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Shelly - Week 8/DE Part 2 Replacement Nominee Evicted 9/1 Jury #4


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Errrr, from the video I watched, Shelly wasn't explaining anything. She was in Jordan's face, yelling the "She was hurt too". She wasn't angry? I've never seen someone's veins popping in their neck when pleading to 'explain' themselves'.

So you have never been apart of an emotional argument with a friend or family member or pleaded to someone emotionally? I highly doubt that. Shelly was telling Jordan that she felt bad about doing it but it is a game and she made the play that best suited her, that was the entire premise of her interaction with Jordan. Again, people see what they want to see to hide the truth, sad.

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Of course I have. But I've not been yelling in their face, pointing to myself about how my actions that hurt them, hurt me too, as Shelly was doing. When 'pleading', you are accepting that the hurt is about the OTHER person, not yourself. I see quite clearly what took place, but understand that people do choose to see what they want. The truth is quite plain to see, for most people.

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Oh my! :animated_rotfl: None of this is that important. Like you say, "it's a game." It is so unimportant in the scheme of things that it doesn't register.

Re: Shelly. I think much of what Shelly is saying at the moment is defensive because she feels terrible about Jeff and Jordan. We've all felt bad about something and been defensive when confronted. I still believe that she really liked them and I also believe that BB coerced her onto the gameplay avenue when she doglegged and started pursuing an alliance with the mean girls.

Shelly wants/needs the cash. That's okay. I don't like her and hope that her attempts to win are foiled but I understand why she is there. I no longer have a favorite in the game and that's okay, too. Believe me, it isn't the first time.

See, I see Kalia, Porsche, Shelly as all pretty good people. I even see Dani as a good person even though she is so callous and desperate to win, she takes the game to another level of importance while in the house and it does become mean, I agree with that. However, I have seen most houses with a lot meaner, and far more callous people. I don't think those girls are mean, certainly not anywhere as mean as Brittney was last year, they just made Rachel bashing a sport, kinda like some did last year as well. Rachel brings that upon herself with her tactics very early in the game, and she is also a "mean girl" if I ever seen one.

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So you have never been apart of an emotional argument with a friend or family member or pleaded to someone emotionally? I highly doubt that. Shelly was telling Jordan that she felt bad about doing it but it is a game and she made the play that best suited her, that was the entire premise of her interaction with Jordan. Again, people see what they want to see to hide the truth, sad.

Omg dedeisafan. Why such hatred for people you will never have in your real life? CBS loves to get ratings and that is all this show is about. Rachel is not the devil, even though she is red-headed. =)

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Of course I have. But I've not been yelling in their face, pointing to myself about how my actions that hurt them, hurt me too, as Shelly was doing. When 'pleading', you are accepting that the hurt is about the OTHER person, not yourself. I see quite clearly what took place, but understand that people do choose to see what they want. The truth is quite plain to see, for most people.

Well, it was clear to me that she was trying to emphatically explain to Jordan how she felt bad about it too. She wanted Jordan to know that she wasn't all happy and celebrating, she was also hurt. I really see no problem with that, because she couldve really been a cold hearted beotch about it and just brushed it all off as not a big deal. She was desperately showing Jordan that she didn't feel good about doing it, but it's just a game. Jordan stood up in her face and started cussing her out and throwing the phone call in Shelly's face, that isn't exactly innocent or sweet tactics either. It happens though, emotions run high in that house as it does in life sometimes, both couldve handled it better. However, I do not see Shelly acting horribly or mean to Jordan in anyway since the vote, she didn't do anything to her she was pleading with her.

Ever since then you can see how shelly does feel bad and is holding on to guilt. Jordan making her feel that way still isn't very nice either. IMO Jordan should come to shelly and have an adult conversation about what happened, eventually I think that will happen because Jordan is a sweetheart.

