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Monday, July 22 Live Feed Updates


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Guest 6Borders

3:41pm BB Time

HOH room: Aaryn and Judd, Jessie talking. Judd says he was surprised to see GM go up...Aaryn says she was shocked, she thought it was going to be Helen. Judd still thinks Elissa had the MVP and Aaryn agrees.

Aaryn asks is she going home.

Aaryn is on her soap box again, saying "she" (I think Kait) has been saying Aaryn is negative and she hasn't been negative for 2 weeks and she really wants to stay and this (BB) is a dream of hers.

Judd says don't tell anyone but Judd is campaigning for Aaryn to stay {Jessie didn't look like that set to well with her..just saying}. Aaryn tells Judd she has his back.

Aaryn is saying the twister thing is being used to "their advantage". She says it looks like she and Judd hate each other and Judd says that is what he wants ppl to think.

Judd says Aaryn is a pawn and that was his plan and he never intended her going home. Jessie chimes in and say that's true, she heard him say that.

Judd tells Aaryn he doesn't think she is going anywhere...says he's talked to 3 ppl and they are not considering voting Aaryn out. Judd says they need 5 ppl.

Aaryn says you can lie because that works here...says if she stays and Kait leaves he can say he voted for her (Aaryn)

Aaryn says she is in the bottom of the barrel here...says anyone who is loyal to her she will be loyal to them.

Judd tells her to tell ppl anything they want to hear, no matter what it is, or they will vote her out.

Aaryn asks about Spencer and Howard. Judd says he trusts Spencer, that his old alliance freaked him out but now it makes him trust Spencer more.

Judd says he planned to win the veto and he guesses he got too cocky....it was not his plan.

Aaryn says ppl need to keep their mouth shut and be loyal (that's the gist anyway)

Aaryn says ppl tell Kait things and she tells everyone...she says Kait told her Helen, Andy and Candace will keep her safe.

Judd says Helen was crying about her words getting twisted...Aaryn immediately says "I'm not the one who said that"

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3:08pm BBT: Amanda and Mccrae in kt cooking and candice and jessie in by talking just general talk.
3:16pm BBT:Helen and Elissa and kaitlin still on by lounger. Kaitlin says someone is lying and we will find out who it s, she says everything else gets out eventually. Helen says yeah.In the kt amanda is still cooking and Andy walks in and says i am going to take a nap soon. MCcrae comes in and watches Amanda cook, he then leaves the kt. In the wa is Arryn who just got out of the shower and is combing her hair.
3:19pm BBT: Howard and Spencer on by couch talking. Howard says it is about time to strengthen their week and tell her we aren't voting her out. Howard says Helen and Elissa was up in Judd's rm talking to him for awhile and they stop talking.Spencer then says when the sun goes down we need to shoot some pool.
3:23pm BBT: Candice is now talking to Helen and Elissa she thinks Amanda might have the mvp this week. She says Ginamarie talked to Amanda earlier and after she seemed comfortable like she knew she wasnt going home.
3:26pm BBT: Judd is in hoh talking to Jessie.GinaMarie is in the by talking to Spencer and Andy. Ginamarie says they pick on the kid that is solo they took out my partner. Kaitlin comes out and says Ginamarie listen to this what if us 3 gurls ger voted out and they bring back David, jeremy and Nick. and she laugh. Ginamarie says good i can play with the boys and Andy laughs.
3:34pm BBT:candice and Helen and Elissa are still on the lounger and repeating themselves. Judd, Mccrae, amanda GinaMarie and Spencer on by couch talking about they are suprised that Ginamarie got put on the block. Amanda says i have to admit i didnt see that one coming. Judd says i didnt either. Amanda says i might take a nap you want a nap? Judd says i already took a nap but i might take another one.
3:39pm BBT: Kairlin in the shower tsalking to Aaryn. she says they have already said that Ginamarie wont be voted out. Kaitlin says whoever stays will be right back on the block next week unless we win. Aaryn says well keeping you safe doesnt mean you wont be on the block and i haven't even talked game to anyone not anyone.
3:44pm BBT: Judd in hoh rm talking to Arryn as Jessie is listening to music. Judd says i am suprised thsat ginamarie went up. Aaryn says i know. Arryn says do you guys think i am going home? judd says i dont think so. Aaryn says please tell me should i campaign or what. Judd says i dont know i am just listening right now. Arryn says Ginamarie mopes around here all the time and i want to be here this has been a dream of mine for a long time. Judd says dont tell anyone but i am trying to get you to stay. Aaryn says you know i have had your back from day 1 and you know that.
3:48pm BBT: Judd tells Aaryn after she says she will never put either him or Jessie up if she stays that he put her up as a pawn and he never wanted her to go home. Jessie says thats true he has told me that all week long.
3:51pm BBT:Amanda is now laying down for a nap.Judd and Arryn and Jessie are still talking about how to keep Aaryn in the house. Judd says i am ticked off that Ginamarie was put up instead of a stronger player.

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Guest 6Borders

3:35pm BB Time

Aaryn and Judd are still going over if Aaryn has the votes to stay. Aaryn says McCrae does not trust her now.

Aaryn says Amanda will vote for her because Jessie pissed her off the other day.

Judd tells Aaryn to let him do his work.

Aaryn is relating how "super nice" she has been to Elissa and Elissa won't even answer her. Judd reinacts his take on it.

Aaryn is saying that's why all her boyfriends screw her over because she lets them {Jessie is not saying a word but what she is not saying is the most telling part of this conversation -6Borders}

Aaryn is now reassured saying as long as nothing happens in the next few days everything will be good. Aaryn says she owes Jessie one and if she stays she will be the most loyal person in the world {hmmm,..now where in BB past have I heard that before???}

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4:00 PM BBT Aaryn and Judd are talking about Elissa. Aaryn says no one is going to have the nerve to try to get rid of Elissa until they know they have the numbers. "She's scary." Judd "maybe being quiet and conservative is working for her." Judd says he can't understand why so many people hate her. Aaryn says he will see when he watches the show afterwards.

4:05 PM BBT In the HoH Aaryn, Jessie and Judd are talking about Gina Marie. They say she is angry about her nomination and thinks she is going to be treated like Jeremy. She has a defeatist attitude who wants to go home. Judd would rather keep someone in the house who wants to be there. Judd and Jessie think Gina Marie would be the most bitter jury member ever. Aaryn "She talks about being good at the game yet the only thing she's done is swallowed a bunch of crap down her throat. Who didn't think she would be good at that. Just kidding."

4:09 PM BBT Aaryn is talking about getting called in for an interview for her dream job just two days before she left for the house. She is upset that she may be leaving soon after passing up that opportunity. Jessie says she owes her mom about $3000.00 to come to the show in rent, getting out of her lease, and bills and that she hasn't even been on the show long enough so far to break even.

