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Wednesday, August 7 Live Feed Updates


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#BB15 3:41 PM BBT HG primping to head outside. Candice asks BB if they are getting filmed and we get FOTH. We have occasional FOTH.

#BB15 3:47 PM BBT The HG are prepping for something. Helen in the cockpit room counting pillows.

#BB15 3:50 PM BBT Amanda doesn't understand why they have to get dressed up for the Zingbot. She says it's stupid. Spencer says because they are going to be on TV.

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4:25 pm BBT HG have a board balanced on a pivot pt, they have to roll a ball down the board into stands on either side of the board. (for any BB fans we know this comp to be the double eviction comp)

4:40 pm BBT HG are taking turns playing with the board/ball. They are doing pretty well with it.

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4:45 PM BBT BB has called another indoor lockdown. Jessie is getting the laundry out of the dryer before she heads inside.

4:56 PM BBT McCrae is in the HoHR with Gina Marie. They are going to do a double check with everyone to make sure they have the 4 votes needed to get rid of Candice. McCrae tells Gina Marie "The wording of it makes it sound like a double eviction." Judd and Helen are in the SR. Judd says they all did really well with the board/ball game. Helen said she sucked at it. He also tells Helen it's likely a double eviction.

4:59 PM BBT Judd has also put it together that jury starts with this eviction. "They wouldn't get rid of two but only put one of them in jury."

5:01 PM BBT Spencer whispers to Amanda in the BR that if it is a double eviction and he wins the first HoH part he will meet with her and McCrae in the cockpit. He says they'll figure it out together. Spencer and Amanda are discussing the odd quiet of the house. It gives Spencer a weird feeling that he can't put his finger on.

5:05 PM BBT Spencer, McCrae, and Amanda are in the BR. They feel pretty comfortable that they have the 4 votes to get rid of Candice. They all believe it will be a double eviction tomorrow. In the HoHR Gina Marie has sent Judd to get Jessie. She tells Judd she wants to secure the vote for tomorrow. Jessie comes up and she asks her to tell her where her head is at. Jessie tells her "At this point I just don't feel like discussing it." Gina Marie thanks her and Jessie leaves. Gina Marie asks for Andy next. Jessie tells Andy, Spencer, Amanda, and McCrae in the BR that Gina Marie's power is over.

5:11 PM BBT Andy comes up tot he HoHR. Gina Marie tells him what Jessie said to her and that she is trouble. Andy confirms he is voting out Candice. Gina Marie says she will share Jessie's reaction to McCrae but plans on not saying anything to Amanda.

5:13 PM BBT Gina Marie leaves the HoHR and asks to talk to Helen in the SR. She rehashes her conversation with Jessie. Gina Marie tells Helen that Jessie will have a huge target if she votes against the house. Helen wants Gina Marie to know that she is voting out Candice for Gina Marie and to prove she is trustworthy. Gina Marie promises not to put up Helen and has her back.

5:16 PM BBT Helen is telling Gina Marie again how much of a favor it is that Helen is voting against Candice. They are both worried about Jessie possibly winning tomorrow.

5:19 PM BBT Gina Marie goes to the Have Not Rom to talk to McCrae and Amanda comes in. Amanda "Someone told me that you hate me." Amanda makes Gina Marie pinky swear not to say anything before she reveals that Aayn was the source of this information. Gina Marie says you can tell who she doesn't like because every time Candice walks into the room Gina Marie leaves. Gina Marie promises that she never said that. Gina Marie tells Amanda that Aaryn said the same thing about Kaitlin all the time and that Aaryn hates everyone. Gina Marie thinks this is all because of jealousy. Aaryn is afraid Gina Marie might be chosen over Aaryn eventually. Gina Marie "If I didn't like you, I would treat you like Candice."

5:23 PM BBT Amanda to Gina Marie "Don't you Fing say anything to her, even if you are mad." Gina Marie promises and Amanda leaves. Gina Marie tells McCrae that Aaryn told her to put Amanda up. She then rehashes the conversation she had with Jessie and they both leave.

