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Wednesday, August 21 Live Feed Updates


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6:53PM BBT Aaryn and McCrae are trashing Elissa for getting pregnant at 19 and marrying "a sugar daddy" Aaryn says, "I beat teen pregnancy and I turn 23 in 2 weeks and if I announced I was getting married it wouldn't be a big deal. She got married at 19..." Amanda cuts in "Was it 19??" McCrae and Aaryn say she doesn't tell people when she got married. It is an all in all holier than thou attitude yet again in the HoHR. They are now talking about Vegas and Aaryn thinks they should get GoPro cameras so they remember everything, Amanda says all the camera will see is her naked on the bed. Aaryn says "You can keep that to yourself"

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7:05PM BBT McCrae keeps singing. We get short FotH's.
Amanda announces "OMG i can not wait to have sex!" McCrae "Uhhh Shut up!" Amanda says she is going to have sex with McCrae in the jury house or after the finale. Aaryn says "Can you imagine McCrae going to jury before you and being alone with Jessie?" Amanda says she will go before McCrae.
Helen and Elissa seem to be whispering small talking in the KT but Helen is actually coaching Elissa.

7:11PM BBT Aaryn and Amanda were trash talking Janelle and her "flirtmance" with Howie. Aaryn says that if Janelle was in the house McCrae would sleep with her. McCrae says no. Aaryn says "Ya you would." Amanda starts getting defensive, Aaryn starts laughing "Amanda, it is so easy to get you going." Amanda is now imitating racoons that were fighting on the other side of the BY wall. She is now calling McCrae a dickface and saying he wants her vagina. (and it is not even 8PM!)

7:16PM BBT Amanda is now in the KT looking for food. She wants "the good olives". Elissa digs out a jar of pickles "Suck on one of those Amanda, kosher dill!!" as Amanda shoves a pickle into her mouth.
In the HoHR Spencer, GinaMarie, McCrae and Aaryn are quiet since Amanda left. The only thing mentioned is they all need a shower.

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7:23PM BBT Nothing is happening. Elissa is washing her face, brushing her teeth. No talk in the HoHR. Andy says he hears someone. He is trying to make conversation. Aaryn says she can not believe there hasn't been a Pandora's Box. Andy says "Maybe there was one? But we don't know." Andy says then something bad would have happened. Now he and Spencer are debating it with Aaryn.

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7:30PM BBT Spencer is in the Havenot room with Elissa pleading his case. He says he knows she doesn't think very highly of him but, he has great respect for her. Elissa says "You don't know me." Elissa calls him out for not having a conversation with her. Elissa says it takes her a long time to feel comfortable with people. She says there was never any bad blood between them at all. Spencer says that nothing she has said about him has come back negative, he says she is a "real solid woman" and he prays for Helen and Elissa's families every night. They agree they do not dislike each other.

7:35PM BBT Spencer says he came in to talk to her because he knows she had a bad day and he just wanted her to know he thinks she is handling it well as he has been in her shoes. She says she appreciates him coming to her and being supportive. They are just going back and forth with small compliments.
In the HoHR Helen is painting her nails, Andy is watching. GinaMarie is resting her eyes on the HoH bed.

7:38PM BBT Elissa says she hates to see people get so personal in an impersonal game. Spencer says that Helen is a phenomenal woman and she is a great player and a great person. Spencer says he would like to not just have fart conversations, they could talk about children missions and other things. Elissa says she is an intricate person, not making a big deal about certain things. Spencer says the convos are alot of junk in the house.

7:40PM BBT Spencer "I mean you are a wife and a mother and I am not a husband or a father but I know you love your sister and I love my brother and I think we can find some common ground to talk on. Anyway girl I will let you get back to your alone time and I will talk to you later." Elissa lays down as Spencer leaves the room. Amanda is in DR. The rest of the house is silent, other than Helen and Andy small talk.

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7:50PM BBT Helen is explaining trimesters of pregnancy to Aaryn. Andy asks Helen about her kids. They start talking about past game twists, Aaryn says that if there is something going on, she is oblivious.
Aaryn "I am almost 100% positive someone is coming back into the house so, you could be coming back in!" Helen wonders about it. It is all really small talk about the game and past twists.

