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March 13 Live Feeds / BB After Dark

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment] around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Canada Time is East Coast Standard Time (See Map Here), Daylight Saving Time starts 2:00AM on March 10th (same as in the USA).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We have several HGs with names beginning with "A".

Try to be consistent with abbreviations:

Wash Area (WA)

Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)

Dining Table (DT)

Living Room (LR)

Back Yard (BY)

Bedroom (BR)

The "Hush, Hush" screen should still be (FOTH)

Indoor Lock Down (ILD)

Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)

Head of House Room (HOHR)

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12:25AM BBT - Feed 1 and 3 are on the KT where we have Topaz, Alex, Gary, Talla, Aneal and AJ. There are two conversations going on and the feeds are giving us both at the same time. Impossible for me to try to seperate them. Nothing of real interest seems to be being discussed.

12:25AM BBT - Feed 2 and 4 are on the HoH room where we have Tom and Liza in bed, talking game and life.

12:28AM BBT - Liza and Tom discussing who to put up. Tom - my money is Emmet, Andrew or wildcard Gary winning this one (likely POV). Tom - I love chicken, especially chicken fingers. In the background we can hear the six in the kitchen high pitched talking. Tom and Liza discussing whether or not to say something to them. Tom is going to give them an eye. Out of bed looking over the balcony talking to Gary who says, you know me, I'm not even looking at yor face. They all say good night. Tom tells Liza about Gary's comment.

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12:12AM BBT: Tom is really talking to the feeds tonight. Liza wants the HG to go to sleep because they are to loud. In HoHR Liza jokingly said she is a virgin, Tom said Canada is laughing. Liza said she is waiting for a commitment and she ask Tom if he will marry her.

12:22AM BBT: Alec,Topaz,Gary,AJ,Talla in the KT all different conversation going on. Liza said she is looking for a good father for her children. Tom said do not talk like that in my bed. Tom said he is not interested in a relationship. Liza confirm she is not talking about him.

12:26AM BBT: Tom said if Alec came after you I will go after Topaz. Tom ask who would you put up Liza said I will put up Peter and Topaz, Because Alec will keep Peter instead of Topaz. Tom is preparing his goodbye message to Suzette, Tom said he will give a good message saying hope you have a safe trip home. Liza does not like the message. Tom confirmed that Topaz told him she have fake boobs and he love them.

12:35AM BBT: Liza hate Topaz and find she is very loud. Tom ask if she want him to say something. Tom went out and say 'nappers it is very loud. Gary said something rude to Tom, Tom private part was showing. Tom return to the room with Liza amd mention that his c**k was hanging out. Liza replied Topaz is trying to take my man.

12:50AM BBT: Topaz, and Alec in LR Topaz is having her nighly tea. Topaz and Alec is talking game. Topaz said Tom came to her in the KT asking her what the f**K is going you want to give Suzette a vote to stay. Alec said it is showmance to the end. Topaz is talking very fast.

12:54AM BBT: Topaz does not trust Peter and Talla, she thinks Talla sugar coats things but Gary tell her everything Talla say. Topaz said Tom was upset about the girl's alliance. Emmett ask Jillian about the girl's alliance Jillian denied it.

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01:05AM BBT: Topaz does not trust Peter because he is always talking to Liza Quietly. Alec wants to pair Peter and Talla up so they can be comfortable. The talk stop for a bit they are kissing. Alec is trying to have Peter/Talla Alec/Topaz in final 4. They both agreed they like each other.

01:12AM BBT: Aneal join Alec and Topaz Jillian came looking for Emmett. Topaz went to change to go to bed. Emmett woke up to have his milk.

01:21AM BBT: AJ is still up in the KT he cannot sleep. Tom and Liza is very loud in HOH Emmett cannot believe Tom is still up. Gary,Topaz in the WA talking game. Gary is shaving his head. Topaz was warned to put on her mic again. Liza said to Tom that Jillian have a big front area wide open cli*, Tom asked if Liza had work done on her p***y.

01:29AM BBT: Gary and Topaz happy they have each other in the game. Topaz was cutting Gary hair, Gary said bit** that's a lot of hair you cut. Gary said Tom could have made such big move in the game.

01:34AM BBT: Topaz said good night, Alec joins her on the cot and they are making love. Emmett and Jillian just join them in the HN.

