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7:38 PM BB TIME:

Elissa crying to GM. Andy comes in and GM ask him to give them a minute. They are ragging on alissa tht the game is fixed. Alissa teary missing David. Nick comes in and sits and talks. GM wonders why amanda went against mccrea. Alissa says they made a deal. Nick chimes in covering himself. Calls it going with the house turning suspicion from himself. GM says tht she is not going to kiss ass. on and on with cursing. Aaryn thinks tht she made a deal with everyone because she is going to get MVP every week. GM says they have no brains tht alissa is like Will.

GM says if she goes upo they will vote her out she dont giv a F*** she dont kiss ass on and on and on calling elissa names and tht she was put in the house. Aaryn says tht none of this will be aired. GM says she doesnt play dirty. Nick tells stuff abt convo with elissa and tht she threatened him with MVP. He said thts why he went with the house because he asked everyone every single person and did wht they said.

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7:45 PM BB TIME:

GM Called to DR.

Howard with McC and amanda they are wondering wht the background noise is Howard whispering cant hear him. Pretend chess game. Amanda wonders why McC is smiling. See something easy? He says looking at you.

Jeremy with jesse and candice he seems pensive spencer comes in trying to get to pantry. Locked. jesse and candice very quiet. Jesse looks ready to cry. able to eat tho.

7:51 PM BB TIME:

Alissa whispering to Jeremy. Jeremy telling spencer he would like a little weiner schnitzel. Says salmon is abt to go bad lets eat some salmon. Jeremy says you love how we got HOH? Spencer says I tht you would. Sleeping in the room Bro thats why I did it says Jeremy. He laughs and says I can play for HOH again next week bro aint tht something. I take care of you bro.

Candice gets up and leaves looking disgusted.

Candice with andy says there was a master plan and andy agrees and candice says she is confused. Andy said that he has no idea abt votes but he voted for david. Candice said spencer told her who to vote for. She says pencer told her they are voting out elissa bcause MVP too important. Andy says I understand am confused too. Candice tells the same story to McCrea. He says yeah. they talk a bit abt it. McC says little but has a questioning look on his face and whispers. Candice says it doesnt matter to her but she tht she was with the house.

7:57 PM BB Time:

GM out of DR obviously I can hear her. Spencer sitting with Jesse's head in his lap. Here comes Candice. Spencer Jesse and Candice appear glum and quiet.

7:59 PM BB TIME:

Kaitlin in shower. With Amanda. no way you can hear what they are saying. Amand deep in whisper convo with Kaitlin back to cam. Kaitlin stealing peeks in mirror. Asked to mic up Kaitlin says she feels bad for MCCrea. Betrayal. She keeps looking in mirror as she rants and raves. Says game is still in elissa's favor its unreal she says. Why would you want to keep her she says. Says tht she called her a whore on national television. ?????thats what she is most upset abt she says. much cursing. cam leaves her.

Jeremy to jesse and candice: past is past this is not a vendetta.

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8:09 BBT Amanda in shower and Kaitlin talking to her about the house betraying McCrae by the vote and he was just doing what the house wanted. Jeremy seems to be the only one who is not upset... saying we are playing week two and for everyone to get past the vote and move on.

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andy in room with aaryn her saying tht they would never have put andy up and tht elissa will win mvp every week andy says no and whispers why he thinks she is stupid and wont win mvp every week. he says a bunch of stuff much cursing abt elissa. He claims to be qopn with no alliance and trying to cover himself because aaryn says his name got thrown out there because of elissa and candice. thought they were in alliance. He refutes tht says no way goes on and on about it and again says tht he is open. She says tht she wants to trust but cant trust people who lie to her. He says you can trust me. Works to cover himself with aaryn using a lot of excuses.

8:09 PM BB TIME:

Candice in room now with andy and aaryn. ANdy comforting aaryn tht she'll hv more time to think abt game now other than showmance. Aaryn says she knew tht if she didnt win hoh she would go home. Aaryn says she wont make up with elissa. Andy agrees tht nobody will hv convo with elissa. calls her a robot controlled b BB. thousands of rachel fans behind her and now they wont giv mvp to her again. Aaryn thinks tht mccrea will get it.

