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Saturday, July 13 Live Feed Updates


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6:00 PM BBT Still trivia. It's been 5 hours now.

6:15 PM BBT Feeds return. Kaitlin won POV. The competition involved them jumping on a trampoline and trying to memorize things they saw and then running to a wall and putting things in order. They were timed. They were locked down during the event. [And it appears that the feeds are fixed-Goldylucks]

6:22 PM BBT Kaitlin is with Jeremy in the BR. She is not talking about remaining on the block. She and Jeremy are discussing making Helen a deal to keep Jeremy off or get rid of someone else.

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6:15PM BBT: Feeds are back! Candice and Helen are talking about the comp in the SR.

6:20PM BBT: Gina is listing off what was in the competition, they had to organize pics in order on a wall, Kaitlin won the VETO with a time of 7:09. There was something to do with a trampoline.Looks like Candice, Gina competed as well.

6:24 PM BBT: Jeremy, Kaitlin are whispering about the competition. Kaitlin says she can't believe she won! Jeremy says he can believe it. Called her his "little champion". Jeremy says "I just wanna make love to you right now..." paused as she giggles. He yells out "WHAT AM I SAYING?"

6:28PM BBT: The VETO comp was a series of pictures that you could only see while jumping high enough of a trampoline. You had to jump then run around a corner and put the pics in place then had to go back and jump again to see more pics. Howard explains and we get TRIVIA! Again.

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6:38PM BBT Judd, Jeremy, Kaitlin are talking about the comp still. Helen is in the HoHR listening to music. We get the FotH a few times. Jeremy is still gushing at Kaitlin over her win.

6:45PM BBT: The Kaitlin/Jeremy snogging fest continues. In the lounge, Andy is working on game plans with Elissa, McCrae, Amanda. Amanda is speaking loudly while others are whispering. They are debating what to do now that Kaitlin won [umm put up Jeremy and watch the girls explode? - Indigo]

6:50PM BBT: The lounge crew is afraid that Kaitlin won't take herself off the block. Jeremy walks in and the talk turns to small talk. Andy asks how the pizza is coming.

6:52PM BBT: Helen and Spencer are talking in the HoH. Spencer is thinking Kaitlin won't use the veto. Helen asks if he has talked to McCrae. They think she won't use it to protect Jeremy. Helen is explaining that Spence was a pawn. He says that he will keep Elissa and Helen safe if he can.

6:55PM BBT: Helen is telling Spencer that she is giving a lot up to help him out. Helen "The Moving Company is out of business. When you tell me things I don't tell everyone. Including that Amanda thing. If you won HoH who would you put up?" Spencer says "The goal is to get you know Kaitlin, Aaryn, Jeremy and GinaMarie..." Helen, "I love Gina Marie but I LOVE Elissa, she is my buddy here."

6:58PM BBT: Kaitlin and Andy are in the multicolorBR talking who they want out. Andy is defending Helen but, Kaitlin is trying to sway him to vote her way. Kaitlin is trying to make Howard the replacement and not Jeremy.

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#BB15 7:00pm BBT: Kaitlin trying to convince Andy that Howard is a much bigger threat than Jeremy. Andy says he has control to use his religion to sway people over. Spencer in HOHR with Helen saying he knows she can sway the house to get rid of him this week "The 3rd nominee curse". He asks her to tell him if the votes change, and he's set to go home, he just wants to know

#BB15 7:03pm BBT: Andy asks who Jeremy would take out if he wins HOH. Kaitlin says first of all he wants Howard/Spencer, but didn't really name any names otherwise. Andy says he was spearheading the campaign to get rid of Nick towards the end of the week. Helen tells Spencer that she tried to make a 1-week deal with Nick and made it to Gina Marie so that's why she's not going up

#BB15 7:10pm BBT: Spencer says he got "The Moving Company" name because during the recession he worked for a moving company, now he feels like he wasted the game on people

#BB15 7:12pm BBT: Kaitlin/Helen/Andy in HOHR. Helen starts to cry because she's proud of Kaitlin, but knows her coming down will mean Jeremy goes home, and she knows what heartbreak is. Kaitlin is going through her 5 points on why Howard should go up on the block over Jeremy

#BB15 7:16pm BBT: Kaitlin goes through her points, Helen listens.. starts to cry again. She feels it would be hypocrtical of her to keep Jeremy after he went off on her. "By keeping him, I'm going against my moral code in letting him stay" Says she's never done anything to him. She knows that Howard isn't trustworthy, but feels hurt.