Omg dedeisafan. Why such hatred for people you will never have in your real life? CBS loves to get ratings and that is all this show is about. Rachel is not the devil, even though she is red-headed. =)

I don't hate these people, I do hate Rachel on this show though. If I saw Rachel out and about I would buy her a drink and talk some BB, but on the show I don't like her just like others don't like people. Shelly is not the devil either, she just made a play.

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1) I agree what she did was a game move

2) As a game player I can respect the fact she has a decent game

3) She herself lies about her game play which makes me dislike her

4) I personally find her annoying with her holier than thou attitude

5) I hope she goes out this week and not my Rachel

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Those of us that could not hurt someone are going to take Jordan's side and those who could stab her in the back without a blink of an eye will take Shelly's side. That is all that this boils down to. We are all different.

Good point!

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Those of us that could not hurt someone are going to take Jordan's side and those who could stab her in the back without a blink of an eye will take Shelly's side. That is all that this boils down to. We are all different.

It's not tat simple, and trying to simplify it down to that isn't a good characterization of the game either. It is a game. She didn't kill anyone for crying out loud, the guy isn't dead.

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So you have never been apart of an emotional argument with a friend or family member or pleaded to someone emotionally? I highly doubt that. Shelly was telling Jordan that she felt bad about doing it but it is a game and she made the play that best suited her, that was the entire premise of her interaction with Jordan. Again, people see what they want to see to hide the truth, sad.

Shelly is an emotional time bomb. I think it IS sad that people see only what they want to see and I also think that's EXACTLY what you're doing, simply based on your description of the interaction between Jordon and Shelly. Shelly was trying to make Jordon feel bad because she was hurt and that was making Shelly feel bad. THAT'S what actually happened. I actually came out of the gate this season wanting to like Shelly based on her initial interview comments. I loved the comment about her and Josie heading straight to St. Judes with the winnings. I spent many long days and nights at St. Judes with my daughter while she battled a brain tumor and I am a life long supporter of the hospital. I want to LOVE anyone who supports that place. However! It has been hard to like Shelly even before she became obsessed with hating Rachel, with her simply superior (unwarranted) attitude! She preached and preached about honesty and lied, lied, lied about stealing. Apparently, she isn't setting a good example for her daughter because she has discussed how she punishes her for lying by making her write sentences. Why not just teach her to be honest?

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No I agree, Shelly is not a devil. She is just a non contributing player. She is miserable and wants everyone else to be. The comment Adam made about her being no good at anything really has been eating at her. She doesn't like her Tony and Josie and people from where she lives thinking she is a loser. As for those girls D/K/P being mean girls, lol..my chihuahua is meaner than they are. Those 3 are clueless, pretty much, IMO! I really wish Cassi had the chance to play the game, but fencesitter, I mean Shelly got to stay instead.

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See, I see Kalia, Porsche, Shelly as all pretty good people. I even see Dani as a good person even though she is so callous and desperate to win, she takes the game to another level of importance while in the house and it does become mean, I agree with that. However, I have seen most houses with a lot meaner, and far more callous people. I don't think those girls are mean, certainly not anywhere as mean as Brittney was last year, they just made Rachel bashing a sport, kinda like some did last year as well. Rachel brings that upon herself with her tactics very early in the game, and she is also a "mean girl" if I ever seen one.

I did not like Britney and this forum - for the most part - loved Britney. I am saying that I REALLY did not like Britney. Awful season for me, BB12. Made me view BB differently. If it gets bad for me, I try to take a break and examine my priorities.

Sorry, dedeisafan, hard as I try - and I have really tried with Porsche, in particular - I just cannot agree with you that Kalia, Porsche and Shelly are "all pretty good people." I've seen nothing to support that theory. I could be so wrong but there you have it. I'm at " may the best man/woman win stage," no favorites for me.

