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House Calls / Town Hall / Marcellas and Gretchen


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Guest dancingfool
Americans are such prudes. 

I love you, Marcellas!


American republicans are. (as a general rule not a law)

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I guess you just don't care that you lost a fan. I really liked you Marc and enjoyed watching you. I did not watch last year as much as I have this year so I guess I missed all the sexual references from then but I would of voiced my opinion then too if I had noticed. Why are you getting your back up so? Why is it ok for you to go ahead and assume I have an agenda? And what agenda might that be Marcelles? I have already told you that I am not against your sexual preference, I could care les who you sleep with, that's your own business, but please don't make it mine or anyone else's when we are watching House Calls. I also told you I would feel the same if Gretchen were to talk about her sex life. Do NOT try to make this a Gay issue it's not and you know it's not. I thought you were smarter then this Marc, you dissapoint me. I will never apologize for looking out for younger children who might tune into House Calls that is on during the day and during summer and when Julie chen advertises it to the viewing audience on Big Brother. If you continue speaking about your own personal sex life during the House Call shows then yes, others and I will make a stink to CBS about putting up an age verification on the house calls site. Even if CBS did that, would it really ruin your day, week, year or life? I don't think so.

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I for one watch HouseCalls BECAUSE its an online show, and they don't have to follow all the rules of a standard on air tv show.

I think that's the reason why lots of others like watching housecalls, its an online talkshow, so they can go all out without CBS really caring much since there aren't regulations.

If Housecalls was a show on TV, that would be a different story, but there's so many things on the internet, you choose what you want to see and like Marcellas said, if you find housecalls offensive, don't watch it.. simple as that.

Not everyone can be pleased.

And for one, Marcellas and Gretchen, you gained a fan :). I loved it how you guys took it with Eric.. it was amazing, and funny, its really great to see other people feel the same way as you and bashing them on a live webcast :). It's something we'll NEVER see on tv, and that's why i like it so much!

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Marcellas lost a fan

BooHoo! Laters!

It's a big Internet - you can either deal with HC or don't log on - it's as simple as that. I have to wonder if you're a shill for NBC trying to divert viewers from BB to some tired Joey reruns or if you really thought that your thread would crush Marcellas and/or incite a full-fledged boycott of BB6.

When you leave, say hello to the lady who left this board at the start of the season because she didn't like the crude language the live feed recaps had. She never could grasp that the recaps were cleaned up as well as they could be given what the house guests were saying and doing and that if she didn't like it, she didn't need to log on. I didn't cry any tears when her ignorant ass left just like I won't cry any tears when your intolerant ass hits the road. Just realize that there are a lot more Morty and Marcellas fans then there are haters like you so I don't think either one of them will be needing any Kleenex when you go either.

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Guest Shockalot

Well Im not sure what a woman having a baby then giving her child away to two homosexuals has to do with Marcellus asking about 'Doing it' to Male Houseguests on BB.

I wonder if we can all agree on this much the original poster has pointed out - This is not a presentation that is for children.

At the very least, Housecalls should have some fair warning for that Adult Content is possibly being presented.

(Maybe they do?)

Realplayer (last I checked) ask for an electronic signature stating that you are over the age of 18.

Thats fair IMO.

Its tough to keep Marcellus down. I think somewhere along the line people need to realise that while almost everyone agrees there is a degree where heterosexual sex talk becomes 'obscene' it also true that for a very signifigantly large portion of the population thinks any talk of men 'doing' other men is vulgar and obscene.

Regardless that a slight majority insist on demanding it be fully accepted as 'Perfectly Normal and no different than Heterosexuality" this is simply not the case.

I have no idea why people from other countries are pompously 'pretending' they are superior to this 'American' issue.


Americans have an extrememly high tolerance/fascination with this.

Likewise I can find just as many Swedes, Canadians or East Indians who DO NOT want their children listening to a man talk about 'doing' another man.

18+ Parental Warning is more than fair for the orginal poster to ask for.