5:31 PM BBT Amanda tells Elissa, Judd, and Andy that she is worried. "Another blindside, by someone I trust." About Jessie Amanda says "She doesn't have to say what her vote is, it's her vote." Amanda thinks that maybe Gina Marie may be asking everyone about their vote because she is upset that her reign is almost over. Elissa "She didn't even ask me."

5:34 PM BBT Helen and Aaryn are talking in the cockpit. Helen says they need to play smarter. McCrae could probably rally Spencer, Gina Marie, and Andy at this point. Plus, Amanda can reel McCrae in. Helen is telling her that they need to be careful. They both agree that Candice is leaving and Helen tells her that Elissa and her are voting that way simply to prove their loyalty to Aaryn and Gina Marie.

5:42 PM BBT Just general chit chat in the house. Gina Marie is starting to take her belongings back downstairs.

5:54 PM BBT Not much going on in the house. Some of the HGs are packing and moving for tomorrow.

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6:03 PM Helen and Spencer are talking in the cockpit. They are talking about their distrust of Aaryn and Jessie. Helen about Jessie "she has lost a lot of trust from a lot of people." Helen tells him that if she could choose she would vote to keep Spencer over Jessie.

6:11 PM BBT Judd and McCrae have a brief talk in the Have Not room. Gina Marie and Spencer talk briefly in the LR. Everyone is just securing the votes for tomorrow and no one trusts Jessie anymore.

6:22 PM BBT We have been on FotH the last 10 minutes.

6:34 PM BBT Still on FotH.

7:00 PM BBt Stil FotH for almost an hour.

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8:08PMBBT Feeds are back. Spencer asks McManda why they weren't out with them all rocking out to Nirvana. Amanda says "Oh no we were rocking out in here." She and McCrae are in the lounge. Amanda says that she can smell vomit, it is in a cup left over from the bachelor party a few days ago.

8:10PMBBT mcCrae is in the SR with Helen, they are whispering about a new plot to vote out Amanda and GM will break the tie and Amanda will be gone. We keep getting brief FotH for a second here or there. Helen leaves the SR and tells GM she wishes they could dance more.

8:13PMBBT Candice is in the lounge saying she had to get a new clown suit, she has a penis but a small vagina and if Howard had penetrated it it would have been bigger. "You know what they say, the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice." Andy, Judd, Amanda and Spencer are laughing. Amanda says "OMG I slept with a black guy once, ya it was a huge disappointment." And Aaryn walks in so the convo switched to Amanda throwing insults to Aaryn, she called her a "tiny horny tumbleweed" among other things.

8:17PMBBT Amanda just said Shamu was a sperm whale as she is trying to explain what "bailing" is. The HG have had alcohol and some are randomly singing so we get brief FotH. Aaryn is trying to understand what Amanda is talking about.
In the KT GinaMarie is explaining to Helen about dance competitions. GM just asked Helen what network they were on. She thought it was ABC. GM is trying to get the HG into the thanksgiving day parade, she knows "someone" who organizes the floats.

8:21PMBBT Jessie is not participating in the festivities, she had a shower, has brushed her hair and is now in the color room getting dressed. Elissa is doing shout outs to The Bachelorette girls, Jillian, Emily. Sounds like Elissa knows Emily, she says Emily is super sophisticated.

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8:25PMBBT Spencer in the WA, Amanda comes in and he pulls her to the side and tells her that Jessie is still plotting against her. She says she knows and she leaves the WA, walks to the chair room and finds Aaryn to tell her she thinks tomorrow's vote is going to be 3-3-1. Aaryn asks why she thinks that, Amanda says "Just a feeling I have." She tells Aaryn she walked in on horrible timing, "When you walked in we were just finishing up." Aaryn caught McManda in their skivvies while the party was happening. (Sounds like they had sex knowing that the live feeds were off.)

8:32PMBBT It sounds like McCrae and Amanda had sex knowing the feeds would be off during the party (but the cameras still roll people) Amanda has changed out of her thong into her black bathing suit bottoms. Aaryn and she are whispering on the bed in the chair room. Amanda gets up and says she has to put baby powder on her vagina to "freshen it up". Aaryn keeps saying "What? WHAT?" Amanda walks into the KT to McCrae and they kiss, he asks what she is doing and she says "Nothing."