#BB15 7:20pm BBT: Helen asks if Candice knows that Howard is completely using her. Andy says she doesn't want to tell her, because she's completely bamboozled by Howard and won't believe him. Kaitlin thinks Howard is throwing comps because he has so many muscles and played football for a lot of years

#BB15 7:27pm BBT: Helen says that even if she does put up Howard, the house needs to want it, she doesn't have a vote. Andy/Helen are worried that if they go against the house, they will have a huge target on their backs. Helen says to Kaitlin: "I would only keep him for you, because it's going to break my heart". Helen crying again

#BB15 7:29pm BBT: Aaryn/Spencer talking together. Spencer hopes that Amanda's characterization of Aaryn's racism will be squashed in the house, and won't affect her outside life. Aaryn thinks Amanda made it up to make her look like a monster. Spencer says he doesn't think Aaryn is a racist. Aaryn says the most horrible thing they could say about her is calling her a racist. "It's not only bad, it affects my whole life". Spencer: "I'll never be mentioned outside of these walls"

#BB15 7:32pm BBT: Meanwhile, back in HOHR. Kaitlin is crying, Helen is pretty much telling her that Jeremy is going home. "He'll go home, but then you can come over and work with Andy and I". Helen keeps talking about Kaitlin's game and Kait keeps crying

#BB15 7:40pm BBT: Kaitlin says she can't vote against Jeremy or Aaryn. Helen says they will make sure the house understands that, and won't hold it against her. The plan is to make it seem that Kaitlin may not use the veto- so the house will feel owed to her for using it

#BB15 7:44pm BBT: Spencer tells Aaryn that she's not going to be crucified on the outside... in HOHR, Andy/Helen/Kaitlin are doing some group handshake with Helen giving an inspirational speech and Kaitlin crying

#BB15 7:46pm BBT: Aaryn crying in bed, Jeremy/Gina Marie are consoling her. Jeremy: "No one who knows you, thinks you're a racist". Spencer upset Aaryn by what he was saying... Kaitlin comes down to take Jeremy to SR, she tells that him he's for sure going home. He seems to be keeping his cool, and says he knows. She is relaying her conversation with Helen.

#BB15 7:50pm BBT: Howard goes up to Andy/Helen in HOHR. Says it's like Day 1 for him, he seems to be coming to them with a "game report" and giving them the rundown of what he said/did today

#BB15 7:52pm BBT: Jeremy giving Kaitlin a speech, says he can vote against him if she wants, he doesn't want her to be on the wrong side of the house. Says she can share some of the money with him. (He is actually being really mature about the situation)

#BB15 7:54pm BBT: Helen, to Howard, says he needs to stay true to Candice, Elissa, Andy and Kaitlin if she uses the veto. (No mention of McCrae/Amanda)

#BB15 7:56pm BBT: Jeremy goes to HOHR, Howard leaves. Says he knows the situation, he was going to sit up there and make a deal with her, but doesn't see a point. Says he deserves to be there more than others. Helen agrees with that. Helen tells Jeremy about the deal with Kaitlin, and says they wil take care of her

#BB15 8:01pm BBT: Kaitlin in multicolor room with Gina Marie. Kait/GM both crying. She tells them that she tried so hard to keep him. Elissa walks in, gives Kaitlin a hug. Elissa says she'll be ok, and she earned her way into the game and worked hard in veto

#BB15 8:11pm BBT: Elissa/Howard in SR- saying that they're sitting there crying because they're not getting their way, when Elissa was sitting there crying. Elissa tells Howard she should go up to sit in HOH, so Helen doesn't feel uncomfortable with Jeremy

#BB15 8:15pm BBT: Helen/Elissa/Andy in HOHR. Helen telling Elissa about the deal she made with Kaitlin to keep her safe. Elissa asks how can we keep her safe, we're making deals with everyone?