If you disagree - why not?

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18+ for talking about doing another man?

When something gets rated 18+ there are usually bits of nudity or extremely vulgar language.

Come on, even movies like "Scary Movie" are only 14a.. and you would have no idea how innapropriate that movie can get... its WAY worst than "doing another man", i have to say if HouseCalls gets 18+, Scary Movie will DEFINITELY need to be 18+ ADULTS ONLY.

i think the highest ratings house calls should get is PG13 or something.

Parental guidance is really all you need for a show like house calls, its not even close to being worst than the BB live feeds.

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The only reason that I pointed out that I was a surrogate, is because I am a person who feels VERY strongly that homosexuals (gay and lesbian) should not be treated differently from heterosexuals.

I felt SO strongly about that issue that I decided to help two friends who could not adopt in the state they lived in, which is very sad. It is extremely upsetting to me that the "moral" majority can make these absurd rules.

As to children not being keen to seeing or knowing about homosexuality is akin to saying that it is wrong. I am only saying that if a parent thinks that "shielding" their child from knowing about homosexuality will make them not become one, then they are wrong. All of the gay friends I know came into the world as a product of "heterosexual" homes.

That is the reason I brought up that issue. 8)

I have heard worse talk about sexual induendos on primetime tv, try watching episodes of Seinfeld (the episode about who could go longest without masterbating episode), Friends (the episode where Monica is in bed with a minor), Scrubs (where every episode is about who the doctors what to sleep with next), Jake in Progress (aa show that is all about who the main character will bed next).

If you think HC is bad, try watching primetime television.

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Guest Cassie

Last year when Scott got kicked out and finally saw how his behavior was perceived by the viewers, by the time he sat down next to Marcellas, he was a very very humble man and I respect him deeply for that. But there was not even a glint of regret in Eric yesterday. He was just as arrogant, ignorant and pompous as ever.

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So here's my take after reading this thread:

I'm a reality star. How is me going on the defense when I am maligned different from Tom Cruise going on & on about Scientology? Wait bad analogy.

Oops I said ANALogy. Does Morty's now need to be rated pg-13?

I'm going to post my opinions on these boards because I like it. It makes me feel like I am part of a community. The fans of BB like it. I'm one of the few alumni who do. Does it take away from "The Marcellas Mystique"? Maybe, but I don't care...

I love my fans and like my detractors. Don't you realize every time you type my name or mail a letter it helps me!? You got me my job! You helped make me one of if not the most famous BB alumni! Thank you!


You have to be @ least 13 to call into House Calls though we don't allow anyone on if they are under 21.

So what House Calls is on during the day? Parents should be supervising where their children surf. Period. 2 words: CYBER NANNY!

When House Calls is televised G & I will no longer speak of who we would do. So please start a letter-writing campaign to get us on TV!

And to the poster who thinks my long responses could hurt my career: thanks for your concern. But I have 5 model agents, 2 commercial agents, 2 acting agents, 1 hosting agent, 1 very impatient manager, 2 public appearance agents, 2 publicists and 1 business manager who are paid to worry about that.

Don't think for a second that I don't love and appreciate all y'all.

CheshireJessica you are on the side of the angels. I wish there were more people on the Earth like you.

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Guest Shockalot
CheshireJessica you are on the side of the angels.  I wish there were more people on the Earth like you.


Because she gave away her own child and motherhood to please the Fathers new Male-Wife who cant have children of his own?

You think thats 'Angelic'?


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I just got finished watching the interview with Mr Integrity ( meant in complete sarcasim lol) and I wanted to say BRAVO..excellent job. I can only imagine how difficult it was to interview this man...A man who only lives by his morals and integregity when it is convient for him. I think you guys did an awesome job. I dont think I could've personally handled myself as well as you guys did. lol Marcellas you could tell at times you wanted to lose your cool but I think overall you did very well getting your point across and you didnt stoop to his level..I applaud that. I am however curious exactly how difficult was that interview? was it something you dreaded or looked forward to? Also I'm curious who from the last season was the worse one to interview and the best/must fun? Who are you looking forward to interviewing from this season?