4:13 PM BBT Judd says he will support whoever the house votes out. Jessie says getting out Gina Marie would be a waste but why keep someone who doesn't want to be here. Aaryn reminds them that Kaitlin is a strong competitor. Aaryn says she basically played the mean girl because she didn't want to be like Jessie. Everyone said Jessie was so nice and a strong competitor so she got put up week one. She said she took it too far the other way though.

4:16 PM BBT Meanwhile in the BY Candice, Howard, and Spencer are talking. Candice is talking about her and Howard's friendmance. She says they bicker too much. Howard "I don't bicker. It don't take two to bicker. You bicker with yourself." Meanwhile upstairs in the HoH Helen has come up and Aaryn leaves. They are bringing Elissa upstairs to finalize their voting plans.

4:20 PM BBT Elissa, Helen, Jessie, and Judd are talking in the HoH room. Helen and Jessie are beginning to think that Kaitlin is the MVP. They think she is after Helen because she got rid of Jeremy but put Gina Marie up to hide her identity as MVP. They think that Kaitlin may have gotten a lot of TV time last week with Jeremy leaving and that America feels like Kaitlin is an underdog now. Jessie says she's suspected Kaitlin all week but everyone kept insisting Elissa put herself up. Elissa is the opposite. She doesn't think Kaitlin is MVP.

4:27 PM BBT Helen "Judd, who do you want out Aaryn or Kaitlin?" Judd says he likes Kaitlin better because she gets along better with everyone, has a big heart and no one like to associate with Aaryn. He says Kaitlin is a much stronger competitor. Gamewise he would prefer Kaitlin to go. Elissa wants Aaryn out all day everyday. Elissa "Aaryn effects my game." Judd tells Elissa that no one trusts Aaryn and that she twists everyone words. Jessie "That's why Kaitlin is more a snake in the grass. She is talking to everybody in the house." Jessie says that Kaitlin is much more likely to win HoH than Aaryn.

4:33 PM BBT Spencer joins them in the HoH. They joking ask him if he's MVP. He said he would be flattered but it did not happen. He said that the only thing that makes sense is America voting but with it being Elissa and Gina Marie who knows. Judd "They can be betraying Gina Marie more than one way, sweet and funny or batshit crazy." Spencer "Everything where America votes you (Elissa) would have the upper hand." Elissa is not buying it that America is the MVP this week. Spencer says "Too many fought to keep you in the house. It doesn't make sense for one of them to nominate you now." Elissa "it's upsetting that America might have voted that way."

4:40 PM BBT Spencer "First place votes went to Aaryn, Second place votes went to Kaitlin, third place there was a small group of people who don't like you, and Gina Marie got fourth. America might not have known that Aaryn was on the block. We don't have all the variables so we can't solve for X." [uhm, variables or not Spencer, you solved it. Goldylucks]

4:42 PM BBT Spencer tells Elissa that she needs to get over it. Elissa "It just hurts that people may not like me." They tell her that Aaryn probably got so many votes that it probably only took a few votes to get her nominated. They say everyone probably voted for Aaryn, all Kaitlin did was kiss Jeremy all day, and Gina Marie is crazy. Elissa is wondering if editing may have had made her look bad. Spencer says there are enough sites and blogs out there that the general population has a lot of intimate knowledge about them. [Right again Spencer. You get an "A" for the day. Goldylucks]

4:46 PM BBT Elissa is still not wanting to accept that America put her up. Spencer says she has to stop taking it so personally. Elissa "You think more people would dislike me over Amanda. I just don't know what to do that people would hate me so much." He tells her that it's hurtful to her but Aaryn probably got 48% of the votes and Kaitlin probably got 46%. He tells her that she has to take the good and the bad. Judd says people are going to vote for the villain. Everyone else probably has a very small percentage compared to them. Elissa won't drop it. "They hate me over the others." Spencer "Out of the three of them (Kaitlin, Aaryn, Gina Marie) they probably hate Gina Marie least."

4:50 PM BBT Judd "they were probably thinking wouldn't it mess with them if they put the MVP up, watch everyone point fingers at each other." Elissa "I would just put up someone I don't like" Judd "No, put everyone in a frenzy." Elissa "Don't hate me America." Elissa is worried she may be portrayed as someone with a really strong personality. Spencer and Judd are doing a lot trying to stroke her ego. They just can't get her to understand what they are saying. Spencer "You are going to drive yourself crazy."

4:58 PM BBT Spencer has it nailed all the way down to guessing that they probably could vote up to ten times. Helen "They don't hate you. They voted for Aaryn but she's on the block. They voted for Kaitlin but she's on the block." Elissa is crying because she is afraid someone is going to be mean to her son. Elissa "I can handle it but I don't want them to be mean to my family because they don't like me." Helen reminds her that the superlatives were calling the others dorks and slutty but Elissa got hotness in a magazine. Helen jokes saying "I'll trade you."

5:07 PM BBT Spencer is telling Elissa that if the MVP is in the house then they aren't talking to anyone. Spencer "If it was someone in the house then they are wasting it on you and Gina Marie. Who would do that?" Spencer "You can't play your game worrying about what America thinks."

5:09 PM Helen and Spencer to Elissa "Only you and Howard got positive superlatives. Everyone else got borderline offensive. That's a huge compliment." Elissa mentions Aaryn and all her derogatory comments. Judd tells her that Aaryn isn't the only one. He tells her that Gina Marie does too but she's too stupid to realize it. He tells her about the Puerto Rican shower comments and that Judd didn't even know what she was talking about .

5:13 PM BBT Judd is called to the DR. Helen is talking to Spencer now. Helen tells him not to trust Aaryn and that Aaryn is throwing him under the bus. Helen tells him that Aaryn said he is coming after her (Helen). Spencer denies with several curse words in the mix. Spencer "I'm voting her a** out this week." Helen and Spencer assure each that they are good and that Spencer does not talk game with Aaryn ever. Back to MVP talk again. Elissa says McCrae is the only person that hasn't told her directly that he isn't MVP.

5:24 PM BBT Spencer to Helen and Elissa in the HoH "so, Aaryn is the target this week?" Helen said that Judd is wanting Kaitlin out this week instead. They are explaining that some think Kaitlin is a bigger threat. Spencer "After what she said to Candice and Howard, I just want to scoot her butt out of the house." Spencer agrees that it's Judd's HoH and they need to make sure that he is okay with it whichever way they go. Elissa says they may lose Candice and Howard if they fail to vote out Aaryn. They may win HoH and put us up for keeping Aaryn here. They just need to get Judd on board.