#BB15 8:17pm BBT: Jeremy/Gina Marie/Aaryn/Kaitlin in multicolor room. GM: "I can't stay in this house with these people, they're not as cool as us"

#BB15 8:19pm BBT: Elissa doesn't feel comfortable making deals with Kaitlin, says Kaitlin should come talk to her if she wants to make a deal with her, Kait hasn't done anything for her. Helen says that Elissa taking herself off the block is what she's doing. Elissa: "She should keep herself off the block for herself"

#BB15 8:26pm BBT: Andy/Helen tell Elissa they never really feel they get a lot of alone time with her to talk game and trust each other

#BB15 8:29pm BBT: HOH crew talk about a deal they could make with Aaryn if she wins HOH next week. Helen leaves, Andy/Elissa talk about Howard- he tells her that he is concerned with how Howard uses religion to win people over

#BB15 8:32pm BBT: McCrae/Amanda talking in cockpit. McCrae: "I feel like I'll never be what your mother will want me to be. A rich Jewish lawyer"

#BB15 8:34pm BBT: Andy joins McCrae/Amanda fills them in on his conversation with Kaitlin and Helen, and the deal they made with Kaitlin if she uses veto. Then tells them about the conversation with Jeremy

#BB15 8:38pm BBT: Amanda says that Spencer is trying to push Aaryn to get her to blow up so she becomes the target. He's working with Jeremy to make that happen

#BB15 8:42pm BBT: Amanda/Andy/McCrae are worried that Helen is talking too much. Andy says he needs to be with her 24/7. Andy is concerned that he will become a target so closely aligned with Helen. Amanda says she needs to stop trying to control everything.

#BB15 8:48pm BBT: Helen/Candice in HOHR. They think Aaryn is a narcissist- she doesn't care when she hurts people. Helen thinks she's going to watch the show and thinks she's going to be portrayed completely wrong

#BB15 8:50pm BBT: Candice says she feels on the outs, because Helen made her leave when she was talking to Elissa/Andy. Helen says that people are concerned with how close she is to Howard. Says that people are afraid of Howard. Candice: "For me, Amanda lies a lot, so it's hard for me to trust her about what she says about Howard... I'm disappointed in Howie as a person, but I'm more upset with Spencer because he used me as a pawn".

#BB15 8:56pm BBT: Jeremy/Aaryn/Gina Marie talking about David in multicolor room. Thinks David/Nick were evicted because the other guys were jealous of them

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9:00 BBT Amanda/McCrae/Andy in cockpit room whispering. They want Howard gone this week. Andy seems to be relaying a conversation from earlier to where Elissa said it was Elissa/Helen/Andy to the end. As Andy leaves, Amanda/McCrae start arguing about pickles and fixing each other food (in a jokey manner).

9:06 BBT Kaitlyn/Jeremy/GinaMarie in bedroom. No game talk.

9:07 BBT Aaryn/Elissa/Andy/Amanda/Jessie/Judd/McCrae in kitchen with idle chit chat.

9:08 BBT Jeremy is saying if he goes on the block that they should go with the house and vote him out.

9:09 BBT Andy is in HOH with Helen. Helen just asked Andy who he would put up and Andy just said he was in good standing with nearly everyone, but he would nominate Howard/Spencer/Aaryn. Judd walks in. He asks who is going to be nominated, and Helen says Jeremy. Judd says that he would prefer Candice to leave this week. Helen and Andy start laughing a little (but I don't know if Judd was joking). Helen says that Aaryn is going to pawn her way through this game. Judd says that Howard is getting on his nerves with his "swearing on his bible." Andy asks Judd who does he want to get out and BBAD goes to commercial (I'm assuming Howard).

9:16 BBT Helen/Andy/Judd still talking. They are talking about jury and who to get out before then. They come up with 5 of the following 7 Spencer/Howard/Jeremy/Aaryn/Kaitlyn/GinaMarie/Candice. Andy says he loves GinaMarie and wants to keep her as long as possible (ed: red flag). Andy says they have to repay Kaitlyn for what she's doing by using the veto, so they shouldn't nominate her next week. They say Kaitlyn is going to gun after Howard if she wins HOH. Judd is talking about Elissa nominating random people for MVP (Spencer). Judd once again mentions Howard swearing on the bible and working Elissa, but then Judd says he only heard it, but Andy says he knows he swore on the Bible. There is more speculative talk about double eviction and Helen suspects a double eviction next week after Jeremy's eviction. Andy says there has never been a double eviction this early. Helen says they need to get together and make sure they know who to nominate for the double eviction episodes. Judd thinks Spencer should stick around as long as possible simply because he isn't strong at challenges and has no where else to go for alliances. They discuss Kaitlyn being good at competitions, then the talk turns to Spencer throwing the competition for HOH when paired with Helen (where Aaryn won). Helen says that Howard told her that Spencer threw that competition (I believe Spencer told Helen last night he did not throw that competition when He and Howard were confessing the Moving Company). Commercial

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#BB15 9:23pm BBT: Andy/Helen/Judd in HOHR wondering if Spencer threw the BBQ comp. They also talk about how strong Kaitlin is

#BB15 9:24pm BBT: HOH crew wonder what type of comps Spencer would be good at. He hasn't proven his abilities yet. Helen asks Judd when he found out about The Moving Co. Helen thinks that if she hadn't won HOH, they would still be working together (just Spencer/Howard/Jeremy).

