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Monday, August 12 Live Feed Updates


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8:17PMBBT: BBQ is done, Macaroni is ready, buns are toasted and looks like it is dinner time. Elissa wonders if Andy will get a pandora's box? Andy says he heard strange noises coming from the HoH walls today. Helen says he should get a Ragan's box!
Aaryn and Jessie are still talking in the HoH bathroom.

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8:25PMBBT: Amanda is trying to convince Spencer to shave his beard and to "scruff it up a bit!" Spencer says no. Andy says they should do a hair swap, Amanda shaves her head, Spencer shaves his beard and takes her hair.
Aaryn has finally finished shaving her legs.

8:30PMBBT: Andy "What are you ladies up to?" Aaryn and Jessie say they trashed his HoH room. He says "Oh that is nice." Aaryn pulls Andy into the SR and tells Andy that Jessie says she will go after Elissa if she stays in the house. Jessie wants to work with Amanda and McCrae and she believes that she is going home because of the way people are acting towards her. Andy says he will keep his ears open and hopefully she won't know she is leaving. He finds Spencer is less "flipfloppy"

8:33PMBBT: BY talk is about how Dan got into the BB house. McCrae can't remember. Elissa has an icy hot patch on her neck, she is not feeling better. Amanda is talking about ginger for healing pain. GinaMarie is blowdrying her hair in the WA. Aaryn is brushing her hair. Even with the hairdryer on, GinaMarie is loud as ever.

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8:38PMBBT: BY talk is back to making fun of other HG and giggles. They are talking about how GM says "You are a rat!" Amanda says when she was in Jamaica everyone was saying how they were going to back door her. She and Jessie keep laughing. McCrae is now talking about the bible and the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Elissa is giving her opinion on the story's meaning. In the WA, GinaMarie is praising Elissa's work on her hair again. She says it is better than ever.

8:43PMBBT: BY Bible talk is being hosted by Elissa and McCrae! Spencer is the guest host.
In the WA, Hair with Helen is in full swing with talk about how to make your extensions last longer!

8:48PMBBT: Jessie pulls Andy into the color room. She is worried that she is being treated differently in the house. She is worried that Elissa is spending too much time with Spencer and thinks the HG are "snowing" Andy and siding with Spencer (the plan is for Jessie to go home but she thinks Spencer is) Andy says he is going to talk to Elissa and "is going to find out what is going on!" Jessie is a little paranoid today. Jessie is heading out to the hammock.

8:51PMBBT: Spencer says the talk in the BY went to Martin Luther King and the catholic church and it's importance in Christianity and he "avoids that shit" so he came inside. He was washing dishes, while whining to Andy. Spencer is now doing the garbage and recycling. Andy is helping him. Someone is singing in the house, It may be GinaMarie. McCrae is doing dishes. Amanda is now singing an 'NSync song. No one told her to stop singing.

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#BB15 9:00pm BBT mcamanda are in the wr brushing teeth at the same time, spencer walks in with Andy.
GM and Elissa are in the kt,Elissa walks outside Aaryn follows,now back in.there is just chit chat going on. no game talk.

#BB149:05pm BBT mcamanda is in their room, Mccrea is reading the bible to Amanda, who is wondering what the angels in sodum look like,
mccrea is saying angels dont have a penis. Aayrn and GM are doing their toe nails in the WR. Mccrea continues to read the story of Lot.

#BB15 9"10pm BBT GM is showing them how her ex moves when he has sex with her. Andy is talking about Judd talking about him being
Miss Juddfire. from the movie Miss doubtfire. Helen is in the DR oh there goes mcamanda kissing.

#BB15 9:15pm BBT Andy goes in to talk to mcamanda about Jessie fliflopping, saying that just shows she really has to go.
Amanda yea nothing can change my mind about that. Helen and Spencer are playing pool. Andy goes to take a show he smells bad.
now Andy is talking to GM about Jessie making sure she is on the same page.

