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Live Feed and BB AfterDark - 7/22


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Rachel getting some motherly advice from Shelly. Shelly tells her she needs to learn to win graciously. Rachel seemed to take it to heart. Brendon comes in to break up the conversation (Rachel can't be trusted ya know?!?)

Now, 1/2 laying around the BY couches and the other 1/2 standing around the kitchen.

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Discussion between Brenchal in HOH on who to trust. Neither one of them trusts Dominic. Brendon would rather have Dominic evicted then Adam. Brendon said the cardinal mistake they could make is turning on Jeff & Jordon - FOTH

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Lots of whispering on the feeds with Brenchal and Dominic. They sound like they are plotting against J&J. Rachel said Jeff has Kalia and Shelly and trying to get Adam.

I still think that they are going after Adam but the whispering is really hard to understand.

They are all dissing Jeff. Rachel talking about when Jeff yelled at her.

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Dom and Dani talking about how pissed Brechal is with Jeff and Jordan. Dom said they don't think they are coming after them. ha ha ha ha

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Rachel telling Dom that J/J went against her by putting him up and she was playing POV to be sure either they won or Dom wonso Cassi would go up.

As I asked in the Rachel thread, I thought B/R wanted Dom up first, and it wasn't until after the fact that they wanted to work with him and get Cassi out?

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Now why are all 4 cameras first on Brenchal and Dom and now Dom and Dani doing serious whispering. Do they think we want 4 feeds of all the whispering??? :furious:

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Now why are all 4 cameras first on Brenchal and Dom and now Dom and Dani doing serious whispering. Do they think we want 4 feeds of all the whispering??? :furious:

I know. It's seriously aggravating. I'd just as soon turn it off as try to decipher Danielle. Dom was just as bad when he was in the purple room with B/R.

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Was that Jeff that just walked inside with a bucket of beer or drinks? and now FOTH.

Back for a few seconds and more FOTH. Showed them all happy in the kitchen.

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Brendon, Rachel and Dani up in HOH trashing Jeff and Jordon. Dani is 100% throwing Jordan under the bus. Dani said to B&R it is you against them (Jeff & Jordan)

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I've been wondering about that. What is the advantage to getting that 4th golden key if they all get to play and there is no safety next week for the key holder? I totally don't know how it is going to work, but I was just wondering about that.

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I'm really hoping the change that Julie referred to includes re-pairing everyone. That would REALLY mess them up!

OMG that would really really change the game. :animated_scratchchin:

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Sweet Baby Jesus - could we get someone, ANYONE on BBAD besides Rachel and Porshe all night long? GROSS. ANd the live feeds aren't much better.

an Porsche telling Rachel that she should back door Jeff and Jordon. eeeek

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Dom needs his mommy - he has a teeny little scratch on his widdle face!

And OH MY WORD - Rachel just said she wished she was America's favorite -- NEVER gonna happen, Clifford!

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