01:48AM BBT: Gary is still in WC. Emmett is softly rubbing Jillian while she sleeps. AJ is having a smoke and talking game yo him self. AJ said he is not going to make a big move in the house, Aj said he is the pawn of pawn. He is repeating what Tom said to him before PoV ceromony.

01:59AM BBT: Emmett left the HN and went to the BR, Aj is brushing his teeth.

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9:00am Evry1 still in bed except Aneal.

9:03am Emmet is up & wondering the house. He's asked to go to the diary room. He's in there for less then a min then changes his batteries. Evry1 else is still quite.

9:11am Emmet, Aneal & Jillian doing ADL's & talking about dreams. Evry1 else still in bed. The BB alarm sounds.

9:17am evry1's up doing ADL's, changing batteries & saying good morning.

9:18am SotH

While we wait for feeds to return, why not take the first Morty’s TV BB Canada Poll? http://bit.ly/PabVFi Hurry – the poll closes when the live show eviction begins on Thursday at 10pm ET.

9:40am feeds are back. for camera 1. Showing KT. Alarm goes off but can't see the rest of the house. Topaz, Alec, Emmet , Liza & Tom R in the KT

9:51 Not much going on. Just general chit chat. All cams now working

10:05am AJ just realizes he's eating yesterday slop. Aneal & Tom saying how nasty it was.

10:15am quiet morning in the house. Evry1 lying around w/ just a few chatting about nothing in particular.

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11:08 AM BBT

AJ, Andrew and Peter discuss when BB gives them practice items for games. It is explained to AJ that they only get the practice equipment before an HOH competition.

Peter explains that they don't get the actual equipment just something similar.

11:10 AM BBT

Alec comes over and starts rocking the hammock. Shades of Summer! It's squeaking! Andrew is laying in it.

"I want to tell you something serious," Andrew says "If I win HOH I'm going to put Topaz up. And AJ."

"Araggh!" Gasps Alec

"It's all just an elaborate hoax because I am actually getting you out. Don't tell AJ though. AJ can't know the plan."

AJ is sitting right there and they are making fun of Talla running around yesterday talking to everyone about Andrew.

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11:15 AM BBT

Andrew talking about who he is seriously putting up. He is going to make some serious moves in the game. He is not going to put up weak players. He is going to target Tom. He wants to get rid of a big threat before they get to jury.

Alec warns him not to talk about it before, just do it. When you talk about it other people try to make sure it doesn't happen. If you want people to vote the way you want people to vote you have to stop talking to me, AJ, Aneal and start talking to people who aren't with you.

Andrew wants to know why Tom is targeting him. Alec explains that he wants a strong player out and that when he wants someone out he expects everyone else to put that person on the radar because if they want to be a part of the cool kids club they will go along with him.

Andrew tells Alec that he knows Alec is working with Tom. He likes Emmett too but the kid is working with Tom. Andrew thinks Liza is just playing a great social game. "I Mean look at it, I'm 32 years old and I'm in a showmance with this big douchebag!" he imitates her.

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11:35 AM BBT

Andrew still talking with Alec, AJ and Peter. "I just have to make it to jury after that it's all whatever. I mean who do I have AJ? I'll throw him under the bus right now." Andrew makes a big wink "No, seriously, I won't. I will not."

"Thanks for forgetting about us in that equation." laughs Peter

"What do the spoliers say for the HOH for this week Peter?" AJ asks.

"OH HUGE News! Huge! AJ wins HOH in a landslide. You win it by such a wide margin you win it for 2 weeks. Diamond power of HOH" Peter announces.

11:38 AM BBT

This group of guys discuss what Pandora's box might be called in their season. "Candora's Box?" asks AJ "Please don't call it Candora's Box! What about Back Bacon Box?"

"I like that one, please call it Back Bacon Box." laughs Peter.

"What about the Coup d'Etat?" asks Alec [For the first time on BB I hear it pronounced correctly not as cooty-ta - ZuZu]

"Well, we are in Canada so we'd have to call it "Change of Power" you know because they stole our French." laughs Peter "The Change of Power!" everyone else laughs.

11:42 AM BBT

Suzette is talking with Gary in the BR. "They have showmances and a male alliance. If they keep AJ everything says the same. If Big Brother would only give me some sort of Super Power like an automatic seat on the jury that would drive everyone crazy!" she fantasizes.

