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Monday, July 1 Live Feed Updates


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9:42 PM BBT The charades breaks up and the HG head inside. It appears to be snack time as many of them hit the fridge. General chit chat.

Kaitlin tells Jeremy she is nervous about him being HOH. He tells her he will be the exact same person. She says she hopes so. He makes reference to Evil Dick winning his season.

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9:54 PM BBT In the HOH Amanda and McCrae have a talk about being in love. McCrae asks how do you know if it's love. Amanda says she loves her boyfriend but... we get FOTH. When we come back she is talking about a guy who has cheated on his girlfriends. She says he threatened her that if she hooked up on the show that her career would be over.

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10:09 PM BBT We seem to have feeds at the moment. Andy and Spencer are talking about the letter the HOH gets. Andy wonders if they just take notes over the phone. Spencer tells him it would be by email. We now have FOTH.

10:20 PM BBT Amanda, Nick, David and McCrae are in HOH. Discussion over where David wants to sleep in the house. David leaves and GinaMarie enters. She tells them David told her he wanted to sleep in the same bed with Nick.

10:33 PM BBT McCrae and Andy talking about a pool suction suctioning out someone's insides. Talk now turns to alcohol and what they requested if HOH.

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10:46 PM BBT Getting small snipets of feeds. Gen chit chat. Nothing going on but different conversations about life and people they know.

In the HOH room - several HG are playing "Would You Rather".

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11:01 PM BBT Intermittent feed failures continue for numerous watchers in their public chat channels. We'll continue updating as we catch glimpses and let you know the moment it is fixed. Thank you for your continued patience!

11:14 PM BBT Feeds continue to work intermittently for some folks and not for others. Those that have them complain about them freezing. Personally I've been staring at the following screen for 10 minutes now while trying to refresh every 2-3 minutes with no success.

11:17 PM BBT Feeds are back briefly just after my last update and Aaryn is sitting on the weight bench in the BY telling David that she just doesn't date the shy, quiet types. David says that things would be different if there weren't so many people in the house "If it were just you and I..." He asks Aaryn about what this means. Aaryn says it doesn't mean anything and things aren't changing. David says he thinks things have already changed and he noticed it last night when she was wanting to hang out with Jeremy. Aaryn says she would never go after Jeremy because he's with Kaitlin.

11:20 PM BBT David says he acts the way he does because his parents let him do him do his own thing. Aaryn says it's not his parents job to dictate how he's supposed to live his life. Aaryn says all of her previous relationships the guys she dated had high aspirations and dreams. David says he's never had someone direct him into it. Aaryn points out that again he shouldn't have to have people guide him on. She goes on to tell David that her mom isn't in her corner for anything she ever does and when she calls with news of a "gig" that her mom doesn't even care and that she wouldn't even sign the waiver allowing her to be talked about in the house.

11:24 PM BBT Feeds continue to intermittently freeze up. I refresh and we join the two of them further into this apparently deep conversation. David says he's so chill and laid back he's just trying to enjoy himself. Aaryn says that he should use this as a life lesson and really take advantage of his time in the house (Who knew this girl could be so deep?! I almost feel sorry for her when she comes out of the house only to realize her life lesson will just be beginning... - Niteslacker)

11:31 PM BBT I took a chance to switch feeds and they froze up with McCrae walking through the KT and Amanda's voice asking where something is. Feeds return with McCrae in the BY and GM and Judd playing pool. McCrae is grumbling about Amanda smoking all of his cigarettes. Jessie is also smoking on the lounger with Amanda. Amanda tells her she can hang out with them if she needs to. Jessie says she hasn't known where to turn to for the past couple of days. Amanda asks McCrae if he's ever bitten his own toe nails before. McCrae denies but then apparently lifts his own leg or foot up to or over his head off camera.

11:35 PM BBT David is telling Aaryn that he is confident and Aaryn disagrees saying that he's going to mess up his own game play. Aaryn says he lost her trust three separate times. Aaryn says Jeremy is confident. As he says he can sell ice to Eskimos. Aaryn says Jeremy can get in his head just as easily as she can and that scares her. She tells David that he looks sad and she wouldn't have spent this much time telling him these things if she didn't really care for him. FoTH.

11:42 PM BBT McCrae, Jessie, Amanda, and one other HG are sitting on the couch in the BY chatting randomly. David and Aaryn continue to chat on the weight bench. Well...more Aaryn continues to talk with David listening. David asks if Aaryn is going to stop flirting with him and she says no. Aaryn says sometimes she feels when she talks to him that he's not listening. David says it makes him mad that she has more in common with Jeremy than him. Aaryn says that's the first thing to come to his mind at the end of the conversation which isn't good. Aaryn says David doesn't talk.

11:45 PM BBT Aaryn feels like David is judging her based upon her looks which isn't fair. She cares about him as a person but it's hard to care about him in other ways then she is going to have to learn more about him in a deeper sense. David is sorry that he tried to push the relationship faster. David says he can tell the way she looks at him when she thinks he's being awkward.

11:50 PM BBT Aaryn says they're from two different cultures. David says he doesn't think he's a bad guy. She agrees. She says she's used to guys having the upper hand while being respectful whereas he's used to the woman having the upper hand in the relationship. They head off in opposite directions.

11:54 PM BBT David joins Spencer, Andy, and Nick in the chair bedroom. Andy is called to DR. Andy is asked to ask for TP and booze. Idle chit chat otherwise. In the WA GM and Aaryn are talking. Aaryn says she was trying to have a serious chat with David and she feels like she did nothing but hurt his feelings.

11:59 PM BBT Aaryn tells GM she's genuinely bummed about how she thinks she treated him. She says she is starting to feel like she isn't attracted to him because he doesn't have a goal in his life. His goal is to be a famous actor but that doesn't mean anything for her. She says it kills her because he's a good person. GM says they should take the time to get to know each other during their time in the BB house. Aaryn says she doesn't even like sleeping in the same bed together. Her other option was sleeping in bed with the devil, Elissa.

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The theme of this season the Topsy Tervy Schedule. From sun up until sundown: Nothing. From midnight 'til dawn: All hell breaks loose. Luckily we have NiteSlacker covering it tonight, but what about tomorrow night, NiteSlacker won't be here. Could you help? Just post a short messages describing what's happening on the live feeds. No commitment, just post whenever you feel like it, or see something you think we shouldn't overlook.

Tomorrow's thread starts here:

Tuesday, July 2 Live Feed Updates



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