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Shelly is an emotional time bomb. I think it IS sad that people see only what they want to see and I also think that's EXACTLY what you're doing, simply based on your description of the interaction between Jordon and Shelly. Shelly was trying to make Jordon feel bad because she was hurt and that was making Shelly feel bad. THAT'S what actually happened. I actually came out of the gate this season wanting to like Shelly based on her initial interview comments. I loved the comment about her and Josie heading straight to St. Judes with the winnings. I spent many long days and nights at St. Judes with my daughter while she battled a brain tumor and I am a life long supporter of the hospital. I want to LOVE anyone who supports that place. However! It has been hard to like Shelly even before she became obsessed with hating Rachel, with her simply superior (unwarranted) attitude! She preached and preached about honesty and lied, lied, lied about stealing. Apparently, she isn't setting a good example for her daughter because she has discussed how she punishes her for lying by making her write sentences. Why not just teach her to be honest?

She absolutely was not trying to make jordan feel bad, that is not what happened. She was telling her that she felt like crap too and wasn't happy about doing it, that is exactly what happened in that discussion. Jordan was already feeling bad, Shelly didn't try to make her feel worse she was trying to explain why she did it and how it made her feel as well. She wasn't brushing it off or celebrating Jeff being out, she did feel bad. Get a grip, it is just a game. Lied about stealing? Seriously? I hope none of you were Brittney fans last year because if you were then the hypocrisy is really showing in this thread.

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I did not like Britney and this forum - for the most part - loved Britney. I am saying that I REALLY did not like Britney. Awful season for me, BB12. Made me view BB differently. If it gets bad for me, I try to take a break and examine my priorities.

Sorry, dedeisafan, hard as I try - and I have really tried with Porsche, in particular - I just cannot agree with you that Kalia, Porsche and Shelly are "all pretty good people." I've seen nothing to support that theory. I could be so wrong but there you have it. I'm at " may the best man/woman win stage," no favorites for me.

I am not really fans of any of them either, I just don't see them as bad people based on the BB experiment. Kalia is a annoying, but I wouldn't say she is a bad person at all. Porsche, who knows. Who knows with any of these people we don't know them, especially in real life situations. I have seen far far worse than Kalia and Porsche on this show, and one of them is still in the house. Rachel is the meanest of them all yet outside the house even I could probably like her just fine, as did Ragan and other members of bb12. It is just a game, judging people based on what happens in this house as an absolute on how they are outside the house isn't fair. IMO, Rachel is the only one of these 13 that is really hard for me to watch.

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I am not really fans of any of them either, I just don't see them as bad people based on the BB experiment. Kalia is a annoying, but I wouldn't say she is a bad person at all. Porsche, who knows. Who knows with any of these people we don't know them, especially in real life situations. I have seen far far worse than Kalia and Porsche on this show, and one of them is still in the house. Rachel is the meanest of them all yet outside the house even I could probably like her just fine, as did Ragan and other members of bb12. It is just a game, judging people based on what happens in this house as an absolute on how they are outside the house isn't fair. IMO, Rachel is the only one of these 13 that is really hard for me to watch.

Rachel is not the meanest of them all by far. She cries when she doesn't win true, and she has been known to lash out when she feels threatened with a catty comment or two, but she doesn't sit around doing NOTHING ELSE but bash other people. She is not mean imo.

While we're on the subject of mean .. these "mean girls" you are defending are STEALING her dog and hiding it from her. In that house you latch on to the few things you have from home which remind you of home .. and if people take it, it is the height of disrespect.

Shelly, who cuddles her bear or whatever from her daughter so preciously said she wanted to take Rachel's puppy, cut it's leg off and pain it with nail polish to look like blood.

But Rachel's the mean one?

Yeah right...

Get a reality check!

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It's not tat simple, and trying to simplify it down to that isn't a good characterization of the game either. It is a game. She didn't kill anyone for crying out loud, the guy isn't dead.

Again I am not talking about Jeff. I could care less that she voted him out. It is her personality I do not like.