5:29 PM BBT Spencer says he told Aaryn that she may not be racist but she said racial things and that she needs to change that by doing things outside like working in urban development or the boys and girls club. Aaryn told him that she wasn't going to do that because she isn't racist. He says that it went in one ear and out the other.

5:32 PM BBT Helen, Spencer, and Elissa are talking about jury. They know that one of their group won't be able to go. Helen mentions that Amanda is a wild card. Helen "At some point they are going to be tough to beat." Elissa "No one is going to have the balls to put Amanda up." Spencer "Amanda is a strong person and people are afraid to cross her because she will go around and spread venom to everyone. I really like McCrae but I don't think he realizes who he is dealing with." Elissa "Amanda and McCrae basically run this house."

5:36 PM BBT Helen "One of us can't go to jury. We need to start thinking about who want in the jury." Elissa "You don't want Amanda and Aaryn in jury together." Spencer "When we get to that point I am with you two. As it sits right now, I am not going to rock any boats." Helen "I don't mean now but we need to figure out who that one person is that can't go."

5:43 PM BBT Judd comes back from DR. He tells Elissa, Spencer, and Helen that Aaryn overheard them talking upstairs. He doesn't think she heard details but the cover story is all they have talked about is Elissa's fear that people will be mean to her family if America nominated her. Jessie and Andy have joined them in the HoH now.

5:49 PM BBT Andy has to go back downstairs to get his microphone. More MVP conspiracy going on. When Andy comes back into the HoH Spencer looks right at Andy. "Let's ask the MVP himself." Andy "Sure, what do you want to know." Helen "We are never going to figure it out." Elissa "Do you think anyone can have it and keep it secret this long. They will go far because they are sneaky."

5:54 PM BBT Helen jokes that she feels like the only person in the house that doesn't have an agent. Aaryn talks about her agent all the time. Spencer "That and her publicist are probably pulling their hair out right now."

5:58 PM BBT the conversation in HoH has changed to general chit chat about people they know outside of the house so we get frequent FOTH. The feeds switch to Kaitliln and Aaryn out by the pool. Aaryn asks her if anyone has told her that she is safe. Kaitlin says no, the only thing she has heard is that Gina Marie is safe.

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Guest 6Borders

3:59pm BB Time
Aaryn says she will work with Elissa "until we get her out" (big smirk). Judd says he doesn't think Elissa has the MVP. Aaryn says she (Elissa) is freaking everyone out. Judd says Elissa is trying to play like Rachel (and basically it's not working...not his exact words but the gist).

Aaryn says Elissa has been tormenting her and every time Aaryn takes her Adderol Elissa says it's blastfamy....Judd asks why and Aaryn says because Elissa thinks that is the only way I am good at anything. Jessie continues to play with some jewelry. Judd asks Aaryn if Elissa says the same about Amanda...Aaryn says Amanda is exempt.

Aaryn says she will keep her distance from (Judd and Jessie)...Judd says he feels pretty safe for her. Aaryn says she is still nervous about Kaitlin tho...and we are off and running again with who wants whom to stay {ad nauseum}

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Guest 6Borders

4:04pm BB Time

Aaryn/Judd discussion is back on Jeremy, people who deserve to be here {why do they always think that???} and people should go home who don't want to be there.

Aaryn is back on "she is real mean to me"...and her attitude has been way worse than mine.

Jessie does not want "her" to go to jury...Judd says she would be the most bitter jury member of all time.

Aaryn is now talking about "if I end up at the end (final 3) whoever I take with me..." and we get FOTH {darn}

Feeds are back...Aaryn says if she ended up in the final 2 (GM)..and Judd says if GM won BB he would quit watching.

Aaryn says Andy quit his job....says she is unemployed {she doesn't know the half of it} , and she left her job dream to come to Big Brother. Jessie says she owes her mom $3000 getting Jessie ready to come to BB.

Aaryn says she is still paying for everything because she didn't move out.

Aaryn tells Jessie she has a feeling that Jessie will win HOH. Judd says he didn't think 650 would win the HOH (the comp card game). They are discussing how "frigging smart she is" (if they mentioned a name I missed it but sounds like maybe Helen).

Aaryn says she does not talk game with Kait and Helen anymore. Judd says he will settle for whoever has to go...if GM doesn't want to be there she should go. Aaryn says Kaitlin is the strongest...(she was messing with her mic and I missed it...sorry)

4:12pm BB Time

Aaryn is explaining why she didn't come into the BB house as a super sweet person because everyone would have compared her to Jordan {I think not}! Aaryn says she knows she went overboard the other way {ya think?}. She says if this works and I stay we will totally have the numbers. Judd says if GM stays she will be loyal.

Aaryn is counting the numbers again to make sure she has the votes to stay.

BB calls Kaitlin to the DR

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Guest 6Borders

Aaryn is saying even tho there is the MVP BS they can work hard (and get the HOH's).

She says she wanted to win that POV so bad she could not even hold her head up. Aaryn says this almost works because if Elissa were (still) on the block she would campaign so hard and it would be a lot harder (on Aaryn).

Helen knocks on the door. She was going to leave but Aaryn tells Helen they were not even talking..just about random stuff.

Helen says she wants to get Elissa up there...she was by Elissa that Kaitlin was after her. Helen wants to know how she and Elissa should vote. Jessie tells Helen she has her back. Elissa comes in with her food.

Helen says Jeremy told Kait to get out Howard and Helen. They think Kaitlin might be MVP, that she got a lot of camera time last week when she won POV {hello...that might be way?}

Helen thinks MVP is Kait or Howard because they have been going to the DR a lot. {The Paranoia Train just pulled into the station folks...hang on}

Helen is now relating how she was tracking when ppl went into the DR and went they came out {really Helen, be serious}

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Guest 6Borders

Elissa says Candace told her everyone thinks she nominated herself. Jessie thinks Kait is MVP

Judd asks Elissa why she was being so weird. Elissa says she knew she was going on the block. Judd asks why and Elissa says she just knew it because it was the obvious move.

Helen says Kait is not going to admit she was MVP and she would not admit it that she was going after her. Judd says the Jeremy thing now makes sense...Helen says it's because she got Jeremy out.

Elissa does not think Kaitlin got MVP...she discusses how you could be in a serious relationship right before the house and that they don't think Kait even liked Jeremy until the last week (or something like that).

Helen's other thought is 3 showmances have gone down and they gave MVP to a showmance to keep the showmances alive. Helen thinks it makes sense and Jessie thinks they (we?) would not vote gender.

