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Aneal Joshua Ramkissoon HG Discussion Thread


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Big-Brother-Canada-Aneil.jpgName: Aneal Joshua Ramkissoon

Age: 21

Hometown: Richmond Hill, ON

Occupation: Communications major

Three adjectives that describe you? Outgoing, stubborn, and fun

Why did you want to be on Big Brother Canada?

I use the show a lot in my research at school for different theories and concepts. I focus on inter-cultural communication and the art of rhetoric and those are two big parts of Big Brother Canada. I hope to develop my experience into an undergraduate thesis.

Do you have a strategy going into the house?

I’m definitely going to be a strategic player but I don’t want anyone to know that I am. I’m going to try and come across very young and naïve, and like I’ve never been away from home – those are the type of players that people don’t view as a threat.

Will you hide anything about yourself from the other houseguests?

My education, the fact that I’m on a scholarship, my age, and that I’ve studied the show and used that research in my schoolwork. I want to minimize myself as a threat.

Do you think the physical or mental challenges will be more difficult for you?

The physical challenges will be more difficult because I know that there will be guys and girls who will be very fit. The show is not completely physical though – I think it is more mental, so that gives me a competitive edge.

Describe your perfect day.

Sleeping in, catching up on TV shows I had missed, and meeting friends for dinner and drinks, and then heading out for a night on the town.

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

Loud people that seek attention in a group. I think there are definitely going to be people like that in the house and that will annoy me. I also hate wet towels on beds.


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