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Britney - Week 8


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I have not liked Britney since the beginning with her buddy Monet. She is a backstabbing BI---! And the way she talked about Rachel was just beyond belief. She is not a nice person. And why Lane would choose her over Enzo is beyond me. He probably figures he would rather keep her happy since she wins HOH and Enzo does not have a good track record. Well I hope Enzo wins the next one and puts up Britney and Lane. Lane doesn't need the money anyway. And Britney does not deserve it. I am sick of the Britney's, Snookies and Lindsays getting wealth for being awful people...............

right on

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I have not liked Britney since the beginning with her buddy Monet. She is a backstabbing BI---! And the way she talked about Rachel was just beyond belief. She is not a nice person. And why Lane would choose her over Enzo is beyond me. He probably figures he would rather keep her happy since she wins HOH and Enzo does not have a good track record. Well I hope Enzo wins the next one and puts up Britney and Lane. Lane doesn't need the money anyway. And Britney does not deserve it. I am sick of the Britney's, Snookies and Lindsays getting wealth for being awful people...............

ITA with you on Brit, and I really dont want to see her win at all. But...I feel like the HG all left their families/friends/jobs, etc and subject themselves to 24 hr scrutny by all of the live feeders and TV viewers, compete in all kinds of both physical and idiotic challenges and live for months with total strangers each there to vote them out so they can win the $500,000. I don't think who does or doesn't "need" the money should even be a consideration in who wins, but it should be based completely on how the jury feels the final 2 played the game. But thats JMHO

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ITA with you on Brit, and I really dont want to see her win at all. But...I feel like the HG all left their families/friends/jobs, etc and subject themselves to 24 hr scrutny by all of the live feeders and TV viewers, compete in all kinds of both physical and idiotic challenges and live for months with total strangers each there to vote them out so they can win the $500,000. I don't think who does or doesn't "need" the money should even be a consideration in who wins, but it should be based completely on how the jury feels the final 2 played the game. But thats JMHO

Your right. What difference does it make who has what income outside the house. It angers me when they pull that crappy excuse out. I remember when Drew and Cowboy were in the F2. During their comments to the jury Cowboy actually had the nerve to tell them they should cast their votes based on economic need i.e. I'm the poorest. I wanted to reach into my TV and punch him in the mouth. I guess it didn't matter to him who played the better game (Drew) just give it to the person who is the biggest financial failure ,

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I have not liked Britney since the beginning with her buddy Monet. She is a backstabbing BI---! And the way she talked about Rachel was just beyond belief.

They are all backstabbers. Every single one of them. Everyone in that house has lied to someone at some point in this game. Why was the way she talked about Rach-hell beyond belief? She didn't say anything that Rach-hell didn't say herself, portray herself as, or do.

And why Lane would choose her over Enzo is beyond me.

Because he figures he can't beat Enzo, but he can beat Brittany. :animated_scratchchin:

Lane doesn't need the money anyway. And Britney does not deserve it. I am sick of the Britney's, Snookies and Lindsays getting wealth for being awful people...............

What makes her so awful? Cause she trash talked Rach-hell and Brenda? Everyone in the house did at one point or another. Everyone in that house talked smack about each other, no ones hands are clean.

As for deserving it, she deserves it more than anyone. Her alliance was booted early on and she was left alone, she won comps when she needed to, made friendships when she should and now she is far in the game. I would much rather see a competitor like her win than a lump like Enzo who can only win comps now that the numbers in the house are low. He is a Dodo.

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What makes her so awful? Cause she trash talked Rach-hell and Brenda? Everyone in the house did at one point or another. Everyone in that house talked smack about each other, no ones hands are clean.

As for deserving it, she deserves it more than anyone. Her alliance was booted early on and she was left alone, she won comps when she needed to, made friendships when she should and now she is far in the game. I would much rather see a competitor like her win than a lump like Enzo who can only win comps now that the numbers in the house are low. He is a Dodo.

You may have convinced me that I should root for Britney again. She has played the best game of those left in the house.

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I think Britney set herself up when she told all the guys (on after dark) that "in the history of BB... No girl ever won up against a male". I think the guys have that in the back of their head and will bring her to final 2.

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Twitney has no loyalties...

The other day (maybe yesterday) she and Hayden were on hammock and she told Hayden if it were him and Lane in F2 she would vote for Hayden because Lane doesn't need the money. She was setting herself up with Hayden and letting him know that if she was up with Lane she should get the money because he doesn't need it. It's a smart move to get Hayden thinking but it still has me thinking that this girl would stab her mother in the back if she had to.

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How cute, Twitney just said she calls her friend Summer "Scummer" and her friend Monica "moaner." I can imagine what her friends call her and I bet it's better than Twitney and Bitchney. :animated_rotfl:

Twit: "Me and Kathy are from the same state yet we are so different." Oh, no you're not, you're kidding yourself.

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You just described how people have to play the game in order to win. Besides, we love people who play that way. Anything else is boring.

It's all boring and they're boring and I am no part of any "we" on this board or as a viewer. Just thought I'd clear that up if your post was directed at me.

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I was planning to vote for Brit and Ragan now that Brendon is out. Ragan is more than likely going home on Thursday so there's no point in jumping on his bandwagon. I'm sitting here watching last night's BBAD and I realize how much I just don't care for any of them.

It has been 2 weeks since Rachel left the house and Ragan and Britney still bash her like she's in the next room. I somewhat sympathized with the bashing when Rachel was in the house. She was doing things to annoy them and they were venting. Now, she's been gone for 2 weeks and they still feel the need to re-hash everything they don't like about her over and over again. It's really annoying. It even makes me begin to wonder if Britney is jealous of Rachel. I know it sounds silly to mention, but why does she feel the need to constantly bash her? I have always thought when one girl was bashing another, that's a good sign that she may be jealous. For example here is a conversation that took place outside last night.