Andy reminds her abt edit. He goes on again abt not being called to DR enough. He wants more sessions.

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8:14 PM BB TIME:

Candice explaining to Aaryn the situation she thinks people who aaryn wouldnt think would vote david out did vote him out. She goes thru the spencer thing again. aaryn says tht she believes her. Candice is upset tht she thought she was in on something and apparently she wasnt and was used. Aaryn asked her if she can trust jeremy and kaitlin and she said yes. she goes on and on and ends with tht she liked dave. enjoyed him. aaryn wonders if spencer voted david. Candice wont say tht he did. Candice says when she finds out she will say.

Amanda comes in. Aaryn asks Amanda if she wants to talk and she say sno and asks abt bed situation. Aaryn says tht jeremy and kaitlin are sleeping upstairs tonight. They discuss sleeping arrangement.

Candice goes on and on and on again to aaryn.

8:20 PM BB Time:

Kaitlin and Jeremy talking abt the whole house being against them. Jeremy says no they arent he hears stuff and she is wrong. Cuddle time. Kaitlin thinks things will change in a week. Jeremy says no everything will be in our favor. She feels bad for david he does too but it is what it is. One less strong player tht he has to beat. He says he voted for elissa because this week it will work in jeremys favor.

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Flashing Back - Good convo!

8:58pm BBT: Candice and Helen talking in HN room. Candice is trying to figure out votes. Candice thinks Aaryn, Jeremy Kaitlin for sure voted Elissa and then Candice and "her person" (Spence but she hasn't named him yet) She says if her person didn't then someone else did but she says she for sure voted Elissa out so that's 4.

Helen says then Nick voted David out. Candice says she thinks Nick & Jeremy are together because they have side talks and it's a boy thing and if anybody did (it would be Jeremy).

9:00pm BBT: She says she went next to the people who she thought were in the group but they all still said Elissa so she thought she was out of the loop. She figured her person was supposed to tell her.

9:01pm BBT: Helen says she definitely doesn't know what's going on in this game and she's being as equally lied to.

9:01pm BBT: Feeds switch to Elissa & McCrae in SR and laughs that "they: think Elissa hates McCrae because she called him out in her speech. McCrae tells her to keep her voice down because they can hear, he leaves.

9:02pm BBT: Helen expects to be nominated, Candice thinks Helen's honesty could help her since Aaryn likes people who are straight up.

9:03pm BBT: Andy walks in, conversation between Candice/Helen stops and they talk about being HN's and being on slop. Helen thinks McCrae is such a good guy because he volunteered to be a HN and she could just hug him. Andy leaves. Candice and Helen continue talking. Candice said Kaitlin said to Andy that Elissa called Kaitlin a whore which was wrong and she needs to shut her mouth.

9:04pm BBT: Helen said oh yeah the whorehouse comment? I told Elissa not to do that and that she talks about them being 22 but that's her acting like she's 22 and she told Elissa not to stoop to that level. Candice heard the audience booed when she voted for Elissa so she thinks that means the world likes Elissa. Helen says Elissa is a really nice girl. Candice says yeah but sometimes she says stuff and she needs her to shut up and stop lying. Helen said she says stuff but so do Kaitlin & Aaryn so who's better? She'd rather hang out with the genuinely nice person.

9:05pm BBT: Helen said she doesn't think Elissa is trying to lie to people, she's just trying to make friends here. Like she said in her speech she's been a target from day one. She's just been trying to make friends in an uphill battle and that if you give people an olive branch, they'll remember that. Candice just wants to know why no one told her about the David situation. Helen says she doesn't know either but she was told something about "here are the people and you'll find out when you need to know." All she cared about was..she knows everyone wanted Elissa to go out but she realy wanted Elissa to stay.

