB is over. We really don't know for sure what happened.

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Amanda has not lost her realtor license it is only on inactive status now with the state. Also, there is another possibility her Mom could have known her password for the Commission website and easily changed it to indicate that position and had her association with Prudential taken down until BB is over. We really don't know for sure what happened.

I think some people would be happy if they were put on the stake!

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Amanda has not lost her realtor license it is only on inactive status now with the state. Also, there is another possibility her Mom could have known her password for the Commission website and easily changed it to indicate that position and had her association with Prudential taken down until BB is over. We really don't know for sure what happened.

The realtor has to make the request themselves. Unless they have died, in which case the notice would have been done by the board. Having her mother deactivate her license account would be the same as having her mom take her driving test. I know this because I have worked in licensing.

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The realtor has to make the request themselves. Unless they have died, in which case the notice would have been done by the board. Having her mother deactivate her license account would be the same as having her mom take her driving test. I know this because I have worked in licensing.

Main point is Amanda did not lose her license either way and is only an inactive realtor now.

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Is it Amanda Zimmerman or zuckermann? I thought you were not allowed to threaten anyone ? Thus the removal of Russell's brother. I'm curious whether they show all Amanda has done. On Wednesday or Thursdays? That might be of there is preference where it lies.

Amanda Zuckerman and Gina Marie Zimmerman.

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From a business perspective, I really don't see Les Moonves or Julie Chen for all that matters, letting one producer ruin the reputation of their network for Amanda. I simply don't see that happening.

This sounds pretty much like what ED wrote about the Amanda conspiracy .

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I cannot believe that Amanda has not been booted from the show by production. The way she is treating Elissa is just awful. She is worse than Jeremy. And honestly what has Elissa done for everybody (including lazy useless bigot Spencer) to hate her. For him and others to vocalize that shocks me. I watch constantly and see nothing she has done to earn such hateful treatment. Please CBS remove Amanda. That is not how this show should be. We are constantly talking in the media, etc. regarding bullying and yet seems CBS is trying to use it for ratings. Not the best message to put out there. This is plain BULLYING,!

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Amanda made the cut throat/rape comment about Elissa in the early weeks of the game. At that time, Elissa had really done nothing to Amanda and they had used her for the MVP to get rid of players that Amanda also wanted out. Amanda has hated Elissa since the beginning and now it has just escalated because Elissa had the gall to target them.

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Is it Amanda Zimmerman or zuckermann? I thought you were not allowed to threaten anyone ? Thus the removal of Russell's brother. I'm curious whether they show all Amanda has done. On Wednesday or Thursdays? That might be of there is preference where it lies.

If memory serves me correctly, Willie actually got physical.

I cannot believe that Amanda has not been booted from the show by production. The way she is treating Elissa is just awful. She is worse than Jeremy. And honestly what has Elissa done for everybody (including lazy useless bigot Spencer) to hate her. For him and others to vocalize that shocks me. I watch constantly and see nothing she has done to earn such hateful treatment. Please CBS remove Amanda. That is not how this show should be. We are constantly talking in the media, etc. regarding bullying and yet seems CBS is trying to use it for ratings. Not the best message to put out there. This is plain BULLYING,!

Great post and good points.

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I cannot believe that Amanda has not been booted from the show by production. The way she is treating Elissa is just awful. She is worse than Jeremy. And honestly what has Elissa done for everybody (including lazy useless bigot Spencer) to hate her. For him and others to vocalize that shocks me. I watch constantly and see nothing she has done to earn such hateful treatment. Please CBS remove Amanda. That is not how this show should be. We are constantly talking in the media, etc. regarding bullying and yet seems CBS is trying to use it for ratings. Not the best message to put out there. This is plain BULLYING,!

They wont remove her unless she exhibits that she will physically harm or does some physical harm to any of the other houseguests.

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They wont remove her unless she exhibits that she will physically harm or does some physical harm to any of the other houseguests.

It's been done in the past and they permitted it. Why should it be any different this time? What's good for the others is good for Amanda. Elissa has to suck it up (although her lips look like she has already).

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I think that it is foolish for people to believe that reality shows are tamper-free. I would believe that the chaotic seasons bring in revenue far exceeding those seasons that are labeled snooze-fests. People complain that BB15 is boring but they sure do love to talk about it. That means money.

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Does the Conspiracy Theory that Season 15 is set up for Amanda to win Big Brother hold any truth?

While I don't think the show is 100% rigged I do think this season is heavily favored in Amanda's direction. It just seems to be too big of a coincidence that after winning nothing all season she won the POV to save McCrae. And I'll be shocked if either Amanda or McCrae do not win the HOH this coming week. Because anyone else winning that might nominate Amanda and McCrae might actually mean one of them would leave and I don't think they want that right now. Especially Amanda.

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^^^^ Agree with Slimcruz. I also think it should be expected that production will try to sway things in a certain direction. Entertainment is a business. The shows purpose on tv is to earn money. Drama equals more money and more people talking about it. People would be bored if it was just smooth sailing to the end for their fav player.

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i am usually on the bb conspiracy train but not sure i can get on this one

i just dont think grodner would risk her job to have a personal friend win the game even if the show isnt a game show per say

but the one thing i would say amanda does seem awfully comfy in her dr sessions


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From a business perspective, I really don't see Les Moonves or Julie Chen for all that matters, letting one producer ruin the reputation of their network for Amanda. I simply don't see that happening.

As for her job, we really don't know what can still happen there because some firings etcetera, take place post-production. I've read that she works in a family owned firm, and if that's true, I don't see them firing her. Who knows...

In terms of her winning the POV when needed, I predicted that too, and of course it happened. I also predicted when Janelle and others won their greatly needed saves, so that one is iffy. And remember Elissa won her veto and HoH at a desperate time as well.

The differences between Elissa, Janelle et al compared to A is that they were always strong competitors. If I'm not mistaken, Elissa was one of the last females left in the initial HOH contest. A hasn't been close to winning anything, so one has to believe that something was thrown her way because of her affiliation with not only the producers, but the station as well.

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While I don't think the show is 100% rigged I do think this season is heavily favored in Amanda's direction. It just seems to be too big of a coincidence that after winning nothing all season she won the POV to save McCrae. And I'll be shocked if either Amanda or McCrae do not win the HOH this coming week. Because anyone else winning that might nominate Amanda and McCrae might actually mean one of them would leave and I don't think they want that right now. Especially Amanda.

It's kind of suspicious that they would show Aaryn being racially inappropriate, then show Amanda calling her out on it, but never air any of the footage of Amanda's racially & homophobic outbursts. Fixed to favour Amanda? Probably.

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While I don't think the show is 100% rigged I do think this season is heavily favored in Amanda's direction. It just seems to be too big of a coincidence that after winning nothing all season she won the POV to save McCrae. And I'll be shocked if either Amanda or McCrae do not win the HOH this coming week. Because anyone else winning that might nominate Amanda and McCrae might actually mean one of them would leave and I don't think they want that right now. Especially Amanda.

Happy to participate in any conspiracy theory, but that competition which required alot of stamina was NOT geared to Amanda, you would have figured McCrae to do better, but he just talks about it. She seemed to have a pretty good game plan, just slow and steady, took breaks and kept on eye on the others scores. I thought GinaMarie really kicked some butt, but just didn't make it all the way back.

I have certainly seen competitions that seem to favor some contestants, but not that one. It usually takes a pretty good athlete to win that one, especially with a number like 250....certainly not the unathletic, never worked out, smoking chimney that is Amanda.

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