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BB AUSSIE HOUSE - DAY 100 - The Final Day


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How Ironic Can You Get

One their final day in the house the final two housemates choose to wake up early. They get up at 9:30 in the morning. They have been sleeping in for the last week.

Tim and Greg are the final two. Vesna got a big send-off last night on The Eviction Sunday Night Show.

Now the ironic part... What do they CHOOSE to have for breakfast? Out of all of the fresh fruit that is available and the poridge they they usually eat, they choose to eat - - -PB&J!!!

I wish the houseguests in the american house could be here to see this!!

More later...

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Tim - Tim - Tim

On his last day in the house, Tim is cleaning the house!!!!!

He and Greg got up and had breakfast, then they made their beds!!

After he finished eating, Tim cleaned the kitchen and washed the dishes that they had used.

Now He and Greg are making fun party bags for tonight. Their receipe -

One square of aluminum foil

Add: Oats, dry beans, salt, rice, a touch of flour and 2 grean beans. Fold into foil. All the things that BB called their staples diet!!

What are they for? To throw them to the audience as keepsakes from the house, or to throw all over everyone...

So see they are guys after all. Neat guys, but still guys!

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BB Approves

As the guys were busy in the backyard assembling their Fun Packs, BB interrupted. He called them into the diary room and asked them what they were doing?

So they told him that they were making them as souvenirs to throw to the audience during tonight

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Wore themselves out I guess. Now it is time to sunbake for a while. Girls eat your heart out. Greg doeshave a tan, doesn't he??

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Audience to grab the boys' funbags

BB decided to post a little tidbit about the fun bags the guys have made. Here it is...

Step right up! Get your fun bags! If you're going to the Big Brother finale at Dreamworld tonight, you're in for a big surprise thanks to our finalists Tim and Greg.

The boys may be in the running to win $836,000, but they want to make sure everyone gets a prize tonight. So with the final hour fast approaching, the boys are busying themselves making BB Fun Bags to hand out to the audience!

The Fun Bags are an exciting concoction of staple foods - rice, chickpeas, beans, sultanas and powdered milk - with some hundreds and thousands thrown in for good measure. The Fun Bags contain "all the nutrition of the BB diet, but with a little more colour," explained Tim. And of course, they're all wrapped up in "our old mate aluminium!"

The boys explained their generous act to BB today: "We want everyone to experience Big Brother," said Tim. "This is, in some small way, a chance to let everyone experience a taste of the Big Brother life."

So, if you're coming to the final show tonight, you'd better start practicing your catching skills as the boys are planning to hurl their Fun Bags into the audience. There are about 100 up for grabs, and what's more, one of the bags contains a "lucky ball".

The audience member to find the lucky ball will (according to Tim) win the right to caress Greg's forearm.

With such an appealing prize on offer, let's hope BB doesn't have to call in the riot police!




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Enter the Rewards Room

At 1305, Tim and Greg have been told by BB to enter the Rewards Room.

There they find 2 lounge chairs and a feast spread out for them.

But that is not all!!! There is a rack with about $5,000 worth of suits and fine clothes on it for them to choose from. There is also a complete assortment of new underwear, socks aplenty and 2 pairs of new shoes to choose from for each.

It is apparent that Big Brother expects them to choose and wear only the finest as they exit the house tonight.

Needless to say, the guys are quite surprised!!!

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Verrry Close Vote

As of 1 PM on Monday, 11PM EST Sunday our time, the voting between the final two guys is almost too colose to notice.

Big Brother posted a note that the vote is now 51.5% for one and 48.5% for the other.

There is only 7 hours and 45 minutes left to vote Australia, get to it!!!!

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It is down to the wire now and the Final Show is still in progress..

Here is a link to the BB page with photos from the Final Eviction Show...


By the way, BB says the final vote is 48% to 50%, but still no word!!

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