9:06pm BBT: Helen said David told Andy last night he was coming after Helen. Candice asks why Helen thinks Spence would go different from the plan. Helen doesn't know but she's really surprised. She wonders if Spence is working with Jeremy and that they're doing their dirty work for them (lightbulb!). Candice doesn't understand at first but helen says what if they're working together and Jeremy didn't have the heart to vote out David.

9:07pm BBT: She says that way David leaves but Jeremy's hands are still clean. She says what if Spence/Jeremy are using the house so it causes paranoia.

9:08pm BBT: Candice says yeah but something's wrong with Spencer because he was trying to block her from talking to people. She doesn't think Jeremy's that smart but thinks Nick is. Candice says Nick was all ears in the bathroom while Spence was talking about his conversation with Candice about the vote.

9:09pm BBT: Candice definitely thinks Jeremy & Nick. She wonders how McCrae & Amanda fall into this picture. Helen says McCrae didn't have to vote anyway.

9:10pm BBT: Candice knows McCrae really wanted Elilssa to stay and she knows Amanda really didn't want Elissa to leave. Candice says....I wonder if it's a Boy Super Group and we don't know about it? [bingo] Helen wonders too. Candice says in that case the girls need to make a Super Group. Helen "I hear you." Candice says it's gotta be a boy super group. Helen adds, and they're going to use the girls to get each other out.

9:11pm BBT: Helen asks then why did they get Dave out? Candice says because it's a showmance. Candice says maybe they wanted to keep Elissa because she's a target and all the girls hate Elissa. So they don't focus on the boy super group [candice is getting almost all of this right]

9:12pm BBT: Candice talks about Jeremy giving a secret sign to Nick and how Nick waited a minute then walked over to talk to Jeremy. Then she speculates maybe GM is in it becuase she's like a guy. Then says no, they would think GM is too much of a firecracker and she'd talk. They begin counting votes again.

9:13pm BBT: Now candice says she doesn't know if she believes Spence but why would he tell her that? Helen doesn't think Nick voted Dave out. Candice says Nick is a wildcard and would be smart to keep Elissa in as a target. Helen says but he's close to GM. Candice says, no they're not that close [Candice is very perceptive]. She thinks they're play close but not that close. She doesn't think Nick would vote w/ GM and he's the one to watch. You never know what he's thinking like Dan.

Edited by morty
Awsome job Spike
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11:19pm Aaryn is the hew HOH and is now in the HOHR.Seems like everyone except Andy and Elissa are in the HOHR

Kaitlin is very sick with a migraine and throwing up

11:22 Everyone says congratulations to Aaryn.The only ones left in the HOHR is Spencer,Jessie,Jeremy,Haitin,Howard and GiaM

11:24pm Judd and Amanda are at the chess table watching Mcrae and Nick play chess,general chat,no game talk

11:25pm FOTH

11:26pm Aaryn,GiaM,Jeremy,Jessie and Kaitlin in HOHR talking about David,wondering what he is doing right now.They are speculating that David might come back into the game and how gret that would be

11:28pm HOHR crew talking about how they hate teams for the HOH comp.It should not be teams it should be up toeach of them to fight for HOH and if they fail then it is all on themselves

11:30pm HOHR talking about how confused David must be right now.They are going over the votes and trying to figure out who voted for who

They are saying that Amanda said she voted for Elissa to go. Aaryn complaining about the speech Elissa gave,trying to recall how she worded it.Think she said NO one comes between me and my game not even Mcrae

11:32pmJeremy saying it sucks with out David,he was his bro in the game since minute 2.GiaM says he was the only one who laughed at her jokes

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9:14pm BBT: Candice thinks it's Jeremy, Nick & Spencer. Helen is really thinking and listening, counting votes. Candice then said Howie could be in it too but doesn't want to think that about him. Then she said she doesn't think Howie is with anyone and that he's in the super group.