Judd is relating how ppl were mad on Survivor when they 4 tribes were race related {not sure where that just came from}

Helen pulls the train on track and asks Judd who he wants out. Judd says Aaryn will go up every week and everyone will want her to go. Says Kait is a stronger competitor. They discuss how hard the POV was.

Helen asks if McManda would vote out Kait. She asks Elissa what she thinks and Judd says "you have to think game wise"

Helen says one goes this week, one goes next week. Elissa thinks Aaryn effects her game. Judd says Aaryn twists everyone's words around...says he does not believe anything Aaryn says.

Elissa says Aaryn is such a liar and she says thing about Elissa. Elissa says Aaryn affects her game more and Kait does not affect her game. Jessie says Kait is having conversations with everyone...that's why Kait scares her because she is more friendly, and everyone knows Aaryn's game.

Helen says "who would Aaryn put up if she stays" Jessie says "me" and Judd says "Spencer"

Right on cue Spencer arrives.

4:32pm BB Time BRB...need to reload and clear...back in a minute

4:34pm BB Time

Howard and Candace in the cockpit lounge.

Candace is telling how Elissa was offended by comments and she doesn't want to be seen on TV like that to her husband (watching). Candace is telling Howard that she told Elissa/Helen that the house thinks they are working with McManda.

She says she told them Amanda was putting a target on them.!

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Guest 6Borders

4:42pm BB Time

HOH Room:

The gang is reassuring Elissa that she is loved by America. Spencer tells her when she came in she had to know she was going to be polarizing. Elissa says do you think they would let America vote based on what they see? Spencer tries to explain feeds, etc. Elissa says it's not what really goes on and it's not really how they are {good to know}.

Spencer is assuring Elissa that there were good/bad about being Rachel's sister but she has her own fans now...!!!

Elissa think it makes more sense for an evicted HG to vote as MVP than America because those people were in the house.

Spencer says David was here 13 days. Elissa says it's just so weird that there are that many people hate you.

Elissa wants to know if Spencer thinks more people like her over Amanda. Elissa just doesn't know what she did to make ppl hate her so much (and put her on the block). It just sucks to her that that many ppl in America would nominate her. Judd says some ppl just like to vote for the villian.

Spencer tells Elissa that there is probably a small percentage of ppl who don't like her and Judd says some people just vote to spice things up. Elissa says "please don't hate me...that sucks so bad"

Judd and Spencer keep reassuring Elissa and this conversation is going nowhere fast.

4:51pm BB Time

Spencer continues to stroke Elissa's ego and she continues to hammer on the fact that so many people don't like you.

Elissa is back on how poorly she was treated the first two weeks and it just sucks that so many people hate you {I guess she has forgotten 3 weeks of being voted as MVP}

4:53pm BB Time we have FOTH

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Guest 6Borders

4:57pm BB Time

The feeds are back and the Paranoia/Pity Party in the HOH continues as to the MVP, who hates whom, what Julie announces when...

The camera switched and I had to switch back but Judd is reassuring Elissa that nobody is going to be mean to (her son) Riley. Elissa is crying and everyone is hugging her and reassuring her that everyone loves her. Helen tells her that she was voted the hottest person to put on a magazine cover {the comp, which I don't remember voting on, but that's not surprising either}...Elissa is really having a meltdown and we go to FOTH

5:03pm BB Time

Feeds are back and in the HOH we are still on the same subject..Elissa is upset that America voted her on the block but feeling better it seems.

Spencer says since she got MVP 3 weeks in a row and all of a sudden she's on the block...Elissa asks if it was Howard and Spencer says he knows it was not Howard.

The consensus is the MVP was used in "an F'ing ridiculous way"

Spencer says you can't play your game based on what America thinks. Judd says keep being yourself and Helen says remember you are the hottest person in the house to be on a magazine 9again)...more Elissa ego boosting from the group.

Howard and Candace are snuggling in the cockpit lounge. (there are only 2 cameras on right now so not much to choose from). Howard says "you better stop that" and Candace says she just wants to snuggle for 5 minutes...she likes to snuggle.

5:10pm BB Time

BB calls Judd to the DR

Candace is telling Howard when she was semi-engaged {just what a guy snuggling with his girl wants to hear}

Candace informs us "he was really bad in bed" and we get FOTH

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Guest 6Borders

5:15pm BB Time

Feeds are back and in the HOH room they (Helen, Spencer, Elissa that I can see) are now talking about working together and making Jury.

Spencer says he does not know who MVP is, who has deals with whom, who has blood on their hands...he has never heard anything (in the house)

Spencer is telling them (mostly Elissa) to keep her mind open. Elissa (I think) says Andy??? and Spencer says he does not see that. Spencer is about to give us 2 sides of a reasonable thing...honestly it was so complicated I didn't follow it.

Elissa reassures 100% she is not MVP (this week).

Spencer is trying to lay low after the Moving Company thing...whatever whoever votes out is fine with him. He says Howard has done some things, made some decisions he does not understand but he assures Helen/Elissa that Howard is not going after them.

Elissa is glad Spencer has started talking to her and they have a common ground now. Spencer says he never rode against her. Spencer is bashing Jeremy...says that was not a good decision. Spencer says he was responsible for dismantling the Moving Company. He says he's been low on everyone's totem pole, back against the wall...he will vote how they all want to vote {I hate when they say that -6Borders}

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Guest 6Borders

5:23pm BB Time

Judd is talking with Candace/Howard in the cockpit lounge.

Judd says if Aaryn does stay he can get her to vote with them...says he does not get to vote.

Candace says whoever stays is going to go with Amanda (she said something before that but I missed it)

Judd is discussing Kait being a beast in comps, Aaryn is (little and skinny I think)

They are discussing different comps...I think they are saying Elissa was most comfortable on the popsicle and it was unreal that she was not moving!

Judd saying if it was just McCrae he had to work with...but Amanda (sorry, didn't get the rest..hope someone did)

Howard asks Judd if he and Jessie are pretty cool...says I think she likes you. Howard suggests maybe Judd be a little more aggressive...well not really more aggressive, but...Judd whispers something to diffuse that I missed and then leaves.

Huge sigh from Howard. He says something that sounded like we need to start over and then something that sounded like they need to spoon!

5:23pm BB Time

HOH room Spencer is telling Helen/Elissa that his whole plan coming into the house was just to make Jury {BB needs to eliminate Jury to make these people fight for the prize}

Helen is discussing Jessie...says Judd is going to flip out if she does not make jury. Elissa starts to tell us something and we FOTH.

Back and Spencer is saying Judd is not (in the BB house) for a showmance. Spencer expounds on the showmances and how 1/2 of each went out the door and McManda carved their names in the bathroom.