"I think next week there is going to be a power move." says Gary

They point out that Liza wasn't listening to Suzette's plea to stay, she only cared about whether not not anyone is targeting Tom. "Those girls don't care, they think they are automatic finals because they are in showmances. What they don't see is what I see when they are getting ready. All the guys sitting together. The boys are going to drop them so fast. Can't they see?"

"All the guys are super tight and the girls do all of the housework." Gary says

"Gary you have to get with those boys!" Suzette admonishes him

"I don't know how Sue. I don't like them." Gary replies.

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11:51 AM BBT

Suzette and Gary discuss how AJ doesn't deserve to be here. "He lives in Toronto with his parents. He has everything done for him. I left my kids and husband with nothing in the fridge and to fend for themselves but no one here cares. No one wants to see that, they don't care. If only BB would let my kids run around here for an hour they could see why I want to fight to be here, they'd see and know that I deserve to be here more, to fight for my family. What does he need?"

Gary is fighting a cold and has no energy at all.

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12:04 PM BBT

AJ working out in the BY. Loudest sit ups ever.

In the BY Aneal is chatting with Suzette. They are discussing what votes she needs. She needs 6. They talk about how the girls won't make a decision without consulting their boyfriends. "I've definitely given this some thought. I understand." Aneal says. "Like I said I've thought about it but if it's just me and Gary who vote for you then we've singled ourselves out. I don't want a target on my back."

Suzette understands even though she's given everything up to be here. She's had to take natural medicine for post-partum stuff and in 10 years people will think, "my god how did she do all that stuff?" She can't make excuses for her behaviour and work from what she's done to herself. It sounds like she's trying to build a sob story for herself.

Aneal is glad they talked and cleared the air. "Maybe Canada will vote someone back in, You just never know. You Ne-e-e-ver know." Aneal says.

"I know, I mean I know. If AJ stays everything stays the same, it just gets stronger. I don't have a cuddlemance just like you and Gary. If I go all you are doing is making a bromance stronger." Suzette says.

"If you can get 5 votes then we'll talk." Aneal says

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12:16 PM BBT

Talla up in HOH talking with Tom. He is giving her advice on who to put up if she wins HOH. Topaz and AJ then get AJ off the block and backdoor Andrew. If by some chance Andrew wins POV and takes Aneal down then you put him up. "Or maybe you should Andrew up on the block. Let him fight for veto. If he wins then our plan is foiled but.... maybe it's better to back door him. Put Topaz up, say that she never talks game, sleeps all day etc." They are planning that Andrew will save himself or AJ in all situations.

12:16 PM BBT

Talla is wondering if anyone will let her have the HOH win. Tom says Liza will let Talla have it, if Talla will listen to her. He is telling her she doesn't want that attitude though. "Fight it. Win it. Own it."

They don't want Gary to win because he will be too indecisive.

12:22 PM BBT

Tall has named the 9 alliance "The Dream Team".

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1:17 PM BBT Talla Topaz has just microwaved a Beavertail. Em, Jill, Peter, Suzette and Topaz are in the KT area. Jill wishes she could actually cook something (lots of freezer to oven to plate meals in the house). Jill and Peter are thinking people at home think eating poutine daily would be easy but, it's just not apart of their lifestyle.

1:21 PM BBT AJ is heading out to do laundry, Peter says "F**K it just do it when you get home!" AJ laughs. He says it can't wait.

1:23PM BBT Tom, Talla and Alec are in the BY. Big Sis "HG this is an announcement that the bathroom and bedroom are now off limits. Could someone please shut the sliding door." Tom and Talla are working out, Alec is now talking sports with AJ.

1:26PM BBT Andrew and AJ are making a game deal. Andrew is very quiet. AJ Says loudly "Well, ya and that just gets me farther in the game!" Andrew: "And YOU need to work on your voice control." Em and Andrew are now throwing a football around in the yard.

1:27PM BBT Em is telling a story about baseball and says "This one time...." Andrew starts doing a Speedy Gonzalez impression (and it is quite funny because he looks like an old man while doing it.) Hunch over and making a strange face. "This one time... thhhiiiiiissss ooooonnnnneeee tiiimmmeee" Emmett says "Long story short, I am the best." they laugh.