#BB15 9:26pm BBT: Helen says that Judd getting Jessie's vote changed the game. Without it, Spencer/Howard still would have voted to evict Elissa

#BB15 9:30pm BBT: Helen talking about when Elissa needed to put up a replacement nom, Helen asked Spencer, and he shot down the idea of Nick and suggested Amanda. They're all swapping stories about Howard/Spencer

#BB15 9:32pm BBT: GM/Aaryn talking about what happens during a Double Eviction. They seemed convinced that there will be one on Thursday. GM says she can't wait until they suspend the MVP twist. GM thinks she may be a target to go up as the replacement

#BB15 9:33pm BBT: Spencer goes up to HOHR with Helen/Judd/Andy. They all want to be able to go outside. Judd wants a cigarette. Spencer wants to do laundry. Howard walks in, too

#BB15 9:36pm BBT: Candice joins HOH now- they're talking how guacamole is terrible by itself

#BB15 9:37pm BBT: Jessie/Amanda/McCrae in cockpit. They seem to be filling Jessie in on the plan for next week (to evict Howard). McCrae wants to win so he can take credit for it. They are now talking about how they want to go in the BY. Elissa joins them

#BB15 9:44pm BBT: Judd/Aaryn talking in WA while she does her makeup. Aaryn wants alcohol. They talk about Howard throwing the have-not comp. Judd says he was going to, but then didn't. Judd says the whole guys alliance is that they wanted him out. Aaryn says she never would have voted him out- ever.

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9:27 BBT Helen/Andy/Judd still in HOH. Judd says he saw Howard/Spencer whispering with Nick on Nick's way to the DR and became suspicious. They are talking about their observations and suspicions of the Moving Company. Helen is telling the story about Elissa nominating Nick instead of Kaitlyn. She says when she brought the idea to Spencer and Spencer suggested putting up Amanda so that McCrae will focus on the game. Helen thought to herself why should we get rid of one of our alliance members?

Feeds switch to Amanda and Jeremy talking in the open bedroom. Amanda is telling Jeremy to campaign because there are other people she wants out of the house. Jeremy leaves and feeds switch to Howard and Spencer on the living room couches with very little talking going on.

Aaryn and GinaMarie in their bedroom talking about a double eviction. GinaMarie is wondering why they would have double evictions. GM can't wait until the day the MVP power is gone. Aaryn tells her she is not going up and GM asks how does she know? Aaryn says that she has heard they are backdooring Jeremy.

9:36 BBT Howard and Spencer are up in the HOH now and the talk is centered around slop and guacamole chips. Candice also walks into HOH. Game talk has ceased altogether. Commercial

9:41 BBT Howard/Spencer/Judd/Andy/Candice/Helen still in HOH with no game talk happening.

Jessie is with McCrae and Amanda in the cockpit room. They are saying Candice takes clothes that she wants. She says that she finds flip flops and just puts them on without asking. Talking about Candice slamming the door in the bedroom and being loud while getting clothes out of the bedroom while Jessie was sleeping. Amanda says Candice shouldn't take things without asking. She said she was wearing McCrae's long sleeve shirt. Amanda and McCrae are cuddling and Jessie is on the other side of the couch looking like a third wheel.