Discussion that nobody has the balls to get McManda out {then prepare for them to be F2}

Helen wants to know how close they are....Spencer says "nobody knows"

Elissa says if you ask who the 2 ppl are to beat it would be McManda...they are basically running the house.

Helen says "we just need to make it to jury"...says we can't beat McManda, needs to be a total blindside.

Helen says one of us can't go to jury..Helen says they need to think F2, Spencer says you don't want bitter jurors

Helen says one of them (their alliance) can't go to Jury and they need to figure out which one that is. Brief FOTH and we are back with Helen telling Spencer she is building trust with him {guess who Helen does not think is going to jury}

Helen says Jessie...we don't want to upset Judd. Elissa asks if Judd would ever "vote them out"

Spencer says he and Judd have similar backgrounds, have talked a lot, he does not think if Judd won HOH again he would put up (Aaryn/Kait?).

5:39pm BB Time I will be back in 10 minutes

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#BB15 6:00pm BBT: Aaryn/Kaitlin by the pool. Kait says she misses Jeremy more than she thought she would. Aaryn asks if she gets evicted, will she go visit him ASAP. Kait says not right away, but probably will at some point. Kait says that Candice is convinced he's 27 years old and has a yacht. Aaryn doesn't think that's right, because why would he be talking about getting money for all those tattoos. Kait doesn't think he lied to her all that much, it wouldn't make sense

#BB15 6:06pm BBT: Candice in HOHR says Ian- BB14 is from her hometown. Andy says Joe- BB8- is from his town, he wasn't friends with him, but knew him... Andy says if he's HOH, the only 'power-tripping' thing he will do is handout the bandanas (for have/have not comp) and decide who will be on each team. If they don't listen he'll put them on the block

#BB15 6:14pm BBT: Aaryn/Judd in hammock. Aaryn saying she's getting nervous because Candice is targeting her, and doesn't know if Howard will vote against her again. Judd says he doesn't want people to think him and Jessie are a couple- they've only shared a bed 2.5 nights, and haven't kissed. Howard told Judd, he doesn't like to be associated with Candice either. But Aaryn points out that they have kissed and hooked up. They were kissing in the pool earlier. Judd says Helen is leaning towards keeping Aaryn. Judd leaves bc he's not sure if they're talking game in HOHR-- They're not, it's just general chit-chat

#BB15 6:38pm BBT: All 4 feeds on Aaryn doing her hair in WA. Jessie is in the shower

#BB15 6:42pm BBT: HOH crew making fun of Gina Marie thinking she's a tough competitor, and how she thinks it's a big conspiracy by the whole house to get her nominated. And how she says "ok! I'm ready to compete" Spencer: "Does she know there's no more competitions.. just show up and go on the block". Judd thinks anything bad that happens to GM, she blames on him. GM said to Andy "At least Judd doesn't get to vote".

#BB15 6:48pm BBT: GM to Judd (after Nick was evicted) "Why would you do this to me? I'm 33 years old, and I really liked him and we didn't even kiss" Judd: "Well, first of all, you had 21 days. Second I signed up to play Big Brother, not find someone a husband. Go on match.com"

#BB15 6:52pm BBT: Andy: "I like to imagine a Judd/Candice/Gina Marie alliance". Judd: "Yeah, we meet every day and do eeny meeny miny mo on the memory wall to find out who we're targeting. Today we had to re-do it because Jeremy is already gone. But that's why she doesn't trust Helen today"

#BB15 6:58pm BBT: Spencer (about Gina Marie) she goes from Pam Anderson to Beetlejuice

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#BB15 7:00pm BBT: Jessie and Aaryn whispering in WA. Jessie is talking about her conversation with Helen and Elissa. Helen wants to keep Aaryn, but Elissa doesn't want to for personal reasons. Aaryn says "it's only one vote", but Jessie says that she gets the feeling that if Elissa isn't on board, Helen will backtrack and vote to evict her. So it's really important to get Elissa on board. Jessie recommends being really nice to both Helen and Elissa

#BB15 7:18pm BBT: Jessie and Aaryn in BY/pool area. Jessie telling Aaryn to offer to throw HOH in hopes that she'll stay. Aaryn says she's too nervous to do that. Jessie says that there are other rivalries in the house right now. Jessie says the only people who would nominate her again would be Elissa/Helen, but if she makes them that deal- she can show her loyalty and probably be safe. Aaryn leaves- Jessie says "we should probably not hang out a lot"

#BB15 7:21pm BBT: Judd/Howard/Spencer in HOH. Spencer says they'll vote however he wants them to. Judd says he's leaning towards evicting Kaitlin, and it might be good to keep the huge target (Aaryn) on the block. Spencer/Howard are afraid of Kaitlin winning and going with Amanda/McCrae- then one of them will go out. Howard says he can put up with Aaryn's mouth, she's really only catty towards the girls. Howard isn't sure if Andy will vote to evict Kaitlin, because he doesn't like Aaryn. Judd says Helen wants Kaitlin out because she heard Kait is coming after her. Elissa wants Aaryn out for personal reasons. Howard says that everytime Candice tries to have even a few words with Aaryn, Elissa gets mad and wonders why.

#BB15 7:30pm BBT: Andy/Elissa/McCrae in BY- Elissa: "McCrae, they think America voted me up on the block, do you think that's true?" McCrae explains that Aaryn/Kait probably had the 2 highest amounts of votes- leaving Elissa. She seems pretty surprised. McCrae says to think about of the haters Rachel has, those people would want to evict her too. Elissa thinks Candice or Amanda have a bigger personality than her.

#BB15 7:36pm BBT: Helen/Jessie in cockpit. They are going over the offers from Aaryn. But say Elissa wants Aaryn out bad. But they want to bring it up to Judd and see what he wants to do. Jessie doesn't think Elissa is going to budge- and wants to know what to do in that case. Helen says there may just be a split vote, Jessie doesn't want that to mess up the house

#BB15 7:40pm BBT: Elissa: "I don't know how I'd be portrayed as a mean person. I'd never say anything bad"

#BB15 7:50pm BBT: Spencer/Aaryn/Howard in HOHR. Aaryn trying to get votes. "I think there's a good possibility that I'll stay, but I'm not supposed to campaign. I think people are getting really threatened by Kaitlin"

#BB15 7:55pm BBT: Spencer/Howard alone in HOH. Spencer: "Don't tell Candice this. But Helen/Elissa want us all to come together to get Amanda out before jury. Which is good, because it leaves Candice for jury"

#BB15 7:58pm BBT: Spencer (to Howard) "If you win HOH, Helen will be campaigning to you to get Amanda out, even before Aaryn/Gina Marie" Howard: "I'm ready"

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#BB15 8:13pm BBT: Elissa/Candice in havenot room. It seems Elissa is still upset about the possibility of America voting her on the block

#BB15 8:33pm BBT: Aaryn/Spencer alone in BY. Aaryn says it surprises her that no one has asked Spencer who he's voting for. Spencer says no one has talked to him about the votes at all. Aaryn wonders if people are purposely keeping him out of the loop to make him a target. Spencer asks who she'd put up if she won HOH- Aaryn makes him promise not to tell anyone, but she says she might throw it. But if she does happen to win it, she wouldn't put Spencer/Howard up. After lots more promising not to tell anyone what she says- Spencer promises not to. Just as Aaryn is about to say who she'd want out, a bunch of people come outside and their convo gets interrupted.

