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Who do you want to win HOH?


46 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you want to win HOH tonight?

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Jeff - I voted Jeff because I like them in the HOH but then I got to thinking that we need some more excitement in the house and Brenchal will try to run the show still.

I think I would rather have a someone like Dominic.

and on that thought. I was think who does NOT want HOH.

Dominic - Kalia - Adam and Lawon

That just leaves Brenchal and Jeff.

But like I mentioned before. I like this one because someone could win by accident that does not want to win. :lookaround:

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I want to see a newbie - pairs or not after next week, if too many more newbies are out there will be a complete sweep of returning HG, who, IMHO, should not be there at all. Since they are, let's at least make it an interesting game to watch and decrease some of their numbers. So, I hope Dominic wins HOH and whether with initial noms or veto noms puts up Brenchel.

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I'd like to see Lawon win it. The vets don't really have any idea where his head is and they would be scrambling to get him to keep them off the block. Kalia would be in his ear trying to get him to put Dom and Adam up but I don't think he'd go with that. There are only 4 duos, not a whole lot of choices for the HoH.

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I'd like to see anyone win who has the guts to either put up or backdoor Brenchal. Rachel will have a hissy fit that anyone has the nerve to nominate her and the house needs to be shaken up. It's just too predictable. I still can't believe the newbies couldn't stick together for one week when they had the numbers to get Porche (however you spell it) out. That said, I don't want to see either Jeff or Jordan go home. I'm even starting to like Dani this season.

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I voted Lawon, only because I'm not sure that he would vote the way Brenchel wants him to. They've got to split up them and J&J. All the others would be too scared to think for themselves I think, therefore it would be what the pairs wanted. Lawon may be able to get the newbies to vote his way, maybe, who knows. Dominic is going to go along with Daniele, and I'm not seeing her going against the rest of the newbies yet. Do I make sense? I don't know, don't like these pairings.

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Guest 6Borders

I voted Dominic because he's the only one with the guts to put up Brenchel or try to backdoor them.

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Jeff, by a mile. If Brenchel wins, I can see them putting Jordeff up. I don't trust them to keep their word. If Dom wins, he'll just nominate Kalia and Lawon which is boring. Jeff is the only one that will try and get Dominic out.

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I chose Adam. Lawon would be my second choice and Dom third.

If it can't be a newbie I then choose Jeff(ugh) because there is a slight chance the POV could go wrong for them and B/R could go up.

Ultimately I want ANYONE who can get rid of B or R.

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Yes, Brenchel would put up J/J and I think that is why I said in my way of thinking it was not too soon for J/J to put up Brenchel, but if Brenchel wins and they do put up J/J, let the games begin is all I can say,lol, I want Jeff to win cause I hate Breanchel, J/J are the only vets I like, besides Dani and if say Shelly was allowed to play for HOH I would like it if she won HOH , she is the newbie I am rooting for, that is until she shows me that so far her gameplaying has been bogus, we'll see

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What I think about Brenchal and Jordeff

They both are big targets. If they put each other up then the only target left is themselves.

I don't care if they put up the floaters. I don't want to see a bunch of floaters at the end. I would be bored stiff.

I would love to see it be the strong players at the end.

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Lawon or Rachel are my picks. Lawon because I don't know where his head is at, and I am already chuckling at his diary room entries I anticipate.

And Rachel.. because when everyone is against her, I love to see her come out on top. And because I enjoy the drama of watching the Veteran alliance self destruct.

My girl might be down, but she still aint out. She's not going to win, but I enjoy watching her take a few people out with her on her way out.

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:animated_rotfl:I voted for Jeff...BUT...after eading the thoughts of those already here...maybe Lawon is a good choice, not sure he'd get much help from Kalia tho! And Adam and Dom are too deep in it with Dani, who is still a manipulative liar...so...I guess Jeff cause he's SOMEHOW get Rachel OUTTA THERE!
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jury house telling Brendon how to vote :furious:

one thing i dislike about having returning pairs this year if both make the jury they will vote the same :animated_bouncy:

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I don't like hate Rachel, it's Brendon that I dislike, some of Rachels antics I would rather watch then some floating do nothings (Kalia, hello)

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Lawon or Rachel are my picks. Lawon because I don't know where his head is at, and I am already chuckling at his diary room entries I anticipate.

And Rachel.. because when everyone is against her, I love to see her come out on top. And because I enjoy the drama of watching the Veteran alliance self destruct.

My girl might be down, but she still aint out. She's not going to win, but I enjoy watching her take a few people out with her on her way out.

Exactly!! All the hate from last time seems to have returned this time, with even less reason for it. I'm for my gal Rachel, faults and all. She marches to a different drummer but she's a real person unlike the cardboard and plastic duo everyone seems to adore for their "cuteness." Go, Rach! Kick some Jeffie and Jordy butt!!

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Only person putting up a vet is Lawon (maybe Kalia but, she won't try to win HoH) Dominic is going to try and play with Danielle to the final 6 with the vets. imo

However, if Dom or Adam win they'll put up Kalia/Lawon and if they get off the block... a vet has to go up. Pros and cons for each duo; Brenchel will be harder to get out later because they're great at the comps. But, Jeff has had a target on Dom's back from day 1 so, who knows which one Dani will talk him into. Adam will probably go for Brenchel as a back up noms.

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Would like to see Lawon win tonite, even tho that means he probably drags along his lump partner. But, I can't figure Lawon, he doesn't get enough BB face time. Would he or wouldn't he put up a Vet pair? I would hope so. Anyway I like him.

Dom is definately after J/J. You can see the animosity between Dom and Jeff. Tho Dom has Dani in his ear so............

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