Again a great job to both of you for talking to a difficult man and handling yourselves so great.

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Dear Marcellas,

Thank you for your comment, you have truly made my day!!!

I think you are fabulous and am happy that a primetime network is featuring a wonderful person with great insight on its show HCs.

Love you - Jessica :D

Dear "Lots":

What I did was assist friends in having a child of their own that they otherwise may never have had the opportunity to have. (I have a wonderful family of my own.) I did it for two very special and incredible people that wanted a family with children, just like most people do.

I do not seek the approval of people with negative views like yourself. My husband was supportive and wanted our friends to have the opportunity to raise a normal family like we were doing ourselves. I did not "give away" my child. The child that was born was born to two loving fathers who wanted her for the past 15 years of their lives. The child they have was a product of them.

Thankfully there are many wonderful surrogates out there that think about others and not only themselves. For nine months of my life I was treated like a queen by my two great friends. I don't mean monitarily (Surrogacy between friends does not involve being given money) but by their support and love for my family and thier child.

You really must live a sad life "lots".

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Jessica... Sweetie... You are one good person and one hellva friend... Take it from someone that had problems having a child and had to go through all kind of stuff to try and have one... I only have one by birth... He came easy... It was after him that I had a hard time... We thought about trying to find a surrogate, but the strain of trying to have a child and blame being laid caused a divorce and by the time I remarried my son was 16 and I just didn't want to start over again... Believe it or not my ex husband blamed me for the lack of a child and it turned out it was him all along... Don't worry about what people think... God has a special place for you in heaven... Thank you from all the childless people in the world!!!

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ChestshireJessica, I admire what you did.

Shockalot, you did just that.

As a frequent reader and sometime poster. I keep a list of special posters under the following categories.





For the outstanding, and truly shocking, a special category

Can't ignore the idiot

Welcome to the list.

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I've seen some gross things written before but that takes the cake. "Male-Wife"?

Yes I think CJ is an angel. As a homosexual male I will one day need a surrogate to have a child. Anyone who is selfless enough to do that, to give the gift of life and parenthood to someone else is amazing.

And yes an angel.

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Guest Shockalot

I dont know why its necessary for people to try and insult me for holding a view that is by and far held by almost everyone on the planet.

Maybe it makes everyone feel 'righteous' if we all pretend as if a woman giving away her child to two homosexuals to have is somehow 'Blessed' or 'wonderful'.

I do not respect that.

I feel sick to my stomach for her and her husband for giving away a child to some Homosexuals.

You DID give your baby away.

Dont reply with some untrue statement about them having a baby when you clearly describe giving away your baby.

Honestly, I think you live in constant suppressed pain and guilt over this.

You compensate in all sorts of ways that mainly involving acting self-righteous at my expense or anyone who doesnt think its anything short of Godly.

How does your child think of his fathers man-wife?

Do you think he is going to respect you giving him/her away so you could make some homosexuals feel good?


Sad Life - I feel sick for the pain and agony and consequent mental destruction you must live with the rest of your life.

The Child you gave away .. I feel MUCH worse for their future pain and agony.

And Your Husband who let you and the Gays Couple take his child away from him - I wont even say what I think about his guts.

Ok, Everyone.. Jump in and pretend like what I just said is outrageous or even 'weird'.

Too bad.

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BamaDess! Good questions. It was hard to interview Eric. I did not like how he played the game. It's also hard because we have to be courteous and fair to each HG no matter what we think about their game. I liked Eric when I interviewed him before he went into the BB6 House. I have no doubt he's a great person, loving father and husband and great firefighter.