8:37PMBBT In the HoH room, Judd says he is keeping Jessie close so he knows what is going on. "I am sleeping with the enemy for you!" he tells Andy, Spencer, McCrae and GinaMarie. In the lounge, Helen, Candice and Elissa are planning a girls trip.

8:42PMBBT Helen wants to get pregnant again "Like the day I leave the house!" Elissa says she can't have another baby for a couple of years, she wants to finish her Masters. Candice says she can travel when ever but, needs to save her money. They are planning on watching the finale together next season.
In the HoH room, they are talking game. GinaMarie is trying to figure out how a double eviction is done. Spencer is trying to explain it to her. Andy says "It is a week of BB in 40 minutes." McCrae is explaining the comps from season's past. GinaMarie is having a hard time figuring it out.

8:47PMBBT Someone is listening to the girls in the lounge so Elissa, Helen and Candice are laying it on thick about how much they want to turn on Andy (it sounds really fake). Helen says that Andy is really Ian's roommate at Tulane, Elissa says she is not Rachel's sister she is actually related to Dr. Will. Candice says that Ian is actually her biological brother, Elissa says "Ya you look just like him!" And the convo changes to what to wear tomorrow.

8:51PMBBT Amanda is shooing McCrae into the shower. She says he hasn't showered in "like 4 days". GinaMarie is listing off what she is taking out of the room tonight. Amanda says she doesn't care, they just need a bed and a door that locks. Amanda then asks GinaMarie about Jessie. GinaMarie is getting all worked up, she says she went off on Jessie about who she votes for. She is going off calling Jessie names saying again she is a flipflopper. Amanda is listing off the one liners GinaMarie has come up with, Shady Lane, Flipflopper, Check yourself.

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#BB15 9:00pm BBT up in the hohr Ginamarie and Mcamanda are Jessie bashing with Judd,
who says he is done with her. In the lounge Helen Candice and Elissa are talking about weight. Ginamarie is just going off on Jessie.
Andy is like you dont want to piss her off what if she gets hoh. Spencer she will put me up. Ginamarie says Jessie said she doesnt want to work with Aayrn anymore. and that
She told Helen that Helen didnt need the money.

#BB15 9:05pm BBT now in the hoh they are talking about past seasons of BB, In the lounge they are just talking about kids, and how its sad when they get older. Helen says she has
brainwashed her kids for somethings, Candice is called to the DR so Helen and Elissa start talking, well Jessie walks in and asked whats poping, before Jessie walked in Helen says My Gosh we have to win hoh
Elissa if its a double eviction I dont want to win it. Now they are asking Jessie whats going on. Candice walks in and out. Helen says Amanda is upset. Candice is called to the dr again, Now talking about how Amanda is upset because she
cant dance. Jessie was listening to music, and dancing and Amanda got upset. up in the hoh they are still on Jessie bashing.
Elissa says Aayrn mooned the door. Jessie says the Candice told her that Aayrn said to Candice that Jessie is going home next week. Jessie that would really suck if yall send me home over her.
Helen is like I didnt hear her say that, Jessie is saying if thats the road she is going down I hope people see that.

#BB15 9:10pm BBT Helen is talking about how Jessie said that she doesnt need the money, she says she dont want people to keep talking about it, Its done and Im over it I would really like people to stop talking about it
Jessie is like if its a house vote and people are talking about me, and how everyone said they had her back and now Helen is saying I would love our side to stay together, but now people protecting people that I didnt know we were protecting,
Elissa is Ginamarie is the scariest hoh, Elissa is whispering I dont know something is weird, Jessie is now talking about Aayrn in the cockpit the other day, Now they are talking about Ginamarie and Aayrn, Elissa is saying that they have alot in common in every way.
Jessie is talking about them bashing her, and she cant trust them now Helen is saying you get the last word by your vote. Jessie is talking about if its a double eviction we can make some big moves then Im ready to shock the house tomorrow. now just talking about the hoh. and the double eviction.