7:54PM BBT Aaryn just swallowed some nail polish remover by accident.

7:55PM BBT Spencer reads the poison info on the back of the bottle and she says "WHAT!!!!!" when he says they should contact poison control. Spencer gets her the water bottle. She says she drank what was left in the bottle. She thought it was her water bottle. Spencer thinks she should try to throw up. She is complaining it has soaked into her mouth. Helen says to chug the water and then go to DR. We have FotH.

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8:05PM BBT Feeds are back! Aaryn is still in the HoHR. Looking a little ill though.

8:08PM BBT Helen and Andy and Amanda are talking in the HoHR about what it would feel like to leave. Helen says it bothers her that Spencer is still in the game, even if she wasn't on the block she would still want him gone. GinaMarie and Elissa had a little talk in the have not room, sounds like Elissa is trying to get GM and Andy to vote Spencer out still. Spencer is slurping a coffee in the KT. He is now on his way back to the HoHR. Helen stops talking about it.
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8:15PM BBT Aaryn is out of the DR. She is shuffling around the KT.
Amanda just compared her dog, Baxter, to McCrae and how they both growl. Spencer and Amanda are comparing dogs.
McCrae is called to DR.

8:20PM BBT McCrae leaves to go to DR. Amanda says that she gets more and more attracted to him every single day. Aaryn is throwing away the nail polish remover. Helen says there are probably people out there who love to inhale nail polish remover or drink it and that is why it says to call poison control.
Amanda is licking and sucking on a homemade spoon lollipop. Elissa is asleep in the Have not room.

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8:25PM BBT Aaryn seems fine! She is in the HoHR talking and relaxing, drinking water. Amanda, Spencer and Andy have her talking up a storm. They are talking about snapchats and sexting. Andy is telling a story about his friend who did a news story about teenagers and sexting and when they were showing how snapchat works on the guys phone (who was not sexting) Andy's name was shown over and over again and he says it was so ridiculous. Now the talk is back to buttholes and bleaching them, again.

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8:31PM BBT Amanda and Aaryn are talking about waxing. Amanda has wax, they can cut up a bed sheet (waxing private areas was Amanda's angle on this) and she thinks she just created a new trend with it. Andy says he got sloppy with this stories when he came out for the final audition.. we get FotH. Feeds come back and Amanda says "I had a BB first though, did you hear about my baby story?" We get FotH, feeds come back as she says "The day I went home, I found out I was pregnant." Aaryn asks if it was real, Amanda says "Yes, it was a BB first" and we get FotH again. Feeds come back and Amanda says she sent them her lab results, Aaryn says "How are you not pregnant 3 days later?" We get FotH.

8:37PM BBT FotH for about 90 seconds and now the HoH talk is about who was supposed to be set up with who... FotH. We have had several brief FotH in the past 15 minutes.

8:42PM BBT What is your type? Helen always went for the opposite of what she looks like. Amanda has always dated brunettes, some with blue eyes. Aaryn says her parents were like Ken and Barbie, we get FotH.
McCrae says his parents were high school sweethearts. Spencer's Mom was 19 and his Dad was 20. Aaryn says doesn't she would be overwhelmed if she was pregnant, she would worry about the money but she would be fine. Amanda asks McCrae if he would marry her right now, he says "Sure, you can take care of me" Spencer is saying he would never cheat on Marilyn.

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8:45PM BBT Amanda says she is a pusher in relationships. She does it with everyone. Spencer is telling the story about when he and his girlfriend broke up, we get a FotH. feeds come back and he is on to another story about his girlfriend. Amanda is explaining her success. Aaryn asks her what her dream is, Amanda wants to own some income properties and let her money make her money.

8:53PM BBT Aaryn says her family is into this "oil thing". Spencer says "It's called wildcatting" He is now talking about real estate deals he was working on at home. Amanda says trailer parks are good money too especially once the land is paid off.

8:56PM BBT They are talking about what they would do with the BB winnings. Andy says he would "Buy candy!!!" Andy would travel and help his family.