9:47 BBT Aaryn and Judd in bathroom talking. Judd is talking about the Moving Company and is relaying the same story he said earlier about seeing Howard and Spencer talking with Nick. Judd said it didn't add up for Spencer and Howard to make an alliance with Nick while he was on the block. Judd is saying Aaryn is off of everyone's radar. Judd is telling her there is a division is the majority alliance. He also continues to explaining why he voted Nick out. He is saying she is 100% safe this week and telling her to lay low and talk to people. He is saying maybe talk to McCrae, Amanda, and Jessie. Commercial

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#BB15 9:24BBT helen and andy are talking in the hoh with judd, jeremy is in the kt with kaitlin and jessie

jeremy is walking around with his hand in his sweats

ginamarie and aayrn are in the color room ginamarie is braiding a hair piece

jeremy now talking to amanda saying how he doesnt lose he does throw stuff thats not him, jeremy is saying that if they keep him I will win stuff

for you and amanda asked who they would put up if they won hoh jeremy spencer howard and jeremy is like do you know

what they did to me they jumped ship, mccrea jumped ship now hes saying how they had the numbers

#BB15 9:37BBT now spencer and howie are in the hoh candice walks in and they are just joking around chillin ginamarie is called into the DR

they are talking about chicken and corn bread now candice saids she makes jeffy corn bread (which is actually good)

#BB15 9:45BBt amanda and mccrea are in the cockpit room talking to jessie trashing candice amanda

saying how she wear her $200 flipflops without asking

who does that its just not right she is stuggling with mccrea (aww) aayrn is talking to judd in the bathroom

about the veto comp and jeremy and kaitlin are cooking together (now thats so sweet not) wait no they are argueing over tomatoe sauce

#BB15 10:00BBT up in hoh they are talking about the veto comp it involed pictures and they had to jump on a tramalin and memorize the pictures and put them in order

the pictures were over a wall so they had to jump high enough to see them. now they are talking about the sleeping arrangments

helen wants alcohol tonight they are still on indoor lockdown

and they get to keep the paints after the show now they are onto nick and his mysteries

BB15 10:07 Helen leaves to get everyone some ice cream all but judd and now they are talking about the mc and how that all worked again old news

jeremy is now doing dishes

#BB15 10:16BBT aayrn and ginamarie are in the sr it appears that the freezer smells like fish so they are now cleaning it out

elissa is getting her something to eat and says she feels really bad for judd because hes a have not

spencer is going into the DR they called him and elissa asked if he can asked them for alcohol

#BB15 10:23BBT in the hoh they are still talking about nick and the mc old news kaitlin aayrn and jeremy are in the bathroom kaitlin doing her hair ginamarie is in there

with them it looks like everyone is getting along tonight no real drama

jessie walks into the hoh and say yall know what happened they told me in the dr and we get the forth short one though

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9:55 BBT Andy/Helen/Spencer/Howard/Candice in HOH continuing to have non-game talk. They did mention slamming doors and Spencer pointed to Candice. They are saying Nick was called so many times to the DR and was waiting to get in there at 3 AM in the morning even though he was very quiet. BB says: "HG, you are not allowed to talk about your DR sessions with other houseguests." And Spencer says, "Can we talk about Nick's?" Andy continues talking and Helen tries to get him to stop. Judd comes walking in and talk about Nick continues. More talk about Nick's random whisper sessions with the Moving Company, then there is talk of Jeremy saying he has eyes all around the house.


10:12 BBT Same crew is still in the HOH room with more talk of the Moving Company. Candice is saying the Brigade was not full of assholes and were really nice to each other. BB said, "Amanda/McCrae, Stop that." They laugh saying they might be making a big brother baby. Judd says that GM told him that she was 33 years old, she's never found anyone like Nick. Judd said he thought to himself, "You never signed up for that. We're on big Brother." More talk about how Nick slept fully clothed with pillows between him and Gina Marie. Spencer says he called Nick, "Nick Fury" in the DR. Spencer gets yelled at saying "You are not allowed to talk about production." Spencer says, "That was Diary room, bro." everyone starts laughing. Helen thinks Nick liked GM, but Judd/Spencer/Andy disagree. Spencer gets called to the DR. Judd jokes saying he's in trouble. Helen tells him to ask for alcohol. More talk about the Moving Company.


10:24 BBT Same crew still in HOH talking about Nick and now bringing MVP into the conversation. Helen says, "We got out Nick just in the 'Nick' of time." Jessie comes into HOH. Seems like the POV was a face merging picture competition. Jessie comes in saying the backyard will open shortly. Judd says, "Thank you, America" and everyone starts laughing. He says he doesn't like guacamole (what America chose for the havenots) without chips.

Feeds switch to GM, Aaryn, Jeremy in Bathroom. They were complaining about someone saying "He's" a scrub, a coward, and a little boy. Jeremy said "he's" 31 years old so I'm assuming he is talking about Spencer.