My fave interview last season was Jase. I know he wasn't well liked in the BB5 house but I loved the fun and craziness he brought to the game. I also liked Holly. I love the HG's that are fun and don't take themselves too seriously. I wasn't all that excited to interview the twins last year. I didn't like their game. I did however like them once I met them. They were sweet girls who I think over-played. I hope I helped get out their side of the story.

As far as interviews I see them as a place to let the HG tell their side and to act as an advocate for the fans. Remember I'm a huge fan of BB the series.

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Guest Shockalot
I've seen some gross things written before but that takes the cake.  "Male-Wife"? 

Yes I think CJ is an angel.  As a homosexual male I will one day need a surrogate to have a child.  Anyone who is selfless enough to do that, to give the gift of life and parenthood to someone else is amazing.

And yes an angel.

You want to take a womans baby so you can have some more enjoyment and satisfying feelings in your life.

Well guess what - if you claim to be proud of being a homosexual male then stick with your principles and be proud of the fact that your intenstines (and your partners) doesnt have ovaries and that is how 'God Made You' and be proud of it.

Gay Men are by nature childless so be proud and stand by it!

Or are you saying that is a biological flaw in Gay men?

Being Barren I mean?

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I hope you are just saying this to shock and because you have nothing better to do. Administrators: Please take my name off this thread. I'm sickened by the hate that has been spewn here. Julie4evert I hope you are happy for opening this ugliness up.

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Guest Shockalot
I hope you are just saying this to shock and because you have nothing better to do.  Administrators: Please take my name off this thread.  I'm sickened by the hate that has been spewn here.  Julie4evert I hope you are happy for opening this ugliness up.

What a surprise. The words 'Hate' and "Spewed' and then the demand to censor and stop discussion.

Every time.

BTW... Im happy to leave the thread too since Im not into the vicious hatred Marcellus and Cheshire 'Spew' either.

Having said that.

Duly note that my views on this subject are informed by Bruce LeBruce, who is a world renowned gay pornographer/artist and full-blown icon in gaydom.


Dont be.

Plenty of homosexual men will definately NOT agree that their sexual lifestyle is somehow 'On Par' or 'Equivalent' to Heterosexuality.

Absolutely not.

I guess the minority who demands acceptance once again refuses to tolerate any thinking that does not lock-step right into its world view.

Sad day indeed.

Im out.

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people to try and insult me for holding a view that is by and far held by almost everyone on the planet.

Not the people I know. Either you run in small circles or I do. Whatever!

Don't take your name off, Marcellas - your comments help shed light on how shallow the gene pool is in the red states.

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Even if Eric reads every messege board there is.... he will rationalize every comment and thing he did in BB6......

he'll never admit to himself or others that he did or said one thing un-sportsman like or crude in the House.

What a shame.

He's probably a great fire fighter..... and is great in the type service he performs.

I almost hope I'm wrong..... and he just got sucked into the game and the power he was given so early in the game.

But - I don't think so.

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Ummm I think he meant Bruce LaBruce... & if you have to reference a wannabe porn auteur as a source... That's a reach. As is calling him a gay icon. Heretic maybe. Massive attention seeker definitely. Crappy pornographer could also work.

I don't understand how my desire to be a parent and be homosexual are mutually exclusive? Is parenting the exclusive domain of heterosexuals? What about heterosexuals who can't conceive?

Whatever. I didn't call for the thread to be pulled. Though I do find a pesonal attack upon ChesshireJessica, her friends and husband as well as the child unwarranted. Please don't use me or my name to further any agendas. That's why I wanted my name removed.

What do we expcet from someone named Shockalot? Provocation. We get it.

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I agree... I don't understand why anyone would say something like that... It's your opinion and you can shout it to the roof tops but I will never read it again... If this were a hetero couple Jessica had done this for I am sure the opinion would be different... Marcellus and Jessica may GOD bless you both... I mean after all it's not like your husband and you laid down and made a baby for these two to have... If it's like all I have ever heard of before it wasn't even your egg... It was donated so for anyone to say that you gave up YOUR own child is just showing how they aren't up on the issue...

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