#BB15 9:20pm BBT Jessie is talking to Elissa who is in the hot tub about movies, with Andy who is going to run before he takes a shower.
Aayrn and GM are in the wr GM eating ice cream. Aayrn doing her nails, they are talking about jury. GM goes pee.

#BB15 9:25pm BBT Jessie and Elissa are talking about changing cloths on the live feeds and how much they really show. now talking about jerking off on the live feeds
which Elissa thinks is so gross. talking about Amanda. Jessie says GM wont where at tampon. now they are talking about how GM wont do anything like a normal person does its weird.
now talking about why she wont wear a tampon or bathing suits. feeds change to Helen and Spencer playing pool.

#BB15 9:30pm BBT Aayrn says Jessie made a deal with her to keep her safe next week. Aayrn I dont want her out. GM walks out.

#BB15 9:35pm BBT Mccrea is out of the DR and Aayrn is called to the DR Mccrea and Amanda are kissing lets count how many times they kiss.
one two three....

#BB15 9:40pm BBT andy is wondering what to say to Jessie in his goodbye message, Elissa asked if you get your own room in jury house, Jessie yea I think you do. Elissa is talking about being a have not and what pain she had.
now Jessie, BB is really on Mccrea tonight.

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10:00PMBBT: Amanda, McCrae, Spencer and Andy are in the color room making fun of GinaMarie and how she gets product names wrong and how she doesn't know who Kroger is. Helen is heading up to the HoH room to listen to music. Aaryn is up there with her.

10:04PMBBT: The McManda wedding is planned for tomorrow. They tell Andy he can't take Pandora's Box tomorrow because it will ruin their wedding.
Aaryn says she hates who she is as a havenot. Helen says people forget how bad it is to be a havenot once you have done it.

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10:12PMBBT: In the color room, they have made fun of Elissa and her yoga, how they want America's player to not include Elissa (they are convinced that she will win it) then McCrae farted a few times and the smell is apparently hideous. Just as they start to talk about Aaryn, GinaMarie entered the room.

10:15PMBBT: Amanda, GinaMarie, McCrae, Spencer, Andy are making fun of Candice. Amanda says that the worst thing Candice did was call Spencer out about the Howard thing. Spencer says they don't realize that Howard wanted to be voted out to let Candice in the house. GinaMarie takes the opportunity to bash Howard some more. She says he "sucks ass at everything."

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10:20PMBBT: Jessie, Helen and Aaryn are in the HoH room talking about Judd. Jessie says he is on her shit list. Aaryn looks like she is digging for toe jam. Rehashing of Judd's sins and supposed lies is happening.
The bashing of Howard and Candice continues in the color room. GinaMarie has called Candice a "crack whore baby or maybe a test tube baby, that's all." Spencer laughs harder than anyone. Elissa walks in wearing a political rally style hat. They all start laughing. Elissa goes to put on her mic and the bashing is back to Howard and Candice.

10:27PMBBT: Elissa is now up in the HoH room and the talk is now on Kaitlin and how she was a victim of others lies.
The color room crew are listing off who has won what and how close they have come to winning. And the talk goes back to Candice. GinaMarie is exuding her hatred again.

10:31PMBBT: Jessie is talking about Amanda and wanting her out and how Howard and Candice wanted her out. Aaryn says "Why do that and put a huge target on your back?" And the talk is back to Judd and how good he was at the game.
GinaMarie is quoting movies again, BB tells her not to. She is talking about Gremlins. Andy is looking for alcohol in the SR.

10:34PMBBT: GinaMarie claims that a pair of dirty underwear were left behind by Candice. Spencer asks "Are they dischargy? Turd stained?" GM picks them up with a pencil. They all say "Ughhhhhh!" Amanda says they aren't hers! GM says "No they were in her drawer" and now they are talking about how much Candice's family must hate her. (it is disturbing)

10:40PMBBT: GinaMarie is still ranting about Candice. Andy has left the color room and is now in the HoH room with Jessie, Aaryn and Helen. Aaryn thinks once there are 5 jury members, America will get to vote one back. Andy says he will then self evict. Andy mentions how the house is divided. Aaryn says she can not stand Spencer, he is fake.

