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BB House / The Tour / The Drama!


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Here is an overhead shot of the new Big Brother house from a satelite using the new Google Maps site

The house is at 4024 Radford Avenue, Studio City, CA 91604


Hope you can see it!!

Here are some wireimage shots of the casting call on April 3 at the CBS Radford Lot


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Just speculation here but, didn't those photo's of the casting call look like a variety of people. Some "average joe's", some "beautiful people"... if you know what I mean.

Maybe the two levels will be two houses (kinda like we had on eBB) and maybe CBS is going to answer all of us that have been talking about not liking the "actor" types getting casted instead of "normal" peeps. Just a thought... have nooo sources... lol

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the google map thing isnt all that up to date, from the news article i read on these satelite images are they can be anywhere from 6 months to over a year old....and for a fact a few images in cali are over a year old
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well... that is not the house and that photo was taken 3/29/04 i believe. The same photo is on the Terraserver.microsoft.com sight.

if you go to the google site and pull up that photo, you can see the bb house in the upper right hand corner of the photo, of course, its the old house because the photo is from spring of 2004. on the Terraserver.microsoft.com sight you are able to zoom in more and you can actually see the back yard with the huge chess board on it (I forget which bb they had that in.) and the pool is covered... :wink:

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i heard a rumor (YAY rumors) that IT IS gonna be on a soundstage!, and thats why there are so many sightings of different locations and designs....oh my say it aint so?
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
With a new CBS office building having been constructed on the Big Brother house's old location, Big Brother 6 will feature a new two-story house constructed on the site of Yes, Dear's former studio space. While the new loft-like layout will open up new production possibilities, the house will still have a backyard and include a pool that's nearly twice as big as that of the old house.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys,

I was wondering if anyone else noticed that on the CBS site for BB6 when you scroll down you will see some blueprints... they don't look like blueprints of the old house to me... Could this be the new house's blueprints ya think?


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Hey Jem,

Thanks for posting that pic... The blueprints are faint like Julie... I guess I am just trying hard to find out some news about BB6 and I don't know why I even noticed... It's seems like maybe a little hint to me...


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I just don't see the old house... The kitchen is on the wrong side... I don't remember there being that side part either... I'm thinking that that maybe the up stair in part... Maybe I'm am just trying too hard to see something that isn't there...


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That's ok yana .. remember last year when we were all looking for moles and trying to figure out if holly was a twin .. lol we're all guilty of looking for stuff that might not be there lol

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the blue-print theory had been discussed on several Big Brother sites around the web...no one knows for sure but Im sure its there for a reason.. :roll:
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so far its only rumors..but in the past, BB has let little things like this generate a buzz, more buzz there is the better the ratings ( they hope)...it may be a gimmick some say and others say its the house...as usual we will only know once the show starts.
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Guest ranster627

I read somewhere that Drew and Diane will be doing the "new house" tour ... anyone know when and on what show it will be airing?

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"Finalists have been chosen and are now being notified - calls started on Monday and will continue for the next few days. They are also calling those that didn't make it, so you will be notified either way."

Diane confirmed she and Drew wil do the House tour but she gave no date.

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Guest cutestsmile

if the BB house was two floors, I would hope that we get more than 2 cam views (yah it was four but two with the same thing) and stupid FOH shots/sounds...

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Diane confirmed on her website :

" The Early Show that Drew and I are doing tomorrow will air on Tuesday the 28th ok. Also I am not aloud to talk about it before it airs, So don't ask, ok"

She is referring to the new house tour that was taped with her, Drew and Julie today.

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The following is a note from Dianne on her web site :

Just wanted to inform yall that the episode of The Early Show that Drewand I are doing tomorrow will air on Tuesday the 28th ok. Also I am notaloud to talk about it until the show airs so dont ask questions k.Talk to you all soon.Diane


FYI they are touring the new BB house during the interview

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