Feeds switch to HOH room talking about Kaitlyn. They say Kaitlyn will be evicted if she doesn't use it. Howard says he wants to ask if Jeremy would do the same with her (meaning not using the veto in the current situation). They are now talking about Nick not committing to not voting out Elissa to her face, and then Elissa nominating him. Helen is now saying that Elissa will not talk to anyone after they cross her, referring to Jeremy wanting to talk to Elissa yesterday. Elissa replied saying, "I don't really need to talk to him." Helen is saying Elissa is not a pushover. Helen is singing Elissa's praises. Howard is saying she respects Elissa crying in private and not in the moment, waiting until she was by herself, saying she doesn't cry for sympathy. They are now talking about when Jeremy took the alcohol and then yelled to the other houseguests after he did so. Elissa comes walking into HOH and Helen says they were just talking about Elissa. Elissa is saying she is not a friend of many, but a friend of few and pours her all into those few people. Helen is saying that Aaryn likes having followers instead of friends and is sure her real life is similar. They are saying she didn't do well in her sorority or have many girl friends. GM comes walking into HOH dressed up nerdy.


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10:39 BBT Kaitlyn and Jeremy are kissing in the bathroom and the camera is showing a close up of their passion.

Helen and Elissa were in the Storage room saying something about GinaMarie. Seems the HOH crowd has dispersed as Howard and Andy are in the kitchen.

Jessie, Candice, and Elissa are in the HOH bedroom. Candice is messaging Jessie's shoulders. They are talking about Havenots. Elissa is saying at least Jessie has fun people sleeping with her in the Havenot room. BB just announced the lockdown was over. Jessie leaves the HOH and Elissa says she is about to go to bed, but she continues talking to Candice in bed. Elissa asks what's going on with Howard. Candice is saying not much and saying she doesn't talk a lot of game with him. She says she really likes him as a friend. She says she is a fiercely loyal person and comparing it to Helen sticking by Elissa when the house wanted her out. Says she admires Helen for it. Candice is saying everyone makes a mistake in this game, so she's not going to persecute him, but it's over if she lies to him again. She says she keeps game talk separate from the personal relationship. Candice is saying she likes to get to know a guy on a friend level first and likes to move slow. "I think it's crazy how people go from 0 to love" like Kaitlyn. Candice continues talking about her and Howard in the game and now talk has moved on to her being mad at Spencer for things he has done. Candice said that Kaitlyn was super sweet in the beginning and Kaitlyn shared some of the tragedy that had happened in her life in the beginning of the game, but she got wrapped up with Jeremy soon after that. It's mostly Candice telling Elissa how the game has been for her, who she has connected with and who she has problems with.


10:55 BBT Elissa/Candice still talking. Candice is continuing to talk about Howard saying she enjoys his company. Candice says she wants girls to make it to the end. She says she does feel a bit ostracized because of her relationship with Howard. She says she is 100% with her and Helen, and Howard is 100% with Spencer. She is saying that Spencer is rubbing off on Howard, but he's better than Jeremy. Candice continues to say Spencer's actions week 1 with the vote continue to piss her off how he followed her around like a puppy on eviction day to make sure she didn't talk to anyone else. Candice said she would've taken Kaitlyn off, not Spencer, if she won Veto.

Feeds switch to the backyard where the majority of the houseguests are. And with that, BBAD is over. (Ed: May not do this tomorrow night. Judd is right saying there is a division in the majority alliance, but the lines are a bit blurred for me.)

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jeremy and kaitlin on hammock chatting. She hopes she didn't ruin his game. He feels it stopped him from being a slut in house and using his body. Kaitlin wants to know who he would have gone to first. Jeremy isn't telling her. Apparently in real life he's only been with 24 people.

jeremy being corny with kait about having feelings for her. When she overhears candice saying "howie is in dr" she mimics her. Jeremy says not to do that. To just win this thing.

Looks over at everyone sitting on outdoor couch and feels they are just making fun of them. Kaitlin feels like a loser in the house. Other than Andy, and GinaMarie she would never be friends with anyone in the house. jeremy believes that all will be forgotten. That he has already left his mark.

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Wow, the day started at midnight and they never went to sleep. Hopefully they'll go to bed early and give us all a break, but if they stay up, I sure hope we'll get some help updating so no one has to do eight hours of catching up.

Newbies welcome, please post here:

Sunday, July 14 Live Feed Updates
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