1:36PM BBT Talla, Topaz, Liza, AJ, Pete, Jillian are hanging out at the kitchen counter. Talla is cutting veggies and they are small talking about home,, stories from when they were kids. Gary can be heard yelling and being dramatic off camera. AJ: "Stop putting make up on Gary!" Can't see who he is talking to. Someone is putting make up on Gary.

1:43PM BBT "Welcome to Blankie time talk with Emmy and Aneal. It's our new talk show" Aneal is doing his best talk show voice (hilarious) "Tell me, what would you do with the dishes in the big brother house?" Em: "We have too many dishes." Aneal: "Who should we break the dishes on?" Em: "AJ."

1:47PM BBT Dishes and the piles of them is the hot topic right now. Em thinks everyone should wash what they use (duh!) Gary thinks you should wash as you go because someone could come in and want to use the grill or that knife. (I am a little baffled why it's so hard for adults to clean up after themselves)

1:54PM BBT Aneal is asking Em when he would cry. "If you were evicted and someone threw a tomato at you, would you cry?" Em "No" and then the questions get more detailed "If you won HoH and got a letter from home would you cry?" Em "I would get choked up but wouldn't cry." Aneal:"If I was holding a cut onion and punched you in the face while reading the letter would you cry?" Em "NO but I would throw you out" Aneal: "Ya, you would put Aneal and Aneal up for eviction."

2:06PM BBT Tom and Jill in the HoH talking tomorrow's HoH and scenarios that could happen if they don't win. Jill is thinking about "going for it" Tom says "Ya you should!" Tom is giving his opinion about what the challenge could be, he is has good knowledge of past BBUSA games.

2:12PM BBT Tom wants Andrew out. He is worried because "Andrew has something to prove with all of us young bucks. He is working out hard, trying hard, he has to go home." He also wants Topaz out before jury. "Why should she be rewarded for sleeping this whole time?" Jill thinks Topaz makes stuff up to tell other HG. Tom agrees. He thinks she exaggerates everything as well.

2:19PM BBT Jill and Tom are talking about visualization and believe it to achieve it mentality in the HoH. Alec, Em and Peter working out in the BY. Andrew is laying in the hammock. Someone is in the pool (possible Suz as I can hear her but can't see her).

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2:30PM BBT: Talla vs. Gary (round ? I lost count) go at in the KT about people not cleaning their dishes when they are done instead of leaving them in the sink. After the convo goes in circles a few times they hug it out and say love you to each other.

2:33PM BBT: Emmitt, Peter and Alec working out in the BY. Suzette swimming. Liza and Tom up in the HoH. Talla, Gary, Aneal, AJ and Jillian in the KT. Jillian is making pastries for everyone and Gary is making some kind of pita.

2:44PM BBT: Peter leaves the workout for a second and Alec says to Emmitt "I'm starting to think more and more about getting Liza out if I'm HoH they (I'm thinking he means Peter and Liza) are getting too close, But I'll probably need your help getting this together." Peter comes back are they talk workout.

2:50PM BBT: Talla telling everyone in the KT about and idea she has for a movie that she could see herself directing. Something about a news crew trying to find a story but end up driving in Compton in a lexus and everyone laughs at her. The girl news women meet a hood guy when asking for directions. He gives her his number and she calls him from the hotel later, then they meet at a pub. The next day the girl goes looking for a story and they goes back to the hotel and there was a black and purple rose delivered to her room. People interrupt and Talla says I just want to tell me story.

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3:00 BBT good afternoon BB fans heres whats happening in the house in the By is emitt and peter em is helping peter to workout and alec is also in the by in the KT is gary and talla talking about where talla and gary are going to be traveling after the show cam is on talla telling us what all she wants to do and also with them is andy

3:05 BBT talla is still in the KT talking about a movie with a purple rose in it in the BY working out stil is alec and peter on the sofa is aj jill liza andy talla is still telling us her story and the feeds go on and off

3:06 BBT the HG look like they are just bored to tears having to listen to talla talking a mile a minute with her story about the movie liza gets up and leaves talla asked her to stay and goes on with her story

3:10 BBT Talla is just going on and on talking about a mile a minute guys are still working out in the BY feeds are on either the guys working out or talla and the rest of the HG in the KT talla still talking about her movie still havent figured out what movie shes tlaking about