#BB15 8:42pm BBT: Amanda/McCrae taking a bubble bath in HOHR. Amanda is trying to figure out how big of a target she is. Helen/Andy on hammock talking about her decision to go on BB

#BB15 8:54pm BBT: McCrae says he's afraid to say anything bad about Elissa, because America votes for MVP, and doesn't want it to come back to him. Amanda says she doesn't understand how there's no concept of loyalty to them for keeping her. She doesn't understand why Elissa would be so malicious and nasty to her. Amanda says Aaryn doesn't even talk badly about Elissa anymore, but Elissa keeps talking about Aaryn

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9:00 PM BBT McCrae and Amanda are taking a bath in the HOH bathtub. Amanda's breasts seem too big for her bathing suit top. They're flirting and chatting. Amanda is wondering how she and McCrae appear to America. Amanda, "I feel like we're the most real thing in here." McCrae, "That's the problem." The water sloshing is making it difficult to hear strategy talk when they whisper. They're also making out a lot.

9:08 PM BBT GM is running in the backyard. Andy/Helen/Candice/Jessie are in the hammock and Elissa is sitting on the floor. Just general chitchat.

9:14 PM BBT Amanda/McCrae are still in the bathtub. Amanda: "We don't touch each other though. It's like you're terrified of me in public." McCrae: "That's good though." Amanda: "It looks as if I'm chasing you and you're actually afraid of me." They're laughing and joking with each other.

9:17 PM BBT Aaryn is whispering to Judd in the chair bedroom. Aaryn is telling Judd that Spencer/Howard would have her back going forward. Judd said then Aaryn should be good this week. Aaryn is telling Judd that she heard that he wants her out. Judd is denying it.

9:22 PM BBT Looks like McCrae and Amanda have finished their bath.

9:24 PM BBT Judd is asking where everyone is. Andy says they are at the hammock. Judd: "Why the hell is 25 people at the hammock?"

McCrae back in HOH to McCrae, "Everyone's at the hammock." Amanda: "That's weird." McCrae: "I don't like that one bit." Amanda: "Whatever."

Feeds finally switch to the hammock where Candice/Jessie/Andy/Helen/Elissa/Spencer are talking about random stuff including who Jessie has dated.

9:29 PM BBT Judd is on the backyard couch with Jessie and GM. Judd says he wouldn't want a girl to expect a $30,000 when you can buy a decent house for $100,000. Talk about how cheaper houses are in Texas than in New York with the same quality. Jessie now tells GM she has nothing to worry about. GM: "You know what it is with my position. A: I can't play the veto. B: I don't know who the MVP is so I can't axe her or she why I got put up." (Yes, her exact words). Jessie says if anyone knew, GM would know too because no one can keep a secret in this house. Jessie says her nomination is probably part of the twist, and she tells GM she is "in such a good position." GM says she kinda likes everybody in the house.

9:33 PM BBT Elissa went to the restroom. Judd and Aaryn are in the bathroom. They're discussing what Candice said about money. She thinks a person should spend, not save. Judd disagreed with that. Elissa says everybody is different, but Judd jokingly replies, "Well I'm right and they're wrong." Judd realizes his toothbrush is upstairs, but there is a "lovefest" upstairs.

9:36 PM BBT Elissa heads upstairs to HOH (without knocking before interrupting the lovefest). She sits down and starts chatting. Elissa once again brings up who they think MVP is. Amanda thinks it's America, but the twist is whoever America votes as MVP gets nominated.

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9:42 PM BBT Andy has joined the HOH crew minus Elissa, and they are talking about Howard. Strategy talk now turns to MVP talk. Andy asks Elissa who she is most scared of in the house. Elissa says Aaryn or Kaitlyn. Andy says, "What about Howard or Spencer?" Elissa says Howard unpredictable, and then Andy brings up how many times Howard is called to DR. Amanda seems to be trying to persuade Elissa to vote out Kaitlyn. Elissa says if Aaryn doesn't go this week, then they have lost Candice. Andy counters saying Candice won't want to cut Howard and will freak out. Elissa says she'll have to freak out then until final 7. Elissa: "If we don't get down to where Howard is, there's going to be a battle now. If Howard wins HOH, he'll start putting us up." Amanda: "I think I'll go on the block right now if he wins HOH." Amanda believes Howard and others have already turned against her.

Judd and Helen talking on the couches. They are talking about Kaitlyn targeting Helen, and Helen says she'll vote however the house wants.

Helen joins the Hammock crew with Spencer, Jessie, and Candice.

In the HOH, Andy, Amanda, and McCrae are still working on Elissa to try and convince her to change her vote. Amanda now tells Elissa that Judd said that he heard Kaitlyn say Kaitlyn wants Helen out. They're now bringing up the possibility of Kaitlyn being aligned with Candice/Spencer/Howard. They're now talking about final 4 deals Howard and Spencer have created. Elissa says she believes Candice/Howard want Aaryn out because of the racial slurs. Amanda: "Howard told me that he wants you (Elissa) and Helen out. Swear on my life." They are really throwing Howard under the bus saying he is targeting Elissa and Helen.

9:52 PM BBT In walks Helen and Amanda starts talking about four person alliances Howard is forming. Basically repeating everything they've said earlier. Helen says Aaryn would be willing to not make her own nominations next week and let Elissa decide if she won HOH next week. Elissa: "I kinda think Kaitlyn is more dangerous now." In walks GM and game talk ceases saying they were just waiting for alcohol. They are all reassuring GM that she's staying.

10:00 PM BBT GM seems to be rambling about the game and about not being able to play veto again. Conversations turns to Nick again and how GM and Nick have everything planned out when they get out of the house. They all continue to reassure GM and saying they love her.

10:07 PM BBT Aaryn now walks into the HOH and gives the whereabouts of the other houseguests.

Elissa and Helen leave the HOH and walk into the Storage room shortly followed by Candice.