#BB15 9:20pm BBT Now Elissa is talking about Amanda having an advantage because she is taking Adderal, and how its not fair because it gives you a boost.
and its not fair, Elissa is saying that its meth, and its makes you really smart. Now they are just talking about Adderal Jessie says its a super drug.
Jessie so Amanda and Mccrea are protecting Aayrn now right. up in the hoh they are just talking. Elissa is leaving the cockpit now. Helen asked her if she is doing Candices hair yea,
Now Helen and Jessie are talking about who will win hoh, and that people are lieing to her face now. now onto the mvp and how it screws up the votes.

#BB15 9:25pm BBT Jessie is saying that Judd is pulling away from her now, Helen is like why didnt we keep Kaitlin, Ginamarie is saying that she now has two mouths until she sees Nick,
Helen is talking about who are her target, Ginamarie, is talking about flipflopping again Helen and Jessie walk into the WR, Mccrea goes to get some pizza,

#BB15 9:30pm BBT Helen tries on Candice clown wig and bust out singing that song from Annie "Tomorrow". Amanda is passed out in the hohr. or she looks like she is, GM wants her bed to lay in. Andy and Spencer are in it,
Elissa is now in the clown outfit, GM is in the color room Andy is called to the DR. Not much else is happening.

#BB15 9:35pm BBT GM and Helen are in the KT talking GM has completed her water thing, now talking about the microwave, Elissa is wearing Candices Clown skirt, GM is telling Elissa how grateful she is for her doing her hair,
and its the best she has ever had done. Elissa is like Im so happy youre happy, They smell tina GM is saying that we are set with the beds now. Talking about Elissas skin senivies,

#BB15 9:40pm BBT Helen walks into the hoh asked GM if she can listen to music and lay on her bed, GM says go for it, Elissa is cleaning in the KT, Amanda is on the bed, they are watching Elissa on the spy cam and asking how much food is left not much,
They ate alot of food this week, because there was no have nots. they are talking about when Amanda was a have not and how bad it was. now just chit chatting.

#BB15 9:45pm BBT Helen wants to do the sheet thing GM and Helen walk downstairs to do the sheet thing Aayrn is now in the hohr, GM is saying that she doesnt like chocolate cake, they are changing the beds now getting GM sheets,
Spencer says he is going to bed at 11:00 Judd says me too. they walk out, Judd hugs Amanda, Spencer god I hope its a double eviction tomorrow (you will get your wish) they are now saying good night. and they walk out. now its just Aayrn, and Amanda in the hoh
they are now talking about drinking,

#BB15 9:50pm Aayrn and Amanda is now Jessie bashing, Aayrn is saying that they are upset because they are rejects, Candice and Jessie, she cant win hoh the only thing she can win it the veto. Now talking about who was good at the game today,
Looks like everyone is winding down for the night, Helen and Jessie are putting away the pizza Mccrea and Judd are talking about Jessie in the cockpit, Mccrea I didnt hear that talk, she was trying to throw us under the bus, I didnt really hear it so I have no ideal.
Judd GM was in her ear, they make the crazy sign with their hands, Judd says he is going to bed nite nite, Amanda is saying that she knows Helen and Elissa wont vote agaist her that she knows. Aayrn is asking I dont know why you think that Jessie and Judd wont vote you out.
Amanda is saying I know that for a face Helen and Elissa wont vote for her it will be a 331, Now talking about the double eviction and it will be a free for all. Amanda Im not threating you If you feel threaten I dont know why Im not threaten you. and so on.

#BB15 10:00pm BBT Spencer talks to Andy for a second to let him in on what Judd and him talked about Amanda and Aayrn are going back and forth with the same thing, Aayrn is going nuts on Amanda, they are just going off on each other, (FLASHBACK ALERT)
Aayrn and Amanda fight.

#BB15 1:05pm BBT Amanda is now yelling at Mccrea and GM, Andy is up there now GM asked if Aayrn took her meds today because when she doesnt take her meds she gets like this,
now they are just rehashing what happened.

