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August 22nd Live Feed Updates

Guest ranster627

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Guest ranster627

Please post ONLY "real time" Live Feed observations here! We need to keep pictures in Pictures Forum! Thanks for understanding ... if you post a picture here it will be quoted and moved ...

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Ivette, Maggie and Beau in HOH. Maggie says it would be good for them to keep James for another 2 weeks or so, however he is so good in the veto's and the last opportunity they will have to back door him is next week (then everyone will be competing in veto). Maggie thinks if they dont get him out he will beat them. Beau agrees and Ivette is silent so far.

M: "Ivette I just think he is playing an excellent game"

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Guest Blhuebutterfly

April, Beau, Maggie in HOH room, talking about JAmes. April wamts some Gummie bears and Bo says "No we had 3 lbs and now theya re half gone"

April tells him if you give them away to Racheal, Janelle and Howie we would have enough. April again is teling BEau how JAmes is playing them.

April please go to DR room.

Ivette is no in HOH and they are all discussing James and his lies.

Maggie is telling Ivette that April told her that James promised April that he would be there for her since Jenn was booted out. Ivette asked Maggie if she was there she said no, Ivette seems to disblieve anything about James.

maggie is telling them he has to be taken out next week or they wont get rid of him. Theya re saying JAnelle has luck and a little skill, James is all skill and they have to take him down. They are explaining Janelle's winning to dumb luck. Maggie is saying James has to stay for 2 more weeks and thats it or he is gonna wipe them out!! One by one.

Maggie;"Here's the thing" if we are gonna backdoor him it has to be next week, after that there is no more backdoor. However if we keep him can we ever get rid of him.

James in GR making plans with Janelle to take him, April and her to the end, they can Fck with April all the last week, how fun. They laugh about it.

They all agree James is a excellent player.

Janelle is dumb but lucky.

Beau continues to shuffle the cards in his hands over and over and over....messing with the sound...grrrr.

They are asking Ivette what his plans are and she tells them James doesnt tell her anyhting. They are worried about telling him things and he taken it to the the other side..(What other side....almost gone)

Maggie says she really isnt targeting James but wants Janelle out.

They say Racheal is a great actress and Howie thinks he is going but Racheal is definetly going.

They are saying JAmes knew he was gonna compete Maggie saw how he was eating....he was eating to compete..

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Guest Blhuebutterfly

Ivette is saying if they get hoh next week theyw ant to put up Howie and Janelle...If someone takes veto power they will backdoor James.

This is the last week he can have that happen. After that they all compete.

April still in DR, no camera's on other guest.

Beau wants to know what if they get HOH...Maggie says we'll deal with that later.

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Guest Blhuebutterfly

HOH room Beau Maggie and Ivette playing poker, April in DR,

Racheal told April that she cannot wait to get out of the house and Janelle said the house was like hell.


Theya re talking about the pairs again, Ivette cannot believe there is not a brother sister team. Beau is in shock still that he won HOH, Maggie cannot believe he and April have not won anything...

Still no action on other feeds of others.

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Guest Blhuebutterfly

Feed on GR with James Janelle April and Howie...

Howie is praising himself, James and Janelle again.

Racheal asked if James knows who is going and he said Racheal is...

James is trashing them, says Ivette does all the talking. Janelle asked something about Maggie and James says Maggie will not talk to him.

He is telling them that the group does not trust James or Ivette as much, and says to Racheal theya sked him not to use veto cause they want Racheal out.

That the group does not fear Janelle. They did think that she (Janelle) was gonna win. James was asking Racheal doesnt it feel wierd to be going and Racheal says no not at all. I am glad and had fun and gonna do a nice speech and not say anything mean.

She is glad they like her and want her out cause she is a good competitor.

James says it sux ey, I hated it.

Howie is mad but seems on tight strings.

Racheal is dying inside youc an tell, Howie says he can give a rats ass if he goes.

James is totally giving up the friendship.

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Guest Blhuebutterfly

Racheal asks Howie what should I say for my veto speech tomorrow. Howie says"Say...Dont use the veto on me I want to go"

They laugh..

Janelle says dont say anything smart ass as the group is fucking nuts and will vote Howie out!!

They are now talking about James he left the room, something about he broke the rules and it has been brought up **FISH**Uh oh!!

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Guest Blhuebutterfly

Theya re talking about going to bed, theya re lazy and fat they say!!

Howie farts they all moan and figit for bed..want a Janie doll, kisses for all. hugs etc etc gross

Me too.

Im tired...

See you all tomorrow

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Janelle, Rachel and Howie are in Hot Tub talking about James winning the POV.

They are saying James admited that he didnt take the stops off of the cords in the pool, which they say was against the rules.

Janelle (and someone else) has said something to the diary room and they are reviewing the tapes.

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Howie and Rachel are in the Common Bedroom.

They are laying in the same bed together, side by side...he is laying facing her, she is laying on her back looking at the ceiling.

Howie keeps kissing her arm and rubbing it.

Now he is laying on his stomache with his arm on top of her, still kissing her arm.

They are just talking about general stuff.

1:09 BBT

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Cappy Clan in HOH bedroom

April farted in Beau's face.... they all started laughing and screaming.

Maggie grabbed the Oust and started spraying Beau and April.

Howie and Rachel were downstairs in the Common Bedroom and heard them screaming.

Howie: What the f*** are they doing??


Cappy Clan all in bed with lights out now watching spy screen ... they are screaming over the fish now.... (do they ever NOT scream?)

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Guest supatah

Rachel wen to Janelle and this is what I heard:

Rachel: Even though they made it clear that we had to take the ropes off of every single one of them, they're still going to let him have it"

Janelle Nods

Rachel: Even though he didn't take the rope off the last two.

Janelle: Yep

Rachel: That's bullshit.


James clearly cheated and Big Brother still lets him have it.. GO FIGURE

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