9:00PM BBT Spencer was talking about real estate law and rules in Arkansas. Aaryn says her throat hurts. Amanda says "That's because you drank nail polish remover!" Brief FotH. They continue talking about what they could do if they won. Andy is called to the DR, McCrae says "Check for booze!"

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9:07PM BBT Helen is alone in the lounge, lying on the couch, tearing up.
HoHR is small talk, nothing really going on. Everyone is lying around. Spencer says "Andy has been called to the DR a lot today" Amanda, "That's because they are making him look like a swing vote. I know this because I am a producer on the show as well."

9:12PM BBT Amanda wants to name her daughter "Emery" and if it a boy they will name him "Sawyer". McCrae says "Ya!" Amanda says "Oh I love it, Emery and Sawyer."
Amanda is imitating GinaMarie. Helen is checking her slop on the stove. Andy is now back in the HoHR.

9:17PM BBT Helen just went to the DR on her own.
Sex talk in the HoHR.

9:20PM BBT Aaryn asks if sex happens every season in the house. McCrae says "No not last year." She asks "How with that whole Frank and Ashley or Shane and Danielle??" McCrae says he doesn't know about that because he was "so not into them at all" and then says "I don't think he was into Danielle either" Spencer says Danielle got worse looking as the season went on. McCrae says he doesn't snap chat. Aaryn says "OMG that's a yes! There are dickie stickies out there!" Amanda says he has a big dick. The crudeness amps up as the night goes on.

9:24PM BBT Aaryn says she felt bad for Helen while she was upstairs as she is hoping for a miracle. Amanda "I just wanna be up on all 4 with my hair tied back and you just do me!" Aaryn says they should do a BB porno. Amanda growls "I just want you to back door me!"

9:27PM BBT Spencer just asks what time it is, "We should be on After dark right now." Aaryn starts laughing. Andy says he would never had sex in the BB house. Spencer says "It would be the first gay sex in the BB house!" Amanda says "Andy, if you were in the house for months and months and fall in love..." Andy says it is because of his job. Amanda says "Oh I would never do anything to jeopardize my work!" (too late)

have a good night all, I am off :)

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11:00 PM BBT: not much to report lately. Spencer Helen Andy and Amanda in HOH talking about if Nick really liked GM or not. They feel bad for her if she watches and is upset after the show. Spencer says Nick was always kind when he spoke about GM. That folks is the most exciting thing to report.

11:15 PM BBT: FOTH for a few mins now.

11:25 PM BBT: Feeds cut from fish to house. From what little I get when I can see them, Elissa is in bed while Amanda, Aaryn, and Helen are in HoH Elissa bashing. Spencer and Andy are just listening and taking it in. Helen says she is just acting odd because she is stressed out due to Helen leaving. Aaryn called her a subhuman individual. Helen doesn't understand why she is going after Aaryn in week nine for things that happened in week two. She continues by saying that Elissa holds grudges and only remembers what she wants of people.

11:40PM BBT: Still going over this morning's conversation with Elissa, Aaryn says that Elissa belittled every win Aaryn has gotten and called Aaryn a non-entity. Spencer, Amanda, and Andy have all gone downstairs. Andy scares Mccrae as he exits DR. Spencer and Andy make him go back in and ask for beer and wine. McManda lay down to talk and kiss.

11:50 pm BBT: Being a HN is getting to GM. Production told her she cannot be a have for her birthday and that she will have a belated birthday. She is in the airplane room upset. Feeds switch to Amanda Toilet Papering someone’s bed. I am assuming it's GM's for her birthday.

12:00AM BBT HAPPY BIRTHDAY GINAMARIE!!! Everyone isputting on her stuff and decorating her part of the room. They really want to cheer her up and are going all out in ways that they can since she is a HN. Amanda goes to get her in the airplane room by doing her best GM impersonation. Amanda keeps yelling do you know what time it is? and We gotta get to the party yo! GM is in the house! She leads GM into her bedroom where everyone surprises her and sings happy birthday. GM gives a speech and all the HGs tell their favorite GM stories,

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