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Maggie & her big head......


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Did I hear her right this afternoon... when the sheep were outside talking to James & Sarah... Howie walked by and she said to Howie..they are still talking and for him to go playwith Janelle. How rude is that!! I mean if you wanna have time to talk then fine but be a lil nicer about it. OK and now shes bitching because the caera is out and they are taking pics.... who the hell made her the queen of BB.

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sorry guys computer freaked and posted this over and over lol

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Guest Witness

But Maggie is the Queen of BB6...Queen B**CH!

The Sheep have to go, and Howie & Rachel are idiots for not seeing that.

Cut the head off the beast, and the rest will crumble. As soon as Maggie is gone, the other 4 will scatter and no doubt they'll be running to James if he is HOH.

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The Cappy Crew is like a gang of schoolyard bullies, and wannabes. They'll do anything to make the leader like them ... calling out the HGs, telling tales back and forth, making up whatever sounds good enough to earn them a pat on the head. It's really pathetic. Maggie should have been the one walking out the door Thursday night, what a HUGE mistake to have her still controlling that gang of misfits in the house.

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Guest somepeople

I would like to know...Why H,J and R have not told everyone that the vote Ivette out idea belongs to Jenn and April?

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Did I hear her right this afternoon... when the sheep were outside talking to James & Sarah... Howie walked by and she said to Howie..they are still talking and for him to go playwith Janelle.  How rude is that!! I mean if you wanna have time to talk then fine but be a lil nicer about it.  OK and now shes bitching because the caera is out and they are taking pics.... who the hell made her the queen of BB.

When I read that I was pretty annoyed with Maggie. I would have told her that she was in a common area and if they wanted to keep the conversation private to go find somewhere else. (duh, there are no really private areas in the BB house except the HOH room which Howie is in.)

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