3:15 storytime is finally over everyone is laughting about tallas never ending story they are really cracking up about it andy and aj are on the floor in the hallway cracking up now in the WR saying they couldnt take anymore of tallas never ending story

3:16 BBT still talking about tallas made up story/movie how it was just pure hell is andy and alec and suzie andy it was hell on earth and Ive been to hell it went on for hours more like 20 minutes

3:23 BBT in the HOH is tom putting on some jeans he is by himself in the By guys are now laying down on the mats in the Kt is everyone else and now talla gets ready to tell them

3:26 BBT now talla tells them another made up movie

3:29 BBT in the BR is suzette and who is laying on the floor inbetween two beds suzette is sitting at the mirror tom takes a picture now is in the KT and now up in his hoh

3:31 BBT tom is walking around the house taking pictures it appears that BB has giving to a camra its BB picture time

3:33BBT tom hugs liza in the BY the two are walking over to the hammack now tom takes a picture of liza in the hammack looks like the other HG dont know that tom is taking pictures of them

3:37 BBt talla is still telling her madeup movie story

tom is taking pictures in his hoh with em aj alec guy pics

3:42 BBT tallas made up movie has now ended via the HG who have ended it for her tom is now down in the KT now in the BY playing with the big ball now just walking around sits in

HG are in the KT just talking gary and aneal are on the sofa

3:49 BBT in the WR is tom em and peter , gary and alec gary is doing his hair tom is peeing suzette is in the WR tom taking pictures of the have not room now throws somthing on the bed and takes a picture of iit now the tv walks out

3:53 BBT tom goes to the by are gets alec goes with him to the hottube and takes a picture of em and alec and liza in the hot tube now they are talking

3:55 BBT tom goes to the By and sits by himself aj walks over theres no sound tom still taking pictures

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6:04 BBT Tuned in to hear Liza talking about getting a tattoo but doesn't want one from Canada. She had a bad experience. Tom I believe mentioned a maple leaf & Liza said she is not proudly Canadian enough to get that as a tattoo & Tom got up (jokinly) and left the hammock & said he wouldn't come back until Liza became Proudly Canadian. Liza apologized, said a speech to Canada about how much she loves coming home to Canada always, & she is proudly Canadian but she won't get a maple leaf tattooed on her still & then Tom came back.

6:11 BBT Aneal has joined Liza & Tom by the hammock. They talk about what level of intoxication is too much, how much BB will give them. Drinking the first time in the house & how much fun it & they were "loving life" . Aneal points out at the end of next week they will have been in the house a month. They talk about the schedule of the show & how many weeks are left. Tom would rather have a week in jury house then get voted out 3rd & not even go to Jury. He'd rather have a week with Liza. Talla now joins them

6:17 BBT On the other feeds Alec was playing with the HG photos, looked like he was trying to get his pic & Topaz's pic to touch but he gave up. Tom, Talla, Aneal & Liza still talking about tattoos. Tom gets up, wants to know what time it is. Says it's bright out, not dark at all. Based on where the sun is he thinks it's about 6pm. (he was so close), but they thought it was 9 or 10....

6:23 BBT Liza tried to fix Alec's spray tan, she focused on where he didn't have any tan. in the kitchen is AJ, Andrew & Suzette. Gary is on the couch. Suzette just had a burger. Andrew doing dishes, AJ just sitting there. Suzette walked thru dining room & Topaz is sitting at the table. Cameras follow Suzette to he bed room. She starts putting make up away. Same crew still out back by or on hammock. Jillian is going to spray tan Emmett. She suggests Liza "can do him & she'll do her". Tom cuddles with Liza's legs as they listen to Talla go on & on about nothing. Aneal's still there. he's laying on the ground listening.

6:29 BBT Suzette has made her way back to the kitchen area. She is on the couch w/Gary now. Can't hear what they are saying over the guys talking loudly in the kitchen. Gary says he thinks people want Suzette to stay. Suzette thinks she needs to talk to the girls. She's complaining again about how hard she has worked to be here & he hasn't (talking about AJ even though she didn't say his name). She walks thru dining room again. Andrew, Topaz , Alec & one other person at table. Camera follows her though to the have not room where Aneal is now on the round bed. She's giving him the same speech from earlier.