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She absolutely was not trying to make jordan feel bad, that is not what happened. She was telling her that she felt like crap too and wasn't happy about doing it, that is exactly what happened in that discussion. Jordan was already feeling bad, Shelly didn't try to make her feel worse she was trying to explain why she did it and how it made her feel as well. She wasn't brushing it off or celebrating Jeff being out, she did feel bad. Get a grip, it is just a game. Lied about stealing? Seriously? I hope none of you were Brittney fans last year because if you were then the hypocrisy is really showing in this thread.

Couldn't stand Brit. Shelly is lying about stealing. YOU think that's okay? LOL I guess we all have our own idea of values. In my house, stealing and lying are not tolerated. My kids would never have to write sentences about it because we actually set an example for them. If I were as concerned as Shelly has SAID she is about how her daughter sees her, I certainly wouldn't be on national TV letting her see me steal toys and talking about cutting it up and leaving pieces laying around for Rachel to find. I agree with ONE thing you said...it's just a game. I think you may need to get a tiny grip yourself. LOL Your comments, however misplaced, are amusing. Keep it up! :)

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She absolutely was not trying to make jordan feel bad, that is not what happened. She was telling her that she felt like crap too and wasn't happy about doing it, that is exactly what happened in that discussion. Jordan was already feeling bad, Shelly didn't try to make her feel worse she was trying to explain why she did it and how it made her feel as well. She wasn't brushing it off or celebrating Jeff being out, she did feel bad. Get a grip, it is just a game. Lied about stealing? Seriously? I hope none of you were Brittney fans last year because if you were then the hypocrisy is really showing in this thread.

Jerky face (due to the immense sun/smoking damage) has played both side from the beginning. Jeff deserved what he got only because he didn't believe Rachel when she outed Jerky face for flip-flopping like a fish. She sat right in front of Jordan and told her she would flip to further her game. Seems Jordan didn't believe her on that one. Jeff & Jordan are not too swift anyhow. Did anyone NOT notice how Shelly was making fun of Jordan during the backyard conversation questioning Jordan about certain things that Jordan had no clue about? Her only response was "I don't want to be a receptionist for ever but if you're going to pay me six figures to work for you, that's all that matters". Shelly was questioning Jordan's intelligence and mocking her all at the same time and neither Jeff nor Jordan caught on. How many viewers actually caught on other than me?

How can you say she wasn't trying to make Jordan feel worse? The only one she was trying to make feel better was herself. I imagine that's how she is with her kid as well. She's probably one of those parents that says she hates her kid when she's having a bad day and then tries to apologize for being a bitch. As for honesty and integrity, Jerkyface has about has much of either of these qualities as a a serial-killing rapist. Even her own kid caught on to her lies and is disgusted by them. She is only out for money which there is not a chance in hell she will get any. She could be the ONLY person left, and the only vote she would get would be her own. She sucks at the game, has no sense of decency and tries to come off as a sociopathic liar. Lucky Jordan finally caught on, albeit much too late. :animated_scratchchin:

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Rachel is not the meanest of them all by far. She cries when she doesn't win true, and she has been known to lash out when she feels threatened with a catty comment or two, but she doesn't sit around doing NOTHING ELSE but bash other people. She is not mean imo.

So her cattiness the last two years, and awful behavior the last two years isn't mean? All she did last year was bash other people, and it is various. The other people are directing it just at her. Rachel's meanness and cattiness has hit a lot of different people, who are these people directing their "meanness" at? One person.

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Rachel is not the meanest of them all by far. She cries when she doesn't win true, and she has been known to lash out when she feels threatened with a catty comment or two, but she doesn't sit around doing NOTHING ELSE but bash other people. She is not mean imo.

While we're on the subject of mean .. these "mean girls" you are defending are STEALING her dog and hiding it from her. In that house you latch on to the few things you have from home which remind you of home .. and if people take it, it is the height of disrespect.

Shelly, who cuddles her bear or whatever from her daughter so preciously said she wanted to take Rachel's puppy, cut it's leg off and pain it with nail polish to look like blood.

But Rachel's the mean one?

Yeah right...

Get a reality check!

Well said. I concur!

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