10:11 PM BBT Elissa/Helen are in the storage room. Elissa is now willing to vote out Kaitlyn, but Helen says maybe wait til the day before to tell Candice. Elissa says that Howard pulled her aside saying the DR sessions are only about the showmance between Howard and Candice, not MVP. They don't seem to buy it. Helen says Howard never talks game to her. They seem to be jumping on the anti-Howard bandwagon. Elissa believes at this point, Aaryn winning HOH would be better than Howard winning. They now believe Howard is MVP. They seem to be talking in circles now. Elissa says it was ridiculous for her to nominate herself, and Helen says she never believed it.

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#BB15 9:00 BBT Mcamanda are in the tub talking, Andy, Candice, Jessie, and Helen are on
the hammock just chatting. I think Mcamanda are talking about Elissa. oh now they are kissing.

#BB15 9:05 BBT Amanda is whispering really low cant hear her at all. Helen is now talking about how much she loves her job.
talking about how she doesnt want to move. shes very happy now. Jessie asking Andy about his boyfriend and how long they have been together.
and so on. so basically boyfriend-husband talk.

#BB15 9:10 BBT Family talk continues on the hammock, and Mcamanda continue making out in the tub.
Ginamarie is running labs.

#BB15 9:15 BBT Amanda is now onto Judd, and Jessie, she is saying Judd is a creepy little dude.
He scars her. all cams are on Mcamanda now. Amanda is saying I cant stand him hes such a lier, shes messing with Mccreas hair now
now just chatting. Mccrea needs to shave his legs so says Amanda.

#BB15 9:20 BBT And now Amanda is talking about the fish oh and Mccrea just farted in the tub Kissing, (oh this is fun)
why are you farting? asked Amanda. she says he scared to touch her in public. now messes with his hair again.
Howard please go to the DR. Says BB. (change cams plz)

#BB15 9:25 BBT Amanda is making funny fish noises, But Aayrn is talking to Judd about the votes, in one of the rooms.
Shes telling him who said they are voting for her. shes wrapped in a towel. she asked what have you been telling people.
Judd says the he said he was going to wait, for something they are whispering. Judd says he told people to vote for Kaitlin. Aayrn says they told her that he wants her out.
Judd says no, Amanda is shaving her legs now, Aayrn walks out to go to the hot tub.

#BB15 9:30 BBT Judd, is asking Andy now why everyone is at the hammock, he walks outside Mccrea is out of the tub while Amanda shaves her legs. Mccrea stop that says BB
Candice is talking about her old boyfriends now. They are talking about their old boyfriends outside. Now Basic Guy talk and what a guy should do for a woman ETC ETC

#BB15 9:35 BBT Ginamarie is asking Jessie about the MVP, Jessie says whoever put you on the block is a shady f*** ( oh thanks for saying that about american Jessie)
Jessie is telling Ginamarie she needs to handle being on the block better shes not playing it cool. People who have been on the block before her have been cool. You need to be cool.
Ginamarie wants a reason why she is on the block. Jessie says its because whose shes with. Ginamarie is saying thats not fair. and so on.

#BB15 9:40 BBT And Jessie is still trying to make Ginamarie feel better about being on the block. Elissa is in the hohr with Amanda They thinks mvp is american. Elissa is talking about Enzo now Amanda is talking about Ginamarie
and how shes mad at them about the engagment thing. Shes not doing well says Amanda. now she onto the numbers. Elissa is asking if Aayrn needs to go home this week, Elissa is told to change her microphone. Shes talking about Aayrn. she doesnt want Aayrn to
put her up next week. Amanda is talking about american being the mvp. Andy walks in, Im scared theres like a moving company thing going on. Now talking about Howard how he doesnt say anything and he is always in the DR.

#BB15 9:45 BBT Andy is asking Elissa who she is scared of, Elissa is like Aayrn, Kaitlin, Howard.
Andy is onto the Howard and him being in the Dr all the time. Amanda is talking about Aayrn Helen is talking to Judd about the votes and HOH next week. and if Aayrn wins it. Elissa is talking about if Howard wins HOH next week who he will go after.
Helen says she will tell Judd what Elissa says you go talk to Mccrea. The group in hoh is still onto Howard.

#BB15 9:55 BBT Ginamarie comes in and they all tell her she is safe they are not voting for her. This is five votes she is saying.
now they are asking her who she thinks is more danageous, She is giving reports on both, Aayrn need to growup and hold her tough, Kaitlin is loyal or can be. Amanda is asking who she thinks they
will put up if they win hoh. Ginamarie is say she has no clue, They are loners now they have no one now, Helen is asking who they said was a threat. Ginamarie says the only one they really talked about what Howard. Spencer and Howard and Jessie are by the pool table Howard is tickeling Jessie Aayrn walks by saids theres no sugar
The guys are playing pool.

#BB15 1:05 BBT Ginamarie is now onto Nick and where they are going to go on their date outside the house, to a giants game in Jerey. Everyone says they love her and she can come to them when ever. and Ginamarie is saying how much she loves them and thankyou for letting me stay.
The guys are still playing pool.

#BB15 1:10 BBT Now they are just Joking around up in the hohr, and the guys start another game of pool.

#BB15 10:15 BBt. the girls are in the SR looking for alcohol, Helen and Elissa are talking about Howard, they think his is MVP. They are talking about Aayrn and her deal, Helen is saying shes going make that deal, Elissa is saying we want to choose her noim. Helen thinks shes telling the truth.
Elissa doesnt trust Aayrn. But agrees they need to get Kaitlin out. Aayrn told Helen that Spencer and Howard are coming after her. Ginamarie is call to the DR. Helen wants to tell Judd, but how do they tell Candice, Howard and Spence, We cant tell Candice about the deal. We need to get Howard out next week.
Do you think they are really after us? Helen I dont know, They think its Howard MVP and he put Elissa up. Helen we are screwed. Helen he never talks game to me. Amanda is called to the Dr. They just keep going back and forth.

#BB15 10:20 BBt Elissa and Helen are still talking about people saying that Elissa put herself on the block and how silly that is why would I stress myself out like that? Helen is like whose more dangous Aayrn or Kaitlin, we can get Aayrn out next week But Kaitlin we may not be able to get her out next week.
Elissa lets just wait it out. Yea I agree and they walk out.

#BB15 10:25 BBT out in the By with Howar Spencer, Judd and Jessie they are just chatting. Helen and Elissa are in the KT now with Andy.

#BB15 10:30 BBT In the KT Helen saids and Ms Helen made to many noodles Andy walks out into the By and gives report to everyone on this.

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10:25 PM BBT McCrae and Spencer are talking about gold and silver prices skyrocketing on the backyard couches. Jessie, Candice, Judd, and Howard are also there. General chit chat.

