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Live Feed and BB AfterDark - 8/1


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12:00 BBT Kal & Por discuss whether BB will do an interview with Dick about Dani's game play. They decide BB won't have him come back to host a comp.

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the aftermath of pov meeting should be good

going to be a lot of scrambling by b/r to gather votes for the one on the block to stay :animated_bouncy:

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jeff and jordan seem blindsided by the fact rachel is staying :animated_bouncy:

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yep :animated_bouncy:

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And now they know with certainty how big of a p#@sy Brendon is....

Yep. I think it was a pretty stupid move myself. Brendon had a much better chance of advancing that Rachel does. Rachel is far to emotional and she'll hitch her wagon to anyone who makes her a promise. Not a smart decision if they really wanted a win for their future. He gave away their only shot at the money, no matter how slim it was.

I'll bet Jeff is feeling the pressure too that he'd be expected to sacrifice himself if he's put in the same situation, although I think that Jordan would have a better chance of winning than he would.

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They are playing that bean bag toss game again. Did you notice after Sunday nights show, CBS had some kind of a thing about "you can get the BB Cornhole game". CORNHOLE???????? :animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl: Sorry - that just cracked me up.

PS - we play that game sometimes with friends, but I have never heard it called that before!

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That's actually the name of the game (you can look it up on Wikipedia) but yeah, you would think there would be enough gay guys working at CBS to warn them about the alternate meaning.


Who has just been calling it the bean bag toss on Twitter/Facebook...

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