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10:45MBBT: Judd talk continues in the HoH room, they are now comparing his game play to Candice. Jessie is wondering if someone is or has been America's player. Helen thinks it would be fun to do it. Andy is called to the DR, Elissa asks what he does in there. He says, "I talk about you, I hate you!" She laughs as he leaves. Elissa says "America vote me your player! I want to be America's player!"
GM, Amamda, McCrae and Spencer are still talking game, hate and gossip in the color room.

10:50PMBBT: GinaMarie is explaining the story line of the movie the Wedding Singer. BB tells her to stop talking about movies. Spencer yells out a profanity. GM says "Sorry Spencer I can't do it anymore!" McCrae broke wind yet again.
Helen was talking about Lane and Britney and how awesome they were at DR sessions with one liners.

10:55PMBBT: Aaryn wants to meet Lane (season 9 winter), Helen says he would probably add her to FB or something. Spencer and McCrae have put GM in a laundry bag. GM is rolling around in the laundry bag acting ridiculous, they have tied the bag up. (I would have put the dirty underwear in there with her) McCrae is now quoting movies, BB is not saying anything. The convo is very crude.

10:58PMBBT: helen and Jessie are in the BY talking about game. Jessie wants to know why Helen isn't talking to her or why she is avoiding her. It is all "blame Candice" right now. Helen is not letting her off the hook, Jessie is getting fired up yelling and saying she has been loyal to her for the past 3 weeks, Helen yells back, "I find that to be a lie!" Helen went back in the house. She is looking for Andy, Jessie is outside smoking.

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Due to mass apathy, Tuesday has been canceled. Oh, wait-- that's Tuesday, November 5th, Election Day that was cancelled due to apathy, this Tuesday will continue as scheduled, only I won't be here for most of it. I'd rather be here, but I have an appointment that will keep me away from home for a good chunk of the day. This means it's very important that everyone pitch in and keep our updates, up-to-date. Please begin here:

Tuesday, August 13 Live Feed Updates



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11:05PM BBT Helen explaining to Amanda and McCrae about her argument ear;ier with Jessie.

11:10PM BBT McCrae, Amanda and Jessie talking Jessie wants to work with them together with Aaryn. Jessie told McCrae that Helen wanted to vote Amanda out.

11:15PM BBT Jessie told Amanda and McCrae that Elissa and Helen wanted her out.

11:22PM Amanda went up to Hoh and told Helen,Elissa that Jessie is talking about them.Helen,Elissa confronted Jessie about telling Amanda that they wanted her out.

11:25PM BBT Helen told Jessie that she is going home this week. Ginamarie, Aaryn,Andy and Elissa in Hoh talking about Jessie. Ginamarie said Jessie would be in the BB books of flip flopping history.

11:30PM BBT Jessie,Helen and Andy talking in Hoh. Helen would not let Jessie talk. Jessie asks Andy if Helen was trying to get Amanda out. Jessie is ripping Helen apart in Hoh.

11:38PM BBT Before Elissa leave Hoh she asks Jessie if she is on any drugs, Jessie said she felt offended that she would ask that. Jessie said Helen,Elissa wanted Amanda out, Jessie said that Helen looked to the right which proves that she is lying.

11:41PM BBT Helen left Jessie talking with Andy, Jessie said she is taking the fall again and she was left out of the loop again. Jessie said she was telling the truth.

11:46PM BBT Elissa,Amanda in the By Elissa told Amanda that Jessie said she wanted to hit Amanda. Aayn said she was trying so hard for candice to hit her so she would be ejected.

11:55PM Andy asks McCrae if that is a hickey on his neck. Elissa and Ginamarie in WA talking about Jessie. While in Hoh Andy,Helen,Amanda and McCrae bashing Jessie. Andy said please don't waste your time talking about Jessie she is a sinking ship and she is gone this week.

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