9:15pm BBT: Candice says there's something that's going on because their people did not vote to keep Dave. So there's something fishy in that scenario and they may have f***ed up by telling her because now they can figure it out. Helen counts votes on her fingers again.

9:16pm BBT: Helen thought it would be Spencer & Candice voting for David. Candice says yea it wasn't. Says then let's take out Spencer & Candice and see who is left. Nick, GM, Jeremy & Kaitlin. That's why she thinks it's Jeremy & Nick voting David because Candice, GM & Kaitlin voted out Elissa. She asks if Spence was her secret person. Helen says "mhm" but says not to tell anyone.

9:17pm BBT: Helen, still deep in thought, wonders why Spencer would tell them he's voting David but vote Elissa. She says if she gets MVP she'll put Spencer up and make him tell her the truth. Then she says she doesn't want to put Spencer up.

9:18pm BBT: Candice tells Helen Spencer publically talked about voting Elissa and that Candice & he talked about it. But then after he talked to her he was trailing her like a dog and wouldn't let her talk to anyone. She tried to talk to Judd & Andy but Spencer "c**k blocked" both of those conversations. They wish they had a pencil so they could figure it out.

9:19pm BBT: Candice sits on the floor and starts using objects as people. Helen gets her jewelry to use. They start placing people in groups of who voted for David and who voted for Elissa. The ones they are not sure about end up being Spencer, Nick and Jeremy so they place them in the groups where they think they voted. Jeremy in the group who voted Elissa, Nick and Spencer in the group who voted David. They are correct!!

9:21pm BBT: Candice wonders why Spencer would tell her to vote Elissa if he didn't. She wholeheartedly believes Spencer voted for Elissa. But says, maybe they only needed one more vote to keep Elissa...so if they [super boy group] only needed one more vote to keep Elissa, which would've been Candice. Candice says somebody needed her to vote "over here" [votes for Elissa group]. Helen says but why. Candice says because if Spencer was supposed to be working with the Big Group, he f**ked it all up which means he is working with two gropus. They again think Jeremy voted David, Nick voted Elissa.

9:24pm BBT: She confirms that when she was told (by Helen) to go back and make sure of what Spencer told her, he said to vote out Elissa. But he was acting fishy after that. Helen doesn't know because that was not what she was thinking Candice would be told to do. Candice asks, what her one vote would have done? Helen says nothing. Candice says what would have happened if Spencer voted Elissa. Helen says it would've been 6/6 and McCrae would have to break the tie. Candice says "ohhhh."

9:25pm BBT: Candice says so somebody told Spencer to do that or Spencer concocted it with someone. Helen says but why? We already had the votes. Candice wonders why Spence would want Elissa to stay and wonders if he could be working with Elissa.

9:26pm BBT: Helen says she doesn't know. Candice says something doesn't add up. Helen says you're right, something doesn't add up and we're gonna figure it out. Candice asks Helen questions about the big group and if the leader decides everybody tells a person? She asks if the leader decided Dave or if they all collectively decided. helen hesitates but then says yes.

9:27pm BBT: Helen says they're going to boot her and then "we're never gonna know anything." Candice talks about going to Aaryn about the votes. Helen says well then you're lucky they're not going to go after you. Candice relays her earlier convo w/ Aaryn, editing a little bit.

9:28pm BBT: Judd comes in says sorry to interrupt. They say that's okay. They talk about sleeping on the seats. Candice may sleep on the floor. Helen leaves to go to bathroom. Judd gives Candice a hug then they leave the HN room also.

