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Live Feed and BBAD 8/29


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Guest 6Borders

Everything is our punishment. It's Team Grodner's lack of imagination and caring...she knows ppl are going to watch and even when it's boring that we are going to watch anyway just on the "you should have been here yesterday" chance that something might actually have happened which was worth watching.

I have just about crawled out of my skin (thank heavens for the mute button) listening to the "jedi training" and Ragan rehashing every single minute of the last several thousand days they have been in the house (that's too much play by play for me, thank you).

I hope Hay and Lane do convince Enzo not to use POV (actually not sure I heard correctly that they said that too him and he was agreeing) but that would be a sweet moment to actually watch a curve ball thrown on eviction night and Enzo get voted out!!!

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I actually canceled Showtime after last nights puppet debacle. There really isn't a single interesting thing left in the house.

This season will go down as even worse than season...10 was it (the one they tried in the winter with the couples).

I mean, this final five is just TERRIBLE. Every single one of them is boring, even Britney because she feels safe and isn't going to start any trouble.

I can't believe Grodner though Hayden, Lane and Enzo were going to be entertaining. Bunch of meatheads.

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OK, I agree that this is def the worst season so far. I just can't pull away though. I have got to say that this dancing thing is hilarious. :animated_rotfl: Hayden has absolutely no rhythm. Funniest thing so far. I don't even have a fav HG or an un-fav HG-They are all equally uninteresting, yet I still watch- Something may be wrong with me

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OK, I agree that this is def the worst season so far. I just can't pull away though. I have got to say that this dancing thing is hilarious. :animated_rotfl: Hayden has absolutely no rhythm. Funniest thing so far. I don't even have a fav HG or an un-fav HG-They are all equally uninteresting, yet I still watch- Something may be wrong with me

Haha. Yes! Join the club. I agree - the best thing this season. I like how they stop dancing...like they were never dancing to begin with.

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OK, I agree that this is def the worst season so far. I just can't pull away though. I have got to say that this dancing thing is hilarious. :animated_rotfl: Hayden has absolutely no rhythm. Funniest thing so far. I don't even have a fav HG or an un-fav HG-They are all equally uninteresting, yet I still watch- Something may be wrong with me

I love the dancing thing too. They did it years ago on season one I think and it was great. I hope this is one thing they keep going every year.

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