#BB15 10:10pm BBT GM is talking about Aayrn getting weird about the game sometimes, they are still just going back and forth now, back onto Candice and Elissa thing, and if its a double eviction guess whose going up.
Amanda if anyone trys to pull anything before the show tomorrow dont believe it. Aayrn is in the cockpit with Spencer, Aayrn is telling Spencer Amanda just threated me upstaires, that if the votes dont go my youre next,
Spencer, thats just fing stupid, Andy says if its a double eviction all hell will break lose, Amanda is going off on Mccrea defending Aayrn, spencer is saying he really is hoping for a double eviction tomorrow. Amanda is still going off.
GM says I understand where both are you are coming from. Amanda is really yelling at Mccrea for taking her side. You do that all the time you never protect me. Aayrn is still talking about Amanda and GM is saying that she will talk to everyone 15 minutes before the show.
Aayrn is like they didnt put us in here to get along with each other.

#BB15 10:15pm BBT Helen is called to the DR, Judd and Spencer are talking in the cockpit, same thing that they have been talking about all night, Aayrn walks in, Aayrn throws the clown shoes on the floor
and says I dont want these, Judd calls Elissa in and says you look good in those, Andy is in there he was sent downstairs to see if it was calm by GM.

#BB15 10:20pm BBT talk now turns to rats and roches, ( the real ones) in the cockpit, up in the hoh they are still onto the Aayn thing, Amanda is like Youre threating me are you a fing pussy or something really. Amanda Im going to get some ice cream Mccrea dont go down there and start sh**
Amanda is now yelling A youre not my father dont talk to me like that, Im just going to get some ice cream, and now shes off.

#BB15 10:25pm BBT GM and Mccrea are talking about Amanda now GM is saying Im not going down with her sh** I dig myself out of that sh** with jeremy Im not going down like that, Amanda and Elissa are talking, Amanda is saying I dont trust her now, I dont trust Judd now, couldnt really hear they were whispering. Andy has a face mask on his face its cream.
It looks really funny. up in the hoh they are back to the Aayrn thing, Mccrea is watching on the spy where Aayrn is at in the cockpit. Spencer says "If you can forget about her clan membership she is a cool chick) Aayrn,

#BB15 10:30pm BBT Aayrn is now back in the hoh are Amanda is like can we clear the air with this , Amanda Im sorry you felt like I was attacking you I wasnt, Im sorry Im sorry, Aayrn is like yea I know Amanda I do trust you Spencer is called to the DR. Aayrn is saying the proof is in the pudding, and thats true if its a double eviction everyone should be scared.
I dont know whose telling the truth now. shes just talking about when she was on the block. they are just going back and forth.

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10:45PM BBT Judd said he should give Jessie the nickname Maggie.

11:04PM BBT McCrae, Amanda and Andy in Hoh plotting on voting out Jessie if they win Veto. Elissa,Judd in Kt talking about Hoh.

11:15PM BBT While in Hoh McCrae, Amanda and Andy still going through all the Hg and the order of their departure.

11:19PM BBT Judd join the Hoh crew he told them that Jessie is now in Ginamarie bed, Amanda said Ginamarie is going to flip out when she finds out.

11:22PM BBT Amanda left the Hoh Judd, andy and Mccrae is now talking about putting Helen on the block. Elissa, Ginamarie,Aaryn in Wa talking about threading eyebrows.

11:27PM BBT Aaryn just told Ginamarie what Amanda said about putting her up. Ginamarie went to Hoh to clear the air. Ginamarie sent for Aaryn so they can harsh out things. Ginamarie said that Aaryn makes her look bad for past things.

11:35PM BBT Helen and Jessie talking Helen said what's going on for tomorrow, Jessie said she is going with the house, she said she tried to rally votes to get Amanda out but it was unsuccesful.

11:44PM BBT Ginamarie and Aaryn in Hn talking Ginamarie just wanted to clear the air and make sure they both on the same page.

11:46PM BBT Judd,Mccrae,Amanda, Andy, Spencer and Ginamarie in Hoh Judd said that it is knockout week he would put Jessie up first, Spencer said he would put up Andy and Jessie. Andy said if he loses to Jessie he would be pissed.

11:49PM BBT Judd says that Jessie told him she would nominate Aaryn,Spencer and Ginamarie. Spencer told Judd that if Jesie wins Hoh he needs to get into her ear quick.

11:51PM BBT Spencer asks Ginamarie if Candice stretched her costume out. Dinamarie said probably with her fat a**

11:58PM BBT Ginamarie and Hoh bashing Candice, they said Candice speech on eviction night would make herself look more stupid and worse.

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