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Jeremy says Elissa is going home this week,I will put money on it.You can even put me up with her and I will win that POV

11:35pm Nick has joined HOHR,they don't think anyone would vote Helen out and she is a vote for Elissa always

Jeremy suggesting too Aaryn that Helen and Elissa should be put on the block,but we will see what everyone says when they come up to talk to Aaryn this week

Jeremy says we know who is in this room so if any of this gets out downstairs we will know who did it

11;39pm Kaitlin saying she was trying her hardest to splash some BBQ into her partners face in the comp and that her partner fell on her face twice(sorry I am not sure who was her partner in the comp Debra749)

11:41pm Spencer and Amanda in bed whispering.Hard too hear

11:44pm Amanda gets up when Judd walks in and then gets back in when he leaves,whispering again but too hard for me to hear everything

11:46pm Aaryn in HOHR talking about pandoras box and hoping it is a trip for her out of the house to go surfing with Daivid for the day.GiaM says she can't believe the bi**h is stil here.Jermey says this is a game guys we have to move on.He says he is being so nice to people he hates right now

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9:00 BBt Some of the HG namely andy, candice and jeremy have been
talking to AAyrn about who voted for David to go tonight, now
Aayrn is talking to amanda and trying to figure out
if she should back door elissa or just put her up with
Helen this week. But pretty much Aayrn and jeremy
and amanda are just going back and forth about what
to do with elissa and the vote

Candice is now talking to Helen in the have not room
about the votes aayrn and amanda are still talking in the BR
aayrn has yet to get her HOH room

Helen is telling Candice that she would
rather hang out with Elissa because she is a nicer
person then Aayrn and she wants to hang out with nicer

9:16 BBT spencer and Howard are playing chess now and candice
and helen are still talking in the HN Room
Aayrn is still worried about how many fans Racheal
has, for she is talking about it to andy and amanda
Helen and Candice are still trying to figure out how the votes went
Aayrn and andy and amanda are in the BR still talking about David
and what she is going to do about Elissa this week
sounds like Elissa is going to be her target along
with Helen these people are just going round and round
about the same thing over and over again
Judd walks into the cockpit room so the talk has now
9:33BBT Aayrn and amanda are saying that they are just going to hide out in the hoh room
for the rest of the week Go figure
sorry thats jessie not amanda all this time with Aayrn my bad Amandas with jeremy in the bathroom
now Amanda is in the bedroom in bed with mccrae who just walked in
9:48 BBT Amanda been going on with the fact that she thinks that she is going home this week
Jessie is going on about how elissa is a wild card because she is going to get the MVP every week
not much to report just going back and forth about elissa and the show
10:00 BBT Helen and spencer are in the lounge room talking spencer is telling Helen to play it cool this week not to worry
he has her back
Spencer is telling Helen that Candice is stupid now Helen is talking about backdooring Aayrn next week
10:20 BBT Aayrn is called to the DR looks like shes getting her hoh room
the HG are waiting for Aayrn to come out of the DR to see her HOH room
Amanda is really sick as a really bad headache
They are all sitting in the LR all but
Amanda who is laying down in the Bathroom
10:40 BBT Nick and mccrae are now playing chess
everyone else is still in the LV Amanda
is really sick asked for a puke bucket
11:00 BBT Aayrn gets her HOH Room
She gets pictures from home a letter from her step sister who says do
you be nice and be friends she got miller lite beers
and stuff animals from home she got pictures of her
step sister tania and we get a forth
and she got green princess wings
everyones being nice to her and kissing her ass
her step sister sent aayrn her hoh stuff
oh and she got pink nail polish
and snacks Elissa is the first one to
walk out of Aayrns HOH room she doesnt
really want to be there shes downstairs now the others are starting to leave the hoh room
so left in the hoh room is jer jess howard, candice, and ginamarie
11:39 BBT Aayrn and jer and jess are saying how this is Elissas show how she is the star
and they are all just her co stars That BB is playing up to Elissa because she is Racheals
sister. and they go on and on with it but jer says that BB can film her losing the game
because thats whats she is going to do is lose and they just keep
going on and on about elissa this elissa that

Edited by morty
Removed mistaken information
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11:48pm Aaryn says Elissa wants to call us whores yet her sister married a guy who put dick pics up on the internet and then we get FOTh

11:51pm Mcrae is giving Amanda a massage in the bed and then they stat talking about how badly they need a cigarette and about how Jessie was playing with his hair braiding it and Amanda says WHAT?that is really annoying

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