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Guest wolfie

Sara now up, gone to bathroom. Janie, Rachel and Sara up and moving about. Could make for interesting conversation when they start talking.

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Guest wolfie

Janie goes back to bed in HOH room.

Sara goes back to bed in GR.

Rachel stays up and starts her day.

7:48 a.m. BB time

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jan laying on LR sofa 7:40 BB time

rach in BR getting ready

someone just woke up and went to loo female dark hair...

jan now sitting on couch... somehting whispered, don't know what

rach to pantry

jan to kitchen , looks horrid

jan gets drink of h2o and then heads to sit at big round table

r - good morning

jan - good morning

r - laughs

r - can u help me look for TP?

both head into pantry

r - ya know I was thinking.... says nothing else...

jan grabs TP and heads back to loo with rach in tow... sarah up in BR

jan - holding tummy like she is gonna puke

sarah in k getting drink of h2o

s & jan say nothing to one another

jan looks at HG wall and then heads back to kitchen and the heads up stairs, gets back in bed w/ howie

rach in bathroom sitting on floor clipping toe-nails...

looks like everyone else went back to bed...

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rach still in BR

james wakes up heads to loo, one of them says HI with no reply, rach leaves

Rach on treadmill

james washes hands! Yay!

looks like james went back to GR and went back to bed

only sign of life is rach on treadmill, hopefull it is not just a dull work out amd maybe she will start having convos with herself again...,

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rach off the treadmill

goes to her normal spot at the base of the stairs to do sit-ups

then heads to kitchen

heads to pantry, gathers food and heads back to kitchen to make breakfast for herself... she is the only one awake...

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Guest wolfie

James got up, went to bathroom. Rachel in the WC so he waited, she came out, he went in, no conversation. Rachel's now in shower, he went back to bed. Janelle is now asleep on couch in living room. Janelle looked like she feels very bad when she was up.

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Guest wolfie

Jan and Rach on couch talking but hard to hear Jan. Saying she is feeling sick. Rachel says "you did have 5 drinks last night". I think Jan is blaming the guacamole though. Fish now.

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Guest wolfie

Jan and Howie on couch whispering and giggling. Then Rach comes in and is sitting on Howie's lap. Howie being very sweet.

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Guest wolfie

Howie and Rachel talking in k about James.

H He's taking the whole house on, I just hope he doesn't take me with him.

they are saying they think James really wants to stay even tho he's saying he doesn't.

Now Ivette there too talking

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Guest wolfie

Howie, Rach and Ivette talking about who's going to be chosen for the PoV. Howie said Jan will be MC (too hung over to play) and Rach will be chosen for him. Ivette trying to figure out who James and Sara will choose. They think James may choose Jen.

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Guest wolfie

Ivette telling how James told her that Howie and Rachel were trashing April, calling her crack head who had to pay her husband to marry her. Howie and Rachel tell Ivette those are all James' words, that he's the one that keeps saying that.


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Guest wolfie

Rachel, Jan on one couch, Maggie, April (cuddling?) on the other couch general chat. Howie in WC in HOH. Beau just got up.

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Guest wolfie

BB Good morning HG's, it's time to get up for the day.

Beau is in LR with Maggie, April, Jan and Rachel, Howie in shower in HoH

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