10:27 PM BBT Elissa and Helen are in the kitchen. Elissa is whispering to her about Howard. Andy: "I wanna go in the DR and be like 'I'm still here! Have you forgotten?'" Helen says, "I don't think you're on this TV show, Andy." They laugh. BB: "You are not allowed to talk about production." Elissa: "They're spicy at night." Helen is now cleaning the kitchen and making cookies. Kaitlyn is now awake in the kitchen looking for food.

10:40 PM BBT Nothing important going on

10:42 PM BBT Amanda said to McCrae in the hammock, "He didn't tell anyone, not even Spencer." (assuming Howard being MVP). She once again brings up Howard going to the DR so much.

10:44 PM BBT Elissa whispering to Amanda outside Storage Room that she feels Howard is trying to flip the house, but she doesn't want Aaryn to get into Amanda's head. Elissa now seems to feel Howard and Spencer are lying to her. Elissa: "I want [Aaryn] gone so bad, but I do feel it's smarter to get rid of Kaitlyn." She is repeating the same thing she told Helen earlier, and Amanda seems very happy Elissa sees things her way now. Elissa is now saying Howard and Spencer said Amanda might've put her up, and Amanda is promising she didn't put her up. Elissa thinks Howard will never get MVP again. Andy walks by and Amanda tells him that she thinks Howard is MVP.

10:50 PM BBT Candice and Howard go to snuggle in the hammock.

10:54 PM BBT Howard and Candice are talking about who to evict. Candice wants to evict Aaryn, but Howard wants to evict Kaitlyn. Howard talked to Judd earlier and that's why he wants to evict Kaitlyn. Howard says both Kaitlyn and Aaryn are with Amanda and McCrae, so it's better to get rid of the stronger threat. He's telling her she can't play personally. They're slightly bickering and not seeing eye-to-eye on who to evict.

That's it for BBAD.

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10:43 PM BBT Not much to report over the past 15 minutes or so. GinaMarie was called to DR and Elissa is getting ready to go in right after her. Out in the BY Helen and Jessie are preparing to play some pool.

10:48 PM BBT Back inside Amanda and Elissa are whispering while Elissa puts on makeup for her upcoming DR session. Amanda thinks Howard is MVP especially since he is being called to DR so much. Andy comes over and Amanda voices her concern. Spencer asks Elissa if she is going use the HT later. Elissa says yes. Spencer says he's going to take a cold shower.

10:51 PM BBT Meanwhile out in the BY Howard and Candice are laying in the hammock. Brief period of FoTH. Andy and Spencer are in the WA. Spencer starts singing "In your eyes" and Andy and Aaryn joins in. BB calls out Andy and tells him to stop singing. Aaryn starts freaking out because she has a pimple on her face. Spencer and Andy laugh making jokes with her about it. Andy says he thought her zit was Kaitlin the other day and he started talking game with it. Spencer said her zit walks into the room long before she does.

10:59 PM BBT Back out in the hammock Candice and Howard are talking about who needs to go home this week. Howard says Kaitlin hasn't talked game with him this week so she thinks she's on the power side. Candice says Kaitlin isn't a game talker. Howard knows this. Howard knows that if Candice, himself, Spencer, Jessie, or maybe Andy wins HoH they'll be safe this week. Howard isn't sure Andy would be able to put up Amanda and McCrae though. Across the yard, Jessie tells Howard his laundry is done. Candice is tired. She's thinking of going to bed early tonight.

11:07 PM BBT Up in the HoH Amanda is whispering with Judd while watching the spy screen nervously. Amanda is telling Judd her theory that Howard is MVP. Judd asks if Elissa is on board to vote out Kaitlin this week. Amanda says she is. Amanda says if she wins HoH next week she's putting up Howard and Spencer and she doesn't care who the third nominee is, one of them is going home. Amanda and Judd rehash earlier conversations. Amanda can't stand Spencer. Out in the BY Howard and Candice are discussing Bible verses.

11:20 PM BBT Up in the HoH Amanda and Judd continue to run various scenarios. Judd thinks if Candice wins HoH this week there may be concern. Amanda says "They're master manipulators...that's why you couldn't put up Howard because they probably made a deal with you to keep you safe". Judd doesn't deny it, but he doesn't agree with it either. Judd says he had other reasons as well. Aaryn comes up into HoH and talk turns to this week's HoH. Aaryn says she'll throw it. Amanda and Judd says to not throw it and she can even act like she "accidentally" won it. Judd accidentally won it this week.

11:30 PM BBT In the HoH Aaryn, Judd, and Amanda continue to run various scenarios/previous discussions. Amanda says the other side can't find out about their plan to evict Kaitlin because they're going to flip and do damage control. Out in the BY Candice, and Howard continue to snuggle with general chit chat in the hammock.

11:35 PM BBT Amanda repeats to Aaryn that she can't let anyone know that's she is safe. Aaryn says she wishes she would have known this earlier because she wouldn't have confided in Spencer that he needs to talk to Judd because she thought there might be a way for her to stay. Amanda wonders why she thought she could confide in Spencer for anything. McCrae comes in. Amanda tells him that "they" tried to align with Aaryn as well (Howard and Spencer). McCrae laughs. Aaryn tells McCrae that Jessie came up with the idea to have Helen tell Elissa that if Aaryn won HoH this week she would give her noms to "them" (Helen/Elissa) or throw the HoH. Aaryn says since it seemed to work that they need to thank Jessie for that Master plan.

11:42 PM BBT Out in the BY Jessie and Spencer have joined Candice and Howard in the hammock and continue to have idle chit chat. Judd is called to DR. Back up in the HoH, McCrae and Amanda continue to preach to Aaryn the importance of moping and being sad for the week so it looks like she is going home. McCrae says Aaryn has done a good job so far. Aaryn says she's trying to dig herself out of the hole but people keep throwing dirt on her. McCrae says that's just going to happen unfortunately. Andy, and Elissa joins the HoH group.

11:49 PM BBT Amanda tells Andy and Elissa that Howard and Spencer came to Aaryn for an alliance. Amanda says they've come to everyone in the house. Andy wonders if they think people doesn't talk to each other. Andy says if he wins HoH he'll put up Howard and Spencer. Amanda and Aaryn agrees. Elissa sort of agrees. Elissa wants to call them up to the HoH and call them out. The group disagrees and they say to keep this information on the down-low for the week.

11:59 PM BBT The talk in the HoH continues to be rehashing of how Spencer and Howard are shady and stupid for trying to make deals with everyone in the house. Out in the BY Helen has joined the hammock crew...still idle chit chat. Right now Helen is talking about her kids. (On a side note my feeds froze briefly and when I reloaded, the time listed beneath the feeds has synced up properly again).

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