6:35 BBT Suzette is trying to flip the house. She just doesn't understand how the girls don't see that the guys will stick together. She keeps saying "nothing changes if AJ leaves". Aneal telling her he knows all of this & she say "why didn't I listen to you" Aneal wants her to get 5 votes, then he would vote to keep her. He says she doesn't have to sell this to her. He does not want to risk his neck. Aneal whispering & camera not on him so can't even read his lips....

6:45 BBT Aneal & Suzette going around in circles a bit. She needs to talk to Topaz. Aneal thinks he is disposable to them. He knows he's going up. He says she needs to keep working on Tom. That way if she can just get 5 votes, it would be a tie & Tom can break it. She forgot about that. Aneal says the IN with Tom is that Andrew is gunning for him. He tells her she can do this & reminds her week one he was telling her all this. He won't hold what she did against her. and she leaves, cameras follow her to WA

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6:51 BBT om, AJ, Andrew in the kitchen talking about condo's. renting vs owing. Tom is looking at buying a condo near where they are going to build an arena for NHL . Value of it would go way up if they do but if they don't build it he'd have a condo in a bad area. Just general rental conversations. Condo fees. Aneal is walking around back yard & Topaz is sitting buy herself at the dinning room table. Cameras switch to Talla now on hammock, Aneal joins her & Alec is on the ground. She's telling a story. Maybe explaining her movies again? this is the beginning of part of 2

6:57 BBT Jillian & Liza in WA talking about Tom I think but too low to hear. They leave. Jillian goes to get beaver tails from storage room & Alec goes with her. They aren't sure what they are supposed to taste like. Peter & Liza in the bedroom folding clothes. Tom, AJ, Jillian in Kitchen now. Topaz & Alec at dining room table. No one is talking about anything worth mentioning.

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8:08PM BBT: Suzette,Topaz,Gary in KT, Gary is having dinner while Suzette and Topaz talks about how she meet her husband.

8:18PM BBT: Suzette said she meet a football player (Sounds like Emmet Smith) They had a date and while she was in the car he picked up another friend and the person asked who is this sexy chick. Back then she had her ears pierce and was looking really good. They date for a while, but everytime he come to take her on a date it was a new car. She said one day she open the golf compartment and realize that the car was a rental vehicle.

8:20PM BBT: Suzette said they dated for 6 months. Gary is asking Suzette if she got a preview of Emmett Smith private part, They all laugh.

8:24PM BBT: Suzette said that she is ready to play the game. Alec told Suzette to talk to Topaz she is the wife and if she said yes we will vote for you. Suzette said if she stays they will have a good competitor.

8:30PM BBT: Andrew,Liza in the BY talking game. Andrew said he does not trust Jillian and he asked Liza to not run back to Tom and tell everything. Andrew wants to put Jillian and Gary up next week. Liza told him to put Tom and Emmett up if he win HoH. Andrew does not trust anyone in the house. Liza said Tom would never put up Emmett he trust him too much. Andrew said he is the oldest in the house they are all children. Andrew said he hate Jillian because she sings too much..

8:38PM BBT: Jillian,Aneal in BY, Emmett is showing Jillian how to lift weight. Aneal is complaining that he is not feeling well.

8:48PM BBT: Liza and Tom in HOH. Liza went back to tell Tom all that Andrew said about him and others. Aneal and Jillian in BY Jillian told Aneal that Emmett will never use him as a pawn and he should work with him.

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11:35PM Talla,Tom, AJ in HoH Talla is dancing, The HG wants to get together after the show. Tom said he want to go home and see his family and then go back to Toronto.

11:39PM BBT: AJ said that there is 2 Talla in the house. Talla is talking about her twin sister, she said her sister is all about business. Gary join the HoH because he is bored.

11:45PM BBT: Talla,Gary,AJ and Tom talking about bouncers and how they overreact in the parties. Gary said the Government (A party place in Toronto) is the best place to party.

11:53PM BBT: Suzette,Aneal,Topaz,Emmett and Jillian in the KT snacking, Suzette said this is a perfect time to go for a swim. Suzette look very comfortable. Emmett is have his normal glass of milk Topaz said she is not going back on slop.

11:57PM BBT: Jillian is cleaning the slop bucket, Topaz is making her nightly tea. Topaz is complaining that her hair is dry.

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