Ragan: (Jokingly)Stop exercising with yo Rachel boots (Brit was exercising and wearing her Uggs)

Brit: Eww, Rachel's boots were not as cute as mine.

Lane: What?

Brit: Rachel's Ugg Boots. Mine are cuter.

Lane: They were the same weren't they?

Brit: Uh uh, her's folded down and had a gross button on them. I mean they would've been cute if they were mine, but they were Rachel's, you know? But I love Ugg boots of all shapes and forms.

That sounds like complete and total jealousy to me!!

As for the rest of the HG's... Lane, Enzo, and Hayden have played a great social game. But, they haven't won any competitions (until recently now that there are very few competitors). They've never once had their backs against the wall and had to fight to stay in the house. I can't deny that it's been a great strategy for them, but as a fan it is no fun for me to watch and root for such boring players.

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It's all boring and they're boring and I am no part of any "we" on this board or as a viewer. Just thought I'd clear that up if your post was directed at me.

I'm just curious. If it's all boring and they're boring why do you continue to watch and post?

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I never said that it was boring. I have wondered if people found it so boring why they watched and talked about it. I guess to say that it is boring. ROFLMAO. I usually kinda slack off and get to work about this time of Big Brother if I am not really caught up in the season's HG's. But I never said that it was boring and I come here because I want to see what others have to say about it and chat about it and not to just pass time. I will go. I need to get busy on some stuff anyway. Bye.

And by the way even though I think that you talk about people too much Britney, if raganza is going to be evicted then I hope you win over those other three dolts.

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I'm just curious. If it's all boring and they're boring why do you continue to watch and post?

Why do I watch, because it's sport to me.

I view all the hg the same, as players in a game. I have no favorites and by this time in the game, I could care less who wins or loses.

It gets tired here, the same thing over and over..."you can change the stream", "you can change the channel", "you can not watch."

I post here because I feel like it and to chat with some of the nice people I've met here since 2005 though many are now gone. I go to no other boards, I do not follow the hg all year long and I rarely post in any other forums on this site. I would not call myself a fanatic, but I guess I do have a BB addiction.

Did I satisfy your curiousity?

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Why do I watch, because it's sport to me.

I view all the hg the same, as players in a game. I have no favorites and by this time in the game, I could care less who wins or loses.

It gets tired here, the same thing over and over..."you can change the stream", "you can change the channel", "you can not watch."

I post here because I feel like it and to chat with some of the nice people I've met here since 2005 though many are now gone. I go to no other boards, I do not follow the hg all year long and I rarely post in any other forums on this site. I would not call myself a fanatic, but I guess I do have a BB addiction.

Did I satisfy your curiousity?

Yes you did Ginger. And as soon as I get the dagger that seems to be lodged in my back out I'm going to have a cocktail. :food-smiley-005:

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Good answer, Ginger.

BB is my football season. This just happens to be a bad, comparable-to-season-nine season for me, with one difference...I couldn't stand Adam and hated the fact that he won. This season, I just don't care who wins. It's a disappointment when you look forward to having a player to love, or hate, and we end up with crap. There's not one person I've rooted for this season. I liked Brendon because he was a nice, yet naive, guy and he fought so hard but I certainly wouldn't consider myself on his team. The rest of them are just blah. I don't hate them. I don't love them. Unless something notable happens, S12 may take the worst season spot, imo.

I keep waiting for another S6 or S8. They were controversial and fun seasons.

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it would be interesting if she made f2 if the guy win over girl continues or if this season will put a stop to that

a britney f2 vs whoever would be the most unpredictable for me :animated_bouncy:

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I never said that it was boring. I have wondered if people found it so boring why they watched and talked about it. I guess to say that it is boring. ROFLMAO. I usually kinda slack off and get to work about this time of Big Brother if I am not really caught up in the season's HG's. But I never said that it was boring and I come here because I want to see what others have to say about it and chat about it and not to just pass time. I will go. I need to get busy on some stuff anyway. Bye.

And by the way even though I think that you talk about people too much Britney, if raganza is going to be evicted then I hope you win over those other three dolts.

huh...I need to go to the hospital...I seem to have the stupid again...

Yes I meant GingerSnaps...woooooweeee I am doing great tonight

it's the drugs...sadly I mean that...vicodin...kidney stone...surgery...I am not happy right now


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How is she done for? Enzo's the only one she has to worry about. I could see both Hayden and Lane throwing final HOH if Enzo goes home because Lane thinks Britney will choose him because they're friends, while Hayden thinks Britney will choose him because Britney points out that Lane has too much money to deserve to win. She's working her magic on both of them, to the point where I think both guys would rather see the other one on jury.

She has a good chance of making final two, but probably only a slim chance of winning the game due to the Brigade probably being loyal even though they screw eachother over. I could see maybe Matt being bitter and throwing a vote to Britney.

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How is she done for? Enzo's the only one she has to worry about. I could see both Hayden and Lane throwing final HOH if Enzo goes home because Lane thinks Britney will choose him because they're friends, while Hayden thinks Britney will choose him because Britney points out that Lane has too much money to deserve to win. She's working her magic on both of them, to the point where I think both guys would rather see the other one on jury.

She has a good chance of making final two, but probably only a slim chance of winning the game due to the Brigade probably being loyal even though they screw eachother over. I could see maybe Matt being bitter and throwing a vote to Britney.

I agree with all of this except I think Matt would vote for her on her gameplay not because he is bitter. :animated_scratchchin:

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