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Live Feed and BB AfterDark - 7/10 (and TV episode)


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10:33 PM BBT

Girls trying to get Adam to do cartwheels. "I can't do those." he says and asks the guys if they want to play bags. Kalia telling how she was a gymnast. Dani comes out with a sweater. Shelly telling Cassie a story something about her having a good life sounds like she's talking about her work but I'm not sure. She felt like a dumb ass or a fool. Oh, she's saying her background story isn't as interesting as others she hasn't had to deal with what others have been through.

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rachel/brendon working to get everyone to promise that they wont put up jeff/jordan or themselves if they win hoh


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she has the golden key :animated_bouncy:

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Dani is flying solo til ten remain, in which case she'll hook back up with JJBR. Plus since the newbies will try and play the sympathy card with Dani they'll try and draw her into their circle. Although hopefully not the 'Regulators'.

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Let me get this straight. If the votes go the way Rachel wants them to go then Jeff Jordan Bren Dani and maybe Cassie Shelly will vote for Porsche to stay and Keith will have Lawon Dominic and purpotedly Cassie (Cassie's a bit of wild card) leaving Adam and Kalia as swing votes. I'm glad that Rachel wants to keep Porsche around, but at the same time I wouldn't mind her having put Lawon Kalia up and getting Kalia out the house.

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Wow. It would have been nice if Porsche had just shut up to Keith (or any of the newbies) about being in a secret alliance with the vets. Then she could have easily tried to play both sides. Oh, goodness.

Rachel, your laugh still hurts my ears.

Dick, come back please. You're the only one besides Danielle and Jeff with any real strategy.

Kalia, please pick a team, and hurry. If I were you I would try to play both sides like Porsche tried to do (unsuccessfully). I think you would be smart enough to pull it off if you would make yourself more available with the houseguests. (I'm still trying to figure out how many times I actually saw her on the show besides when they were doing the "Cows on the Moon" have/ have not competitions.

Let me get this straight. If the votes go the way Rachel wants them to go then Jeff Jordan Bren Dani and maybe Cassie Shelly will vote for Porsche to stay and Keith will have Lawon Dominic and purpotedly Cassie (Cassie's a bit of wild card) leaving Adam and Kalia as swing votes. I'm glad that Rachel wants to keep Porsche around, but at the same time I wouldn't mind her having put Lawon Kalia up and getting Kalia out the house.

Cat's out of the bag so to speak. Dani got the golden key so it doesn't matter whether Porsche stays or not. The way I see it most of the newbies can't stand Porsche now because they see her as a traitor, and Keith isn't far behind her with his constant sexual harassing and exhibitinist behavior.

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